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Could join us, its midnight here in london and 7am in singapore and we start in berlin where it was all smiles earlier as Angela Merkel played host to le keqiang. He is the second east asian leader to receive the Red Carpet Treatment in berlin this week after indias Prime Minister on tuesday. The more positive mood, a change on last week when the g 7 countries meeting in sicily saw a split with the United States taking a different position to the rest on issues such as Climate Change and free trade. The bbcs joe mellor Climate Change and free trade. The bbcsjoe mellor has been following the events in berlin. Its tempting to read a lot into this, there have been two east asian leaders here and this comes after a week where tensions between the us and germany have never really been higher. Of course these visits are planned a long way in advance and its true to say Press Officers of either delegation if you take a look at the Trade Numbers between china and europe they are improving as years go by. Europe is the number one Export Market in china is the number to market after the us. Of course. Its particularly important for germany because germany of courses and export orientated economy, its economy is largely reliant on selling its very high quality made in germany products around the world and it slowly but surely running out of consumers, especially if the us turns towards protectionism, donald trump has spoken about banning german cars from being sold in the us, germany needs to find new people to sell its cars to and india, china both booming markets in both markets it would like to make more inroads into but berlin and european leaders are slightly careful though because they still have lots of reservations about transparency in china, competition, so its a warm reception but a cautious one. Joe mellor speaking. Malaysia airline says flight mh 128 had to turn back to the australian city of melbourne after a passenger said he had a bomb and tried to enter the cockpit. The man was arrested by Airport Security and malaysia said the disruptive passenger was a sri lankan and the bomb was in fact a battery. A correspondent for a Radio Station melbourne was at the airport to describe the pastors told him. Melbourne was at the airport to describe the pastors told himlj have spoken to a passenger on board who said he stood up with a strange device, a little black thing which had some antennas coming out of it, he said he threatened to enter the cockpit and at that point the pilots advise an air hostess to tackle the man and passengers have managed detained him whilst the pilot turned around and got back to melbourne shortly before midnight so really a 40 minute ordeal. Australian Central Police were at the tarmac but they didnt enter the plane for a good hour because they thought if they did that maybe the plane would detonate the device, they waited an hour and detonate the device, they waited an hourand then detonate the device, they waited an hour and then boarded the plane and arrested the man and eventually tha n kfu lly arrested the man and eventually thankfully no one is injured. The Us House Intelligence Committee has issued subpoenas to Donald Trumps former Security Adviser and personal lawyer, Michael Flynn and Michael Cohen have been called in connection with the probe into allegations of russian interference in the us president ial election. Earlier President Trump and that it needs fear knees promised the met the white house. Vietnam had made an order worth millions of dollars in details are not yet been provided. The vietnamese president. A french policeman killed in an attack by an islamist militant has been married to his partner in what is believed to be the worlds first posthumous gay wedding. The Gay Rights Activists were shot dead in at the Champs Elysees last april shortly before the first round of president ial elections in france. Lets ta ke president ial elections in france. Lets take a look at some pictures now from kenya where they have opened a major new railway between the Port City Of Mombasa and the capital nairobi. Lots of celebrations, the 320 billion fund a chinese line is kenyas biggest Infrastructure Product since independent senators chinas in Raid Initiative to create new trade links. President trump says he will be making an announcement soon on whether the United States will withdraw from the parrot to limit paris Climate Change deal. Media outlets say he will be pulling out the donald trump says he will make the donald trump says he will make the decision in a few days time so whilst the world waits for that decision, those who want the us to stay are speaking out. Jerry brown has been speaking to the bbc about how he will work with the west of the world with Climate Change including chinas president. This was very much created because of 0bama and the chinese president , i bomb has left the scene and President Trump has gone a while and now it is up to president shi in california he will work with other countries to do everything we can to offset the negative pathway prose about chosen by President Trump. Im nowjoined by about chosen by President Trump. Im now joined by former Climate Change adviser to the president , paul bledsoe. Also how certain is it that President Trump will be pulling out of the Climate Change arrangements . We dont know for sure. As weve all experienced donald trump if anything the most unpredictable player on The World Stage and the most erratic, some of us hope that his daughter is on trump can convince the president of what european leaders couldnt in that leaving paris would be an absurd self inflicted wound on the United States that would hurt our credibility, ourability United States that would hurt our credibility, our ability to meet his other objectives frankly, not to mention undermining Climate Protection so there is still some hope here in washington that the better angels in the white house will convince trump to stay. Burts if President Trump indeed oppose all withdrawals from this deal, how will he do it . Is there a Waiting Period . There are two ways he can do it, he could first withdraw just simply from the Paris Agreement which would require a three year wait until november of 2019. That would be the better of the two withdrawal alternatives. The next president could rejoin paris rather easily as an executive agreement. The Nuclear Option would be of donald trump withdraws from the un Framework Agreement on climate which was ratified by the us senate in 1992 and is obviously been supported by president s of both parties for more than a generation, we really hope he doesnt do that but we also hope he doesnt do that but we also hope he doesnt leave paris at all. If he does, does this encourage other countries who signed up to withdraw as well . I dont think so. I dont think a single other country in the world will jump off think a single other country in the world Willjump Off A Cliff because donald trump does. They recognise that this is actually an all hands on deck moment for the worlds leaders and just because just because donald trump jumps off the deep doesnt mean that they would do it. They see billions of dollars in the clean economy markets, the chinese, the europeans, many others are spending a great deal of money trying to be competitive in their space to this as an Economic Opportunity as well as a very critical humanitarian and diplomatic one. Environmentalists are waiting for the position of donald trump, thank you so much for your insightful bledsoe, lecturer at the American University of environment policy. Residents of kabul have enjoyed lots in the last few decades that the explosion that killed 90 people during the morning rush hour was horrific. More than 400 others we re was horrific. More than 400 others were injured and local Security Services suggested a group with links to the taliban network in pakistan were involved. The taliban have denied any responsibility. You could see for miles the force of this explosion. A massive bomb at a Busy Kabul Intersection Hitting commuters on their way to work. Children on their way to school. It was a bomb so powerful it Shattered Windows onto a mile away leaving a trail of destruction. 0ne witness said it was an earthquake. There we re said it was an earthquake. There were so many casualties. Security vehicles had to double up as ambulances. The Afghan Government said hospitals in the capital are in dire need of blood. I was working in the office when a powerful blast happened, i collapsed under the desk and received injuries from Shattered Windows. Most of the dead and injured were civilians including many women and children. Among those killed is muhammad is there, he worked for the bbc as a driver, the bbc said it was a popular colleague with young family. The area where the bomb went off supposed to be one of the most secure part of the capital. Walking distance from the president ial palace. Bbc were at the scene soon after the attacks up yellow it was a water tank or a lorry full of explosives that hit their strategic area right at the heart of kabul. Its very close to the german embassy, the indian embassy, the french and british embassies. Even in a country thats become painfully used violence, the scale of this attack has been a shock. Security in afghanistan has been deteriorating for some time, most of the kind she was under Government Control in 2014 when later ended its combat mission. Since then large swathes of territory have fallen to an taliban. Most of helmand where so many british soldiers lost their lives is now in taliban hands. So is much of the province of can do is an irs has established a presence. The americans have over 8000 troops, the uk 500, commanders are now asking for thousands more isis have established. We were asking for thousands of military boots on the ground and that did not weaken or destroy the taliban so a few thousand more today is not going to bea thousand more today is not going to be a solution. Yes in the short term it will give some support and better training to the Afghan Government and Security Forces but the insurgency will still be there. Intelligence are blaming an affiliate of the taliban network but no group has admitted to carrying out one of the West Attacks Kabul as ever seen. You are watching the estate, still to come. Nasa unveils plans to send a probe right to the sun and calls it the coolest, hottest mission. The first of what the makes of Star Wa Rs The First of what the makes of star wars hope will be thousands of queue started at 7am. Taunting letter scuffles, scuffles to fighting, fighting to rise as the liverpool fa ns fighting to rise as the liverpool fans broke out to thejuventus enclosure. The whole world who will mourn the tragic death today, he was a father of the indian people on the day of independence. The Oprah Winfrey show, so an end after 25 yea rs winfrey show, so an end after 25 years and more than four and a half thousand episodes. The chat show has made her one of the most richest people on the planet. Geri halliwell other known as ginger spice has announced she left the spice girls. I dont belie that shes the one with the girl power. Not geri, y. Well come back, most are heavy us. 0ur well come back, most are heavy us. Our top le keqiang is in germany with talks for Angela Merkel, Climate Change and trade are dominating the discussions. The toll from the kabul bomb has risen to at least 90, many of the casualties were civilians on the way to work. And lebanon has banned the new hollywood film wonder woman because its star is an israeli who served in her countrys army, the film had been due to premiere in beirut, a story popular bbc. Com. Lets ta ke beirut, a story popular bbc. Com. Lets take a look at the front pages around the world now and in fact our top story on the australian new site news. Com. Ae is one that we touched ona news. Com. Ae is one that we touched on a little bit earlier today, that is the Melbourne Airport incident and this report explains that a lunatic passenger tried to storm the cockpit of a Malaysian Airlines flight cockpit of a Malaysian Airlines flight threatening to blow up the plane and the attacker was then restrained by passengers until he returned to melbourne where police found no evidence of explosives. China daily reports on the new rowing kenya, it highlights kenny is the third african nation to launch a Railway System built by a chinese technology. The Railway Links the Port Of Mombasa to the capital of nairobi and will later connect even more remote nations. 0n the front page of the japan times, it is all about sumo wrestling. Thats right, 27 year old is the first seem arrested to the title since 2015 and to reach this status, a wrestler must win at least 33 bout over three consecutive 15 day tournaments. That is bringing you up to date. President tramp and one tweet is marking a lot of discussion online. His sweets keep trending but this one has become more popular than others and a message with a spelling error. 0ne Twitter Follower has said covfefe translates to i reside in russia. Another user made this meme with the president sprinkling glitter. At the users are debating how to spell, another person has posted a picture on reddit. Bangladeshs government said 3000 people have been affected by the recent cyclone, many Refugee Homes have been devastated by the storm and locals say many fishermen are still missing. Their homes and livelihoods lost, for these fishermen, everything s been washed away. Indian naval forces fishermen, everything s been washed away. Indian navalforces have reported to rescue 33 fishermen from the bay of bengal, bert they say many he went into the sea before the storm are still missing. Bangladesh has a long history of natural disasters. But the intensity of the cyclone was worse than many had experienced before. Hundreds of trees were uprooted and agricultural fields are badly damaged. These are the people who are victims of the cyclone which hit the south eastern part. This is a Cyclone Shelter and is located very close the bay of bengal, more than 2000 people took shelter in the Cyclone Shelter when the worst of the storm hit the area. The powerful cyclone which swept through the south eastern bangladesh has damaged more than 50,000 homes in the area. After leaving the safety of the Cyclone Shelters, some have started to rebuild using just wood and bamboo that they find. Translation my house is completely damaged, there is no way to cook food in my home, my family has become helpless, im here to look for some relief. Several hundred makeshift houses have also been destroyed. Local leaders say that the priority was to save lives during the storm, now they are collecting names of the families who lost their homes. Translation collecting names of the families who lost their homes. Translatiosz our village 500 houses were lost. Now we are trying to distribute relief to the people, we have asked the government to help us. Im preparing a list of the people in my village you need help, to centre the government. It will no doubt be a long process rebuilding the damage. Bbc news. 2010 was a watershed year foran indian bbc news. 2010 was a watershed year for an Indian Administration in the sheer kashmir. Scores were killed in confrontations with indian Security Forces. We met two men who took part in those massive protests as teenagers in 2010 and find out how they renounced violence. We were out in this. Sharon in your next story, the Us Space Agency nasa has really become so ambitious, i understand about going to the moon, mars, having a Space Station but going to the sun . Wow, thats hot. Thats burning heart. You are right, they are describing it as the coolest hottest mission. Nash have unveiled the daring plans to fly a probe directly into the atmosphere of the sun, the Spark A Solar Probe will be launched mid2018 Spark A Solar Probe will be launched mid 2018 and scientists hope to learn the physics of our sources of light and heat, itll be exposed to more heat and radiation than any spacecraft. The flying into temperatures exceeding 1300 celsius. The solar probe will be the hottest fastest mission, i like to call it the coolest hottest mission under the coolest hottest mission under the sun. We are going to be moving at blistering temperatures, we are going to go right up to the corona. We will be moving at blistering speeds, about 430,000 miles an hour. Thats about 118 miles a second. And you thought it got hot in singapore. Youve been watching these day in singapore. And from here in london, before we go let look at these pictures and to end with these pictures and to end with these pictures from toronto in canada where dramatic flashes of lightning lit up the harbour, it was caused by Weather Tracking Cameras as a major storm rolls to the city. Banks were watching these day. Goodbye for now. Thanks for watching newsday. London may have not been the sunniest day yesterday but it was the warmest with highsjust yesterday but it was the warmest with highs just over 23 degrees. Yesterday but it was the warmest with Highsjust Over 23 degrees. I suspect over the next couple of days the southeast will get very warm and heart as we drag in warm airfrom a near continent. This slow moving funds will bring a contrast to the far north and west and more on that ina far north and west and more on that in a second, it will be start of all of us with some mist around, especially close to coast. That Weather Front of the slow moving affairand Weather Front of the slow moving affair and some Weather Front of the slow moving affairand some rain Weather Front of the slow moving affair and some rain will come to Northern Ireland and Western Scotla nd Northern Ireland and Western Scotland and will linger for much of the day. Clouding over elsewhere is to be largely dry and there will be more in the way of sunshine across the extreme south. Despite a little bit of cloud in the afternoon, temperatures still reasonable, 1822. We temperatures still reasonable, 18 22. We could see 2425 quite widely in the south east corner, a good slice of sunshine. A different day for the north west across the latest disc lake district, it will stay cloudy and wept for much of the day with a scattering of showers into the far north east as well. The rain like a Conveyor Belt sitting across the irish sea affecting Northern Ireland, to the south and east of that it stays pretty stick sticky. Who does mean on friday we will see a change. There is a level of uncertainty on how quickly the Weather Fronts will move eastwards. Hopefully it will improve, the front sitting through the spine of the country by the middle of the afternoon but it stays very middle of the afternoon but it stays very warm middle of the afternoon but it stays very warm if not hot on the south east and we could. And that is the general theme as we move him, some thunderstorms likely, a westerly field to things and there will still be a good deal of dry weather with a scattering of showers but looking at the difference, 16 and 17 in the west and highs of 22 in the south east corner. A Solar Story Into Sunday and a scattering of showers and a touch breezy about of showers and a touch breezy about of late. Just in case you dont have the message, this is the story, sunny spells but scattering showers and a fresher feel for all. Take care. The top stories. The Chinese Premier is injapan the top stories. The Chinese Premier is in japan where the top stories. The Chinese Premier is injapan where he is Holding Talks with chancellor Angela Merkel. The death toll from the cabral bomb attack has risen to at least 90. Many casualties were civilians on the way to work kabul. The president described the attack is a crime against humanity. And here is what is trending on the website. Marathon runner and the dog that adopted him as he ran the 260 kilometre race in china. He told the bbc about what happened and when the dog went missing in western china. Thats all from me. Stay with bbc world news. Now on bbc news, its time for hardtalk

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