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Who they may be. If someone was in g re nfell tower who they may be. If someone was in Grenfell Tower and they did escape and they havent made it known to the police or to their family, and they havent made it known to the police or to theirfamily, i would urge them to contact the police Casualty Bureau. I dont care the reason why you havent told us so the reason why you havent told us so far. I want to know and we all wa nt to so far. I want to know and we all want to know that you are safe and well. You have the absolute commitment of myself, the metropolitan police and all the agencies involved that as soon as we can we will recover those that have died in Grenfell Tower. We have collea g u es died in Grenfell Tower. We have colleagues in there as we speak searching for and recovering those that have died. Once they are recovered, they will be taken to the mortuary and as soon as we possibly can, we will identify them firstly to theirfamilies can, we will identify them firstly to their families and then subsequently the coroner, they will be identified publicly. The time it is going to take us to undertake this search and Recovery Operation is going to be significant. Both myself and colleagues from London Fire Brigade have already said it will take weeks. It may take longer than that. My commitment to families is that as soon as we can, we will locate and recover their loved ones. Ill do questions in a moment if i may, and i will answer that one. The reason we had to pause for the recovery, search and Recovery Yesterday was for the safety of our staff. Im sure you will all understand we do want another fatality arising out of this tragedy. Tomorrow, it is my intention to release some images and some video of the scene within g re nfell tower. Some video of the scene within Grenfell Tower. I will not do that until we have contacted all the families that we are supporting to let them know that is our intention. In relation to the ongoing investigation, if anybody has stills, photographs, videos of which there was a considerable amount taken, from there was a considerable amount ta ken, from whatever location, there was a considerable amount taken, from whatever location, i would appeal to you to send it through to the metropolitan police. That will be invaluable to our investigation to establish notjust how the fire or where the fire started, but how it spread throughout the building. If you send that material to the following e mail address, grenfell. Investigation at e mail address, grenfell. Investigation at met. Police. Uk. I really do understand the frustration of so many about not knowing the scale of the tragedy that unfolded behind us. Ive said it before, you have my absolute assurance that as soon as i can possibly tell you something that i know to be accurate, i will tell you. The investigation will be exhaustive. My intention is that it will help provide answers. If as we investigate, we identify issues that area investigate, we identify issues that are a risk to public safety, we will not be Waiting For The End of the investigation before we provide that information to the appropriate authorities. If there are any safety issues that we and other experts that well be using identify, we will share that immediately. Finally, i would like to repeat what ive said before, which is that my heart goes out those and my colleagues, those of the wider emergency services, the community here, londoners and indeed everybody across this nation. Our thoughts are with you and you have my commitment that i will do whatever i can, within my power, to find the answers to what happened here. Now im happy to what happened here. Now im happy to ta ke to what happened here. Now im happy to take some questions. Reporter what floor did you actually get to . We have gone all the way to the top of Grenfell Tower. Its done in a phased way. The first phase is a visual search. Then we will progressively do more detailed searchs beyond that. The intention of me releasing images and video tomorrow, which i have seen, andi video tomorrow, which i have seen, and i will be going into Grenfell Tower myself to see it with my own eyesis tower myself to see it with my own eyes is to understand the time it will take to fully search. There is considerable damage within Grenfell Tower. Its important forfamilies that we do absolutely everything in there to find their loved ones. We have gone to the top of the tower. Sorry. Theres a gentleman there. I cant hear. Reporter why will there not be an inquest . Im not the coroner. The Prime Minister has already decided there will be a Public Inquiry. The Public Inquiry will be wide ranging, im absolutely convinced. And the investigation will help feed into that. inaudible sir, the investigation. The statement initially said they had made fire safety standards. The investigation asi safety standards. The investigation as i said before, the Investigation Isa as i said before, the investigation is a police investigation. We investigate criminal matters. The investigation will identify any criminal offence that has been committed. It will be wide ranging. It will go to establish the answers of what happened in the fire and how it spread. I will look at the it spread. It will look at the building itself. It will look at the refurbishment as well. Just one over here first. Reporter bbc news. You gave a figure of 58 you said are missing. That i have to assume are dead. Reporter is that on top of the death toll of 30 . No, no. So the figure of 30, which i gave yesterday isa number figure of 30, which i gave yesterday is a number that i know sadly have at least died. So that 58 would include that 30, but as i said earlier, the figure of 58 is based on what we have been told as to who was in there on the night. There may be other people who were in there, who at this time, nobody was able to tell us were in there. That figure may increase. inaudible sorry i couldnt hear the question. Reporter is that figure of 58 the current death toll . No, it isnt. The current number of fatalities is at least 30. The figure of 58 of those that are missing and that i have to assume are dead. It might be that some of those are safe and well, but for whatever reason have not wished to let us know. Again, i would urge them, if that is you, i dont care the reason, please, please contact us. How many bodies have you recovered . At this point in time 16 people have been recovered to the mortuary. inaudible the investigation. Im sorry sir, i cant hear what youre asking. Lets do a question here. inaudible people are accusing you of suppressing facts and information for whatever reason. I absolutely understand the frustration of why figures havent been released earlier than today. The reason for that, i explained that two days ago, at one point, in terms of the calls into our Casualty Bureau, there were 400 people who were reported missing from Grenfell Tower. Grenfell tower is 120 flats. We have worked itself is 120 flats. We have worked tirelessly over the last four days to truly understand those that we know were in there on the night, which is why im now able to confirm there are 58 people we are classing as missing and sadly i assume may be dead. Lets do one more here. inaudible . Im not going to get into any details of the investigation and the reason i wont, investigation and the reason i wont, im sure everybody here and everybody watching and listening understands, our Criminal Investigation will identify any criminal offences which have been Commitand Criminal Offences which have been commit and wherever we can, we will bring people to justice commit and wherever we can, we will bring people tojustice if commit and wherever we can, we will bring people to justice if there commit and wherever we can, we will bring people tojustice if there is evidence. It is completely and wholly inappropriate for me to talk about details of an investigation which may subsequently jeopardise criminal proceedings. Sorry, sir, Last Question please. In terms of an investigation into criminal offences have you interviewed anyone over any suspected offences at this stage . As ijust said, i wont get into or give details of the investigation. I do not want to do that because it may jeopardise any do not want to do that because it mayjeopardise any criminal proceedings. | know there will be proceedings. I know there will be lots of questions. I completely understand that. But thank very understand that. But thank you very much for your time today. As i repeat again, my heart goes out to those that have been affected and you have my absolute assurance that our investigation will look at will seek to find answers to all of the questions that are being posed. Thank you very much indeed. Studio so that was the commander of the met police just giving us an update of the latest in this investigation into the Grenfell Tower. Lets speak to ben brown who was list tong that press conference. What listening to that press conference. What have we learned that was new, ben . Well, quite a lot actually. A lot of detail, a lot of information from commander stuart cundy, saying they have formally identified the first victim. Mohammed al hajali, a 23 year old syrian who had fled to this country actually a number of years ago from the civil war in syria. His family being comforted by family Liaison Officers of the metropolitan police, we we re officers of the metropolitan police, we were told. 16 bodies have been recovered so far. The Police Commander was telling us how difficult that work has been. He said that the officers have managed to get to the top of the building, but it is very difficult and dangerous work trying to identify and recover bodies inside what is left of Grenfell Tower. He was saying at one stage yesterday that they had to pause that work, yesterday afternoon, for the safety of their officers. He said we do not wa nt of their officers. He said we do not want any more fatalities of officers in there trying to identify bodies and recover them. In terms of the death toll which still stands officially at 30, but he did say that 58 people who they believe were in there, are missing and presumed dead. But the official death toll is still 30, but the implication is that it may be as high as 58. Indeed that it may be as high as 58. Indeed that 58 figure may change because theyre not 100 sure how many people were in there at the time and the estimates range up to 600 people all together. He said that figure of 58 may change. Theyre appealing for information from anyone, for example, who might have been in the building, who didnt necessarily live there, but was staying with somebody who lived there. If they havent got in touch with the police yet to say they were in there and managed to get out, then he was appealing for people for it doesnt matter what reason theyve had for not telling the police so far but to let them know. Because they need to know that kind of information. Theyre saying obviously theyre aware of the public pressure to come up with hard information as soon as they can on recovering bodies, identifying bodies. Giving a toll of how many have died. Theyre saying, though, that this whole process of recovering bodies from the building there could take weeks, weeks or even longer he said. Just to emphasise why that is and how difficult thejob is emphasise why that is and how difficult the job is for them, theyre going to put out images and video images tomorrow, he said, of inside the building, just to show people in this country, in this community and around the world just how fragile it is inside Grenfell Tower at the moment and how delicately they have to tread. How delicately they have to tread. How delicately they have to tread. How delicately they have to work. He said he understands the frustration about people just not knowing really what has happened here in terms of what has happened here in terms of what has happened to their loved ones. He said also if they find out anything pertinent to building safety, fire safety, they will share that information immediately. They wont wait until the end of the investigation. If they believe that information is of public concern, then theyll put that out there in then theyll put that out there in the Public Domain absolutely straight away, because he said that information could be crucial. He also said theyve had some 6,000 calls to their Casualty Bureau with people worried about relatives and loved ones. So, just to summarise really, 16 bodies recovered so far, but a possible death toll, i suppose thats how we will put it, of 58, who they believe were in Grenfell Tower at the time and who are missing, presumed dead. The families of all those, he said, currently being supported by family Liaison Officers from the metropolitan police force. Ben brown there. Just hearing from the met office. Commander cundy was giving us commander stuart cundy wasgwingus update commander stdart candy wasgwingds update on commander staart candy wasgwingas update on that investigation. An update on that investigation. Possibly a Criminal Investigation being stressed. At the same time, weve had some responses from sadiq khan in relation to that Task Force Meeting that was held. He said he attended the meeting on Grenfell Tower. There is quite a bit of text but just summarising it, tower. There is quite a bit of text Butjust Summarising it, raising five points at the meeting. The need for clearer direction on the ground for clearer direction on the ground for those affected, where they can access support services. Many people criticising that there is no help. Secondly he says i stress how crucial it is that re housing effo rts crucial it is that re housing efforts are speeded up. And all residents should be found somewhere to live locally. His third point at this meeting is concerns of people across our city, up and down the country who live in similar towers and are worried for their safety, they should be addressed. The forthcoming public enquiry will be the opportunity to get to the truth. Finally, a london wide Local Authority Recovery Operation was established yesterday, he says, led bya number of established yesterday, he says, led by a number of Local Authority chief executives. We will get more on this task force and the meeting to may has been holding over the last hour and a half with victims and volu nteers and a half with victims and volunteers of the tragedy. The sadiq khan seeing he wanted to ensure maximum transparency. The point was echoed by stuart cundy, who said he understands the frustration that numbers have not been released but that he understands why that is. Weve also had Breaking News from america in the bill cosby Sexual Assault case. A pennsylvania judge has declared a mistrial in that case, basically it was a hung jury. They could not reach a verdict. Prosecutors claim that they will really try bill cos by. That they will really try bill cosby. Send him to trial again. Thejury spent 53 cosby. Send him to trial again. The jury spent 53 hours trying to come to a verdict but ultimately failed. Initially, 60 women had come forward and accused bill cosby of assaulting them but this particular case was brought by andrea co nsta nt. Constant. Mistrial the cleared in the Sexual Assault case. The prosecutors say that they will free try retry bill cosby. Us Officials Say seven crew members are unaccounted for, after a Us Navy Destroyer collided with a Merchant Ship off the coast of japan. The Uss Fitage Ratdwaszerioasty by a philippine registered Container Ship in the middle of the night. It was heading for a nearby port under its own power. Among the injured is the ships commanding officer, who has been sarah corker reports. The Uss Fitzgerald sustained significant damage to its starboard side. In the middle of the night, it somehow collided with a container seven sailors are still missing. Three crew members were airtifted the ships commanding officer, who is in a stable condition. The total number of injured is unknown. The incident happened at 2 30am local time on saturday, 56 nautical miles south west of yokosuka, a busy commercial waterway. This is the Merchant Vessel involved, the philippine registered acx crystal, with relatively light damage on the port bow. The fitzgerald, with a crew of more than 300 sailors, started taking on water, with at least three compartments flooded. There is major damage to the ship. Any time you hear a vessel is taking on water, it means the hull has been breached. This was notjust bumping each other, this was a serious collision. We will have to see why it happened, why the vessels did not see each other, or did not communicate clearly or if there was Something Else going on. The fitzgerald is a Guided Missile Destroyer based at yokosuka. In february, a 21 million upgrade and repair was completed. Its role is to support security and stability in the Asian Pacific region. With the help of the coast guard, the warship is heading back to port slowly under its own power. These kind of incidents are rare, but how did a warship with one of the most advanced naval Radar Systems hit a huge Container Ship in open water . The policeman who died confronting the westminster attacker in march, pc keith palmer, has been awarded a posthumous medalfor bravery. He is named in the queens civilian galla ntry list, released this year alongside the birthday honours. Among this years honours, is a knighthood for the Comedian Page canu. See 9. Nefieflud and June Whitfield. Lizo mzimba reports. It pei . [ 135 8555 elle; ; he receives a posthumous george medal. For pcs Craig Nicholls and jonathan wright, seen here arresting the man who killed mpjo cox, queens gallantry medals. Bernard kenny, who earlier had been injured trying to protect the mp, receives the george medal. He just sano and tried to save her and we cant thank him enough. And the two boys, similarly. Unarmed, just went in, they knew he was armed, but not a thought. Just went in. We are absolutely delighted. True heroes. Im down on record assaying wq¥ ive no intention of ever going there laughter. In the Entertainment World Billy Connolly knows his knighthood will produce a strong response from fans. Some of them will say, high time. And some of them will say, what the hells that all about . I dont know what to prepare for. I am a little embarrassed, but deep within me im very pleased to have it. Terry and june and absolutely fabulouss June Whitfield has been made a dame. I wonder if one day that youll say that you care 1960s eurovision winner sandie shaw becomes an mbe and the last surviving member of the famous dambuster aircrews, George Johnny johnson also becomes an mbe in a list that honours more than 1,000 people. Lizo mzimba, bbc news. Global superstar katy perry has made history by becoming the first person to reach 100 million followers on twitter. Canadian Singerjustin Bieber is closely behind at 96. 7 million and barack,qbama, is in third place Tiffany Sweeney looks at why she has gained such momentum online. Its official. This is the most followed person in the world. Katy perry was thrown into the spotlight nearly a decade ago with her controversial hit song i kissed a girl. Now the singer has become a social media phenomenon on. Her politically charged chained to the rhythm reveals a social conscience which could be a major in why which could be a major factor in why she is so influential. But mostly its the day to day of katy perry that fans want. One of her most tweets was on the night of the Manchester Attacks in support of fellow singer ariana grande. How does she compare in the Social Media Charts . Justin bieber has 96. 7. Then closely followed by ba rack Justin Bieber has 96. 7. Then closely followed by barack obama. Her ongoing feud with pop star taylor swift and recent live stream on you tube have no doubt helped her popularity. Now the weather. The hot sunny weather that has been with many of us weather that has been with many of us during saturday is going to stick around for a few days, especially in the south. This was the scene from one of our weather watchers earlier on. A beautiful view over the city. The coast might have felt a bit more pleasant. It was different in the north of scotland. That was the scene in ogroats. This band of scene injohn ogroats. This band of cloud extended across the north of scotland. In towards the north coast of Northern Ireland. Bringing some patchy rain across the far north west. That will continue into the evening especially over high ground but for eastern and southern 22 degrees in aberdeen. 4333 1 35555; t siege . Ireland will mainly be Northern Ireland will mainly be fine. As we drift across england and wales, some sunshine to end saturday, and those temperatures not dropping quickly at all. 27 degrees in london. Those temperatures will in london. Thosetemperatares witt to drop away. It will be struggle to drop away. It will be warm and humid across some warm and humid across england. Some low cloud floating across western areas. Patchy rain in north west scotland. This Weather Front will in place across scotland sit in place across scotland tomorrow. Some Cloud Into Eastern and Southern Scotland but in england and Southern Scotland but in england and wales, long spells of sunshine. Come inland and it could get to 32 degrees. Away from the north west areas, tomorrow will bring high pollen levels and the sun which is very strong at this time of year. Through sunday night into monday, although it looks like it breaks into two, it will bring some slightly cooler, refreshing conditions but further south it stays hot for the start of the new week with plenty of sunshine. The headlines at four. Police say a total of 58 people are dead or missing and presumed dead in the grenfell fire, and they appeal for more information from the public. The current number of fertility at least 30. The figure of 58 is those that are missing and that i presume are dead. By the disaster at downing street. The queen says its difficult to escape a very sombre National Mood following tragedies in london and manchester. She has led a minutes silence at the start of events to mark her official birthday. Im ben brown, near Grenfell Tower in west london the police say the search and recovery of bodies could take weeks

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