up with new fuels. let's take a look at some of the options. there are biofuels, which are made out of things like plants or vegetable oils, but they still produce some harmful emissions. then there's electric. but although batteries are getting far more efficient, the size that you'd need to power a passengerjet would be way too heavy. and there's one potential solution that's getting people really excited — hydrogen. hydrogen fuel cells combine hydrogen and oxygen to create a flow of electrons around a circuit to power a motor. and as we all know, hydrogen plus oxygen equals h20. the problem is... we can't do much about the fundamental properties of hydrogen. volumetrically, we need to compress it to get sort of in the ballpark of not quite a third of the efficiency of fuels that we use. that means that we need often very large, very heavy tanks, because they need very thick walls to deal with the incredibly high