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Its 9am in singapore, iam in london and 8 00 in the evening in washington, where the white house has vowed to fight the news media tooth and nail, over what officials see as unfair attacks on donald trump. The new president has taken issue with estimates of the size of the crowd at his inauguration on friday. His Press Secretary says it was the biggest in history for such an event, but as our North America editorjon sopel reports, the evidence doesnt support the claim. The weightiest issues on the planet were discussed at Donald Trumps inaugural address, but what the president is in a white rage about are suggestions that the crowds for him were not as big as they were for barack obama eight years ago, even though the evidence is incontrovertible, as these two photos, each taken 45 minutes before the inauguration started, make plain. But last night, journalists were summoned to the most extraordinary White House Briefing to be told they were lying. This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period. This kind of dishonesty in the media, the challenging, the bringing of our nation together, is making it more difficult. There has been a lot of talk in the media about the responsibility to hold donald trump accountable, and im here to tell you that it goes two ways. We are going to hold the Press Accountable as well. No questions were allowed. Bello i will see you on monday. Earlier in the day from donald trump, on a visit to cia headquarters, a similar attack, though this time the target different. As you know, i have a running war with the media. They are among the most dishonest human beings on earth. Laughter. They sort of made it sound like i had a feud with the intelligence community. But, hang on a minute, how do you reconcile the suggestion that its all got up by the journalists when he tweeted this 11 days ago . He accused the Intelligence Services of Leaking Material against him, and suggested their behaviour made it seem as though we were living in nazi germany. And today, key lieutenants were intensifying their attacks. There is an obsession by the media to delegitimise this president , and we are not going to sit around and let it happen. Our Press Secretary gave alternative facts to that. Look, alternative facts are not facts, they are falsehoods. Part of this can be put down to Donald Trumps obsession with the size of his crowd, but there is deliberate strategy here too. It seems the white house wants to undermine the conventional media so that donald trump is able to present his own version of reality through twitter and facebook without any mediation, and say to the public, who do you believe, me or the establishment media . And while this battle plays itself out, the satirists are making hay. This is their take on what Vladimir Putin makes of it all. I am glad to see so many people showed up to your inauguration. Oh, wait, thats the womens march. Here is the inauguration. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. So where does the Trump Administrations approach to the media leave journalists . Josh lederman is the White House Correspondent for the Associated Press and he was at that White House Briefing. Josh told us what he thinks about the trump media battle. Well, this was a stunning departure from what the White House Press corps was used to under the obama administration, under the bush and clinton administrations, and really as far back as we can recall. I thinkjournalists in the us are still not exactly sure whats going to be the approach going forward. The most troublesome look, journalists are used to criticism from politicians. Thats natural, part of the process, were supposed to have an adversarial relationship, and thats ok. The white house and the White House Press office arent the only conduit for information. There are lawmakers in congress, members of the us congress, who are also getting information from the administration and from their own sources who can help us and the American People understand exactly whats going on, and there are all kinds of groups outside of government that are going to be working to try to hold the government accountable who will also have their take on the situation. Also making news this hour a special adviser to the gambias new president has claimed that ii million are missing from state funds. Long time ruler, yahya jammeh, has finally left the country after initially refusing to stand down. His successor, adama barrow, is expected to return from senegal soon and west african troops have arrived in the gambias capital to secure it for the new president. This is what his adviser told reporters. Within two weeks, nearly 500 million dalasis. Thats a lot of money. They spend about 200 million dalasis in relation to payment of services and so forth. That is a lot of money. The former Education Minister benoit hamon has emerged as favourite to be the socialist partys candidate in the upcoming president ial election in france. He took first place in the first round of a primary vote, beating the former Prime Minister manuel valls into second place. The two will take part in a run off next sunday. 0pinion polls suggest neither man is likely to do well in aprils election. The Chinese Government says it has ordered the closure of more than 100 golf courses as part of a campaign to tackle illegal development. Theres been a ban on building new courses since 2004 to safeguard land and water resources. However, new projects continued to be built to meet the growing demand from chinas wealthy. The australian state of victoria has announced changes to the states bail laws after a car driver deliberately hit pedestrians in central melbourne on friday. Five people were killed when a man, who was on bail, drove his car into a crowd at a shopping centre. Prime minister Malcolm Turnbull paid tribute to the victims on monday. Tributes have been paid to the baseball star Yordano Ventura whos been killed in a Traffic Accident in his native dominican republic. Yordano, who was a Starting Pitcher for the kansas city royals, was killed in a crash near santa domingo. Royals manager said he was talented, full of youthful exuberance, and always brought a smile to the face of everyone he met. We want to turn our attention back to President Trump and how decisions made by his administration affect the world. First off, hes already commented on the North America free trade agreement. Have a listen. Were gonna start renegotiating on nafta, on immigration, and on security at the border, and mexico has been terrific, actually, terrific. The president has been really very amazing, and i think were going to have a very good result for mexico, for the United States, for everybody involved its very important. Now, lets take a look at how the change of American Leadership will affect countries in the asia pacific. Throughout this week on newsday well hear from all our correspondents across the region. This morning weve already heard from beijing, sydney, seoul, taipei, hong kong and yangon. This hour, well start withjonathan head in bangkok. Jonathan theres a lot of uncertainty about the Trump Administration in thailand. Yes. In fact, yes. Infact, inevitably, given the size of his agenda and the many distractions, President Trumper hasnt said much about South East Asia but his overall approach to this region is different to his predecessor. 0bama this region is different to his predecessor. Obama had ties to South East Asia. President trump. 0bama made it a priority with his pivot. There are no signs it will happen under a there are no signs it will happen undera trump there are no signs it will happen under a Trump Administration. Initially, there are a number of leaders here who will welcome the break in style. If you think of the authoritarian leaders who have been criticised for their human rights, thailand, malaysia, the philippines, all the countries may well be very happy to hear donald trump say add great deal less about human rights but there is a real worry, i think, about what the strategic balance will be if the us more or less withdraws from this region. All of these countries have preferred to have two superpowers engaging with them. If trump disengages, chinas influence who has been growing enormously here, will be dominant. Cambodia is dominated completely by china. For others, the grouping of Southeast Asian nations who has enjoyed the Re Engagement of the United States, will see it will wea ken United States, will see it will weaken with the dominance of china. This is the most trade dependent regions in the world. If trump start a trade war with china with the Knock On Effect in world trade, all the economies here will suffer from that. Lets hear from the economies here will suffer from that. Lets hearfrom Rupert Wingfield hayes in tokyo. Japan has perhaps the deepest and longest relationship with the United States, both economically and strategically in this region. There is deep concern here, particularly after the inauguration address, which has been seen as being more nationalist aspects that did. There is real concern over the idea of renegotiating nafta. I have been told that will be detrimental to the us economy and jobs in the us that will also affect Japanese Companies that operate across North America. There is also a fear that we could return to the bad old days of the 19805 where us started to impose quotas on japanese good 19805 where us started to impose quotas onjapanese good being exported to the United States japanese goods. The Auto Industry which is big injapan. There is also at Strategic Alliance between japan and the United States which is expected to continue as normal. I have been told there is real concern over trumps comment on the one china policy over taiwan and the feeling here is they should not be touched, any change in that would be dangerous for the stability of this region. Now im handing over to rebecca in jakarta. Hello. Im standing outside of the former school of the former president barack obama. He spent some of his childhood here in indonesia and there is a statue they are behind be that commemorates this. There was a personal connection with the us president that indonesians are really going to miss, with President Trump. There is concern here that he doesnt understand or have any connection with the muslim world and indonesians, both personally and professionally, are worried about his statements, making it much harder for muslims entering the us. People are worried about going to school there, doing business in america, they are also very concerned that it will be a more dangerous world to live in now as he heads up the American Government and military. There are concerns about confrontations with the muslim world and a real sense of worry here. Amongst the government, among president joko widodos administration, they are saying positive things. That this relationship will continue. They are keen to do business with him and donald trump has already a number of businesses in indonesia and they are hoping that, as a businessman, they can do trade deals. They are putting a positive spin on this. I will hand back to the studio in singapore. Thank you for that, rebecca. That was the view of the first few days of the Trump Presidency from bangkok, jakarta and tokyo. And just a reminder that a brand new programme begins here on Bbc World News on monday. 100 days will be looking at Donald Trumps first 100 days in office and all the Key Developments around the globe. Join katty kay in washington, and Christian Fraser in london at 1900 gmt here on Bbc World News. Lets update you on the situation in Central Italy that has been crippled by severe weather. One of the survivors of the avalanche at Rigopiano Hotel says she ate ice and snow to quench her thirst during a 58 hour ordeal. More than twenty other people are still missing. Pablo ushoa reports. Four days after the tragedy, Rescue Workers here still looking for signs of life. Foot by foot. 23 people are still missing, feared to have been buried under the avalanche which crushed the Hotel Rigopiano on thursday night. Nine people have been rescued and on sunday one of the survivors spoke about her ordeal. She was rescued alongside her boyfriend after 50 hours trapped under the snow. She described what happened to an italian radio station. Translation we had nothing to eat. We ate ice. We did not see anyone. We did not hear anyone. But the Fire Department were already there. There were over 100 people working to find us. The survivors have been taken to this hospital about one hour away from the site. Corridors are filled with relatives and friends of the victims. Translation he has realised he has gone through and you recall, especially when you realise where he was, on a sofa damaged by Falling Beams from the roof, well, thats what he told us. Gone through a miracle. Its a race against the clock and a battle against the Weather Conditions, forecast to remain challenging, but teams here say they will continue their efforts until all of the victims are found. Youre watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme the drug fuelled movie that defined a generation. Two decades later, the Trainspotting Gang are back for more. Also on the programme the campaign to reinstate an Australia Day advert. We look at why it was taken down. The people of saigon have just heard there is to be a ceasefire. The reaction of american servicemen was predictable. Im going home demonstrators waiting for mike gatting and his Rebel Cricket Team were attacked with teargas and set upon by police dogs. Anti apartheid campaigners say they will carry on the protests throughout the tour. They called him the butcher of lyon. Klaus altmann is being held on a fraud charge in bolivia but the west germans want to extradite him for crimes committed in wartime france. There he was the gestapo chief klaus barbie. Millions came to bathe as close as possible to this spot, a tide of humanity which is believed by officials to have broken all records. This is newsday on the bbc. Im sharanjit leyl, in singapore. Im Babita Sharma, in london. Our top stories Donald Trumps battle with the media continues as his team accuses the media of trying to De Legitimise his presidency. The search is continuing for more than 20 people still missing after an avalanche destroyed a hotel in italy. Lets take a look at some front pages from Around The World. We start with the south China Morning post. It has its own take on the new us president. It says analysts are calling for the chinese president xi jinping to reach out to mr trump, to try to defuse what it says are growing tensions between washington and beijing. China daily also covers the beginning of the trump era, but has a rather different headline. It says his inaugural speech is a cause of worry. And it claims his America First message is causing uncertainty Around The World. And donald trump is also dominating the front page of the japan times. But it chooses to focus on saturdays demonstrations against the new president , saying that more than a Million People Around The World took part in protests. Now, babita, what stories are sparking discussions online . Trump, of course. A letter left on the desk of the oval office is being talked about online. The letter was of course written by barack obama for President Trump. Mr trump says he found it when he first went into the office, and that he will keep it, cherish it and never tell the press whats written in it. It seems only two american president s will ever know what it says. A campaign to reinstate an Australia Day advert featuring two girls in hijabs has raised more than aus 100,000 in donations. The ad was taken down from a street in melbourne after threats were made to the Billboard Company. It was accused of being propaganda and not reflecting australian culture. Campaigners have now raised funds to pay for multiple billboards across australia. Earlier i spoke with dee madigan a creative director who was behind the crowd Funding Campaign. Yes, well, the original ad didnt just feature the girls in hijab. It actually featured a range of australians. But the people picked on that particular photo, and that is what they made the threats about. And a Billboard Company took it down, so we started this crowd Funding Campaign to bring this back up again. We cant get it up in the original place, obviously, because that Billboard Company has said no. But we have it up now in other places around melbourne, and it is going up in other Capital Cities as well. And what do you think of peoples responses so far . Because you have managed to collect quite a bit of money in this Crowd Funding Effort to reinstate those posters, havent you . Yes, look, i think we are over 165,000 australian dollars now, which is amazing. I think a lot of people just saw the absolute hypocrisy that was exposed here. Because the people who complain about it, made the threats about it, are the same ones who say muslims dont assimilate, and yet this was a photo of two young muslim australian girls, Holding Australian flags, celebrating Australia Day. Its like, how much more assimilated do they need to be . And i think a lot of australians just felt it was incredibly unfair, and this gave them an opportunity to do something kind of tangible about that. Right, and the original removal of the billboard, of course, causing consternation amongst many. What does it say about australia today, that those sort of responses still exist . It feels, with the rise of a Political Party over here, and the whole trump thing, that there seems to be more permission for people to be overtly bigoted, and that seems to have come out. And there is this narrative that they are pushing, almost that they are speaking for the silent majority. And i guess what this crowd Funding Campaign did was prove that there is actually these racist bigots arent all australians at all, and theres a lot of really good people who understand that, apart from indigenous australians, we are all boat people here, and none of us have any more or less right to be here than anyone else. The news just coming the newsjust coming in, that the worlds is the Smartphone Maker samsung says it blames faulty batteries for the fires that led to the recall of its flagship galaxy note 7 device. They concluded the batteries were found to be the cause of the incident. You are may remember of course it cost the company 5. 3 billion dollars and damaged its reputation. We will have more on that to come. When the Film Trainspotting came out in the 1990s, its blend of drugs and petty crime in edinburgh became an unlikely global hit. Now, more than two decades later, The Original Cast and director have re united for a sequel, catching up with the characters as they reach middle age. Colin patterson was there. After more than 20 years, the Trainspotting Gang back together, on the orange carpet of the long awaited sequel. How does this compare to the 1996 premiere . I dont remember the 1996 premiere i really dont, i mean. Yeah, for probably a very good reason aside from all the fun stuff in the first movie, i think people found it relatable. Even though it was maybe about subjects they werent involved in, it was still relatable in some way. This is carrying such a cultural weight associated with it, that it feels like no event that ive been to before. Choose life, choose a job, choose a career. Trainspotting was the defining film of mid 90s cool britannia. The movie poster was on students walls, the soundtrack in their cd players. It dealt with addiction, hedonism, and friendship. So what youre looking at is that . I think theyve changed the wall, havent they . Earlier in the day the director, danny boyle, took us back to where it all began. We implied they were straight from princes street, where they were being chased by detectives, and renton gets hit here, by a car. What have you been up to for 20 years . Since trainspotting, danny boyle has dominated the oscars with slumdog millionaire, and triumphed with the 2012 0lympic opening ceremony. Since we made the first movie, people constantly come up to you and talk about the characters like they know them. That made you think we had a kind of duty to perhaps turn to it again. Here we are, more than 20 years later. How do you make sure this is not the Film Equivalent of dad dancing . Well, the truth is you cant. Part of the responsibility with what we are doing is making a sequel to a film people know very well. Choose facebook, twitter, instagram, and hope that someone, somewhere, cares. And the cast are already talking about a third film, based on irvine welshs novel. The chances of a trainspotting 3 . Yes, when we are in our 60s, in some scag house old folks home. I think the chances are good. Im up for it, hes up for it, so i dont think youve seen the last of begbie just yet. Im sure there are lots of fans who cant wait to see that. You have been watching newsday. Thats all for now. We are back at the same time tomorrow. Goodbye. Some pretty stark contrasts in Weather Conditions for part two of the weekend across the uk. Some areas saw some brilliant sunshine, again after a cold, frosty start. But other areas stayed cloudy, and, where it was cloudy, you had the mist and murk, and some low cloud as well, like this Weather Watcher picture shows in monmouthshire. Now, through the course of the night things will turn dryer. Any light rain, some sleet and snow, clearing away, and then a fairly widespread frost developing. Certainly, where you keep the cloud, not quite as cold. But there will be some really cold spots, and one thing we are concerned about through the course of the night is developing fog. Freezing fog in places, particularly across central, southern and south eastern areas, and it is likely to become pretty extensive and dense towards the end of the night, so it could cause a few problems for the monday morning commute. Keep tuned to bbc local radio, go online for the latest update. There is likely to be some travel disruption, and potential disruption to the major airports across the south east, as well, so give yourself extra time if you are heading out. That fog could really be quite dense, freezing fog as well, so it is going to be really cold. A little less fog, i think, in the far south west, towards wales. And here, with clear skies, we could see a little bit of sunshine through the course of the morning. A little bit of fog as well further north, quite patchy in nature, potentially not quite as widespread as it will be across the south and the south east, but a cold start for scotland and northern ireland. But at least here, to compensate, there should be some good spells of sunshine. And then, through the day, the winds remain light, the fog may be slow to clear, or even stubborn to clear at all across the south east, and where it does so it will remain cold and grey throughout the day. But actually, for many areas, central, northern and Western Areas, it is going to be a pretty good looking day. Where we have sunshine in the forecast it will be quite chilly, especially where that fog lingers on across central and south eastern areas. Then, into tuesday, almost a repeat performance. We start off with some pretty dense, freezing fog through central, southern and eastern areas, tending to lift through the day. Some sunshine developing across the west. A bit of a change taking place, increasing breeze, maybe a bit more in the way of cloud and a few spots of rain. But slightly milder air pushing in, you will notice. Temperatures just making double figures through tuesday afternoon. But again, across the south east, it could be quite chilly, especially where the fog lingers on. Here is the Pressure Chart to show you what is going on in the middle part of the week. High pressure just holding on across the south east. You can see tightly packed isobars, certainly across the west, where a Weather Front will be flirting with Western Areas to cause bigger spells of rain. So we will be losing the fog, it will be clearing away through the course of the week, as we pick up stronger winds. That wind will be chilly at first, certainly for many areas across the south east, but then turning milder by the weekend. Im Babita Sharma with Bbc World News. Our top story. Donald trumps team accuses the media of trying to De Legitimise his presidency. The new president has taken issue with estimates of the size of the crowd at his inauguration on friday. The white house chief of staff, reince priebus, has accused parts of the us media of trying to undermine mrtrump. Rescue workers in Central Italy are continuing to search for 23 people still missing after an avalanche destroyed the hotel where they were staying last week. Nine survivors have been pulled from the ruins so far. And this video is trending on bbc. Com. Two people have been gored to death in a Bull Wrestling Festival in tamil nadu in southern india. It comes just a day after a ban on the controversial event was overturned. Thats all from me now stay with Bbc World News. And the top story here in the uk labour has called on theresa may to make an urgent statement in the house of commons, about a problem with a trident

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