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London, this is bbc world news. Its newsday. Thanks forjoining us. It is sam Thanks Forjoining us. It is 8am in singapore, midnight in london and 3am in mosul, where iraqi forces have made a breakthrough in their offensive against the so called Islamic State, in iraqs second city. Theyve taken the airport, a key point in the battle to drive the militants from the western half of the city. This report from the front lines. Before the attack came the air strikes, rockets and artillery. Its day five of the offensive to retake western mosul. Slowly, the forces make their way past a suspected is car bomb, talks en route. These armoured columns are now moving forward to mosul airport. The attack of the airport is under way. All night long weve heard Coalition Aircraft and iraqi artillery slam this area just to the north of us. And in daylight, they didnt let up. This factory flew the is flag yesterday. Today it burned. In less than four hours iraqi forces had breached the airport perimeter, but is fought back. First the huge roadside bomb. It killed an iraqi officer. Despite the air strikes, is fighters were still putting up resistance. Putting up resi advance, the more difficult it is. This man says they are all dead in iraq. My brother has already gone to the camp. He is heartbroken. Six of his family were killed in an air strike. This is the last open ground before west mosul. Iraqi forces are now less than a mile away. They are also in range of is mortars from inside the city, but the Islamic State is under threat. Mosul airport may be in ruins, but more importantly it is back in government hands. Over there the iraqi flag is flying on the airfield again. This is a landmark moment. Iraqi forces now have the Islamic State group on the run. Is might transform itself into something else, but right now, here in iraq, we are witnessing the final days of the caliphate. Quentin sommerville, bbc news, mosul. In other news , donald trump says he wa nts to in other news , donald trump says he wants to ensure that Us Nuclear Arsenal is at the top of the pack. In an interview with reuters, he called on china to put more pressure on what he called very problem of north korea. He went through options that north korea had in defending its allies in the region. This is what he had to say. We have a very big problem and a very dangerous problem for the world with north korea. I think china has the measures control of north korea, whether they say so or not is up to them, but they have tremendous control over north korea. I think they could solve the problem could easily if they wanted to. Missile defence is one of many things that can happen. Their stalks off more than. Well, theres talks of a lot more than that. Well see what happens. I think theyre grand champions at manipulation of currency. I havent held back. We will see what happens. It would be wonderful. The dream would be that no countries would have nukes, at if countries will have nukes we will be at the top of the pack. Staying with us foreign policy, relations between mexico and the us is said to be apple is pointing decades, after President Trumps controversial immigration reforms. You can imagine the atmosphere went two of Donald Trumps most senior officials made their cap met their counterparts in mexico city on thursday. In a Press Conference the Mexican Foreign minister said his people are worried about policies north of the border. Translation in the first place we express that this visit, which honours us, and which we appreciate, is taking place at a complex moment in the relationship between mexico and the us. It is a fact that is obvious that mexicans are worried, irritated at policies that might be harmful to our National Interest and the mexicans in mexico and abroad. Also making use today, Malaysian Police are investigating the death of kimjong nam and have police are investigating the death of kim jong nam and have asked interpol for help. Theyve issued an alert notice for three people wanted over the killing, but are back in north korea. The Japanese Court has ordered the countrys government to pay a record amount of compensation to People Living near a Us Military Base in all key now are. More than 260 million is to be paid for noise pollution. Okinawa. Thejudge said the problem had continued, despite a ruling in 2009 calling for improvement. Nine months ago Claudio Ranieri had just led leicester to its greatest triumph in 133 years. Fast forward to today and he has been sacked. The leicester boa rd to today and he has been sacked. The Leicester Board announced theyve parted ways with him after a run of poor results. The club is currently one point above the relegation zone. Someone who is not moving is Manchester United play at wayne rooney, who says he will stay with the plug after speculation he would be moving to china. It is understood his agent has been to china speaking to interested clubs in the super league. But in a statement he said it was an exciting time for Manchester United and they wanted to play a full part in the rest of the season. Weve seen donald trump take to the stage to comment on his administrations policies, but today it was the turn of his top team. His counsellor and Chief Of Staff were among those addressing the audience at the annual conservative Political Action conference, just outside washington. All eyes were on the president s Chief Strategist, seen by many as the power behind trumps throne. He didnt hold back on the medias coverage of his boss. Thats where youve seen the Executive Orders from the Supreme Court, the way he has gone through the Supreme Court and by the way the other judges who were eventually going to bid, it isjust methodical and thats what the Mainstream Media would report, just like they were wrong on the chaos of the campaign and the transition, they are dead wrong about whats going on because we have it being put through. The Mainstream Media better understand something. All of those promises will be implemented. Seen as the ideological cabinet, many were keen to hear his take on the president s achievements in his first month in office and it was a trade deal with the Pacific States known as the bp that he singled out. I think one of the most Pivotal Moment in modern American History was his immediate withdrawal from tpp, that Got Us Out Ofa withdrawal from tpp, that got us out of a trade deal and let our sovereignty come back to ourselves. We are already in consultation and people are starting to think through a raft of amazing and innovative bilateral relationships, bilateral trade relationships with people, that will reposition america in the world as a fair Trading Nation and start to bring high value manufacturing jobs back to the us of america. What do we know about this cram and . The Chief Strategist is a former banker, press chief and filmmaker. Steve bannerman. He now has a key role in government. Here is a bit more about him. Alp correspondent is in washington. I asked about to opinion on steve bannon. I dont think theres any doubt that he is extremely powerful in the white house. We previously heard from his predecessor, his Chief Of Staff. Really what that discussion was about, they were talking at the conservative Political Action conference, was about showing these two men as united because there has been quite a lot of speculation in reports that they dont get on at all, that they are vying for the president s attention and for power and influence at the white house. Today was all about these two men sat together. There was a lot of patting on the back on mutual praise. They said they were good friends. This is not really what weve been hearing over the past few weeks, but they did put on a very united front and what they kept saying repeatedly was that this administration is all about delivering on the promises that the President Donald Trump made on the campaign trail. So it looks like these men are working very closely together. They seem to have differing roles, as you would expect, and it is unclear who does in fact have a close ear of the president , but steve bannon very much seems to be plotting the course of mr trumps Policy Announcements and being at his side and really driving policy. Mr prebus is a sort of smoothing the way to ensure that these things do go through as the administration wants and as President Trump has promised throughout his campaign. That was our correspondent in washington. After the collapse of the khmer rouge regime in cambodia in1979, the khmer rouge regime in cambodia in 1979, two photojournalists made a gruesome discovery. A former high school that had been turned into a death camp. About 111,000 people went into the prison, known as s21, but few came out alive. We have been speaking to one of the men who worked there are interrogating prisoners about why he did what he did. You can see more you can see more of you can see more of this interview on the bbc website and watch the full story on our world this weekend. This is new stay on the bbc live from singapore and london. 94 yea rs old live from singapore and london. 94 years old and still a force to be reckoned with. We will meet the martial arts grandmother. Also on the programme, saving the songbirds. We will find out why some of the most beautiful species in asia are under the threat of extinction. Im rico in singapore. Welcome back. This is new stay on the bbc. Our top story from london iraqi troops have Reca Ptu Red Story from london iraqi troops have recaptured the airport in mosul as they continue their attack on the so called Islamic State. Donald trump has called on china to do more to control north korea and accused the beijing government of being the grand champions of manipulating currency. Let us now have a look at some of the front pages from Around The World and let us begin with the south China Morning post. It claims pressure is mounting behind the scenes for donald trump and the president of china to meet. There are people who claim it is likely to ta ke are people who claim it is likely to take place at the g20 this coming july. It will make an awkward meeting, not least because of donald trump has threatened to declare china a currency manipulator. We have an update on that on the front page of the financial times. It says that the Treasury Secretary has taken the heat out of the issue, saying there will be no announcement before the regular report in april. And finally we have the japan daily which has more on that story we brought you earlier, about the compensation paid to residents living near a us air base injapan. Despite the record pay out it says the 22,000 residents who took the government to court still plan to appeal because they want flights from the base and at night. Those are the leading stories today. And now, what stories sparked discussions online . Lets have a look at what is trending right now. It is this Plane Crash Landing in the netherlands. This is the main in when the Passenger Plane sat down on the runway and had its landing gear collapsed. You will be glad to know that nobody was caught occurred. Of the crash is still being investigated. Nobody was hurt. There has been a major threat to the songbirds in Southeast Asia. Experts fear that if it continues that could be extinct. Wildlife conservation and resource organisations have come together to hold a Crisis Summit to come up with a plan of action to stop the illegal trapping. Let us have a look at what are trying to save. Well, that is an example of one of the species of songbirds in danger of extinction. One of the organisations working to stop the from happening is a network that monitors wildlife trade. Thank you for being with us. Why is there a Song Bird Problem that is worse in Southeast Asia . A number of reason why the songbirds in this part of the world or in trouble. One is that there is a long standing cultural demands of songbirds. Getting animals as pets is very popular here. Number two, levels animals as pets is very popular here. Numbertwo, levels of protection and levels of enforcement in as part of the world are quite low, allowing the unsustainable trade to expand and grow. Overall it seems that songbirds are overlooked. They are not as Attention Grabbing asa they are not as Attention Grabbing as a tiger, for instance. That is correct. This is another group of species that is incredibly hard for us species that is incredibly hard for us to put in the spotlight. Tigers, elephants, rhinoceros, they are a lwa ys elephants, rhinoceros, they are always in the spotlight. But there isa always in the spotlight. But there is a lot of interest in songbirds. There will be interest now with this Crisis Summit that has been organised. What is the plan of action . I hope so. We have identified a number of species that are in real trouble, on the brink of extinction. We are looking at coming up extinction. We are looking at coming up with action plans to the various species individually. Also, to address some of the bigger problems such as shutting down the large illegal markets in places like indonesia where Tens Of Thousands of birds are available every day. Our authorities in indonesia cooperating in terms of this plan of action . Come to stop illegal trade of songbirds . It is early days. Historically it is difficult to get the Law Enforcement agencies are such a low group of animals. If there were tigers in the markets i am sure there would be authorities all over the place. But because they are songbirds we are not they crossed, however. Could there be a lack of political will, a lack of enforcement of law . Absolutely. A lack of political will and corruption and a lack of concern among the general public. The public are not crying out for anything to be done about songbirds yet. Saving the songbirds. Thank you forjoining us. The songbirds. Thank you forjoining us. We all know that we are supposed to try and stay active and healthy, especially as we get older. For some people, they take it to the next level. A 94 year old grandmother in china has become an Internet Sensation after a video of her Exercise Routine went viral. We went to meet her in a remote village to find out the secret of her success. She is my idol. Now we end this edition of newsday. I will hand you over to my colleague now. Have a look at these pictures. A modern day version of cat and mouse. Thursday was a very wildly across the uk. Doris piked quite a punch bringing all sorts of weather, heavy rain, heavy snow and the damaging gale that you can see here. A squeeze on the isobars as across the uk living off into the north sea into the low countries and denmark as we reached friday. A ridge of High Pressure building in. It means that the winds continue to turn light overnight but with clear skies a new hazard will appear and that is ice across the northern areas. It will be a much colder night up and down the uk than what we have been used to over the last few nights. It means, however, that into friday things will be fine, thanks to the ridge of High Pressure. It should see plenty of sunshine through the day but it will not stay calm for all areas because later on in the day the next area of low pressure will be wet and windy weather into Northern Ireland in northern scotland. But for much of england and wales it will be chilly. The wind is picking up again across the north of ireland and western scotland. Rain becomes heavy and persistent but not reaching the east of Scotla Nd Persistent but not reaching the east of scotland and till after dark so here you should enjoy the sunshine. Rain getting in towards the North Western parts of wales. The midlands, eastwards, it remains fine. A lovely day with light winds. On the cool site however with temperatures in single figures for most. Wet and windy weather across the north west quarter of the uk. That spreads easily during friday night so the wind picks up everywhere. Some of the rain will turn to snow over the high ground will will see a move across scotland. Maybe the far north of england. Temperatures begin to rise from the south west. A less cold night on friday night than what we will see on thursday. On this weekend it looks like it will be milder. South westerlies back across a surerand it milder. South westerlies back across a surer and it will be windy, certainly across the north and west of the uk. Close to the High Pressure you should stay dry. You can see the isobars across the uk for saturday. Weather front crossing the uk. The north west corner of the country will see the most unsettled weather. Wet and windy here through the weekend whereas the midlands, is the weekend whereas the midlands, is the brightness and not a lot of cloud. Temperatures in the double figures so back into milder air. On sunday it looks like the east will see the best of any brightness. Across the north and west, windy with outbreaks of rain. Im lebo diseko with bbc world news. Our top story Iraqi Government troops have recaptured mosuls airport from the so called Islamic State. Iraqi Officials Say their troops have gained ground rapidly in outlying areas to the south of the city. Elite Counter Terrorism forces have nowjoined the advance. Donald trump says china could solve problems caused by north korea very easily, if they want to. Hes also accused the government in beijing of being the grand champions of manipulating currency. And this story is trending on bbc. Com. The reigning English Premier League champions Leicester City have sacked their manager Claudio Ranieri just nine months after they won the title. The club is threatened with relegation. Its owners say they are duty bound to put its long term interests first. Thats all from me now, stay with bbc world news. Were shortly going to take you to our Election Special programme with andrew neil, covering the results of the by elections in stoke and copeland. But first, a round up of some of the days other news

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