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And london, this is bbc world news. Its newsday. Its 9am in singapore, 1am in london, and 8pm in washington, where President Donald Trump has marked his first working day in office with a decisive shift in americas dealings with the rest of the world. The tra ns Pacific Partnership is a huge Trade Agreement with countries in the pacific rim. Now, mr trump has said he will pull out of the deal negotiated by the Obama Administration. He says it would have damaged Us Manufacturing and jobs. Our north america editor, jon sopel, has the latest. Weve been talking about this for a long time. Oh the power of the pen. These are Executive Orders signed by the president as he starts his first week in thejob. From now on america will have nothing to do with the pacific trade deal. Another order sets in train plans to renegotiate the nafta agreement with mexico and canada. A far more complex undertaking. And theres to be a freeze on recruitment forfederaljobs. One other Executive Order particularly eye catching that was signed today is that aid agencies in receipt of Us Government funds will now no longer be able to offer abortions or advice on abortions in their fieldwork around the world. Now, this has been a political football going back for decades with democrats rescinding it, republicans reimposing it, but its an important indication of where donald trump stands on this issue and what may be the future Social Policy for america as well. Mark was so nice with the plant. Coming back, Iwanted To Sit next to him. I must be honest. Laughter. But this is the real focus. Forget the cheerful bonhomie, the president must deliver on the economy and he intends to wield both a carrot and a stick. First the stick. A company that wants to fire all of its people in the United States and build some Factory Someplace Else and then thinks that that product is then just going to flow across the border into the United States, thats not going to happen. Theyre going to have a border tax to pay, a substantial border tax. And finally the carrot. What were doing is were going to be cutting taxes massively for both the middle class and for companies. And thats massively. At his first full press briefing, the focus of his spokesman was still on jobs and trade. But after a finger wagging lecture delivered to the press at the weekend when he may not have been entirely truthful himself, this question. Is it your intention to always tell the truth from that podium and will you pledge to never knowingly Say Something that is not factual . It is. Its an honour to do this and yes i believe we have to be honest with the American People, i think sometimes we can disagree with the facts. The president a short time ago met Union Leaders but look behind him, it seems like mr spicer, after a heap of criticism at the weekend, was getting a vote of confidence from the counsellor to the president. Its going to be a rollercoaster ride. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. Staying with events in washington, the Us Senate Foreign Relations Committee has narrowly voted to approve Rex Tillerson as secretary of state. Earlier this month, mr tillerson appeared to take a hard line on china, saying beijing should not be allowed access to islands its built in contested waters. The former Oil Executive still has to be confirmed by the full senate. Well have more on President Trumps first full working day in the oval Office Coming up shortly. But first, the World Health Organization has warned about the growing number of bird flu cases. Different strains have been spreading across asia and europe over the past few months, leading to large scale slaughtering. Bird flu is usually spread via direct contact with birds, but experts fear it could mutate into a form easily transmitted from person to person. Just since november last year, nearly a0 countries have reported fresh outbreaks of highly parthenogenetic Avian Influenza in poultry or wild birds. The rapidly expanding geographical distribution of these outbreaks and the number of virus strains currently cold circulating have put the who on high alert. Since the beginning of the bird flu outbreak, korea has culled nearly a fifth of its Poultry Population as a result, the country faced a shortage of eggs, and prices shot up 70 ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday this weekend. The situation is now improving, and prices are coming down thanks to millions of imported eggs from overseas. Also making news this hour Officials Say ten people are confirmed drowned and several others missing after a boat carrying indonesian migrants capsized off Malaysias East coast. The bodies of six women and four men were washed ashore at a beach near the town of mersing. Many people are still missing. An actor has died in australia after being shot during the making of a music video. The man, who has not been named, was on set at a bar in brisbane when he died. Queensland police have begun an investigation to see if it was an accident. The Prime Minister of mauritius, 86 year old sir anerood jugnauth, has handed over power to his 55 year old son, saying it was time for younger leadership. Pravind jugnauth, who was previously the finance minister, is the head of the governing party. Constitutionally he was the right person to take over once the Prime Minister resigned, but the opposition says a father giving way for his son is nepotism. Bernie ecclestone has been removed as Chief Executive of formula one, bringing his ao year reign of the sport to an end. The move was announced by the american company, liberty media, which has completed its 8 billion takeover of the sport. Mr ecclestone, whos 86, claimed hed been forced out. Day nine of the Australian Open is under way with the quarter finals. Stan wawrinka plays jo wilfried tsonga, Venus Williams is up against anastasia pavlyuchenkova, and Roger Federer takes on andy murrays conqueror mischa zverev. We will have more on that in sport today. The Worlds Largest Human Migration is taking place, with Tens Of Thousands of people leaving beijing to make their way home for Family Reunions across china for the Lunar New Year holidays. The Transport Ministry estimates that more than nine million Train Journeys were made on monday alone. More on this in a few minutes. Lets return to our top story on President Trumps move to pull the us out of the Free Trade Deal with pacific rim countries. One of the countries covered by the deal is japan. I asked our correspondent, Rupert Wingfield hayes, in tokyo, what the government there is making of the plan. Id say, rico, i dont think this is unexpected although Prime Minister shinzo abe yesterday in Parliament Said he was going to continue seeking President Trumps understanding of the trans Pacific Partnership and he thought President Trump understood the necessity of free trade. Behind the scenes the japanese government has been for some time. What options now are open for tokyo . Ive been told they could pursue a tpp minus the United States with other tpp partners, such as australia. That would be difficult, it would be a much diminished agreement and it would be to go through all the National Parliaments again. Its more likely japan and other asia pacific countries will now pursue bilateral trade deals, both with the United States but also other nations around the pacific rim. Critics are saying the United States pulling out of the tpp is a serious mistake and could lead to china further increasing its clout in the Asia Pacific Region . Yeah, theres concern on all fronts, notjust tpp, rico, but the also the renegotiation of nafta, that would have a huge impact onjapan and the japanese government is very concerned about that. Theres talk of china stepping in with this thing called rcep, the regional co operation economic. Im not quite sure what it stands for but its an asian Regional Economic Cooperation Group led by china. Ive talked to seniorjapanese Government Officials about it and they say its nothing like tpp, not of the quality of tpp, china might want to do it butjapan at the moment is certainly not interested injoining china in a free trade pact, it still wants a free trade agrrement with the us. With japan being impacted by tpp and potentially renegotiation nafta, how could this affect japan us trade and political relations . I think the attitude at the moment is everybody is watching and waiting to see what happens in the coming months, no one is quite sure whether this is an initial barrage from President Trump or whether its going to continue. The Immediate Impact onjapan is to be very positive and to announce new investments in the United States to emphasise how important japan and japanese corporations are to the us economy. Weve seen the announcement by toyota that its going to make a big investment in the United States. We also saw foxcon from taiwan, which owns sharp here injapan, theyre going to invest up to 8 billion in a new plant in the United States so those are the responses we are seeing it immediately to what donald trump is doing. Rupert Wingfield Hayes in tokyo. Pulling out of the tpp isnt the only move from President Trump. Hes signed a whole series of Executive Orders, which dont need the approval of congress. They include banning American Funds for International Groups that perform abortions. So, how much more can he actually do with just the stroke of a pen . Katty kay has this assessment. He had promised a slew of executive actions to advance his agenda and to reverse barack obamas. And within hours of taking office, donald trump signed documents to roll back the Health Insurance law known as obamacare. Today, he withdrew america from the Trans Pacific trade partnership, a protectionist move he says is key to securing american jobs and economic prosperity. In both tone and substance, donald trump promises to be a very different president from his immediate predecessors. To protect and defend. The constitution of the United States. So help me god. I think he will be quite revolutionary. I would expect he will put much more emphasis on the growth of the economy, higher wages and more opportunities for people. Im not sure he will try and start out seeking compromise, i think he will start out to get the job done that he is said to the American People he would do. And i believe that means looking after the people that he thinks will be left behind. From the minute mr trump took the oath of office, he faced the challenge of transforming his Campaign Slogans into policies. He says his ethos of America First is the scaffolding on which he will build his entire agenda. Illegal immigration, tax reform, the destruction of isis, theyre all in his immediate sites. We have to build a wall, folks. It also means making good on his Campaign Pledge to build a wall along the 1900 mile border with mexico. But here he could meet his first big hurdle, will Congress Really pay for it . Mr trump will need Popular Support to get these things done. On saturday i went down to see the womens march in washington where it was clearjust how unpopular he is. These people are scared and angry and determined. Can they stop Donald Trumps agenda . Probably not. But in the game thats american politics, Approval Ratings do matter. Theyre like chips you can cash in to get things done. And if your ratings low you have fewer chips in your pocket. Crowd chant this is what democracy looks like the republican politicians who Sat Stoney Faced at the inauguration as mr trump derided the establishment will give their new president a lot of what he wants in return for the power he has given them. But the fact hes not an ideological conservative means the Republican Congress will undoubtedly also run into conflict with their president. On the issue of infrastructure spending, the notion we would spend 1 trillion that would be unpaid for i think will be very difficult for some fiscal conservatives to swallow. But for the time being i think at least i think most republicans, if not all, are willing to give the president the benefit of the doubt. Now once you get beyond the 100 days when the honeymoon period as it were is over then i think some of those divisions will become a little more clear. Mr trump clearly intends to govern as he campaigned, in full fight mode, but he set huge goals for himself and hell need friends and allies to get things done. Youre watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme. Breaking barriers. Afg hanistans first all women orchestra, now making their international debut. The Shuttle Challenger exploded soon after liftoff. There were seven astronauts on board, one of them a woman school teacher. All of them are believed to have been killed. By the evening, tahrir square, the heart of official cairo, was in the hands of the demonstrators. They were using the word revolution. The earthquake singled out buildings, and brought them down in seconds. Tonight, the search for any survivors has an increasing desperation about it as the hours pass. The new government is firmly in control of the entire republic of uganda. Moscow got its first taste of western fast food, as mcdonalds opened their biggest restaurant, in pushkin square. But the Hundreds Of Muscovites Who Queued Up today wont find it cheap, with a big mac costing half the days wages for the average russian. This is newsday on the bbc. Im rico hizon in singapore. Im Babita Sharma in london. Our top stories with the stroke of a pen, donald trump has cancelled us involvement in a massive Free Trade Deal. Fresh outbreaks of bird flu across asia and europe, including china, where the number of human cases goes up. We often report chinas problems with smog, but now london has been forced to declare its first very high pollution alert. That story is popular on bbc. Com. Lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. The japan times reports that, as President Trump was sworn in, Prime Minister shinzo abe expressed his eagerness to arrange a summit as soon as possible. Mr abe vowed to make what he called an unwavering Japan Us Alliance even stronger. The china daily writes that beijing is calling for the us to stick to the one china principle, and strictly limit its relationship with taiwan. But the paper says chinas president , xijinping, also sent donald trump a message of congratulations. The Straits Times reports on mr trumps signing off Executive Orders to withdraw from the tra ns Pacific Partnership, the tpp trade pact. The newspaper carries trumps quote saying, great thing for the american worker, what we just did. Lots of discussions online on who might be the next Chief Executive in hong kong. She is considered beijings top choice to be hongs Chief Executive, but carrie lam is the subject of mockery online. That is because she took a taxi to her former residence to fetch more toilet rolls. Even more bizarre, she shared the details of her loo paper adventure to reporters over the weekend. We brought you news yesterday that two men had been gored to death in tamil nadu, in a controversial bull festival. A new law passed by the state has reintroduced the event, after it was banned on the grounds of animal cruelty. Well, as Sanjoy Majumder now reports, the re emergence of the event is dividing opinion. Violence spilling onto the streets of chennai, after days of largely peaceful protests. Several vehicles were set on fire, and a Police Station was attacked. All this because the police tried to clear the streets of thousands of protesters who had camped there for several days. Eventually, many of them were forcibly removed by the police, who even fired teargas shells. The police have now taken up position across the city to try and keep peace. The protesters want a centuries old festival, jallikattu, to be made completely legal. It involves a traditional form of bullfighting in which a bull is released into a crowd, as young men attempt to forcibly ride it. But there have been moves to ban it, both to protect the animals as well as those who take part in it. Now, while there are tensions on the streets of tamil nadu, this is where all decisions on the future of jallikattu are being taken, the indian Supreme Court, which banned jallikattu three years ago, only to have it temporarily overturned by a recent federal government order. Now, later this week, the Supreme Court will hear petitions by Animal Rights groups campaigning to have the ban reinstated on grounds that jallikattu poses a threat to animals. But, for the supporters of the festival, this is seen as striking at something which is at the Very Centre Of Tamil Culture and identity. We heard earlier about the huge migration that precedes chinese new year. Millions of people will return to their home towns to celebrate with theirfamilies. There are many traditions associated with the spring festival, as Stephen Mcdonell reports from beijing. Chinese new year is the most important festival here and it involves millions of people returning to their home towns to celebrate with their families. There are many traditions associated with the so called spring festival, including the giving of Red Envelopes. Older people usually give them to younger people and inside there is money. This is sometimes associated with the joke line, happy new year. Now, crack open the red envelope, uncle wong. These days you can give them electronically, using mobile phone apps. Now, there is even one which enables the user to hide a virtual envelope somewhere in the street, for a friend or relative to come and hunt for. This woman is from allipay, which developed this feature. So, imagine, ive come along here, im hunting, hunting, hunting and, bang, ive got it. These types of new technology has become popular here, because Chinese People dont seem to mind mixing tradition and high tech. Either way, however theyre delivered, as long as the Red Envelopes keep coming, this is bound to make for a very happy year of the rooster. They faced Death Threats and intimidation for daring to perform, but afghanistans first All Female Orchestra are charting a new destiny for themselves through music. The 35 musicians made their debut at the World Economic forum recently, in davos, and go by the name zohra. But reaching the global stage has often proved an uphill battle, and many members have endured conservative backlash. Elainejung has their story. The sounds of afghanistans music coming back to the fore. Once silenced under the taliban, it has taken years for afghans to reclaim, and these are the young women at its helm. The All Female Orchestra is named zohra, and is largely made up of sitars, violins and hand drums. Zarifa is the first woman conductor. It was really hard for me to tell my family that i want to study music, and i want to start music. So ijust told my mum and dad that i really want to learn music. And my mum is a great supporter of me, and she has always been behind me and supporting me. And also my dad is, like, a big mountain behind me. Like zarifa, many here are from poor families, and battle conservative views. Some even islamist Death Threats and intimidation. This woman is from an orphanage, and started Learning Music in secret. I didnt see any girl playing instruments, music instruments. So i decided i have to play it, and it will be good, and it will be, like, amazing, that i am playing some instrument. And i passed the exam in music school, so i came to music school. Despite the challenges, zohra made its global debut at the World Economic forum in switzerland. Naser is the movements brainchild. He believes the female orchestra is the best response to extremists. Afghanistan needs more than anything to benefit from the healing power of music. They are living in a tough environment. There is a lot of pressure, concern about security and safety, but at the end of the day it is music which makes them very strong, and gives them hope for the future, and allows them to be the wonderful role model for other young afghan girls. There is a shared vision among these young women, of growing the orchestra and making afghan music heard around the world. You have been watching newsday. We will be back. Three editions of newsday coming your way this time tomorrow. Goodbye. Hello there. Well, as forecast, dense, freezing fog caused some problems to travel for monday morning, and it really was quite extensive and dense in places, like this photograph proves in staffordshire. It lingered on across parts of the south east. Where it did linger, it really felt quite cold, temperatures hovering around freezing. There was some sunshine around. And the return of clear skies overnight means freezing fog will make a return, so well likely see further Travel Disruptions on tuesday morning. Keep tuned to bbc radio and head online for the latest updates. So widespread, freezing fog developing overnight across england and wales. More of a breeze for scotland and Northern Ireland, and some milder air pushing in here, with outbreaks of rain. It will be a cold start for england and wales. You can see most of the temperatures freezing or below, and the fog really will be dense, so take care, give yourself time on the roads. More of a breeze in western england and wales, so i think fog free here. Maybe a little bit of brightness. Quite a contrast across scotland and Northern Ireland, a milder start to the day than what we saw yesterday morning, temperatures in high single figures. But there will be a lot of cloud, quite a breeze and outbreaks of rain certainly across Western Upslopes of scotland. Through the day it remains quite cloudy and dull here, maybe some further spits and spots of light rain, some of that pushing towards Western Wales and the south west of england, but where we hold onto the cloud it will be relatively mild. Temperatures maybe ten, 11 celsius. But further east that you are, we should see the fog lifting to sunshine, but it will feel quite cold. Where the fog lingers it will feel very cold, with temperatures around freezing. The fog returns on wednesday morning for east and south eastern areas. And i think it will lift into low cloud, so staying quite and cold here. A little sunshine further north and west, and remaining breezy and cloudy for scotland and Northern Ireland, with further outbreaks of rain. Just making double figures here, but feeling quite cold elsewhere, though, In The South East especially. What happens is we pick up a strong south easterly wind, and that will feed in a lot of cold and very dry air off the near continent, and its going to feel pretty bitter if you add on the strength of the wind with that cold air. Now, because it is dryer air, we should start to see the clouds in the morning breaking up, so its a grey start and then the sunshine will break through across central and southern areas. Maybe some spots of rain just getting into Western Scotland and Northern Ireland once again. Here, temperatures around five or six degrees, but across eastern areas 1 5 celsius. Add on that bitterly cold wind, it is going to feel more like 3 to 5. Im Babita Sharma with bbc world news. Our top story President Trump cancels a massive Free Trade Deal, the tra ns Pacific Partnership. Its a decisive shift in americas dealings with the rest of the world. The deal negotiated by the Obama Administration was never ratified. Mr trump said the move was Great For The American worker. The World Health Organisation has warned about the growing number of cases of bird flu. Different strains have been spreading across asia and europe, leading to large scale slaughtering. And this video is trending on bbc. Com. Three puppies have been discovered alive five days after an avalanche hit a hotel in central italy. Its raised hopes that some of the 22 people still missing may be found in the ruins of the Mountain Hotel in abruzzo. Thats all from me now. Stay with bbc world news. And the top story here in the uk the defence secretary, michael fallon, has refused to Tell Parliament whether an unarmed Trident Missile misfired off florida last june. He said the test had been successful and safety wasnt compromised

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