Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20170808 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20170808

it's 8am in singapore, 1am in london, and 8:30am in pyongyang, where north korea has said tough new un sanctions will not stop it from developing its nuclear arsenal after it angrily rejected proposals for negotiations. the sanctions aim to reduce vital north korean export revenues bya third. speaking to reporters at a summit in manila, a spokesman placed the blame for rising tensions firmly on the us. translation: is our nuclear possession a threat to the world orjust a threat to the united states? we want to make it clear that the worsening situation on the korean peninsular as well as other nuclear issues were caused by the united states. we're firm that we'll never place our nuclear and ballistic missile programme on the negotiating table and won't budge an inch on strengthening our nuclear armaments. since north korea's last missile test, the united states has been flying spy missions over the korean peninsula. our correspondent, rupert wingfield—hayes, has had rare access to a us airbase. he sent this report. a relic of the cold war on the last cold war frontier. just after dawn, i'm riding the chase car as a us spy plane heads out on a classified mission. the pilot will climb to 70,000 feet and from there peer deep into north korea. our mission is to provide the capability for our leadership to see what's going on before anybody else. we're up there every single day to deter the north koreans from deciding one day they can get away with something. from across the border tonight, fresh threats. north korean state tv warning the us it will pay 1,000 times for its crime of imposing new economic sanctions on pyongyang. meeting in manila with china's foreign minister, the us secretary of state again called on pyongyang to return to the negotiating table. the best signal that north korea could give us that they are prepared to talk would be to stop these missile launches. here in south korea at the 51st fighter wing, they continue to hope for the best, while preparing for the worst. everybody we've spoken to here agrees that another conflict on the korean peninsula would be an utter disaster for everybody. that hundreds of thousands of people would die. but they also say the best way of stopping it happening is to be ready, and that's why these guys practise and practise and practise, so that kim jong—un knows if he tries to attack the south, there will be an overwhelming and immediate response. i hope that north korea calculates correctly and realises that, so obviously everyone on this side, and i believe north korea does as well, no one wants war. everyone wants deterrence to work. should deterrence fail, though, we have to be ready to go. as these a10s roll down the runway for another practice flight, they're just 48 miles from the north korean border. the same distance as london to brighton. and south korea, the enemy, is never far away. rupert wingfield—hayes, bbc news, 0san airbase, south korea. in a moment, we'll discuss rex tillerson‘s meeting with rodrigo duterte, and the us secretary of state's visit to thailand, but first, a look at some of the day's other news. in venezuela, a hacking group has attacked venezuelan government websites in an operation targeting the "dictatorship" of president nicolas maduro. the group posted messages appearing to support the actions of this group of armed men who attacked a military base in the central city of valencia on sunday. also this hour: the malaysian government has announced its intention to do away with the mandatory death penalty for drug traffickers. parliament is expected to back the measure put forward by the prime minister. more than 650 people have been executed in malaysia since 1992, the majority of them for drug—related crimes. more details now of a story we reported on yesterday, the attack by militants in sarepul province in the north of afghanistan. more than 50 people, including women and children, are believed to have been killed. the bbc‘s auliya atrafi is in kabul with more. according to the local government, 52 men, women, and children, were brutally massacred. they say it was a joint taliban and islamic state operation. this is a mainly shia ethnic minority, and they were supposed to be the victims. 16 years after the september 11 terrorist attack on the world trade centre in new york, another victim has been identified. the city's medical examiner said a male victim is the 1,641st person to be identified. his identity, which was determined using new dna technology, is being withheld at the request of his family. a number of contaminated eggs from the netherlands may have entered britain and france, according to the british food watchdog and the french government. nearly a third of dutch poultry farms have been closed after a banned insecticide was found in millions of eggs. supermarkets in germany, the netherlands and belgium have pulled eggs from the shelves in a european contamination scandal. a team of 15 volunteer firefighters on the italian island of sicily have been accused of fraud. it's alleged they claimed state payments for putting out fires that they themselves had started. some of them have also been charged with arson. they, or theirfriends and relations, are said to have called the emergency number to report these fires, and other non—existent ones. look at these pictures from chongqing in south—west china where there was a horrible car crash in a road tunnel. but if you keep watching, you see the driver and passenger of the white car that overturned get out and walk away from the scene of accident. reports say the driver of the vehicle only had minor injuries while the passenger was unhurt. let's go back to the asean meetings, where the us secretary of state rex tillerson met the philippine president, rodrigo duterte, both sides appear to want to normalise their relationship, one that became strained when president 0bama criticised mr duterte‘s human rights record. howard johnson sent this report from manila. rex tillerson met president duterte at his official residence here in manila and according to initial reports, president duterte said they discussed many things. he said i'm your humble friend here in southeast asia, you've come here at a time when the world is not good especially in the korean peninsular. he described the south try necib row as a nagging problem and before rex tillerson came here there was a lot of discussion as to whether he would bring up the topic of human rights and the drugs war and according to initial reports those topics won't mention. what we can see is perhaps an attempt by the trump administration to soften and improve its relationship with president duterte by softening the rhetoric. under president 0bama we saw there was a lot of criticism of the drugs war, of the more than 7000 people killed, many under extrajudicial killings. what we're seeing is perhaps america is seeing that china is growing in its influence and its relationship with the philippines and it's doing what it can to counter that. rex tillerson‘s next stop on his asia trip is thailand. the secretary of state becomes the most senior us official to visit thailand since the 2014 coup. 0ur south—east asia correspondent, jonathan head, is in bangkok and joins me now. it is good to see you. what are we expecting from this trip of rex tillerson who will he meet with and what will be on the agenda? he is the most important us official in three years to make a formal visit to the body of the late king bhumibol. that is part of the protocol. he will meet with the prime minister, the man who led the coup three years ago leading to a downplaying of relations with thailand. the relation goes back 185 yea rs thailand. the relation goes back 185 years and was essential during the cold war. that alliance, we have seen it with the philippines, has drifted since the coup. thailand has faced human rights criticism. relations would have been upscaled anyway, but given the time the military has been in power, the us has been concerned to see thailand's drifted relations towards china, buying more weapons from china. it is inevitable the us would want to reset those relations. donald trump and his administration has given that opportunity, with far less emphasis on human rights. the us is keen to see thailand, the ones bedrock of asean. they are playing a central role. us wants them giving diplomatic support on the thorny issue of north korea. the us has some co—operation from china now. it really wa nts some co—operation from china now. it really wants to see asean, the ten member states, taking a robust stand against north korea, and not following china's lead as we have seen following china's lead as we have seenin following china's lead as we have seen in recent years with diplomacy. this is about securing trade deals and security, transactions between the two. what of the political ends —— instability and human rights issues? that is the big issue. will he even rated ? issues? that is the big issue. will he even rated? he might, but it might not be prominent. —— raised it. the atmosphere is oppressive. thailand is on track to return to an elected government possibly by the end of next year. that is not clear yet. the fact is that after three yea rs, yet. the fact is that after three years, the us feels it has got to consider strategic interests and rebuilt this relationship. it has been losing so much ground to china. the un has not upscaled relations. does visits are quite low steel. —— those. but the us is clear it wants to upscale those relations. president duterte has even been invited to washington. whatever the human rights concerns, they are of such interest for the us. after seven months of lack of clarity on what donald trump wants to do with asia, erratic tweets, rex tillerson has said they regard this region as strategically vital, much like 0bama did, and this is an important area for the us to focus on. thank you very much for that. jonathan head in bangkok. that is very interesting. south africa's parliament will hold a vote of no confidence in presidentjacob zuma on tuesday and this time it will be conducted by secret ballot. mr zuma, who's been implicated in multiple corruption scandals, has seen off similar votes in the past, but politicians had not been able to vote anonymously. nomsa maseko has the latest from capetown. the move took many by surprise and injects a new element into the proceedings in parliament against president jacob zuma, where the anc has always enjoyed a healthy majority. this decision is therefore in the best interest of the country. the speaker is required to guard the procedures of this house and to ensure that the outcome of this very important vote is credible. the secret ballot was seen as the best option for members of parliament to vote without being intimidated and the call for a vote of no—confidence president jacob zuma was initiated by opposition parties after the president sacked nine members of his cabinet in a controversial cabinet reshuffle in march, which saw the country being economically downgraded. it's a choice between whether you spend... you're with jacob zuma or you stand against jacob zuma, it's as simple as that choice, you stand in the interests of south africa or you don't so i think tomorrow many parties will have communicated to their respective parties saying with confidence they want to come to vote in support. we are convinced the anc members will do the right thing. it is now an opportunity for them to demonstrate that they too are tired of corruption which is happening in this country. hundreds of people who marched outside parliament have welcomed the move. i'm here in support of my fellow countrymen and... because, every person counts and that's what we're trying to say, that it's notjust about one person and we need to think about the greater good. what you can see today and what you're likely to see tomorrow is people want change and ideally they want change through constitutional means, through the normal course of law, not through violent response. the decision today was in line with what the expectation of the country is. i'm not surprised she decided in favour of secret ballot because that's democracy at its best. but the question, though, is will anc mps help president zuma did hisjob or show him the door. you're watching newsday on the bbc. still to come on the programme: you're never too old to learn to code, as this 82—year—old japanese app producer has set out to prove. also on the programme. a google employee sparks a backlash after he blames biological differences for the lack of women in technology. the question was whether we wanted to save our people, and japanese as well, and win the war, or whether we wanted to take a chance on being able to win the war by killing all our young men. the invasion began at 2am this morning. mr bush, like most other people, was clearly caught by surprise. and we call for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all the iraqi forces. 100 years old, and still full of vigor, vitality and enjoyment of life. no other king or queen in british history has lived so long, and the queen mother is said to be quietly very pleased indeed that she has achieved this landmark anniversary. this is a pivotal moment for the church as an international movement. the question now is whether the american vote will lead to a split in the anglican community. this is newsday on the bbc. i'm rico hizon in singapore. i'm babita sharma in london. our top stories: north korea has said tough new un sanctions will not stop it from developing its nuclear arsenal as it angrily rejected proposals for negotiations. after meeting president duterte of the philippines, the american secretary of state is heading to thailand for the first high—level talks since the military coup three years ago. a 10—year—old girl who is pregnant and has been refused an abortion is at the centre of a media storm in india. the bbc‘s geeta pandey pieced together her story, and you can read it in full on let's take a look at some front pages from around the world. singapore's straits times leads with celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of asean aside a picture of the main waterfront, the esplanade, lit up by the night's festivities. the paper says the regional grouping's light is still shining brightly. one of the main concerns of asean, the north korean crisis, is the main story for the japan times. it says japan, south korea and america are searching for a unified global push to condemn north korea's weapons programme. and the china daily looks forward to 2020 and the tokyo 0lympics. it says china is hoping to draft overseas athletes of chinese origin in areas they're weak. but it also highlights what it sees as the games‘ insatiable appetite for extreme sports. it says four brand new events will be introduced, bmx freestyle riding, skateboarding, surfing and climbing. now, babita, what's happening online? this has been dominating in france. president macron is facing a backlash over plans to create an office of first lady for his wife brigitte. many feel such a move at a time of public spending cuts would need to be sanctioned by a referendum. more than 220,000 people have signed an online petition against the plan. a 20—year—old british model, who says she was kidnapped and held for nearly a week in italy, has returned to the uk. italian police believe chloe ayling was attacked and drugged before attempts were made to sell her in an online auction. a polish man, who lives in the uk, has been arrested. gavin lee reports from milan. held captive inside this isolated italian farmhouse, the bizarre and elaborate kidnap allegation centres on how 20—year—old model chloe ayling, from south london, was duped into leaving the uk for a photoshoot in milan. once inside this fake studio, she is said to have been snatched by three men and injected with the drug ketamine. unconscious, she was bundled into this bag, placed in the boot of a car and driven away. while chloe ayling was held captive in this house behind me, the police statement says she was tied to furniture, a chest of drawers, whilst the kidnappers tried to sell her on the dark web and then raise a ransom. italian authorities say chloe ayling was eventually released by one of the captors and driven to the british consulate in milan. a polish national live in the west midlands has been arrested in connection with kidnap and extortion. chloe ayling is now back in the uk. she has spoken briefly to reporters. i've been through a terrifying experience, i feared been through a terrifying experience, ifeared for been through a terrifying experience, i feared for my life second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, i'm grateful to the authorities for all the way have done. milan is a magnet for aspiring models were the dangers of unscrupulous agencies have long been clear but this case has shocked and baffled investigators here, still trying to piece together exactly what happened. gavin lee, bbc news, milan. an 82—year—old japanese woman has proved that creativity has no age limit. masako wakamiya spotted a gap in the games market and created an app especially for players over 60. the game is inspired by a traditionaljapanese dolls festival and has already had a great response. staff at google are caught up in a row about gender diversity at the company. it started when a male software engineer wrote a memo saying the lack of women in top tech jobs was due to biological differences between the sexes. many of his colleagues criticised the statement but he says others support him. while google has defended its track record for inclusion, the issue has sparked heated debate about perceptions of women in the workplace around the world. there are not enough in our founders, not enough women in technical roles, but more importantly, it is about women taking the decision to become a founder. as well as women taking the time to train and into technical roles, because it is not easy. i agree with you. i speak to a lot of women and they tell me of course that they have to balance work with family and a whole lot of other responsibilities, but tell us about your experience. say you are in a meeting with male investors. what is it like being in front of them and trying to raise funds for your logistics company? there's nothing like being in a roomful of people in the logistics industry, but speaking with investors is actuallyjust like speaking as if i were a man. there's no difference. we need to remove the biases whether i am a man or a woman, whether a man can do a woman's job or not, i believe we can. do you think this gender inequality is common around the world, or is there some kind of difference here in asia? i believe we are progressing towards being more open towards women and recognising that women can do things. and i think also the same for men. what needs to be addressed to be able to narrow this gap of gender inequality and give women more of the the attention that they really need? i believe it's actually their mentality. the mentality that needs to change is the mentality that women cannot do that or men cannot recognise something. instead, the mentality we should have is that women can take, and men should recognise women's abilities. you've been watching newsday. stay with us for the latest instalment of our business of birth series. this time we're looking at why so few mothers in hong kong breastfeed their kids once they return to work. that's all for now, stay with bbc world news. well, no sign of summer for tuesday, or indeed the rest of this week. it's going to be very mixed. it was certainly quite mixed on monday. this was yesterday. some sunshine there in cambridgeshire. we also had some rain at henley—on—thames in 0xfordshire. tuesday will be no different. a real mixed bag on the way. brollies at the ready. you can see how extensive the cloud is right now across the southern half of the uk. through the night, rain from the south—west across the midlands into lincolnshire. even here there could be downpours and cracks of thunder. in the north it will be clearer. quite a stark temperature contrast tonight. these are the towns and cities. look at the rural spots. six degrees in southern scotland, even in the sheltered glens, barely above freezing. tuesday's forecast. we are close to an area of low pressure in france, to the south of us. those of us in the south are quite close to that so this is where most of the downpours will occur. in the morning, some rain i think across the midlands into the north. scotland and northern ireland will be fine, with sunshine and the odd shower. the clouds will really get going across the south during the latter part of the morning into the afternoon, and we're in for some downpours. downpours means we will have sunshine, downpours, then sunshine again. a real mixed bag across the south on tuesday. most of the heavy downpours are in the south—east, east anglia, eventually into lincolnshire as well. lighter rain across northern england. betterfor cumbria. belfast, glasgow and edinburgh. the lowlands of scotland might end up with a fine, sunny day. feeling pleasantly warm as well. how are we doing compared to the rest of europe? not too good. 20 degrees in london and paris, we match 0slo. most other major centres are quite a bit warmer than that. moscow is on 23. let's have a look at wednesday. that low pressure that was across france, remember, has actually moved to the north. quite an unusual direction for a low pressure system to take, tracking from south to north. usually they go like that, this one's going south to north. we're still closer to the low there, across east anglia and the south—east, so again, downpours in store on wednesday. look at wales. wales, northern england and scotland are in the clear, in for a fine day, but the weather will turn unsettled in other areas and i think some of us will get some rain towards the end of the week. goodbye. i'm babita sharma with bbc world news. our top story: north korea has said tough new sanctions will not stop it from developing its nuclear arsenal. a spokesman has said that, while it faced military threats from the united states, the pyongyang government would not negotiate about its nuclear weapons programme. the speaker of south africa's parliament has decided that a new vote of no confidence in presidentjacob zuma will be held by secret ballot. and this video is trending on the french president, emmanuel macron, is facing a backlash over plans to create an office of "first lady" for his wife brigitte. many feel such a move at a time of public spending cuts would need to be sanctioned by a referendum. more than 220,000 people have signed an on—line petition against the plan. that's all from me for now. stay with bbc news. and a top story here in the uk: new figures suggest that more than a0 maternity units in england were forced to close to new admissions at some point last year. the labour party has blamed under—funding by the government.

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Third , Contamination Scandal , Insecticide , Millions , Shelves , Supermarkets , British Food Watchdog , Dutch Poultry Farms , Germany , Belgium , European , 15 , Relations , Fires , Some , Island , Emergency Number , Fraud , State Payments , Carson , Sicily , Theirfriends , Driver , Passenger , Pictures , Ones , Car Crash , Scene , Accident , Road Tunnel , Chongqing , Let S Go , Reports , Asean , Meetings , Vehicle , Injuries , Relationship , 0bama , Sides , Philippine President , Human Rights Record , Manila , Howard Johnson , Things , Southeast Asia , Residence , Friend , Lot , Human Rights , Drugs , Won T Mention , Discussion , Problem , Topic , South Try Necib Row , Administration , Attempt , Trump , Many , Philippines , Criticism , Rhetoric , Killings , Doing , Influence , 7000 , Coup , Trip , Official , Senior , 2014 , Jonathan Head , 0ur South East Asia , Bangkok , Agenda , Bhumibol , Part , Body , Protocol , Three , Relation , It , Downplaying , Alliance , 185 , Military , 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Roomful , Biases , Logistics Industry , Gender Inequality , Kind , Job , Attention , Same , Mentality , Stay , Instalment , Business , Abilities , All , Mothers , Kids , Birth , Series , Hong Kong , Rest , Sign , Summer , Rain , Sunshine , Cambridgeshire , Henley On Thames , In 0xfordshire , Downpours , Midlands , Cloud , Brollies , Half , Lincolnshire , Contrast , Thunder , Cracks , Cities , Southern Scotland , Towns , Freezing , Spots , Glens , Six , Pressure , Most , Forecast , Tuesday , Sunny Day , Clouds , Shower , Afternoon , Northern Ireland , South East , Lighter Rain Across Northern England , East Anglia , Betterfor Cumbria , Glasgow , Edinburgh , Belfast , Feeling , Lowlands Of Scotland , Centres , Moscow , Paris , 23 , Tracking , Pressure System , Direction , Store , End , Weather , Clear , Fine Day , Northern England , Wales , Babita Sharma With Bbc World News , Goodbye , Video , Maternity Units , Figures , On Line , No Confidence Vote , Headlines , Defiance , Strongmen , 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