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Police investigating the manchester Suicide Bombing will resume sharing intelligence information with their us counterparts. Cooperation was temporarily suspended after details of the investigation were leaked to American Media. President trump said those responsible should be prosecuted. In the uk, a minutes silence was held to remember the 22 people who lost their lives in the attack. From manchester, gavin hewitt reports. In the minutes before the silence, thousands headed to the squares, the open spaces, the office doorways, a moment for a Wounded Community to reflect, to remember, to stand together. In manchester, a long minute ended with applause. Applause it was really beautiful, i thought it was so nice, everyone coming here and showing respect. Todays been a time to reflect and a time of remembrance. And at the same time, to show strength and unity, and our support to those whove lost their loved ones. Ive come to pay tribute to those who were so courageous that night, those who have lost their lives, and those who are still fighting for their lives. During the morning the queen visited the royal manchester childrens hospital. You werent the first one, were you . I was, from the ambulance service. She thanked the medical staff who attended the scene and spoke to some of those wounded. You had enjoyed the concert presumably . Yeah, it was really good. Was it . I got to meet her before the concert as well. She was lovely. Really . Yeah. Did you . In one conversation she described the attack as wicked. A big shock. A really big shock. Very wicked. Another patient spoke about her shrapnel wounds. Dreadful, absolutely dreadful. Mines gone through 15 centimetres at the other side. Im due in surgery later on this afternoon. 75 people are still in hospital and some of them will need reconstructive surgery. Today was a reminder of what unites people, a determination not to allow mondays bombing to define this city and its communities. Even while people are still seeking cancers as to how a young man born even while people are still seeking answers as to how a young man born here could carry out such an attack. This evening, hundreds of people were still laying flowers, a day of solidarity after the deliberate targeting of children and teenagers. Gavin hewitt, bbc news, manchester. Police say their investigation into mondays Suicide Bombing is moving quickly. Security services have been trying to establish Whether Salman Abedi was part of a wider terror network. The bbcs mark easton has the latest developments. Officer im going to have to move you back, please. Move back. This evening, the police hunt for Salman Abedis bomb factory took a new turn, the search of a house in wigan suddenly escalated with the discovery of suspicious items and the bomb squad were called to the scene. Local families were evacuated as a robot, often used to defuse Roadside Bombs in war zones, was deployed on a Residential Home in Greater Manchester. I share a wall with the guy who was arrested. If theres something inside and my things get destroyed. Youre literally in the neighbouring room . Yeah. I didnt expect that something of this sort could happen so close to us. It is really shocking. Sirens police have described their investigation as fast moving. This morning, as the country stood in silence, Armed Police Officers were shouting at residents in Central Manchester to take cover after reports of a suspect package in a block of flats. There was loads of Armed Police Officers in the middle of the grass just squatting down and they were just shouting at everyone telling them, dont go near the road. Officer can you move out of the way, please. I panicked because my daughter works in the school thats just there. Your first instinct is, i need my child. The city is jittery as Counter Terrorism chiefs desperately try to track the movements of salman abedi. This is what the search for a bomb factory looks like, a tip off, an address, a raid and, on this occasion, an arrest. But the search for that factory still goes on. This raid did not produce the lead theyd hoped for, but the investigation is understood to be making real progress. Two arrests were made in manchester early today and there was a linked swoop on a property 75 miles south in nuneaton late last night where another man was arrested. Eight men are now in custody in connection with the arena bombing. I want to reassure people that the arrests that we have made are significant and initial searches of premises have revealed items that we believe are very important to the investigation. Police and Counter Terrorism officers are piecing together a picture of Salman Abedis last movements. Its understood hed recently left manchester for tripoli in libya, returning to the uk, four days before the attack, via istanbul and dusseldorf airports. Police think in the hours before the bombing he may have been at a property in granby row near piccadilly Railway Station and a short distance from the Manchester Arena where the bomb exploded. Somewhere near here hed phoned his mother and said forgive me, according to a libyan Anti Terrorism official. But who else did he talk to . Where else had abedi been . Forensics, cctv, traffic cameras, interviews every conceivable method for tracking abedis movements is being pursued. Weve been overwhelmed with support from members of the public and id ask for patience to continue from our local communities here in Greater Manchester as we carry out those searches and this investigation. There are nagging questions, though. Abedi was known to security services. There had been warnings about his radicalisation. Why wasnt he stopped before he carried out his murderous attack . Since 2013, 18 plots have been thwarted, five since the westminster attack in march. Could, should this one have been prevented too . Mark easton, bbc news, manchester. Lets take a look at some of the days other news. The Usjustice Department says it will seek a Supreme Court ruling after an appeal court refused to reinstate a Temporary Travel Ban on people from six mainly muslim nations. The attorney generaljeff sessions said the appeal courts decision thwarted President Trumps effort to protect us national security. Also making news today the philippines mobilised Attack Helicopters and Special Forces to drive out so called Islamic State linked rebels from the besieged city of marawi on thursday. Militants held the mainly muslim city on Mindanao Island for two days. Six soldiers and 18 rebels were killed in combat. The so called Islamic State has claimed responsibility forjakarta bus station attacks that left at least three policemen dead and a dozen others wounded on wednesday. Authorities investigating the incident also believe the bombers had links with he is. The bombers had links with is. The blasts were believed to target police. And wayne rooney might not be getting that big money move to china after all. Thats because the Football Authorities there have announced a 100 tax on future signings of foreign players. The move is being made to encourage the development of home grown talent. Us President Donald Trump has strongly criticised nato leaders australia has long grappled with its history of its first inhabitants that preceded british settlers by an estimated 50,000 years. Indigenous australian leaders have been meeting at uluru, a landmark considered sacred, there they have been discussing this issue and some favour constitutional change while others demand a treaty. Lets cross to uluru, also known as ayers rock, and we can speak to writer and activist michael manson. Welcome to the programme. Aboriginals are asking for compensation as part of a National Treaty at this historic meeting. How confident are you that you will get it . The process that led up to 250 Aboriginal People from Around Australia Meeting at uluru was set up by the federal parliament. They anticipate that Aboriginal People are going to come up Aboriginal People are going to come up with a policy which, if its adopted by the federal parliament, could make a real difference to the lives of Aboriginal People. So it may well be the case that we will come up with things that the federal government would prefer we did not come up with. But because their indoor thing the process, we think theyre going to have to work with theyre going to have to work with the aboriginal delegates and as a result we can reduce imprisonment rates and reduced the chances of children living beyond the lives they do. They are endorsing. Hopefully in the next few years things can turn around for the better. We know dozens of Australian Indigenous leaders walked out of this meeting that going on with the stunning backdrop of uluru where you are and this was the protest against are and this was the protest against a plan to accept constitutional recognition. Tell us about that and why it is proving controversial . think the difference is the process initially began several years ago, which was for symbolic constitutional recognition, in other words the fact that we were here before white people train was going to be stated in the Australian Constitution and of course it would create no legal rights, would impose no obligations on government and would create no benefits to Aboriginal People. Is so even though that was the initial process, things have moved on quickly and many Aboriginal People are saying if we are in this day and age watching australia with a very High Standard of living and a very rich country, but the one people missing out our Aboriginal People, then if things arent working then we have to shift the agenda. A handful of people yesterday thought, look, were still not going far enough, there should bea not going far enough, there should be a treaty, land should be returned, 3 of the gdp should be returned, 3 of the gdp should be returned to Aboriginal People, we need a National Aboriginal body and we need the federal government to get out of the weight and get behind Aboriginal People on policy instead of dictating to us out of the way. They felt their voice wasnt really heard so a handful of people walked down to make their point, which was there enough. We will leave it there, thank you for joining us uluru, michael mansell. Us President Donald Trump has strongly criticised nato leaders for not paying enough into the military alliance. Speaking at the natos new headquarters in brussels, he said only five of 28 members were meeting their financial obligations. Just ahead of his speech, he was caught on camera apparently pushing in front of the president of montenegro. I have been very, very direct with Secretary Stoltenberg and members of the alliance in saying that nato members must finally contribute theirfair members must finally contribute their fair share members must finally contribute theirfairshare and members must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial obligations. But 23 of the 28 member nations are still not paying what they should be paying, and what theyre supposed to be paying, for their defence. This is not fair to the people and taxpayers of the united states, and many of these nations of massive amounts of money from past years, and not paying in those past years. Plan has been agreed to by leaders to tackle the Islamic State group. Those countries in the Nato Alliance who do not pay their way he has criticised. There is no punishment for countries that do not meet the 296 for countries that do not meet the 2 that he had a point, there are plenty of countries who work towards spending 2 on defence but have not done so. It was a speech i think for his supporters of back home, they did however, the leaders here, want to give him something because america is crucial to this alliance and they have agreed amongst themselves despite reservations that themselves despite reservations that the Nato Alliance will be a formal pa rt the Nato Alliance will be a formal part of the coalition against Islamic State. What does it mean in pratt is . To be honest, it is more symbolism than anything substantial. In pratt says. He could have aircraft to fly over syria and manage the airspace during the Bombing Campaign but the Secretary General Of Nato said it would not be directly involved in direct combat. Us media are now reporting that jared kushner, the president s son in law and a senior adviser, is under f the eye scrutiny as part of the enquiry into russia influence. F vi. The enquiry into russia influence. F vi. Some of the us media are reporting this, what are the details . These are the sort of rumours are circulating in washington for about a week but this brings the f b i enquiry not only onto the doorstep of the white house but potentially within the inner circle of President Trump himself and that is why there is a lot of interest in these suggestions. It is at the Washington Post leading the way is far is reporting this. Jared kushner, apart from being the son in law of President Trump, is his most trusted adviser. He pays a key pa rt his most trusted adviser. He pays a key part in preparations for the visit to saudi arabia. According to the Washington Post and other media, he may have significant information in regard to that fbi investigation into alleged Russian Meddling In Last Year s president ial election. The enquiry now lead by the former fbi collector robert miller. Mueller. There is nothing to suggest the fbi is accusing him of a crime. It is certainly an interesting development. Thank you for bringing us development. Thank you for bringing us up to date. I know you will continue to monitor any development. Youre watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme The Long Road to recovery well be asking just how do people and cities cope with the mental and physical scars of a terror attack. Also on the programme a deadly delicacy, why scientists are trying to end vietnams love of raw pigs blood. In the Biggest International Sporting Spectacle ever seen, up to 30 Million People have taken part in sponsored Athletic Events to aid Famine Relief in africa. The first of what the makers of star wars hope will be thousands of queues started forming at 7am. Taunting which led to scuffles, scuffles to fighting, fighting to full scale riot as the liverpool fans broke out of their area and into the juve ntus enclosure. The Belgian Police had lost control. The whole world will mourn the tragic death of mr canaroo today. He was the father of the indian people and the day of independence. The Oprah Winfrey show comes to an end after 25 years and more than a500 episodes. The chat show has made her one of the richest people on the planet. Gerry harvey well, otherwise known as ginger spice, has announced shes left the spice girls. I dont believe it, shes the one with the bounce, the go, the girl power. Notjerry, why . This is newsday on the bbc. Im Sharanjit Leyl in singapore. Im kasia madera in london. Our top stories britain is resuming intelligence sharing with the united states, after a Suspension Following leaks to the American Media about the manchester bombing. President trump has addressed nato leaders in person for the first time, telling them that they must honour their financial obligations to the defence organisation. Lets take a look at some front pages from Around The World the china daily is leading with a report about us warships sailing close to disputed mischief reef, or the nanshas, as theyre known in china. The paper quotes experts saying the move shows the us wants to keep a presence in the region. 0n the front page the of philippine daily inquirer, a striking image of Philippine Government soldiers battling islamist militants in the Southern City of marawi. And finally, the International Edition of the New York Times leads with a story from india. Inside the eye false rumours on whatsapp. Now kasia, it looks like barack 0bama received a Rock Star Reception in berlin earlier. Yes sharanjit he certainly did. Barack 0bamas visit has been trending online. The former us president took part in a discussion on democracy, and its future. Thousands watched in front of berlins most famous landmark, the brandenburg gate. He later received an award in baden baden celebrating personalities with a strong global influence. He spoke of the need for a strong and united europe. If we do not, then we will hold the door open to those who argue that democracy doesnt work, who argue that restrictions on the press are necessary, who suggest that intolerance and tribalism and sectarianism and organising ourselves along ethnic lines are the answer to the challenges we face. So more than ever a strong united europe remains a necessity for all of us. It may not be to everyones taste but many people in vietnam simply adore very fresh, raw pigs blood and eat it every single day. Its usually served as a starter and is rooted in the countrys culture. But this delicacy is proving to be deadly, as Claudia Hammond reports from ho chi minh city. Many ma ny cafes many cafes in vietnam offer these tasty but potentially deadly dish. It is made from a boiled pig intestines mixed with raw blood and then set into a kind ofjelly which is served cold as a starter. This is the fresh pigs and blood and it is really valued by some people because it is so fresh and some people absolutely it is so fresh and some people a bsolutely love it is so fresh and some people absolutely love it but the problem is it can make you ill because it contains bacteria that is found in pigs, a type of meningitis. Every year there are several cases of meningitis caused by it. Almost half the patients are left with long term complications such as deafness and 10 die. It is now the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in vietnam. Translation this tradition of Eating Raw Pig Blood is a deeply rooted in vietnam and people eat it every day. A recent study found that over a third of people in rural areas had eaten dishes made from raw blood in the past year. It is a major concern. The challenge that can be overcome by education and ensuring that practices are changed to make sure risky behaviour changed. There is a Campaign Warning of the risk but so far it has had no effect. We leave you with an unusual Drug Smuggler caught in kuwait. A pigeon caught with 200 peals of our party drug. The bird was found near a customs post near the border with iraq. Thank you for watching. The Hot Mayweather will continue for a few more days yet in fact it will turn increasingly humid particularly across southern turn increasingly humid particularly across southern areas turn increasingly humid particularly across southern areas of the uk and the sunshine is very powerful. In the sunshine is very powerful. In the short term, quiet on the weather front, lots of clear sky. First thing in the morning, across scotla nd thing in the morning, across scotland temperatures are round 15 i7 celsius. In the morning, hardly a cloud in the sky. Clear blue skies across the uk. Temperatures are not far off 20 degrees. Already 20 in scotland. Inverness a thiem. A sunny and very warm to the day. A 18. These values, quite conservative in some areas. In some areas it could get up to 29 degrees. Including in parts of scotland. The uv levels are high throughout the country, unusually high across southern areas of the uk. Whether it is 21 degrees or 29 degrees you will born just as easily if you are not protected from the start with sunscreen. In the saturday we could cease dolls rumbling through Western Parts of the uk. But often things would turn fresher but not necessarily on saturday. The air wafting in from the south humid and we will see the threat of thunderstorms. Temperatures perhaps rising to 30 degrees, just a little bit less hot across scotland. In the sunday, fresher air into the uk but in the south, increasing amount of cloud but also increasing humidity and turning sticky across the south. That is raine and could be storms as well so sunday into monday not only does the Humidity Increase but also the threat of thunderstorms. The temperature across Southern A Rear is maybe in the low 20s. If the clouds break, it could get to 25 degrees. Monday, sunshine and showers and fresher in the north, humid and warm in the south. Now on bbc news its hardtalk with stephen sackur. Welcome to hardtalk. Im stephen sackur. Remember the tumultuous events in the early 1990s in Eastern Europe . From the wreckage of the soviet empire, a more prosperous region emerged anchored in the eu and nato. The European Bank of reconstruction and development was created to foster that transformation. My guest today is Bank President , sir suma chakrabarti. These days, many of his investment projects are actually in turkey, central asia, and north africa. Has Mission Creep undermined the values of the ebrd

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