jet ski champion turned real life green goblin, franky zapata has been zipping around our airways for a while now. but four years on, i'm back to meet the hoverboard inventor who many have branded a daredevil. it's wrong, you know. i'm just a dreamer that is doing everything he can to accomplish his dream. and franky certainly has been dreaming big. this is huge. so what's up here then? so, this... thanks to a deep pocketed german investor, he's taking his business to new heights. we are building all this building in ourflying zone. so we develop projects which just open the gates and we fly. he's got workers behind desks and lab counters, workshops, and even a factory floor. grand halls for grand ideas. we plan to build 1,000 machines per year. i'm here to see his latest innovation, thejet racer. check this out! sadly, i'm not legally permitted to fly this thing due