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Its 9 00am in singapore. 1 00am in london and 10 00 in the morning in seoul, where south koreas impeached president , park geun hye, is due to find out if shell be permanently removed from office. An announcement by the Constitutional Court will be made in around an hours time. Ms park is embroiled in a corruption scandal, accused of allowing a close friend to profit from her connections with the presidency. If shes dismissed, a president ial election will be held within 60 days. However, the court could decide to reinstate her. 0ur correspondent Stephen Evans is in seoul with the latest. Stephen, remind us again about the accusations that got us to this point . A whole raft of accusations, 13 allegations in total. They range from the large, corruption, that she instigated corruption by trying to get a bribe, basically, from samsun, to her best friend, in return for influencing samsuns affairs. Down to the relatively minor, like where was she for eight hours when the say while ferry went down . So the eight justices will decide in an hours time, or publish their verdict in an hours time. But it will notjust be a verdict about whether they think she is guilty or not. It will also bea she is guilty or not. It will also be a verdict, and this is more important, on whether even if she was guilty of the crime Broke The Constitution. So they may decide, for example, that President Parks best friend had too much influence, one of the allegations. But actually, that isnt against the constitution. So there are two steps the justices have to make. Constitution. So there are two steps thejustices have to make. 0ne, did she do something wrong . And two . Was it so wrong that she Broke The Constitution and she should be stripped of power and kicked out of power pretty well immediately . So it isa power pretty well immediately . So it is a serious matter. In just under one hour, the chair of the justices will start delivering the decision, and what we expect is that she will go through the reasoning, and that the end of the tour, say you bought ina the end of the tour, say you bought in a and of it all, say yay or nay. I think it will come right at the end. I should say, there is a very big Police Presence on the streets of seoul this morning. You mention the Police Presence, we know there has been weeks of buildup around this. Protests pretty much every weekend. What is the mood on the ground . Every weekend. What is the mood on the ground . I think the mood is certainly split. No doubt about that. I think the bigger protests have been the anti President Park protests, but you cannotjudge the mood of a country by who comes out on the street with a banner. There have in probe park protests, but they have been much smaller. Been pro park. Her Popularity Ratings are pretty much at rock bottom. At low popularity is no reason to sack a president. That is not the way the constitution works. There has to be something more than that. Stephen, thank you. A look at some of the days other news. The new head of the us Environmental Protection agency, scott pruitt, says he doesnt believe Carbon Dioxide is a primary cause of global warming. Mr pruitts remarks contradict scientific data, including that published by nasa. His appointment by President Trump caused controversy because of his Close Association with the fossil fuel industry. Heres our washington correspondents nick brya nts analysis. It is one of those moments in the Donald Trump Administration that comes as no surprise. Scott pruitt is a well known Climate Change sceptic. It has been a jawdropping moment to hear the head of the Environment Protection agency in america say he is unconvinced that Carbon Dioxide contributes to global warming. That flies in the face of Mainstream Science and has been slammed by environmental groups. It also contradicts his very own agencys website. It has complications. Any day now we are expecting an Executive Order from donald trump which would roll back many of barack 0bamas environmental regulations. There is also a fierce debate in the Donald Trump Administration on whether or not to withdraw from the paris accord, the landmark achievement. Scott pruitt says it is a bad deal. Ivanka trump, the daughter of donald trump, rex tillerson, they say america should stay in it. It is a measure of how much things have changed, that rex tillerson, up until a few months ago he was the head of exxon mobil, the Largest Oil Company in the world, he is now the dissenting voice on the governments Climate Change policy. Also in the news today, two un workers who were among 11 malaysians banned from leaving north korea have flown out of the country. The pair arrived in beijing on thursday. Relations between the two countries have deteriorated since the murder of the half brother of the north Korean Leader in kuala lumpur. North korea has barred nine malaysians from leaving the country. Malaysia has sealed off the north korean embassy. A day after a fire at a Childrens Home in guatemala which killed at least 31 teenage girls, theres growing anger among parents whose children have died or been injured. There were scuffles with Police Officers guarding the entrance to the home where the fire broke out. The blaze reportedly started after a mass attempt to escape. The teenagers were caught and locked in. Some then set fire to their mattresses and couldnt get out when the fire spread. Families have been waiting for information no names of the dead have yet been released. Translation what if she is burned . They are going to leave her with her face like that. My daughter is beautiful, she is just face like that. My daughter is beautiful, she isjust 16, face like that. My daughter is beautiful, she isjust16, just starting her life. My daughter, if she is burned, she will be traumatised. Police in germany say at least seven people have been injured in an axe attack at duesseldorfs main railway station. Police say an man with a history of mental problems assaulted commuters with an act before jumping off a nearby overpass. He suffered serious injuries. None of his victims is in a life threatening condition. The minimum legal age youre allowed to smoke in singapore is going to be raised from 18 to 21. Proposed changes to the law will go before Parliament Within the next 12 months, and will then be phased in over the next few years. The government says it wants to reduce, if not eliminate, opportunities for young people to take up smoking. Your eyes are not deceiving you. A pink lakes. This Australian Lake has turned that colour due to a combination of sunlight, low temperatures and low rainfall. Wildlife officers said algae, growing in the salt crust at the bottom of the lake in melbourne, produce a red pigment. Its a completely natural phenomenon, but authorities are warning people to avoid coming into contact with the water. Just in case you are tempted to take a swim. The United States has confirmed its biggest deployment yet. A force is on the ground in syria to fight so called Islamic State. Several 100 marines have been sent to support an allied local force aiming to capture the Islamic State stronghold of raqqa. Earlier this week, the Islamic State stronghold of raqqa. Earlierthis week, kurdish and arab fighters launched an Offensive Cutting off a key route between dinosaur and raqqa. Earlier i spoke to lara become in washington and asked how risky the approach was for the Trump Administration. First of all, it is a more overt strategy than theyve had in the past. In the Previous Administration there were about 500 Special Forces working behind the scene, working with local forces, arming them, equipping them and training them to defeat the so called Islamic State. This are boots on the ground, this is a bigger footprint as well in terms of numbers on the ground. There is a danger of mission creep, so to speak. In some ways it could take two weeks, in some ways it could take two months, in some ways it could take two years. So there is a danger of getting further involved in syria. Remember that promise made by president 0bama no boots on the ground well, that is a reversal on that. And of course, us credibility is on the line and lives are on the line. There is a lot at risk here for the Trump Administration in this deployment. There is beyong that as well, arent there, laura, because we know theres Bitter Division dividing the various militias who are fighting is in syria. The us believes there is a particular Kurdish Force who are best placed to help them but turkey says they are a terrorist force, they are very much against them, so does the us also risk being dragged into another sort of debate . Yes, it is notjust a military strategy needed to defeat so called Islamic State. They need diplomacy here and they did it quickly. During the Senate Armed Service committee today, there was a question asked of the uss Top Commander in the region about how to ease tensions between ankara and these syrian militants. Syrian Democratic Forces have proved totally reliable for america in this fight against so called Islamic State. They have proved invaluable but ankara sees them as a cover for a Kurdish Militia force and they will not work with them so bringing these two sides together and senatorjohn mccain, the repoublican senator, asked if President Trump was aware of the diplomacy needed to bring these two sides together. And i quote, he told the Armed Services committee, unless something changes i foresee a train wreck here. So there are certain concerns about how to bring these two sides together. And very briefly, what is the significance of raqqa, specifically . This is the capital of Islamic State and this is where most of their jihadi fighters are thought to beat haste. There are thought to be thousands, 3000 4000 waste there. So it is an important strategic target for those trying to round up Islamic State militia. And of course, as you havejust Islamic State militia. And of course, as you have just mentioned, they have cut off the road to raqqa, so that is a target they want to get to at the moment. In the us, President Trump says he has removed himself from the day to day operations of his businesses. But has he done enough . His critics might point to his Mar E Lago Resort in florida where the fees have doubled since he won the election. And in indonesia, mr trump has signed a deal to build two resorts with a billionaire, worth about 1 billion in total. The bbcs Karishma Vaswani went to indonesia to ask mr trumps Business Partner about their relationship. Do you know who donald trump is . No, because im from indonesia. He is a president. Of america. Meet indonesias donald trump. Hary tanoesoedibjo is one of indonesias richest men. In 2015 he signed a billion dollar deal to build a trump tower in west java and the first trump resort in bali. You know, i know eric trump, i know ivanka, you know, and then i met with donjunior and then when we signed the agreement then the father came up, you know, come out and then we signed the agreement together. Just a few months after the deal was signed, donald trump announced he was running for president of the United States. It is a normal Business Relationship i have to underline this. And until today it is also a Business Relationship. The father sends you know, he is president of the United States, hes not involved in the business so i physically deal with the children. But mr tanoesoedibjo and his wife were given Vip Treatment at the us president s inaugural parade, they attended mr trumps swearing in and posted pictures of their time with him on their social media feeds. Are you consent in any way about the perception of there being a Conflict Of Interest now . There is no Conflict Of Interest. Conflict of interest may happen if the project is agreed when he is the president of the United States but this happened long before, actually, he even decided to run for president. But as president , mr trump has made some controversial decisions. Injanuary he signed a travel ban on people from seven muslim majority nations, revising that to six this week. Indonesia is not on the list but it is the worlds most populous muslim nation. Why would you want to work with someone who appears to have anti islamic views . Mr trump, hes not banning the muslims, hes banning the country, the people of those seven countries. I think we have to be very clear about that. Nothing to do with the muslim people. Mr tanoesoedibjo has set up his own Political Party and has already run for office once. And he has not ruled out being president of indonesia one day. Karishma vaswani, bbc news, jakarta. You are watching you stay on the bbc. Still to come, freed as a result of a bbc investigation. But what happens next to the chimpanzee stolen by Animal Traffickers . The numbers of dead and wounded defies belief. This the worst terrorist atrocity on european soil in modern times. In less than 24 hours in the soviet union lost an elderly sick leader and replaced him with a dynamic figure 20 years hisjunior. We heard these gunshots from the gym. They came and actually fired at our huts. God, we were all petrified. James earl ray, ages 41, sentenced to 99 years, and due for parole when hes 90, travelled from memphis jail, To Nashville State Prison in an 8 car car convoy. Paul, whats it feel like to be married at last . It feels fine, thank you. What are you going to do now is it going to change your life much, do you think . I dont know, really, ive never been married before. This is the bbc. Im sharanjit leyl, in singapore. Im Karin Giannone, in london. Our top stories the top us commander in the middle east has said there will be a larger and longer American Military presence in syria to speed up the fight against the Islamic State group. South koreas Constitutional Court is set to rule on whether to confirm President Parks impeachment on 13 counts of corruption and abuse of power. And lots of you have been watching this on the bbc website. This little boy really wasnt impressed with the prospect of meeting the queen. Two year old alfie lunn was meant to present her majesty with some flowers, but, well, his heart wasnt in it. The queen was unveiling a memorial in london marking the contribution made by those who served in the wars in iraq and afghanistan. Both alfies parents are in the armed forces. The queen waited patiently and she did finally get her flowers from alfie. Slightly grudgingly. And much to the relief of mum and dad. That story is popular on bbc. Com. Lets take a look at some front pages from Around The World the New York Times reports on the challenge the Trump Administration faces with north korea as washington rolls out a Missile Defence system in south korea. The paper says chinas resistance to the project is a problem for President Trump, and that beijing is trying to portray itself as a voice of reason compared to pyongyang and washington. The china daily reports on efforts to reduce smog in the north of the country this winter. Measures include reducing coal consumption, as people try and heat their homes, and more inspections and tougher penalties to prevent industrial pollution. America is not the only Country Wrestling with the health of its citizens. The Straits Times reports on a subsidised Health Screening programme in singapore to encourage early detection. The paper says citizens over the age of 40 will be entitled to tests for diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, and cervical cancer. And that is it for the papers. Now, karin, what stories are sparking discussions on line . Yes, sharanjit, and its a date that Game Of Thrones fans have been waiting for the 16th ofjuly thats when the Fantasy Tv Drama returns to our screens. So, if youre a fan of the mother of dragons, kings landing, white walkers, and jon snow, then youve only got four months to wait. A bit longer than normal, but it is coming around, the makers hbo have confirmed. Earlier this year we brought you the story of Nemlyjunior A Baby Chimpanzee freed thanks to a bbc investigation from Wildlife Traffickers in ivory coast. Two of the traffickers are now being prosecuted, in the first case of its kind. And the body responsible for trying to stop the illegal trade in Endangered Species has now tightened up its procedures. But what of nemleyjunior, the little chimp at the centre of it all . David shukman has been back to ivory coast to find out a heart warming story of recovery a baby chimpanzee, nemleyjunior, with a great appetite. An astonishing turnaround, given the trauma hes been through. Poachers killed his mother and the rest of his family and then sold him to Wildlife Traffickers. Hes learning to explore; he was freed as a result of a bbc news investigation. But he never liked to get too farfrom his keepers, he wants constant company. Chimpanzees live in close families in the wild. Nemleyjunior has now lost his and needs a new one. This is a key moment for nemleyjunior, meeting another chimpanzee, a slightly older female. Hes never going to make it back into the wild, so the best hope is to create bonds with a new family. Just a few months ago, he looked so much thinner while in the hands of animal smugglers. They were selling him for 12,500. We briefed the police and they moved in. A raid led to two arrests. A young dealer called Ibrahima Traore and his uncle, mohamed. Theyre now awaiting trial the first prosecution for Wildlife Trafficking that ivory coast has ever seen. And with big money involved, theyre linked to another network of traffickers in guinea. The sidibe family also sold baby chimpanzees, but two of them have now been arrested, so this could be a turning point. Once you get one, your arrest them, you prosecute them, you incarcerate them, that message starts to get out that crime is no longer high profit, low risk, there is a risk here, in fact, i might go to jail. The dealers circulate videos of the chimps for sale. Wildlife investigators say the arrests will slow the trade but not stop it entirely. It is just one big step, but it is a never ending battle, Wildlife Trafficking. So youve made progress, but its not the end . Not the end, its like a drug, its a never ending battle. Back at the Zoo Nemley Junior is playful. A mobile phone keeps him amused and heres the view from it. After our first report of his rescue, many of you were keen to hear more about him. Well, its reassuring to see him thriving, and also to think that with four traffickers arrested, other chimps in the jungles may be a little safer. David shukmman, bbc news, in ivory coast. Lets take you to a coffee shop in shanghai. Here, all the employees are from families affected by hiv aids. Apart from giving them a job and skills, the cafe is trying to tackle the stigma still associated with the virus. But as the bbcs robin brant discovered, thats not proving so easy. Are we are trying to push them to become street thugs and gangsters . That is really upsetting. Lets be honest. Firstly, i did not know this, right . Now you are telling me. I would talk to them like other people, and not have a Second Thought about what is going on. Am i scared . That is commonsense. Everyone would have a first intuition to think about it, whether i am safe or not. Not if it is hiv, but anything, if it can be infecting. Those who are biased and cannot tolerate their food being served by someone who is hiv negative but with Family Members who are hiv positive, just dont come. You never know what you are going to find. We spoke to some people in there. That man in particular spoke very good english and had a bagel in his hand. But when i told him the story about this place, he said he had Second Thoughts and wasnt sure about coming back. Social stigma and discrimination by people is irrational. I think a lot of people understand that hiv cannot be spread by eating a bakery product. Somehow, umm, there is still irrational fear. You have been watching newsday. Stay with us. As part of our new series, two minutes with, well speak to the head of the Creative Agency behind beyonces visual album lemonade. This is outside the Constitutional Court in seoul. South koreas impeached president , park geun hye, is due to find out whether she will be permanently removed from office. We will keep you posted. Stay with us. Thanks to a ridge of high pressure, thursday turned out to be a glorious day for many. Plenty of sunshine and a top of 17 in england. During the course of the night, central and eastern areas will hold on to the clear skies. Friday morning, temperatures quite chilly. Further south and west, increasing cloud, light and patchy rain, hillfog, and some mist as well. A bit more of a breeze here, so a mild start in southern areas and further east. This area of low pressure will bring increasingly unsettled weather to Western Areas. Friday morning, an east west split. Cloudy and breezy here across the west with drizzle. Chilly and bright in the far east. A bright start in scotland and the northern isles. Further west, cloudy with light rain. Mist and murk in Northern Ireland and hill fog. Also the case for North West England and the south west of england. The east of the pennines and east anglia, it will be a chilly start. At least bright with sunshine. Notice the temperature difference. 6 7 degrees in the east, 10 11 in the west. The cloud in Western Areas will Creep Eastwards as the day goes on. Not reaching the far south east and east anglia really until after dark. Here you should see the sunshine. Maybe a high of 13 14 degrees. In the west, mild but rather cloudy with some rain. The six nations rugby. Wales against ireland in cardiff. The odd spit of rain in the air. The weekend, a tale of two halves. Saturday looking dry into sunday. A Weather Front bringing cooler and fresher air mainly across northern and Western Areas. Saturday, Skies Brightening Up in Northern Ireland and scotland behind this Weather Front which will bring some dreary weather to central parts of the uk. The south east, a little bit of brightness. Bright indeed. 15, 16, 17. Friday is a messier picture. We lose one Weather Front to be replaced another one. Some drier interludes here and there. To sum up for the weekend, saturday will be the driest of the two days with some sunshine around and feeling quite warm across the south and east. Because for sunday, it looks like more rain around. And many people are seeing some rain at times. It will start to feel cooler and fresher. Im Karin Giannone with bbc world news. Our top story The Politicalfate Of South Korea will be decided within the hour by the countrys supreme court. An additional 400 marines and army rangers will support it will decide whether to uphold 13 cou nts it will decide whether to uphold 13 counts of corruption and abuse of power against President Park and hate. Park geun hye. An additional 400 marines and army rangers will support an assault on the Islamic State groups stronghold, raqqa. And this video is trending on bbc. Com. 0ne and this video is trending on bbc. Com. One little and this video is trending on bbc. Com. One little boy who was really not impressed by the prospect of meeting queen elizabeth. Two year old alfie was meant to present her majesty with sunflowers, but as you can see, his heart was not in it. Queen waited patiently and did get herflowers in the end, much to the relief of mum and dad. That is all from me for now, do stay with us on bbc world news. And the top story here in the uk theresa may has insisted that the decision to increase National Insurance contributions

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