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With guns and feeling quite horrified and realising we grew up in different circumstances. Circumstances have changed. This does seem to be a compromise of sorts, at least that we are not going down the full firearms route, a taser is not a nice thing to be on the receiving end of, but the fatalities that we have experienced in the us on both sides. Heavily armed cops on every in the us on both sides. Heavily armed cops on every corner. In the us on both sides. Heavily armed cops on every corner. The baftas, you were there this evening i wasnt in the front row, i need to stress. We are always keen to talk to people who were there. The Daily Telegraph has a picture on the front page of people who are not actors are tall, but they stole the limelight on the red carpet, i think, Prince William and lovely kate. It is a revelation when you are there on the sidelines and you get these a list is and their oscar winning sam baird golden globe winners, and they are so used to hoovering up the attention, and people do give them the right kind of attention, and then the royals turn up, and there are only two stars in town suddenly. Is really bizarre. You feel the change . There is electricity and attention, the service was delayed because they we re service was delayed because they were delayed in their car, we have to macro superstars. And tony i must ask you about the dress she was wearing. No, perhaps ask you about the dress she was wearing. No, perhaps i wont we saw some very skimpy dresses tonight, but that was a nice one. We have another lady, and we talked about this earlier, beaming in minus three celsius was naked shoulder flesh, give everyone an oscar as far as im concerned. I wasnt smiling, and i had a hot water bottle up my coat thank you both very much indeed. Thats it for the papers for this hour. Dont forget all the front pages are online on the bbc news website, where you can read a detailed review of the papers. Its all there for you seven days a week at bbc. Co. Uk papers. And you can see us there, too, with each nights edition of the papers being posted on the page shortly after weve finished. Thank you, caroline and tony. Youll be back at 11. 30. Now its time for meet the author. Two writers, one book. A novel not in prose but in free verse. We come apart was produced by Sarah Crossan and brian conaghan, writing separately and sending each other chapters using social media. It is probably the first novel created on whatsapp. They have won awards for writing for young readers, and this is a story about two youngsters who meet by chance when they are both in different kinds of trouble. She is from a violent home, he is a romanian immigrant who is the target of abuse in the street here, but who is also facing the threat of an arranged marriage back home. They find common cause, and their secret lives come together. Welcome. Sarah, how did this come about . I was writing another book at the time, and i had met brian once, we had met when we were both short listed for the carnegie medal, and he sent me a message on twitter and that he was thinking about writing a verse novel, and then he asked if i wanted to collaborate. It was as simple as that . It was as simple as that, and we didnt know each other so there was nothing to lose. Brian, did you want a helping hand . To put it crudely, yes. I wanted to write a verse novel, and i probably didnt have the confidence to attack it individually. Had you written in free verse before, or any poetry . I had, as a young aspiring writer, i had written a lot of bad poetry. But in the novel form, i hadnt. And when you started, as i said at the beginning, you used whatsapp to communicate. How long did it take you to put this together, because it is a reasonably substantial book . The first draft took about five or six weeks. It is quick, and it began with me working on an individual project and brian working on an individual project, and sending a chapter a day. But it became quite frenzied. Just the excitement of it and having somebody read your work so quickly, i hadnt had that before. My agent will get it after i think the book is finished. You write something, and within 20 minutes someone else has read it. It was completely new to me. I had never had any experience of collaborating with anyone, so i think this experience is, for me personally, i think it was a fantastic experience. The benefit was we did not know one another, so there was no relationship to destroy. We could be brutal with each other and say, that is not good enough. Is this story of the two teenagers who have, in different ways, troubled lives, in an atmosphere of some frenzy and difficulty and foreboding, you wrote the boys voice, and you wrote the girls voice, and that was the way it was throughout, you never swapped . For the first draft, it was the best way to approach, i would take on the male character and sarah would take on the female character. The first day, we took ownership of both characters. We did a line edit ourselves. They are both very interesting characters. Jess comes from a troubled background and she has got into trouble. The boy is a romanian immigrant with all the trouble that that entails. There is this threat of him going home, so they are really going through quite a crisis, both of them. Does theirfriendship get them through it . I suppose so. I think that their friendship is the only thing they have at the end. Jess initially looks like she has a lot in her life, she appears to have a family and friends at school, but when that all starts to unravel, and we see really what is going on withjess, and the boy steps up to save her in some ways. I dont like the idea of a female character being saved by a male character, but she saves him and he saves her in a way that no one else would have done. Without going into the details of the ending, there are fears still there and the horrors are still there at the end, it is not as if everything is expunged in some wonderful blaze of light. That is just not realistic, it is not how life works. Although we wanted the novel to end in a hopeful way, it still had to be realistic to what the situations were. Someone is not going to come out of a family with Domestic Abuse and start skipping down the high road. You didnt want the story wrapped in a pink ribbon at the end . There is a lot of hope, and we wanted to create that, but in the terms of creating a nice happy ending, it would not have fitted in with story and the characters. What do you think, because this is your First Expedition into writing in the novel form, what do you think that form brought to these characters, what did it allow you to do in terms of giving them advice . The paucity of language that you have with the form, every word has to mean something, it has to have a significance, and i think especially these characters, they do not have a voice in theirenvironment, they are marginalised, and they use this language with each other. We are talking about street language, some of it fairly rough. The boys english is very characterful in the sense that it is partial. I know what it is like to live in a place where you cant speak the language and you feel very isolated within that. And the tools that you have to use, irrespective of right or wrong, it is all about communicatioon for the boy, he is not necessarily interested in getting to the finer aspects of the language. You must have discovered quite a lot about each other as writers as well . I suppose so. The process was so interesting because we literally did not have a conversation, it was all online. Brian sent me the first chapter, i sent him another chapter, and we did not have a discussion about where we were going to go or what we were going to do. Was that deliberate . You wanted to do your own thing and have it protected . We wanted to see how the characters would develop rather than us having too much input into that. That made it really exciting. There were moments in the story where there were things that i did not expect to happen, and i had to go with it because that was brians decision. You are both very successful in your own right, you are a multi Award Winning author, sarah, and brian you have just won the Childrens Book award, are you going to do this kind of collaboration again . It is a question we have asked ourselves. We are very busy at the moment. We have thrown a few ideas around, and we have spoken about it, but again it is finding the time. If you think this has worked, it would be hard not to do it again, wouldnt it . You might even talk to each other. We might even have a conversation again, without giving the ending away, you could take the story on. Have you thought of that . Only now. Well, there you are. For me personally, if i was doing something i would like to move away from those characters. Those characters, for me, have told me as much as they can tell me, and im finished withjess. For the moment. Sarah crossan and brian conaghan, thank you very much. Good evening. After the weekend which many of us have endured, im sure you are crying out for something a bit more springlike. Good news, we can wave goodbye to scenes like this and temperatures like this as well, and come the middle of the week, it will feel much more like it with some sunshine and milder weather as well. That is the message slowly but surely over the next few days it will turn milder. But we are not there yet, and another chilly night out there, brisk easterly wind, dampness around, particularly later tonight across the north and east. Clear skies will emerge across southern counties as we end the night, cold but not as cold as it has been, temperatures four or 5 degrees, a bracing start to the day but a bit of sunshine makes all the difference, and there will be some long last across the southern half of the uk. Sunny but windy with gales out west. Further north a bit ofa gales out west. Further north a bit of a struggle to brighten things up, especially across the more northern and eastern parts of england and into scotland as well. Dampness holding those temperatures down to 45 celsius, brighter further west to scotland, Northern Ireland and north west england. A bit of a Question Mark about how it brightens up through eastern counties, if it stays cloudy, it will stay chilly, but further south, the transformation from the dell weekend will be much brighter. But it will be windy. It will be particularly windy across western coasts and headlines, with 50 or 60 mph gusts coming in from the east, and there are warnings in force from the met office that there could be some disruption. Staying windy as we had to monday night, and by tuesday morning, this chap appears across from the south west, bringing showery outbreaks of rain. For the rest of us, a dry day on tuesday. How much sunshine again is open to doubt, but another chilly feeling day across the north and east, milder further south day across the north and east, Milderfurther South and day across the north and east, milder further south and west. As we head towards the middle of the week, this front saunters across the country bringing the shower, following by another one which will bring heavy and possibly thundery showers as well. Some showers around through the middle of the week but sunshine, too, and most of us will turn dry by thursday, and for all of us, much milder than it is right now

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