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Who died on thursday. He enjoyed two hugely successful periods with the club. Now on bbc news, its time for click. This week, mice, madness, and. Mario . Its a me, mario woohoo driving stateside can be a liberating experience. Wide roads, big trucks, massive cars, but at a Desert Bottleneck like las vegas, it can be ever so slightly frustrating. Beep, beep come on. But today, i am driving an audi with a little more brainpower under the hood, sorry, bonnet. There is extra information about the current speed on it, and it also is telling me there is a red light that will turn green in about 30 seconds up ahead. Three, two, one. Here we go. The car is connected to las vegass Traffic Management centre over ag. It reports its position and the centre tells them how long until the next light turns green. Indicate left, and the Centre Informs me about the left light instead. And round we go. One of the advantages, says audi, is that it is a bit of a stress and tension relief as you know you have some time before the light goes green so there is no point getting impatient. At the moment, this is only available in certain models of car, and only in las vegas, because this city has just one Traffic Management centre that handles all of the lights. Some cities have more than 100 different authorities in charge of their signals. So, one obvious use for this in the future is to feed into an autonomous driving system. If the car knows when the lights are going to go green in front of it, then it can better driver itself. If it has some kind of Backup Data Signal from the Traffic Management system, then it should get it right more. Which is a good thing. It is judging that i will not make these lights. Oh, and it is right. The car was right and i was wrong. Now, i do not know much about the car industry, but what i do know is getting into it when you are a new player is really tough, and complex, and expensive. Faraday future is a company that heard all of those warnings and said, eh, let us try anyway. How is that going for them then . Dave lee investigates. Faraday future, a new car company that promises to beat tesla at its own game. Last year at ces they showed us a scale model of a concept car they had no real intention of making. This year they promised something more, well, real. Introducing the ff 91. Theyre pretty proud of it, they say it can do zero to 60 quicker than a bentley or a ferrari, and of course, a tesla model s. It can even park itself. Just press a button and. Record rip. It is being lazy tonight. Im being cruel. It can park on its own. I saw that for myself. Its going wide at the minute. This is a three point turn. One of the reasons we do that is because we want to make sure all of the sensors in the car, of which there are many, can get a full view of the empty spot to verify there is no one there. Look at that. Spot on. Straight. Quite impressive. It is all well and good, but it will be some time before you can actually do this yourself. Each and every car park will need to be approved by Faraday Future before the feature will work. And there would need to be gathered data on the system and future cars so it is less chicken and egg and more chicken and 150,000 car that isnt even on the market yet. Speaking of which, Faraday Future have promised it will be ready by 2018. There is a lot of potential but it is hard for them to deliver. The factory they need to build this thing for example, they showed a picture of it and it isjust a pile of dirt at the moment. The factory. To build its car, they have planned a huge plant in the Nevada Desert Planning to become possible to make the cars next year. There are reports the factory is on hold because they are running out of money. Hello . It looks ready for construction but there is no equipment, no materials. And if they want this place ready by 2018, it doesnt look like they are making much progress. We are Resource Limited at sometimes. Things like this need to take priority. Construction of the factory has stopped for some point and it still looks like it is stopped. It will start soon. Was it because of financial restrictions . It is a matter of keeping the Cash Flow Balance between the projects we are trying to do. Not too encouraging. But the good news is if they ever release a car it will blow your socks off. All right. Heads back. Hold on. Lets go oh, my god that is so quick. Oh, my god. This is now the fastest Production Vehicle in the world. And we are just getting started. Well. Well, it is not very useful on a school run, is it, really . That was dave with Faraday Future. Cars were certainly the big theme of last weeks Consumer Electronics show in las vegas. We went to testdrive some of the projects on show. I have arranged to meet richard at bosch, not to look at a washing machine, but a car. Wow it is pretty sci fi. It does. Bosch have a Rich Heritage with cars. They invented the Spark Plug Over 100 years ago. You and your facts. This car obviously looks different but what does it do that we havent seen before . The Personalisation Feature is not too far down the line. But the idea is it can pick up my facial features and knows who i am and personalise the experience. It will adjust my drivers seat, the mirror, the colour scheme, the entertainment system, even the drive mode. That is pretty cool. Once you are driving is there anything it can do to make it more safe . You obviously want to keep your eyes ahead. What can you do in the car . A number of things courtesy of gestures. In order to make gestures recognisable, what bosch have done here is introduce what they call ultrahaptics, this panel here, it is emitting ultrasonic waves i can feel tingling against my hand to see where i can gesture. Once i do my gesture like this, and i can programme a number of them, it will come up on the screen in front of me, a number of different options. I have to say, looking at a screen takes away from that idea of looking ahead. Slightly worrying. But dont worry, i will sort out the music. That is even more worrying. If i move this around, i am getting haptic feedback. There is vibration on the screen. In three different sections, that feels totally different. So it is almost like having physical buttons because you can actually feel what you are touching. But i still would not want to do it while driving. If only there was a self driving mode. If only. As it happens, this particular vehicle has one. All i have to do is press my thumbs against the panels for three seconds. Automatic driving engaged. There we go. Once i put this down, fold it down. Here we go. Amazing. Now we can relax yet, while bosch are more about creating parts, the Car Manufacturers themselves have some similar ideas. Like the bosch car, this Bmw Concept Vehicle also uses ultrasonics. As i moving my finger, i am moving towards a hologram as i am moving my finger, i am moving towards a hologram being projected through this mirror on the panel here on a little projector. It is giving a futuristic appearance to things like Text Messages or even video calls coming in. It is a very narrow Field Of View which means the only the driver can see it, making it a personal experience. It is notjust about the driver, though. The entire car has been thought about. Even in the back there is more space in this car and it really is comfortable, giving a living room kind of feel. In fact, lets play some music. The best thing is everyone can play their own music so you dont have to contend with other peoples dodgy playlists. Meanwhile, toyotas concept car wants to get to know you and find out your interests. The upcoming roads are flat. Good for longdistance driving. It will answer questions. It is beautiful out and a perfect day for a drive. It will track your emotions to try to learn how to keep you happy. Great. You seem very happy. Why are you speaking to him and not me . And probably more importantly, it will provide warnings of any hazards on the road hazard. Sorry. Ive activated Guardian System to avoid accidents. So, this is the connective home part of the whole connected world. From the connected car we will look at the connected fridge and. The one thing they all have in common, though, is that your car can be a truly connected part of your truly connected life. Hello and welcome to the week in tech. It was the week facebook announced it would start Trialling Ads in the middle of videos, and norway became the first country in the world to turn off its analogue radio signals. It was also the week the us military released footage of a test in california where it launched a swarm of 103 mini drones into the sky from fighterjets. The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles were deployed to operate autonomously. Its thought the system could potentially be used to carry out Surveillance Operations in the future. And with Al Systems One of the hot topics at the moment, it was only a matter of time before something went a bit wrong. Amazons echo went rogue and started ordering dollhouses. A tv station in america that was covering the story about a young girl using the device to purchase a house was inundated with complaints after viewers own echo devices apparently overheard the networks reporters saying alexa, buy me a. Oh, better not say. And for years weve been hearing all about the wonders of grapheme. Well, Engineers At Mit Have decided to kick off the year by actually doing something about it. Using a 3d printer they fused flakes of grapheme into a spongelike object, and in doing so have created one of the strongest 3 d materials ever. Its thought the newfangled product could be used in the construction of aeroplanes or buildings. Hello, im Charles Martinet and im the voice of. Its a me, mario woo hoo and luigi too haw haw and wario and baby luigi and baby mario lets go ya hoo and that was Charles Martinet, the voice of mario, nintendos most famous character. And hes helping us to introduce nintys brand new Games Console. Its a little bit different as you might expect and marc has been trying it out. Nintendo switch is an unusual Games Console because it does a couple of different things. Firstly its a portable machine. Its got this tablet like touchscreen with a 720p resolution, it can be played out and about on the move and then when it docks in this little station here, like mario after he has chowed down on those power boosting mushrooms, it supercharges the Machine Graphics capabilities up to 1080p full hd and can be played using a normal television becoming a home console. The controllers, which nintendo has dubbed joycons, can slide off the side of the portable unit and they can be configured in a couple of different ways. The Individualjoycon Parts can be used for multiplayer and when its docked, the player can use a separate controller or plug them into a battery pack, turning them into this beast. Now, thejoycons have got a number of different Motor Control features that can be demonstrated in this mini game here. Its called quickdraw and weirdly what it does is it pulls the player away from the screen and towards one another. So to that end i have a Cowboy Opponent here and were going to have a shootout. So lets load our weapons, get ready. This is where you get your best Clint Eastwood on. And i live to fight another day but what that ably shows is that the designers are thinking differently about the kind of games that can be played using this device. As far as games are concerned, in the works is a new title for the portly italian plumber, the real world set Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend Of Zelda breath of the wild. Nintendos last console, the wii u, had a bunch of issues from day one. There was an additional controller for their already wii console, where in fact it was a brand new console. With the switch they have the same issue again but this time they have to nail down the Third Party Support and getting more of the core gamer back on board with their product. Perhaps the biggest hurdle for the switch is its price. At £279, the switch might have a tough time against its rivals from microsoft and sony. Well find out when its released on march the third. Bbc click, here we go everybody, meet archibald. Archibald, meet everybody. Archibald is Living In A Box for a couple of days to help demonstrate a Phone Attachment that can see through walls. This is vayyar, which translates from the hebrew as to see, and thats what this Israel Company is helping us to do. Its taken a large radar Imaging System thats previously been used in Breast Cancer screening to shrink it into a tiny box. Using an app to tidy up the image, its ability to see through walls might be useful for stopping you accidentally drilling through a pipe when youre trying to put up a picture. In fact, it can detect more than just pipes, it can actually detect people who may be approaching on the other side of a wall. Viar is pitching this as a single sensor for the smart home, which can sense very subtle movements and detect which direction theyre coming from. Up there on the ceiling theres an array of 20 antenna which are scanning the room for movement in great detail, and crucially they can detect movement in different parts of the room. For example, gails on that bed over there, if she was to stay really still you will see her graph on the left go very quiet. While im making it go completely crazy. If i now hold my breath. You can see how this type of sensor could alert someone if someone else stops breathing. Hence this is being pitched as something that could act as an alert system for elderly people, although it can also monitor the quality of anyones sleep by measuring how active you are during the night. As we move towards a world where we want to monitor everything, this is an interesting alternative to putting up cameras. Today the world is going toward connected living, so we have connected houses and cars but people dont appreciate having a camera inside their bedroom or inside their bathroom, so basically our radar doesnt provide a visual image like a camera does and it is applicable in privacy sensitive situations. That directional nature of the sensing means a system can detect when a high thing like a person standing up in the shower suddenly becomes a low thing, like someone who has fallen over in the shower. At which point, you can sound the alarm. As well as preserving privacy, this system has other advantages over a camera. The radar can see through a steamy bathroom and even in the dark. Although, if youre showering in the dark, well, you can expect to fall over sooner or later. See, now, lara here would have been much more careful. I would have put down a nonslip shower mat for a start mind you, there are plenty of devices at this years ces looking to make the home a safer place. This home robot even wants to become part of the family. I love you for a start its creators told me in no Uncertain Terms that kuri must be referred to he or she rather than it. Im going for she. She is part nanny and part playmate because you could use her to keep an eye on the children but at the same time she could entertain them. She has four microphones around her head, so she has directional sound, shes also got a High Resolution camera in her left eye. She has facial recognition so she can identify if the kids have come home from school but havent gone straight into the kitchen or whatever room the family are in. She knows about it if she bumps into things. Look at this hey, kuri, can you read me a story . And as well as never tiring of rereading the same bedtime story, she can do this. Hey, kuri, go hide one, two, three, four, five. All a bit of fun if you put aside the idea that parenting would be a rather worrying job for robots to take over. And for when theres no robot nanny around, heres a way keep things safely out of reach. Ijust need to unlock the covered. Thats it. This smart lock connects to a Mobile Phone App which means you can decide who has access to the cupboard, as well as opening it and closing it via your phone. It also means you can keep things safely away from kids or any visitors if you dont want them getting their hands on something in your cupboards. And if anyone who isnt meant to open the cupboard does, then you will receive a tamper alert on this. It can also be set to simply unlock whenever youre in the vicinity. But what can be a trickier issue to overcome is how to keep the whole family safe online without blocking out the things they need. This is the prototype of a wi fi router that aims to bring together powerful internet, antivirus and Parental Controls across the whole network. Each member of the family will have their own profile so it means for kids you can choose what times of day they can or cant get online so at home work time they cant be tempted to go online if theyre not meant to. And you can also pause the internet so if you want to get everyone to the table, it might be a little bit easier. If a child tries to look at a website they shouldnt actually be looking at, then it will come up with this page. From there they can make a request to look at the page if they think its something important to them and then that request will go to the parents, who can make a call on whether it is suitable. Theres also a Crowd Ranking Function which is a way of parents saying they find the website appropriate or not and that will be shared with other users as well. Meanwhile, with so much talk of alexa and other Virtual Assistants at this years ces, this prototype was. Woohoo isnt very functional heart the moment but when ready it aims to provide a cloud based Virtual Assistant as well as full control over your smart home. But not everyone can walk into the room to operate it. To add a bit of safety into the mix it has to know you and it will either recognise you using this camera for Face Recognition or know your voice before it carries out any commands you request. It can create scenarios like when your Activity Tracker knows youve just done a run, the heating will be turned down. Ok, i get thats not idealfor other people in the house but while all this may make it appear gadgets can safely take control of our gadgets and our homes, it does beg the question of whether we actually want them to. That was lara and ive been out of bed for precisely the length of that report. About time i turn in for the night but oh, no, ive forgotten to make the bed. Fortunately, ive got a smart duvet, which means that from anywhere in the world i can click the app and the thing makes itself. Its got an Inflatable Sheet Inside and the idea is you programme it to do this at any time you want on any day you want. Yes, it is a bit noisy but the idea is youre not meant to be here when it does it. It might scare the cat mind you. But thats not the end of the story. If youre a snorer or you sleep with a snorer then Pay Attention because tonight i am sleeping on nora, which is an anti snoring device you put under your pillow. If this microphone detects the sound of snoring during the night, it will activate this silent fan which inflates nora, moving the pillow and your head just enough to reactivate your throat muscles, open your airways and stop you from snoring. You can track how many times its been activated during the night on the app if you want, or you canjust have a good nights sleep, safe in the knowledge that whoever else is in the room with you is also getting a good nights sleep. Night night. Hello. It is cold out there, for some of us it will tom milder, but not for all as we will see any moment. We have a Weather Front coming infor moment. We have a Weather Front coming in for the atlantic, milder atla nta coming in for the atlantic, Milder Atlanta care is trying to push in and that Weather Front with the cloud will bring rain to many of us over the next 2a hours. Ahead of that, it has turned a little bit less cold in other areas. It is an icy start of the night for the east and In The Rain Pushes and across Northern Ireland and scotland, a period of snow across eastern parts will turn back the rain. More of the problem is across north east of england. And across other eastern counties where the temperatures will fall close to freezing as we start the day tomorrow. Expect a period of snow across other eastern counties. We could see a light covering in some places, the east of london, for example. Keep an eye out for that, certainly an icy start to the day here. Really rather than snow out west across much of Wales And West of england. Quite a drab morning with fog over higher ground. Not very pleasant across Northern Ireland and the West Of Scotland either, but temperatures higher than they have been. Chilly across the east of scotland. This chair the year will be loath to shift. It will bea year will be loath to shift. It will be a raw and damp day across many eastern areas, the snow will ease away but feel cold. Further west will be dampness around but a contrasting temperatures, double figures across the west, perhaps no more than three degrees or 4 degrees across parts of england. As we head into tomorrow evening, we will continue to see batches of rain pushing in from the west but storing up pushing in from the west but storing up across pushing in from the west but storing up across these central areas. To the east and west of that, it will probably be drier on monday. That is a marked contrast in temperatures which continues, 5 degrees. Double figures likely further west as we start the week. As they go through the early part of next week, High Pressure will tend to take over, that means a lot of dry weather expected away from the far north. The best of the sunshine across southern and eastern areas, but the catch is that cold air continues to hold on. Despite some sunshine, i think it will be quite frosty buying it with sharp frost expected, winners for the north and west, yes, you have more cloud, but you are the temperatures will be a lot milder than further south. All of the latest, including Weather Warnings for the ice, can be found on the bbc website. This is bbc news. The headlines at apm the Prime Minster warns gps in england they must open for longer to meet patient demand, or risk losing funding. Doctors leaders have hit back. Clearly we know what the reasons for the problems are. The reasons are we have too few doctors, lower than any other parter europe. We have too few Hospital Beds and cuts in social care. Jeremy corbyn warns the Social Care System is at serious risk of breakdown, and if labour wins the next election failing private care homes will be taken into Public Ownership applause Watford Supporters and fans across football remember former manager graham taylor, who died on thursday. Commentatorjohn motson is among those paying tribute. The connection between watford and theirfans the connection between watford and their fans was

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