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In singapore and london. This is bbc world news. Its newsday. Good morning. Its 7am in singapore, midnight in london and 2am In Moscow where thousands of russians have been taking part in Anti Corruption rallies across the country in defiance of the kremlin. The biggest protests were in the russian capital, where police say 500 people have been detained. They included the Opposition Leader, Alexei Navalny, whod called for the demonstrations. The rallies are the biggest seen in russia for at least five years. From moscow heres our correspondent steve rosenberg. There were moments today when moscow resembled a battlefield. Russian riot police broke up an Anti Government protest, on what was a day of demonstrations across russia. In moscow, they detained more than 500 people. Earlier, police had poured into the city centre, warning that the protest was illegal. Still, thousands of people packed into pushkin square, to accuse the russian government of corruption. The level of corruption is too high in russia right now, and every single citizen understands it. Its hard to live in corruption atmosphere. I have children, grandchildren, and i cant breathe in this. These people have come out to protest against government corruption, but the message which this is sending to the crowd is that fighting corruption is not a priority of the russian authorities. Among those arrested, russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny. He says he intends to run for president next year. Whether he will be allowed to isnt clear. It was Alexei Navalny who had called for todays nationwide protests. People took to the streets in more than 100 towns and cities across russia, in many cases defying bans by the local authorities. These were some of the largest protests russia has seen for several years. President putin still enjoys strong support, but he cant take that for granted. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. Our other top story the british Home Secretary amber rudd has demanded access to encrypted messaging services in terrorism cases. Her comments to the bbc come after it was reported that the man who killed four people in westminster last week was on whatsapp two minutes before he carried out the attack. There should be no place for terrorists to hide. We need to make sure that organisations like whatsapp, and there are plenty of others like that, dont provide a secret place for terrorists to communicate with each other. It used to be that people would stea m it used to be that people would steam open envelopes orjust listen in on phones when they wanted to find out what people were doing, legally, through warren tree, but in this situation we need to make sure oui this situation we need to make sure our Intelligence Services have the ability to get into Services Like encrypted whatsapp. Also making news this hour political deadlock is continuing in Northern Ireland. The Second Biggest Party sinn fein says Current Power sharing talks have run their course and they will not be nominating a Deputy First Minister on monday. But the leader of the biggest party, the dup, accused sinn fein of not wanting to secure an agreement. The Christian Democrat Party of chancellor Angela Merkel have been given a boost ahead of this autumns federal elections in germany by winning the regional vote in the Western State of saarland. Preliminary results suggest theyve taken more than forty percent of the vote, up five points from the previous election. The rival Social Democrats took 29 . In Belarus Police have arrested more demonstrators who demanded to know where Friends And Family were after a major protest on saturday. About 400 people were detained in the first protests which were against a tax on those classed as under employed. The Foreign Ministry said the demonstrations were not peaceful. The us Carrier United Airlines has faced a barrage of criticism on social media after it barred two teenage girls from boarding a flight from denver to twin cities for wearing leggings. A third girl, aged 10, also wearing leggings, was only allowed to board after she put on a dress that was in her backpack. A female member of staff told the girls that they could not proceed while wearing spandex, which the airline deems inappropriate. Is got a big smile on his face, hasnt he . Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel has set up the prospect of a thrilling season for formula i after he easily won the first grand prix of the season in australia. He beat rival Lewis Hamilton by nearly 10 seconds. There have been big changes to the sport this year, including faster cars which are more demanding to drive. The next race is in china. More on that in sport today. More on that in sport today. Hong kongs newly chosen Chief Executive has said it will be her priority to heal the divisions in the semi autonomous chinese territory. Carrie lam was elected by a specially appointed committee of nearly 1,200 people, most of them loyal to beijing. Ms lam had the backing of the Chinese Government in beijing and was widely expected to win. Juliana liu is in hong kong for us. Juliana, i see youre out and about, very much a monday as normal for many hong kongers going out about their business. What has been the reaction so far to ms lams when . Carrie lam is the first women Chief Executive elect in hong kong but that historic fact being overshadowed somewhat by the fact she has become such a polarising figure in the past few days. She was not the peoples choice. She admitted that somewhat in her first press c0 nfe re nce , admitted that somewhat in her first Press Conference, saying she was coming into this role with humility and she would try to mend the divisions in society that she sees. Let me show you how this is being reported in hong kong media. This is one of the top selling chinese dailies in hong kong, its a broadsheet, you can see a large photo splashed across the top with the three candidates, john tsang, who in many Opinion Polls was far more popular than carrie lam, shes in the middle, and the retired judge, and the headlines, carrie lam won 770 votes, the most that have ever been won by any Chief Executive, and her top priority will be to mend ruptures in society. Below that a handy table of the promises she has made in herfirst speech, and also in her platform when she was running for Chief Executive, quite a handy summary of what she has promised. At me show you another newspaper, the oriental daily news, another chinese daily here, and as you can see, big headlines in red and blue, the blue headlines in red and blue, the blue headline roughly translates into what a mess, referring to what she will inherit and what she will try to fix. There she is, carrie lam, and then a large photo, you might be able to recognisejosh were one, the well known activist, clashing with police as he and other activists tried to get into the polling station, the voting venue joshua wong. More photos of the Press Conference. So quite big news in hong kong and she is expected to have another Press Conference later today. Im sure you will keep us up today. Im sure you will keep us up to date with that as well. Juliana liu in hong kong. Thank you. Iraqi forces are intensifying their assault against so called Islamic State as they attempt to drive them out of western mosul. Thousands of people have fled the city in recent weeks and there are conflicting reports about who was responsible for scores of civilian deaths in a single incident last week. The us says its investigating but has stopped short of taking responsibility. With the city still divided between is and the iraqi army, our correspondent 0rla guerin has been to a Field Hospital in the south of mosul. Ii years old, shot in the leg. Behind him, a boy of the same age, hit by a mortar. Brought together in a Field Hospital by acts of war. Uadi and mohammad, children of mosul. Not safe at home, not safe when they flee. The beds are filling up here. Ambulances have been arriving every few minutes. Most of those weve seen being brought in are children. Theyve been injured by air strikes and also by shelling, but the staff here tell us theyve also received a lot of patients whove been shot by is snipers. It is shoot to kill. Isis is not messing around. They dont want people to leave, and they dont care whether its a child, a man or an old woman. Everybody is being shot as they try to escape. People are saying it takes two isis militants to really keep an area under control, and prevent civilians from going anywhere. They want the civilians to stay inside to remain as human shields. Kusei tried to break free with his younger brother, but uday was targeted by an is sniper. This footage, Filmed By Hospital staff, shows the anguish of abdullah. His five year old granddaughter, sara, is in the body bag. Is shot her through the heart. But those who escaped the battlefield are bringing accounts of other innocent civilians. Allegedly killed by their liberators. Victims of bombing raids, by iraqi and coalitionjets. Akram mahmood insists that his brother was one of them. 0n the right, he says that his brother was a truck driver, and not a militant, and his guide all his life. Hamad died on his own doorstep, he tells me. An Air Strike Hit his car. Five men were killed with my brother, says akram. I bury them with my own hands. The slogan from the authorities was were coming to rescue you, to free you from is. In reality, my brother has been killed, and lots of families have been destroyed. And in the camp nearby, the broken and the displaced reach out in desperation. After years of is tyranny, and months of warfare, one more hardship for the people of mosul. 0rla guerin, bbc news, northern iraq. The Australian Governments inquiry into child sexual abuse allegations in the county over the last 35 years is starting its public hearing in sydney. It recently heard allegations against catholic and Anglican Churches and identified thousands of perpetrators. The record of some of australias leading Sports Organisations will also be examined. Lets get more from hywel griffith, who is there in sydney for us. Hywel, bring us an idea of what this public hearing will be all about today. Well, this will be the final public hearing after some four years of work. Theyve heard over the course of that from victims of abuse from many different sectors of life, a large concentration on allegations of abuse against the Catholic Church with some 4000 or more victims coming forward to say they were subjected to abuse. Likewise, the Anglican Church has been under the spotlight, more than 1000 allegations against the Anglican Church in australia. But as you said, its gone much wider than that, its looked at sporting organisations, swimming, cricket, football, as well as schools and the ca re football, as well as schools and the care sector so this has really been very comprehensive, the idea of the final week of hearings is to tie those threads together and look to see what, if anything, unites them and thats when you strike on some key and possibly difficult issues. What are the allegations that will be heard in this public hearing today . As i said, it brings together all those different strands, so they will want to look at what impact it has on the victims long term. They will be hearing from a specialist i understand who talks about the physical impact on the brain and Development Impact on a child if they are abused in their early yea rs. They are abused in their early years. Also they will look at the potential issue of mandatory reporting if abuse happens and when thats mentioned to someone, what duty of care someone has in a public organisation, be them a teacher, sports coach, the couple priest, what duty of care they have in order to present those allegations to authorities vicar or priest. Thats been one of the things thats come up in the last four years of work, all too often the allegation abuse wasnt passed on in a timely way. Thats why tragically later decades. The final hearing today, what happens after that . This goes on for the week. We understand this will be the final public hearing and then there will be six months for then there will be six months for the commissioners to write their report and recommendations to be presented by the end of the year. That then gets handed over to the Australian Government to decide what we do what to do with it but we know what they want, that issue of mandatory reporting, the other on compensation for victims. Theyve already started work on some kind of Redress Scheme that will label some people who have been keeping this locked up inside them for many years to be given some form of financial compensation will enable. To be given some form of financial compensation will enable. Hywel griffith, thank you from sydney. Youre watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme a Teenage Bloggerfrom Singapore jailed twice for posting political and religious criticism online is granted asylum in the United States. Also on the programme the Bangladeshi Army shoots two suspected islamist militants holed up in an Apartment Block since friday. Let there be no more war or bloodshed between arabs and israelis. So proud of both of you. With great regret the committee have decided that south africa be excluded from the 1970 competition. Streaking across the sky, the white hot wreckage from Mir Drew Gasps from onlookers in fiji. This is newsday on the bbc. Im Sharanjit Leyl in singapore. Im Babita Sharma in london. Our top stories there have been clashes and hundreds of arrests in russia, as the countrys biggest protests in years broke out across the country. Beijings favourite candidate, carrie lam, has become hong kongs new leader. Pro democracy activists have denounced the poll as a sham. Australia is bracing for the worst cyclone in the countrys north east in several years. Cyclone debbie has been forming off the coast of queensland state. More on that story at bbc. Com news. A Teenage Bloggerfrom Singapore who was jailed twice for posting political and religious criticism online has been granted asylum in the United States. Amos yee was also accused of insulting singapores deeply respected former Prime Minister lee kuan yew, when he posted a video online two years ago comparing mr lee tojesus christ. Mr yee has been detained in the us since he arrived last december. On friday, an immigrationjudge ruled in his favour. Yee is now expected to be released shortly. The law firm which represented him praised the judges decision. Amos yees lawyer, sandra grossman, spoke to us from bethesda, maryland, and told us about his reaction to the ruling. 0bviously he was pleased with the decision. He has been detained now in the United States for longer than he was in singapore, awaiting the outcome of this decision. So he is definitely ready to have his freedom back again. Now, we have heard an angry reaction from the singapore government. They say singapore takes a very different approach from the us. They insist that he was arrested in singapore not for his political beliefs, but for religious hate speech, which is a crime here. What has been your reaction to that . Well, let me just say first of all that i didnt represent amos yee, and im not here because i can dont hate speech. I took this case pro bono at the request of human rights foundation, a very Reputable Organisation in new york, because this case was not about hate speech. And in fact, the immigrationjudge found, raced on the evidence, that amos yee was prosecuted in Singapore Asa Amos Yee was prosecuted in singapore as a pretext, under laws of general applicability, in this case wounding religious feelings. But the real goal of those laws were to silence his very critical dissent. And if you look at singapores track record, this is the Modus Operandi of the government. Now, the us government, though, the department of homeland security, they say amos yees case did not qualify as persecution based on political beliefs, and they have got about 30 days to appeal this decision for political asylum, granting him political asylum, granting him political asylum. So what is next for amos yee . Well, let me just say that we have obviously different branches of government here, as in different countries. We have the judiciary, we have the legislative branch, and of course we have the department of homeland security. And each branch has its role. And so the government of the United States argued, and correctly so, that governments have the right to prosecute their own citizens. Nevertheless, these prosecutions turned into persecution when the laws are applied in a disc a military way, and when the laws in and of themselves violate peoples basic human right is discriminatory. In this case the right to express yourself freely. So the government took that position, they have every right to do so, but obviously the immigration judge, acting independently and based on the law, disagreed with them. Now, the law, disagreed with them. Now, the government has 30 days in which they can file an appeal. I do not have any information at this point to say whether they will or not. Right, and briefly, sandra, do you think this is going to affect Us Singapore Relations . You know, the Asylu M Singapore relations . You know, the asylum laws are meant to protect individuals around the world. This isa individuals around the world. This is a very specific case. I would also like to note that obtaining asylu m also like to note that obtaining asylum in the United States is a very difficult proposition. Amos has beenin very difficult proposition. Amos has been injailfor more than 100 days. His hearing was contested. So, you know, singapore issued this statement about how this is going to kind of open the floodgates. I really dont think so. This is a very specific case. The Bangladeshi Army says troops have shot dead two suspected islamist militants holed up in an Apartment Block since friday. A senior Military Official said more militants could still be in the five storey building, which is in the North Eastern city of sylhet. At least six people were killed on saturday in two bombings close to the block. Akbar hossain is in sylhet. This is believed to be the biggest anti terror raid in bangladesh in recent yea rs. Anti terror raid in bangladesh in recent years. Commanders are fighting against islamist militants. Security Officials Say that they we re security Officials Say that they were on the lookout for this militant hideout for the last few months. Six people, including two police officers, were killed in last nights explosion targeting security forces. The so called Islamic State said it carried out the attack. The whole area has been cordoned off to avoid further casualties. Translation we couldnt sleep for the last two nights, as powerful explosions rocked the whole area. 0ur Explosions rocked the whole area. Our children are very scared. We cannot move out of our homes. We never thought that we were living beside a militant then. Never thought that we were living beside a militant thenlj never thought that we were living beside a militant then. I am standing 300m away from the house where suspected islamic militants are holding up a strong position, for the last 72 hours. Bangladeshs security forces, including army commanders, who joined the anti terror operation. They are urging the militants to surrender, but the militants are responding with sustained gunshots and explosions. Bangladesh is facing the threat of Islamist Militancy or the last few yea rs. Islamist militancy or the last few years. More than 35 islamist militants have been killed in anti terror operations conducted by the security forces. But this time, this is not going to be an easy victory for the security forces. Army commanders have rescued 78 civilians from the house, but the operation is not over yet. Translation two militants are with them. We think there are more inside the building. We will continue our operation. Many Security Analysts believe that bangladeshi islamist militants have a strong connection with the so called Islamic State. But the Bangladesh Government says that they are all home grown. If it is proved that islamic extremists are responsible for the recent handful of suicide bombings, then it marks a new phase in bangladeshs fight against militancy. You have been watching newsday. Stay with us. We will hear from a couple of experts on what to look for when collecting art, if only i had the money and, before we go, four white tiger have been born in a zoo in the central poland, on the first day of spring. These are the unusual white cubs, two females and two males. The mum, safran, and her five day old cubs are doing well. White tigers are extremely rare, and owe their appearance to a recessive gene. Thats all for now. Stay with bbc world news. Hello again. It is not often that we get the best of the weather over the weekend, but that seems to be the case this time around. 0n weekend, but that seems to be the case this time around. On sunday, we had a temperature of 20 degrees in Highland Scotland, aviemore, for example. But for many of us on sunday, the skies were not quite as blue. We had some high cloud contaminating things. There is some cloud coming up from nearby fronts, but we are also filling in the north sea with low cloud, and it is that thatis sea with low cloud, and it is that that is heading our way right now, particularly into parts of Northern England, down into the midlands and wales. Still got the High Pressure in charge at the moment, and it is going to be pretty chilly, despite a bit more cloud. Temperature is a bit lower across the southern half of the uk, where that stronger wind has now finally relented. Any frost in the north will tend to live fairly quickly, i think across mainland scotland. 0ne quickly, i think across mainland scotland. One or two mist and fog patches perhaps, but the sunshine coming through. A little bit cloud by morning paps were Northern Ireland and change the england and wales where we will start of a bit rate, misty and murky across the likes of north east england, perhaps into the midlands and east wales. This is the main area of low cloud is betting on from the north sea. South of that, the odd patch of mist or low cloud but some sunshine as well, and most of us will see the sunshine burning through that cloud. It does take a while, though, where it has moved in the north sea and the odd patch may linger through into the afternoon, especially across the north east of england and south east scotland. So here that low cloud will take back the temperatures. 0therwise, with some sunshine, the numbers are similar to what we had on sunday. Highs in Highland Scotland and this time in the south east of england, where we dont have that cold, easterly winds. 0ver dont have that cold, easterly winds. Over the week ahead, though, we are going to find more cloud arriving with a chance of some rain, especially in the north and west of the uk. At southerly winds, mind you, so still decent temperatures by day, and it wont be as at night, either. But the High Pressure is streaking away into the near continent. In that there is a massive area of low pressure out in the atlantic, and that will dominate our weather, to bring with it showers or longer spells of rain. And the first signs of rain, really, arrive on tuesday. A bit of a dull start ahead of the showers moving into the south west. Wales, Northern Ireland, led the midlands, Northern England and eventually southern scotland. North east scotland still rather grey and cool with the onshore breeze. Maybe one or two showers in the south east and east anglia but some sunshine here as well, and this is where we will see the highest temperatures, and many places will be dry. And it could be that way again on wednesday. Weather fronts coming in around that area of low pressure threatened to bring more organised ran into the western side of the uk but ahead of it, still largely dry and warm in the south east. Im Babita Sharma with bbc world news. Our top story russia has seen some of its biggest protests in years with scuffles and hundreds of arrests. Thousands of russians took part in Anti Corruption rallies in defiance of the kremlin. The biggest protests were in moscow, where police say 500 people have been detained. Bejings favourite candidate, carrie lam, has become hong kongs new leader. But pro democracy activists are angry over how the poll was conducted, denouncing it as a sham. And this video is trending on bbc. Com. It was a very warm and energetic welcome for the chinese premier in new zealand, marking the 45th year of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Thats all from me now. Stay with bbc world news. Now its time for reporters

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