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Its newsday. Welcome to newsday. Its 9am in singapore, iam in london and 10am in seoul where the ousted south Korean Leader Park Geun Hye has vowed that the truth will out after leaving office Days Afterjudges upheld a Parliament Decision to impeach her. Massive crowds gathered to see ms park finally leave the president s official residence, the blue house. Her departure means she no longer has president ial immunity from prosecution and criminal charges may well follow. Earlier i spoke to our correspondent in seoul steve evans and he described former president parks first public appearance since leaving the president ial palace. There was certainly no sense of contrition or of a broken woman or anything like that. She had a broad, broad smile, she was waving to her supporters from the back of the black limo when she arrived at her private residence. That statement, which was delivered not by her but as a statement that the truth will out, indicates that she does not except that she did anything wrong. She did say sorry but it was sorry that she had not completed herfull time in office. There is a sense of contrition, there was a sense that she will defy the court and she will defy the prosecutors. Will she be prosecuted 7 we do not know but there has to be that presumption because all the other people, 30 people all told, have now been charged with alleged corruption so she is the woman at the centre of the alleged scandal and there must be a presumption that the prosecutor will come after her as well. Do we know what happens next . We now there will be a president ial election in two months. Can you tell us little about the front runners and how they intend to fix all these problems that south koreas facing, not just the political strife but youve got north korean missiles, youve also got a spat with china . Front runners are not clear at the moment. The Centre Left Democratic party is presumed to be about to choose a gentleman called moonjae in. All the polls indicate a move to the left. If there were a left of centre government, there would be a change of policy, a change of attitude, towards north korea certainly. Much more cooporative. There would be more scepticism about the us. More unease about the us presence here. A lot of unease about the presence of the us anti missile Missile Battery on this soil, which was deployed or started to be deployed last week. There would be a big change in policy and attitude here. Park geun hyes potential successor could delay deployment of a us Missile Defence system known as thaad. The move, intended to counter pyongyangs missile capabilities, has enraged china. I asked the bbcs beijing correspondent Stephen Mcdonell how china is reacting. It is amazing how the Communist Party in china can just switch on anti south korean sentiment here, using its Total Control of the media. Ill give you an example, a large cruise ship docked atjeju island, this is a south korean island, and reportedly 3,400 chinese passengers refused to get off as a protest measure. I was monitoring chinese social media over the weekend and it is full of anti south korea sentiment. The government here has already found excuses to kick out various lotte. Lotte is a south korean company. Various Lotte Outlets out of china. Theyre say its got nothing to do with the deployment of thaad. But i dont think many people would see it that way. It is reminiscent of the dispute with japan over the East China Sea when we saw huge demonstrations here outside the japanese embassy. It will be interesting to see if it comes to that, if the Chinese Government allows these anti south korean sentiment to keepjust keep bubbling along but certainly at the moment that is the direction it is heading in. Also making news today Chinas Supreme Court says one of its biggest achievements last year was imprisoning rights activists. In a report presented by the countrys chiefjustice, zhou qiang boasted of the severe penalties given to those he believed had endangered state security. Rescue operations are continuing at a Landfill Site on the outskirts of the ethiopian capital, addis ababa, where nearly 50 people were killed by a landslide. Dozens of makeshift homes were buried under the debris and residents have blamed the disaster on a decision to resume dumping at the site several months ago. A group of british mps are warning that the government has not sufficiently planned for what would happen if it cant reach a deal with the European Union once it leaves. When brexit is triggered, ministers have two years to negotiate a new relationship. Strong winds have forced the cancellation of a Cycling Event in cape town. This Amateur Footage shows cyclists struggling to hold onto their lightweight bikes. Organisers called off the race amid concerns about fires in the region. The annual event attracts Tens Of Thousands of competitors from around the world. Iraqi Government Forces say they are making further advances against Islamic State militants in mosul and have now recaptured around a third of the west of the city. About 600,000 civilians are thought to be trapped in the area still held by extremists. 0ur correspondent 0rla guerin and cameraman nico hameon have been travelling with the iraqi forces. You may find parts of their report distressing. Explosions a rare glimpse of western mosul. Explosions urban warfare on a momentous scale. Caught below, Hundreds Of Thousands of civilians. This is the place where is proclaimed its caliphate. Here it was born, and here, iraqi forces say, it will die. 0n the ground, they are advancing, but struggling to hold what they capture. They pound is positions. Then frantic gunfire towards the threat overhead. An is drone, maybe carrying explosives. They manage to shoot it down. Well, this is as far as we can go for now. As you can hear, theres a lot of gunfire in the area. There are snipers in position on this street. We have cover here so we wont be moving from this position, but within the last half an hour or so weve heard three car bombs going off in the distance. Weve also had a lot of incoming mortarfire. You can hear now the sounds of battle. The is fighters that are in this area are putting up fierce resistance. Then the conflict came a bit closer. Troops using every weapon, even home made rockets. Then the rush to retrieve a casualty. We cant say how many have paid with their lives, iraqi forces dont reveal their losses. You may have endured more than mr nab cup. Is put an Anti Aircraft Gun near his house. And the airstrike targeting the extremists brought the roof down on his family an airstrike. Translation three of my daughters are dead. They buried my heart. My daughters were under the concrete of the house. They didnt let me see them before they were buried. As well as losing his daughter, and his home, he lost his leg. He prays god will destroy is, as they have destroyed iraq. 0rla guerin, bbc news, western mosul. Turkeys president has called for International Sanctions against the dutch government after it barred two of his ministers from making political speeches in rotterdam. Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the netherlands as a banana republic. The dutch Prime Minister responded by saying that his country would not be blackmailed. Sarah corker has the latest. For a second day there was tight security and angry protests. Pro government supporters gathered outside the dutch consulate in istanbul. The escalating dispute between turkey and the netherlands hit a new low after two turkish ministers were barred from Making Speeches in rotterdam. And just today after likening the dutch to nazi fascists, there were more harsh words from recep Tayyip Erdogan. Translation the netherlands is nothing like an eu country. It is acting like a banana republic. The world has witnessed how those who have elected turkey on human rights, rule of law and the macro see are farfrom rule of law and the macro see are far from those values. What they did isa far from those values. What they did is a scandal. Riot police and water cannon were used in rotterdam to disperse hundreds of demonstrators on saturday. The protest turned violent after the turkish Family Minister was expelled from the country by dutch authorities. G was in the city trying to raise support amongst expat voters ahead of a referendum on expanding turkish president ial powers she was. Translation in holland, holland as a country that speaks of freedom and democracy, we were faced with very rough and hard treatment. Its very ugly europeans who talk about womens rights and talk about how we should treat women in turkey. The dutch government said Referendum Rallies would stop tensions just days before the general there. And the dutch Prime Minister wants an apology spoke. The dutch Prime Minister wants an apology spoke. Some turkish politicians are talking about nazis and fascism. This country, as the mayor pointed out yesterday, was bombed during the Second World War by the nazis. Its totally unacceptable by the nazis. Its totally u na cce pta ble to by the nazis. Its totally unacceptable to talk in this way. But what he got was a repeat of the comments, this time by the Turkish Foreign minister. Barred from speaking in rotterdam, at a rally in france he called the netherlands the capital of fascism, a speech that will do nothing to calm this increasingly bitter and unprecedented diplomatic row. Sarah corker, bbc news. Youre watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme trouble in paradise. The president of palau tells us that Climate Change has become a real danger for his country. The numbers of dead and wounded defied belief. This the worst terrorist atrocity on european soil in modern times. In less than 2a hours then the soviet union lost an elderly sick leader and replaced him with a dynamic figure 20 years his junior. We heard these gunshots in the gym. Then he came out through a fire exit and started firing in our huts. God, we were all petrified. James earl ray, aged 41, sentenced to 99 years and due for parole when hes 90, travelled from memphis jail to nashville prison in an eight car convoy. Paul, whats it feel like to be married at last . It feels fine, thank you. What are you going to do now . Is it going to change your life much do you think . I dont know really. Ive never been married before. Im in singapore. Welcome back. And im in london. Our top stories the ousted former president of south korea, Park Geun Hye, has finally left her official residence, saying the truth will emerge in time. Iraqi forces have made more gains in west mosul, but fierce fighting is threatening the citys civilian population. Members of pakistans small Hindu Community celebrate holi, the festival of colours, one of the most fun filled of hindu festivals. The festivals is held to welcome spring. That story is popular on bbc. Com across asia. Lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. The Straits Times here in singapore leads with a report that more women are participating in the workforce. It says that its a result of new systems that help balance family commitments with career aspirations. The japan times reports on the big regional story from south korea ,where politicians want to ensure that the country never again sees a leader like Park Geun Hye, ousted from office over a corruption scandal. But they are divided over whether this will require a major rewrite of the countrys constitution. And the china daily has a front page story on the success of increasing the number of pandas in the country. The newspaper says that as the total of captive pandas reaches 500, emphasis will now be put on developing the quality of the stock. Now, what stories are sparking discussions on line . Its football thats got the attention of people on line. Kazuyoshi miura ofjapan has become the oldest professional Football Player to score a competitive goal. Miura achieved the record by scoring the only goal in yokohamas i 0 victory over Thespa Kusatsu in japans second division. Hes 50 years and 14 days old. The record was last set in 1965 by stanley matthews, who scored his last professional goal at the age of 50 years and five days. The Republic Of Palau is a Small Island Nation of roughly 22,000 people, and a popular Tourist Destination in micronesia. Its also vulnerable to Climate Change. Rising sea levels and Coral Bleaching are among the problems in palau. The countrys president told me just how concerned people are on the islands. Very vulnerable. In fact, we are experiencing right now, at the moment, the effects of sea level rise. The saltwater is seeping up to the agricultural farmland and low lying atolls, and we are experiencing Coral Bleaching, turning all the corals in our reefs to white, and therefore affecting fish population. But what do you have to say to Climate Change deniers . The fact is President Trump and many of his top aides have expressed scepticism about Climate Change. We want to believe that we have gone over that kind of debate. Especially for us, we live on the frontline. It is no longer a debate for us, it is a reality. It is a challenge. It is a tragic, unresolved situation. And the more we deny about it, the more we dont do something about it, you are talking about the survival of civilisations out there in paradise and throughout the world. So all we are saying is, lets listen to science. Lets not put the political aspect or the economic considerations only. You say you are worried about Climate Change, but a recent Asian Development bank report suggests that there are huge infrastructure and environmental challenges brought on by the booming Tourism Industry there. So are you sort of making this is it somewhat self inflicted, to some extent . Sustainability and balancing development and conservation is at the heart of what we all do. So tourism and conservation actually go hand in hand. People are going to come because you are conserving a good thing. They wont come if everything is destroyed. The Asian Development bank report is actually reminding us all, notjust palau, but the Paradise Islands of the pacific, that you cant stress things. You have to plan for growth. And you have seen a huge influx of tourists, and tourism revenue, as well, is vital to your economy. So how do you balance that need for your revenue, as well as protecting the environment . So palau is probably the only country in the pacific that has had to actually stop our charter flights coming to palau. We consciously lessened the number of flights coming in, bringing tourists. To how many . We cut it by 50 of those flights carrying package tourists, mainly from the hong kong area. Tommy remengesau, president of the Republic Of Palau, speaking to me. And, babita, were staying with the environment and the prevention of forest fires. Yes, shara njit, its an important issue. You may remember the huge land fires of 2015 in indonesia when more than 20,000 Square Kilometres of forest was burnt. Since then, theres been pressure to stop the burning and the pollution it causes happening again. Spearheading the effort is one firefighter who saved a small island of lush green trees. Now hes teaching others in attempt to stop the annual haze across southeast asia. Endang nurdin went to meet him. Every year, during the dry season, the ancient forest burns, the fires often deliberately started to clear plantations, sending a heavy haze across the region. The 2015 fires were the worst in decades, and this A Forest Island in a sea of ash. Translation because we have a fire defence mechanism, we use bore wells as a source of water to fight the fight fires, and to flood the edge of the forest. Januminro bunsals Team Dug Bore wells 20 metres deep throughout the forest, keeping the land wet. He also created a Firefighting Team to put out the hotspots. Translation we cant wait for outside firefighters teams. It is only through the work of this Rapid Response local team that we can put out the forest fire. If you dont act fast, the fires can burn for months. Peat land fires are some of the worlds hardest fires to put out, and catching them early is vital. Now, villages know to report any hotspots quickly. Siti neneng lost her 22 year old daughter during the fires, from haze related problems. Before, she said they felt helpless. Translation the bore wells, they were not there before. We tried to use buckets to put out fires in the past, but it is useless. 1,000 miles away, on the island of sumatra, the fires this year have already started. Januminro is here to teach this community, hopefully, to stop the fires from spreading. Now, there was an extraordinary finish to the mexican leg of the world rally championship. This is the race leader, british driver, chris meeke, hes coming off the track only to find himself in a parking lot. But, after initially seeming to lose his way, he quickly dodges round the stationary cars, making his way back onto the track. Luckily, the diversion didnt cost him too much time and he crossed the line, dragging part of a barrier with him and he won. Shes a true jetsetter. Nakadia mungphanklang has made so much of an impression in the Techno Music World that shes considered one of thailands most prominent underground djs. From a small rural village in thailand to the Bright Lights of berlin, heres her story. You have been watching newsday. And before we go, we take you to russia, where, as you can see, we have golf. But hardly your regular course. 50 players took part in the ice Golf Tournament on lake baikal in russia. The nine hole course is played on ice over half a metre thick. And the winner of the mens title was south korean 0m ki yon. Thats all for now. Stay with bbc world news. Good evening. Weve got a lot of largely dry and pretty mild weather on the cards for much of the week ahead. But, with clear skies sunday night, Monday Morning starts on quite a chilly note. It is not a bad day, though. It is looking mainly dry, and many of us will see some sunshine around, too. The front that we saw on sunday, that brought cloud and drizzly rain, clearing away towards the east, and weve got this area of High Pressure building in from the south west. That is going to be dominating the weather through the next couple of days. So first thing monday, temperatures five or six degrees in most of the towns and cities, but it is certainly a chilly start to the morning in more rural spots. In Northern Ireland, temperatures have been down to freezing already. Elsewhere, just one or two degrees above freezing, so we are likely to see A Touch Of Frost for one or two prone spots during the morning. Lets take a look around the country, 8 00am. Some sunshine widely across southern england, much of wales, too, in fact. Temperatures starting to slowly pick up, so a fresh feel to things, but it is dry and bright from the word go. A bit more cloud as we move north across northern parts of wales, north west england, too, perhaps a bit of mist and hill fog. For Northern Ireland and for scotland, variable amounts of cloud, but some bright, bright spells in between that cloud, and temperatures first thing around about seven or eight degrees. So, as we move through the day, cloudier conditions towards the north west, sweeping south eastwards, so slightly cloudier skies for the midlands, parts of wales later on in the day. The South East Of England and east anglia remaining largely dry, with plenty of sunshine, and temperatures here around about 16 degrees or so. Also, further north, for scotland and Northern Ireland, it is a decent looking, mostly dry day, with spells of sunshine. So light winds for most of us. As we move through monday evening, there will be some rain across the north of scotland, turning quite breezy here, too, whereas elsewhere across the country it is remaining dry. But as we move through into tuesday, what we are going to see is this frontal system trying to push from the north west towards the south east. That is going to introduce windy conditions from the atlantic. So some brisk winds, particularly across northern parts of scotland, where we could see gusts of 60 to 70 mph. Further south, across the country, it is a cloudy sort of day compared to monday, but still mild. 14 of 15 degrees in the south, and we will see some blustery and heavy showers across northern parts of scotland, but most places generally dry. Into wednesday, High Pressure dominates our weather, so i think almost everywhere should stay predominantly dry during the day on wednesday, and we should see some decent spells of sunshine, with temperatures up to around 15 degrees or so. Now, the generally settled theme continues as we head through wednesday and on into thursday, but there will be some cooler and more unsettled weather on the cards, coming in from the north west later on in the week. Bye for now. Im Babita Sharma with bbc world news. Our top story the former president of south korea Park Geun Hye says the truth will emerge days after she was removed from office. Miss park left the president ial palace to be greeted by supporters as she arrived at her private home in seoul. The ousted president has now lost president ial immunity and could face criminal charges. Iraqi forces have retaken a third of western mosul, the largest city still under the control of the Islamic State group. But fierce fighting is threatening the citys civilian population. And this video is trending on bbc. Com. Members of pakistans small Hindu Community have been celebrating holi, the festival of colours, one of the most fun filled of hindu festivals. The festival is held to welcome spring. Thats all from me now. Stay with bbc world news. And the top story here in the uk david davis has urged mps to back the brexit bill and insisted

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