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Northern hills. Turning wittering in Western Parts of england and wales and windy over the irish sea coasts. Not so much rain across the south. Temperatures could be as high as 12 degrees. A touch cooler for scotland and northern ireland. Enter the beginning of next week, it will feel a good deal colder. We are going to change when direction. A northerly wind will bring sunshine and wintry showers. Change in wind direction. This is bbc news. The latest headlines. Former labour foreign secretary David Miliband has said the party is at its weakest for 50 years. Jeremy corbyns allies says negative interventions are not helping the party. Several major News Organisations have been excluded from a briefing by president s trumps spokesman at the white house. The bbc, cnn and the New York Times were among those told they were not invited. Iraqi forces have now entered parts of Western Mosul, in what is expected to be a dangerous battle to remove the so called Islamic State from iraqs second largest city. Suicide bombers have attacked two Security Compounds in syrias third city of homs, killing dozens of people. Some reports put the number of dead at more than a0. Now, on bbc news, its click. This week, new homes and new lives. Diy space battles and hidden figures. Did you see that . Chanting eu, shame on you we are living in interesting times. To many, it feels like the world is shifting on its axis. Tempers are rising, voices are being raised. And there is movement. Political. Ideological. And physical. And this is one of the most divisive issues of the day how to handle what the un has called the largest migration of people since world war ii. Are they migrants . Are they refugees . Should they be welcomed . Should they be turned away . At the barbican in london an artist is making this view with this work incoming. He has used a long range Infrared Camera to film the arrival of migrants and refugees at camps across europe. It is actually a Military Tool that can detect body heat from 30 kilometres away. It can see through smoke and haze day or night. So, this is a thermographic camera. In other words, you can actually see people whilst the body is glowing. A radiant thermal glow. You cannot really see their faces. It kind of anonymises people. It is an image of an individual with out a biological traits. It dehumanises a person, in a way, which is appropriate since it is a weapons grade technology. One interesting result of using a Thermal Imaging Camera is that you cannot tell the skin colour of the people in the film. They are simply people. And, of course, that is part of this point. He says he wants to use the technology against itself, showing that the same cameras that allow missiles to see can also emphasise the fact that all human life gives off the same glow. We have to welcome these people as humans. Instead, our governments have created these extraordinary technologies to enforce those borders. So i guess i wish people would dwell on that bit. Germany is one country that has taken on Hundreds Of Thousands of refugees. Many travelled to the country from syria after hearing about its Open Door Policy in the summer of 2015. But successfully integrating Asylum Seekers into society here is still one of the main challenges facing the nation. There are many obstacles to integration, including Finding Housing and getting a job and learning the language. But Technology May help to speed the process. We have been to berlin, which is now home to over 60,000 syrian refugees, to see how. When the Refugee Crisis began, some of germanys largest empty buildings were given over to House Refugees. Including the International Congress centre. It was abandoned for conferences and is home to over a50 guests. Eight people live together in each of these spaces, colourful boxes lining a hole. Most are from syria but there are Asylum Seekers from other countries as well. Afghanistan. Russia. Pakistan. Ideally, guests only stay here for a few weeks but many people have lived here for over a year. I first heard about this camp when i was covering europes biggest tech show. I was surprised to learn that there had been People Living in the halls here as well, even recently. In fact, hall 26 used to House Refugees who have moved out since the conference started. Thejuxtaposition between a refugee camp in a high tech trade show struck me. But many refugees have been helped by technology, using internet and smartphones to Guide Theirjourney to germany. Including this man, a programmer from damascus who spent ten days travelling to germany from turkey and was filmed for a tv channel. He graduated as a Computer Engineering in 2010 and arrived in germany in 2014. I was a little disappointed because i thought i would find big Technical Companies and i would directly find a job and work, but it was not like that. I needed about ten months to discover a position. It takes a few dozen refugees each semester, this course. The school was heavily supported by facebook who donated space. Mark zuckerberg and his wife visited the students recently. Through this, an app was developed for newcomers. This is for the people who speak arabic, so they do not suffer like me in the beginning. They can directly access all the information that they need. He won an award for this work and is entering an entrepreneurship internship for six months. In berlin, finally, ifound my dream that i can take courses and connect with a lot of companies. I can enter the Tech Community here in this country. It was not easy to find that in the beginning. For many newcomers, the legal requirement to learn german is one of the hardest hurdles to integration. Outside the class, students can use one of these 90 chromebooks donated by google. Felix helped to build a Wi Fi Network here, which was non existent. This is the server, a little server. It controls who was allowed to get on the internet and who is not allowed. The chromebooks are allowed to be taken out five evenings a week and are controlled by a password which changes hourly. If anybody does something wrong we can tell the government. We are not bad people. This guy was a bad person. This distinction is important in germany where regulation makes the owner of a Wi Fi Network liable for any activity. Muhamed from syria found it difficult to get online when he arrived in berlin and had a very different experience in his shelter. We have computer rules, Free Computers for 400 people and you need an appointment to go and use one of them. You have to deal with security and if they are not in a good mood they will give you an appointment after two weeks. If i want to use the internet, i wont wait. He joined a group of activists who installed routers across the city which can connect Refugee Housing to the internet for free. That is where we like to install our networks, at town halls or churches. I went to see one of the installations on top of the church tower. Nodes are routed through virtual private servers, which gets by around some of the laws. This is a nano station antenna, regular five gigahertz Wi Fi Network like you would have at home. Somewhere like this where there are no inhibiting factors, this can reach for several kilometres. Cisco, one of the Worlds Largest Network Providers saw an opportunity where if refugees had Online Access they could connect to courses already available in their language. Its campus in berlin comes complete with an autonomous bus. It is also home to a familiar face. We first saw this man last year when we were filming in a camp injordan. He had lost this leg in an explosion in syria. He was Volunteering Injordan with a start up refugee app to print cheap replacement parts. He made the difficult decision to travel to berlin. He is now in cisco training to be an engineer. It was amazing for me. This building from outside, so old and on the inside it is filled with technology, cutting edge technology. When i realised that this would be my workspace i was even more excited. He spends his weekends teaching a Robotics Course for children. It is a nice and fun way to introduce programming to children. Cisco is currently working with five Refugee Interns and would like to expand the programme. They see the influx of syrians as an opportunity to fill demand for Programming Skills in the country. Where would you see him after this programme . I would love to hire him in the innovation centre, because at the moment i have a lot of different topics that i want to establish and i would love him to engaging with our customers and the solutions. Even then, in our future. Never has an issue of how to handle a Refugee Crisis been more controversial. By opening its borders, germany is at the forefront of this debate. And it is clear that the Tech Community has a role to play and can help ease the transition to a new home. Hello and welcome to the week in tech. It was the week that uber found itself under fire after a former employee accused the company of Sexual Harassment in a blog post. Uber responded saying it would conduct an urgent investigation into the claims, which it called abhorrent and against everything uber stands for and believes in. It was also the week that youtube announced it would get rid of unskippable ads in 2018. Scientists showed off a special coating making it easier to get catch about of a bottle. And astronomers have discovered seven sized planets orbiting a single star. And, before you ask, three of them may have conditions to support life. If you just hate living in a world with wires then research may have the answer. Their prototype living room can wirelessly charge ten items such as smart phones and fans by static resonance. This means you can walk around while powering up, the purpose built room has walls, ceiling and a floor may develop many with a copper pipe in the middle, a signal outside and a power amplifier, so not quite a simple diy job. And finally, researchers at Brigham Young university have shown off an origami inspired light weight bullet proof shield. The barrier is made up of 12 layers of bullet proof kevlar and weighs only 55lbs. How many faces can you see in this picture . Did you see that . This is a Persistence Of Vision display. You can only see it when your eyes, or in our case the camera, move left or right. Weve slowed it right down so you can really feast on. Uh. My face. So, Persistence Of Vision display is predicated upon the Persistence Of Vision for which is an effective human eye and it is the effect where when you look at any bright light and you look away you see a ghost of that bright light for a moment. So what happens is our display takes a standard two dimensional image and breaks it up in the vertical columns. This single column of light brings out each eye, until it gets to the end of the image and start over. So, as your eye looks away from the display, it prints each column in your retina in a different location and the whole image is reassembled in the eye. Moving strips of super fast flashing leds are painting pictures or text in the air for a couple of decades, but this relies on our eyes to do the movement. Something they are naturally doing all the time. For what purpose . Well, enormous adverts, for a start. Weve created a new type of Projection Technique for creating Persistence Of Vision displays and we patented that globally and what that lets us do it is scale up the display massively. It had become challenging if the display anything more than three metres, but with our Eco Technology we can create displays up to 200 metres tall, turning skyscrapers into the worlds biggest image machines. Thats why, if youd been walking down a particular street in berlin last monday, you might have seen my face out of the corner of your eye. Do you think this is safe . Do you think this is too distract him for drivers, for example . It is very important that we introduce it in the right way. It isnt going to be for every location. I wouldnt want to introduce this next to a motorway. We need people to understand it and much like when led billboards first came into the public realm, they were very distracting and there was legislation instantly put in place in order to prevent destruction from drivers. Destraction from drivers. We are going to have to travel a similar path. Thats not the only eye catching projection that ive seen this week. Ahead of next weeks mobile World Congress in barcelona have also managed to get a Sneak Preview of mobile devices. It is the latest version of sonys xb projector, and android based device that throws a touch sensitive display on a table or wall. It has all the Touchscreen Functionality of a tablet, with your fingers decisions being watched by a camera under the projector and a row of Infrared Sensors at table level to detect when youve actually touched the surface. We are heading towards a world where our devices will be so small that we wont want a screen or a keyboard or any kind of device attached to them and i see this as one of the solutions. You just have a display when you want it on whatever surface is around. Very cool, but this week. Even that is not the coolest thing ive seen. From blue screen jungles to strange adventures in time, over the past few weeks weve been exploring some of the best visual effects from the past year and this week is no exception. Directed by gareth edwards, the visual genius behind monsters and godzilla, rogue one has earned over 1 billion at the box office and has been nominated for an oscar in visual effects. Edwards worked with the team at Industrial Light And Magic to recreate that galaxy and as we found out when we visited them in london they provided some very cool kit to facilitate his unique directing style. He is a very hands on filmmaker. He likes to walk around the sets and physically pick up the camera is and walk around and find interesting angles that might not have occurred to him when he was planning the shoots in preproduction. They were keen that they were able to apply that same style of film into the synthetic camera, so we used the real time Virtual Reality system and so he could show us rather than explain it to us. This is it . This is what we call our v camera. It is an ipad with a Controller Stuck on the back so you are using existing technology . So, you are using existing technology . Exactly. Is this where he did the scenes . This is where he shot his virtualfilm. So this is the scene that was actually set up for the trailer, the first trailer. You have this scene running and he would just walk around and decide on his best angles and after that . The idea wasnt that he would be getting perfectly smooth camera moves, but he was able to sort of show to as the beginning of the shot, i want it here, the end of the shot, i want it here. Then, it could be immediately picked up by animators. We shot this in london and then pushed it into the pipeline and it was picked up by people in San Francisco and tape was ready for them to review the next morning. May i have a go . Absolutely. The animation in this scene is the dish of the death star. Look you can see behind the dish so i can get a different shot to gareth if i wanted . If i find a better shot, do i get a job . Waiting for an answer. Look at that its the dish going to the death star. Here we are following it as it approaches the shield gate. We can move around and follow it in. Over to the front. This film is set in the minutes before the very first one and so getting these computer generators, the models, to look exactly like the physical models from 1977 was, i guess, vital . Our friends and colleagues in San Francisco took digital scans of the original models. They had lots of Texture References and, thankfully, just recreated them so that there wouldnt be any jarring differences between these ships and the others. We have teams of people who are responsible for laying out camera moves, we have teams of people who are Building Digital models, texturing digital models. We have a fantastic team of animators and a team who take all of the renders that we generate and put it altogether with all the footage and integrate it into a photorealistic result. So this model here, is that completely full detail, so you move the cameras anywhere . We had a camera rotated around on its own and we moved it randomly around the city. We ended up with hundreds of views. So many of them were fascinating. Typically, if you give a shot to lay out you will start Dressing Everything to the camera. You will start laying out buildings, typically with lighting you will start with backlighting, from one direction. But what we found was that because none of those considerations had been taken, you end up with occasionally finding things that were so natural, so lighting would be illuminating on one half of the wall, in the background for example, or none of the roads are perpendicular to the camera. That was really successful and we ended up using a lot of those views as the background in our shoots. How much of that was based on a real Mushroom Cloud . A lot. We did spend a lot of time watching old footage of nuclear explosions. It is quite terrifying when you watch them over and over again. You are rebels, arent you . Save the dream. And we wish everyone who worked on rogue 0ne all of the best of luck for this weekend. Just a quick word about next weeks programme, which will be at the mobile World Congress, the big phone show in barcelona. We will bring you the full view from the show, mainly because we will be repeating what we did in switzerland last year and filming it in 360, although this time will be streaming some of it live and we will show you how we filmed this incredible super slow motion footage. We will give you a clue, the device is very, very mobile in fact, we will show you exactly what it is and how good it is online on monday. Keep your eye on twitter for more details we can catch up with the latest Weather Outlook now. Good afternoon. Quite a variety of differing weather across the United Kingdom so far today. We did start pretty cloudy across most areas. Prater whether pushing its way up into scotland. A fair amount of rain throughout england. Much of it in the west. That should beat out over the west. That should beat out over the next few hours. 0verly thinning, the next few hours. 0verly thinning, the chance of A Touch Of Frost in the chance of A Touch Of Frost in the east of scotland. A band of rain pushing from the of scotland and northern ireland. That will push east during much of the course of the day tomorrow. Could be very wet in the south of scotland, in particular. The east of england starting at a very decent note. High temperatures of 9 10dc in the morning. Rain beginning to push the west of wales through the latter pa rt west of wales through the latter part of the morning and into the afternoon. High wind, as well. Possible gusts of 60 mph. Further north, the streams hanging around much of scotland. Could be rather cloudy for the rugby match between england and italy at twickenham. Some rain spreading its weakest as we start the new week. A mixture of sunny spells and scattered showers. Temperatures beginning to reduce as we head through the week. Feeling u nsettled we head through the week. Feeling unsettled for the start of the new week. A lot of shoppers around, with the odd spell of sunshine. More details online. This is bbc news, the headlines at four the former labour foreign secretary, David Miliband, says his party is now at its weakest in 50 years. Jeremy corbyn insists his leadership is not to blame and his deputy says he needs to stay. This is not the time for a leadership election, that was settled last year, but we have to do better, we cannot sustain this level of distance from our electorate 0xfam says its preparing for a huge influx of civilians fleeing Western Mosul as Iraqi Forces Push further into territory held by the Islamic State group. Suicide bombers have attacked two Security Compounds in syrias third city of homs, killing dozens of people. Some reports put the number of dead at more than a0

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