Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20170320 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Newsday 20170320

singapore and beijing, and 8pm in florida, me president trump has florida, where president trump has told reporters that the north korean leader was acting very very badly. the reason for his irritation? well, the latest news from pyongyang were kim jong—un was pictured celebrating what he said was a successful rocket engine test. the us secretary of state rex tillerson, who was in beijing at the time, said tensions on the korean peninsula:- beijing at the time, said tensions on the korean peninsula: had ! beijing at the time, said tensions on the korean peninsula: had reached on the korean peninsular had reached a dangerous level. our china editor carrie gracie has this report. the smiles were somewhat strained met america's top diplomat. they had intended to steady anxieties about where us—china relations are headed. but as these players posed for the cameras, they were upstaged by another. test of a new rocket engine for its space and satellite programme. no wonder he declared a victory. rockets can be repurposed. to reach the united states. mr tillerson was in asia to warn that us patience is at an end, asking china to do more to persuade its north korean ally to give up its arsenal. china is in a bind. it's frustrated by north korea's recklessness and anxious but it's also sceptical about whether more economic pressure would force north korea to renounce nuclear weapons. and it's suspicious of american intentions in the region. china wants fewer americans in asia, not more. but to meet the threat from pyongyang, us troops are on exercise in south korea. and the us is deploying a new anti—missile system there. so, kim jong—un stole the headlines as the big powers failed again to agree on how to stop him. his rocket test, a calculated message of defiance to both the us and his next—door neighbour china. carrie gracie, bbc news, beijing. our other top stories this hour: all eyes will be on the house of representatives— eyes will be on the house of representatives in washington on monday as the intelligence committee will hold an open session with the fbi directorjames komi and admiral michael rogers, the director of the national security - both michael rogers, the director of the national security- both men national security agency. both men are expected to give evidence over whether russia interfered in the us election. a democrat member of the committee said he - there was committee said he believed there was enough circumstantial evidence but the head of the panel has told us media he has seen no evidence of collusion. are give you a very simple answer, no. know evidence of any collusion? no evidence. this is after talking to the fbi? everything i have up until this morning, there is no evidence of collusion. we will follow that open session closely and bring you the latest on bbc world news. also making news this hour, malaysia and police say more north korean picked it to be national sites picked it to be arrested in connection with the arrested in connection wig; $2! ‘of arrested in connection witb tbs! ‘of-jong—nam. the murder of kim jong—nam. the estranged half brother of the north estra ng ed halfab tome raoftbenotha! korean if: : ”iii: “56 a five weeks ago at kuala killed five wegksfaba athualaffrzsf . . lumpur filipino president rodrigo duterte a has welcomed an impeachment filed against him and the of facing the possibility of facing the international criminal court regarding alleged extrajudicial killings. he is picking at the weekend ahead i official visits to weekend ahead of official visiggi iff'éj three days myanmar and thailand, three days after opposition lawmakers myanmar and thailand, three days after oppositii charges against s! the prime minister shinzo abe has - the eu the prime minister shinzo abe has. the eu and the prime minister shinzo abe has - the eu and japan should abe has said the eu and japan should soon reach an economic deal and stressed—j soon reach an economic deal and stressed the importance of free trade to his country. mr abe was opening a technology fair in hanover the german chancellor alongside the german chancellor angela merkel. now, the result was announced on the international space station, the $1 now, the result was announced on the interna globalipace station, the $1 now, the result was announced on the interna globalipace st‘ prize the $1 now, the result was announced on the interna globalipace st‘ prize the it million global teacher prize and it has been won by a canadian teacher from i school in the arctic that can from a school in the arctic that can only be reached by air. here she is, thrilled with her announcement, maggie i‘i‘iacdiir'iz-tlfit thrilled with her announcement, maggie macdonald was praised with changing her students' lives and transforming her community. she like skill programmes for land kill programmes for land created rammes for land created a mmes for land created a fitness for students and created a fitness centre and a immunity kitchen —— life skill. —— community kitchen. as we've been hearing, us secretary of state rex tillerson has ended his first trip to asia after meeting xi jingping, the chinese president, but the visit was overshadowed by north korea and the rocket tests. president trump has already accused kim jong—un of acting very badly and said that china was not doing enough to help. i asked our china correspondent in beijing, stephen mcdonald, whether mr tillerson's correspondent in beijing, stephen mcd to ild, whether mr tillerson's correspondent in beijing, stephen mcd to the whether mr tillerson's correspondent in beijing, stephen mcd to the capital r mr tillerson's correspondent in beijing, stephen mcd to the capital had ‘ tillerson's correspondent in beijing, stephen mcd to the capital had changed |‘s visit to the capital had changed anything. well, you know, ithink well, you know, i think the chinese government would probably agree at the moment that north "ass isi the moment that north korea is acting very - north korea is acting very badly. north korea is supposed to be some sort of an allied to and supposed to be some sort of an allied to - and on the very allied to china and on the very morning that president xi jingping is meeting with the us secretary of state, rex tillerson, inside the state, rex tillersfinflnsidethe state, rex tillereenflneidethe the people in beijing, great hall of the people in beijing, north korea comes out and says we've just tested a new engine for missiles. that's obviously from pyongyang a bit of a slap in the to beijing and relations... face to beijing and relations... do seem to be going a bit relations do seem to be going a bit downhill of late between china and north korea. you know, donald trump has accused china of not doing enough with north korea, but this sort of behaviour from north korea would think is indicating that you would think is indicating that it shows the limits of their influence there. as to whether these influence there. astowhetherthesej two will influence there. asrtewhetherrthesej two will come to some sort of breakthrough deal or anything like brea kthroughdealnrfanythingzlike: that, there's no indication of that publicly. these meetings are kind of a show really. however, on the sidelines, imagine the officials who set these meetings up, they're having their own little discussions on this and that and maybe there are things were fit privy to discussions things were not privy to discussions that have been had between officials from washington and beijing regarding the way forward for north korea. maybe they are there but certainly nothing's been announced that would give us any indication that would give us any indication that there is such a process under way, not officially at least. stephen, you mentioned these kind of fisstfiss stephen, you mentioned these kind of ’:l’§’ are stephen, you mentioned these kind of :22f:§: are a show stephen, you mentioned these kind of jeefjsj are a show and even though meetings are a show and even though china and the united states have their differences, you have xijingping having their differences, you have xi jingping having warm the us secretary of state? words the us secretary of state? yeah. china, they have a pretty thick—skinned, it's amazing the capacity... president donald trump, he belittles china on these of his secretary of state's rival in beijing. publicly it's like water offa beijing. publicly it's like water off a duck‘s back i the chinese off a duck‘s back for the chinese government, theyjust think off a duck‘s back for the chinese government, they just think they have to get on with things. in one way they - this tweeting as sort way they see this tweeting as sort of playing to his home audience. goodness knows, they do the same thing with their own propaganda! but you have to think they're not too happy about that but you're right, the meetings take place, i place, the meetingstake placeritplacer is all smiles. one thing they are it is all smiles. one thind thev are = clear on is they think it is a both clear on is they think it is a dangerous development situation on the peninsula and dangerous development situation on the - peninsula and they need the korean peninsula and they need to co—operate to prevent conflict the korean peninsula and they need to co- briefly, to prevent conflict the korean peninsula and they need to co- briefly, before ant conflict the korean peninsula and they need to co- briefly, before we conflict the korean peninsula and they need to co- briefly, before we let flict the korean peninsula and they need to co- briefly, before we let you there-m- stephen, is there any certainty go, stephen, is there any certainty now between this planned summit between president trump and president xijingping between president trump and president xi jingping in april?|j don't president xi jingping in april?” don't know about the exact dates but it's definitely going ahead because i think president xi jingping wouldn't have spoken 5&5ch it i think president xi jingping wouldn't have spoken £5]; it and wouldn't have spoken about it and rex tillerson wouldn't have said... his little comment at the beginning of one of those meetings was president trump looks paul forward to meeting you in the coming... i forget his exact turn of phrase but it shows that this trump and president xi preeideflttm‘mp endfpreeident'x'r will go ahead. televised leader debates, they get a lot of attention part in the third and final tv debate to become the new chief executive of hong kong. activists have also organised an unofficial public referendum with a week to go before the real referendum. juliana liu. how did they , how did m do ! how did m do last night, giuliana? well, good morning, babita. you're right, last night was the last three televised debates between the contenders and it was significant because it was the only one organised by the people casting the sunday. it took the ballots next sunday. it took about two and a half hours in the convention centre near the i about two and a half hours in the caninn centre near the airport convention centre near the airport and the exchanges were quite tense and the exchanges were quite tense and testy at times. the subject really ranged from democratic to even the development to even the tiananmen square crackdown in 1989. let me § rte— square crackdown in 1989. let me see you a sense of how this has give you a sense efhawthis—hae give you a sense sfhawthis—has covered give you a sense ofhowthis—has covered locally, the south been covered locally, the south china morning post headline you can see, poll front runners dodge the june the fourth issue in bruising debate. they mix sarcasm, - and debate. they mix sarcasm, humour and outright attack as they trade blows.

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Hello , Babita Sharma In London , Runners , Vision , Z , Hong Kong , Leadership Vote Clash , One , Nearfatal Accident Ii Wright , Owen Wright , Comeback , F , Us , Words , Studios , World , Accident , Servers , Nearfatal Accident , Story , Singapore , Nearfatal Accident Ii Wright Amazing Comeback , London , Bbc News , Newsday , 8 , Donald Trump , North Korea , Florida , Beijing , President Trump , Leader , Reporters , Rex Tillerson , Secretary Of State , Kim Jong Un , Rocket Engine Test , News , Irritation , Reason , Pyongyang , China , Korean Peninsula , Smiles , Tensions , Carrie Gracie , Report , Korean Peninsular , Level , Relations , Test , Anxieties , Rocket Engine , Players , Diplomat , Cameras , Another , Rockets , Satellite Programme , Space , Victory , Wonder , Repurposed , Ally , Patience , Asia , Pressure , Bind , Recklessness , Arsenal , Intentions , Americans , Threat , Weapons , Region , Troops , Headlines , South Korea , Exercise , System , Powers , Rocket Test , Defiance , Neighbour , Message , Eyes , Session , Stories , Intelligence Committee , House Of Representatives , Washington , On Monday , Evidence , Michael Rogers , Committee , Security , Russia , Member , Men , Election , Fbi , Democrat , Directorjames Komi , National Security Agency , Collusion , Panel , Head , Media , Answer , Everything , Bbc World News , Malaysia , Rodrigo Duterte A , Connection , Half , Connection Wig , Sites , Police , Murder , Brother , Jong Nam , Ed Halfab , Tbs , Connection Witb , Tome Raoftbenotha , Estra Ng , Korean If Iii , Lumpur Filipino , 2 , 56 , Five , , Visits , Official , Killings , Possibility , Impeachment , International Criminal Court , Shinzo Abe , Deal , Has , Prime Minister , Eu , Charges , Importance , Free Trade , Country , Opposition Lawmakers , Thailand , Myanmar , Japan , Visiggi Iff à J , Three , Result , Chancellor , Space Station , Interna Globalipace Station , German , Angela Merkel , Technology Fair In Hanover , 1 , Maggie I Iacdiir Iz Tlfit , It , Students , Teacher , Announcement , Arctic , School , Prize , Air , Interna Globalipace St , Maggie Macdonald , Canadian , Community , Land , Fitness Centre , Skill Programmes , Fitness , Immunity Kitchen , Life Skill , Community Kitchen , Lives , Mmes , Hearing , Rammes For Land , Land Kill Programmes , President Xi Jingping , Meeting , Visit , Rocket Tests , Trip , Stephen Mcdonald , Capital , Anything , Correspondent , Stephen Mcd , Stephen Mcd To Ild , Sort , Government , Morning , Allied , Ass , Ithink Well , Bit , People , State , Rex Tillersfinflnsidethe State , Engine , In Beijing , Rex Tillereenflneidethe , Missiles , Great Hall Of The People , To Beijing , Slap , Influence , Indication , Limits , Behaviour , Breakthrough Deal , Asrtewhetherrthesej Two , Astowhetherthesej Two , Brea Kthroughdealnrfanythingzlike , Two , Meetings , Kind , Officials , Show , Sidelines , Meetings Up , Way , Discussions , Nothing , Things , Differences , Show Stephen , Process , Are Stephen , Fisstfiss Stephen , Jeefjsj , L  , 22 , President , Capacity , Rival , Thing , Tweeting , Duck , Playing , Home Audience , Goodness , Water Offa Beijing , Water , Back , Theyjust , Development , Place , Propaganda , Meetingstake Placeritplacer , Thind Thev , Ant Conflict , Trump , Situation , Co Briefly , Peninsula , Certainty , There M Stephen , Certainty Go , Summit , Jingping Wouldn T , Comment , Wouldn , Beginning , J Don T , Wouldn T Have , Xijingping ,  5 , 5 , Turn , Coming , Phrase , Xi Preeideflttm Mp Endfpreeident X R , Leader Debates , Referendum , Tv Debate , Lot , Chief Executive , Part , Attention , Activists , Last Night , Debates , Juliana Liu , Giuliana , Convention Centre , Ballots , Contenders , Sunday , Exchanges , Airport , Crackdown , Democratic , Subject , Caninn Centre , Times , Airport Convention Centre , Tiananmen Square , Sense , Sfhawthis , Debate , South , Issue , Give , Rte Square Crackdown , South China Morning Post , Sense Ofhowthis , Efhawthis , 1989 , Claims , Everyone , Election Campaign , Hea D , In Singapore , Rico Hizon , Claims A Rocket Technology Milestone , Sarcasm , Attack , Humour , 7 ,

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