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It is 9 00am in singapore, 1 00am in london, and 8 00pm in the evening in washington, where in eight days donald trump will become president of the United States. Mr trump seems to be at odds with some of his key cabinet nominees. His choice for new head of the cia, mike pompeo, on the left, strongly endorsed the work of the Us Intelligence community, hours after it was criticised by the President Elect. And generaljames mattis, on the right, nominated for defence secretary, accused russia of trying to break up nato, in contrast to mr trumps wish for much closer ties with president putin. 0ur Correspondent Nick Bryant reports from washington. A week before inauguration day, it is usually an air of expectancy that youll find on capitol hill, where the stage is being set foertrump to take the oath of office. But the mood now is much more feverish, much more surreal, as front page allegations swirl that russia has compromising information about the President Elect which would make him susceptible to blackmail. Do you solemnly swear to give the committee the truth. Today, Donald Trumps choice as the new cia director was on capitol hill, claiming the new allegations are unsubstantiated, but agreeing the kremlin tried to interfere with the election. Its pretty clear about what took place here, about russian involvement in efforts to hack information, and to have an impact on american democracy. Im very clear eyed about what that Intelligence Report says, and have every expectation, as we continue to develop the facts, i will relay those not only to the president , but the team around him and to you all, so that we all can have a robust discussion about how to take on what is an enormous threat from cyber. As for the latest allegations contained in the unverified dossier. I promise i will pursue the facts, wherever they take us. And the incoming defence secretary, james mad dog mattis, taking aim at vladimir putin, putting russia at the top of his list of threats to america. Im all for engagement, but we also have to recognise reality and what russia is up to, and there is a decreasing number of areas where we can engage co operatively, and an increasing number of areas where were going to have to confront russia. Clapping. At his News Conference in trump tower yesterday, the President Elect rejected the unverified allegations russia has dirt on him, in strong and colourful language. You are fake news. Go ahead. And, after speaking last night to americas director of national intelligence, james clapper, he was just as vehement on twitter. But intelligence chiefs have made no judgment on the claims. Team trumo is defiant. James clapper re emphasised that the Intelligence Community gave no credibility to the documents. Washington is a city used to ethics questions and alleged scandal, but nothing like this on the eve of an inauguration. Nick bryant, bbc news, washington. For more on this story i spoke to rajini vaidyanathan, who is following events in washington. Yes, i mean, what these hearings are bringing up is how some of Donald Trumps picks for key cabinet positions are at odds with President Elect trump, just over a week before he becomes president. Its notjust the two we heard today, but also yesterday i was watching the Senate Confirmation hearing for Rex Tillerson, who is Donald Trumps pick to become secretary of state, a huge global role as americas diplomat. And in that hearing, as well, there were some opinions of dissent, and some language being different to being pro russia, with Rex Tillerson saying that russia was a threat. When he was pushed on whether he thought that russia was behind the hacking of the Democratic Party during the election, he said yes, he felt that they did. And even though donald trump conceded that he thought as much earlier this week, his language towards russia has not been as damning as what we heard in the hearings. Now, what does this mean . Well, we dont really know, therefore, what Donald Trumps policy on russia might be, because were getting different messages from different people who will form that government. Also in the news Syrian State Television says a suspected Suicide Bomber has carried out an attack in the capital, damascus, killing at least six people. The blast is believed to have gone off in a neighbourhood that is home to ministries and buildings used by the security services. State tv is also reporting several explosions and a large fire inside the mazzeh military airport, just west of damascus. The Reuters News Agency is reporting that syrian Army Command Says israel has fired rockets at the site, and is warning of repercussions. The Nigerian Government has asked taiwan to move its office out of the capital, abuja. It comes one day after china announced plans for further investment in nigeria. Taiwan has asked the nigerians to think again, saying they regard the request as more pressure from china to isolate it. Japans prime minister, shinzo abe, is on a two day official visit to the philippines, the first such visit by a foreign leader since president Rodrigo Duterte took office last year. The trip aims to improve relations between tokyo and manila. Mr abe said japan will help the philippines controversial fight against illegal drugs. Shares in the Italian American carmaker Fiat Chrysler fell by over 15 , after us authorities said it violated the clean air act. They said Fiat Chrysler used software that allowed excess Diesel Emissions in over 100,000 vehicles. The companys boss has denied the allegations, saying they have done nothing illegal. This extreme sports enthusiast, who is only known as adam, has made the worlds first base jump from the highest bridge on earth. It is the beipanjiang bridge, in china, which stands 565 metres above a river. The jump took 81 seconds, with adam opening his parachute ten seconds in, about 200 metres above the ground. A man and his six year old daughter, from new zealand, who were reported missing at sea, have been found in australia after 27 days on the water. Alan langdon says storm damage left his catamaran without a rudder, which took them more than 2,000km off course. Here is our sydney correspondent hywel griffith. Safe harbour at last. Alan langdon says he was unaware of the attention his and his daughters disappearance had caused. A major Search Operation Involving Police and a private investigator finally ended when they calmly sailed into a small bay on the coast of new south wales. Their problems began when a storm damaged their boat and they started to drift. When we were in a position with no rudder we had not many options. We waited for fine weather that did not come and we kept getting pushed south. Getting pushed south, and out. I didnt realise that sailing with one rudder was going to be as hard as it was, as interesting, challenging. The pair left this harbour on 17 december, with the aim of reaching the northern bay of the island in time for christmas. Instead they drifted all the way across the tasman sea, finally landing in ulladulla, in australia, 27 days later. Their arrival seemed unremarkable until they came ashore. I could tell they had been at sea for quite a while. They were quite wobbly on the land. I can understand that when youve been on a boat for a long time. The catamaran will now need repairs before they can sail north, to be processed by australian customs, and alan langdon will need to explain to the authorities in new zealand how and when he intends to bring his daughter back home. Hywel griffith, bbc news. President barack 0bama has ended the longstanding policy that allows cubans who arrive in the us without visas to become permanent residents. The repeal of the so called wet foot, dry foot policy comes as president 0bama continues to try to thaw relations with cuba in his final days of office. 0ur correspondent in havana, will grant, gave me more details. Well, its really one of the cornerstones of washingtons policy towards cuba, or certainly has been for the past 20 years or so. Under it, its basically the carrot to the stick of the us economic embargo, if you like. And that carrot comes in the form of the guaranteed right of residency in the United States for cubans who arrive without a visa. So weve all seen the images of cubans arriving on the shores of the United States, in very rickety rafts and so on. They have be direct right to remain, and within a year apply for citizenship. That isnt offered to any other citizens, certainly not from latin america. And its a very controversial rule, both in the United States and in cuba, where the cuban government blame it for the Brain Drain Taking place on this island. So now, finally, in the last few days of the 0bama illustration, it has been lifted. Its all about the thaw in relationships between the United States and cuba. It was unpopular with the cuban government, but lots of ordinary cubans felt it gave them something to strive for, if they ever made it to the us they have the inalienable right to stay there. So its been a controversial measure for both countries, but it certainly had its days numbered when barack 0bama made peace with havana. Because why would you offer to the citizens of a country youre no longer enemy with the right to find exile in your country . It always looked like it was going to be phased out once the two countries began to normalise diplomatic ties. Of course, we dont know what donald trump will do, either with this rule change, orfor that matter on anything to do with his policy with cuba for the time being. Explain to us briefly, if you will, this idea that those who were intercepted at sea would be sent home. How does that work, the wet foot, dry foot . Just explain that to us, would you. Thats absolutely right. So it remains the case that those picked up at sea will be returned to cuba, and cuba has said as part of this agreement with the United States that they will accept them back. But under the rule, wet foot, dry foot, if you make it to the United States as a cuban, and put a single dry foot on United States soil, you have the right to remain. That is no longer the case. You are watching newsday on the bbc. Still to come on the programme meet The Indian Cricket fan who is as famous as the players he supports. Day one of Operation Desert Storm to force the iraqis out of kuwait has seen the most intense air attacks since the second world war. Tobacco is americas oldest industry, and its one of its biggest, but the industry is nervous of this report. This may tend to make people want to stop smoking cigarettes. There is not a street that is unaffected. Huge parts of kobe were simply demolished as buildings crashed into one another. This woman said shed been given no help and no advice by the authorities. She stood outside the ruins of her business. Tens of thousands of black children in south africa have taken advantage of laws, passed by the countrys new multiracial government, and enrolled at formerly white schools. Tonight sees the 9,610th performance of her long running play, the mousetrap. When they heard about her death today, the management considered whether to cancel tonights performance, but Agatha Christie would have been the last person to want such a thing. This is newsday on the bbc. Im rico hizon, in singapore. Im kasia madera, in london. Our top stories Donald Trumps choice to lead the cia has strongly praised the Intelligence Community, hours after mr trump had criticised them. The 0bama administration has announced a big change in the rules for cubans entering the United States. Theyll no longer have the automatic right to remain without a visa. These spectacular pictures are proving very popular on our website. They were taken from an airplane above australia, and show whats thought to be a wave cloud, where the air rises up and down in a wave, creating these lines. That story is popular on bbc. Com across asia. That article explains a little bit more about how they are made, because they are phenomenal. Lets take a look at some front pages from around the world. The japan times leads with news about Donald Trumps choice for secretary of state, Rex Tillerson. Rex tillerson has confirmed that washingtons commitment to defend japan in the event of china trying to seize the japan administered Senkaku Islands in the east china sea. 0nto the south China Morning posts, which leads with the woman said to be beijings choice as the new leader of hong kong. There she is carrie lem cheng, who is promising to diversify the economy and shes also promising to reach out to young people, amonst other things. Finally, the strait times focuses on eight indonesians whove been deported for alleged terror links. The singapore immigration Officials Say they found a photo of a shoe bomb on one of the groups mobile phones. Now, rico, a really difficult story has got people talking online . Thats right. 0n social media. Weve seen some rattled chinese online users, looking and watching these very distressing images. They show a 92 year old malnourished woman in a locked pigsty, where, according to the southern morning post, she had been living for years. How sad is that . The video was posted on the Popular Video service miaopai and many people voiced their outrage at her son and Daughter In Law for keeping her in such conditions. What does it take to make us happy . And can we actually buy happiness . Well, those are questions asked by Documentary Filmmaker mak ck, who raised funds to help nine friends in tanzania turn their lives around. Its part of his project, called buying happiness, which aims to take a hard look at the relationship between poverty and charity. Well hearfrom mak in a moment, but first lets take a quick look at his work. Theyve all turned to me and i wasnt sure of how i should help, but im now raising money for them and finding out if it changes their lives in the long run. I want to believe that with this help they can turn their lives around. Earlier, i spoke to mak ck and i asked him how this project began. So it began 13 years ago when i was a volunteer at an orphanage in tanzania. I spent about five months there, it was without running water, without electricity. It was a very profound experience for me. I was a much younger person then. And for years i always wondered what happened to the orphans, because we dont really hear what happens after youve helped someone in a situation like that. You went back ten years later and you found they were in a dire situation . You imagine they go on and lead fulfilling lives fulfil their potentials, and you find out that many of them are struggling. Were not talking about they didnt get thejob they liked. Some have been living on the streets for years, some have been removed from the orphanage, some didnt finish school and two of them passed away. Very depressing story. So how did this whole film project begin then . So i went back with a camera, since im a Documentary Filmmaker. I thought it could be a film about what happened to orphans ten years on. But then when i saw my friends struggling, i couldnt go through with just making a film about that, i wanted to help them in a way. So i thought it might be hard to ask people for money to help very abstract ideas of african orphans, but what if i use donations and i film what happens to those donations and get people to help me out . Thats why you came up with this documentary called buying happiness, which is a Crowd Funded Film Project . Yes, thats right. We believe that the film has a lot of potential to get the participants and the audience involved to participate in the filmmaking process. I think its a film with content that can really be relatable to many people around the world. How are you trying to help these orphans . So, each of them, we are helping about nine of them, and each had to pitch a project that they believed was sustainable for them in the long run and can turn their lives around completely. From education to businesses, we are funding nine different projects. So notjust being a Charitable Group where you give them money, they have to come up with a plan that will not only help them but will sustain their lives and help their community . Thats right. If they say, oh, mak, we want money because we want to eat chicken for six months, its not going to work because its not sustainable. You started this a year ago and the whole process for the documentary is about four years. How has it helped them so far . What is the status of these nine people . The Short Term Impact is great, as expected, because they have a flush of cash. But im going back next month. I think thats the real test, to see whether the money managed to keep them on the right path for a few months at least. A very Interesting Initiative that he is undertaking, about buying happiness, but not in the short term will stop it has to be sustainable over a longer period of time. It is an absolutely fascinating project and it has made me happy, hearing about it. This next tory is really positive as well. What was really positive as well. What was really amazing is something that i was just reading by a journalist who made this, the Video Journalist who made this, the Video Journalist who made this, the Video Journalist who made this next video, who described the gentleman who this video is about as a really top guy, who went out of his way to help with the making of this video. Sudhir Kumar Chaudhary is one of indian crickets most celebrated stars. Get this, its not for batting or bowling. Its because hes a mega, superfan. He has a painted face and body, and total devotion to supporting the indian team, and hes achieved the impossible to become as famous as the players he idolises. A Passionate Fan and now a big star. You have been watching newsday. He is great. Some more positive stories from washington now. A town know for political infighting. But on thursday there was a touching moment at the white house that you can see. This is president 0bama Holding A Surprise event to honour his Vice President joe biden, who he calls his brother. Hello. Thursday always did offer up the prospect of more wintry fair more widely across the British Isles than weve seen of late. It took a while, but eventually these were the sort of scenes many weather watchers recorded across parts of the midlands for example and then down into the South East Parts of east anglia too where several centimetres of snow fell on particularly the higher ground, with temperatures just that little bit lower. It took a while before all of that combination of rain, sleet and snow gradually pulled its way of back towards the near continent. All the while still plenty of showers in northern and western parts and thats part of the problem because, as the skies cleared, so those wetted surfaces are going to be really quite slippery in the first part of friday. Theyre obviously will be lying snow for some and fresh snow to come if youre exposed to the north, north westerly breeze. But its the strength of the wind thats causing us concern. 0n the eastern shores, anywhere from yorkshire down towards north norfolk, because the waves will pile up there could be some over topping and a storm surge on the go as well. In that flow we may well have another band of rain, sleet and snow so watch out for that, that could be close by to you for your particular School Run Oi your commute. 0nce thats away, a decent enough sort of day. Look at that, a lot of fine weather around, some sunshine doing absolutely nothing for the temperatures, though. I should say straightaway that there will be further showers in the western side of scotland, parts of Northern Ireland and western fringes of both england and wales and there you see what i mean about the temperatures really struggling and when you add in the strength of the wind in eastern parts, it will feel really raw. Once we get the sun down and we get into saturday morning, ice again could be a significant issue. But for the most part saturday is a decent sort of day. Yes, still further showers to be had in northern and western parts of the country but many central and eastern areas, yes, you still have the wind to content with and a sprinkling of wintry showers in some exposed eastern parts but it will be a decent day. So i dont have too many issues with the premier League Football matches. Its the lower leagues that may have an issue with frosted pitches. Im sure many a clerk of the course with the race meetings will be keeping a close eye on the conditions indeed. Saturday perhaps the last of the really cold air dominating. The isobars beginning to crank back as we bring in somewhat milder conditions from the atlantic, but it does mean we import more cloud and there will be enough about the cloud for there to be rainfall about as well. So milder, yes, but not as sunny and quite a dank day for many of us. Im kasia madera with bbc world news. Our top story Donald Trumps choice to lead the cia has praised the Intelligence Community, hours after mr trump had criticised them. Mike pompeo said he valued the professionalism of staff, and their efforts to ensure that truth reached policy makers. The United States has ended a long standing policy that granted residency to cubans entering the United States without a visa. The move is another step towards the full normalisation of relations. And this video is trending on bbc. Com. It was taken from an aeroplane above australia, and shows what is thought to be a wave cloud, where the air rises up and down in a wave. Thats all from me now. Stay with bbc world news. And the top story here in the uk almost 28 years after hillsborough, prosecutors consider bringing charges against 23 people and organisations

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