to perhaps move away from. three cheers for the coulston four! the defence said the toppling of the statue was justified because of edward colston�*s past. andrew plant, bbc news, in bristol. now on bbc news, it's time for click. this week, sustainability is the name of the game, which is why i'm on the eve ecargo bike. it's electric, it's made from natural and recycled materials, and it's usually used for inner city deliveries. but today, it is delivering me to the studio. nice wheels! 0h, hello down there! hey! sinclair c5 — blast from the past! i know! an icon of the �*80s created by a computing icon. in memory of sir clive sinclair, i'm taking this for a spin, but it's really been souped up. inside is an escooter with some brand—new batteries, which means i can go pretty fast!