Transcripts For BBCNEWS Life at 50 Degrees 20240707 : compar

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Life at 50 Degrees 20240707

jeopardising a deal to allow grain to leave the city. now on bbc news: life at 50 degrees: the town that burnt down in a day. when i was growing up, my grandmother used to tell me that we lived here forever. there's this collective conscious knowledge that is handed down from generation to generation. what you do to the land, you do to yourselves. that is how i was raised. but since a child i have seen changes in ecosystems, i've seen less water, i've seen the trees struggling with drought and heat anxiety. if you abuse the land, climate change is a logical consequence. and this weekend, temperature records could be shattered across the province. a new all—time record i of 49.5 degrees celsius. the hot spot of course in lytton, british columbia. holy bleep... my daughter is asking every- day, "the town's burnt, mom?" it is all you're left. with, just memories. let's make some noise for fairy creek! we have fires all around the world destroying unprecedented amounts. all we want to do is protect the old growth. we, as humanity, are destroying huge amounts of our forest. reinforce the line, | reinforced the line! shouting and commotion they are going to tell us how forestry should be in british columbia? you are not from here, go home! we are trying to defend our livelihood. my computer... because of the pandemic, cbc set me up with all the gear. i connect right to the studio. 0k. hi, ian. fellow meteorologists and i saw this potential for a huge heatwave event. climate change means our summers are hotter and drier. so the brush and the fuel dries out so much quicker and fires start and spread and get out the much so much faster. a big dome of high pressure has built across this part of north america, trapping the air in place. this heat dome sat and cooked everything underneath. the village of lytton reached 46.6 degrees celsius yesterday. lytton broke all—time hottest temperature records, eventually landing on 49.6 degrees celsius... that's over 121 fahrenheit. ..and the next day it went up in flames. as soon as i opened the door, it's smoke everywhere. a big hit of heat, everything was orange. and grey...ash falling. it felt like we only had - minutes, secondsjust to grab what we can. as we were leaving, those flames went from as high as trees. just seeing my home town in flames... this is to the point of almost burning. so wish us luck. ijust keep going back- into town because i knew my landlord was still there. so i started helpingl him to fight the fire. we literally are the only people trying to save the house here. everything around is burnt. fingers crossed, man. pretty bad there. not even within an hour... everything was gone. all you're left with isjust memories. we had left the house within minutes before it was on fire. we basically left with the clothes on our backs. i was actually eight months pregnant the day of the fire. so cute! let's go. he's happy, just content. i cried of relief when we found out we had a hotel that would accept our pets. but every time we renew, we still don't know if we can get it again. hello. there's a list on the side of the door that says you are supposed to have three mixing bowls. oh, yeah, i was going to tell you, you talk too much stuff with you. we lost our home. living with me at the time was my daughter, serena. we were able to get a hotel room in abbotsford and we have been there ever since. what is your plan for dinner? just going to order in. i was going to cook but i'm really pooped, exhausted. this isjudith and ross urquhart�*s — their house. they are the former principal, lost her home. this is the lytton hotel. its fire escape stayed up, as did its chimney. the doctor's office, the hospital, all to the right. gone. to the left we have st barnabas' church, its rectory and a memorial, a parish hall. that survived. so somehow the fire did not get those three buildings. 0k. so this is 167 ir 17 road, 25 years we have been working on this property. 0ne board at a time. one of the greatest memories of every one of my six kids is this, and i don't know if it's gonna live. 0h! a drill made it! it's good to see you guys! pretty sure the battery's gone on this one. the people who have been suffering wanted to get together — and maybe some of them wanted to be angry, maybe some of them wanted to protest. it wasn't the train that burnt my house down. it was a by—product of climate change. heat, drought, wind created conditions in our town that required one spark, and that spark occurred and we lost our town. activists remain in fairy creek near port renfrew, ready to be arrested in their fight to save old growth trees. shouting and chanting man: ., . reinforce the line! woman: this was a - thousand-year-old being! woman: hang on, stay together! hang on, stronger than you think! i what's happening in fairy creek is people of all backgrounds have come together to protect some of the last remaining old growth on vancouver island, and notjust vancouver island, on the planet. drumbeat thank you for helping us teach the police... drumbeat. everybody at fairy creek has been there long term. we know we're doing the right thing. this past summer has been one that everybody is talking about. my parents don't remember it being this hot. we are not used to seeing this kind of heat. we must risk everything. we must... there is no sacrifice too great right now to save our planet. look at that tree growing right out, straight up... this summer in british columbia has been one of the worst fire seasons. the pathway is right there, right there. an entire town burnt down, and i feel like it is connected with the fact that we have zero respect for the trees. we don't see cedars this big anywhere any more. like, how often do you see fir trees that big with that kind of bark? we know our forests help us clean our air, and it's an exchange. oh, yeah! we know that the old—growth trees help on a bigger scale. we know that their roots go deeper into the ground, and they help the trees around them. reporter: the company that holds the logging rights for that area is speaking out. over 70% of the province is old—growth, is protected. forestry is a huge contributor to our economy. $32 billion for the gdp. they are going to tell us how forestry should be in british. columbia? you are not from here, go home! we're all lytton evacuees. and so if we weren't here, this camp ground would have nobody. we hoped that the owner would allow us to stay after i october but they said no, because i think it will cost them a lot to keep the water and septic and everything going. crying even after the fire, i didn't feel homeless. houseless, yes, i don't have a house — but i neverfelt homeless, because we were always together. patrick and i and babies, because we had... ..we had each other. but after yesterday, and after the conversation about having to leave by! october, i'm like, 0k... you know, it hit. we are homeless. what about my friends... what's des gonna do? what's melanie and karen gonna do? can i get some air? we have been trying everything else, you know? we've voted, we've written letters, we've made phone calls. none of it's worked. all right, give her a tug. something needs to be done. reporter: this saturday rally. at mesachie lake was supposed to be a peaceful sharing of information. we're trying to defend our livelihood. man: turn your camera off! turn your bleep camera off! starting to boil over at fairy creek. let's make some noise for fairy creek! cheering and applause. chanting: fairy creek! fairy creek! loudspeaker: order you to leave the road now and comply - with direction- from police officers. failure to do so willl result in your arrest. 0k. this is all the first time. i have never done this before, just so you know! i have been relying on humour and hard work all my life. 0ops! laughs. steps in an rv. i took pride as a man and as a husband and as a father and a grandfather in meeting the needs of my family. it's expanding! this is the next step in the transition back to home. talk about decadence! my bedroom slides in and out of the wall. i usually live pay cheque to pay cheque. this is $1,000 a month, so 15 years to pay this off. it's not what we wanted, but we'll be ok. my sense of place went up in puff of smoke onjune 30. i am going to rebuild that sense of place. so we're building a home for notjust my wife and i today, but for my great—grandchildren who i have yet to see. my plan was to move from the camp site and when they have the power and water hooked up, i'm hoping that i will be able to put my rv right here and spend the next couple years rebuilding my home. it is really hard in my heart, knowing that everything that we're experiencing was the result of our action. if you continue to take too many trees, there was going to become a reckoning. we can elect people who have the courage to say, "no, i'm not going to continue the status quo". we need to leave the fossil fuels in the ground. we need to invest in homes that are designed to be cool in the summer, stay warm in the winter. i'm not scared of what's coming. at the moment, the sun is setting on lytton. but tomorrow, the sun will rise on lytton. is it hot? it's so hot! we came to al diwanya province to film the story of sheikh kazem al kaabi, a farmer whose area has been affected by climate change and extreme heat. filming this scene, i couldn't believe the temperature i was recording — the ground temperature was upwards of 60 degrees. it was like breathing in a sauna. you feel trapped. this year has been a very bad yearfor them. they have been farming, and unfortunately for them, it didn't turn out to be a very good year. and as a result, a lot of people are trying to migrate from this place. but it is a really tough condition to work — i don't think i have never worked or witnessed 55 degrees. even for me as an iraqi, that i am used to high temperatures, this is just too much. i grew up in iraq, so i thought i was prepared. but in recent years, the weather has changed a lot. it's hot — very hot. the camera is asking me to stop recording. i think you need to put it in the car. yeah. the camera needs... we leave it here? uh-huh. every 15 minutes, we have to cool the camera down. if we didn't, we run the risk of losing all our footage. just two minutes. two minutes. filming in peak summer is always complicated and difficult. as a film—maker, you stay calm and to stay focused when it is that hot, and you are drenched in your own sweat — then when you add temperatures that are upward of 45 degrees to it, it gets that much harder. injune, we travelled to mexicali, in northern mexico, to film a record—breaking heatwave. we were following a team of paramedics. there was a heat stroke patient who had to be taken to hospital. while filming, i heard lots of raised voices behind me. suddenly i saw gabriel, our producer, being surrounded by medical staff. even though we had taken lots of precautions, like limiting ourtime on the ground, drinking lots of water, the heat really had affected the crew. thankfully, gabriel got the treatment he needed. he was back on his feet a few hours later. we were lucky to have been embedded with the paramedics. it's ok, just keep filming. yeah, yeah, it's good. mexicali is right by the border with the us. many migrants pass through this desert as they attempt to cross the border. it's extremely hot here — it is 50—plus — and no wonder lots of migrants die along this way, trying to cross the border to the us. i mean, there is no way without enough resources to keep themselves hydrated they will survive this heat. seeing this place brought back my own experience of when i left iraq for the uk on foot. myjourney across the border was very tough, but i can't imagine making that journey in 50 degrees. a few hours without water, there is no way you would survive and yet, every day here, people attempt it. in this series, we met some amazing people who let us into their lives and shared the challenges they face against heat and the climate crisis. this is a threat we are all going to face — the planet is only going to get hotter. hello. monday will be as showery and blustery day. we will see spell of rain across scotland which in the afternoon will reach into england. it will brighten up into england. it will brighten up later and quite windy here in fact, gusts of 50 mild an hourin in fact, gusts of 50 mild an hour in the northern isles. elsewhere a scattering of showers to be had. there will also be a tendency for things to brighten up later in the day. feeling cooler and fresher, much cooler in eastern scotland compared to sunday. a lot of the showers will fade away at night into tuesday morning. the nights are starting to turn cooler as well. during tuesday a ridge of high pressure starting to edge in from the west. still some showers around but not as many as tuesday. a scattering in scotland northern ireland and northern england. at this stage temperatures which are at or below average for this time of year. welcome to bbc news. our top stories. a pilgrimage of penance — pope francis is in canada where he's set to apologise for abuse suffered by indigenous children at catholic—boarding schools. as firefighters in california struggle to contain the latest huge wildfire , the us special envoy for climate warns that the world is not moving fast enough to tackle the climate crisis. it is less than ideal not to have the entire congress hole throatily adopting some of the measures the need to be taken. lower the air—con and turn off the lights or face a fine — that's warning from the french government to shop keepers as they attempt to tackle the climate crisis.

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Pope Francis , Bbc News , Canada , Abuse , Boarding Schools , Apology , Survivors , Headlines , Roman Catholic , Six , People , Homes , Weather , Blaze , Wildfire , Us , Firefighers , Visit , Climate Emergency , Efforts , California , Trip Of Penance , Yosemite National Park , 6000 , Sergei Lavrov , Claims , Country , Criticism , Firing Missiles , Global Food Crisis , Ukrainian Port , Russia , Moscow , 0 , City , Grain , Jeopardising A Deal , Town , Life , 50 , Land , Knowledge , Generation , Grandmother , Heat , Water , Trees , Drought , Climate Change , Changes , Consequence , Child , Anxiety , Ecosystems , Temperature Records , Province , Record , Course , The Hot Spot , 49 5 , Lytton , British Columbia , Holy Bleep , Daughter , Mom , The Town S Burnt , Memories , Noise , Fires , Growth , Wall , Line , Amounts , Forest , Humanity , All Around The World , Forestry , Shouting , Commotion , Go Home , Livelihood , Computer , 0k , Pandemic , Gear , Studio , Hi , Ian , Cbc , 0k , Brush , Fuel , Meteorologists , Heatwave Event , Potential , Hair , Place , Much , High Pressure , Dome , Part , North America , Everything Underneath , Heat Dome Sat , Village , 46 6 , 49 6 , Door , Flames , 121 , Everything , Hit , Everywhere , Smoke , Orange , Grey Ash Falling , Here To , Home , Fire , Landlord , Point , Luck , Ijust , Helpingl , House , Fingers , Isjust , Backs , Clothes , Eight , Let S Go , Hotel , Pets , Relief , Side , List , Stuff , Mixing Bowls , Three , Hotel Room , Plan , Living , Dinner , Abbotsford , Isjudith , Ross Urquhart , Right , Hospital , Principal , Up , Fire Escape , Doctor S Office , Chimney , Gone , St Barnabas Church , Memorial , Buildings , Left , Parish Hall , One , Property , Kids , 0ne Board , 167 , 25 , 17 , It , Gonna Live , Drill , Battery , Some , Suffering , Conditions , It Wasn T The Train , Spark , By Product , Wind , Activists , Fairy Creek Near Port Renfrew , Man , Chanting , Woman , Fight , A Thousand , Backgrounds , Hang On , Vancouver Island , Planet , Drumbeat , Notjust , Teach The Police , Everybody , Thing , Term , Kind , Parents , Tree , Sacrifice , Pathway , Fire Seasons , Fact , Cedars , Respect , Zero , Fir Trees , More , Anywhere , Bark , Forests , Exchange , Ground , Roots , Scale , Area , Reporter , Company , Logging Rights , Contributor , Economy , Gdp , 70 , 32 Billion , 2 Billion , Lytton Evacuees , Lot , Owner , Camp Ground , Nobody , I Neverfelt Homeless , Patrick , Babies , Houseless , Didn T Feel Homeless , Mother , Conversation , October , Melanie , It Hit , Friends , Karen Gonna , Letters , Phone Calls , None , Everything Else , Something , Tug , Camera , Bleep , Sharing , Information , Mesachie Lake , Saturday Rally , Applause , Cheering , Result , Road , Police Officers , Loudspeaker , Direction , Failure , Arrest , Time , Before , Rv , Steps , Pride , Humour , Laughs , Father , Husband , All My Life , 0ops , Step , Grandfather , Needs , Family , Transition , Decadence , Bedroom , Pay , Cheque , 1000 , 000 , 15 , Sense , Puff , Smoke Onjune , 30 , Great Grandchildren , Wife , Camp Site , Power , Heart , Action , Reckoning , Fossil Fuels , Courage , Status Quo , Summer , Setting , Winter , The Sun , Kazem Al Kaabi , Story , Al Diwanya , Temperature , Ground Temperature , Scene , Breathing , Sauna , 60 , Farming , Yearfor , Didn T , Condition , Iraqi , 55 , Temperatures , Recording , Car , Camera Needs , Uh Huh , Footage , Camera Down , Risk , Two , Filming , Difficult , Peak Summer , Sweat , Film Maker , 45 , Injune , Paramedics , Heat Stroke Patient , Heatwave , Team , To Mexicali , Northern Mexico , Lots , Producer , Voices , Staff , Gabriel , Precautions , Ourtime , Crew , Drinking , Feet , Treatment , Border , Migrants , Desert , Wonder , Mexicali , Way , Resources , Making , Experience , On Foot , Myjourney , Uk , Series , Climate Crisis , Lives , Threat , Spell Of Rain Across Scotland , Showers , Gusts , Scattering , Hourin , Things , Afternoon , Elsewhere , Tendency , Northern England , Northern Isles , Feeling Cooler , Eastern Scotland , Pressure , West , Bridge , Scotland Northern Ireland , Stage Temperatures , Top Stories , Firefighters , Climate , Pilgrimage , Children , Schools , World , Special Envoy , Struggle , Congress Hole Throatily , Keepers , Warning , Fine , Lights , Government , Air Con , French ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Life At 50 Degrees 20240707 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Life at 50 Degrees 20240707

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jeopardising a deal to allow grain to leave the city. now on bbc news: life at 50 degrees: the town that burnt down in a day. when i was growing up, my grandmother used to tell me that we lived here forever. there's this collective conscious knowledge that is handed down from generation to generation. what you do to the land, you do to yourselves. that is how i was raised. but since a child i have seen changes in ecosystems, i've seen less water, i've seen the trees struggling with drought and heat anxiety. if you abuse the land, climate change is a logical consequence. and this weekend, temperature records could be shattered across the province. a new all—time record i of 49.5 degrees celsius. the hot spot of course in lytton, british columbia. holy bleep... my daughter is asking every- day, "the town's burnt, mom?" it is all you're left. with, just memories. let's make some noise for fairy creek! we have fires all around the world destroying unprecedented amounts. all we want to do is protect the old growth. we, as humanity, are destroying huge amounts of our forest. reinforce the line, | reinforced the line! shouting and commotion they are going to tell us how forestry should be in british columbia? you are not from here, go home! we are trying to defend our livelihood. my computer... because of the pandemic, cbc set me up with all the gear. i connect right to the studio. 0k. hi, ian. fellow meteorologists and i saw this potential for a huge heatwave event. climate change means our summers are hotter and drier. so the brush and the fuel dries out so much quicker and fires start and spread and get out the much so much faster. a big dome of high pressure has built across this part of north america, trapping the air in place. this heat dome sat and cooked everything underneath. the village of lytton reached 46.6 degrees celsius yesterday. lytton broke all—time hottest temperature records, eventually landing on 49.6 degrees celsius... that's over 121 fahrenheit. ..and the next day it went up in flames. as soon as i opened the door, it's smoke everywhere. a big hit of heat, everything was orange. and grey...ash falling. it felt like we only had - minutes, secondsjust to grab what we can. as we were leaving, those flames went from as high as trees. just seeing my home town in flames... this is to the point of almost burning. so wish us luck. ijust keep going back- into town because i knew my landlord was still there. so i started helpingl him to fight the fire. we literally are the only people trying to save the house here. everything around is burnt. fingers crossed, man. pretty bad there. not even within an hour... everything was gone. all you're left with isjust memories. we had left the house within minutes before it was on fire. we basically left with the clothes on our backs. i was actually eight months pregnant the day of the fire. so cute! let's go. he's happy, just content. i cried of relief when we found out we had a hotel that would accept our pets. but every time we renew, we still don't know if we can get it again. hello. there's a list on the side of the door that says you are supposed to have three mixing bowls. oh, yeah, i was going to tell you, you talk too much stuff with you. we lost our home. living with me at the time was my daughter, serena. we were able to get a hotel room in abbotsford and we have been there ever since. what is your plan for dinner? just going to order in. i was going to cook but i'm really pooped, exhausted. this isjudith and ross urquhart�*s — their house. they are the former principal, lost her home. this is the lytton hotel. its fire escape stayed up, as did its chimney. the doctor's office, the hospital, all to the right. gone. to the left we have st barnabas' church, its rectory and a memorial, a parish hall. that survived. so somehow the fire did not get those three buildings. 0k. so this is 167 ir 17 road, 25 years we have been working on this property. 0ne board at a time. one of the greatest memories of every one of my six kids is this, and i don't know if it's gonna live. 0h! a drill made it! it's good to see you guys! pretty sure the battery's gone on this one. the people who have been suffering wanted to get together — and maybe some of them wanted to be angry, maybe some of them wanted to protest. it wasn't the train that burnt my house down. it was a by—product of climate change. heat, drought, wind created conditions in our town that required one spark, and that spark occurred and we lost our town. activists remain in fairy creek near port renfrew, ready to be arrested in their fight to save old growth trees. shouting and chanting man: ., . reinforce the line! woman: this was a - thousand-year-old being! woman: hang on, stay together! hang on, stronger than you think! i what's happening in fairy creek is people of all backgrounds have come together to protect some of the last remaining old growth on vancouver island, and notjust vancouver island, on the planet. drumbeat thank you for helping us teach the police... drumbeat. everybody at fairy creek has been there long term. we know we're doing the right thing. this past summer has been one that everybody is talking about. my parents don't remember it being this hot. we are not used to seeing this kind of heat. we must risk everything. we must... there is no sacrifice too great right now to save our planet. look at that tree growing right out, straight up... this summer in british columbia has been one of the worst fire seasons. the pathway is right there, right there. an entire town burnt down, and i feel like it is connected with the fact that we have zero respect for the trees. we don't see cedars this big anywhere any more. like, how often do you see fir trees that big with that kind of bark? we know our forests help us clean our air, and it's an exchange. oh, yeah! we know that the old—growth trees help on a bigger scale. we know that their roots go deeper into the ground, and they help the trees around them. reporter: the company that holds the logging rights for that area is speaking out. over 70% of the province is old—growth, is protected. forestry is a huge contributor to our economy. $32 billion for the gdp. they are going to tell us how forestry should be in british. columbia? you are not from here, go home! we're all lytton evacuees. and so if we weren't here, this camp ground would have nobody. we hoped that the owner would allow us to stay after i october but they said no, because i think it will cost them a lot to keep the water and septic and everything going. crying even after the fire, i didn't feel homeless. houseless, yes, i don't have a house — but i neverfelt homeless, because we were always together. patrick and i and babies, because we had... ..we had each other. but after yesterday, and after the conversation about having to leave by! october, i'm like, 0k... you know, it hit. we are homeless. what about my friends... what's des gonna do? what's melanie and karen gonna do? can i get some air? we have been trying everything else, you know? we've voted, we've written letters, we've made phone calls. none of it's worked. all right, give her a tug. something needs to be done. reporter: this saturday rally. at mesachie lake was supposed to be a peaceful sharing of information. we're trying to defend our livelihood. man: turn your camera off! turn your bleep camera off! starting to boil over at fairy creek. let's make some noise for fairy creek! cheering and applause. chanting: fairy creek! fairy creek! loudspeaker: order you to leave the road now and comply - with direction- from police officers. failure to do so willl result in your arrest. 0k. this is all the first time. i have never done this before, just so you know! i have been relying on humour and hard work all my life. 0ops! laughs. steps in an rv. i took pride as a man and as a husband and as a father and a grandfather in meeting the needs of my family. it's expanding! this is the next step in the transition back to home. talk about decadence! my bedroom slides in and out of the wall. i usually live pay cheque to pay cheque. this is $1,000 a month, so 15 years to pay this off. it's not what we wanted, but we'll be ok. my sense of place went up in puff of smoke onjune 30. i am going to rebuild that sense of place. so we're building a home for notjust my wife and i today, but for my great—grandchildren who i have yet to see. my plan was to move from the camp site and when they have the power and water hooked up, i'm hoping that i will be able to put my rv right here and spend the next couple years rebuilding my home. it is really hard in my heart, knowing that everything that we're experiencing was the result of our action. if you continue to take too many trees, there was going to become a reckoning. we can elect people who have the courage to say, "no, i'm not going to continue the status quo". we need to leave the fossil fuels in the ground. we need to invest in homes that are designed to be cool in the summer, stay warm in the winter. i'm not scared of what's coming. at the moment, the sun is setting on lytton. but tomorrow, the sun will rise on lytton. is it hot? it's so hot! we came to al diwanya province to film the story of sheikh kazem al kaabi, a farmer whose area has been affected by climate change and extreme heat. filming this scene, i couldn't believe the temperature i was recording — the ground temperature was upwards of 60 degrees. it was like breathing in a sauna. you feel trapped. this year has been a very bad yearfor them. they have been farming, and unfortunately for them, it didn't turn out to be a very good year. and as a result, a lot of people are trying to migrate from this place. but it is a really tough condition to work — i don't think i have never worked or witnessed 55 degrees. even for me as an iraqi, that i am used to high temperatures, this is just too much. i grew up in iraq, so i thought i was prepared. but in recent years, the weather has changed a lot. it's hot — very hot. the camera is asking me to stop recording. i think you need to put it in the car. yeah. the camera needs... we leave it here? uh-huh. every 15 minutes, we have to cool the camera down. if we didn't, we run the risk of losing all our footage. just two minutes. two minutes. filming in peak summer is always complicated and difficult. as a film—maker, you stay calm and to stay focused when it is that hot, and you are drenched in your own sweat — then when you add temperatures that are upward of 45 degrees to it, it gets that much harder. injune, we travelled to mexicali, in northern mexico, to film a record—breaking heatwave. we were following a team of paramedics. there was a heat stroke patient who had to be taken to hospital. while filming, i heard lots of raised voices behind me. suddenly i saw gabriel, our producer, being surrounded by medical staff. even though we had taken lots of precautions, like limiting ourtime on the ground, drinking lots of water, the heat really had affected the crew. thankfully, gabriel got the treatment he needed. he was back on his feet a few hours later. we were lucky to have been embedded with the paramedics. it's ok, just keep filming. yeah, yeah, it's good. mexicali is right by the border with the us. many migrants pass through this desert as they attempt to cross the border. it's extremely hot here — it is 50—plus — and no wonder lots of migrants die along this way, trying to cross the border to the us. i mean, there is no way without enough resources to keep themselves hydrated they will survive this heat. seeing this place brought back my own experience of when i left iraq for the uk on foot. myjourney across the border was very tough, but i can't imagine making that journey in 50 degrees. a few hours without water, there is no way you would survive and yet, every day here, people attempt it. in this series, we met some amazing people who let us into their lives and shared the challenges they face against heat and the climate crisis. this is a threat we are all going to face — the planet is only going to get hotter. hello. monday will be as showery and blustery day. we will see spell of rain across scotland which in the afternoon will reach into england. it will brighten up into england. it will brighten up later and quite windy here in fact, gusts of 50 mild an hourin in fact, gusts of 50 mild an hour in the northern isles. elsewhere a scattering of showers to be had. there will also be a tendency for things to brighten up later in the day. feeling cooler and fresher, much cooler in eastern scotland compared to sunday. a lot of the showers will fade away at night into tuesday morning. the nights are starting to turn cooler as well. during tuesday a ridge of high pressure starting to edge in from the west. still some showers around but not as many as tuesday. a scattering in scotland northern ireland and northern england. at this stage temperatures which are at or below average for this time of year. welcome to bbc news. our top stories. a pilgrimage of penance — pope francis is in canada where he's set to apologise for abuse suffered by indigenous children at catholic—boarding schools. as firefighters in california struggle to contain the latest huge wildfire , the us special envoy for climate warns that the world is not moving fast enough to tackle the climate crisis. it is less than ideal not to have the entire congress hole throatily adopting some of the measures the need to be taken. lower the air—con and turn off the lights or face a fine — that's warning from the french government to shop keepers as they attempt to tackle the climate crisis.

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