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In almost five years. After being of the top of the game for that length of the period, many people had written him off. His seeding was low in tournaments recently. It is great to see this. 35 is both apparently. Absolutely ancient. Be careful. I think back to jack nicholas, his sixth masters victory at a6, it is gripped to see somebody like this. |j keep gripped to see somebody like this. keep thinking if only andy had stayed in, he could have won this. Are you and andy fan . No, i am not a tennis fan. I just are you and andy fan . No, i am not a tennis fan. Ijust think it is wonderful and it shows that age is not a barrier and somebody like him, she has been training of his life, can still continue and the same thing with serena williams. She is 35, 36 and they thing with serena williams. She is 35,36 and they are thing with serena williams. She is 35, 36 and they are saying she could go for another four or five years. Well andy went another grand slam . In terms of age, she is younger than federer. As jackie says, it shouldnt be a bath. There is no particular reason to think he has peaked. It is unlikely Roger Federer will return to the peak form he had in the past. There has to be plenty more left in the town. 0ne hopes, it is good for the country, when he does do well. Good to talk to you both. We will see you both later on. Like you for running through the papers with us. We will be back at half past 11 for another look at the stories making the papers. Chris cleave knows how to spin a story. His novels have been huge bestsellers, Gripping Thrillers they were also psychological studies. His new novel, everyone brave is forgiven, takes us back to the early years of the second world war, london during the blitz, when no one quite knew who was going to win in the end. It is a story of one likely love, a picture of society pulled apart by the threat of destruction, and on account of the human cost of war and human resilience. Welcome. Chris, many people have written novels set in the second world war. It is a very familiar scene. What made you want to do it one more time . Im always writing about the time we are living in now. I became really interested in the idea of unity and the idea of the country coming together and putting aside differences to face down and existential threat. And the last time that we did that really was the second world war. And so i thought of i could go back into that period and research and with fresh eyes, trying to understand how it felt at at the time at the outbreak of war, when people were not sure whether it was the right course of action to take, when the country was still at the beginning disunited about whether we should appease hitler of other to fight, that difficult time at the beginning of the war is a period that i think israeli unexamined. Those of us who were born after the war like you and me ten to forget how uncertain that time was. Of course people felt strongly about the threat and felt strongly about people who had been called up or have decided to go and fight, but there was uncertainty in the air. Uncertainty, and a lot of fear. We now look at the war movies and the war novels and they tend to show these very stoicalfigures, brave. They always went yes, they take these insane risks and it always pays off for them. But in real life they were frightened, they were young. You tell the stories of four people. It is through them you see the war, through an individual you get a picture of london. Yes, i wanted to immerse the reader in their experience of becoming part of that fighting machine. It is the becoming that i found more interesting than the being. They werent brave to begin with. I think a muscle is the best model for courage. It is something that develops to use. At the beginning they were nervous and frightened and have very different agendas. Your title, everyone brave is forgiven, is a beautifully ambiguous and a sort of annotating title, it makes you wonder, what is this book about . But you reveal how bravery comes in all shapes and sizes. It means Different Things to different people. To stand up in peacetime against a policy of 1s own government might be construed as a brave action, whereas in wartime that is cowerdice, that is treachery, betrayal. That transitional period is interesting, notjust peoples ability to be brave changes, but the notion of what bravery is changes, and changes for different individuals at different speeds. I like that. One of the ways you get into that is across social boundaries in a deliberate way. One woman we meet at the beginning comes from a segment of society, not finishing school, and you meet people at different walks of life. You have an acute sense of where those boundaries where and how everyone knew where the line was drawn. I like the fact that the boundaries have not changed either. They are recognisable to us . Absolutely. Dont you think . You could be leaving in 1939 and know exactly where the fault lines were in society between the haves and the have nots, where the racial divides were in society. They are still with us. That society is very recognisable. And as a writer, something i have often done is to look, where are those fault lines in our society . How can i voice people on both sides of those and try to show the enormity of the fractures in our society. They dont heal. They have not healed. And yet it is not a book that is driven, it seems to me, by anger or bitterness or envy for one side of society to the other. It is generous in that sense. Youre quite inside yourself, i think. Almost sentimental. I like people. I would not write about people unless i really like them. I like survivors, people who have reinvented themselves, who have been hurt. I think everyone has been hurt by the time they are grown up. I like the fact that people dont just stay on the mat. They get up and they do help each other, and they help each other across those Fragmentation Lines of society. I write about people because i do think there is an enormous amount to hope for still. In telling the story of these people you are talking about enormous resilience. That seems to be the characteristic that you find most inspiring about what happened during the war. Yes, i think it was amazing the way people dug in. Because we now know, we can watch a war movie i think back about the second world war, and we can think, yes, they only have to tough it out until i9a5, i9a6 for some. They did not know that. They did not know what they were embarking on, how long their suffering would continue. And i like that about them. I liked the sense of humour that started to develop. Really, it is a funny book. I wanted to show the sense of humour that my grandparents had. I remember talking to my grandfather about his first irish jump, he was very scared. And he said, in the back of the plane the Sergeant Major would jeer us up, and he said, never mind, lads, if you parachute doesnt open, you can just stick them back to the shop theyjoked their way through the war because they were terrified. Thats what i liked about their generation, and thats what i still like about british people. The more frightened we are, the funnier we get. And that for me is a very civilised response to fear. I dont want it to the plot because it would spoil it for people. It is a story that needs to keep its secrets to the end. But in a way you are talking in the book about he motions that are released because of the threat, the darkness, the uncertainty. Somehow emotions are heightened. People behave differently in war. I like the fact that peoples choices had to be made in a split second, and they were made often from the gut. I think that is what life does to you. It tests you when you are least expecting it, and the answers you come up with, that you reveal about your character, are not always pleasant or expected, but are the inevitable result of all the little habits you have built up during your life. What would you most like people to take away from the story . Mostly i want them to be immersed in their experience of what we call the golden generation and to come away from it with a fresh appreciation of what they did and what we could still do. Chris cleave, thank you very much. This week we will end ofjanuary, going to february on a more active speu going to february on a more active spell of weather. That means we are all going to see some reason, at times as we go through this week, it becomes windy, possibly very windy at the end of the week. Some others start the week called, especially in scotland, it will turn milder. 0ne area of low pressure pulling to the east, and other getting closerfrom the west. In between many start monday, cloudy, damp and drizzly. Not the case in much of scotland. A ha rd not the case in much of scotland. A hard frost in the highlands. Some mist and fog. It could so you dont. In that in england and Northern Ireland and for the rest of england and wales it is cloudy. Damp at times. Low cloud, hill fog, coastal fog across parts of the southwest and this next Weather System coming in starting to push of breaks of rain into South West England. Very slowly during the day that will advance across South West England into south and west wales and eventually into Northern Ireland. Some brighter breaks in northern england. The best Afternoon Sunshine will be in scotland. After the cold start you will have the lowest Daytime Temperatures compared to elsewhere. Mild in South West England. Under the cloud it will feel rather cold. Through monday night it will be initially chilly in scotland. Temperatures come up, wet weather moving in. Sleet and snow for a time. Lower levels expecting rain. The system pushing in to the north and west through the night into tuesday. It pushes east and south east during tuesday, taking those outbreaks of rain, most of us stuck in a club on tuesday. Northern ireland gradually brightening up, especially in the afternoon. More of us especially in the afternoon. More of us getting into double figures temperatures at this stage. The Weather System dragging its heels. Staying down the east on wednesday. Eventually pulling away. A bit of a gap before the next system comes in from the atlantic. More outbreaks of Rain In Scotland and Northern Ireland. The big picture for thursday into friday, a deep area of low pressure. It might not look like this, it probably wont. We just wa nt to this, it probably wont. We just want to flag the possibility that this week could enter on a very windy note. Watch this space. This is bbc news. Im ben brown. The headlines at 11 00 president trumps travel ban sparks legal challenges and a second day of protests as 16 State Attorney generals say the restrictions are unconstitutional. The Foreign Office says uk nationals should not be banned from travelling to the us, even if they hold dual nationality with one of countries affected by president trumps travel ban. An online petition against president trumps planned state visit to the uk has gained more than 800,000 supporters. In yemen us commandos have killed at least 1a al qaeda militants in a raid authorised by president trump. Benoit hamon will be the socialist candidate in frances upcoming president ial election, beating former Prime Minister manuel valls to the nomination

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