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He is expected to talk about the ongoing and controversial war on drugs, the conflict in marawi against islamist militants and economic policy. Howard johnson has more from manila. This will be Anya Shrubsole second State Of The Nation address. It is a chance to him to set out his vision for the philippines in the years ahead. A spokesperson said he will be speaking about terrorism, he will be speaking about terrorism, he will be looking at the conflict in morale we, on the island of mindanao. Marawi. There have been more than 570 deaths. His extension of martial law on minder now. Minder now Opposition Groups will be speaking out as well, putting together an alternative State Of The Nation address and that is likely to heavily criticise Rodrigo Duterte for his record on human rights during his campaign on his war on drugs. Howard johnson in manila, and we will have more analysis on that State Of The Nation address in the philippines very shortly. But first, lets take a look at some of the days other news. In texas, nine people have been found dead in the back of a truck, two of them children. Twenty eight others were suffering from severe dehydration. Police say they believe the incident is linked to People Smuggling and they have arrested a truck driver. Laura bicker has more from washington. Police say that at least two of them we re police say that at least two of them were School Aged Children and arrests aged in between the 20s and 30s. As you mention, they are treating this as a Human Trafficking incident. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident in this part of the us. San antonio is about a0 kilometres from the Mexican Border and border patrols have reported within the last month finding at least two such trailers, one with over 70 migrants, one with over a0. When it comes to prevent this kind of incident, donald trump has proposed his 20 billion border wall but the number of officers has stepped up in recent months and there have been a number of raids to try and round up Illegal Immigrants and send them back at expo say that like hardening the borders, experts, people will turn to the likes of smugglers and pay them to try and get a new life in the united states. White house officials are sending out mixed messages after the us congress agreed on legislation allowing fresh sanctions against russia, intended as punishment for alleged meddling in the president ial election. The new White House Communications director said the president was yet to decide whether to sign the bill. But White House Press secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders, insisted the administration was happy with the final bill we support where the legislation is now and will continue working with a house and senate to put those tough sanctions in place on russia until the situation in ukraine is fully resolved and it certainly is not now. One person has been been killed in an attack on an Israeli Embassy building in the jordanian capital, amman. The incident happened at a residential block used by embassy staff. Israel has faced scrutiny after it implemented tougher security at a Sensitive Jerusalem Holy Site earlier this week. Indian doctors say a tibetan student who set himself on fire in an act of protest against chinese rule has died in hospital. Nineteen year old Tenzin Choeying succumbed to critical burn injuries a week after he set fire to himself at a University Campus in the indian city of varanasi. Eyewitnesses say the student shouted Victory To Tibet before pouring kerosene over his body. British cyclist chris froome has won the Tour De France. He kept his Composure Putting in a near Perfect Performance as he secured his fourth Tour De France title on paris champs elysee. Froome did suffer two mechanical problems at key points in the race but his rivals failed to take full advantage of this. And now, he can appreciate some down time with his family. More on that in sport today. Back to our top story now and in the phillipines, president duterte is preparing to deliver his State Of The Nation address which will be closely watched for any updates on the conflict against islamist militants among other subjects. Earlier i asked malcolm cook of the institute of Southeast Asian studies, how much progress the president had made in his first year in office. If you look, he listed 12 legislative changes in his first State Of The Nation address and only three have been passed by congress and they are small ones and none have been turned into law. Legislative he has made little progress. 0n the war on drugs, up to 9000 People Killed in affiliation with that walk so in some areas he has made quite a bit of progress but inside the political system very slow. A lot of accusations by his critics there were Human Rights Abuses in his war on drugs and the martial law a complicated issue. It reminds a lot of filipinos of the time during dictator marcos use of martial law. A filipinos truly co mforta ble martial law. A filipinos truly comfortable with this idea . Martial law. A filipinos truly comfortable with this idea7m martial law. A filipinos truly comfortable with this idea . It seems that they are which goes against what many people suspected. Even after declaring martial law, his ratings are up at 80 . Even in mindanao heat has quite a bit of support. How much effect will it really have . We have had reports even more civilians and Military Personnel were killed by the group influenced by Islamic State . To problems with martial law to deal with marawi, one is that it covers all of mindanao and secondly it is not clear what new powers it gives. The Military Reddy has an overwhelming reddy has overwhelming reddy has overwhelming force. What about inroads he has made on the diplomatic front . The countries in the region figure prominently but complicated is the relation with china . He has taken a very personal role in reorganising Philippine Foreign policy greatly so he has focused particularly on getting much closer to china, saying that china last the philippines and downplaying chinas sovereign infringements on philippine territory in the hopes of getting economic aid and support from china. Most filipinos probably do not like that but that is low on their lists to worry about. Six months into his administration and President Trump has yet to come up with a strategy for dealing with americas longest war the war in afghanistan. His administration is supposed to be poised to announce a significant increase in troops but there have been repeated delays. So are more troops the answer . 0ur South Asia correspondent justin rowlatt, reports from kabul. The afghan army calls in s support to defend troops from a taliban attack. A Fighter Plane Swoops into action, protecting the troops on the ground. We have a visual to the north. My shop. By taking out enemy targets. S support is crucial to modern warfare is that this american led Training Exercise shows. It is something the Afghan Military has not been capable of until very recently. This major is one of afg hanistans first fully recently. This major is one of afghanistans first fully trained fighter pilots. The country s first top gun. If you miss the target by two metres,. The Afghan Air Force is getting dozens of new Attack Helicopters as well. America and its nato allies plan two treble the number of aircraft over the next five years. It will make all the difference in the world because it provides an asymmetric advantage over the enemy. In military terms of that means it is something you have that means it is something you have that they do not have. The Afghan Military, to have an air force when the insurgents do not, provide enormous advantage for them. Developing new capabilities like air power is one of the key argument the us military is making for increasing troop numbers. President trump is considering sending up to a000 more troops here, nato allies will add a few thousand more ring in the total number of foreign troops in afghanistan number of foreign troops in afg ha nista n close to number of foreign troops in afghanistan close to 20,000. But in 2010, there were around 130,000 foreign troops and they could not defeat the taliban. The job they do, absolutely incredible. President trump and his Defence Secretary discussed afghanistan at the pentagon. After 16 years of war, the taliban controls 10 of the country and taliban controls 10 of the country A Nd Co Ntests Taliban controls 10 of the country and contests and other third, while Islamic State and alqaeda are also active. Pull out and the insurgency will flourish which is why the American Military has concluded that slowly strengthening Afghan Forces is the only real option. The hope is eventually they will be forced to able to force the taliban to the table. The question now is whether President Trump agrees. Youre watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme. The worlds first Floating Wind farm will soon be in place, off the coast of scotland. We take a look at how it got there. Also on the programme we look at a new film about chinas hui people the countrys largest muslim community. Mission control you can see them coming down the ladder now. Its One Small Step for man, One Giant Leap for mankind. A catastrophic engine fire is being blamed tonight for the first crash in the 30 year history of concorde, the worlds only supersonic airliner. It was one of the most vivid symbols of the violence and hatred that tore apart the state of yugoslavia. But now, a decade later, its been painstakingly rebuilt and opens again today. Theres been a 50 decrease in Sperm Quantity and an increase in malfunction of sperm unable to swim properly. Thousands of households across the country are suspiciously quiet this lunchtime as children bury their noses in the final instalment of harry potter. This is newsday on the bbc. Im Sharanjit Leyl in singapore. Im Babita Sharma in london. Our top stories president duterte will later deliver a second State Of The Nation address to a Joint Session Of Congress in the philippines. Nine suspected Illegal Immigrants have been found dead inside a Trailer Truck parked outside a Walmart Store in the us state of texas. England have won the womens cricket world cup. They beat india by nine runs at lords. That story is popular on bbc. Com. Lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. We start with the japan times. It leads with an article on us congress reaching an agreement on a sweeping russia sanctions package to punish moscow for meddling in the president ial election, and its Military Aggression in ukraine and syria. Lets move on to the china daily, and it says that china and russia are holding their annual joint naval exercises. The paper points out that the exercises are taking place in the baltic sea, and that they are the first of their kind for the chinese navy in europe. And finally, french le figaro devotes some space on its front page to the Tour De France. It carries a photo of chris froome, who is holding up a total of four fingers, two on each hand, to signal his fourth win of the cycling competition. Now, what are people talking about online . Lets looks at what has been trending on bbc. Com. More than 10,000 people have marched in the taiwanese capital, taipei, against Government Attempts to limit the burning of incense and paper money during religious ceremonies. The government has been pushing to end the practices, apparently to fight pollution. The protesters are followers of the taoist religion, and say the practices are a crucial element of their rituals. The worlds first Floating Wind farm will soon be in place off the coast of scotland. One of its five huge turbines arrives tonight, with the revolutionary technology allowing the generation of power from strong sea winds, all as it floats. It will provide energy to supply 20,000 homes. 0ur Environment Analyst Roger Harrabin has been following the vast turbines journey from norway to scotland. In the half light of a summer night in norway, a landmark in the history of energy floats upright in the chilly water. These five towering turbines will cross the north sea to scotland, to form the worlds first large scale Floating Wind farm. This is engineering on an absolutely gargantuan scale. What you can see is taller than big ben. But that is only part of it. There is a third more under the water, weighted heavily at the bottom with iron ore, to keep the thing floating stable in the water. The turbines will be tethered to the sea bed with thick mooring lines, 15 miles off the coast of peterhead. Being able to use floating offshore wind farms gives us much more flexibility when it comes to locating all these farms around the world. But a note of caution among the Enthusiasm Scientists warn that far more investment in additional new technologies is needed to combat climate change. This monumental kit comes dear, but the price should fall. We think that this is a game changer, this project, for enabling us in the future to reduce the cost, and develop wind farms without any subsidies. The first turbine is hauled from the fjord by tugs. It is nearly 12,000 tonnes of steel and ballast. Each blade is as wide as the wingspan of an airbus. The power of engineers to capture wind energy at sea is growing far faster than anyone dreamed of. Roger harrabin, bbc news, norway. Some 6,000 hiv experts have gathered in paris to report advances on aids research. A new un report shows, for the first time, more than half of all People Living with the hiv virus now have access to treatment. But, in the asia pacific region, how much progress has been made to stop the spread of the disease . Earlier i put this question to eamonn murphy, a Regional Communications adviser at unaids for Asia And The Pacific. Well, we have seen Great Success at the global level, as you stated in your introduction. But in Asia And The Pacific the response is lagging. It has slowed. Asia pacific used to be at the forefront of the response, but we not seeing the same gains in this region that we are in eastern southern africa. And why is that . It is really about political commitment. The evidence is that, the science is that, we know what needs to be done. Countries have shown in the past that they can achieve higher levels of incidents reduction. But in the last six years we have only seen a small fraction of what was achieved in the decade before. And i think it is complacency. Countries have taken their foot off the pedal, if you like, and have slowed the response. But they need to re energise. Communities and governments together need to re energise, to make this response happened. Asia obviously a huge region. 0ther Response happened. Asia obviously a huge region. Other countries in particular that you believe that complacency is leading the new infections of hiv . Well, there are about ten countries in our region that make up the bulk of the new infections, but amongst those, there area infections, but amongst those, there are a couple of countries, the philippines, pakistan, that show us that they need to be looking at where is the epidemic occurring . And it changes. The virus is not taking a rest. It is changing. New populations are being affected. Png, which saw drastic declines in new infections, is now starting to see increases again. So it shows that these countries among others need to maintain vigilance and improve their prevention programmes. New innovations, self testing, Community Based testing, Preexposure Prophylaxis which is showing 90 reductions in infection in other countries, need to be introduced into the populations here in our region. You are highlighting what they need to do. Have you had any indication of from any of these countries in asia that they are willing to have an open dialogue about how they can move things forward and progress . Definitely. The Ministry Of Health and the philippines, i am going there and two weeks time, we are working with them. There are countries that are showing innovation. Cambodia is a great example of achieving these interim, fasttrack target. 0ther countries, like myanmar, has seen a 60 increase in treatment over the last five years. So there are countries that are showing the way. What we need is to make sure that the countries that have had access previously do not slow down, and maintain their effort, and increased resources domestically are occurring, but we also need the International Community to not reduce their resources quickly, as they are. We have had a 25 drop in International Support in this region. It is too early, because it is the second largest population of People Living with hiv in the world. So it is far too early for the International Community to step back and just leave it to the countries alone. The bbcs Director General has responded to an open letter from some of the corporations top female stars, promising to go further and faster in responding to the pay gap. The letter protested pay inequality. Lord hall said the issue is crucial for the bbc and for society as a whole. Chinas hui people are the countrys largest muslim community, and are largely unknown to people in the west. A new film offers a rare look into the culture of this remote minority. The bbcs yashan zhao has more. Imagine swimming between continents. Well, 2,200 people did just that on sunday, when they dived into the bosphorus strait, in asia, and swam 6. 5 km to europe. The Turkish Olympic Committee organised the cross continental swim in istanbul, and said people from a9 countries took part. Russian swimmers Evgeny Eliseev and Kristina Kochetkova came first, according to local media, but many others felt like winners. It was my first time swimming the bosphorus. It was very fun, but at the same time difficult. Like, i got lost a couple of times, but then i was, like, looking at the people. But it was very fun. I recommend eve ryo ne but it was very fun. I recommend everyone do it. It is an absolutely beautiful course. So fun to be able to say i have swam from asia to europe. The Water Temperature is really perfect. This weather is amazing. The people are so friendly. Congratulations to them. Coming up, we will be diving into china. We will be taking a look at cirque du soleil, and the World Famous Circus Group wants to move beyond the tent and attract new audiences. And, before we go, it is one of the smelliest foods in the world, which you wouldnt want to enjoy out in public. But on sunday, hundreds of singaporeans did just that. 500 people took part in singapores charity durian run, where participants ran five km with the spiky Delicacy Known In Asia as the king of fruits. The durians have been banned on Public Transport In Singapore because of their pungent smell. Hello. That was an up and down weekend. Many of us saw rain at some stage of the weekend. For some of us it came from big clouds, threatening skies, and some intense downpours. What i think most of us saw some sunshine at some stage of the weekend as well. And the sunshine wasnt too bad. But it is still up and down as we go through this week. That means a could changeable weather on the way. We are going to try to turn things drier and warmer in the next couple of days. Not going to last, mind you. Unsettled from wednesday. We will all see some rain on wednesday, and the wind will be picking up as well during the second half of the week. Now, the area of low pressure that produced the downpours over the weekend still close by for monday. Affecting parts of central and eastern england. Then we have a bit of a gap and we are looking at elements of the atlantic to bring more of that unsettled weather from midweek. To bring more of that unsettled weatherfrom midweek. But from monday, cloudy with outbreaks of rain affecting some central and eastern parts of the uk as we go through the day, from that area of low pressure. And a cool breeze as well, whereas the western side of the uk, could be a lovely day across South West England and wales, long, sunny spells to be found here. But, through much of the midlands, south east england, east anglia, through yorkshire in the north east england, plenty of cloud around. Underfurther england, plenty of cloud around. Under further east you are into east anglia and the south east, a few sunny spells the clouds, parts of yorkshire. 0utbreaks sunny spells the clouds, parts of yorkshire. Outbreaks of rain. North east england bearing up quite well. Northern ireland a few fog patches around to begin the day. Plenty of sunshine in Western Scotland. Rather cloudy, and low cloud that, into the far north east of scotland, northern isles, hanging around during the day. And it is an East West Split for mondays weather. If you are underneath this cloud it may feel quite cool, though it may brighten up. The odd shower in parts of east anglia and the far south east of england. But for wales, the West Of England and northern ireland, and for northern scotland, in the sunshine it would be very pleasant. 25 celsius in glasgow, though a late they shower somewhere in Western Scotland cannot be ruled out. As we go through monday evening, still some of those outbreaks of rain in the east of england, gradually beginning to pull away as we say goodbye to that area of low pressure. Still some cloud around, though, from it, as we begin the day on tuesday. As soon as that sta rts the day on tuesday. As soon as that starts to break up, some sunny spells coming through again and a gap between Weather Systems on tuesday. So take advantage of that and enjoy the warmth in that sunshine. Though still in the cool side for some along north sea coasts with an onshore breeze. But here is that wet and windy Weather System coming infor that wet and windy Weather System coming in for wednesday. Well, it is the summer holidays. Doesnt look like that, though, on the chart here and there will be Rain Spreading right across the uk, strengthening wind to newgale in the north west. 0n The Thursday and friday, with some cool and fresh air, sunny spells and showers. This is bbc world news. Our top story president duterte prepares to set out his vision for the philippines, in his State Of The Nation address. He is expected to talk about the ongoing and controversial war on drugs, the conflict in marawi against islamist militants and economic policy. Nine people have been found dead including two children inside a truck in the us state of texas. Police say they were the victims of Human Trafficking. Thirty others were suffering from severe dehydration. And this story is trending on bbc. Com. British cyclist chris froome has won the Tour De France. He kept his Composure Putting in a near Perfect Performance as he secured his fourth Tour De France title on paris champs elysee. Congratulations to him. Now on bbc news its time for hardttalk

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