Transcripts For BBCNEWS Click 20161226 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Click 20161226

brighten up there with sunshine. wednesday morning, frost. and by this stage, fog. tributes to the singer george michael — one of the biggest stars in british music — who has died at the age of 53. today's other news — russia begins a day of national mourning for those who died when a military plane crashed into the black sea. will boxing day sales deliver? good afternoon and welcome to bbc news. one of the biggest pop stars of the ‘80s and ‘90s, george michael, has died. he was 53, and is believed to have had heart failure. he rose to fame as one half of the group, wham! and went on to have a successful solo career. he sold 100 million albums worldwide and had 11 uk number ones. nick quraishi looks back at his life. his popularity was not limited to his fans. fellow musicians were equally overwhelmed by his talent. here he is rehearsing for the 1992 freddie mercury tribute concert. according to his publicist, he passed away peacefully on christmas day. he died of heart failure. andrew ridgely said he was heartbroken at the loss of his beloved friend. madonna said, farewell my friend, another great artist leaves others. eltonjohn said, iam artist leaves others. eltonjohn said, i am in deep shock, i artist leaves others. eltonjohn said, iam in deep shock, i have lost a beloved friend, the kindest, most generous soul and a brilliant artist. paul young duetted with george michael. he paid tribute today. he always had an incredible p0p today. he always had an incredible pop sensibility and a voice that could touch people. some people have a voice that cut straight to your heart. he had that ability. as well as success over heart. he had that ability. as well 3s success ovei’ the years, heart. he had that ability. as well as success over the years, he also had brochures with the law. his car collided with a high street sharp leading to a spell in prison. he was cautioned and fined for drugs possession and received treatment for addiction. to be a part people's lives as an artist, that is what i dream. and still grateful for. lives as an artist, that is what i dream. and still gratefulfor. —— thatis dream. and still gratefulfor. —— that is what i dream of. i wish i could cope with the other stuff the way others do. i wish i had been born with that particular suit of armour. because i wasn't. when george michael revealed he was gay comic he said he had kept it secret to stop his mother worrying. in 2011, he said he had nearly died in vienna after a bout of pneumonia. more music was on the way, a collaboration and the documentary we i’e collaboration and the documentary were due next march. when it came to p0p: were due next march. when it came to pop, george michael had it all. the looks, the voice and the ability to write hit after hit, again and again. remembering george michael who has died at the age of 53. russia is holding a day of national mourning for the 92 people who were killed when a military plane crashed in the black sea. authorities in russia say they've located the site where the plane came down yesterday, soon after it took off from sochi, heading to syria. the first of the bodies have this morning been airlifted to moscow. our moscow correspondent, steve rosenberg reports. across russia, they prayed for the dead for the 92 victims of yesterday's plane crash. there was a special service today in every orthodox church in russia. this is a day of national mourning. as a sign of respect, russian flags were flown at half—mast. this is thought to be the last picture of a chicken of the aircraft. a a few others later it crashed into the black sea. the search operation continued today. not for survivors but for the bodies. and also for the plane's black box flight recorders. technical failure or private ever is thought to have caused the crash. terrorism is less likely. more than 60 members of the russian army's quire group. ——choir group. outside the musician's headquarters in moscow, there is never a shrine that grows bigger by the other. as well as bringing flowers, icons and candles, people have been leaving messages. this says, you were killed on take—off, through well. translation: we mourn with everybody else. there is pain deep in my soul. officially, there is one day of national mourning but for many russians the sense of loss from this disaster will last much longer. millions of shoppers will hit the high street today as the boxing day sales get under way. the numbers are expected to be down from last year, with analysts saying that earlier discount events like black friday and cyber monday will affect post—christmas sales. an estimated £3 billion is to be spent at the tills today, with a further £900 million spent online. many people hit the shops today drawn in by the theory that goods are cheaper today than they were a few days ago. up to a billion online and 3 billion on the high street is expected to be spent. and 3 billion on the high street is expected to be spentli and 3 billion on the high street is expected to be spent. i love sale shopping. normally looking for a good deal. we were here last february and i think the exchange rate was 1.5. it is much less now. so we get a lot more for our money this year than we did last year. the international visitors joining the cloud here in london's west end are not just cloud here in london's west end are notjust coming for the sales, the brexit vote weaken the pound and mean that their money buys a fifth more here than it did one year ago. it is effects like that that create the hope the brexit boat could lift exports provide a least in the short ina exports provide a least in the short in a positive economic effect. one legacy of the credit boom of the last decade and the bust that followed was consumers borrowing unprecedented amounts to buy it exported goods. today, the man who resided over that also been brexit may i’evei’se resided over that also been brexit may reverse that. there are many opportunities and we should look it in salt confident way than neither side is at the moment. i think being out of what is a rather unsuccessful european union, particularly in the economic sense, gives us opportunities as well as great political difficulties. to the incoming us commerce secretary, brexit is an opportunity not for us, but other countries to benefit from the confusion. this millionaire businessman has said it is a god—given opportunity to take business away from london. that is the man appointed by dog shampoo to lead trade negotiations. advice and better nutrition and exercise has helped 20,000 people. it forms part of a package of ideas to cu re it forms part of a package of ideas to cure type two diabetes including more funding for specialist nurses. a typhoon has hit the philippines, forcing tens of thousands to seek refuge in emergency shelters. there we i’e refuge in emergency shelters. there were gust of up to 100 miles an hour and several people have been killed and several people have been killed and homes damaged. it also lead to flooding in coastal communities and disrupted travel. japan's prime minister will visit pearl harbor today 75 years after the japanese attack on us battleships there which drew america into world war ii. laura bicker reports from washington. december the 7th 19111. a date which will live in infamy. the japanese attacks came in waves during a deadly two hours. bombs ripped through us battleships, crippling the pacific fleet and killing over 2000 americans. survivors recall that the once bustling port burned for hours. i had a fire hose in one hand trying to put out the fires, and with the other i went around memorising these nametags so i could write to their parents and tell them what happened to their sons. after 75 years, there is now a solemn promise between the two countries never to repeat the horrors of that war. and the us and japan have developed a close relationship. barack obama was the first sitting president to visit hiroshima, a powerful symbol of reconciliation. we force ourselves to feel the dread of children confused by what they see. we listen to a silent cry. shinzo abe spoke of an alliance of hope as the first japanese prime minister to address the us congress. i offer my eternal condolences. cheers, kanpai. questions remain about the strength of any future relationship with the next president. newsreel: those who lost their lives at pearl harbor will never be forgotten. but these few days will be about remembrance and laying to rest the final ghost of a world war which brought out the worst in humanity. laura bicker, bbc news, washington. the news is bike at five past six. this is bbc news. we will continue with the coverage of george michael's death. his publicist confirmed last night he died of heart failure at selling oxygen. he sold more than the ones who're four decade crew which began with an starring the wham! . martyn ware told my colleague earlier that he had an enormous amount of respect for the singer. we both produced records in the 80s and loved soul music and a mutual respect. he got himself into public scrapes ovei’ respect. he got himself into public scrapes over the years. did people around him who loved him get very worried? well, around him who loved him get very worried 7 well, obviously around him who loved him get very worried? well, obviously he found it ha rd to worried? well, obviously he found it hard to deal with the fame aspect of what he did. he suffered a lot from stage fright. sometimes, artists can lose their confidence. people go on about how we didn't really release much work in what turned out to be his final decade, but nobody could evei’ argue his final decade, but nobody could ever argue with the quality of the work that he released, the work you did really is. i think he was very aware he had to keep up and maintain this amazingly high standard that he had achieved. what was see most proud of? i think he wasjust proud of the fact he maintained an enormous fan base and kept in contact via twitter and various other means. he was very proud of his live shows, i know that. i know people who worked on his live shows and they all have maximum respect for his performing ability. also, the way he treated everybody involved in the live production pi’ocess , involved in the live production process, it is not a given that rock stars are search kindly and thoughtful people. the time in wham!, obviously, thoughtful people. the time in wham! , obviously, a thoughtful people. the time in wham!, obviously, a different time in his life and a different public perspective on him compared with what came later. how did he look back on the time in wham!? i think he was grateful that he had searched... i mean, people forget he was only 17 when he wrote careless whisper. the success he had was prodigious at an early age. people forgave him the more fluffy part of his career and people are still incredibly fond of it actually. what he craved was musical credibility. with his peers and with the general public. and i think the general public. and i think the general public not only loved his performing and his songwriting, but they also loved his charisma. and his performing ability. we're going to reaction now from the reverend richard coles who was formerly in the communards. he is now a vicar in northamptonshire. very christmas, reverend coles. thank you for joining us. the communards share the platform of the music scene at that time. i'm sure you crossed paths with george michael. i well did you know him? not very well, but i liked him an awful lot and admired him. my favourite memory of him was at elton john's 40th birthday party. a very glamorous do. there was a disco tent with a single dj quietly playing records all night and having a lovely time. i went over to say hello and discovered it was george michael. he played one of our records and ireland have been particularly pleased about that. but he was very self—effacing, very unassuming, vei’y he was very self—effacing, very unassuming, very nice company. at -- it has become clear to me that it is biden off a lot of today's talent. i remember interviewing robbie williams when he became so low and his first solo single was freedom 90 and he said i want have the same solo career that george michael howard and he got it, didn't he? he is hugely inspirational too many people, george michael. and also in an era when pop stars are pre—packaged and glossy, i think what george michael managed to do despite all the success, he retained humanity. they do not become a stranger to himself. he retained his vulnerability and his thoughtfulness. also, his exploration of himself and his identity and turn that into a wonderful, enduring pop career. did he ends by the likes of robbie williams and other pop stars because he went from teen idol to adult credible performer? yes, i think georgia recognised how changes in technology and the way music was recorded, sold and distributed, there were opportunities there, too. he always had a businesslike relationship with record companies are was good at dealing with them. everybody there, executives, secretaries, receptionists. he would ta ke secretaries, receptionists. he would take the time and bother to get to know everybody. he was thoughtful. he was also very ambitious. that wasn't untethered to pragmatics, he had to activate his ambition by getting stuck in at all levels. we are showing some of his performances here on bbc news and i was listening toa here on bbc news and i was listening to a lot of the radio stations this morning and as you can imagine, it is back—to—back wham! . morning and as you can imagine, it is back—to—back wham!. some of it his solo stuff as well. what would he have likes to have heard today? there were reports he was a bit embarrassed about his early career for a while. i hope not. he did not need to be. he managed to stand and hold his place at the centre of that spotlight and at the same time live his life as a human being with integrity and honesty and bravery. he had a very light touch are responding to controversy in his life. a lot of concerns about his personal life and his health. fame was clearly a struggle to him at times. i guess so. was clearly a struggle to him at times. iguess so. it is was clearly a struggle to him at times. i guess so. it is difficult, no matter who you are. i don't care to speculate about the state of george's mind, i'd be can know about that. details will emerge as the days and weeks go on. you know about the pressures of fame. you've made a huge change in your life and a lot of people do have turned do that after that kind of fame. but in documentaries, he often spoke of depression and his mother's death and the struggle of fame.|j depression and his mother's death and the struggle of fame. i think george was somebody who had a history of mental health problems, but i don't think that was much to do with what he did, but who he was. it is very common for people involved in pop music to have adventures and misadventures with drugs and drink. i don't know how much the case of that with george, but it is a negative effects. we have lost someone who is wonderful, much loved by his family, friends and public. all i can do is offer prayers for him and all those who loved him. iveco the sentiments that he was both a lovely and talented man. reverend richard coles, thank you for your time. # see me, single and free # no tears, no fears, what i want to be # one, two, take a look at you # death by matrimony! # wham! # bam! #iam! # a man! #job or nojob, you can't tell me that i'm not # do! # you! # enjoy what you do? # if not, just stop! # don't stay there and rot! # you put the boom—boom into my heart # you send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts #jitterbug into my brain # goes a bang—bang—bang till my feet do the same. # club tropicana, drinks are free # fun and sunshine, there's enough for everyone. # all that's missing is the sea but don't worry, you can suntan! # last christmas, i gave you my heart # but the very next day, you gave it away # this year, to save me from tears # i'll give it to someone special. # oh, when that love comes down without devotion # well, it takes a strong man, baby # but i'm showing you the door # cos i gotta have faith # i gotta have faith # cos i gotta have faith, faith # i gotta have faith, faith, faith. # to the heart and mind # ignorance is kind # there's no comfort in the truth # pain is all you'll find # i'm never gonna dance again. # but if you're looking for fast love # if that's love in your eyes. # let's go outside # in the sunshine # i know you want to but you can't say yes # let's go outside. # you smiled at me # likejesus to a child #. george michael. we will have more reaction after the weather. boxing days delivering a decent weather. blue skies all the way in derbyshire. further north, a different story. wintry over high ground, the lower levels in places on the west coast seeing more rain showers and snow showers. with that, the strength of the wind, still an amber warning the strength of the wind, still an amberwarning in the strength of the wind, still an amber warning in force for winds across shetland. those winds should ease off somewhat through the rest of the afternoon. further south, lighter winds. sunshine. just about everywhere, it will be colder than yesterday. storm conor has been responsible for all the windy weather across the north. that is gradually pulling away to the north east tonight. high pressure will then build in. that will cause things to calm down. winds will be lighter. towards the south, quite a widespread frost. freezing in cardiff, but out in the countryside, minus three degrees down to minus six degrees. on tuesday, fine and sunny for many. across scotland, the showers are sunny for many. across scotland, the showei’s are gone as sunny for many. across scotland, the showers are gone as the windy conditions. blustery up to the north, but sunshine to be seen. temperatures between 5—9dc. frost and fog will continue to cause problems in the week. fog more widespread from tuesday into wednesday. some reluctant to clear during wednesday. some places will never get above 2—3d. the day will be north—western areas that see the mildest weather as we get to the end of the week. fog problems in the cell. this is bbc news. i'm chris rogers. the headlines at 1:00pm: tributes to the singer george michael — one of the biggest stars in british music — who has died at the age of 53. his death has shocked fans around the world, as flowers and candles are left outside his home. those who worked with him honour his talent. he passed away peacefully yesterday. he always had that incredible pop sensibility and he had the voice that could touch people there are some people who have a voice and you hear it and it seems to cut through your heart and he seemed to have that ability. today's other stories, flags fly at half massed

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Winds , Showers , North , Countryside , Scotland , All In The South , Start , Rain , On Tuesday , Six , George Michael , Frost , Stars , Tributes , Fog , Age , British Music , Stage , Sunshine , One , 53 , Russia , Military Plane , Afternoon , Mourning , Boxing Day Sales , Black Sea , Bbc News , Pop Stars , 80s And 90s , 80 , 90 , Fame , Nick Quraishi , Heart Failure , Wham , Solo Career , Group , Half , Number Ones , Albums , Uk , 11 , 100 Million , Talent , Fans , Life , Musicians , Rehearsing , Popularity , 1992 , Publicist , Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert , Others , Artist , Friend , Andrew Ridgely , Loss , Iam Artist , Kindest , Shock , Elton John , Farewell My Friend , Iam In Deep Shock , Madonna , Soul , Tribute Today , Paul Young Duetted , People , Heart , Voice , Ability , Pop Sensibility , Success , P0p , Success Ovei , Well 3s , Law , Brochures , Car , 3 , Drugs , High Street , Lives , Spell , Prison , Addiction , Treatment , Possession , Way , Stuff , Armour , Suit , Thatis Dream , Wasn T , Mother , Music , It Secret , Comic , Pneumonia , Bout , Vienna , 2011 , Hit , We I E Collaboration And The Documentary Were Due Next March , Pop , Collaboration , The Voice , Again And , Looks , Remembering , Plane , Site , Authorities , 92 , Bodies , Plane Crash , First , Victims , Moscow , Sochi , Syria , Our Moscow Correspondent , Steve Rosenberg , Respect , Flags , Service , Half Mast , Sign , Picture , Chicken , Orthodox Church , Aircraft , Search Operation , Survivors , Failure , Flight Recorders , Terrorism , Crash , Members , Black Box , 60 , Choir Group , Quire Group , Russian Army , Candles , Flowers , Other , Shrine , Messages , Musician , Headquarters , Icons , Deep In My Soul , Translation , Everybody Else , Sense , Russians , Shoppers , Millions , Disaster , Numbers , Discount , Analysts , Events , Cyber Monday , Black Friday , Sales , Shops , Tills , Â 3 Billion , 3 Billion , 900 Million , Â 900 Million , Goods , Theory , A Billion , Lot , Money , 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Quietly Playing Records All Night , 40 , Effacing , Ireland , Company , Very Unassuming , Vei Y He , First Solo Single Was Freedom 90 , Robbie Williams , George Michael Howard , Glossy , Stranger , Thoughtfulness , Vulnerability , Exploration , Pop Career , Performer , Identity , Adult , Teen Idol , Georgia , Changes , Record Companies , Technology , Ke Secretaries , Executives , Secretaries , Receptionists , Ta , Levels , Some , Performances , Ambition , Wasn T Untethered To Pragmatics , Radio Stations , Likes , Bit , Toa , Place , Human Being , Bravery , Integrity , Spotlight , Honesty , Centre , Controversy , Concerns , Struggle , Mind , Times , State , Care , Matter , Health , Iguess , Details , Pressures , Change , Go On , Depression , Somebody , Kind , Documentaries , Mental Health Problems , History , Pop Music , Drink , Misadventures , Case , Adventures , All , Someone , Family , Prayers , Friends And Public , Sentiments , Tears , Lovely , Fears , Iveco , Matrimony , Job , Take 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