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Singapore, midnight in london, and 9am in melbourne, australia, where one of the popes most senior advisers has just entered court. Cardinal georgpell has returned from rome saying that he is innocent and will clear his name. And we are seeing these pictures of his arrival from just a little while ago. Cardinal george pell. Phil mercer is outside the court in melbourne. Updaters with what you have seen. We have just seen, updaters with what you have seen. We havejust seen, Cardinal George pell, having to battle his way through a huge Media Contingent, here at the melbourne magistrates court. I dont remember seeing Media Interest in a case quite like this. Cardinal george pell arrive in the last ten minutes or so for a procedural hearing. It is called a filing is hearing here in australia. This will set out the framework for the rest of the court case that he will be involved with. As you say, he has been accused of historical sexual abuse allegations, and we understand that there are multiple complainants. He has strenuously denied the charges made against him, and a few weeks ago, he said that he was looking forward to his day in court, where he would vigorously defend himself against the allegations. As weve said in the last ten minutes or so, Cardinal George pell wading through the Media Contingent to enter the court. That is right. A Media Contingent and crowds of people try to get into the court. Obviously, this Escort Imaginations over there. This has caught. This Filing Hearing is sure to get under way in a roundabout one hour or so. We are not expecting it to last that long. It could be the start of a fairly lengthy Legal Proceedings against Cardinal George pell. His australias most prominent member of the Roman Catholic church, one of the most high ranking officials in the vatican. He was recruited by pope francis to overhaul the vaticans finances. These allegations levelled against Cardinal George pell to bring the issue of Sexual Assault right to the door of the vatican, and once again, it is worth noting that many people have been trying to get into the court, today. We spoke to one woman who said she was here to lend support to Cardinal George pell. They have been protesters on the other side of the fence, so to speak, and this case continues to generate a lot of interest, notjust here in australia, but well beyond these shores, as well. You talk about what this means that the catholic church. But he was very senior in the vatican, was the . Can you tell us about his background . Yes. And he still is. Wasnt he. He was born in ballarat and was the archbishop of melbourne, then the archbishop of melbourne, then the archbishop of melbourne, then the archbishop of sydney. And he is what many describe as the third in command in the vatican. He returned to australia a few weeks ago looking forward to his dean court, he said. To denied the allegations. Day in court. The allegations were brought in sunda strait. In south australia. Outside that melbourne court, we will be watching the story over the next few hours. Trouble in the white house. The fate of the us Attorney General appears to be hanging in the balance, as President Trump called him weak, and said time would tell about his future. The president has criticised Jeff Sessions for his approach to intelligence lea ks, to hillary clinton, and to an official investigation on links with russia. Our North America editor jon sopel has more. Jeff sessions, the man who presides over americas judicial system, seemingly about to face rough justice from his boss and one time close friend, the president. For the past two days, donald trump has taken potshots at his top Law Enforcement officer via twitter. Today. Yesterday. The president of the United States and the president of the council the president of the United States and the president of the Council Of Ministers of the republic of lebanon. And the president heaped further ignominy on the Attorney General in a rose garden news conference, this afternoon, over sessions decision to step aside from the russian investigation. I am disappointed in the Attorney General. He should not have recused himself almost immediately after he took office. And if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me prior to taking office. And i would have quite simply picked somebody else. But, come on, reporters demanded, are you going to fire the Attorney General . I told you before, im very disappointed with the Attorney General, but we will see what happens. Time will tell. If sessions does go over the whole Russia Investigation, then he willjoin the former fbi Directorjames Comey sacked over this issue, and the former National Security adviser michael flynn, who was fired after lying about his contacts with the russians. All of which begs the question, what happens next to robert mueller, the Special Counsel called on to investigate the sprawling Russia Investigation . If he goes, that is bound to lead to charges that the president is trying to obstructjustice. And who knows where that will lead. With these bewildering developments, in the senate the democrats fired a warning shot. Many americans must be wondering if the president is trying to pry open the office of Attorney General to appoint someone during the august recess who will fire Special Counsel mueller and shutdown the russian investigation. Even if the president has disagreements with him, which i think founded, self centred and wrong, you dont ridicule him in public. Someone who is your close friend . That speaks to character. SenatorJeff Sessions Jeff Sessions was the first senator to endorse donald trump during the campaign, giving his candidacy a massive boost and has given the president unswerving loyalty ever since. It is not being reciprocated. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. The us House Of Representatives have voted overwhelmingly for sanctions against north korea and russia. Iran was also targeted. The bill must pass the senate before it can be passed. And President Trump is about to speak at a rally in youngstown, ohio. Thats a state where he has a lot of support. Well be back to hear what he says later in the programme. Also this hour the two main Rival Leaders in libya have reached a Joint Agreement to try to bring stability to their country. The head of the un backed government and the leader of the so called Libyan National army in Eastern Libya agreed to a conditional ceasefire after talks brokered by the french president emmanuel macron. Australias best selling indigenous musician, doctor g yunupingu, has died at the age of forty six. The family has requested that his image is not be broadcast. The singer, who performed Around The World and sold hundreds of thousands of albums, had been in poor health for some time. New Research Reveals that in less than a0 years, sperm counts have dropped more than half in western countries. Doctors say this is a threat to fertility in industrialised countries. No pattern was seen in south america, asia, and africa. Huge forest fires in the south east of france are being fanned by unusually hot, dry and windy weather. The island of corsica, and areas near nice and saint tropez are badly affected. Dozens of homes have been evacuated, some roads and railways remain temporarily closed. The Hong Kong Government has unveiled a controversial proposal to allow a mainland chinese officials to be stationed at a major Train Terminus as part of plans to connect the city to the National Rail network. Critics said this could violate the law as chinese authorities do not have legal jurisdiction in hong kong. Juliana lewis in hong kong for us. Liu. Why are 70 people in hong kong up in arms about this . It is a divided city politically at the moment, between those who want greater democracy and those who support the government in beijing. So many people. This is the first time that parts of mainland law would apply in hong kong. This could affect immigration and the trains and the track itself. What isnt controversial is the speed and potential efficiency of the service. So once it rolls out next year, at a cost of around 11 billion or so, a trip that currently takes about an hour will be shaved down to just 1a minutes. But let me just to share with you how this story is being covered in the local press. This is the south China Morning post. A large photo here at the Construction Site in west kowloon. Morning post. This is where the railway will begin. The big Headline Saying the joint checkpoint given the go ahead despite fears. And below, another photo of the Press Conference where Government Officials made the proposal yesterday. The secretary of justice is in the centre. Let me also show you this chinese language broadsheet. A single photo at the top. A Headline Samy Central Government users article 20, the basic law, to justify this co location agreement. A Headline Saying. Thank you forjoining us juliana liu. The parents of terminally ill baby charlie gard will learn on wednesday if they will be able to take him home to die. Having abandoned their fight to keep charlie alive, his mother returned to court to ask that her son be allowed to leave the hospital where hes being cared for. Charlies parents are now pleading for a Specialist Doctor to come forward and help them. Our medical correspondent fergus walsh reports. The legal battle over this desperately sick boy now centres on where and how soon he dies. Charlie needs a mechanical ventilator to breathe. He is tube fed and cannot move. Yesterday, his parents gave up theirfight to take him to the United States, and agreed no more treatment could help him. But charlies mum, connie, was back at court this afternoon, to make it clear she did not want him to die in the intensive care unit, where hes been since october. The parents lawyer said it was their last wish that charlie dies at home, for a few days of tranquillity outside the hospital setting. The hospital said it wont stand in the parents way, and yet is putting up obstacles. Lawyers for the parents said they would pay private nurses to take over his care, and seek to recover the costs from the nhs. But the court heard there were practical issues to be resolved for example, whether charlies ventilator would fit through their front door. In a statement, Great Ormond Street Hospital said it wanted to honour the parents wishes, but the care plan must be safe, it must spare charlie all pain and it must protect his dignity. Charlie is a child who requires highly specialised treatment. His care cannot be simplified. It must be provided in a Specialist Setting by specialists. The dispute over where and how soon charlie should die typifies the utter breakdown in the relationship between the parents and the hospital. The judge, mrjustice francis, said this was a matter crying out for mediation. Great ormond street said it offered that, but the parents have refused. The judge said the parents were entitled to decide where they spent the next few days, but it should not extend into weeks. That would be unacceptable, as it would simply extend the grieving process. Charmian evans lost her son, guy, when he was five. He was profoundly disabled and tube fed. She, too, had searched for a cure for his condidtion. Theyve got to learn to let him go at all sorts of levels. Theyve got to know that stuff happens and they mustnt be bitter because it will only eat them. Theres no point in that. What theyve got to do is look at all the positive things. The hospital has offered a compromise charlie can be transferred to a hospice, where doctors from great ormond is the would supervise his Palliative Care and death after a period of some hours. His parents said they want days, not hours, and a hospice is a second best option. Fergus wallace, bbc news at the high court. This is newsday on the bbc. Still to come as the wives of Islamic State fighters flee the city of raqqa, they talk to the bbc about life and survival. Mission control you can see them coming down the ladder now. Its One Small Step for man, One Giant Leap for mankind. A catastrophic engine fire is being blamed tonight for the first crash in the 30 year history of concorde, the worlds only supersonic airliner. It was one of the most vivid symbols of the violence and hatred that tore apart the state of yugoslavia. But now, a decade later, its been painstakingly rebuilt and opens again today. Theres been a 50 decrease in Sperm Quantity and an increase in malfunction of sperm unable to swim properly. Thousands of households across the country are suspiciously quiet this lunchtime as children bury their noses in the final instalment of harry potter. This is newsday, on the bbc. Im sharanjit leyl, in singapore. Im babita sharma, in london. Our top stories one of the vaticans most senior figures Cardinal Pell is to appear in an Australian Court on sex abuse charges involving multiple complainants. And donald trump has again said he is disappointed with his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, and that time would tell about his future. Lets take a look at some front pages from Around The World. The japan times again leads on the questioning of prime minister, shinzo abe, over Favouritism Allegations linked to a friends application to open a veterinary school. The paper says that after being reminded of some of his previous comments mr abe was prompted to apologise and correct his own words. The Straits Times has sobering news for singaporeans reluctant to start their National Service. New guidelines mean that a National Service defaulter could face up to three years in jail and that performing well, once in uniform, will no longer mean your punishment might be reduced. And, finally, the china daily leads with a picture of russian and chinese sailors taking part in a joint Training Exercise in kaliningrad, in russia. The paper notes that its the first time the chinese navy has participated in drills in europe. That brings you up to date. Returning to a top story. The House Of Representatives will vote to back more sections on russia and north korea and iran. Donald trump has objected to the legislation. President trump is in ohio for a rally, thats a state where he has a lot of support. Nada tawfik is at the rally. I understand he has taken to the stage . Yes, he is speaking behind me. Already he has spoken to the crowd, saying that he came here to break through the fake news filter and speak directly to true american patriots here in ohio about what he is doing in washington for them. He said that the senate votes to begin debate on motions on the Health Care Bill was a real success and he said it wasnt easy. He sat here and really said that this is a state thats important to him. You can hear them booing loudly, again speaking about the Mainstream Media and how theyve treated President Trump. What has come here and has full from his base, to hand him the press who had had him the presidency. Are we expected him to talk about Jeff Sessions presidency. Are we expected him to talk aboutJeff Sessions today . Of course thats what is dominating the headlines, whether or not the Attorney General will last another allah. Absolutely. We saw in an interview President Trump said that despite the fact thatJeff Sessions was the first us sitting president to endorse donald trump, he doesnt see it as a great loyalty thing, that from a president who puts big value on loyalty. He hasnt shied away from speaking about his dissatisfaction, so we may bring it up, buti dissatisfaction, so we may bring it up, but i have to say when you hear from supporters they are not upset. I spoke to a few outside the event and they are not upset that President Trump seems to want the Attorney General to resign over this. They say he is a president who needs to do what works best for him. A genuinely feel there is not so much support for the president in washington. What is the atmosphere like now . It is a state that he is very popular in. Right now everyone is up on their feet. You very popular in. Right now everyone is up on theirfeet. You can very popular in. Right now everyone is up on their feet. You can see President Trump is working the crowd, speaking and pacing, clapping. He knows he still has support. This is a chance for him to step out of dc, step away from the controversies and reconnect with the supporters. You see that he really thrives off of this. He drives for their validation. Thrives off their validation. Thrives off their validation. Thrives off their validation. We are likely to see him continue with this reason. It gives him a health check on the presidency and he enjoys these events. Thank you very much for that. In syria, us backed Kurdish Forces are now thought to have gained control of nearly half of the city of raqqa, the last remaining stronghold of so called Islamic State. Thousands have fled the city, including families of the militants. Our correspondent spoke with is wives held on the outskirts of the city. They came from different parts of the world with one aim to join the self proclaimed caliphate. Now theyve escaped and are being held by the Kurdish Forces in northern syria. Iman and her husband left tunisia for raqqa, the so called Islamic State stronghold. He wanted to be a fighter. She says she wanted to live a proper islamic life. I had many questions and i managed to send them to her. Iman, im just wondering if you saw other videos, videos of beheadings, of them burning people alive . Were you not put off by that . How did you think that was proper islam . But she says when they arrived it wasnt what they expected. Imans husband is now in a kurdish run prison outside raqqa. Its hard to determine whether the women who escaped are all victims. At some point they were all part of the so called Islamic State. Imans son was born in raqqa. Now shes hoping hell grow up as far away from the Islamic State as she can take him. Do you think theyll take you back easily and how do you expect them to believe you or forgive you when youve been part of the so called Islamic State . These children know nothing but life under the Islamic State. For now they and their mothers are stuck between a caliphate they fled and homelands that may not want them back. Shaimaa khalil bbc news. Stay with us. Coming up, india has revved up taxes on hybrid cars. Well be seeing what this means for manufacturers and the future production of environmentally friendly vehicles. And before we go, lets talk shoes. The british Luxury Shoemaker jimmy choo has been bought by us design house michael kors for nearly 1. 2 billion. Jimmy choo is famous for its stilettos worn by the likes of michelle obama, beyonce and the duchess of cambridge. Stay with bbc world news. Good morning. Theres rain in the forecast for the next few days, but the Important Message is its not going to be raining all the time. Thats certainly the story for today. Some wet and windy weather for it to work a time. For a time. This band of cloud is coming from the atlantic and that will bring some outbreaks Rain Eastwards through the day. With that wet weather some fairly strong and gusty winds. We start the morning in Northern Ireland and western scotland, wales and the south west with this rain. Within move across the midlands, north england, eventually rain to the south east, but by this stage the wet weather is light and patchy. Behind the rain that things might not. It will be showers across Northern Ireland and scotla nd showers across Northern Ireland and scotland into the afternoon. Some of them will be heavy and the wind is still fairly blustery. Assisted rain holding on across the far north and east of scotland right through to the afternoon. A fairly cool and fresh feel to the weather. 19 in cardiff. Similar in plymouth, with patchy cloud and sunny spells for the afternoon in the south west of england. Further east in hampshire, berkshire, into london kent and east anglia there will be a fair amount of cloud through the afternoon. Some rain, extending a beast coast of england. Further west some bright weather. In the evening the cloud and patchy rain will be chased away to the east. A lot of dry weather through the night, however some hefty showers vetting going across Northern Ireland and western scotland. It could be the odd rumble of thunder. Temperatures about 11 15 degrees. Into thursday and low pressure still the dominant feature. This isnt what we expect to see on the Weather Charts at this point in july. Tightly squeezed isobars meaning there will be strong winds and some heavy showers. Most frequent in the north west, but even south and east we could catch the odd heavy shower. Some sunny spells in between. The temperatures about 16 in aberdeen, 18 in cardiff, 20 in london. Another day of showers on friday. Some sunny spells between the showers. Later in the day more persistent rain pushing on across the south west and wales. That should move its way through on friday night and into the early hours of saturday. So the weekend is certainly not a complete washout. There will be some spells of sunshine and some heavy showers as well. Some rain in forecast, but not all the time. You are watching bbc world news. I am babita sharma. Ourtop you are watching bbc world news. I am babita sharma. Our top story you are watching bbc world news. I am babita sharma. Ourtop story one of the popes most senior advisers is facing a court in australia facing charges of Sexual Assault. Cardinal george pell return from rome say that he is innocent and will clear his name. Police say there are multiple complainants. Donald trump has again criticised Jeff Sessions, fuelling speculation he might be on his way out. Donald trump said tonight that time would tell about sessions future. And scientists are warning of a shocking fall of the sperm count of western men. New Research States that in the last a0 years, sperm counts have dropped more than half, and could pose a threat for industrialised countries. Stay with us here on bbc news. Now on bbc news, it is time for hardtalk

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