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United states causing more than 20 deaths and bringing transport chaos. Now on bbc news, its time for click. This week. Internet fridge, finger phone, garden car and privacy pants. Right, lets get 2017 started in style, shall we . Flashing lights. Check. Modest understated hotels. Check. Lots of people queuing for photos of a sign. Check. A Motorcycle Vest with built in airbag . 0h check. Every january, las vegas hosts the massive Consumer Electronics show and if you have a product to launch, you want to launch it here. And thats why i am being followed by a drone, specifically, the hover camera passport drone. First one i have seen which follows you, not by tracking a signal from your mobile phone, but instead by locking on to a face in its camera view. Come with me. You can tell it which face to follow by tapping on it in the accompanying app on your phone. And the latest version will let you scan and upload your face to the drone so it can find and recognise you automatically. The theory is that you then dont need the phone at all. The drone knows and loves your face, just like a loyal puppy. A flying puppy that takes cool 360 orbit videos or snaps photos when you raise your hand. And with guarded blades and sensors underneath to help it steer clear of obstacles, it certainly seems safe and light enough to fly in amongst other people or indeed to grab it out of the air and fold it up. Hence the name passport, you see. Unbelievably, ces is now in its 50th year and in that time its got big, very big. The show has spread beyond the walls of the Las Vegas Convention centre to the surrounding hotels and we have seen all sorts of ideas come and go in those five decades. The event might have grown, but the technology, of course, has shrunk. The tv screens have got so thin that they blend into the walls, so thin you can peel them on and off. This is a fully functional windows 10 pc. And when i say this, i actually mean this. This is an intel compute card and it is a complete computer. It has a processer, storage, memory and wi fi and it is about as powerful as an ultra thin laptop. Although i think those laptops are looking decidedly overweight, dont you think . Although actually personal computing isnt the first place that youll see these things. You are going to see it in things like digital signage, Intelligent Vending machines, and kiosks. In the home you are going to see it in smart televisions. You are going to see it in home hubs. You got a couple of great benefits. One of them for the consumer is this easy ability to upgrade their device. So instead of buying a television and then having to replace the whole Television Three years and you want to do intelligence in it, you canjust replace the compute card. So it may be that one day we really do carry our computers around like this. We pop it out of the screen at home and pop it into the car on the way to the office and then pop it out of the car and pop it into the screen at work. The question is would we ever want to when we already have these . This is more medium term future stuff anyway. There have been some more immediate things announced here at ces. Heres Lara Lewington with the details. The show floor is full of exciting stuff but the tvs really are a big deal. Theyre illuminating the floor with their dazzling pictures. But sony say their display is resoundingly different, featuring their new acoustics sound technology. The audio doesnt come out of a traditional speaker. Instead, its generated by the vibration in the screen. If you werent impressed by the back light free oeld tvs with their every Pixel Lighting up individually, then i can tell you the back light is back in the qled screens from samsung. This time, its made up of Quantum Dot Nanocrystals aiming to provide a great picture wherever youre seated in the room. Tvs arent the only Household Electronics on display here, though. This lg fridge has a fully interactive display. You can even press this button and turn the door see through. Not that you actually need to because there is a camera inside the fridge for anybody who thinks its too much effort to actually open and close the door or wants to see their fridge from elsewhere. That camera will also mean that you can receive alerts to your mobile phone when foods due to expire. Plus, it will tell you when you need to buy things and seeing as the fridge is connected to alexa it makes it rather easy to do that through amazon, funnily enough. And virtual assistants seem to be everywhere, with alexa even being integrated into a ford car later this year. Meanwhile, olly here is even supposed to understand your emotions. I am so excited to meet everyone here. It looks like well be speaking to many more of our gadgets in 2017. Lets just hope they understand us. Most people understand that if i do this with my fingers it means give me a call on the telephone. However, if i am wearing this strap when i make that gesture my hand becomes part of the telephone itself and can send and receive calls. The strap has a little Body Conducting Unit in here which sends vibrations down my hand and when i stick my finger to my ear, they become amplified sound. There is a microphone just in the strap there, so i can talk into it. Lets just see if that works. And it does. Even though we are at a busy Traffic Intersection here i can actually hear a test signal coming through from the mobile phone. This is the prototype. The finished thing looks like a normal watch strap and can be fitted to any old watch. When you want to hang up, thats simplicity itself. All you have to do is take your hand away from your ear. Health is once again a big theme here at ces. And whilst more people than ever are following gluten free, dairy free or other sorts of specialist diets, they dont necessarily need to be unless theyve had a proper medical diagnosis. And thats something that this device aims to overcome by helping people create the perfect diet for their own personal digestive system. Air connects via bluetooth and its mission is to miniaturise a breath test that gastroenterologists have been using since the 90s. It analyses reaction to various forms of carbohydrate, such as lactose or fructose. This is based on the idea that if you consume a food that you cant break down, then it will foment in the gut and from that Point Chemicals will disperse into the blood stream, that blood will be making its way into the lungs and when you breathe out youll be able to analyse how well that food has been digested. So once it learns what works for you, it should be able to help you customise your diet as the finished apps Food Database indicates how likely you are to react to any given food. So if you find the answer all thats left to do is actually stick to the lifestyle and diet you need to. Now then, i am officially calling it, this years big theme at ces was cars. And, as always, its often the most outrageous concepts that grab all the headlines. Rinspeed has previously proposed a car with its own deployable drone. Well, now its got one that has a space age cockpit with more glass than a greenhouse, which is quite fortunate because it has a garden in the dashboard. Yes, thats a garden in the dashboard. Why . Well, so you get a nice smell when youre driving, of course, and you can even take part of it with you when you go shopping. Dont forget to switch the fan on, so you get that lovely whiff. Actually, a lot of the more serious car stuff is happening in small steps incrementally, so its harder to grab the headlines. That said, marc cieslak has just been for a couple of extraordinary drives. Theres a certain german car maker that boasts of building the ultimate driving machine, but here at ces 2017 most of the Motor Manufacturers seem intent on building the ultimate self driving machine. It isntjust Motor Manufacturers that are showing off Self Driving Vehicles here. Theyre doing it with the help of tech companies, as well. This vehicle is fitted with a system called bb8, which has been created by nvidia, a company most famous for manufacturing high end graphics chips. Artificial Intelligence Software which learns helped by sensors have trained bb8 to be able to make driving decisions. Here an obstacle has just appeared in the route that we were going to take to get to the other end of this track. The car has decided that theyll not drive into that obstacle so its driven around it. And now the obstacle is going to be gone on the next time around on the circuit, so lets see what decision the car makes then. There we go, it carries on driving down the road. Nvidia is partnering with audi to introduce similar technologies into its future models. Driving around a car park is one thing but how do these Autonomous Vehicles perform out on real roads . Electronic supplier delphi has partnered with Driver Assistance and sensor Outfit Mobileye and created a Mini Fleet Of Autonomous Audi suvs which are driving around vegas during ces. There are 2a different sensors spread out across the body of this car which allow it to drive autonomously and what i am struck by is that you dont notice any of them. You cant really see any of those sensory devices. Theyre hidden. This car is an indicator, if you like, of how Autonomous Vehicles will look in the future, which is pretty much like any car does in showrooms today. Those sensors include lidar, radar and cameras all around the vehicle. Here we can see what the car sees through them. Identifying other vehicles as well as pedestrians and behaving accordingly as it weaves its way through traffic. So, iam a rear passenger in the back of this self driving car. And so far zero dramas apart from looking forward and noticing that the driver doesnt have his hands on the Steering Wheel i could be forgiven for thinking that i am actually being driven around bya human being. The thing is, we have been driving around in prototype Self Driving Cars for a couple of years now. How long is it going to be before cars like this are available to buy in showrooms . There is quite a wide consensus among the industry that 2021 is the time where the technology will be ready and after a number of years where society will start gaining confidence in this kind of technology then society would be at the point where the driver can be completely out of the loop. With that 2021 goal in Mind Mobileye announced in partnership with bmw and intel it will be testing a0 Autonomous Vehicles on real american and european roads in the second half of this year. Definitely on their way. That was mark with what we think is the most complete Autonomous Driving System that we have seen so far. Now if youre looking forward to your fully self driving car, there is a problem. At the moment in the us there are 320 million cars on the road but they only make about 16 million new cars every year which means even if from today every car that was manufactured was fully autonomous it would still take at least 20 years to refresh the entire fleet. So heres an idea. What about retro fitting your existing car to make it self driving . Well, this is exmatic and this is a system that does that. Its still in prototype at the moment which explains the hilarious computer under the drivers seat there. But what you will do is stick a lidar sensor on your roof, a couple of cameras in the windscreen and then i guess the most important parts are the Robotic Wheel which turns the Steering Wheel here and the levers which operate the pedals. And this could be an interesting interim solution while you are waiting for your fully Autonomous Car for about 20 years. Replacing the entire fleet of vehicles is one aspect of the problem. The other aspect is the fact that 90 of the vehicle remains the same. All the mechanical parts are pretty much the same. The parts that get you around. And so in order to add the brain you would have to chuck the entire car and get a whole new car. And what were saying is you keep your car, and we give you the brains. Now if you are someone who prefers the wind to be rushing through your hair, ces also offers plenty for riders as well as drivers. Hence that airbag vest for bikers which detects a sudden change in speed and inflates just before impact with shocking force, it has to be said. Well, i suppose the point is if you are having an accident then you really need something that inflates fast. I have to say, it nearly caused me to have an accident. Laughter. And now were all nicely cushioned, heres dave lee with a selection of cess rideables. Ha ha this is surely the most fun you can have on a beach with your clothes on. The super 73 is an electric bike that can hold enough charge to travel for more than 25 miles. Its top speed is 27mph which on Newport Beach is certainly enough to get the wind in your hair. You have the thumb here. Dont press on itjust yet and the two brakes right here. So are you ready to go . You go first and i will follow you. Follow me. Go. 0h ha ha the bike was funded via kickstarter where it raised almost half a Million Dollars and now each bike is being carefully crafted here in Orange County california. We have every machine needed to create an entire bike. Theres some days where we have got, you know, 30, a0 bikes being welded in a single day. Thats to ensure that everything is done properly, safely and will hold up for a lifetime. The batteries it needs are getting more affordable, they re getting lighter, so it means at ces this year we are seeing a host of interesting ways to help us get around. 0ne Chinese Company unveiled these bikes. Theyre powered by normal pedals but they have the android Mobile Operating System built in so you can track your progress. And then there is things like the movpack. This is a regular pack, with one movement you can turn it into an electric skateboard, thats actually easier to ride than a regular skateboard. Here is something slightly more traditional but with a modern twist. This scooter isnt electric, but it does bring your Social Networks right into your dashboard. Cant people go ten seconds without seeing an e mail . I would not want to see my e mails for ten seconds, thats good. It can go up to one minute. 0ne whole minute . Yes. But its perhaps more futuristic ideas like this one from honda that really get the imagination going. This concept car is more about having something that you dont necessarily own but you kind ofjust call it up whenever you need a vehicle to pop to the shops or do some of those small errands. It will drive itself to you, pick you up and when you are done with it you can just let it go itself. That was dave lee. Meanwhile, ifound something much more sensible, which is a vr skydiving simulator. And now we are going back to lara and also Richard Taylor to see what choice morsels they found on the ces show floor. Argh Virtual Reality is everywhere this year at ces, as you might expect. What you might not expect is that its being used to demo other technologies. In this case, wireless smart home monitoring. What i and other guinea pigs have been witnessing through this headset are what you normally cant see in your average home. Wireless signals of different frequencies and varying strength represented here by pretty multicoloured balls all bouncing around the furniture and spewing from your electronic devices. Using these normally invisible signals the Company Behind it, cognitive, has developed a device offering a completely new way of keeping tabs on your environment. Two units in there. Aura is a simple two piece patented system consisting of this white box and a smaller sensor which plug into the wall and connect to your wi fi. Together they form their own network of very low Power Signals which spread across your home passing through walls, floors and ceilings. The companion app monitors this Spectrum Data and alerts users when the signals have been disturbed. It can even differentiate known members from possible intruders by the signals coming from the smartphones registered users might be carrying on them. We are sort of looking at it as a thoughtful security system. So, obviously cameras are very good. They have their place. But they are limited in terms of what they actually look at. So you will need like maybe three cameras or something in your house, where this is extending to a larger degree over your house, you are seeing more of your house and whats happening in it. As well as tying into home security, cognitive is looking beyond, like in retail, where the tech could build up a virtual heat map of where shoppers are congregating, although of course there are privacy aconcerns around this. Introducing emerald. 0ther outfits too are seeing the potential of this wireless tech. Mit researchers are developing a product called emerald which uses wireless signals reflected off peoples bodies to alert care givers when someone has fallen over. The device apparently measuring heart beats as accurately as an ecg monitor. In fact, they say emerald will soon be able to read somebodys mood by detecting subtle changes in their breathing and heart rhythms and perhaps adjust the smart Home Heating System accordingly. Its easy to imagine other scenarios, too, like ad agencies monitoring peoples emotional responses to commercials and shows in real time. The possibilities are truly enormous and for some of us that prospect alone mayjust be a little disturbing in itself. Ava has been dubbed the fertility fitbit. Unsurprising, when its a bracelet that looks like this although it only actually needs to be worn at night time. With one in eight struggling to start a family as easily as they had hoped, stories like sarahs arent unusual. We tried for in total six years by the time we had my son to conceive. Four years before we went through any form of treatment. We went through ivf. We did during that time use a few different apps, i tried to track my period and fertile times but my cycle seemed to be a bit all over so it wasnt very accurate and i found it was adding more stress. It syncs up to this app where it combines temperature, heart rate and Sleep Tracking with the information you provide. But how keen might women be to use it . I think whilst i was going through it, yes, i would definitely have tried it. The cost would have been a consideration but i would have tried it because i would have thought its claiming that it can increase my chances, you know, its measuring Different Things so it must be more accurate than inputting the data myself but having been through it and looking back in hindsight the pressure i was putting on myself and my relationship and how i felt through that, i think Something Like this would put even more pressure on. 0ne expert raises another question, though. Body temperature monitoring is a great way to assess ovulation which has been a Standard Practice for many years although one has to say that its not a very accurate way of assessing it. Now when you bring in sleep, heart rate and other sort of various additional bits that this bracelet also measures that is slightly irrelevant to fertility. So why have they chosen to include them . We have been conducting Clinical Research on how those parameters correlate with hormonal changes during the Menstrual Cycle and we have clearly seen correlations between the factors we are measuring, such as pulse rate and the Menstrual Cycle and we have been proving that its 89 accurate with the method we are using right now. And seeing as we seem to be able to track everything these days, there is something for the men, too. This smartphone accessory incorporating a microscope aims to provide a male Fertility Test without the need to go to the doctors. Samples are analysed and results can be recorded and saved. That was lara and if you are a man whos worried that your fertility might be affected by keeping a mobile phone in your pocket you might be interested in Something Else that we discovered here at ces, which is spartan underwear lined with Metallic Silver fibres which apparently block most of the radiation from your phone to your most precious parts. I think they feel a bit snug myself. But insert your own joke here. Thats it from ces. Were back in vegas next week. Follow us on twitter in the meantime at bbc click. Thanks for watching. See you soon. Hello. Lets hope those Underwear Versions come in thermal forms for later in the week. After a mild weekend, the week ahead will be windy and eventually those winds will turn a more northerly direction for the bringing much colder air and, potentially, for some of you, a bit of snow later in the week. At the moment it is still fairly mild. The area of high pressure. The first change comes tonight with this area of low pressure working its way towards iceland. The first we will know of it is strengthening winds across scotland and Northern Ireland through the night and eventually some outbreaks of ranger in the morning. The chance of A Touch Of Frost in the east. Note the temperatures, six, 7 degrees as we start the day. Perhaps the mildest pa rt start the day. Perhaps the mildest part of the day. And and Northern Ireland. By eight oclock, turning to clear skies and showers. Still pretty wet across the borders. Heavy rain into northumberland, cumbria and north west england. Gusts in excess of a0 miles an hour. Baleful swims to go without. Try in east anglia and the south east. The rain pushing into Western Parts of wales. The wet and windy weather will spread southwards during the day, eventually reaching the South East Corner later on. To the north, we will see the sunshine coming out for a time. The winds will start to pick up a time. The winds will start to pick up later in scotland. Look at the temperatures as he finished the day. They start at seven, eight and finish at five or six. Into tuesday, frequent showers. Severe Gale Force Winds at times across northern scotland. The colder start to tuesday compared with monday. Temperatures a few degrees above freezing. A chilly start to tuesday. The winds will become more westerly. After a bright start with sunshine and patchy rain will work its way eastwards with temperatures slowly on the rise. Back into double figures by this stage. Colder in the east. The milder air is there from midweek. Things change in the second half of the week. We get blue colour is back on the Temperature Charts and a plunge of arctic winds. A lot of patchy rain to begin with, Brightening Up later and a scattering of showers turning wintry later. 0n Scattering of showers turning wintry later. On thursday you will notice the chill. Theyll be rain and sleet across the south. Frequent snow showers across the north and west of the country. Exactly who sees the snow is open to question at this stage. We will keep you updated. This is bbc news. Im reeta chakrabarti. The headlines at four the Prime Minister says she will announce more details about her brexit plans over the coming weeks, insisting that britain will get the right deal. I think it is wrong to look at this as just i think it is wrong to look at this asjust a binary i think it is wrong to look at this as just a binary issue, i think it is wrong to look at this asjust a binary issue, either you have control over immigration or a good trade deal. I dont see it as a binary issue. A lorry has rammed into a group of Israeli Soldiers injerusalem, killing four and injuring 15. The israeli Prime Minister, benjamin netanyahu, whos visited the site said the attack was carried out by a palestinian supporter of so called islamic state. The queen has attended church at sandringham, making her first appearance since missing services over christmas due to a heavy cold. A political advisor at the Israeli Embassy has been secretly recorded saying he wants to take down the Foreign Office minister sir alan duncan

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