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Its 8am in singapore and 1am in london. There is new hope for thousands of families who live with the prospect of passing on inherited diseases to future generations. For the first time, scientists in the us, along with experts from china and south korea, have successfully repaired a faulty gene in Human Embryos. But critics are warning that the technique could, ultimately, be used to create so called designer babies. Our medical correspondent fergus walsh reports. The goal could not be more ambitious to eradicate inherited diseases. These scientists have taken an impressive first step on a long road, editing dna in Human Embryos. So how is it done . Inside the nucleus of each of ourselves is our genome, billions of pieces of dna. Its the Instruction Manual for life. The scientists were targeting a faulty gene that causes a serious Heart Condition. They fertilised a healthy egg with sperm from a man carrying the faulty gene. They then injected the Gene Editing System known as crispr. This scans the dna, like a spell check or a satnav. It then cuts both strands of the dna and removes the faulty gene. A healthy copy of the gene from the egg was then naturally inserted. Now here are some of the embryos from the study in the journal nature after being edited. 42 of 58 embryos were corrected. They were allowed to develop for five days. None was implanted. We are very excited about all the work, of course. The research has been welcomed by a team in london who have a license to edit Human Embryos. They say the technology could eventually help many families. There are some nasty genetic diseases, such as huntingtons or, as in this case, a disease that affects Heart Function later in life, which can basically blight families for many generations. So a method of being able to avoid having having affected children passing on the defective gene could be really very important for those families. Nicole mowbray has the same Heart Condition which was corrected in Human Embryos. She now has a defibrillator implanted in her chest in case her heart stops. She has a 50 risk of passing on the condition, but is unsure whether she would ever consider gene editing. I wouldnt want to pass on something that caused my child to have a limited life or a painful life or a life of risk. I mean, that does obviously come to the front of my mind when i think about having children. I wouldnt want to create the perfect in inverted commas child. I feel like my condition makes me me. And some are worried Gene Editing Technology could lead previous attempts at gene editing Human Embryos in china led to serious errors in the dna so a lot more research is needed before this could be used to treat patients. And it raises ethical issues about how far science should go to create healthy babies. Lets take a look at some of the days other news. President trump has signed into law a congressional bill imposing sanctions on russia, but has issued statements saying the legislation is flawed, and part of it may be unconstitutional. The russian prime minister, dmitry medvedev, said the sanctions amounted to a full scale trade war, and would mean an end to better ties with the Trump Administration. The law also applies to iran and north korea. Heres our north america editor, jon sopel. Welcoming you almost sense that he signed this piece of legislation with a heavy heart, and one of the Tell Tale Signs of that was there we re Tell Tale Signs of that was there were no cameras present to record him signing this legislation into law, and he says it encroached is on executive authority, it is the president who makes foreign policy. He says it will damage american companies, and its against european interests as well, but he also said that he recognised that it was the will of the people that it should be signed, and so, for the sake of unity, he had gone along with this piece of legislation, and then at the end of this statement he said, i built a truly Great Company worth many millions of dollars. This is a big part of the reason i was elected as president. I can make far better deals than congress. So he clearly is unhappy with it, but that hasnt stopped a russian counterblast. Dmitry medvedev has said that this is going to do deep damage to attempt to put Us Russian Relations on an even keel. It is tantamount to starting a trade war and will be deeply damaging. And the Trump Administration has absolutely no power in reining in congress. What is ironic about what donald trump has said is that he seems to be far more critical of the legislation than he is for the reasons the sanctions are being introduced, namely russian interference in the us election. Also making news today the venezuelan government has rejected as irresponsible the claim that the results of a controversial election on sunday were manipulated to increase turn out. The countrys Electoral Council said it could take legal action after a British Company which provided Voting Technology said it had found evidence of tampering. The opposition, which boycotted the vote, has called for a criminal investigation. Millions of People Living in south asia face deadly threat from heat and humidity driven by global warming. According to new research, most of india, pakistan and bangladesh will face warming close to the limits of what can be survived by 2010 without reductions. Lawmakers in brazil have begun voting on whether president michel temer should face trialfor corruption. The opposition failed to get enough votes to send it to the supreme court. Mr temer has been accused of receiving 12 million in bribes from one of the countrys top companies. He strongly denies the allegations. Germany has ordered the Press Attache at the Vietnamese Embassy to leave the country within 48 hours in response to the suspected kidnapping of a former Vietnamese Communist Party member. The German Foreign ministry called the kidnapping of Trinh Xuan Thanh an unprecedented and scandalous violation. Mr thanh, whos the subject of an International Arrest warrant, disappeared in berlin nine days ago. Two people have been killed when a Light Aircraft made an Emergency Landing on a beach crowded with sunbathers in portugal. A 50 year old man and an eight Year Old Girl died on saojoao beach near lisbon. The two people on board the plane were unharmed. This is the scene in london earlier on wednesday. It was raining quite heavily. The duke of edinburgh has been attending his final solo Public Engagement before he retires. 96 year old Prince Philip has completed over 22,000 engagements on his own since 1952. Here he is as Captain General of the royal marines, attending a parade to mark the finale of the 1664 global challenge,a series of strength challenges raising money for charity. Theres been an alarming rise in the rates of Hiv Infection in the philippines, with Government Health officials calling it a national emergency. Right now the country has the Fastest Growing hiv epidemic in the asia pacific region. 10,500 people were infected with hiv at the end of 2016, the vast majority of them men. Thats a 1a0 increase since 2010. I spoke to carlos conde from Human Rights Watch earlier and asked him why the hiv epidemic is such a problem in the philippines. We were quite disappointed by the response of the government to the hiv epidemic over the years. The reason for that is because, while the government has been doing the best it could to provide treatment and screening for hiv for those people, a lot of efforts are not being directed at promoting condoms or safe sex education, particularly among the young population in the philippines, and theres still a lot of stigma and discrimination attached to hiv in the philippines, particularly around access to condoms, so people with hiv and even men who have sex with men are faced with a lot of challenges around protecting themselves because the environment does not enable them. Around 260 million thats whats expected to be paid for the brazilian Footballer Neymar Ina World Record football transfer deal. The 25 year old says he wants to leave his current club, barcelona, and move to paris st germain. If the deal goes ahead it will make him the most expensive player in history. 0ur Sports News correspondent Richard Conway reports from paris. A hasty arrival for neymar at barcelonas Training Ground this morning, but this slow burning tra nsfer morning, but this Slow Burning Transfer Saga now appears to be reaching a conclusion. After saying goodbye to his teammates, his strike partner, lionel messi, took to social media to wish him well for the future. Todays destination was unknown but, according to one of his representatives, the poster boy of brazilian football is likely to be psg play about the weekend. The planned dealfor psg play about the weekend. The planned deal for neymar would set a clear world record. Back in 2009, Cristiano Ronaldo join real madrid s £80 million. In 2013, gareth bale also made a move for £85 million. Then last summer Manchester United signed paul pogba four of the Current Record some, but, at £198 million, neymars fee would eclipse the mail. Psg is owned by qatar. This mega seal is a sign that, despite being objected to a blockade by four other arab countries, it will not be cowed or diminished in its international dealings. Will not be cowed or diminished in its international dealingslj will not be cowed or diminished in its international dealings. I think what we are seeing is qatar saying, we wa nt what we are seeing is qatar saying, we want to be considered a serious power in the business of football. We can bring lots of commercial endorsements to the game, we can have a much bigger influence on a global scale, and theres no finer example of doing that than signing one of the worlds best. Back on the streets of paris, theres a sense of disbelief this deal appears to be finally happening. So, too, about the pricetag. I like paris and he can make good things in this team. Hes too expensive. But its neymar. The stage is set. Paris st germain will likely name neymar as their Leading Light within the next 48 hours. This is the most political and financial transfers but ultimately he will be judged by what he does on the pitch. Youre watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme the test pilots who pioneered the space race. Nasa releases footage from the 1950s. Also on the Programme Life story. Singapore in the swinging 70s. We speak to the star who inspired and directed the movie wonderboy. The question was whether we wanted to save out people and the japanese or give us chance on being able to win the war. The invasion began at 2am. Mr bush, like most other people, was clearly caught by surprise. And we call for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all the iraqi forces. 100 years old and still full of vigor, vitality and enjoyment of life. No other king or queen in British History has lived so long, and the queen mother is said quietly to be very pleased indeed she has achieved this landmark anniversary. This is a Pivotal Moment for the church as an international movement. The question now is whether the american vote will lead to a split in the anglican community. This is newsday on the bbc. Thanks forjoining us. Our top stories scientists have used Gene Editing Techniques to correct faulty dna in Human Embryos. The breakthrough could help eradicate inherited diseases. President trump has relu cta ntly a pproved new sanctions against russia. Moscow says the move amounts to a full scale trade war. And a Scientist Filming Sharks off the coast of cape cod got some incredibly close up shots of a great white. The three and a Half Metre Shark looks like it wanted to get its jaws round the camera. That video is one of our most watched on bbc. Com. Lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. The china daily reports on tensions at the countrys border with india and a warning from beijing after its Foreign Ministry released photographs showing indian troops encroaching on chinas territory to obstruct the building of a road. In the japan times, Government Officials have assessed the severity of a nuclear exposure accident to be level two, on the 0 7 international scale. The accident happened injune at a Research Centre where five workers suffered from internal radiation exposure. The front page of the strait times reports on a Ukrainian Pilot awarded for saving the lives of his passengers and crew on board. He was literally flying blind when a hailstorm shattered the planes windscreen and he was forced to pull off an Emergency Landing in istanbul. Now, what stories are sparking discussions online . Well, sharanjit, its a picture of empty bus seats that has caused a stir online. A norwegian anti immigration Facebook Page mistook it for a photograph of women wearing burqas. The Facebook Page, which translates as fatherland first, is now being ridiculed online for its obvious mistake. 70 years after the end of british rule in india, a movies being made about a writer who wasnt afraid to speak his mind. Saadat hasan manto is most famous for his Short Stories, often a raw and a personal response to his experiences, including the horror of partition. Yogita limaye visited the set of the film to find out more. He wrote about the chaos that followed the partition of india, and wrote more than 25 books of Short Stories and essays. Saadat hasan manto was one of the most prolific writers of the era when india was split and pakistan was born. Its rolling. Take one. Action. Now, a movie is being made about manto in mumbai, a city he once called home before he moved like many muslims did at the time. In this scene, manto, played by a popular indian actor, nawazuddin siddiqui, is defending his work. He wrote about issues considered taboo like prostitution, sex, and alcoholism. Translation many say he was the greatest writer of south asia. He wrote about Pakistani Society in the 1990s. He was no less than one of the greatest writers of the world to me, like shakespeare and ibsen. Manto fought several legal battles, but was never convicted. This film about a man and free speech has come at a time when censorship has become a major cause for concern for the industry here. Many people have to edit their movies before they are allowed to be screened in cinema and homes. This might be a story from 60 years ago, but the issues it raises are relevant in present day india. I think it is extremely inspirational in times when we are constantly almost self censoring. A time when Freedom Of Expression has become the biggest casualty, notjust in india, but all over the world. I think he is extremely relevant to the times were living in. I think it is my need to respond to what is happening today. It is almost like i am taking refuge in manto, making him say all of the things one wants to hear. Manto died in 1955, but his work is still treasured by many, and his message perhaps still as important as it was 70 years ago. And we will be broadcasting a special week of coverage to mark 70 years of partition and the independence of india and pakistan from the 14th of august. Theres plenty more on our website, including Eyewitness Testimony from those directly effected by events in 1947. Thats all at bbc. Com news, or download the bbc news app. American test pilots of the 1950s were an extremely rare breed. Their Hair Raising Exploits are the stuff of legend, but sadly not always without accident. But their accomplishments led to huge advances in space exploration. Nasa has released hundreds of films showing those early flights, and dana purifoy from the space agency has been talking us through them. Coming out all world war two, we we re coming out all world war two, we were ina coming out all world war two, we were in a race, if you will, to see who could build the highest, who could go the fastest, so there were a very large number of unknown is associated with each of these vehicles and how they were gonna be flown. So, the risks were significant. Each time the pilots went up they were probably doing something for the first time. So, a lot of these flights, you just didnt know what the endgame was gonna b. And we didnt understand all of the physics that were going to occur during these tests. And there were a large number of accidents in the early days as we learned what were the big risks and what we could do to keep the pilots safe. I think its important to remember that in the 50s, we were trying to expand both the speed and altitude of aeroplanes. So, bigger motors with jet altitude of aeroplanes. So, Bigger Motors Withjet engines, altitude of aeroplanes. So, bigger motors with jet engines, with afterburners, new materials, new ways to build and fly aeroplanes. Sort of what motivates them, what drives them to do this business which, especially in the 50s, was relatively risky. And i think the a nswer relatively risky. And i think the answer is a desire to push the envelope a little bit, to be a pioneer. Clearly, these people felt themselves to be very competent pilot. And many of them were very good aerospace engineers, so they participated not only in flying the vehicle but also in developing the profiles, developing the technology. So, curious people, explorers, who are confident in their ability to handle almost any situation. And i think those characteristics follow through to today as well. While the risks are generally better understood and better mitigated, the character of the people that undertake these flights and worked in this business is fundamentally the same. Dana purifoy there, with a look back. Singapore is recognised as a clean and green city, but it hasnt always been that way. Wonder boy, a movie that opens here today, is a frank look at the more edgy era of the 1970s that puts the sin back in singapore. The movie is loosely based on the teenage years of dick lee, as he tries to break into the music industry. Lets take a quick look at the film. Why so dark . We do not encourage to play rock music in this school. Hard rock. The wonder boy joy to the world. The director and the person who inspired the film joins me now. Earlier i spoke to the films director dick lee and asked him what he thought singaporeans would make of his film. I thought it was about time to show the singapore i grew up in. We had our 50th birthday a couple of years ago. Two years ago. Yes. We saw the 1960s singapore. The emphasis has always been about how we have come to where we are, you know, by perseverance, hard work, being good and clean. All of that. But that wasnt what i experienced as a teenager. I thought it was time to show the 70s. So, i think that we are now a little bit more open. Singapore is a little bit more grown up and able to look at ourselves. I dont think this will cause a huge scandal. 0k. For audiences who may not be familiar with you elsewhere, you are considered the National Treasure of singapore, the closest we have got to someone like elvis, i suppose. Oh, my goodness your career has gone in line with the Economic Transformation we have seen in singapore. But in this movie, we see how your early struggles were really tough for you, especially in a restrictive society. The 70s, The 60s In Singapore was a good time for singapore with music. It was like the golden age. But in the 70s, everything ended because of National Service and efforts to clean up singapore. That was when the long hair ban came in. If you played guitar and had long hair, you a drug addict. It was a bad image to have degenerative Western Culture and music. As a teenager wanting to have fun, we had to play our music underground. That was a difficult and scary time. But i wanted to do what i wanted to do. I was not a drug addict. You are a songwriter, you are a well known singer. But this is really your first time making your directorial debut. What was it like making a film about your life . When i was first approached for this film i turned it down because i thought i dont want to do a film about me and all of that. But then i relented. I thought i would not like the experience, but actually i loved it. I cant wait to do more. You have been watching newsday. Thats all for now. Stay with bbc world news. Hello. The area of low pressure that brought the rain on wednesday is still close enough during thursday to produce showers across the uk, making it quite windy. It is edging north east gradually. Not quickly enough for many of us before it gets to scandinavia and our weather improves. Plenty of showers from the word go across many parts of the uk. The north and west in particular. Some will be heavy. The risk of thunder and hail. A look at the picture. Eight oclock in the morning, showers scattered in south west england. Much of central and Eastern England will be dry at this stage. Sunny spells around. England and wales, it is a windy day, unseasonably for the time of year. Gusty winds at that. Plenty of showers in Northern England and northern ireland, beginning to pull away. Showers in scotland to the west. Longer spells of rain in the northern isles. Here we have easterly winds. Brisk south westerly gusts of wind in england and wales will be noticeable during the day. Showers fading in the afternoon, especially in england and wales. They linger in scotland. Slow moving with lighter winds here. Thundery downpours especially in Eastern Scotland during the afternoon. Temperatures, high teens, low 20s. The first day of the womens british open. We have the threat of some heavy showers moving through. Some will fade thursday night into friday. Could well see some spells of Rain In Ireland and scotland. Edging southwards here for a time around the area of low pressure which has not gotten to scandinavia yet. The breeze is a notch down. More in the way of sunshine. Feeling pleasant between showers. For the bulk of the uk, the showers away from scotland will be few and far between. Those temperatures, well, the low 20s in east anglia and south east england. Most in the high teens. The big picture going into the weekend, a ridge of High Pressure trying to come in. We will still see showers on saturday, especially in north england, north wales, scotland, more numerous in those areas. Temperatures in high teens, low 20s. A chilly night on saturday, sunday with drier weather. A Weather System is poised to come in from the west later in the day. This is bbc news. Our top story for the first time, scientists have successfully repaired a faulty gene in Human Embryos. The us and south korean team used gene editing to correct dna that causes a deadly Heart Condition. Critics warn that eventually the method could be used to produce so called designer babies. President trump has relu cta ntly a pproved new sanctions against russia. Moscow says the move amounts to a full scale trade war. And this video is trending on bbc. Com. A Scientist Filming Sharks off the coast of cape cod got some incredibly close up shots of a great white. Luckily, the 2. 5m shark shows more interest in the camera than the scientist. Thats all from me for now. Stay with bbc news. And the top story here in the uk. Three men, who dubbed themselves the three musketeers, have been found guilty of plotting a Terror Attack on a police or military target in the uk

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