of the energy policy on russia — moving away from its own domestic nuclear capability in terms of energy. i think germany will remain very important and at the heart of european politics, but i think the last sort of, what, 10, 15 years of angela merkel, i think they're being reassessed in interesting ways. yeah. just finally, eunice, briefly, if you can, you've just seen a government collapse in portugal. you do a lot of comparative politics. when you're not being a journalist, you're lecturing on politics. portugal had a rickety coalition, as they called it, but it lasted quite a long time, didn't it? are there lessons, do you think, for olaf scholz as he becomes chancellor? i well, i think the lessons for anyl long—lasting coalition government is dialogue and respect for your partners. - at the moment - where there is a loss of dialogue and less respect, that's essentially when i the coalition will collapse. thank you very much.