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It is 9 00am in singapore, 1 00am in london and 2 00am in the morning in the swiss resort of davos, where president xijinping has told a gathering of elites from across the world that china wants to be a champion of free trade and stability. Mr xi made no direct reference to donald trump, but his comments are in stark contrast to mr trumps America First vision. The chinese leader warned against a trade war with the us, saying there would be no winners. 0ur Economics editor kamal ahmed has this report. He arrived with full security detail. The president of china, here to speak to an eager audience of political and business leaders. Mr xi didnt actually mention President Elect donald j trump. He didnt need to. The message was clear. Translation pursuing protectionism is just like locking oneself in a dark room. While wind and rain may be kept outside, so are light and air. No one will emerge as a winner in a trade war. He also said that countries should redouble their commitment to the paris Climate Change agreement, which mr trump has threatened to quit. Translation all signatories should stick to it, instead of walking away from it, as this is a responsibility we must assume for future generations. The debate about globalisation is truly a through the Looking Glass moment. The leader of the Worlds Largest Communist Party here at the home of capitalism, arguing for free trade and open borders, at the same time as donald trump is saying that he doesnt like free trade, and is accusing china of raping america with cheap imports. President xi jinping said he didnt want a trade war, but he sounds like he might be preparing for one. After the tough words of the President Elect, today a slightly softer tone from america. I think the chinese and americans have common cause, and we have to have a very strong bilateral relationship. I also believe that the United States and the new administration does not want to have a trade war. President xi is determined to lead the push for greater free trade, as the us turns inwards. The tense relationship between these two economic superpowers will define the global economys performance over the next decade. Now, some of the days other news, and within the past few hours President Obama has commuted Chelsea Mannings sentence for leaking documents to wikileaks in 2010. The 29 year old Transgender Us Army private, born bradley manning, will now be freed on 17 may instead of her scheduled 2045 release date. She was sentenced to 35 years in 2013 for her role in leaking diplomatic cables to the website. The leak was one of the largest breaches of classified material in us history. I spoke to our north america reporter rajini vaidyanathan, who has been following the story. Effectively, it means that Chelsea Manning, according to the white house, is due to be released in may this year. Now, this comes as part of a wave of communications and pardons that the president issued today. It is one of his last acts as president. It is usual for an outgoing president to issue pardons and commutations, but of course the commutation of Chelsea Mannings sentence is most high profile. Now, there was a Huge Campaign ever since 2013, when she was convicted, for her sentence to be commuted orfor her to be pardoned. And even before the white house made this announcement, earlier in the day the White House Press secretary, josh earnest, was asked questions about whether or not the president would pardon Chelsea Manning. And he made the contrast with Edward Snowden. Now, Edward Snowden also applied for clemency. His name isnt on the list. But the white house made the distinction that Chelsea Manning owned up, faced responsibility, and faced up to the hack and what she had done. 0n the other hand, Edward Snowden simply left the country. So that was a distinction that was made, but certainly Chelsea Manning wrote to the president in november and said that she didnt want a pardon, but said she wanted a commutation. She said she wanted to take responsibility for what she did, and that she never intended to put any us Military Personnel in danger through the information that she leaked. More than 700,000 classified documents of the us army, including classified videos, and of course those diplomatic cables, which caused huge embarrassment, plus much of the words of us officials, that should have been private, became public. Also making news today the Heir Apparent of samsung group, south koreas largest conglomerate, jy lee, is to appear in court. A judge will decide whether to issue an Arrest Warrant over his alleged role in a Corruption Scandal involving the administration of President Park geun hye. South koreas Finance Minister said he would wait until the courts decision before commenting on the impact on south koreas economy. Vladimir putin has dismissed allegations that russia had gathered Compromising Material on donald trump as total nonsense. The russian president said the leaked information which appeared last week in the us media was an obvious fake. Translation first of all, he is a grown up man. And secondly, he is a person who has been organising Beauty Contests for many years, who communicated with the most beautiful women in the world. You know, i can hardly imagine that he went to the hotel to meet with our girls of reduced social responsibility. Undoubtedly my girls are the best in the world, of course, but i doubt mr trump took this bait. And people who order such fakes, which are now being spread against a new president of the us, they fabricate them and use them in the political race, they are worse than prostitutes. They do not have any moral limits. A study of babies born in south korea, who were adopted by dutch speakers and raised in the netherlands, suggests that Language Skills acquired in the first months of life are never lost. Scientists say internationally adopted children who think they have forgotten their birth language actually retain information. The researchers say the findings underline the importance of talking to young babies. Lets take you to georgia, in the United States, where a sinkhole has swallowed up the Cargo Container of this 25,000 kg truck. It seems the truck was parked up with its load of 60,000 litres of water when the sinkhole opened. The rescue teams have been trying to pump the water out of the container, to make it lighter, before pulling the truck out of the hole. The good news is no one was injured in this incident. In the last few hours, australias Transport Minister said he would be willing to restart the search for mh370 if new information came to light. But he said, until then, the underwater effort is being suspended. The Malaysia Airlines flight, carrying 239 people, went missing after taking off from kuala lumpur in march 2014. Debris from the plane has been retrieved, but the boeing 777 itself has never been found. Its an extraordinary aviation mystery, as it stands today. I am hopeful that well have a breakthrough in the future. We need to prepare ourselves for the sad and tragic reality that in the foreseeable future we may not find mh370, but that doesnt rule out future endeavours, or future breakthroughs in terms of data and technology, that help us solve this extraordinaire puzzle. Earlier we spoke to the Aviation Industry analyst geoffrey thomas. He has been making a series on the search for mh370, and we asked him what he made of the comment that the australian Transport Secretary that they may restart the search if new information came to light. Well, i find this statement quite extraordinary, in actual fact, because that new evidence has come to light, in the form of the debris thats turned up on the east coast of africa. And, with some amazing Reverse Drift Modelling done by the australian csiro, thats been lauded across the world as groundbreaking, theyve identified a new area of 25,000 square kilometres, just adjacent and to the north of the current, or the previous search area, of 120,000 square kilometres. Now, this is a this new area has been identified, as i said, by the csiro, and also an International Team of experts from the United States, the uk, france, and also an independent group called the independent group of experts in satellites and physics astronomy. Theyve all concurred that this area is where it is. So to walk away from it now is extraordinary, and i dont believe this is an australian decision. This is a malaysian decision. So in your view, there are good chances that the plane could be found 7 absolutely, i mean, theres 30 pieces of debris that have now washed up in various locations in the west indian ocean, on the east coast of africa. Reunion island, madagascar, south africa, and other places. And that debris tells us secrets. It tells us a lot about what happened with that aeroplane in its final few minutes. Combined with continual analysis of the inmarsat data, and that inmarsat Satellite Data is not in dispute by anybody, it is absolutely accurate. It is known and understood. So the play must be on whats called the seventh arc. It is a matter of where on the seventh arc. The debris is the smoking gun, if you like. The analysis of that debris has told us an enormous amount about what happened to the plane. But the Reverse Drift Modelling has really honed it down to this small area, again, slightly north of where we have been looking up till now. And the analysis of that 120,000, that original 120,000 square kilometres, that was done almost two years ago. Weve moved on a long way since then, and for the Transport Minister for australia to say we need new, credible evidence, well, we have it. Its just a matter of committing and doing it. The European Union has been reacting to tuesdays speech by britains Prime Minister, in which she made clear that the uk intended to leave the european Single Market. Theresa may said britain would seek a Free Trade Deal with the eu, as part of its plans for brexit. But the european parliaments main Brexit Negotiator said it was an illusion to think britain would be allowed to keep the advantages of free trade without accepting the obligations. Damian grammaticas reports from the european parliament, in strasbourg. Good afternoon, mrjuncker. A very big day for brexit, isnt it . He wasnt commenting, butjean Claude Juncker and his eu commissioners were today listening to theresa may, keen to hear her vision for brexit. The response from the european parliaments Chief Negotiator it doesnt add up. It creates also an illusion that you can go out of the Single Market, that you can go out of the Customs Union and that you can cherry pick that you can have still a number of advantages. The eu today was busy with its own affairs, electing a new president of the european parliament. Many here are sceptical the uk can get all it wants in a Special Trade and customs deal. Wed all love to have a Europe A La Carte cherry picking, as they call it, eh . It is a ridiculous idea, but this is serious. We have a lot of countries here, a lot of people and we have to take care of everybody, and this is not, you know, a Europe A La Carte. 0utside, an Italian School group on an eu tour. Quitting the Single Market and shunning its freedom of movement will, some here believe, be a painful process for the uk, something they say theresa may did not address. I expect many businesses from the uk to move to europe. I expect, also, some Financial Companies providing services from the city will also move to europe. So there will be some significant losses. Theresa may hasnt mentioned a word about these potential costs and potential losses. And as for the threat mrs may might walk away, choosing no deal if she isnt satisfied, that hasnt gone down well, even with the uks closest neighbours. But no deal will also be bad for the United Kingdom. So it isnt as if they hold all the cards. The United Kingdom will look after its own interests. We will look after ours. And here, today, one mep summed up reactions to me, saying he thought theresa may was overselling to the british people both what she could achieve in trade deals with other countries and how much access she would get to the Single Market. Damian grammaticas, bbc news, strasbourg. You are watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme putting a new twist on an old narrative. How one Chinese Company isnt stealing americanjobs, but creating them, in the us. Also on the programme something fishy. Why one of the worlds biggest markets is heading for a new home, and not everyone is happy about it. Day one of Operation Desert Storm to force the iraqis out of kuwait the people of saigon have just heard there is to be a see is via. The prediction of american servicemen was predictable. Im going home a ceasefire. Demonstrators waiting for mike gatting and his Rebel Cricket Team we re gatting and his Rebel Cricket Team were attacked with teargas and set upon by police dogs. Anti apartheid campaigners say they will carry on the protests throughout the tour. They called him the butcher of lyon. Clouds altmann is being held on a formal charge in bolivia but the german courts want to extradite him for crimes committed in france. There he was the gestapo chief clouds barbi. Millions came to bathe as close as possible to this spot, a tide of humanity which is believed to have broken all records. This is newsday on the bbc. Im mariko 0i in singapore. And im kasia madera in london. Our top stories speaking at the World Economic forum in davos, the chinese president xi jinping says globalisation should not be blamed for all the worlds problems. President obama has commuted most of the remaining Prison Sentence of Chelsea Manning, who was behind one of americas biggest ever leaks of classified information. And could this be a solution to rising sea levels . French polynesia has signed an agreement that supporters hope could pave the way for autonomous floating cities around the world. That story is popular on bbc. Com across asia. Lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. We start with a story which is on almost every front page. This is the Straits Times here, covering theresa mays speech on brexit. It says her speech triggered a surge in sterling, giving the pound its best day since the Global Financial crisis in 2008. The South China Morning Post shows a photo of chinas president xi in switzerland. It also has this story about a former Us National Security adviser, stephen yates, who has defended Donald Trumps comments on the one china policy. Hes reported saying american policy towards taiwan needs a recalibration. And the japan times leads with Prime Minister shinzo abes Whirlwind Tour of pacific rim nations. The paper says he worked to cement ties and reaffirm the importance of free trade amid concerns that donald trump will shift to a more protectionist us trade policy. Now, what stories are sparking discussions online . Yes, this is a story that has gone viral on social media. We know donald trump is a prolific twitter user. Well, one of his latest messages was meant to be in praise of his daughter, ivanka. This is the twitter feed of the President Elects daughter. But because of a simple typing error by the author of the initial tweet, that was re tweeted by donald trump, the President Elect ended up directing his 20 million followers to the twitter feed of a different ivanka, ivanka mayich, who lives in brighton, on the south coast of britain. The mistake attracted manyjokes, but also a piece of serious advice from the recipient. I thought it is one of those moments in life where you have an opportunity to Say Something that some people may read or listen to, and rather than, yes, you are absolutely right, my politics couldnt be further from Donald Trumps, however, i thought Climate Change is everything that everybody could agree with is a big problem and a big concern regardless of their position on the political spectrum, so i thought, well, if i find something. I quickly searched for an article that has a good infographic, i should find something that is looking good and informative, and i went with my Climate Change tweet. One of Donald Trumps closest advisers has told the bbc that the us would win a trade war with china. Antony scaramucci added that the current Trade Relationship was more favourable to china than the us. But in one town in americas rust belt, its a company with roots in china thats actually creating jobs. Laura trevelyan went for a look. This is Donald Trumps america now. Like so many small towns across the nation, he ran here with a promise to bring backjobs. Somewhat surprisingly, though, the factory is a company with its headquarters in china. Fuyao glass has moved into a plant that General Motors closed down, Making Windshields where cars once rolled off the assembly line. On this 0hio factory floor, Donald Trumps anti globalisation Campaign Rhetoric meets the reality. This chinese managed company is determined to become the biggest manufacturer of Car Windshields in the world. Our goal obviously is to become number one, and to achieve the goal you have to combine all of the resources, the manpower, so i believe we have to have two feet, one in china, one in the us. Fuyaos putting its money where its mouth is, investing millions of dollars on the plant. While many of the managers are chinese, more than 2000 jobs have been created locally. Scott used to work for General Motors and he is grappling with the cultural differences. We have to find Common Ground on what our goals are, our goals and our standards, there are a lot you dont necessarily see that you would in an established american company. The American Dreams taken a hit at the local tavern, where theres nostalgia for the gm days when business was brisk. The tammys regulars say, thanks to fuyao, things are picking up. My son is working there, hes building the catwalks. The Trump Supporters around this part and across the nation hope the next president will bring business back to their communities. They might be surprised china is creating manufacturing jobs, but a pay cheque is better than none. Laura trevelyan, bbc news, 0hio. Tokyos legendary Tsukiji Fish Market is the biggest in the world. It supplies the citys finest Sushi Restaurants, as well as the general public. But it is set to be closed down and moved to a bigger, more modern site, causing regret for some. The bbcs Rupert Wingfield hayes has been taking a look. Its five oclock in the morning inside the worlds biggest fish market and the Tuna Auctions are under way. This is the first auction of 2017 and the prices are likely to be high. This will be the last new year auction held in tsukiji perhaps ever, because this markets supposed to close, and over here, if you come over here, you can see, you can see through here, these are the really big ones, these are the fish that are 200 250 kilos, these are the ones that might reach Record Prices that Current Record for one fish, one fish, 1. 7 million. Tsukiji market is like no other, vast and chaotic. On a good day, 60,000 People Bustle through this maze of alleys and shops. But soon, all of this will be gone, the buildings demolished, the land sold to developers. Toichiro iidas family have been trading tuna since the days of the shogun. In tsukiji, im third generation, and we are doing this business for 170 years almost, so, what we feel is we built this place, i mean, the tsukiji, not built by someone. Actually, we make history in this place. But why do we have to move from here . Moving from here isnt the only worry. The meat from this 200 kilo monster will go to the top Sushi Restaurant in nearby ginza, but fish like this are getting hard to find. In the pacific and atlantic, stocks of bluefin tuna has fallen by more than 90 . The frozen one is 1000 or less each day, and a fresh one is like 300, 200, something, 100 less, so the number of fish is decreased, so we dont have enough fish to sell, actually. Do you worry about the future of the industry . Yes. Maybe, maybe it is going to be like the whale, could be. This new year, the top bid went for this 210 kilo bluefin, 632,000 us. Critics say Publicity Stunts like this ignore the fact that these fish are now endangered species. Rupert wingfield hayes, bbc news. You have been watching newsday. Stay with us. And before we go, some rather sad news to end our programme. The worlds first gorilla to be born in a zoo, a female named colo, has died at the age of 60 in the us state of ohio. Thats all for now, stay with bbc world news. Hello there. Hopefully you like cloudy weather, because thats whats coming up in the forecast really through the rest of the week and well into the weekend as well. Satellite picture yesterday shows the extent of the cloud cover. Rather misty across parst of england and wales, warm for the eastern side of scotland for the time of year but cold with the sunshine across east anglia and South East England and these conditions will persist for another few days. Across the midlands into staffordshire we have misty conditions and that will continue to thicken up as well. So for wednesday morning expect a couple of fog patches over the hills of northern england, the pennines, the vale of york. One or two fog patches possible for the South East Of England as well. For many of us it wont be a particularly cold start to the day, with temperatures around 7 9 degrees, but it will be cold for the South East Of England. Here, a sharp overnight frost with clear skies, fog patches and temperatures as low as 7. Were tapping into some of the cold airfrom the continent across the far South East Of England, otherwise we have High Pressure in charge of the weather but we also have this Weather Front bringing a lot of cloud with it and the cloud will be thick enough at times on wednesday morning to bring occasional spots of rain or drizzle. The likely places to catch that across parts of north wales into the north west midlands, cheshire, merseyside, greater manchester, these areas probably starting off quite damp. A lot of cloud for Northern Ireland and scotland. 0ccasional spots of rain in the west. Clear spells to start the day across eastern scotland. Through the rest of day, where the front remains a slow moving, if you are underneath this area of cloud it will stay with us all day. It will be a glorious day for South East England. Plenty of sunshine but it is cold and i hold out the prospect of some breaks coming along with the cloud across Northern Ireland and western scotland. It wont be solidly cloudy but, that said, they will be a lot of cloud around. Temperatures reaching double figures in the warmest spots. 0n into wednesday night, another cold one coming up across southern counties of england. The tendency for the breaks on the cloud to extend across southern counties of england. That is where we will have the frosty weather overnight. Further north, with the cloud cover, again, it is generally frost free with temperatures around 5 7 degrees. Thursday starting on a dull and cloudy note, save for southern england, with the prospect of Early Morning sunshine, and staying reasonably bright through the rest of the day. Temperatures under the cloud, 7 9 degrees, maybe ten in western scotland, and spots of rain coming from the cloud now and then. Similar weather through friday into the weekend. We have to wait until next week before we see any significant changes in the weather pattern. Thats your forecast. Im kasia madera with bbc news. Our top story the chinese president , xijinping, has said globalisation should not be blamed for all the worlds problems. In what is likely to be seen as a rebuke to Donald Trumps promise to defend the us against chinese exports, president xi told the World Economic forum no one would win from a trade war. President obama has commuted the Prison Sentence of Chelsea Manning, the american soldier jailed for 35 years for leaking classified documents. Manning will be released in may. And this story is trending on bbc. Com Drone Footage shows a crack in the Antarctic Ice shelf which opened up late last year. The British Antarctic survey is pulling all staff out of its space age Halley Research centre because of Safety Concerns caused by the split in the ice. Thats all from me now. Stay with bbc news. And the top story here in the uk the Department For Transport has welcomed the decision of some drivers on Southern Rail to suspend strikes planned for next week

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