for example, the good old scallop shell has a petition against it in the community of aldeburgh and hundreds of people are saying, "get rid of it." i mean, as an artist, what does that feel like? well... you know, you make a thing on your own in the studio and it goes out into the world and then it's up to the world how the world responds, you know? but does it make you angry when these folks... ? well, i was rather... i thought that scallop was one of the more beautiful things i'd managed to make and so the first time there was graffiti on it — "tin can." "happy christmas, tin can." "move it." and then "happy easter"... anyway, boring, boring stuff they put. i think 13 times it got graffitied. 13 times, yes. i thought, well, you know, i thought if i'd wanted graffiti on it, i would have put it on in the first place. no, i was a bit hurt at first. and then ijust got to dennis pegg, who...