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With behind the scenes access as he plays in onejob with behind the scenes access as he plays in one job at the China Championship. Guangzhou. If you want to know what it is like to bea if you want to know what it is like to be a Sporting Icon in a country with more than i to be a Sporting Icon in a country with more thani billion people, ding junhui with more thani billion people, dingjunhui can with more thani billion people, ding junhui can tell you. There is the sense of National Pride when you wina the sense of National Pride when you win a major tournament. There is the media attention. Enron was to speak to you. A vast Television Audience watches every match to play. You get invited to glamorous events. Everybody wants to speak you. Your adoring friends are delighted to meet you. Social media needs to be kept updated with nearly 5 Million People following you. There is also the knowledge that your success has helped Spark A Snooker Revolution in china. The next generation of stars has been inspired by you. And a new type of Snooker Luxury Club is starting to open. It is the night before the start of the China Championship. The worlds top players and officials are gathering in the lobby of their hotel. They are waiting for the bus to take them to the Opening Ceremony. The first of staging of this tournament has caused great interest here, as only the winner of the World Championship will receive more this season. It doesnt take long before ding junhui is recognised. The busjourney gives the players a jazz to catch up. Snooker has been a popular sport in chinas third biggest city for many yea rs. Chinas third biggest city for many years. A chance to catch up. Tonights event takes us to the guangzhous tower. An Opening Ceremony will take place that tonight. There. This redcarpet event feels more like a movie premiere in hollywood. 0nly event feels more like a movie premiere in hollywood. Only in china to Snooker Players get treated like fells does. Most of the fancier have only seen their stars on television, before, so keen to an autograph. Fa ns before, so keen to an autograph. Fans here. So, it is time to launch the new tournament. After the introductory speeches, The Big Moment arrives. With a ceremony over, ding junhui quickly because the centre of attention. Suddenly, it isa the centre of attention. Suddenly, it is a media scrum. In asia, and no other Snooker Player receives this level of attention. In asia, no other snooker. The ding junhui story begins on the first of april, 1987. I was born in china, and grew up in a city and started to play some pool a city and started to play some pool. I was eight years old. He went toJunior School here. Pool. I was eight years old. He went to Junior School here. The school is very proud of its famous former pupil. Snooker is popular with the children, and played in many schools in china. At the age of 12, ding junhui move to this city where many of chinas top Snooker Players are based. My father owned a club when i started to play snooker. So after that, maybe one or two years, and then the club shut down, so with the money problems, we moved to donguan, the second growing up place to improve my snooker. Dongguan. This is a big decision to move to keep going on with my career, my snooker career. My father was a big help, because at that age, my age is like paper. There is nothing on that. So he had to help me to think about the problems, the positions, every day he looked after me to make sure i played every shot with concentration, because kids always like to play fun. When ding junhui and his parents moved to the city, they did not have much money, and they did not have much money, and the help they received has always been really appreciated. People were very kind. We have enough money to live well, and there were a lot of people who helped us, it were to clu bs, people who helped us, it were to clubs, we did not need to pay. We dont have too pay a lot to live, those things. It is time to make the short journey to the those things. It is time to make the shortjourney to the venue, where the China Championship is being said. Dingjunhui the China Championship is being said. Ding junhui is very excitedly playing in the tournament, given its proximity to dongguan. This is the first time that i have played a big tournament here in guangzhou. I have lived here for up about seven years. When i was 12 or 13 years old, Snooker Players all content to play. There were more tournament here. So i kroppy, and i think it is good to come back. Ding junhuis firstround opponent is another famous player, hong kongs marco fu. It is a big event. Me and marco fu have the most people watching on television. Tonight, i played against marco fu, and he is a friend from hong kong, it is over away. About two hours driving. And i have a lot of friends here, so this is interesting. This Security Staff are waiting, and ding junhui is quickly escorted in. The Practice Room is where all the players had before a match. Everyone is clean to get a look at the chinese star. Even his opponent is keeping close watch. Tim ryan is keen. After a brief practice session, he has to a waiting area. All players need to dress smartly, and ding is keen to look his best. Everyone is keen to get a look at. Circa is very popular on television in china, where it is shown by the National State broadcaster. 210 Million People watch the 2016 World Championship on cctv five. He is so popular and famous, so everybody wanted to win. So that is something very heavy on his shoulders. Wants him to win. But generally, i think ding can deal with this. Ding tries not to put more pressure on himself by thinking about the people watching on television. There are a few thousand people in my area, so that is why i dont think about how many people are watching. The hardest part is after the match. Winning is ok, but lose. It is harder to learn how to make it well. In europe, Snooker Balls might snookers most popular star, ronnie 0sullivan, knows the pressure. You need to embrace the expectation level. Either it sits comfortable with you wouldnt affect your performance. Either way, i think you need to be a strong character. You have to have Big Shoulders and be quite thick skinned and not allow things to get to you. Dings fans do not get to see him win. It is marco fu that progresses to the next round. Defeat can be to take. That progresses to the next round. Defeat can be to takelj that progresses to the next round. Defeat can be to take. I am still learning. This is the hard part to learn. Because when you win, you forget everything, because only happiness with you. And when you lose, everything is bad. Bad tables, bad fans, bad balls. Nothing good. Sometimes, i cannot control the well myself after being beaten by somebody. But sometimes, it is ok. Every player has to speak to the media after a game, win or lose. In the past, ding has found it hard to do with a defeat, but he has been working on this with a full world champion, now a leading coach. Every player will go through it mentally. I will have been through it myself. 0ne i will have been through it myself. One of the reasons i wanted to coach with the mental side is because i did not have a coach to talk to. So when they are down, i try to give a bit more in touch with them. He knows everybody who will lose will not be happy. He will talk to me the next day or a few days, all one i call him, so he knows. When i talk to him, he tells me the right things will happen, or something is ready happening, he will tell me how to acce pt happening, he will tell me how to accept that, and when you accept those things, you learn from that. Orwhen i those things, you learn from that. Or when i call him. Those things, you learn from that. Or when i call him. With ding, i think he is very willing to learn, both the technique and the mental side. Never happy with his game. He is like all the top players. They a lwa ys is like all the top players. They always pushing for more. And they are always. Dings talent was obvious from a young age. He was invited to train at 15 age. The first time i came in, i was scared to leave home, a that far. Just myself. Away that far. 0ne to leave home, a that far. Just myself. Away that far. One a first aid here, myself. Away that far. One a firstaid here, i myself. Away that far. One a first aid here, i dont talk much. I dont talk much with keeping gary, i dont talk much with keeping gary, i dont talk much with keeping gary, i dont talk much with anybody else. Wheni dont talk much with anybody else. When i first stayed here. Only the way that i am going to say i am happy standing nearby the table. Keith and garry. Keith and garry are happy with ding. He came over to practise for about six weeks in 2002, and he beat peter every day for six weeks. And then peter went on to win the World Championships. The first time i practised with ding, Ifind The First Time i practised with ding, i find keith and said the first time i practised with ding, ifind keith and said he the first time i practised with ding, i find keith and said he was very special. I asked where he came from. It was his maturity as much as anything, which really impressed me. And i was thinking i have never seen a 15 year old like this before. And i was thinking i have never seen a 15yearold like this before. In 2003, aged 16, ding turn professional. He moved to england, where his new Management Team ran an academy. Those early years were not easy. It was tough. He could not do anything. Not to speak the language or cork. He literally could not do anything for us. I can get everything done for him in china. |j dont talk with my family as much. Every day at a play, practice after practice. I go home, stay by myself, just sitting like that, and thought, maybe one or two hours, just looking at the floors, the tv, and nothing to say. Just sitting down there and thenit to say. Just sitting down there and then it is like a dead man, you know . It is so boring, so boring. Ding is now one of the richest Snooker Players in the world. But back then, his focus was very simple. He had to keep his place on the main two and earn a living. |j felt the pressure coming the first few years. Felt the pressure coming the first few yea rs. To felt the pressure coming the first few years. To be probed. Pro. I knew i needed to earn money to be living well, first. And also my family. I need to help my family, my father, my mum. I want them living well. So it is not about first round, second round, iwant well. So it is not about first round, second round, i want to win the tournament. And it is difficult. I know i need to work more harder and also i need to improve quick, because in that time, it is only one year, one year to stay in the tall. 96 players. Tour. Year, one year to stay in the tall. 96 players. Tour. So i feel pressure. Dings break three year was 2005. He beat Stephen Henry to win the china open in beijing. There was also success in england when he won the uk championship. You might recognise the play he beat. Victory at the 2011 Masters Tournament in london was another career highlight. Player. 0nly london was another career highlight. Player. Only the top 16 players are invited to play. Two were from asia for the first time. Are invited to play. Two were from asia for the first timelj are invited to play. Two were from asia for the first time. I played good. I played great to give marco fu lips as i gave him quite a lot of times. I know marco fu, heap plays very well. Hes a top player to beat. I think for two asians to get into the final means a lot to the fans back home. He plays. A lot of the fans really interested and chewed into watchers stayed up late to watch the whole match, and it was really good for snooker. Around 70 Million People play Cue Sports In China each week, including eightball and nine ball and the best Young Players come to live in practice at the national academy. Since 2005, did s success in winning tournaments has inspired millions of chinese children to play the game. Before, there were a lot of snookerfans, the game. Before, there were a lot of snooker fans, but it is not. The game. Before, there were a lot of snookerfans, but it is not. It is nobody can win a tournament, so year by year the snooker fans are leaving that sport, and they are doing something else. And after 2005, i win it, the tv shows, more snooker, the people are starting, bringing their skills back to the tables. They are starting to think, oh, this is a good sport to play. 30 pupils ina oh, this is a good sport to play. 30 pupils in a raging in age from six to 22 years old. They practise from monday to saturday each week from 9am to 5 30 p. M. Someday they can bea 9am to 5 30 p. M. Someday they can be a professional player, and even be a professional player, and even be as good as did. They know there are be as good as did. They know there a re lots of be as good as did. They know there are lots of efforts they have to pay, a lot of time and a lot of energy they have to pay, they have to prepare for that, that day. Every day begins with a warmup. The youngsters work with top class coaches, cutting edge Computer Technology is also used to help them improve. The food here is really good, too. Mobile phones are kept locked away until lunchtime, to make sure there are no distractions. Three players from this academy have qualified for the Main Snooker Tour since it opened in 2013, including these two young stars. They both idolise did. Did is pleased to see this new generation of chinese players coming through, im happy to give them the benefit of his experience. Through, im happy to give them the benefit of his experiencelj through, im happy to give them the benefit of his experience. I can show them, we can do it. You know, that chinese players, asian players, can wina that chinese players, asian players, can win a tournament. The signs of success can win a tournament. The signs of Su Ccess A Re can win a tournament. The signs of success are already here when it comes to producing top class players. In the next ten years, china could be the dominant snooker superpower. China has just china could be the dominant snooker superpower. China hasjust invested heavily in player development, but also in the business of snooker. The country stages some of the most prestigious and lucrative tournaments in the world. Prestigious and lucrative tournaments in the worldlj prestigious and lucrative tournaments in the world. I think it just shows the Significant Growth in snooker generally, and globally, particularly here in china, it is. You know, that growth has been consistent and our vents are getting bigger and bigger. 0bviously delighted to see that happening. It is great for our players, they are playing for huge prize pools now. The one tournament china would love to stages the World Championship. It is being held in sheffield since 1977, and the city has a deal to keep it there until 2027. But, in the future, could the tournament ever m ove the future, could the tournament ever move abroad . You can never say never. Myself, iam ever move abroad . You can never say never. Myself, i am passionate ever move abroad . You can never say never. Myself, iam passionate about staying in sheffield, because that is what i remember, and the game starts. Realistically, can we say it is going to be there in 50 years time . I have no idea. But what we would say is it is a rather clever commercial twist to say no. Because the messages, you cant buy history, but you can create your own. So go and do it. And i think the chinese are it. The snooker club i used a practice that has been in business for over 80 years. It is a popular place which anyone can afford to visit. But, if you want to see what the worlds most exclusive billiards clu b the worlds most exclusive Billiards Club looks like, you have to come here. The top level of membership is around 125,000 us dollars a year. There are seven expensively furnished vip rooms for the members to use. It is certainly a luxurious way to relax. Chinas passion for snooker also extends abroad. Ding receives great support from the Chinese Students studying in the uk, like these from cardiff university. Even when he loses a match, like he did here, he will make time to meet his fans. I am so proud to be here, andi his fans. I am so proud to be here, and i am so proud of. As i am a student, and i have a chance to come to hear, and i can be a part of this, to cheer him on. And yes, i am so excited. Another way ding engages with his fans is through social media. He has nearly 5 million followers on the chinese site weibo. Sometimes i want to show when i do funny things. Some. You know, for the tournament, after the tournament, what i think, i can share the thinking with snooker fans. The dream of every Snooker Player is to win the World Championship. Sheffields Crucible Theatre will always be a special place for me, as i won the trophy here six times. Sheffield is a city ding knows well. He has lived here for the past ten years. It is very nice to be here, that is why i like to spend half the time in the uk, half the time in china. Sometimes i wa nt to half the time in china. Sometimes i want to get back to normal life, and ican want to get back to normal life, and i can come here, to stay here, be a normal person. In china, it is impossible for him to walk down the street without being recognised, but here, it is a different story. Well, almost a different story. Hello. Best of luck. Thank you. In 2016, the chinese start made history. He became the first player from asia to play in the final of the World Championship. The final did not start well, though, and his opponent brought an early lead. It is quite a bad start. Big pressure. After 6 0, i started thinking maybe i lose the big score. It is like 18 two, or three, or Something Like that. Ding it wouldnt give up. He kept fighting, and started to play well. U nfortu nately for fighting, and started to play well. Unfortunately for him, selby was too good and won his second title. Being a champion isnt just good and won his second title. Being a champion isntjust about talent and hard work. It is also about having the belief that you can be the best in the world. In the end, last match in the final is not about the pressure. It is nothing near that. It is only the faith that you can win. The finals, i learnt a lot. If you go to the last match stages, you have got to believe in yourself that you can win. That is all you need to do. Ding junhui will be playing at the crucible for many Yea Rs Playing at the crucible for many years to come. And certainly has the talent to become a multiple world champion. Hello there, good morning. As april weekends go, i think we are in for a bit of a treat this weekend, because there is some strong sunshine to be had for large swathes of the uk on both days. And we are going to see those temperatures creeping up day by day, 23, 2a degrees by sunday afternoon for some of us. However, across england and wales through the day today, we do have some quite high levels of pollen. It is birch pollen at this time of year. Now, to end the week, we saw a good deal of sunshine for much of the uk. Always a bit more cloud in the north and west of the uk, but the odd spot of rain. But, with the clear skies for most, it is turning quite chilly once again. 0vernight, major towns and cities into single figures. But it is in more rural spots where we are getting down to the bottom end of single figures. Two, three degrees for some, so quite a chilly start to saturday with a few patches of mist and fog. Mist and fog will not last too long, nor will the chilly feel to things. Once the sun is up, those temperatures will be rising quite quickly. It looks like it could be sunny for large swathes of the uk. It is just the far north west where we could see a few spots of cloud and some rain. 1a or 15 for glasgow and belfast, but into the low 20s in the london area. In between, in aintree, around about 17 or 18 degrees. The sky, light winds, very pleasant indeed. Should be a fantastic day out. And if you are off to the Premier League matches, no problem with the weather, at 16 or 17 degrees the top in man city, a little bit of pressure in bournemouth, but still a lot of sunshine. And on the other side of the atlantic, the winds are easing down for golfers in augusta, and temperatures on the rise for the second half of the weekend. It looks pretty good here. And tmperatures are on the rise for the second part of our weekend as well. Warmth coming up from spain and france will raise those temperatures, especially across more central and eastern parts of england. It will be a fresh start to the day on sunday. A few patches of mist and fog, but a decent day for most places, lots of sunshine. More cloud in the north and west bringing more rain into western scotland, maybe into northern ireland. Thickening cloud on the western side of england and wales, but here, that is where we are going to see the sunshine and the highest temperatures. Late sunday on into monday, the Weather Fronts out there head south. Not much rain on it, but it will be introducing this cool, fresh air. So by monday it is going to be a rather different day. We just have a quick reminder of those temperatures on sunday, because they will be doing quite well. But by monday, a sharp drop in those temperatures. They will be coming back down by a good eight or nine degrees, so a fresher feel to things on monday, and a different sort of look at things as well. There will be a lot more cloud in the sky, there will be a few showers around, and of course, it will feel a bit cooler. Hello. And welcome to bbc news. The headlines. The United States warns it could take further military action against the syrian government. After its Missile Strike ona government. After its Missile Strike on a syrian air base, washington warns it will no longer allow president Bashar Al Assad to use chemical weapons without consequences. The United States took a very measured step last night. We are prepared to do more. Russia says the strikes could have very serious consequences in the region. And the un calls for restraint. But the allies of america offers support. In other news, four people have been killed and many injured as a lorry ploughs into shoppers in

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