Transcripts For BBCNEWS HARDtalk 20170627 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS HARDtalk 20170627

an extra one billion pounds. the telegraph says the agreement may come at an even greater cost with the dup possibly coming back for more. the mirror splashes with the deal and shows a picture of theresa may and arlene foster shaking hands outside downing street. the metro says, the three million eu citizens living in the uk will be required to apply for id documents to stay after brexit. one of the stories in the guardian the story we've been covering — the us supreme court's decision to partially allow donald trump's travel ban on people from six mainly muslim countries. the daily express reports an operation, using a plastic liner in the gut, it could cure type 2 diabetes. and the times shows a picture of hms queen elizabeth, britain's new three billion pound aircraft carrier, which passed through the river forth before starting exercises in the north sea. now on bbc news, stay tuned for hardtalk. welcome to hardtalk. i'm stephen sackur. greece's debt crisis and economic collapse used to be headline news, but not so much anymore. but does that mean the country is in recovery? not if you ask the average greek. almost half of all young people are jobless and the elderly continue to see their pensions cut. with austerity biting deeper with every new release of european bailout money, is there any way out of the hole greece is in? my my guess is recent‘s economy minister, dimitri papadimitriou. is there any way out of the hole greece is in?. dimitri papadimitriou, welcome to hardtalk. thank you for having me. there you were at the end of last year, enjoying your post as a highly respected academic economist in the united states. you were plucked from back into a senior ministerialjob, the economy minister in athens. do you regret taking thatjob, given what has happened in the last six months? ashley, i don't. ithink it is an important challenge. —— actually. i cherish the opportunity to serve my country and they think i can do some good. and therefore, over the last seven months that i have been in office, i have tried to find what is the best approach to turn around the economy, along with the help of my colleagues, not only in the ministry but in the other cabinets. your colleagues, you put it. i mean, at your boss, let's put it, alexis c price, a man who in ideological terms and economic analysis, you share very little —— very little. —— tsipras. analysis, you share very little —— very little. -- tsipras. there is a lot more then. he is not an economist, he is an engineer. he is a radical socialist. on the other hand, he is a realist. to get the country out of the fix that he is in. ithink country out of the fix that he is in. i think he has tried to do that, despite a false start, if you like, in 2015. certain mistakes were made ati in 2015. certain mistakes were made at i think what there is now is reality. it is interesting that you put it like that at the beginnings of his time... alexis tsipras represented something new and radical and that he has betrayed his principles because in essence, having come to power and telling the europeans to go to hell in a position of austerity, he has now bowed his head and is implementing that same austerity. you know the european union and the eurozone has an architectural problem. therefore, what was thought in 2015, it was pointed out the difficulties and the problem is that the eu had in dealing with the greece crisis which was not really a greece crisis but a european crisis, could have been sold. —— solved. it turns out the eu leaders had no interest whatsoever. at the end, the realisation came that perhaps in order to change the european union or the eurozone, you needed to start from greece first. my needed to start from greece first. my point is, in essence, mr tsipras has betrayed the mandate that he was given in 2015. let me quote you the words of a greek economist who says this. " greek prime minister tsipras didn't change greece or europe but they simply changed themselves from an anti— systemic austerity rebels, they have turned into implementers of the new troika greek deal, that being the europeans and the imf." he says," they denounced it as treacherous deals all the way back to 2010. " he has a point, doesn't he? i would disagree with that. i would say this government has changed a lot in greece. it has brought it to the situation that one member state needs to be like other member state needs to be like other member states. i think he has gone through a serious negotiation process and achieved a lot more than the previous governments had the possibility of doing. and he has reached the point where he has created alliances with many of the south european nations that didn't have a chance before to talk and to actually support greece as we have seenin actually support greece as we have seen in the last... with respect, mr tsipras has simply left a trail of broken promises. let me quote to you to different things that happened in close conjunction. april 25, 2017, they use it as one of his cabinet ministers when tsipras says, "greece won't implement tax reforms without a debt deal in place". and yet, by may 19, less than a month later, greek lawmakers, backed by net —— backed by tsipras, approved tax hikes. that is before the latest deal was done with the eu. yet another broken promise. in june 15, one has to take a look and see what the agreement was. in april, we didn't know what the agreement would be. we thought in may 15, we would have the agreement we have now. he didn't make any promises that actually did not deliver. what he said was that what ever streamlining would take place, what ever... let's not use it late —— use words like streamlining, let'sjust not use it late —— use words like streamlining, let's just say cuts. however you want to use it, at the end of the day, those statutory forums that they prefer to use, have come with opposite measures that actually leave and an effect. i'm not sure the greek are going to be convinced what you are saying at all. i'm pretty sure they are not. 76% of greeks in the latest poll disapprove of what tsipras is doing and it's quite clear that if there was to be an election tomorrow, the party would trout him. people have lost faith in tsipras because he is not standing what she stood for in the election. the polls give you a false indication. you can use your own country. you know, you thought that in fact the polls showed a major superiority in the tories and they didn't do very well. the polls, i think, depends how they are being drawn. i wouldn't be so sure that if elections were to be held today the differences would be that much. let's not just talk differences would be that much. let's notjust talk polls but let's talk the reality that the greek space every single day. 22% as national unemployment rate for under 25. the rate is well over a0%, getting close to 50%. the minimum wage slashed by 20% since the crisis began. 43% of greek pensioners are 110w began. 43% of greek pensioners are now living on less than 60 euros per month. health—care spending down by 40%. i month. health—care spending down by a0%. i could go on. for the average greek, life today is intolerable and yet they have just seen in recent weeks mr tsipras who is supposed to be that defender of their interests, doing another deal with the bailout powers which means that the austerity they have suffered is going to get even worse. you cannot load everything on this government. the pension cuts began in 2010. there have been many, many more cuts in the pensions. i understand that which is why, the people, believe tsipras might be the guy to say enough is enough. you know, you are a member of the eurozone and you have to continue as a member of the eurozone because therefore you need to negotiate the best possible solution you can negotiate and i think at the end of the day, if you we re think at the end of the day, if you were to look at what has been negotiated, it's actually a plan at some significant cost, no doubt about that, the pension cuts and tax rates, but the fact is you have to ta ke rates, but the fact is you have to take a look at what it is. you have got a roadmap to fiscal balances, you have an indication that the debt is going to be resolved in a serious way. you can't say that. where is your evidence? i will come back to it but i will complete it.|j your evidence? i will come back to it but i will complete it. i can't let you get away with statements that aren't born out of... i'm not afraid to answer your question. what iam afraid to answer your question. what i am suggesting is if you look at the total plan of what is agreed, it provides a lot of opportunities for people to grow, for people to see better days. where is this roadmap that you talk about to actually tackle the central problem that greece faces which is that you have a national debt that is over 180% of the gdp and just surfacing about debt drags your economy down every single year. as long as that debt mountain overshadows everything else, it is impossible to see how greece can recover. i can take a look what's happening this year in 2017. it is the year of real growth. the last quarter of 2016, we saw a stabilisation of the economy because there was the row growth. in this quarter, we have seen, all of the indicators show, the health of the economy, to actually be positive. ——o economy, to actually be positive. ——0 growth. i was in new york for a purpose, i was in washington for a purpose, i was in washington for a purpose, i was in washington for a purpose, i was in london for a purpose. investing in public as dramatically changed. there has been significant investments taking place in greece and therefore, greece is on the road to recovery. do you think is national community has confidence in greece? so you saw the international report from 2016 that suggested that still greece is in the bottom quarter in terms of investment climate compare to all of europeans? i am giving you what i have observed in the last week in my visit with many investors. that's anecdotal, i'm talking about statistics. i'm looking at individuals who have made investments. there are serious investments. there are serious investments that have taken place in greece. do your figures compare with other european nations? they are extraordinarily poor. the fbi figures between this quarter, the previous quarter, the previous quarter, and as the growth, that's what i see. that's what an interested in, it will grow faster. this is what i see out here, this is what i read. therefore, that comes also with actual investments. phillip morris, blackstone, fortress, these are significant funds that are investing in greece. you promised me that you would come back to my fundamental question about how greece deals with the debt mountain which overshadows your economy. you still have not given me the answer. we know the germans still insist that there can be no long—term debt relief and restructuring until they are convinced that the greek economy is ona convinced that the greek economy is on a different, better track and right now, the german finance minister, and others, are simply not convinced. but the germans have decided along with everyone else to be part of the growth strategy for greece. this is why you think —— if you look at what was agreed, they have agreed to support greece in its growth potential, either by creating the national development bank, providing more european funds and being able to adjust the maturity and the suspension of the interstate payments should the growth of sanctions differ from the actual growth. you have accused wolfgang schaueble of being dishonest in the way he blocked debt relief. what i told the reporter, was that mr schaueble appeared disingenuous, not dishonest. it's not my fault that the lady was not english—speaking. whether it was dishonest or disingenuous, neitherare whether it was dishonest or disingenuous, neither are very flattering. it is a problem and it is recognised even by his own individuals in the sdp. -- spd. he is not in the spd, he is on the cdu. but he has the coalition. it is the cdu which calls the shots. there are other german people and colleagues appears in the year were a group that believes he has had difficulty in understanding that when it was discussed in 2017 that there would be starting serious discussions about the debt, the fact this should ta ke about the debt, the fact this should take place. wolfgang schaeuble, in malta, april 20 1770s. "i don't think at all there will be future debt measures from greece. that is the german position. that was not the german position. that was not the position that was agreed last year. therefore one has to be able to understand whether mixed —— whether mr schaeuble speaks for himself or the european union. when we come back to this question when you in your assignment given to you by the government to go to new york, london, paging, wherever and appeal to the world for foreign direct investment in your country, you have a big problem when the key players in the eurozone, germans, are still saying that the time is not right to offer greece long—term debt restructuring. —— beijing. that is a problem. i see something different when i visit. i see people who have realised there are opportunities in greece to invest, opportunities to make money because no investor makes investments without those being profitable and that, in fact, there isa profitable and that, in fact, there is a labour force extremely well—trained, university graduates, that can produce the goods and services, high value—added... 450,000 of them have left the country since 2008, graduates, young greeks. this is exactly what we want to do, we want to keep them. that you have lost 450,000 of them. but listen, when the country goes through a crisis, these are some of the consequences. the question is, what do you do to avert the continuation of this exodus? i think the government has a plan to eliminate that, to stop that. it's a growth strategy which i think is going to be implemented, it being implemented and that is why some of the investors have seen it, they have seen the opportunities. they wa nt to have seen the opportunities. they want to come in and invest. you talk of this group of investors and i have looked across the piece, i don't see many of them, but i do see one country where there is real investment into greece today and thatis investment into greece today and that is china. china has already made significant investments. and the us. but china is striking. at 5196 the us. but china is striking. at 51% sta ke the us. but china is striking. at 51% stake in piraeus port. the redevelopment of the olympic park, not sure of that is finalised. it has been not finalised yet. but it is in the offing. a chinese official says he sees potential in the partnership between china and greece going to a new level. you entirely happy with the idea that china is buying key assets and has big ambitions in your country? it's not only china, though. i would like to talk about china. i don't know what this means in terms of that new level. i am asking you. i don't know what i would characterise it that way because i see other interests, not only from china but also the us and aust rio, from germany, set the german telecommunication company announced 1.5 billion euros over the next five years. —— austria. some to be spent this year. there is no concern. . . be spent this year. there is no concern... perhaps the concerns are a bit different with china. june 18, 2017, greece and as a european union condemnation of china's human rights record at the un. senior diplomats told the press it was disgrace. what is greece up to? that is not a question i know, i can't really a nswer question i know, i can't really answer the question. what i want to say... asa answer the question. what i want to say... as a minister, if greece was exercising that kind of veto on a key human rights expression because ofa key human rights expression because of a desire to win chinese investment, would that concern you? you are drawing that conclusion. not just me, across europe. maybe they have that consideration. it's not only that... what other conceivable consideration for greece to isolate itself from 27 other eu members on a key expression of disquiet about china's human rights record, what other considerations other than economic? i do not know enough about the chinese human rights issues. you said they must have been other considerations. you are drawing a conclusion and i am not ready to accept it because i do not know enough about it. i don't know something about it, why would i answer? why would i agree? you told me there are other considerations.” me there are other considerationslj don't me there are other considerations.” don't know whether it is only economic considerations. consider these words, of the former finance minister, he said, "anti— european sentiment in my country is growing. what was once a very friendly country what was once a very friendly cou ntry towards what was once a very friendly country towards europe is becoming increasingly less so and that is a great danger, a lot of risk."m increasingly less so and that is a great danger, a lot of risk." if you believe in this, he had a lot to do with it because he passed a number of legislations and he made some agreements they did not sit well with the greek people so let's not talk about what the opposition says. let's talk about what is happening now, what will happen between now and two years and the expectation is in two years, with the 2% growth rate which was agreed by the european union, even by the imf and close to 3% next year, i think the picture will be different. look in 2019 and then we can talk about that. but do you least take is point that. but do you least take is point that right now there is a danger that right now there is a danger that the greek public are going to be deeply disillusioned with europe, the european project, the eurozone if things do not improve quickly? i'm nota if things do not improve quickly? i'm not a politician and i do not make forecasts. only look at the evidence based on i see, whether it is official or anecdotal, i see a different greece coming. there are better days. i do not care what he says. he should not be proud of what he did. i am interested to see what other people have said about how greece has performed. they carry some weight. mr venizelos doesn't. how long do you have to turn the greek economy around?” how long do you have to turn the greek economy around? i have until the next election in 2019. dimitri papadimitriou, thank you for being on hardtalk my pleasure. hello, good morning. june has been a funny old month, hasn't it? it didn't start off too clever, and it's not going to end particularly brightly, either. last week, of course, 35 degrees, the hottestjune day for 41 years. we have already seen temperatures this week at 25 on monday, but that is the peak of the temperature this week. the rest will be turning cooler, and there will be quite a bit of rain around too. ahead of that rain, quite a colourful scene here in the sunshine in scarborough in north yorkshire. that was ahead of this cloud, mind you, which has been bringing rain notjust to northern ireland, but to south—west scotland and also into northern england. that rain is moving its way northwards and eastwards at the moment, and so it's quite a wet start to tuesday across the mainland of scotland. towards the northern isles, the far north, perhaps somewhat drier. the rain, though, should be soon clearing away from northern ireland. quite a muggy feel here, especially as it brightens up. but quite a wet start to the day for northern england, especially around the lake district, some of that rain affecting the north of wales, south of that. many places are dry, a few showers and possibly the odd flash of lightning not far away across the english channel. now, as we run through the day, that wetter weather across the north tends to peter out very slowly. not quite as wet in the afternoon across scotland, nor indeed for northern england. slow—moving showers developing across northern ireland and the chance of some thundery showers developing towards the south—east of england as well, perhaps drifting northwards, combining with the rain in the north. there is a cool feel in eastern scotland and north—east england, with the easterly breeze, quite muggy to the south. to the south where we will have to look at the rain really developing on tuesday evening and tuesday night. these areas of low pressure moving across the uk, this one in particular dragging with that weather front, some heavy rain across england and wales overnight. still quite a wet start on wednesday. and the rain continues in northern england, parts of wales, pushing into northern england and southern scotland on wednesday itself. to the south, it may well brighten up a touch. quite muggy air here again, but only 20 degrees this time in london, 13 likely for newcastle and aberdeen with a breeze off the north sea. and that breeze will continue to blow in some rain to central, southern scotland, northern ireland, perhaps northern england. to the south, somewhat drier, brighter and warmer, the chance of some heavy showers here. areas of low pressure remain with us from thursday and into friday, the rain pushing its way southwards into england and wales, and then we will get this northerly wind coming down across the uk. so very unsettled through this week ahead. the rain could be heavy, may bring some localised flooding, and it will also be quite a bit cooler than it was on monday. this is bbc news. i'm tim willcox. our top stories: president trump declares a victory for national security after the supreme court revives part of his travel ban. theresa may reassures eu nationals living in the uk they will have the right to remain after brexit. and, are you getting enough sleep? we meet the scientists trying to find out what happens to our brains when we don't. and in business, china's premier hails the opportunties of economic globalisation but warns against the dangers of unfair growth leaving some behind. and it's 50 years since the world's first cash machine sprung up in a london suburb — but does the atm have a future?

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