Transcripts For BBCNEWS Dateline London 20170730 : compareme

BBCNEWS Dateline London July 30, 2017

Ive been talking to many of those who make the dangerous journey, often from countries such as gambia, nigeria, and from Eastern Parts of africa. These are young men who often head out into the unknown across africa, who arrive in libya, which is currently in the civil war. From there they set off on a dangerous journey into the unknown, where they get rescued and they arrive in these tiny, cut off, isolated towns after they get rescued in italy. Italy is not coping with this crisis. The italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni described it as unbearable, and in the last few days there has been a conference in tunis between african and european ministers, and also italy has said in the last few days that it may shut its ports to rescue boats. Also, italy has threatened to actually give migrants who are in limbo in these southern towns in italy and sicily visas to head north. In retaliation, austria has said they may send a battalion of troops to the italian border, to stop the influx of people heading north. We will talk about the responsibilities of other eu countries, the fact italy says it cant cope. Im interested in some of the personal stories. What were the reasons people were giving you for why they left wherever they had come from . Whether its from eritrea, where young men are skipping conscription and a state that persecutes people, but most of these stories are really young people. They are probably 14 18, largely african. A lot of them from western africa. They come for a multitude of reasons, but primarily you might describe them as being migrants. They often come in search of a european dream. In these countries, people often hear about europe through social media and facebook, and they see their friends in europe, and they say, i want a slice of that. They embark on these dangerous journeys across africa into italy, many of them then find that this european dream sours, and theyre stuck in these Reception Centres in these italian villages. In these villages actually, for example, there has been real problems with corruption. In one of them in calabria, the mafia ran an operation for ten years, costing the Italian Government tens of millions of euros. The response of other european countries, we were discussing this last week, is what . The figures are growing year, on year, on year. This week, we had Emmanuel Macron holding a summit with the main rivals in libya, trying to resolve the political crisis. Libya is the platform. You know, they go through libya and risk their lives through the mediterranean. There is a boom in Human Traffickers there. Obviously italy didnt take it very well. They consider libya as being the former colony, it is part of their remit. 0n the other hand, ive been crossing the french italian border for ten years, and you see the evolution. The French Police now, all the high speed trains going through the alps have to wait longer and longer. You know youre going to be delayed by at least 20 30 minutes, and its getting longer because you have the French Police catching migrants on the trains or outside. Youve got these mini calaises now, also on the outskirts of paris. What we are talking about is a european crisis. Of course, there is the political asylum seekers, and theres the economic migrants. But it creates this huge migration problem. Can i suggest that we should use the word crisis for those people who have to leave their homes . Uganda, which is my old home country from which i was exiled 45 years ago, in the last year has taken 500,000 refugees from south sudan. What has uganda done . Uganda is one of the poorest nations in the world. Uganda has given groups of them, or family groups, a plot of land. The idea that we europeans, and i will always be a european, brexit or not brexit, i consider myself part of an extraordinary continent with an extraordinary history. If what is going on is a failure, its a massive failure to understand what is going on is a failure, its a massive failure to understand. Libya wasnt the place it is before the french and the brits went into libya. Im not a friend of gaddafi, but surely we are intelligent enough to know that we went there and created the situations which has made some of this possible. Which is why people want to leave. I would be really interested in finding out about this conference. It is partly the fault of African Leadership that is creating this misery for their people. Having spent some time in libya during the uk, french, and sometime American Military operations that toppled gaddafi, i think its fair to say that gaddafi played a role in this by opening libya to the northward migration of Tens Of Thousands of migrants from sub saharan africa, who were in a state of desperation by the time that conflict began. They were trying to get out of libyan territorial waters, and it was that which began and sent a signal that there was a way out of the misery. That leads me to a more general point, i spent 50 years as a correspondent, much of it in the more desperate parts of the world. Ive reproached myself for not having realised that this divide between north and south, between rich and poor, between white and black, was unsustainable. That modern technology, and particularly cable and satellite tv, which brought images of the rich Western World into the smallest communities of what we call the third world, was bound to lead to Tens Of Thousands, ultimately millions of people, wanting to make it to our world. I think whatever technical adjustments we make, thats a fact we are going to have to deal with. Part of it is that the eritreans arent doing it to get our fancy cars and lifestyle. They are living totally, totally devastated lives in eritrea. The African Leadership over how many decades has failed their people. If it was you or i in that situation, what would we do . If we had the wherewithal. What would we do . Those who want to try to control the numbers would argue that is precisely the point of international development, and that is why money should be spent to make life better for everyone, no matter where they live, so they dont want to leave home, at its most simple. There is an unspoken subject, which somewhere needs to be properly debated, which is overpopulation amongst the poorest. That is what i was going to say. You said, john, unsustainable. Nobody is talking about the birth rate in africa. Some people do, but not enough. Two weeks ago, African Leaders said the word for the first time, and they said we must control. In some francophone parts of africa, we are talking about eight children per woman. It is unsustainable. Christian american fundamentalists are in africa, absolutely opposing contraception, abortion, all of those things that were freely available at one time. Theres a kind of tightening of the very thing that would stop it, and education. Would help stop it, and education. There is another aspect of this crisis, and i travelled for a0 or 50 years, and the way we covered that world, was guided basically by the United Nations charter of human rights. Human rights was the measure by which we judged the performance of governments all over the world. The fact is, we are now in the face of a crisis, where european peoples in particular are being asked to choose between the charter of human rights on the one hand, and maintaining their societies, as they apparently, according to every referendum and vote one has seen, what they would apparently wish to do, which is not allowing this vast migration northward. How were going to resolve that i dont know, i cant personally identify solutions. Fundamentally, to resolve this endless crisis on europes borders, its going to take a lot more than having an effective rescue mission, which the European Union ought to have. In the last few years, the eu has effectively pursued a policy which lets migrants die in europes seas to deter others from coming. Fundamentally, the root causes are far from the borders. Are far from europes borders. They are to do with youth population, and i think we need to think bold about a Marshall Plan for africa. European leaders are very much zeroed in on short term, political calculations. They are not thinking longer term. There needs to be longer Term Solutions to the root causes in eritrea, gambia, nigeria, which stops people from going further north. Actually, i have reported in these countries that when people leave, it is of detriment of those societies, because the best and brightest leave. We talk about the flood, what sort of numbers can we put on it at this stage . In italy, according to the un, 94,000 have landed this year, in italy, according to the un, 94,000 migrants have landed this year, which i think is a 17 increase on last year. Reports suggest there are 300,000 people currently waiting in libya, in horrendous conditions in these centres. Of course, just to add, this is the summer season, so there tends to be a peak. The numbers are going to increase, this crisis isnt going to go away. This crisis is not going to go away. This reveals the faultlines and divides in europe. Unfortunately, italy is struggling, and the Italian Government feels that this should be looked at as a pan european problem. The northern countries are seeing this as a problem on europes periphery for greece and italy. According to research amongst eu countries, the british are the largest number living abroad. Ijust thought i would throw that in. British people, indigenous british people, have always gone abroad. This was a good and interesting figure in the research study. We are going to move on. President macron has talked about hotspots for asylum seekers. We are going to move on. President macron has talked about hotspots in libya to process asylum seekers. Certainly, in this country, in london we read a raft of reports about how he is suddenly not that popular after all. Is that true . Where do you see his still relatively early presidency . Its interesting, president macron sells like trump does. There was a slight drop in the polls because of the resignation of the top army chief in france. Thats what its down to. Now the crux of the matter, really, and well see what hes made of, is going to happen after the lull of the summer, after which he is of the summer, after which he is actually going to meet face to face with the trade unionists. Probably in the street with protests, because he intends, at least that is what he said, to massively reform labour laws, and things that french president s have said they would be doing over the last 50 years. So well see. Its interesting, hes completely new. Most of us look at him not knowing exactly what hes made of. We are a bit like Charles Darwin and his study looking at a new species laughter. We are quite hopeful its going to work. We have no idea whether it will. Hes different from francois hollande, which can only be a good thing. This flurry of reports that hes trying to achieve what tony blair did in 1997 with cool britannia, and london, the cool city to live in. That is what the british media say because that is the only model they have. We dont talk much about macron being a tony blair in france, we tend to look at him as a giscard destaing. In the 70s he was a modern man. In the 70s he was a modern man. He was young at the time, and trying to implement new things. But he loves the palace, and he loves the backdrop. Somebody said hes a bit like one of the old kings. We call him jupiter. Jesus . I havent heard that yet we will park that there its because he had his picture taken with rihanna. Lets talk about events in the us. If we thought the start of the week was colourful, with trumps harsh tweets aboutjeff sessions, and the policy about transgender people in the armed forces, the last few days have surpassed that. There seems to be all out War In The West Wing with his new Comms Director Anthony Scaramucci rattling off expletives about two senior colleagues. Now, one of them, reince priebus, has already gone. All of that is a backdrop to Something Else, the failure for the third time of donald trump to overturn 0bamaca re, the Affordable Care act. John fisher burns, whats going on . I can only shake my head. I think all of us who love america, and people of our generation, and people of our generation have many reasons to do that. 0ur Prosperity and freedoms have been sustained in many ways by the United States, throughout my lifetime. One can only look upon these developments with a sense of grief. It seems to me its beyond redemption. This isnt likely to be a presidency that lasts five years. It might even be a presidency that doesnt last one year. How does it end . The word impeachment is written on the horizon. That could be a nasty fight, because of course there would be large majorities needed first of all to vote on articles of impeachment, and second a trial with the majority that would be needed in order to oust trump from office. It seems to me that if we think of that as the salvation of america, its pretty short sighted. Trump is the symptom, not the cause of americas malaise. There is a deep malaise that has been developing for decades in america. Large numbers of people feeling excluded from the benefits of government. No matter what happens to trump, that problem will still be there to be resolved. I suppose, ever the optimist, i think maybe americas reached a point as it did for example before the civil war, and in the depth of the depression, when somebody emerges. Do the times make the man, or the man make the times . Abraham lincoln, fdr, who somehow sets about binding up the wounds of the nation. Lets hope that there is somebody. It may be somebody we dont know of, or somebody who is currently a minor figure on the political horizon, who can somehow bring salvation to america out of all of this. Id like to partake injohns gravity. We choose now to ignore trump, because this is too much to follow every day. We have to catch up like a tv series. We are being sarcastic or ironic or we laugh, but essentially we are talking about the United States of america. This is, you know, terrible. This is tragic whats happening. I agree, the United States used to be great. It isnt any more. It is not any more. If there was a comparison, iwas thinking. We are talking about dark hours of history for america. Polls of people who voted for donald trump suggest the vast majority are still glad they did so. They dont regret that vote. There is the measure of the underlying malaise. 63 Million People were not all duped. These people knew what they wanted, and they wanted trump. There is another aspect to this which is not enough is being spoken about, which is the book byjane mayer, dark money, and some of the research being done on the really sinister group of very rich people who have as their mission, and trump is one of the planned products of this, steve bannon is among them, who are determined to change the face of liberal democracies, to create states of hardly any taxation for the rich. Theres Something Else beside the disillusionment, a really planned bringing down of the states as we once knew it. To pick the theme around the liberal democracies and the malaise, when trump came to europe, immediately after he left hungary and after he left poland, there was a retreat in those countries in terms of that liberal democracy. I think trump exemplifies, and its interesting john was saying hes the symptom not the cause of the malaise growing for decades in america. Thats notjust true in the us, its true in the uk. Weve had our own situation with brexit. Its true in other countries. Even in france, you might celebrate macron for now, but how long will that last . Is macron merely a cover for something much deeper . Whats been really worrying is that of all the important things that america ought to be engaging on, whether its climate change, dealing with terrorism, whether its dealing with the consequences of the financial crash, america has retreated. I think perhaps americans might realise too late that trump has done too much damage. Im aware of european smugness about this. It seems to me well see this in the next weeks and months with macron, and his coming fight with the labour unions. He wouldnt be the first french president to lose that fight. Europe has a deep malaise of its own. Is europe itself reformable . If europe proves to be unreformable, and the status of economics if europe proves to be unreformable, if the weight of debt and the status of economics bring europe down, brexit starts to look different. I dont think its time for us to celebrate or be smug about whats happening in america, i think we have our own crisis to deal with. I dont think anybody here is, we are taking it very seriously, but the causes arent Just Disillusionment by a population. There is concerted action going on by people to bring down liberal democracies. I appreciate you feel there are darker forces at work. John, on the topic of policy, this is six months into this administration. Im curious whether anybody feels the soap opera element of it, and scaramucci, and everything that is distracting in a soap opera, whether its deliberately done to distract from policy. Because what has been achieved . He couldnt sort out 0bamacare. If we were able to determine that there was some sort of rationale in this, it appears to me there is none. It is a president who lives from tweet to tweet, where all kinds of tribal instincts have been unleashed, and it is positively frightening. I see no order emerging from this chaos, short of some radical constitutional move, which now, to me, begins to look more and more likely. Are there no Policy Achievements at all in the last six months . I wouldnt hesitate to say that, but that would lead us into highly controversial debat

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