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In the final episode of clicks special india season, how google is turning the countrys 163 year old railway into a Fibre Optic Network to bring internet to all. This week click is back in india, we are hitting the road, the rail and the water. There will be dancing, there will be singing, sort of. Try thing in india is an experience. The roads are crammed, bullhorn is omnipresent and the rules are, the rules are here somewhere and sure. That is why we wait be doing a piece about Self Driving Cars here any time soon. Despite the fact that it seems like everyone in india owns a car, that is not true by any means. Many People Choose to travel by train. Instead, but if you think thatis train. Instead, but if you think that is any less intense, think again. Yes, about those rules, Mumbai Central station is a massive heaving have nicked in the city to the north and east of india but if you look closely, you will see Something Else connecting the computers to the rest of the world, 116 wireless Access Points provide free wi fi to anyone with an indian phone number. It has been provided by google. Which says about two and half tera bytes by google. Which says about two and half terabytes been downloaded every day. Can you guarantee that every place will be treated equally . Absolutely, i think the whole idea and motivation for us, if you look at the reason why we did this, whilst we see if we can provide an open internet, completely open, with full access, to the entire web, the way the web was designed,. So there is a Fibre Optic Network that is rolling out from Train Stations like this to the vast rural areas of this enormous country. And david reid hopped on a train to find out what effect that is having elsewhere in india. It is hard not to be romantic about indias railways. British colonial rulers laid track for control of shifting resources, mostly out and prising open markets. Now it is about moving people, millions of date, and thanks to optic fibre, date. Itook millions of date, and thanks to optic fibre, date. I took the train tojaipur optic fibre, date. I took the train to jaipur station to investigate, it has proper broadband and it is free. People are filling their boots. Some controversy where people here were using the wi fi to download hard core pornography, apart from that the provision has been almost universally praised. 90,000 people pass through this station every day. Im using my wife five for entertainment. Ifind it great. For this student journalistic entertainment. Ifind it great. For this studentjournalistic means that she can keep tabs on breaking stories. The world changes. Indian stations are full of thriving business, Feeding Thousands of people streaming every day. Free wi fi has been a boon to local businesses. I use the wi fi when my four g signal does not catch. When that does not work, i use wi fi, especially when a customer pays digitally. I need it to confirm i have received the payment. A Digital Payment worth about 30 of my takings. This is music to the years of people managing the railways of india. An industry that runs at a loss. They think that high speed wi fi could be a good pool for a station like jaipur. They plan to build a huge concourse and attract retail and services business. As wi fi expands and it becomes taken for granted then i think people will transfer more and more of their business. Jaipur is a tourist hub of high repute. People come out here from all parts of the world. And when you have a huge concourse it is an area where you can have shops and entertainment. Share for google, more people online as more people to sell to. Indias railway is the countrys backbone. Its public wi fi is poised to be at least as far reaching. Welcome to the week in tech. It was the week that laptops and other Electronic Devices larger than cellphones were banned from caverns on us and uk bound flights, leaving from some african and middle eastern countries. A start up hopes to be able to provide flights from london to paris by electric plane within ten years and faster than concorde, Supersonic Travel between london and new york could be back with flight times of just three hours and 15 minutes. After the start up, boom supersonic gained 33 million in funding. And app controlled Convenience Store has opened in shanghai. Created by a swedish company, the always open never staffed by a human shop requires using an app to enter, Scan Purchases and pay. A Security Camera will be watching. Nasa is creating an origami inspired robot that can flatten itself to fit into small spaces. The robot can cope with extremely high temperatures and, finally, if you could do anything in virtual reality, what would it be . Well. If your answer was to play a game of catch with an actual ball then you are in luck. Disney research have been examining how the balls path can be tracked, predicted and matched up in its virtual view. Or you could just play it without the headset. You may have noticed by now that the roads here are in india are. Well. Utter chaos. That is all the more astonishing when you consider so few people own a car. There are just 32 Motor Vehicles per 1000 people in india. In the united states, there are 797. But that number is changing and ill tell you a secret, it is not going down. Look at these roads. That is a scary thought. One solution could be to make better use of the cars that are already on the road. Enter indias biggest taxi hailing app, the uber of india. Or as they say, uber is the ola of india. Founded back in 2010, three years before uber launched in india, they have taken full advantage of their head start. They have historically been number one in india but uber has said that that is changing. It looks like the battle for indias cab cash is onlyjust beginning. These are the head offices in the Silicon Valley of india, bangalore. This is employee number one. India is not designed to have many cars, 10 ownership. What are the specific needs of your customers and drivers . We made a platform that is notjust about cabs but about many other things in india. Supporting bikes, electricit rickshaws. Different transport options. It is an inclusive platform from ability where you have different transport options. So that brings an a lot of options for users. They say that it is better because it is local and it knows what works in india. They offer things like Walk In Centres for drivers and being the first to allow customers to pay by cash. Uber is coming into the indian market. How are you different from them . There is a fundamental difference in how we operate. We believe in what we want, not what we have. Plugging in things which have worked elsewhere. Its about the connection you make. Its not just about the transaction. Part of that connection is offering centres like this. Here, drivers can talk face to face with the company, for example clark, like when theyjoin the service for training or if they have a problem, an issue with their wages, for example. But they do not actually employ any of these people. They call everybody here a partner. In reality, they are self employed. That means they do not get things like holiday pay and they are responsible for maintaining their car and paying for fuel. The flipside is that drivers can, in theory, set their own schedule and work when they please. It is a controversial system that transport and Delivery Companies around the world have used to keep costs down. Despite this, ola really, really wants drivers to drive. A lot. So much so that there are carrots if you stay on the road and sticks if you dont. What india really needs to focus on is to enable mobility for a billion people. We need to leapfrog all sorts of impediments and we need to promote share mobility, sustainable options, our government is focusing in a big way on all vehicles. The government want all vehicles to be electric by 2025. Ola is one of the most successful start ups to come out of the education sector. Called indian institutes of technologies, these universities are dotted across india and they are the Driving Force behind many of the countrys technological successes. Getting into iit is a competitive business. Only a tiny fraction of applicants get in in any year. But if you do, you get to work in incredible campuses like this. My first appointment is at the olympic sized Swimming Pool although its not me whos taking a dip. This is matsya, named after the avatar of vishnu which takes the form of a fish its A Multipurpose Underwater Robot that can operate autonomously, without a human controller, to locate sounds, and recognise, grab and manipulate objects. The team tell me it might be used to find Flight Recorders from crashed aircraft, although theyre also pitching it to the military to fire torpedoes. The project is in its fifth year, and the team leader tells me the work is hard, but can be massively wide ranging. Like a racing car, or a satellite. Brilliant matsya is one of 100 projects that have been supported by iit bombays society for innovation entrepreneurship since 200a. Sine is an umbrella for start ups and, as with incubators everywhere, youll find all kinds of ideas bubbling away behind its doors. As you might expect, there are aerial ideas, there are also musical ideas which is why you find me making strange noises with my face. Doooo deeee doooo. Very good. You got some score over here. Some score if you do it better, your score will increase. Yeah, the worst Karaoke India has ever heard. But then, this singing training app is so much more than normal karaoke style games. Most karaoke apps do a very cursory kind of evaluation of your singing. Some of them dont even value the singing, theyjust some input you just open your mouth, you get a good rating. What we do is a multidimensional evaluation of your singing on different aspects of music pitch, rhythm, falsetto, dynamics, timing. Eeeehhhh oooohhhh. You asked for a hard exercise eeeeeh eeeeee eeeeehhh. Echoing if my singing went right through you, ive got Something Upstairs that will really cut to the bone. The algosurg team are working on a system for surgeons to plan surgery. Theyve created software thats learned to create a three d model of bones from just two two dimensional x rays. I can imagine, after a lot of experience, a bone if i just look at an x ray, i can imagine it in three d. Can we do the same thing with computers . A surgeon can do it, because he has learned a lot of correlation between x ray image and that three d bone which he sees during the surgery. We used the same logic to develop the software. We have a machine learned algorithm which has learned the 3d shape of bones across the population. We have created a lot of three d models from ct scans, and we used this as a kind of database, and we create an algorithm to understand that database in a very particular way to predict a three d model from an x ray image. These three d models also allow for tools and guides to be designed to the patients specific dimensions. For example, if a surgeon was preparing to cut and realign legs. We have special, specific instrumentation which uses the bone surface in three d, and it is like a negative of the three d bone surface. If you make that part and print it in three d, and put it on the real bone, it will exactly fit in a very unique fashion. So what we do is, we use that concept to cut, to make surgeon cut more accurately, so this part will be exact fit on the bone, but it will also have a slit which will be aligned with the cutting plate. That slit can be used during the surgery to guide a cutting tool. Two x rays are, of course, cheaper than a full three d ct or mri scan and, once again, it means patients can be assessed who cant get to a fully kitted hospital. Theres no surprise that many of the projects here concentrate on low cost, Rugged Solutions to developing world problems. You may have come across braille displays before, which allow you to connect via bluetooth to your android tablet, then whichever menu item is highlighted on the screen, the text is mirrored on the Braille Readout here, and you can control the navigation using up and down buttons here. Well, this is a Prototype Braille Display called brailleme, which works in a slightly different way. The braille displays currently existing on the market are based on piezo electric technology. Because of that very thing, the cost of these devices are around 2,000 to 3,000 each. We developed a completely new Technology Based on magnetics through which we are able to reduce the cost 10 times. We can sell it to the user at a price point around 300 to 100. This machine needs to work for at least 10 million cycles of up and down movement, it has to be quiet, low power all of those features make it very difficult to make such a compact device. So that is the challenge. This is the anjuman Urdu Primary School in the town of kundapur in karnataka. There are 155 kids here from grades 1 through to 7, and a whole bunch of dedicated teachers. And this is how they start their day. Singing over in vuaya nayaks classroom, things are a little more serious. So, at the back of the projector, theres an Android Device which is plugged in and is running videos on english, maths and science. The videos are made for the entire region. But then theyre dubbed in different dialects, different languages, depending on where theyre being sent to. Today, were learning about fractions. It is great Teaching Tool as long as there is electricity. But there are plenty of times when there isnt. Translation this is a billet school. Earlier, it would be difficult to teach because of power cuts. We would get electricity in the mornings but, as the day passed by in the afternoon, we would have power cuts for more than two hours. Thats why the projector and tablet are hooked up to this box, which is itself attached to a solar panel on the roof. Together, they can provide up to five hours of electricity a day, meaning that classes dont have to be interrupted or cancelled if the power cuts out. Then, we started using solar power, as it is an easy and natural source of generating electricity. We have introduced a study of Generating Power through solar energy to our students, and are teaching them the importance and working of it. We also explain to our students that this process will help us, in the future, to generate electricity. This whole system has been provided by the selco foundation, an Indian Charity with the aim of helping to alleviate poverty by improving access to energy. With this, students can get a better education through audiovisual teaching, and also there is no problem with electricity. So any time the teachers can take their students to the classroom, they can teach through this medium. Selco and other ngos they work with pay for half of the cost of installing the projector and solar system the other half comes from local schools or local government. How important is the projector . Translation before this project came in to use it, we had very few students. But since we have started using the solar power, our number of students has increased in a good way. We have students coming to us from different villages to learn, and not only students we have other schools coming down to our institute for smart classes. The smart class is a good way of teaching kids these days. They seem to enjoy and learn more than usual. After we introduced smart class, our school stands proudly in the educational sector. We plan to grow larger as the years pass by. Cool whoa the same system is already in hundreds of rural schools, and theyre aiming to add hundreds more this year. And its notjust key for schools across rural india, businesses can be helped massively by having a reliable power supply. Somana is a seamstress who lives a short drive from kundapur. She became the main breadwinner for the family after her father was taken ill. The more clothing she can repair, the more she gets paid. With her old, hand operated sewing machine, she could fix a couple of items a day. But thanks to the solar panels on her roof, her Electric Machine can whiz through five or six clothes per day. Plus, she has a fan, a tv and a light, so she can work earlier and later. One quarter of indias rural population lives below the official poverty line. Thats 260 Million People whose livelihoods could be improved by the addition of basic facilities like electricity. And of course, one key way of helping people out of poverty is. Education. Its always such a privilege to come to a place like this and see how the simplest technology can make a world of difference. Thats it from india for the moment. You can see plenty of photos and more backstage gossip on twitter we live at bbcclick. Thanks for watching. Hi there well bst starts tomorrow but the weather has jumped the gun, temperatures picking up, 19 degrees in some scottish plots. It will soon cooled off, escaping into space and it will turn into a chilly night, now remember bst starts you have to put your clocks forward, so you get one hour less sleep. It will be chilly by the early hours of tomorrow morning, temperatures widely getting down into single figures, there will be a few missed patches, particularly across the central and northern parts of the uk. Temperatures down to low single figures and in some rural spots as we have seen, we could see hate at shaw frost. What a contrast with conditions down, and the first race of the new formula 1 season taking place at melbourne. Warm it will not be through the early mornings, ten oclock, temperatures soon beginning to recover with bags more sunshine, in northern ireland. One or two missed patches, the sun will soon get rid of those. It was going to be another day of sunshine. We will store have that breeze across southern areas, as we have seen today, exposed to that breeze, it will certainly feel distinctly fresh whereas further north it will be nonexistent in actual fact. Temperatures widely up into the low to mid teens with a few exceptions, the coast exposed to that Easterly Breeze will feel cooler, highest temperatures in the west of scotland. Again very warm for the time of the year. More Football Taking Place later wrong, the weather wont be causing too many problems but it will cool down quickly for the evening games. And this fine spell, not forever because the pressure lurking to the south west and with time, it will erratically push its way in our direction. It would be a slow process , direction. It would be a slow process, it will stay fine, and there will be some showery rain around. Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. This is bbc news. The headlines at apm ukips only mp Douglas Carswell is standing down from the party but will stay on as an independent mp. He tells us hes achieved his Main Objective with the party. We can be absolutely certain that brexit is in good hands. We are going to leave and all of the things that vote leave campaigned for are going to come to pass. Its wonderful. Ukips leader paul nuttall says carswells resignation isnt a surprise. His deputy says the mps departure isnt a great loss to the party. I mean hes been a very semidetached person for a very long time with this party and frankly this is rather a nice breath of fresh air this is now behind us. Two men remain in custody as investigations continue into the westminster terror attack. Its emerged Khalid Masood sent whatsapp messages moments before

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