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Offa sorry for forcibly dragging this man off a plane to make room for one of its own staff. Live from our studios in singapore and london. This is bbc world news. It is newsday. Good morning. At 7am here in singapore, midnight in london and 2am In Moscow where the american Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson is preparing for talks with Vladimir Putin which he hopes may shift the Balance Of Power in the war in syria. He will try to persuade the russian president to withdraw his support for the assad regime in the Wa Ke Support for the assad regime in the wake of last weeks Chemical Attack ona wake of last weeks Chemical Attack on a rebel town in syria will stop but it is a tall order. Earlier, g7 Foreign Ministers rejected a call Foreign Ministers rejected a call for news new sanctions on syria and moscow. A warning, in this report, some images may be distressing. Americas top diplomat arriving in moscow does not accept that this is a mission impossible. Rex tillerson still hopes he can somehow persuade the russians to ditch syrias president assad and he is not mincing his words. Moscow he said earlier, bears a heavy responsibility after last weeks Chemical Attack. It is unclear whether russia failed to take this obligation seriously or russia has been incompetent, but this distinction does not much matter to the dead. President Vladimir Putin is sending mixed signals, meeting the italian president today, the russian leader is apparently hoping for constructive cooperation with washington. But he is still talking up the risk of confrontation, accusing both america and Opposition Forces of planning further attacks. Translation we have information from various sources, that similar provocations, i cant call them any differently, are being prepared in other parts of syria as well, including the Southern Suburbs of damascus, where they are preparing to release some sort of substance again. One leading kremlin watcher says mr tillerson must tread very carefully to do a deal with the russian leader. So, we know putin quite well. Putin is a person who can make unexpected moves towards partners and even concessions, but he never does it under pressure, just the opposite. About last weeks gas attack, moscow and washington do seem to agree on one thing, there should be a full investigation, but there is plenty of room to dispute who carries it out and when and how. The g 7 meeting of americas allies ended in italy today without giving Rex Tillerson much extra political ammunition. Ministers fail to agree any threat of future targeted sanctions on top russian and Syrian Military officers. Borisjohnson had pressed hard for it but insisted no consensus was not defeat. I am not going to pretend to you that this is going to be easy, but there are very few or better routes forward that i can see for the russians. This is a way forward for russia and for syria, and in going to make this offer, i think that Rex Tillerson has come as you can see, overwhelming support. So looking at borisjohnsons performance, what is a former conservative Foreign Secretary make of his gamble over sanctions . Putin will be pleased that the g 7 was unable to Reach Agreement, thats good news from his point of view, but he still has a problem because putin is an opportunist. In the obama years he was able to say i can do what i like militarily in syria because the americans will not intervene. The americans have now militarily intervened. They have done so once and they could do so again. Rex tillerson did get from g 7 allies universal endorsement of trumps Missile Strikes on syria but he left here for moscow without the sort of stick to threaten russia that Boris Johnson at least would have liked. James robbins, bbc news, lucca. Lets ta ke lets take a look at some of the days avenues. Donald trumps pricks press Secretary Sean Spicer has been doing the rounds, appearing on tv stations, apologising to say that hitler did not use chemical weapons on his own people during world war two. He made the comments during talking about russias support for the syrian regime. The president s Spokesman Sean Spicer came to the Daily Briefing determined to talk about the seriousness of last weeks sarin attack in syria, which the administration holds Bashar Al Assad responsible for. But then he drew on history to make this point. We did not use chemical weapons in world war ii. You know, you had someone as despicable as hitler, who did not even sink to the. To using chemical weapons. But that statement drew an incredulous response from journalists attending the briefing. I just want to give you an opportunity to clarify something that seems to be gaining some traction right now, hitler didnt even sink to the level of using chemical weapons. What did you mean by that . I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no he was not using the gas on his own people, the same way that assad is doing. Millions of germanjews were gassed during the second world war, in the network of concentration camps, built in what was called the final solution. the director of the Anne Frank Centre condemned the president s spokesmans remarks. And on capitol hill too, criticism from senators, congressmen and women, both republican and democrat, disturbed at what theyve heard. Last night, President Trump put out a tweet wishing jews here in america and Around The World a happy passover. Today, his Press Spokesman will have caused offence to many of those people with these comments. Mr spicer has since put out a clarification saying, in no way was i trying to lessen the horrendous nature of the holocaust. But perhaps the lesson is, dont make comparisons with hitler. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. Also making use of this sour, German Police say that a serious explosives caused three bar blasts attacking a Bus Carrying Players from borussia dortmund. Pakistan has dismissed indian criticism of a Death Sentence giving to a man in accused of being an indian spy. The Defence Minister told the senate that the country had followed legal processes during the three month trial. India has rejected that he was a spy. If he is hanged, it will amount to premeditated murder, says india. These pandas have been preparing for their journey from the these pandas have been preparing for theirjourney from the netherlands to china. They are in healthy conditions. Just found out they have arrived safely. They will be living there for the next 15 years. A man who says he worked as a hitman for philippine president Rodrigo Duterte has fled the country. He made the allegations at a Senate Hearing in february. Since then, he has turned to the catholic church. The church has been affirmed critics of The Drugs War which critics say has caused 7000 lives. He says he killed more than 200 people. A member of a death squad, acting on the orders of Rodrigo Duterte when he was mayor of the city. He is speaking out now after a spiritual awakening. He is in hiding. The church protect an and counselling him and now telling their followers that the killings are wrong. Its. Its not the way to solve the problem. We understand the hurt but for us christians, we understand that it means vengeance. Christians, we understand that it means vengeance. If they are just looking for a vengeance, they are no longer christians. In return, Rodrigo Duterte has led a scathing attack on the church. Religion, what is the meaning of it . Now the church, once a powerful political force, is carrying out small acts of men. Paying for the funerals of those killed in the drug war. When night falls, this man picks up his camera and turned into a nightcrawler. A group of photographers dedicated to documenting every killing. But for now, many filipinos are happy for the killings to continue in order to wipe out the drug trade and make their street safe. 0n the frontline, devout catholic policemen tried to justify their killings. We pray for those we have killed. The church still plays an Important Role in most people s lives here but its power over the political process is now being tested in a way it really hasnt before. President trump has again raised the issue of north korea in a tweet saying thatjohn issue of north korea in a tweet saying that john yang issue of north korea in a tweet saying Thatjohn Yang was looking for trouble. He also urged china, north koreas only real ally to help deal with its neighbour. John yang. The us and naval boats to the waters around north korea, angering them. The war of words is at cliche but the right one. It is between washington and pyongyang. This newspaper says they are ready for the uss toughest action. Reflecting on the war of words. The picture is from the uss carrier being sent to the region. It was sent back. The big question on everybodys mind really is, if there are a serious possibility of a war of words turning into a real war . There is a lot of reflection on that. The korea herald, once question, how likely is another korea war . Blunt question. It talks to a lot of experts and says quote a lot of officials dismiss the likelihood of conflict. There is a lot of discussion as to whether mr trump is really that different from mr obama in terms of doing what mr obama may have contemplated but pulled back from because of the proximity of north korean artillery. The korea times, concerns of Armed Conflict overblown. The feeling here is, we have been here before. If you look for google searches of rising tensions korea. Into in 2013, it was much higher. That was the time when pyongyang was saying get out, so we have been here before in terms of this rhetoric. We havent been here before with this president and we remain to see whether he will do what he threatens to do which is perhaps to take Military Action against north korea. The tension here is not quite the way it is portrayed outside but we are in unknown territory. That was Stephen Evans in the soul talking to the bitter. Still to come, shaking hands on a new wheel deal after ten years of talks. Myanmar and china finally Reach Agreement over an oil pipeline stretching nearly 800 kilometres. Also coming up, 48 hours after the events, United Airlines finally apologises for trying to throw this doctor off one of its flights. United airlines. Pol pot, one of the centurys greatest mass murderers is reported to have died of natural causes. He and the Khmer Rouge Movement he led were responsible for the deaths of an estimated 1. 7 million cambodians. There have been violent protests in indonesia where playboy has gone on sale for the first time. Traditionalist Muslim Leaders have expressed disgust. The magazines offices have been attacked and its Editorial Staff have gone into hiding. It was clear that paulas only contest was with the clock and as for a sporting legacy, Paula Radcliffes competitors will be chasing her new world best time for years to come. Quite quietly but quicker and quicker, she seemed just to slide away under the surface and disappear. Welcome back. To slide away under the surface and disappear. Welcome back. This to slide away under the surface and disappear. Welcome back. This is to slide away under the surface and disappear. Welcome back. This is newsday. To slide away under the surface and disappear. Welcome back. This is newsday. Im to slide away under the surface and disappear. Welcome back. This is newsday. Im sharanjit to slide away under the surface and disappear. Welcome back. This is newsday. Im Sharanjit Leyl to slide away under the surface and disappear. Welcome back. This is newsday. Im Sharanjit Leyl in to slide away under the surface and disappear. Welcome back. This is newsday. Im Sharanjit Leyl in singapore. To slide away under the surface and disappear. Welcome back. This is newsday. Im Sharanjit Leyl in singapore. Im babita sharma, in london. Rex tillerson is in moscow to try to persuade russia to drop its support of Bashar Al Assad. The White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has apologised for remarks that suggested hitler didnt use chemical weapons against his own people. Lets ta ke lets take a look at some of the front pages from Around The World. Starting in singapore with the straits times. The main headline referring to dealing with north korea, but its front page picture is dedicated to the passenger who was violently dragged off the United Airlines flight. We will bring you more on that later in the programme. Financial times world edition also leading with the United Airlines story, that the companys Chief Executive, who has come under fire. And also making the headlines is toshiba and its uncertain future. The paper says the Japanese Industrial Giant has reported a loss of 4. 8 ilium dollars for the First Quarter of the year. And the New York Times tackles brexit. Billion dollars. It asks what might happen to the uk when it leaves the eu and it has a feature about sleep being the new status symbol. The latest research developed to help us get a better nights rest. What are some of the stories prompting discussion online . I think we should continue that discussion about sleep your early mornings and my late nights. This story is trending online. The video that captured Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. They went to north of london where they got a chance to feed bananas to the elephants, especially this one. The seven year old elephant, named donna, who enjoy the favourite treat from their hands. They opened the new centre for elephant care. It has been in the works for almost a decade. Myanmar and china have agreed to open a Pipeline Carrying about 140,000 tons of crude oil. The deal sealed the First Official visit to china by the president of myanmar. After an agreement was reached between the two countries, shipments had been held up because ofan shipments had been held up because of an argument over this. As you can see, the Pipeline Route stretches nearly 800 kilometres across myanmar toa nearly 800 kilometres across myanmar to a chinese province. What does this mean for their relationship Going Forward . Earlier i spoke to someone from the institute, institute for international policy. The majority of imports come through the Straits Of Malacca and the foreign navy say the us navy and the conflict situation could use that Narrow Strait to choke off oil imports to china. This pipeline would supply about 6 of chinas current imports. It would solve the dilemma wouldnt solve the dilemma wouldnt solve the dilemma but they could diversify away from that. How does myanmar fit into chinas ambitious one road, one belt project, where it is aiming to build roads and Infrastructure Projects through 60 countries and linking them with china . Chinas interest in myanmar really proceeds one belt, one road. They gave up power in 2011 and china received a number ofa power in 2011 and china received a number of a global deals in myanmar. The most controversial one was a deal to down a river which has almost a spiritual character in myanmar culture. And then send most of that electricity produced by it back to china. As a result Chinese Investment in myanmar acquired a bad reputation. So this is one of the first steps to really begin to bring online some of those investments that china made during the hunta era, when construction originally began. But it isnt clear that china will welcome a great deal of traditional Chinese Investment. Chinese sees this as a way to get access to them. Myanmar has a lot of leveraged. We know it isntjust an economic relationship but a strategic one as well. There are so many layers to the relationship between china and myanmar. Concerns about myanmar Refugees Spilling into china. China trying to influence of the ethnic clashes. What is it about the ethnic clashes. What is it about the strategic relationship between them . On the side of myanmar, it has been trying to over the last five yea rs been trying to over the last five years bring an end to this ethnic insurgency that has plagued its periphery for the last 70 years. They wanted to bring some of these insurgencies to an end. Some of these ethnic troops are chinese and they receive support from china and ta ke they receive support from china and take shelter within china. And so in myanmar there was an incident recently where one of these organisations used an online Crowdfunding Account and got funding from china. Myanmar wants to help them by shutting down some of these effo rts them by shutting down some of these efforts and help heal some of these relationships. China now has an incentive to do this. While these groups are being supported, they do Support Groups that do. It has taken 48 hours but the boss of United Airlines has finally issued a formal apology to the man who was dragged off a flight in chicago. He also apologised to passengers who were horrified as they watched him being pulled along they watched him being pulled along the floor by his arms. His apology comes the floor by his arms. His apology co m es after the floor by his arms. His apology comes after the compa nys the floor by his arms. His apology comes after the companys Share Price Fell sharply. Oh my god. No a shocking scene a man is dragged from a plane in chicago after he refuses to obey officials who have told him screaming oh my god. Other passengers have apparently left the aircraft when asked because united insisted it needed four seats for crew members. Those onboard watch aghast as the man, named locally as david dao, is forcibly ejected from the plane. Oh my god look at what youre doing to him they drag him out of his seat, banging his head on an armrest, and then pulled him out of the plane, as if he was less than human. In a further twist, the passenger somehow returns to the aircraft looking bewildered, bloody and dazed, as the horrified passengers carry on recording. Tonight he is reported to be in hospital in chicago. 0n social media there has been an outcry as United Airlines is mocked for its fly the Friendly Skies motto. not enough seating . Time for a beating said one particularly pointed tweet. For United Airlines, its a communications catastrophe. The Airline Initially described the passenger as disruptive and belligerent before abruptly changing tone. Tonight, Chief Executive 0scar munoz said as if flying in america wasnt overcrowded and stressful enough, on top of all that it seems you can be dragged from your seat on an overbooked flight. Now the federal Transportation Department is investigating whether united followed the rules on overbooking. For the long suffering flying public, this is a new low. Yeah, i thought it was pretty horrifying, you know. Do you think airlines should be able to drag people off planes . No, no. Not because they were overbooked, thats their issue, not the issue of the passengers who are already seated. Tonight united insisted they did not remove doctor dao because the flight was oversold, rather it was to accommodate four crewmembers needing seats, a distinction which may be lost on many. Performing together with a single united purpose. Slick commercials couldnt stop uniteds shares closing down a little over 1 and the Airline Faces bumpy skies ahead as it tries to ride this one out. Laura trevelyan, bbc news, new york. What the story. Youve been watching newsday. Stay with us. Coming up, we will look at toshiba which is worried about its survival after posting losses of almost 5 billion in its latest results. More on that inafew in its latest results. More on that in a few minutes. And taiwans parliament has approved a bill that approves the killing of cats and dogs for eating. Not long ago. Meat was an option on the menu in taiwan, but most people view them as pets. Anyone who disobeys can be fined and their name made public. Good morning. Cooler, cloudy weather more likely as we head into the easter weekend. Some sunshine around yesterday. Quite warm in the sunshine too. That was the case in wales. Further north it was grey. Threatening skies we had in stirling, scotland. This figure cloudy morne mau than parts of the uk. That is slowly pushing southwards. We have a westerly breeze, which is dragging in cloud across england and wales. Temperatures wont be as low as they we re temperatures wont be as low as they were last night. The rain is further north and that will push slowly south through wednesday. We started with rain in the central belt. Wetter in glasgow than edinburgh. Rainfor wetter in glasgow than edinburgh. Rain for northern ireland. Heavier rain over the hills of cumbria. By nine oclock it will rain in liverpool and manchester. That rain is on liverpool and manchester. That Rain Isona Liverpool and manchester. That rain is on a Weather Front, but as it had southwards its a familiar story. The Weather Front weakens considerably. No rain on it to the south. A couple of showers, but brightness. Early sunshine before it clouds over in the afternoon. Sunny spells following in the north. A few showers around and a cool breeze blowing in scotland. That will take the edge off the numbers. Ten in glasgow, 16 in london. The Weather Front, no rain on it to help the gardens. It clears away. Behind that, for thursday, we are into a cooler north westerly airflow. It could be a chilly start for eastern areas of the uk, especially in the countryside the end. Sunshine in the morning. The tendency for things to cloud over from the west, with gradual Moistening Up of the air to bring us showers. A lot of places will be drierfurther bring us showers. A lot of places will be drier further south and east. Temperatures 10 14 degrees. Some sunshine and a few showers for scotla nd some sunshine and a few showers for scotland on friday. Dry and warmer to the south east. In between, a cloudier zone, where we are more likely to catch showers. That sums up likely to catch showers. That sums up the easter weekend. It wont be a washout by any means. When the sun comes out, as it will go, it will feel warmer. As it will do. On saturday we could have sunshine and showers. We are getting areas of low pressure pushing our way. For easter day it could be more persistent rain across northern parts of the uk and in between the low pressure Easter Monday could bring us something a bit monday could bring us something a bhdw monday could bring us something a bit dry and bright. I leave you with this temperatures comparison. Easter day, 10 50 degrees. Quite a bit cooler than we had on christmas day. Out of story. Washington raises a diplomatic stakes are low in last weeks data attack on a rebel held town in syria. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is in mocks moscow to try to persuade assad is not an ally. The White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has apologised for remarks that suggested hitler did not use chemical weapons against his own people. It was said his words were inappropriate and in sensitive. This video is trending. Icho s Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip on their visit to as do outside of london. They we re to as do outside of london. They were given the chance to feed the elephants and it was clear that Donna The Elephant loves bananas. You are up to date. Stay with us. More from me later. At first, hardtalk

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