Who played The Old Man in the chekhov piece. If there was a young, attractive young man played the guy who shot himself at the end, i was always the old guy with gout. They used to call me Captain Velcro in Drama School because i played all the small parts. So, i realised very early on that nobody would want me to be me because, in reality, i dont think men want to be me and women want to sleep with me so, i always had to be someone else. Oh, my goodness. Youve started with such a sort of powerful and profound sort of statement of who you are and the acting profession. Is that something that youve found. Youve had to come to terms with, or was it always an easy thing to accept . No, ifound it very liberating to become somebody else, to become kind of. To. Not to lose myself, but to explore other personalities and other characters. But what youve also said is that you were,