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Many to so few, the immortal words of Winston Churchill about the women and men who fought in the battle of britain. We will take you on a flight this britain. We will take you on a flight this magnificent machine. Little bit of rain in the forecast. All the detail on breakfast. Its tuesday the 15th of september. Our top story a lack of coronavirus testing is leading to Staff Shortages across the nhs thats according to a warning from hospital bosses. They say the situation is putting services at risk and hampering efforts to prepare for winter. Greg mackenzie reports. Testing has come under intense scrutiny, after people across the uk reported that they were unable to book tests or been offered tests more than 100 miles away, like these people in plymouth. We were told by the nhs there was none in the uk whatsoever. We did it last week for my son and we were able to just come in. Back in july walking centres like this one were being promoted but now, walk in slots limited each day and, when they run out, people are simply turned away, including key workers. I have been trying since friday evening. Laboratories analysing swab tests in the uk are said to be overstretched, dealing with stuff shortages and logs. Said to be overstretched, dealing with stuff shortages and logsm said to be overstretched, dealing with stuff shortages and logs. It is having a real impact on the nhs overall so it means that trusts up and down the country are unable to restart services that we so desperately need after covid. The department of health is denied there was something problems. Meanwhile, the rate of infection has more than doubled in birmingham in a week, to 88 cases per 100,000 people. From today, households across birmingham, sandwell and solihull are banned to meet under certain conditions. Even stricter expressions could be imposed if the numbers do not improve. Restrictions will apply alongside england wide rules that make it illegal to meet up in social groups larger than a six. Similar restrictions are in place in wales and scotland but do not include children under 11 and 12, respectively. Greg mackenzie, bbc news. Lets get some more detail now on those extra restrictions which come into force in parts of the West Midlands today. Geeta pendse is in solihull. Good morning. How is life likely to change in solihull . Good morning, households are here in solihull, birmingham and sandwell, will not be allowed to mix because of the rise in coronavirus cases. In birmingham the rise has more than doubled to 88 cases in a week. They are trying to ta ke cases in a week. They are trying to take action. Essentially, if you live in these areas, you will not be allowed to have someone from outside your household or your social bubble into your home or private garden. 0fficials into your home or private garden. Officials have said that the rise in infection is largely due to social interactions, in particular household gatherings. People will still be able to go to school, to that workplace and also to venues like restaurants and pubs as long as they adhere to the england wide restrictions on the rule of six in those locations but with a population of 1. 6 million affected, it will be quite challenging for some people, particularly those who rely on another house of the things like childcare and other practical and emotional supports. Local officials really do believe that, by complying to these local restrictions, they will be able to bring the infection rate down here. Thank you for that. We will speak in throughout the morning. A proposed law, which would give the government the power to override parts of its Brexit Agreement with the eu, has passed its first test in the house of commons. Ministers say the internal markets bill contains vital safeguards, despite fears it could be in breach of International Law. 0ur Political Correspondent chris mason is in westminster. What happens next with this deal . Here we go again, lots of brexit noise. The uk and the eu cannot agree. It is like 2019 all over again. After all the noise, the government won easily. They have a majority of 18 and one with the majority of 18 and one with the majority of 18 and one with the majority of 77. Just a couple of tory mps outright rejected the idea for a change in the law. 30 conservatives either abstained or did not turn up. Keep a close eye on them because there has been a huge amount of noise, real concern and a breadth of concern about the government choosing to break International Law. The Opposition Party oppose it. You would expect them to do that but lots of conservative and former Prime Minister, attorney generals, who oversee the law, are not happy either. When we get to the later stages of these planned new laws, where mps can tweak it and amend it, thatis where mps can tweak it and amend it, that is when things can be interesting and the house of lords to follow as well. We have not heard the last of this. President trump is visiting california amid a deepening row over the unprecedented wildfires devastating huge parts of the us west coast. Mr trump said the fires were the result of poorForest Management, not climate change. Earlier, his election opponent joe biden called the president a climate arsonist whose policies are contributing to natural disasters. The bbc will reveal the latest details on the salaries of its most highly paid presenters today. The corporations annual report is expected to show that the gap between male and female salaries is closing, but there are also concerns about a drop in its income. Heres our media correspondent, david sillito. The gap in staff salaries has in recent yea rs the gap in staff salaries has in recent years been dropping especially with the agenda balancing and presenting rules. The mail female split is now around 55 45, down from 3 13 years ago but a concern in a drop of income is the main concern. Licence fees also an issue especially as the bbc has had to ta ke issue especially as the bbc has had to take the cast of free licenses for over 75 receiving pension credit. 0ther for over 75 receiving pension credit. Other topics include presenters corporate work, social media usage and the endless meetings but it will also reveal how much habits are changing. People streaming content, the last few months have seen an increasing use of the bbc iplayer. David sillito, bbc news. Soaring rates of alcohol abuse are placing too much pressure on Addiction Services, according to the Royal College of psychiatrists. The number of people drinking high risk levels of alcohol has almost doubled in england since the start of the pandemic, and the college says deep cuts made to Addiction Services mean patients could miss out on treatment. The government says it has increased Public Health spending by £3. 2 billion this year. Nightclubbers in berlin have found a way to have a proper dance while remaining socially distanced. Converted phone boxes complete with dry ice, strobe lights, the obligatory mirror ball and a choice of tunes means they can have the worlds smallest disco all to themselves for three minutes at a time. What an extraordinary but also brilliant idea. Not long enough for you though. It was really warm and lovely yesterday. How is it going to be . It was a warm and sunny day. This was the view injersey, where we saw the hottest spot, 31 degrees. Somewhere in Eastern England could hit that again today. Some of you however waking up to a bit of wet weather. Some splashes of rain to the far west. Eastern parts and Northern Ireland, the north and west of scotla nd Northern Ireland, the north and west of scotland with the heaviest post mixed among it. A lot of rain fizzling out into the afternoon. Lots more sunshine to come across the bulk of england and wales. Like yesterday. More in the wet cloud later towards the west and south west. Isolated showers. Largely dry for the majority. From london up through to cambridge 31 degrees possible. A warmer day for Northern Ireland and much of scotland. These areas could still see a bit of rain around as well as we go through the afternoon and evening. The rain fizzes out this afternoon. Most places will be dry but temperatures will not drop away too much. Another mild night before things turn fresher. As we know, the Coronavirus Health crisis is also an economic crisis, with Many Employers laying off staff. Well get an idea ofjust how bad the picture is later this morning. Nina can tell us more. Good morning. Remember the chancellor promised to support those who couldnt work because of covid 19, it made history. But it came with a warning; that it couldnt last forever. As that support has been reduced and our spending has radically changed theres been a huge impact. Weve seen tens of thousands ofjobs go at airlines, restaurants and high street shops. Theatres, and cinemas. Businesses have had to rise to the challnege of social distancing and not all have survived. Change has brought green shoots in some areas. Supermarkets, online retialers and even pizza firms are taking people on but those numbers are nowhere near those which have been lost. Last month, the official Unemployment Rate stood at 3. 9 meaning 1. 34 Million People officially out of work. Trouble is this data masks the true picture. Firstly its a bit delayed. It is a bit delayed, it shows people looking for a newjob, and many people might not even be trying at the moment if their industry is not back up and running plus the furlough scheme. At its peak, 9. 6 million jobs were supported by the governmentsjob retention scheme. It is being wound down but1 in 9 of all uk workers are still furloughed. About three and a half Million People. The big question is will those people be taken back on or will they sadly end up being made redundant . So when the official data comes out later we will want to keep a close eye on the payroll data which is taken in real time. Last time around it showed 730,000 fewer people were in paid employment when compared with pre pandemic. Whatever stat we pick out it cant tell us what the reality is like for families. Some who have seen numerous Family Members lose theirjobs. Man so, how close is this to the city centre . Life of the coombes family has dramatically changed. Woman not that one there. Back seat the first one of the three. Both parents, michael and karen, lost theirjobs in retail in the east midlands. Where theyre originally from, to look for work. Today, theyre helping daughter isabella move into a student house for her final year at university. All three know the months ahead will be tough. Woman welcome back. Well, this is the first time ive ever been without a job. So that in itself was a whole new experience and took some getting used to. You remain optimistic, but it gets tough. Its really hard. Michael has 20 Years Experience as a senior retail buyer. He was furloughed in march, made redundant in july. So far he has applied for 65 roles. How challenging has it been looking for a job at the moment . You begin to question yourself and you go, 0k, well, ive got a lot of passion for what i do, i have a lot of experience, but do i need to retrain . Am i in the wrong industry . I cant afford to sit and wait back for this to stabilise to the degree where, you know, thejobs start coming again. I may need to go do something entirely differently. Isabella is facing a different challenge searching for part time work in bars and restaurants as she studies. Just over the last couple of months, i mean, i was applying for like, 2 3 barjobs a day, just through hospitality websites and you might hear back from one or two of them, and then even, they still cant guarantee the hours. I mean, they arejust you know, theres nothing really there for us. One of my biggest concerns is with isabella is i cannot financially support her in the way i have been doing. And you talked a bit about savings only last so long. Yes. You are now having to navigate the benefits system. Yes. And that has been quite stressful. We will need to start to apply for benefits. Now, we have never claimed benefits in the whole of our life, not even the child benefit. You know . So, you know, you try to deal with it day to day. There is no one to talk to anymore. I found that so distressing. It took us an hour to find someone to explain what the differences were. And as the furlough scheme ends in october, recruiters warn of a second wave ofjob losses. But the economic fallout from coronavirus will affect every generation. Sarah corker, bbc news. If you survive it you can grow afterwards. You want to be here at the end of this. Everywhere across the end of this. Everywhere across the ukfamily the end of this. Everywhere across the uk Family Finances are being squeezed. In berkshire, this family have taken a mortgage holiday to help ease the strain. We are both out of work at the moment and we are really concerned about what will christmas bring, how the next bills will be paid, we are trying to find a job will be paid, we are trying to find ajob and will be paid, we are trying to find a job and that is really difficult. Ashley started a newjob in march and escort rascals but after four months with no race goers, she was let go. Her husband left a job in Financial Technology before lockdown so Financial Technology before lockdown so neither qualify for fellow and have now applied for universal credit. Furlough. Have now applied for universal credit. Furlough. Now we are taking fault from somebody who needs it. A lot more applicants. What i am doing is looking more to the short term. I have applied for jobs in retail, in local shops for Automotive Companies. You just get blankly rejected because you do not have that relative experience or your perceived as a senior. As the economy opens up again, they are hopeful opportunities will emerge but the economic fallout from coronavirus will affect every generation. Jobs all really tough road ahead for so many families. We will get an update on official numbers. What we are hearing is, so many people in sarahs piece, unemployed for the first time trying to navigate the benefits systems thatis to navigate the benefits systems that is unusual and i keep saying its like a broken record, this is just the beginning. Its the end of 0ctober just the beginning. Its the end of october when the furlough scheme ends but even though the economy is picking up, its starting from somewhere way back and often, those redundancies after the economy picks up, so were waiting to see what happens later in the autumn. At the businesses are struggling to go because they dont know where they will be so they are not taking chancesin will be so they are not taking chances in recruiting. Hard times. Its exactly 80 years today since the raf managed to repel two massive attacks by germanys luftwaffe winning what became known as the battle breakfasts john maguire is at an airfield in northamptonshire to tell us more. Morning, john. Good morning to you both. You are going to love some of the pictures we are about to show you. Spitfire. We hate using the word iconic but it has to be the most iconic aircraft ever created, there with concorde. The very memorable and notable rg mitchell design on this plane along with the hurricane were huge parts of winning and securing victory in the battle of britain. This particular aircraft has been converted, it is a trainer, you have a seat in the backjar was very privileged to get a ride in yesterday but built in 191m, 90 original this aircraft, flew 176 combat sorties, credited with 6004 6. 5 kills, combat sorties, credited with 6004 6. 5 kills, the half kill meaning it was shared with another our craft that i want to show you when the cockpit, very cramped and noisy and warm as you will see in a couple of minutes, but can you imagine what its like, not just minutes, but can you imagine what its like, notjust flying in a club like this but getting involved in a dogfight as well. The pilot had such a short amount of training, the idea was to get them on the front line so quickly, the turnaround of course, the turnover was quite rapid. Before getting a chance to find one of these. Then being handed the keys to a ferrari, extraordinary. We will ta ke a ferrari, extraordinary. We will take you want a flight in the moment but first, lets take you to this. The men and women in these machines you won the battle of britain eight yea rs you won the battle of britain eight years ago. Due to covid, 1990 old geoff burton has left home since january but this was a reunion eight years in the making geoff was determined not to miss. It was wonderful to see it, absolutely wonderful. Its unbelievable. As a young man, he served at raf croydon and remembers working on this hurricane fighter. As groundcrew, their job working on this hurricane fighter. As groundcrew, theirjob was to keep the planes flying whatever it took. The main problem that we had was the fabrics, really, on the bodywork, where they would all get covered in bullet holes. Very often, the pilot didnt even know that they would get. They were on the way up to flying again. Geoff has been treated to his own personal display here at the Imperial War Museum in duxford. Still a teenager in 1940, he witnessed how the battle of britain took its toll. Someone told us that only flown four hours in training, and they come out for the first time in action and never come back again. Young 19 year olds can be no. Its absolutely shocking. We admire them. We couldnt do anything else really, but admire them. If you put yourself injusts shoes but admire them. If you put yourself in justs shoes and but admire them. If you put yourself injusts shoes and imagine what it would have been like to see those out would have been like to see those our craft off for their next sortie into the skies, and wondering how many of those men would have returned. To try and gain some insight of what life was like the man who flew against the might of german luftwaffe, i am taking to the skies above sywell aerodrome in a spitfire. This aircraft was built in 1944, and registered the first kill of d day. You can feel every ounce of d day. You can feel every ounce of the rolls royce engine, just ripping me from the ground and up into the skies. What a fantastic experience. The extra seat was added in 1950 when it became a training aircraft for the irish air force. The instructor since in the front, the learner in the back. You have control. Do i . At the back of it . Yes. Its really nice. I dont feel as though im doing anything. You definitely are. It has a top speed of 425 miles an hour. Pilots described feeling part of the machine. It surrounds you in every sense. Its incredibly cramped. You canjust imagine sense. Its incredibly cramped. You can just imagine what it was like, not just flying one can just imagine what it was like, notjust flying one of can just imagine what it was like, not just flying one of these. Can just imagine what it was like, notjust flying one of these. Taking it into the dogfight. You have a renewed respect for those men. Saving not only their own lives but their way of life stop richards brought brought the plane in 1979 and richard has been the pilot for 13 years. Ive done six trips in this aeroplane in a day, half hour trips, just serene. Just enjoying the scenery. You can only imagine what it would have been like doing relentless long sorties from so early in the morning until so late in the evening. Minimum turnaround times, just to keep them going, but lucky they were young cavemen. Churchill described them famously as the few. Their courage, their selflessness and their sacrifice should never be forgotten by the many. They recreated one of the original control rooms, introducing an audiovisual display. That took based on the 15th of september 1940. Douglas bader leading one of the squadrons when you hear the scramble for those spitfires and hurricanes to go up against 300, 400 luftwaffe bombers and fighters, the sky black threat, its quite extraordinary. It makes the hair stand up in the back of your neck. Just hearing some of those radio transmissions between control and the squadron. It was escorting the bombers. The blades error attic team. 0bviously because of social distancing, a lot of the events with planned and hope for her been curtailed. Just give us a little idea of why you are doing what youre doing today. The idea of today to commemorate the battle of britain is to fly over the sector station, you mentioned duxford, that was a sector station. They housed the control rooms which scrambled all the squadrons you talked about. A pivotal, those set stations, we going to fly all around london. Probably none of them today, and the headquarters of fighter commanded the priory. A good day out commemorating those. We cant forget eve ryo ne commemorating those. We cant forget everyone who worked in the background but we are doing it to support our Charity Partner, the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund we support the raf family and we are trying to get the message across the fund is there to support everybody in the raf family. They are our Charity Partner and we are helping to support them today but also meeting veterans at egan hill. The tail perhaps prepare maybe the spirit is still there. Where the places the blades are fine, biggin hill, hornchurch, north world, bentley priory, dublin and duxford, taking place throughout today, part of the commemorations or the battle of the commemorations or the battle of britain. Active. Iso of britain. Active. I so loved that report, that hopefully we will get to see it again. John mcguire is spitfire, what more could you possibly want. Good morning from bbc london, im tolu adeoye. Firefighters are tackling a large blaze at a group of warehouse units in south east london. 15 fire engines and 100 firefighters are at the scene in thames road, crayford. People in the local area are being advised to keep their windows closed. The number of people claiming unemployment benefit in and around london has risen significantly in the last year. In tilbury the figure has gone up by 125 . Residents say they are fearful for the future. Weve been hearing from one struggling shop owner. Yesterday, it wasnt raining, the weather was ok, i only made £22, for the whole day. And suddenly, i was sad. Its not enough to pay the went pay sad. Its not enough to pay the went pay the rent or the bills. A group of care workers from north london are to awarded up to £10,000 earch after a judge ruled they should have be paid for their travel time between clients. The decision comes after a four year legal battle for the workers, who were contracted by haringey council. It could have major implications for other employers. Today marks the 80th anniversary of the battle of britain. But this year, the commemorations are a little different. No national raf events have been planned, but the annual service of thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey will take place all be it scaled back. The Imperial War Museum will also host a number of special exhibitions. Lets take a look at the travel situation now. 0n the tubes there are severe delays on the jubilee line there are minor delays on tfl rail. Turning to the roads and its busy northbound at the blackwall tunnel in Lower Holloway north road remains closed after a stabbing last night. Finally, thames road closed because of the warehouse fire i mentioned earlier in crayford. Now the weather with kate kinsella. Good morning. But it looks like some has returned, at least for the next couple of days stop this morning, its a mild start, temperatures widely in double figures. Lou sky and sunshine as you can see from the map. There is really not a lot of cloud to speak of today. The wind is light and the temperature hot. We are looking at a height 20s but wa nted are looking at a height 20s but wanted to spots to the west of london at 30 celsius. Conditions remain similar overnight, very little cloud, and its still pretty mild as well, quite uncomfortable for many. The minimum temperature again double figures, in central london, may about 14 or 15 celsius. As we head into tuesday, we see a bit more cloud run tomorrow, not much, largely hanging onto the sunshine, temperatures similar, getting up into the high 20s, one or two spots again, could reach around 30 celsius. Similar conditions from wednesday but it just 30 celsius. Similar conditions from wednesday but itjust starts to cool offa wednesday but itjust starts to cool off a little. Just looking at mid 20s come mid week slowly, the temperature will decline as we get to the end of the week. Im back with the latest from bbc london in half an hour. Plenty more on our website at the usual address. Hello this is breakfast, with dan walker and Louise Minchin. Well bring you all the latest news and sport in a moment, but also on breakfast this morning. Well speak to a 70 year old man who untilfour months ago had only ever rowed a boat on a park lake. Now hes planning a solo crossing of the atlantic. Yesterday we asked for your pictures of lockdown life and you deluged us with stunning images. Well be showing you just a few of our favourites in about an hour. Why do you always do this. It is very ha rd why do you always do this. It is very hard to get a slot. On a sunday as well. And well speak to Tom Hollander and Saskia Reeves. Theyre playing the lead roles in a new bbc drama about a happily married man, and his rather less happily married wife, on the trip of a lifetime around europe. Good morning, heres a summary of todays main stories from bbc news. A lack of coronavirus tests for nhs staff is leading to absences and services being put at risk, hospital bosses have warned. Nhs providers, which also represents ambulance and Mental Health services in england, said staff are having to self isolate because they cant get tests for themselves or Family Members. The government says Testing Capacity is the highest it has ever been. New rules to slow the spread of coronavirus come into force in the West Midlands today, affecting more than 1. 5 Million People. Residents of birmingham and its neighbouring boroughs of solihull and sandwell are now banned from visiting other homes but they can still go out to shops, restaurants and other venues in groups of no more than six. A proposed law giving the government the power to override parts of the Brexit Agreement has passed its first test in the house of commons, despite fears it could breach International Law. Ministers say the internal markets bill contains vital safeguards to protect Northern Ireland and the rest of the uk, if negotiations on a future trade deal break down. Soaring rates of alcohol abuse are placing too much pressure on Addiction Services, according to the Royal College of psychiatrists. The number of people drinking high risk levels of alcohol has almost doubled in england since the start of the pandemic and the college says deep cuts made to Addiction Services mean patients could miss out on treatment. The government says it has increased Public Health spending by 3. 2 billion pounds this year. Its nearly four months since Boris Johnson promised track and trace covid 19 cases. But as weve been hearing a lack of testing is causing growing fear and frustration. Breakfasts Jayne Mccubbin has been to a test centre in 0ldham to see how people there are coping. Covid rate arising once again 0ldham in. At this walk in test centre tempers are rising as well. |j in. At this walk in test centre tempers are rising as well. I have a child with a cough and high temperature. He supposed to be at school, what you want me to do . Leave him out of school indefinitely . This father. They have been turned away because they do not have capacity. Have you tried other means . I have been trying since the last two days. The system is currently unavailable, that has been the past two days. What do you want me to do . Time and time again we have filled people lock up to the centre and walk away again and just catch a boat used to explain the situation. The service he said has been an elated today. That was his search choice of word. In high i have a lung problem and she lives with us and we are both 75. How worried are you . I am really concerned. So you wake up tomorrow morning and try again . We just keep trying. We are extremely busy, call back later, which i have been doing since eight oclock this morning. Have you been offered any testing area . There was one in doncaster, and our away which i was prepared to do. People have written to the government saying schools have been severely hampered by delays in testing. Have you seen anywhere else available in the country . No. There isa Group Available in the country . No. There is a groupjazzy 0 have arrived trying to get a test for people they look after with learning disabilities. A groupjust here. They are worried because there has been an outbreak in a home they work in. They said the labs could not turn them around and you have to make an appointment. What does that mean for you and the people you look after . It is not on, obviously you need to go and get tested when you need to go and get tested when you need to. I speak to mark adams, who iu ns need to. I speak to mark adams, who runs one of the biggest care home groups. It is turning out to be a fiasco. We are up to ten days for every test to come back and frankly that could mean that somebody with can be wandering around and nobody is aware of it. I found out 50 minutes ago and came straight here. A colleague has tested positive for these people. A red line appointment only. I am looking for a website when the earliest time i can get an appointment. Are you going to be able to get back to work . No. I am not going to be able to work tomorrow. A Government Spokesperson told us that the system is working. The capacity is the highest it has ever been that they need they are seeing higher demand. Here the council is trying to tackle the increase in covid with door to door testing but again capacity is stretch. We need more people to get tested and more tests available. There are very many people who have had a test and results within days. But around the country, there are pressure points and the covid curve is rising. Lets find out how these delays are affecting the work of doctors, with one of our regular breakfast gps. Doctor rachel ward is in berkshire. Good morning and thank you for speaking to us. Hopefully you could hear some of those instances of what is going on in 0ldham at the moment. People contacting us thank they are having similar difficulties. What are you hearing . Good morning. That was a very concerning clip, people having a really tough time and very wiring scenes and i am sad to say it is reflecting what i am seeing. We are seeing a lot of patients who are struggling to get tests. It may be that they have a child with a fever ora that they have a child with a fever or a cough that they have a child with a fever ora cough and that they have a child with a fever or a cough and that they are in a situation where they are having to keep the whole family from school and parents not able to go to work and parents not able to go to work and what worries people is that they are approaching the five day limit in order to get a test and then they know if they cannot get a test, eve ryo ne know if they cannot get a test, everyone has to stay off work and off school for a fortnight and this is on the back of children not the school since march and people are worried about how this is going to look overwinter. Worried about how this is going to look over winter. What about some of your nhs colleagues and providers . Have they raised concern about availability of tests for workers. It could really Impact Services as we build up to the incredibly busy winter period . Very wiring. In my practice, many have school age children. It is very worrying. They are waiting for a test for one of their children for example and so today we will be cancelling appointments and rearranging things. That is one thing at the moment, if we have one gp off we can manage but i look forward to some of my appointment books Going Forward and some of our workers have 100 flu jabs per day and if they are home, that will have a huge act on the services we can offer patients. What about the patients you are speaking to, are they concerned about testing or other things cropping up . To be honest, that is what we are mainly hearing about. Yesterday, i was duty doctor and many families were at the end of their tether. They are trying to follow the rules but it is very stressful when you are faced with potentially two weeks off work. That has financial implications, especially if you are self employed. And also people want their kids back at school and back in education stock that seems to be the main concern at the moment. Stock that seems to be the main concern at the momentlj stock that seems to be the main concern at the moment. I know you are speaking about your practice but do you feel prepared for this flu season . We have had to constantly adapt throughout the pandemic. We need to make sure that we are seeing patients but in a safe way. Gone are the days of awaiting room with a pregnant woman next to a child with a fever, next to an elderly person. There have been confusing messages. Matt hancock just said there have been confusing messages. Matt hancockjust said that people should be seeing doctors remotely but now they are saying they should be seeing more people. We are always going to be open and second wave or not we will continue to be caring for our patients. Really good to talk to you. Thank you for your insights this morning and we will be putting some of those concerns but also some of your questions as well, to the home secretary priti patel who will be here at 7 30am this morning. Do get in touch with us if you have not been able to get a test as well. Sally is here and you are talking about big money . Big money and a big trophy. I think the biggest trophy i have ever seen. Just you wait and see. Good morning, everybody. Chelsea have spent around 200 Million Pounds this summer and manager Frank Lampard said it was all about keeping up with liverpool. And a 3 1win at brighton was a good start but for all that fresh talent it was reece james, who joined chelsea when he was six years old, who really shone last night. That was his First Premier League goal for the club and he later delivered a corner for kurt zouma to score, with a bit of help from a deflection. We have only had a few days of work asa team, we have only had a few days of work as a team, new signings in that so i did not expect the kind of football we wa nt did not expect the kind of football we want to play but that will come but we you cannot produce that, you have to dig in and do some of the most difficult things in the game. Throw yourself in front of the ball and we got out balls so i am pleased. Wolves boss Nuno Espirito santo said he believed Something Special was being created at the club and they certainly looked like a tight unit, as they began their season with a 2 0 win at Sheffield United both goals coming in the opening six minutes. Around a thousand fans were at kingsholm last night, to watch gloucesters Premiership Rugby match against harlequins. They were all socially distanced in pairs, with refreshments served in their seats. But they werent able to lift their side, harlequins winning by 28 points to 15, to secure a top eight finish and a place in the european champions cup. Its been confirmed that andy murray has been given a wildcard for the french open, which starts a week on sunday. He was a finalist at Roland Garros four years ago but he hasnt appeared there since losing in the semi finals in 2017. Murray is currently ranked number 110 in the world, after last years hip surgery. Ido i do not know why you are giggling, dan. I am enjoying the slow mo. Laughter. This is the thing i really what you to watch. While Britains Adam Yates was enjoying a rest day in the tour de france, his twin brother simon was busy winning the eight day Tirreno Adriatico race in italy. On the final stage, to keep the blue jersey. This event is key preparation for next months giro ditalia. And it has to have one of the best prizes in sport a gilded trident named the sea masters trophy. I was fantastic. Its the second year in a row another a row briton, lizzy banks, won stage four of the giro rosa the longest stage, of the biggest race, on the womens cycling calendar. She broke away to win on the final, cobbled climb into tivoli. Dutch rider anne miek van vleuten still leads the race overall, but its the second year in a row that banks has taken a stage win. This one, id already tasted victory andi this one, id already tasted victory and i knew i would win, i couldnt let the team down and come second so i really get everything on the final bit so yes, its a different feeling but its also just the same and im really delighted. Now, im sure youll have seen a dog on the pitch but what about a cat on a track . Thats what happened to the competitors in a 100 metre race in istanbul over the weekend in the balkan under 20 championships just as the athletes were racing towards the line. It isa it is a cat can you believe nobody tripped over the cat . Look at the way the cat manages to navigate. The timing is absolutely perfect. Its like someone released the cat. As if this racism hard enough, release the cat. I love it. Did they raise it ain . Cat. I love it. Did they raise it again . No, thats it. Release the cat. Release an animal. Quite a sports bulletin void. The trident, wild animals. Its now time for polar bear discus. Lets catch up with the weather. L glorious day yesterday. Whats it going to be like today . Ido i do have the winner of the summer peak of the season competition. This mornings weather watchers shows its a bit misty for some but as i another fine day for many winds blow clockwise there. Just on the fringes of the time pressure system, a few weather fronts surface some of you, waking up to a bit of rain across these very far western fringes of england and wales, east of Northern Ireland and heavy bursts working north and east across much of scotland, that rain will gradually ease a little bit through today is works its way northwards into the afternoon. Things will turn a little bit drier and brighter. We will turn to some cloudy conditions in the south west. An isolated chance of a shower but through this afternoon, sunny of a southern scotland, lots of sunshine for much of england and wales. Temperatures of across scotla nd wales. Temperatures of across scotland and Northern Ireland compared with yesterday, hot want to central and eastern parts of england. 31 degrees in some parts of the south east. Warm for many, mist and fog forming. Its set to bring a bit of a change over the next few days. A few splashes of rain, mostly dry, temperatures in the teens the wednesday morning. It will be a warm start to wednesday, things will gradually change as High Pressure establishes to the north, wind flowing clockwise. We started to bring it from a northerly direction, but will drop the temperature across the country. For the rest of the week, it will turn cooler. The chance of monitor showers across the south east. Could bring some early drizzle before clearing. Is this sooner cloud across scotland, pushing into northern england, dropping the temperature relative to today. Temperatures in the teens as we go to wednesday afternoon was further south, staying with warmath are now with temperatures in the mid to high 20s. All of us will see temperatures dropping back as we go through the rest of the week, monitor showers in northern scotland as we head into the weekend but most will stayed dry and i promise you, news of who was our weather watch a pick of the season for summer. It was of course, the public voting for their favourite of these shots. These of course all help us tell the story on breakfast every single morning of the week, and i can now reveal to you that our winner chosen by the public, our pick of the season for summer is donald mckenzie. He took this picture out across the islands, whats happening there, air rising over the hills, forming an almost lenticular cloud on top of it. It certainly loved by the viewers. Well done to donald mckenzie. What was it . A lenticular, its got a bit of a cap on it. Very impressive. A wonderful picture. A worthy winner. The hot summer has given us a bumper plum harvest this year and an earlier one, too. Frankie mccamley is in north norfolk to tell us more. Morning frankie. Good morning, good morning. We are in the middle of this beautiful or, and absolutely beautiful david still and absolutely beautiful david still a little bit chilly at the moment, and we are at the centre of a plum or with more than 3000 trees and 46 different varieties of some, across the uk. We are meeting the family run business here, weve got match, max, andrea and lillia. Thank you for joining max, andrea and lillia. Thank you forjoining us. Youve had a bit of a bumper crop. Its been a strange year. Mainly because of the weather, its really hot and dry, the beginning of the year, so its actually meant the crops have been good but its been compressed into a much shorter season. Everything came a lot earlier. We are literally on our last exit legs now. We can just about see some plums in the middle of the tree. What are we looking at here . This is a hungarian variety, its a good cooking plant. In this or, youve tried to be environmentally conscious. Just talk to me about it. It was very much a focus on environment. Its not like your big commercial orchards we would be encouraging cutting things down, its about encouraging wildlife. They are very big on ri wilding and pushing lard life. We let the grass grow quite long here so let the grass grow quite long here so the hedgehogs can run around and there is lots of wildlife there are nesting birds in the spring and things. Its a lovely place to come and work. I think thats what the public like as well, because it is different for that reason. And i love how the commute is about three minutes from your house which is absolutely wonderful, it must be lovely. You promise to pick up some plums, havent you . Lovely. You promise to pick up some plums, havent you . You have to pick them, youve got a name for it, havent you at the moment . This i would call the hard picking because you are right in the middle of the tree, the last legs, and its actually a really spiky variety as well. If we take a look down on the bucket, just why we are getting some plums of the tree. Please dont hurt yourself on television. What about having plums for breakfast. There are so many different recipes. We have six different kinds of plum jam here. Plum compote we quite like. Next year we might make a plum yoghurts, also a plum kombucha. We just have lots of roasted plums in the morning. We are making our own or honey here. That sounds absolutely lovely. We will be back later on in the programme to find out what max has been picking but it sounds like there are so many Different Things to do with plums. Thank you very much. President trump has been visiting americas west coast where wildfires have claimed more than 30 lives and burned almost five million acres of land. Parts of california, oregon and Washington State have been burning since early august. 0ur correspondent Aleem Maqbool has the latest. It was like a journey into an eerie twilight zone. Few have been allowed here since the fires swept in with such rage. And though most people had scrambled to get out, with whatever they could, it was in this area that lives had also been lost. There were some we found wandering and bewildered, like larry. I lost everything except whats in that bag. Everything. And i didnt have insurance. Out of all the hosts had insurance, except for me. What made these fires are so lethal and record breaking is the high winds that came with them accelerating their frightening, destructive passage through vast areas of this state. We keep hearing from those who said they felt they were fleeing for their lives, and its only when youre on the ground and you see the destruction as weve been able to and the warped landscape here, that you start to get a sense of the nightmare that they were running from. Donald trump has been called a climate arsonist by his democratic challenger, joe biden, who blamed Global Warming for all this, but in a visit to california, to be briefed on the fires, the president himself, said the fault lay elsewhere. This is one of the biggest burns we have ever seen and we have to do a lot about Forest Management. 0bviously Forest Management in california is very important. There has to be good, strong Forest Management, which i have been talking about for three years with the state so hopefully they will start doing that. This family has just been thinking of survival. We found them in a displacement camp. Theyve now fled fires three times, in three different locations, in the past week. My mom had ten minutes to get out of her place and she got the clothes on her back and the cat and that was it, and her house is completely annihilated, it wiped out everything she owned and. And, you know, thats what we heard, the same with ours. Were not sure as of right now. It was summers town that id visited earlier. The signs arent good. For all the politics, at the heart of this disaster are hundreds of thousands of americans who faced fear, displacement and loss. Aleem maqbool, bbc news, in gates in oregon. Good morning from bbc london, im tolu adeoye. A group of care workers from north london are to awarded up to £10,000 each, after a judge ruled they should have been paid for travel time between clients. The decision comes after a four year legal battle for the workers, who were contracted by haringey council. It could have major implications for other employers. The number of people claiming unemployment benefit in and around london has risen significantly in the last year. In tilbury the figure has gone up by 125 per cent. Residents say they are fearful for the future. Weve been hearing from one struggling shop owner. Yesterday, it wasnt raining, the weather was ok, i only made £22, for the whole day. And suddenly, i was sad. Its not enough to pay the the rent or the bills. Influences and advertisers could be forced to say if theyve used digitally altered photos. A bill aims to address unrealistic portrayals of beauty on line that some advertisers say isnt necessary. If youre trying to tell me to smooth my base to delete acne scarring and change a deviated set them is going to harm someones Mental Health, ive never heard anything so atrocious and appalling. Today marks the 80th anniversary of the battle of britain. But this year, the commemorations are a little different. There are no national raf events, but the annual service of thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey will take place but it will be scaled back. The Imperial War Museum will also host a number of special exhibitions. Lets take a look at the travel situation now. 0n the tubes there are severe delays on thejubilee line thats due to late finishing Engineering Works and there are minor delays on tfl rail after a signal failure. 0n the roads its busy northbound at the blackwall tunnel. Finally, thames road is closed because of the warehouse fire i mentioned earlier in crayford. Now the weather with kate kinsella. Good morning. Its another very mild start this morning, perfect for a swim, and those temperatures rising, a little bit more cloud sneaking in from the west as we head towards the end of the afternoon and that could turn the afternoon and that could turn the sunshine a little hazy but temperatures still very warm today, at around 30 celsius as a maximum. Now, overnight it stays pretty sticky, actually, a bit of cloud which could produce the odd light shower but many places staying dry. Minimum temperature, central london, dropping much but so 17 celsius, so again, it could be quite uncomfortable for sleeping. For tomorrow, we start to notice the temperature drop a little. There is a little bit more cloud around we looking attempt is getting up to 25, maybe 26 celsius, cooler still as we head into thursday, temperatures drop back down to where they should be. Still plenty of time, dry weather in the forecast. Im back our. Plenty more on our website, facebook and instragram. Now though its back to louise and dan. Good morning, welcome to breakfast with Louise Minchin and dan walker. 0ur headlines today testing times Health Leaders say nhs services could be at risk because staff cant access coronavirus screenings. Those living in birmingham, solihull and sandwell are banned from visiting other homes as new restrictions come into force. And the 70 year old about to row solo across the atlantic after picking up an oar for the first time four months ago. It was a hot day and it could be the same again. But also more rain in the forecast. Its tuesday the 15th of september. Our top story a lack of coronavirus testing is leading to Staff Shortages across the nhs thats according to a warning from hospital bosses. They say the situation is putting services at risk and hampering efforts to prepare for winter. Greg mackenzie reports. Testing has come under intense scrutiny, after people across the uk reported that they were unable to book tests or were being offered tests more than 100 miles away, like these people in plymouth. There is problems getting a test. I was told by the nhs that there was none there was none in the uk whatsoever. We did it last week for my son and we were able tojust come in. Back injuly, walk in centres like this one in east london, were being promoted but now, walk in slots limited each day and, and when they run out, people are simply turned away, including key workers. I need to go back to work and i need to get tested. I have been trying since friday evening. Laboratories analysing swab tests in the uk are said to be overstretched, dealing with stuff shortages and backlogs. It is having a real impact on the nhs overall, so it means that trusts up and down the country are unable to restart the restoration of services that we so desperately need to see after covid. The department of health has denied there were stuffing problems, and says labs are processing more than one million tests a week. Meanwhile, the rate of infection has more than doubled in birmingham in a week, to 88 cases per 100,000 people. From today, households across birmingham, solihull and sandwell are banned from visiting other households or private gardens. The West Midlands mayor, andy street, has said they may impose even stricter expressions if the numbers of new infections do not improve. The restrictions will apply alongside england wide rules that make it illegal to meet up in social groups larger than a six. Similar restrictions are in place in wales and scotland, but do not include children under 11 and 12, respectively. Greg mackenzie, bbc news. Lets get some more detail now on those extra restrictions which come into force in parts of the West Midlands today. Geeta pendse is in solihull. Geeta, how is life about to change for residents there . Good morning. If you live here in solihull, birmingham or sandwell, life will be different from today. As we heard in that report, if you live in these areas, you are not allowed to have someone from outside your house sold or from your support bubble into your home or private garden. You are not allowed to visit another house either and the reason is because of this rise in coronavirus cases and officials, when they analysed the data, say the connection is to social interactions and basically that is connected to private gathering so people meeting at home so that is why they are targeting the way people are mixing. People are allowed to go to work, to school, you are allowed to visit shops, restaurants and pubs, providing you adhere to the england wide restrictions of the rule of six but Hospital Health officials here say this is a really critical time when it comes to the battle with coronavirus and they say they are a small number of critically ill coronavirus patient and this will affect localised restrictions. Around 1. 6 billion people who live here. It will be very challenging on those who rely on other households for support local leaders they it is critical people comply with the new restrictions. To let you know, we will speak to the West Midlands crime commissioner in about five minutes time. A proposed law which would give the government the power to override parts of its Brexit Agreement with the eu has passed its first test in the house of has passed its first test in the house of commons. Ministers say the internal markets bill contains vital safeguards, despite fears it could be in breach of International Law. 0ur Political Correspondent chris mason is in westminster. A bit of opposition from inside the tory party. What is the next step . L government majority of 77 last night. They have a majority normally of 80. After all that, isnt that a lot of shari but not much cake . When you look at the scale and breath of the opposition, but for quite a lot of conservative mps, including those who have backed brexit right from the start but a really nervous about this prospect of the uk choosing to break International Law so what happens next . We need to the nitty gritty next. 0nce mps start tweaking this and amending it, that is when it will get interesting. Can they bring in safeguards to reassure themselves that it is something that could potentially live with . Then the Prime Minister will have to persuade the house of lords. He was pretty robust yesterday but still plenty, including the likes of michael howard, a former conservative leader and lawyer who simply do not like the idea of breaking International Law. This is a government who takes a look at a convention and smashed it. It likes to be quite noisy and there is more noise on this to come. We will be speaking to the home secretary priti patel later in the programme, at 7 30am. The bbc will reveal the latest details on the salaries of its most highly paid presenters today. The corporations annual report is expected to show that the gap between male and female salaries is closing but there are also concerns about a drop in its income. Heres our media correspondent, david sillito. The gap in star salaries has in recent years been dropping, especially with the more even gender balance in some of the bbcs highest profile presenting roles. Todays report is expected to show the male female split in the top salaries is now around 55 45, down from around 3 1, three years ago, but the corporations mounting concern in a drop of income. Commercial revenues have dropped during the coronavirus outbreak. Licence fees income is also an issue, especially as the bbc has had to take the cast of free licenses for over 755 receiving pension credit. Other topics on the corporations agenda include presenters corporate work, social media usage and the endless meetings. But it will also reveal how much our habits are changing. Lockdown has led to an increase in people streaming content the last few months have seen an growth in the use of the bbc iplayer. David sillito, bbc news. Soaring rates of alcohol abuse are placing too much pressure on Addiction Services, according to the Royal College of psychiatrists. The number of people drinking high risk levels of alcohol has almost doubled in england since the start of the pandemic and the college says deep cuts made to Addiction Services mean patients could miss out on treatment. The government says it has increased Public Health spending by 3. 2 billion pounds this year. Academics leave they may have tackled car sickness and you may do this in advance of a journey using a paper and this in advance of a journey using a paperand a this in advance of a journey using a paper and a pencil. Researchers have devised a series of simple puzzles which test visual and spatial awareness. They asked volunteers to do them and found that travel sickness dropped by more than half. A few people interested. Do you suffer . No, luckily not. Matt is going to look at the lovely weather. Idida i did a bit of idida bit ofa i did a bit of a test before going on holidays last year. Lovely day yesterday. Some were across Eastern England, we could hit 31 degrees. Dry and sunny for many but we start the day with some weather. Particularly eastern Northern Ireland, and more especially across scotland. Heavy bursts between northwoods and eastwards. Easing off into the afternoon but lingering in the far north. Northwards. Parts of South West Wales and the south west of england could see low cloud developing. The isolated chance of a shower developing. A shift in wind direction but across central and Eastern England, temperatures are widely in the mid 20s. Even further north, across highlands, we will see some rain. That rain will continue to fizzle out for many as we go through the evening and overnight. Some of it could return further south. Patchy drizzle in the south west but for most are very mild night and ill start to tomorrow morning. The full forecast coming up before 7 45am. More than one and a half Million People are facing tougher social restrictions from today, as new rules to slow the spread of coronavirus are introduced in the West Midlands. Residents of birmingham, solihull and sandwell are now banned from visiting other homes but they can still go out to shops, restaurants and other venues in groups of no more than six. Kathryn stanczyszyn has been to see how people there are preparing for the changes. For many in the West Midlands, life is changing again. After a rapid rise in coronavirus cases, different households including families must no longer mix at home. This grandmother is looking after her grandchild because her daughter is working. We cannot think of any other way. Yesterday was their last game in the garden for what could be some time. We have been very careful, we are very careful. We have still got to get through this and leave and i cannot bear the stress on not only my daughter and her husband, but the children as well. Birmingham has been on a knife edge four weeks in terms of greater restrictions. Now Authorities Say residents must stick to the new rules or they could get fined. From today, the entire city as well as solihull and, today, the entire city as well as solihulland,1. 6 today, the entire city as well as solihull and, 1. 6 Million People, must not spend time in each others homes or garters, the only exception if you are alone adult in a support bubble. It does not extend to schools, pubs and restaurants. It is understanding. It is quite sad but i understanding. It is quite sad but i understand why. Anything that keeps this pandemic at bay is a good thing. You can go to a pub but you cannot meet at home, i do not know what they are talking about. Most people will go to the pub to be theirfamily. People will go to the pub to be their family. You can go shopping, eat out but not meet in the garden. There has been some confusion about why it is ok to meet people in social settings like pubs but not at home. Public Health Officials say the data clearly shows the main culprit when it comes to transmission is local settings. We we re transmission is local settings. We were able to identify transmission behind closed doors, where people meet for a celebration. Three children in different families they courted from each other at a childs birthday party. That is whether transmission is happening the moment. But not everybody think it is entirely fair. A blanket approach does not make sense to some. We have seen spikes in birmingham but if you look at the map, you can see they are in specific areas so i believe it is right we should be taking intervention but we should be doing it in localised areas not clumping in1. 8 million it in localised areas not clumping in 1. 8 Million People into the same restrictions. I think a lot of people share that frustration. The council insist there is a broad spread of cases that must be brought under control or they could be dire consequences. Already questions about how it will be police buffer some case of more tough times just when they were getting back on their feet. David jamieson is the police and crime commissioner for the West Midlands. He joins us from solihull. Just give us an idea of how these coronavirus figures are at the moment and how much concern you have about them. Firstly, the statement made by the member of parliament, this coronavirus outbreak at solihull has been across all communities. The ideas happening in parts of birmingham is purely nonsense. What seeing is, because we asked seeing people meeting in houses, we are seeing a coronavirus spread. What we have is a bit more clarity. The police also need clarity. The police also need clarity. Im just looking at the guidelines now which have been released. How are you expecting police to go about it. Are you expecting neighbours to phone up and say, we see seven people in the next or garden . The police will not be able to tackle all aspects of this. The news of people have good sense. People will, as they have across the country, police will take exceptional cases. If there are People Holding large events with considerable breaking of the rules, the idea that police are going to deal with all of the minor incidents, im afraid itsjust not realistic within the resources they have. The policing approach will continue to apply. Engage, explain, encourage and only as a last resort, and force. So you are hoping that people are going to abide by the rules. Well, thats how we work. Thats what we have to do within the resources we have. Firstly, the police there will explain and engage with people, its only in the extreme where people are flagrantly ignoring the rules that they will then enforce. But the chief co nsta ble then enforce. But the chief constable he has said very clearly that it people are breaking the rules and frequently ignoring the law, we will enforce the measures, there is no question, and the idea that we have not lease offices going around the whole area of nearly 2 Million People, is really pie in the sky. They were expecting some to be given out then or not. If people do flag ra ntly given out then or not. If people do flagrantly ignore the law, then they will be given a warning, engaging and explaining. But youve got to appreciate that at the moment, the police are not just appreciate that at the moment, the police are notjust dealing with this, this we and just gone on, we had enormous violence going on in our town centres, between drug gangs, all sorts of activity going up, notjust in town centres. Some of the areas, without a huge resource needed for the violence thatis resource needed for the violence that is occurring is that is in addition to the other work to do with covid enforcement. You talk about people being confused. And the people we spoke to, there is quite a lot of confusion about why they can continue to go shopping, eat out in a pub or restaurant, but not meet up with people in their gardens. This has been the case for six months now. Not really had any clarity. What weve needed to enforce the law is the public largely to understand what the lawyers, then the police can what the lawyers, then the police ca n e nfo rce what the lawyers, then the police can enforce it. Thats why weve taken an approach of explaining and engaging all go to the fixed penalty orfine, engaging all go to the fixed penalty or fine, because we engaging all go to the fixed penalty orfine, because we need engaging all go to the fixed penalty or fine, because we need to go along with us. Its the people that enforce this law by the good sense. The police only coming in extreme cases where its been flagrantly ignored. The police will do whatever they can. Within the resources that they can. Within the resources that they have. Do you think it will be enough, for example, we seen the special measures. Will that be enough to stop what seems to be this rise in coronavirus cases, or some other measures have to be taken. Rise in coronavirus cases, or some other measures have to be takenlj certainly hope so. Coronavirus is deeply damaging to our economy and the fabric of the area. We do need to get on top of it. Some of the government will be hoping it would government will be hoping it would go away. With testing, we got the full, not able to process there is a considerably degree of shambles behind this and the government needs to get all this sorted out. You can get your aspects sorted out as well. They alter now start pressing the government to make sure without not just testing in place but the ability to protest those tests and feed the information back to the public organisations that have had people testing. We were talking about testing other things that 7 30am with priti patel, affecting especially people in birmingham, solihull and sandwell. Its the 80th anniversary of victory in the battle of britain today. Earlier today we saw breakfasts john maguire flying a spitfire to mark the occasion. Now we can hear from one of the pilots who flew that plane for real, in the heat of the two month battle against the luftwaffe and one of the so called spotters and plotters who helped from the ground. Robert hall has this report. Theyd been expecting it for days, the final mass attack by hit thes luftwaffe ahead of an invasion. The plan was straightforward. Hundreds of bombers would target london and the southern counties while fighters waiting to trap the raf and wipe it out. Exhausted young men had fought and watched friends die for two months scrambled back into their cop gets. It would be about there. You would love to turn it over and do all sorts of things. And there you were, if you are fighting, you are pressing this button as well. John hemingway is the last of Winston Churchills few. Now, 101, it already been shot down twice by september 1940. We were all in our early 20s, i was 20. We just didnt care. There was no right or wrong. The war was on, we were pilots. We we re the war was on, we were pilots. We were going to fight them all the time. Not that we were brave or anything, but there was nothing else. The world was at war, and you couldnt go somewhere else and say, iamat couldnt go somewhere else and say, i am at peace, i dont fight wars. As the planes weaved in a web of smoke trails over kent, the few relied on the many. The fitters who endured the bombing of airfields and got them back into the air, spotters, plotters and radar operators who steered them towards the next mission. Cath mcleod was a vetera n the next mission. Cath mcleod was a veteran of the plotting rooms. She and her colleagues watched the blips on their screens and fed the information back to their raf command centres. We managed to get it so far ahead that it gave them at least six minutes time to get the height, which is essential to get the incoming germans. They had to get above them and that was the only way they could do it. I certainly wondered how they knew they were there. By the end of september the 15th, the tide had turned. German losses had been twice that of the raf. The invasion would be cancelled. But dozens of airfields, the spitfires in the hurricanes came home. The main skill was like. You had to be lucky. No matter how good you were, my boss, dicky lee was the best pilot ive ever seen. But he was shot down and killed. So he had no luck. I had bags of luck. I couldnt do that. But here i am. Like so many of events this year, battle of britain day will be a quiet affair, but a slight show at the uks first ever radar station in norfolk is a reminder that we celebrate and remember the true team effort. Robert hall, bbc news. The latest employment figures have just been released. Nina can tell us more. In the last 20 mins weve learned 4. 1 of people are unemployed up to the end ofjuly, thats compared to 3. 9 to the end ofjune. Its driven by young people coming out of work. It is the highest percentage of Unemployed People for two years. Percentage of Unemployed People for two yea rs. We percentage of Unemployed People for two years. We have also seen 659,000 fewer people on the payroll compared to before the pandemic, a slight improvement on the month before but nothing really significant. It shows 2. 7 Million People registered as taking benefits, a rise of 1. 5 million from march. A significant increase in people claiming benefits. Weve seen tens of thousands of jobs claiming, businesses have had to rise to the challenge of social distancing. Many of them have not survived. We had to say, though, there are some small green shoots in some areas, supermarkets, on line realist rea lto rs, supermarkets, on line realist realtors, pizza firms have been taking people on. There are more jobs going and have been created, thatis jobs going and have been created, that is without a shadow of a doubt. But i keep talking about as well is whats coming next. The furlough scheme ends at the end of next month. Also the recession that we are theoretically coming out of hasnt ended. What was really interesting was it was the last week injuly. Were talking about an average. The implication is the trend will go up significantly, but the worst is without doubt yet to come. Youre watching bbc breakfast. Still to come. What are you doing . Its hard to get a slot. If id known, i would have pushed it until nine. Well be speaking to Tom Hollander and Saskia Reeves in just over an hour. They play the lead roles in a new bbc drama about a couple who take a trip around europe which will either kill or cure their crumbling marriage. Time now to get the news, travel and weather where you are. Good morning from bbc london, im tolu adeoye. A group of care workers from north london are to awarded up to £10,000 each, after a judge ruled they should have been paid for travel time between clients. The decision comes after a four year legal battle for the workers, who were contracted by haringey council. It could have major implications for other employers. The number of people claiming unemployment benefit in and around london has risen significantly in the last year. In tilbury the figure has gone up by 125 . Residents say they are fearful for the future. Weve been hearing from one struggling shop owner. Yesterday, it wasnt raining, the weather was ok, i only made £22, for the whole day. And suddenly, i was sad. Its not enough to pay the rent and the bills. Influencers and advertisers could be forced to declare if they use digitally altered photos on social media, under a new law being debated in parliament today. The bill aims to address unrealistic portrayals of beauty in the media and online, but some critics say it isnt necessary. If youre trying to tell me that by smoothing in my face to hide acne scarring and changing my deviated septum is going to harm someones Mental Health, ive never heard something more atrocious and appalling. Today marks the 80th anniversary of the battle of britain. But this year, the commemorations are a little different. There are no national raf events, but the annual service of thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey will take place but it will be scaled back. The Imperial War Museum will also host a number of special exhibitions. Lets take a look at the travel situation now. 0n the tubes there are minor delays on the jubilee line, on the overground between euston and watford junction and also on tfl rail. 0n the roads its busy northbound at the blackwall tunnel. In Lower Holloway north road remains closed after a stabbing last night. Now the weather with kate kinsella. Good morning. Its another very mild start this morning. We start the day in mid teens celsius, perfect conditions perhaps for a swim in one of londons lidos. Plenty of blue sky and sunshine today, and those temperatures rising, a little bit more cloud sneaking in from the west as we head towards the end of the afternoon and that could turn the sunshine a little hazy, but temperatures still very warm today, at around 30 celsius as a maximum. Now, overnight, it stays pretty sticky, actually, a bit of cloud which could produce the odd light shower, but many places staying dry. The minimum temperature, central london, not dropping much below 17 celsius, so again, we could be quite uncomfortable for sleeping. Now, for tomorrow, we start to notice the temperature just drop a little. There is a little bit more cloud around but were still looking at temperatures getting up to 25, maybe 26 celsius. Cooler still as we head into thursday, temperatures dropping back down to where they should be. Still plenty of fine, dry weather in the forecast. Im back with the latest from bbc london in half an hour. Plenty more on our website, facebook and instragram. Now though its back to louise and dan. Bye for now. Hello, this is breakfast with dan walker and Louise Minchin. Lets return to our main story and the lack of coronavirus testing is leading to pressure on the nhs. The lack of coronavirus testing is leading to pressure on the nhsw is putting services at risk and hampering efforts for the winter. Were joined now by the home secretary priti patel. We will talk to you about Police Recruitment which is what you are here to speak about an issue of real concern to our viewers this morning, the problem with getting testing in many parts of the uk. To your mind, what is the problem . Are we looking ata what is the problem . Are we looking at a shortage of actually tests, a backlog in analysing or stuffed problem . We are looking at more local lockdowns and rates of coronavirus go up local lockdowns and rates of coronavirus go up and we have been saying now four months but we are restating this again, if people are symptomatic, it is right that they get a test. Demand for testing going up get a test. Demand for testing going up correlates with the fact that numbers of people with coronavirus is going up. We want to stop the spread of this disease. The government has been consistently increasing Testing Capacity but also Laboratory Capacity as well to make sure we can get the results of those tests. Sure we can get the results of those tests. Alongside that, mobile testing in lockdown areas but also home testing kits sent to people and clearly prioritising those tests for people who absolutely need them, people who absolutely need them, people who absolutely need them, people who are symptomatic and in the areas that need to get tested. Needs tests require that give you an example of bolton. Their rate is under 200 cases per 100,000. Currently, if you get to 20 cases per 100,000, that number would trigger the restrictive measures. That number is nearly ten times that get people in bolton cannot get a test. I think the reality is, and i cannot speak specifically. That is the reality, you cannot get a test in bolton. The top ten most coronavirus hotspots in england at the moment, there are no tests available at the moment. You heard me say that tests are available, particularly in local lockdown areas, i have seen this myself and i have seen the teams, mobile testing begin, capacity going into local areas where lockdowns are taking place and so i think it is wrong to say that tests are not available. Booking slots are made available every single day. Mobile testing units and on top of that home testing kits across the country but specifically in local lockdown areas. That has been a consistent pattern since the local lockdowns and where there are spikes in local lockdowns, we also have more staff with Public Health england go into these local areas to make Testing Available and to ensure that people who need testing and, lets not forget, through the local lockdowns we have the joint Security Centre that are able to evidence where the local hotspots are right down to postcodes to ensure that people in the actual localities, the hotspots, getting axis to testing. You say you do not know people not being able to get tested. Let me give you some examples. We spoke to one woman in 0ldham who examples. We spoke to one woman in 0ld ham who was examples. We spoke to one woman in 0ldham who was told she could not get a test, she could get a test in doncaster in mid october. A carer that works in a home with children with disabilities, she has been trying to get test for a number of days. Community integrated care Personnel Say it has taken ten days for a test to come back. A doctor saysin for a test to come back. A doctor says in theirgp for a test to come back. A doctor says in their gp surgery, six of their staff cannot get a test therefore there are six surgeries that have to be cancelled. There are so many people contacting this programme who i would imagine cannot believe youre sitting there this morning and say is not a shortage of tests. I have not said there is not a shortage of test ive said we are heading capacity in areas that need the testing. Clearly there is much more work that needs to be undertaken with the Public Health bodies in those particular local areas and as a government obviously we work with Public Health england to surge where there is demand in local hotspot areas and i have to say, if i could pick up this particular case is that you have mentioned, then clearly we would do that and work with Public Health england. There is a need obviously to increase capacity and it is something that has taken place every single day. You mention about people not getting axis to appointments because more home testing kits are being issued every single day. It is right that happens at a local level. It has to happen within the community and also in terms of getting axis to testing, driving locations, the majority of tests are available within a ten mile radius. The could be extreme cases were people cannot get to test locations within that radius but that does not mean that Public Health england are not working night and day to boost capacity. They are absolutely doing that and that is clearly work that is ongoing and as this virus is spreading more and more, Public Health england have grown the capacity for more testing capability and that they are available. There isa and that they are available. There is a big difference between capacity and the ability to process the tests which i think is a frustration with many people. Nhs providers, that ceo has said that the inability of some nhs staff to get tested, the problem is they are breaking into the dark, he says, they do not know where the shortages are recurring, how long they will last and how geographically spread they are and what priority will be given to healthcare workers and their families in accessing these scarce tests. They said the government is more interested in managing political implications rather than being open and honest about where tests are available, when they will be available and making sure nhs staff ca n be available and making sure nhs staff can work with winter to come. First of all, all nhs staff work with Public Health england at a local and National Level so in terms of transparency, they are absolutely integrated. That is absolutely the right approach because it means that nhs staff can have access to testing, that is absolutely right and they should be prioritised and they are prioritised at the point about planning for winter is absolutely crucial. We have started planning for winter as a government and the nhs with Simon Stephens over the summer months so it is wrong to say we are not building capacity and that communications are not taking place. They are taking place but obviously, where there are increases in demand, which we are seeing coronavirus on the rise, that is a terrible fact right now and alongside that we are increasing the number of tests available and you have already mentioned laboratories and Testing Capacity. We are all investing and growing that Testing Capacity as well. The two go hand in hand and of course Public Health england continued to work with nhs trust. I do think that the way you are betraying the testing environment in the uk seems very different to what many of our viewers are experiencing. Maybe we can come back to you on another occasion. Police recruitment is also an area to talk to you. More than 100,000 people have applied. How many are suitable candidates to fill the 20,000 positions . So far, in the last year since launching our campaign to recruit 20,000 more Police Officers, we have 4356 new Police Officers, we have 4356 new Police Officers, we have 4356 new Police Officers already out on the beach, out on patrol across the uk and the 33 Territorial Police forces. Demand is high and we made the announcement we were going to recruit 20,000 Police Officers with a target of recruiting 6000 Police Officers in the first year, up to march next year and we have recruited over 4000 and we are recruiting more and more on a daily basis. The National College of policing with their training and recruitment centres and i give my thanks to them. With coronavirus, we see people wanting to serve the community. Police out on they beat engaging with the Public People more and more want to join the frontline, join Emergency Services which is why it is very impressive that we have had 100 thousand individuals applied to wa nt had 100 thousand individuals applied to want to become Police Officers. How many of those are suitable . We have already had over 4000 but have become Police Officers and have gone through the training programme. The colleges were people are replying to assess and train the capabilities of the individuals applying, that is ongoing work. We are 21,000 officers down to 2010 so you are repairing the damage of the conservative government . We are investing in record numbers and when you look at the funding, the highest level of funding in overa the funding, the highest level of funding in over a decade, that is right and proper and we are committed to not just right and proper and we are committed to notjust investing in Police Officers but also when it comes to protecting our community through many of the policies we are bringing in as outlined in our ma nifesto bringing in as outlined in our manifesto in terms of reducing crime, tackling crime and violence and lets not forget, policing has changed over recent years. Criminality is evolving constantly so we are recruiting and training Police Officers to address the very crimes and type of criminality with the on our streets right now and obviously trying to protect and prevent future crimes. Whether it is on line, fraud, crime has evolved and in an unprecedented way. Can i ask you about some of those things police might ask to look. Yesterday on this programme, lewis spoke to the crime minister moorhouse who encourage people to report neighbours of suspected breaches of the new rules. Is that what you are asking the good people to do . |j the new rules. Is that what you are asking the good people to do . I am asking the good people to do . I am asking the good people to do . I am asking the public to take personal responsibility. To be conscious and not spread this awful, deadly disease. The fact of the matter is coronavirus is on the rise. With said pockets of behaviour, illegal raids, Mass Gatherings, people not helping when it comes to preventing this disease. We all have to take responsibility and we have this new rule of six and police are clear that they wanted a simple rule they could enforce when it came to but also targeting non compliance and we have seen pockets of non compliance over recent weeks and months and it is right that when it comes to police and deadly disease, we do the right things and continue to wear face gatherings, follow all the guides that come from Public Health england but also we absolutely make sure we are not gathering more than six people and not breaking any rules in terms of not Holding Gatherings of more than 30 people. Cani gatherings of more than 30 people. Can i ask you then, i do not know what your neighbours are like. If you saw seven people in your neighbours garden, would you call the police . I do not spend time looking into people s gardens. 0ur viewers are asking for clarity. The clarity is people should not be meeting. I am asking you, would you report those neighbours . meeting. I am asking you, would you report those neighbours . I think anybody would want to take responsibility and ensure we are not spreading this awful disease and therefore if i saw gatherings of more than six people, clearly i would report that any depends on the circumstances as well. You have heard me say this already, i have been working with Police Officers over months now, several months, to do our utmost to stop the spread of this deadly virus which is white we have a process and white police are being enforcing against Mass Gatherings with fines of over £10,000. It is right that we take personal responsibility and do our utmost to stop the spread of this awful deadly disease. I cant let you go without asking about the commons yesterday, the internal market spill, opposition in the house of lords. Are you willing to compromise on this issue . the house of lords. Are you willing to compromise on this issue . I think first of all, there are important points to make about the uk internal market bill but also about the approach taken as a government. It comes to preserving the integrity of the United Kingdom, and clearly, delivering for the people of Northern Ireland when it comes to the belfast agreement, the good friday agreement, we said from day one, we said this when the Withdrawal Agreement act was verified and went through the house of commons and actually through the house of lords, parliament, that we would all always stand by and not compromise when it comes to u nfettered compromise when it comes to unfettered access on goods and services, also standing by the good friday agreement. We are ensuring that the internal market bill, the internal market bill stays true to that would support and that is why we are bringing this forward. To absolutely make sure we have the right safeguards in place, but also in line with our manifesto commit once, so there are no anomalies there. We only had the second region in parliament yesterday. This will go through committee stages through the house of commons but conservative mps are elected on the pesto to deliver for the people of Northern Ireland, preserve the integrity of the United Kingdom and also to fulfil that promise, get brexit done. Were still in negotiations right now the eu. Those negotiations right now the eu. Those negotiations are not completed yet and you want to hope to get the right outcome but its right that we have this safety net to preserve the integrity of the United Kingdom but also to reserve the efficacy of the good friday agreement. Are not sure it answers the question about whether you are willing to compromise but that answers the question. Thank you very much for being here this morning. Sally is talking about big money. Chelsea have spent big. They are going to be a team to watch. Chelsea have spent around £200 million this summer but, for all that fresh talent, it was reece james, who joined chelsea when he was six years old, who dazzled in their 3 1 win at brighton last night that was his First Premier League goalfor the club, and a good start for chelsea. We have only had a few days of work as a team, new signings in that so i did not expect the kind of football we want to play but that will come but we you cannot produce that, you have to dig in and do some of the most difficult things in the game. Throw yourself in front of the ball and we got out balls so i am pleased. Wolves also got off to a good start, scoring two goals in the opening six minutes, as they won 2 0 at Sheffield United. Around a thousand gloucester fans were at kingsholm last night, in rugby unions latest test event. They were all socially distanced in groups, with refreshments served in their seats. But they watched their side lose, 28 15 to harlequins, who made sure of a top eight finish in the premiership. And a place in the european champions cup. While Britains Adam Yates was enjoying a rest day in the tour de france, his twin brother simon was busy winning the eight day Tirreno Adriatico race in italy. He held off his rivals including Geraint Thomas on the final stage, to keep the blue jersey. This event is key preparation for next months giro ditalia. And it has to have one of the best prizes in sport a gilded trident named the sea masters trophy. I absolutely love that. Lets have a look at the beautiful view. I cant hear the phrase north norfolk without hearing mr partridge. Lets find out whats happening with the weather. The picture behind equally beautiful. It is indeed. I pressure is moving its way eastwards. It there might be sunshine this afternoon, there may be rain to begin with stop certainly through scotland, some heavy bursts running away northwards. That will become confined to the far north of scotla nd confined to the far north of scotland to the afternoon. Many places will become dry. Low cloud returning. They should have a fine afternoon, sunny spells, warm day for scotland and Northern Ireland. Damages a bit more widely into the low 20s. Low to mid 20s the most of western england and wales, high 20s, low 30s, Eastern England, 31 degrees. Apache missed fog will form. Some outbreaks of rain. Turning southwards with a few showers on it. It will bring a change to weather conditions. As it works its way southwards, temperatures will drop widely. The second half of the week, cool of the many. Most places will still stay dry. The odd isolated shower possible towards the south east corner. Maybe some drizzle for the west coast of wales. This is of thicker cloud through scotland pushes southwards into north east england. A bit of drizzle over the hills. Temperatures dropping quite market today across the north. Staying warm across the south even though temperature drop down a little bit compared to what we see through this afternoon. Even here, we see temperatures drop away. In the south, temperatures close to shipping. As you go through saturday and sunday. A few spots of rain, particularly on fridays through northern and western parts of scotla nd northern and western parts of scotland but as capital city forecasts show, does look like temperatures will be dropping down into the low teens for a while, then starting to lift once again. 0verall, starting to lift once again. Overall, the heat is with us through the rested today and tomorrow through southern parts of the country in the cooldown begins, some misting cloud on the coast, showers top and tail of the country this weekend and on friday. I will have another update view in about half an hour but the time being, its back to dan and louise. Yesterday, you might have seen a National Portrait gallery exhibition on the show yesterday about photographs capturing the spirit of the uk during the pandemic. We asked you to send in your own pictures which defined the last six months and thank you, you rose to the challenges ever and here are just a few of your lovely submissions. Weve got four little girls, so you can imagine what a challenge homeschooling has been for us. We live on a farm so we got lots of space but unfortunately, they also run around and make a noise in the health. Weve not seen chloe in about four months, since the start of march. She came running in, where is granddad. I am sat in the living room is you can send the pack. You can see what it meant to both of us. Twice a week, comes and plays matches, so i think it was just a bit bored, he was sat there. His face looked proper sad, didnt it . Thank you so much for all those picked is. Iwas thank you so much for all those picked is. I was surprised by lack of dogs. Normally our dog count is quite high. Lovely for you to get in touch. Four months ago, 70 year old Frank Rothwell had only ever rowed a boat on a lake in a park. Now hes planning a solo crossing of the atlantic. Hell start the 3000 mile journey in december when hell set off from the Canary Islands and head to antigua. Hell need to drink around 10 litres of water a day, and eat plenty of food as hell be burning around 5,000 calories per day. By the end of his journey, hell have pulled those oars around one point five million times. Were pleased to say that frank has taken a breakfrom his training to have a chat. Hesjust outside our studios in salford quays. Why did you decide to take on this challenge . Well, first of all, i was looking for something to do, thinking i could probably do with that. I love the fact that you are looking for something challenging. I imagine many thing people would think i can challenge this. Not many people would, i can row the atlantic. Well, yes. I met a girl in a pub and her sister was doing it. I thought, wow. I got home and i couldnt sleep. Three oclock in the morning, i got on the internet, looking it up. Thats why i picked it up. See obviously met the girl in the pub or coronavirus. Ansi had to do yourtraining, during the pub or coronavirus. Ansi had to do your training, during the last few months. I love you laughing. How has it been . Obviously during the lockdown, i was upstairs in the spare bedroom, probably about an hour a day. Other exercises as well. Because its very light, plenty of movement, to be able to cope with all that movement. There is notjust been growing to do, there has been other things as well. I wanted to come back to you. I dont think of you is got to see you doing the fluid back. Can you show us that move again . It was very impressive. Some of the exercises, its notjust your arms. Look at that to you. All the time, the boats moving backwards and forwards. Youve got to be able to. Your chorus is important as your arms. They are very dangerous, put them away. Its a great challenge. You can see on the side of the vessel. I thought other people are raising money for charity, what charity . I got to do something and then i realised, i have more friends than people i know who are affected by alzheimers and anything else. Particularly an ageing population. Soi particularly an ageing population. So i phoned a friend and asked him which would be the most responsible. The most responsible charities to go for. He said Alzheimers Research uk. Im doing this challenge, which is called the talisker whiskey outlier challenge to raise funds and awareness by Alzheimers Research uk. So youre going to be on board this boat for a very long time. Whats behind you. Sleeping and cooking area. The cooking area is a gas boiler. All we do is wejust boil water together ingredients like pot noodles or dehydrated food, and just mix it with water, leave it for 20 minutes and hopefully we have something edible, thats the type of thing we do. We dont cook anything, we dont take pins, we want to keep it as light as we can. Anything we are carrying, extremely light. Can you show us your bicep. I think that will go down well with our viewers. Look at this beauty. That duty. Which way is the beach . Tyson fury hasnt got one like that. Frank, i love you. If a sense of humour can get you across, good luck to him. We will try to follow his epic journey as well. I love him already. Stay with us, headlines next. Good morning, welcome to breakfast with Louise Minchin and dan walker. 0ur headlines today. Testing times Health Leaders say nhs services could be at risk because staff cant access coronavirus screenings. Those living in birmingham, solihull and sandwell are banned from visiting other homes as new restrictions come into force. Good morning unemployment is up with young people accounting for three quarters of the newly registered lost jobs. And experts say things will get worse. Is the 80th anniversary of the battle of britain, women, men and machines such as this defeated the enemy at our doorjust machines such as this defeated the enemy at our door just the machines such as this defeated the enemy at our doorjust the other side of the english channel. In 20 minutes time we will take you for a flight on board this spitfire and you wont want to miss it and across the uk for many of us, another warm day. Some of us 31 degrees this afternoon, but there is rain in the forecast. I will have all the details. Its tuesday the 15th of september. In the last half hour the home secretary priti patel has told breakfast its unacceptable that people cant get coronavirus tests but she insisted the government is growing its screening capacity every day. She made the comments after hospital bosses in england warned that a lack of testing was leading to Staff Shortages. 0ur Political Correspondent chris mason is in westminster. I know you will have watch that interview closely, chris but what do you make of what she had to say . think it was a pretty candid acknowledgement that things are not working as they should do, particularly in particular pockets of the country where there are spikes of cases, lots of people going online to try and request a test and encountering that kind of screen of doom when it says there are no tests currently available and there is worries within a household thatis there is worries within a household that is in isolation, not able to work, someone with symptoms and not able to get a test and weve had loads of viewers contacting us, havent we, saying this is the experience we are having, either not being able to have a test or being asked to request a test through the post, that takes time, being sent heather and feather over the country, not being able to get a test locally. Priti patel on our programme in the last 30 minutes acknowledging that in some instances, that is not good enough, but she insists, the authorities doing as much as they can to ramp up capacity. I havent said theres not a shortage of test but what i have said as we are surging capacity in an area is where we had local lockdown and what i would say is clearly the examples you give an u na cce pta ble clearly the examples you give an unacceptable and clearly there is much more work that needs to be undertaken with Public Health england and the actual Public Health bodies in those particular local areas. And, you know, as a government, obviously we work with Public Health england to search where there is demand in local hotspot areas and we continue to do that. This is going to be a massive challenge in the autumn for the government, they are talking about operation moonshot, this idea of massively expanding Testing Capacity to millions a day and yet here we are in september, they are struggling to turn around the existing capacity, just as schools and universities go back in the autumn and winter sniffles are likely to be in the air. The demand on the system likely to crank up. Massive challenge coming for the government in terms of meeting its promises and for all of us trying to lead to something approaching normal lives. And there was a test last night for the government over brexit in the house of commons . Yes. The latest discussion around brexit, the noise is returning, this controversy over the government wanting to put in place to safeguard as it sees it, to ensure trade around the uk, the different nations of the uk, can ta ke different nations of the uk, can take place seamlessly after the end of the transition period which runs out at the end of this year and the uk s trading with the eu under different terms. Hugely controversial, plenty say this is a breach of International Law, the government acknowledging it could well be in certain circumstances stop last night the government got its way, a sizeable majority of 77, a couple of tory mps at right rejecting the plan but 30 deciding they had Better Things to do than actually endorse it and theres ple nty actually endorse it and theres plenty more noise as far as this is concerned to come in the house of commons and house of lords. We have not heard the last of it. commons and house of lords. We have not heard the last of it. I know you will be analysing the noise so chris, thank you. New rules to slow the spread of coronavirus come into force in the West Midlands today, affecting more than one and a half Million People. Residents of birmingham and its neighbouring boroughs of solihull and sandwell are now banned from visiting other homes but they can still go out to shops, restaurants and other venues in groups of no more than six. President trump is visiting california amid a deepening row over the unprecedented wildfires devastating huge parts of the us west coast. Mr trump said the fires were the result of poor Forest Management, not climate change. Earlier, his election opponent joe biden called the president a climate arsonist whose policies are contributing to natural disasters. Youll love a boogie, dont you . Yes nightclubbers in berlin have found a way to have a proper dance while remaining socially distanced. Converted phone boxes complete with dry ice, strobe lights, the obligatory mirror ball and a choice of tunes means they can have the worlds smallest disco all to themselves for three minutes at a time. Dance the night or the morning away there you have it, three minutes only. It is not the same, is it . Shall we catch up with the weather . Looking lovely, matt taylor has the details. Good morning. Good morning. A fine afternoon on the way for many of us. This was the view injures it yesterday, the highest temperatures in the British Isles, somewhere across Eastern England could get that today but we start the day to day with a little bit more rain around, across the west in particular, a few splashes to the west of england and wales, the dampers conditions to the east of Northern Ireland. The rain running north and east, heavy bursts mixed in but what we find, it starts to turn a light and patchy into the afternoon, lingering in northern parts of scotland but further south, a lot more sunshine developing, even if it is on the hazy site. A tad more cloud this afternoon across the coast of wales and south west england, the odd shower and drizzle for some, cooler day in the channel islands, the wind is coming from the west but anywhere from london through towards cambridgeshire we could see highs of 30 or 31 degrees. Widely into the mid 20s in england and wales, low 20s for Northern Ireland and much of mainland scotland, one a day for you than yesterday once the sunshine comes out, still some splashes of rain across the highlands and islands. Its here at the northerly wind develops through tonight taking thicker cloud and showers southwards. Most places will have mist and fog forming especially around the coast but like last night, quite a one night, temperatures into tomorrow morning in the teens. More details on what happens beyond that in around 40 minutes. Back to you. Thank you. Its nearly four months since Boris Johnson promised to deliver a world beating system to test, track and trace covid 19 cases. But as weve been hearing a lack of testing is causing growing frustration. Breakfasts Jayne Mccubbin has been to a test centre in 0ldham to see how people there are coping. Covid rates are rising once again in 0ldham, with locals facing a new raft of restrictions. Im doing mejob at this walk in test centre, tempers are rising too. Ive got a child whos coughing, hes had a high temperature. He supposed to be at school, what do you want me to do . Just leave him out of school for indefinite . Muhamed is a father and a carer furious at being turned away because they do not have capacity. Have you tried other means of getting a test . Yeah, i have tried online, ive been trying since the last two days. So ive got a message here, it says the system is currently unavailable that has been the last two days, yeah . So what do you want me to do . Time and time again we have filmed people walk up to the walk in centre and walk away again. Ijust catch a word used to explain the situation to peter and his grand daughter. The service has been, he says, annihilated today. That was his choice of word. That was his choice of word, yes. Thats how busy theyve been. She was sent home from school because somebody in her class had that virus. I have copd and a lung problem and she lives with us, and we are both 75. How worried are you . I am really concerned, honestly, really concerned. So you just wake up tomorrow morning and try again . We just keep trying. So many we see turned away are school kids like roma. We are extremely busy, call back later, which i have been doing since eight oclock this morning. Were you been offered any drive through testing sites . There was one in doncaster, which is about an hour away which i was prepared to do but it wasnt till mid october. Head teachers from 75 local authorities, including 0ldham, have written to the government saying schools have been severely hampered by delays in testing. Have you seen anthing available anywhere else in the country . No. Amina is a teaching assistant. Theres not even any home testing kits, which is what i initially wanted. There is a groupjust here who have arrived trying to get a test for people they look after with learning disabilities. And theyve been told they cant get a test. They are really worried because there has been an outbreak in the home where they work. They too are told, just keep checking online for an appointment. They said because of the labs could not turn them around so they cant give anyone and you have to make an appointment. They cant turn the tests around. What does that mean for you and the people you look after . It is not on because, obviously, you need to go and get tested when you need to. I speak to mark adams, who runs one of the biggest care home groups in the north of england. The testing is turning out to be a bit of a fiasco. How . At the moment we are waiting for up to ten days for every test to come back and, frankly, that could mean youve got somebody thats got covid spending seven days in a care home, wandering around and nobody is aware of it. I found out 50 minutes ago and ive came straight here. Lisa and nadine are support staff without symptoms but they have just heard that a colleague has tested positive. Everywhere its appointment only. Red line appointment only. I am looking at a website when the earliest time is i can get an appointment. Without a test are you going to be able to get back to work . No. I am not going to be able to work tomorrow. While the council describes this as a shambles, a Government Spokesperson told us that the system is working. The capacity is the highest it has ever been but they admit they are seeing higher demand. Here the council is trying to tackle the increase in covid with door to door testing but again capacity is stretched. We need more people to get tested and more tests available. There are very many people who have had a test and results within days. Just walk through and the all clear. But around the country, there are pressure points and the covid curve is rising. Jayne mccubbin, bbc news. Priti patel responded to some of those things mentioned in the peace there. And she said she would look at them. Lets speak now to chris hopson. Hes the head of nhs providers which is the Membership Organisation for nhs hospitals as well as Mental Health units and community and ambulance services. Good morning to you. You have concerns, especially the impact on the nhs. What is happening . We do have concerns. Just as you have heard, social care staff who are unable to go to work, we now have nhs staff who are unable to go to work and we are absolutely at full pelt in the nhs at the moment, trying to recover services where treatment was understandably but u nfortu nately treatment was understandably but unfortunately delayed because of coronavirus a few months ago and we are trying to get through those cases as quickly as possible but we cannot spare members of staff, waiting for test, not being able to come into work and of course, the thing to remember is its notjust, i thought your report was interesting, its notjust members of staff who need testing, its quite often their Family Members and if yourfamily quite often their Family Members and if your Family Member cannot get a test you need to self isolate. The other thing, quickly, we also have a bunch of patients who we know we need to treat because theyve been waiting but to keep them and anybody else who is in the hospital where they are going to get treated safe, they are going to get treated safe, they need to be tested as well and we now have numbers of those cases where they are saying they cannot get tested either so there is a significant and growing impact on the nhs and that is a problem. How many do you think members of staff are being affected right now, unable to go to work because they cannot get a test . Well, its very difficult to tell, louise, this is a problem that has cropped up relatively recently and if i am honest, the trust leaders are really frustrated about the fact the government is not being honest and open about the scale of the problem. Nobody knows how widespread this problem is, nobody knows how long its going to go on for. Nobody knows, for example, that there are scarcities of tests, about whos going to be prioritised for those tests that are available so we described our members working in the dark, thats what they tell us, they dont know enough information. So the thing i can say is we were talking to our chief executives at weekend, and we had chief executives from distances as far apart as london, bristol, leeds, all of them saying that they were having problems and weve had several more who said it was in the past 24 hours they have similar problems, so its not just a few isolated they have similar problems, so its notjust a few isolated hotspots. It appears to be a fairly widespread problem but we just dont know. The government is not telling us. At the moment, nhs front line workers go through the same system, dont they, as anyone else . Is problematic from your point of view. Yes, they do but if go back around four weeks, what happened was you were able to take a box that said i am an nhs worker or you could take a box saying i am a patient requiring treatment and you knew therefore you will get prioritised but what happened was i think a week ago, certainly at least one of those boxes got taken off the online form so it appears as though because there is such shortages, the opportunity to prioritise nhs staff and the opportunity to prioritise patients who need treatment and therefore need to test, that appears to have been lost but again, this is another area where we are saying, government, you have a choice, you can either try to politically communicate your way out of this and say all is well but we have problems or you can honestly set out what is the problem, how serious it is, so front line organisations like the ones i represent, are clear about what they need to do to plan and manage the problem. The problem is you cannot do that if you are working in the dark and havent got information. Priti patel said they was a surgeon capacity, is that something you have seen echoed . If you actually look at how many tests have been done over the last seven to ten days, the number is dropping so, yes, we would agree that the government has plans in place to try to increase significantly the capacity available, but in the end the acid testis available, but in the end the acid test is how many tests are you getting through . That number has dropped significantly over the last 7010 days. We think that part of the problem is they cannot get access to the plastic testing kits, the swaps and the reagents and so the number of tests that can be performed, even though you have the potential capacity, is dropping, but we do not know because the government is not sharing that information. If there is one message i have it is, could you please, calmly and soberly, tell us what is going on, how long the problem will last so our hospitals, community members, Mental Health and ambulance trusts can manage this and provide the best care, because that is what they want. Thank you for yourtime, is what they want. Thank you for your time, chris hopson, the chief executive of nhs qatar providers. Professor alan mcnally is an Infectious Diseases expert. He also helped set up a major testing lab in Milton Keynes earlier this year. Hejoins us now from birmingham. That is one of the hotspots, burning and, what is the testing situation like that . That is one of the hotspots, birmingham. You indicated in manchester many people are struggling to get tests, no real clarity of information as to why. dont know if you heard the home secretary on the programme about 40 minutes ago talking about increasing capacity, i pledge to her that capacity, i pledge to her that capacity is different to the processing of tests, is that where the backlog is, processing part of the backlog is, processing part of the Testing Process . There is very frustrating thing, as your previous guest mentioned, is a lack of clarity of information on where the bottleneck is. My personal feeling is that it is probably not one place, i think it is multifactorial, a perfect storm of events have come together to almost, essentially, crush the testing system. I think there is a surge in demand, capacity, or stated capacity, there is a surge in demand, capacity, orstated capacity, is very different from how many tests can be run on a given day. It is very worrying that we seem to be any situation before midwinter where we have maxed out the number of tests we can do in the country, that is very concerning. I heard your last guest talk about access to reagents and so on, my access that i have from friends in the Lighthouse Lab network is that they are turning through huge samples each day, the same amount they were months ago, so they are still going, but testing is a very complex and to end process with so many pinch points that can affect the performance of a testing regime. You were involved in that super lad in Milton Keynes a few months ago, setting that up. In that super labs in Milton Keynes. You are saying that the labs are well staffed and can process, so there may be a problem somewhere else . There is an issue with samples beginning to backlog are not being tested, that makes one wonder how much the number of tests that those la bs much the number of tests that those labs do is connected to the number of tests being offered by it systems. The way the process works is essentially there is an it booking system, people turned up to be tested, test such unsupported across the country to one of the testing labs, as soon as the tests arrive at the labs they should be turned around between 12 to 24 alexandra results are uploaded to the nhs reporting system to go to patient and those results are uploaded. I am sure many people will say they had a chiselled back in 24 to 48 hours. But now we have underlying issues that nobody wants to tell us about and a surge in demand, which would always happen at this time of the year, anybody with a child with tell you that respiratory infections when schools go back. But we are not getting information and that has been a lack of foresight and planning. Really interesting to hear from you, professor alan mcnally, a professor in microbial genetics. Its exactly 80 years today since the raf managed to repel two massive attacks by germanys luftwaffe, winning what became known as the battle of britain. Breakfasts john maguire is at an airfield in northamptonshire to tell us more. That is one of those dream jobs. And we might see some footage ofjohn in a plane, prepare yourself morning, john. Morning, days do not get better than this. This spitfire is one of the most authentic still flying, 90 of the dates are original, it flew 176 combat sorties and was given 6. 5 kills, it was the first aircraft to strike a deal in d day, it was built in 1944, not involved in the battle of britain, it was converted to be a trainer with a seat in the back, my feet when we flew yesterday. I wa nted feet when we flew yesterday. I wanted to give you a look inside the pilots cockpit, exactly as it would have been in the 405, 80 years ago. Look how cramped it is, look at all of the instrument, it is a hostile environment, a workplace and an effective aircraft, very high performance, but just imagine effective aircraft, very high performance, butjust imagine taking this into combat, it would have been extraordinary. The men and women who worked alongside these and who flew these were Extraordinary People and these were Extraordinary People and the reason why the battle of britain was won 80 years ago. Due to covid, 90 year old old Jeff Brereton hasnt left home since january, but this was a reunion 80 years in the making thatjeff was determined not to miss. It was wonderful to see it, absolutely wonderful. Its unbelievable, its unbelievable. As a young man, he served at raf croydon and remembers working on this hurricane fighter. A5 groundcrew, their job was to keep the planes flying, whatever it took. The main problem that we had was the fabrics, really, on the bodywork, where they would get all covered in bullet holes very often, and very often, the pilot didnt even know that they were hit. They were on the way up to flying again, and the paint was still wet. Jeff is being treated to his own personal di5play here at the Imperial War Museum in duxford. Still a teenager in 1940, he witnessed how the battle of britain took its toll. Some of them told us that they had only flown four hours in training, and they come out for the first time in action and never come back again. Young 19 year olds, you know . Its absolutely 5hocking, it was. We admire them. We couldnt do anything else, really, but really admire them. If you put yourself in jeffs shoes, and imagine what it would have been like to have seen those aircraft off for their next sortie into the skies, and wondering how many of those men would have returned. To try and gain some insight to what life was like for the men who flew against the might of the german luftwaffe, i am taking to the northamptonshire skies above the sywell aerodrome in a spitfire. This aircraft was built in 1944, and registered the first kill of d day. Radio youre clear to take off. You can feel every ounce of the rolls royce engine, ju5t ripping me from the ground and up into the sky. What a fantastic experience. The extra seat was added in 1950 when it became a training aircraft of the irish air force. The instructor since in the front, the learner in the back. The instructor 5et5 the instructor sets in the front. I say the magical words, you have control. You have control. Dol . At the back of it . Yes. It doesnt feel as if im doing anything. You definitely are. One of us is. I am flying a spitfire, i cant quite believe it. It has a top speed of 425mph. Pilots describe feeling part of the machine. It surround5 you in every sense. The cockpit of the spitfire, its hot, its incredibly cramped. Youre surrounded by instruments, by buttons. Sometimes it could be smoky too. You can just imagine what it was like, not just flying one of these but fighting in one of these, taking it into a dogfight in the battle of britain. You have a renewed respect for those men, who notjust flew but fought to save not only their own lives but their way of life. Richards father bought the plane in 1979. His mother went on flying it after his death and richard, of ultimate warbird flights, has been the pilot for 13 years. Ive done six trips in this aeroplane in a day, half hour trips, just serene. Just enjoying the scenery, a quick loop and a roll. But you can only imagine what it would have been like doing relentless, long sorties from so early in the morning until so late in the evening, minimum turnaround times, and youd hope a nice glass of brandy in between just to keep them going, but luckily, they were young brave men. Churchill described them famously as the few. Their courage, their selflessness and their sacrifice should never be forgotten by the many. No surprise, then, that they were known as the greatest generation. This messerschmitt was an enemy fighter during the second world war, it was used in the battle of britain movie. This aircraft in the middle will be flown by a group of former red arrows pirates, about five of them red arrows pilot. Lots of them red arrows pilot. Lots of them will go to the control centres that led the battle of britain in 1940, raising money for the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund they will bejoined by other air force Benevolent Fund they will be joined by other spitfires and a hurricane when they go around. They will be going to variety of locations, including duxford, where the Imperial War Museum is. If it wasnt for covid it would be a much bigger deal, with people and airshows gathered around, but that is not deemed suitable or safe at the moment but they will be flying around and you will get the chance to see them. Lets break up with richard, he kindly let me fly yesterday and i kept it in just about a straight line, what it is like to fly . Truly a delight, words almost cannot describe it, it must be experienced, but the lightest, most nimble fighter you could dream of. You really feel the power . It is a fantastic power to weight ratio, it is an interceptor fighter, a fantastic power to weight ratio, it is an interceptorfighter, it a fantastic power to weight ratio, it is an interceptor fighter, it is designed to perform very well. mitchells design of the airframe and everything, 80 years ago. 1936 somebody drew that beautiful shape, i dont think for a moment they considered we would be talking about it now. Thank you, richard, it has been a pleasure to spend the last couple of days with you and these magnificent aircraft. What struck me over the last couple of days, and also meeting jeff at duxford last week, it is about the machines, we love the elliptical wings and the distinctive shape of the spitfire, in the wartime spitfire funds was the first example crowdfunding, but it is the people in the cockpit and potential rims that really made the difference and managed to deter the enemy at the door a ts ago. The people in the cockpit and the control rooms. Studio fantastic, thank you. John clearly enjoyed that and he portrayed it beautifully for us. Time now to get the news, travel and weather where you are. Good morning from bbc london, im tolu adeoye. A group of care workers from north london are to awarded up to £10,000 each after a judge ruled they should have been paid for travel time between clients. The decision comes after a four year legal battle for the workers, who were contracted by haringey council. It could have major implications for other employers. A teenager has died after being stabbed in north london. Met officers were called to north road in islington yesterday at around 8pm. No arrests have been made. The number of people claiming unemployment benefit in and around london has risen significantly in the last year. In tilbury the figure has gone up by 125 . Residents say they are fearful for the future. Weve been hearing from one struggling shop owner. Yesterday, it wasnt raining, the weather was ok, i only made £22, for the whole day. And suddenly, i was sad. Its not enough to pay the rent and the bills. The london actorjohn boyega has stepped down as a global ambassador for perfume brand Jo Malone London after it dropped an ad he made for them replacing him with a chinese actor. The company has issued an apology to mr boyega. He said their decision to replace his campaign using his concepts without consent was wrong. Today marks the 80th anniversary of the battle of britain. But this year, the commemorations are a little different. There are no national raf events, but the annual service of thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey will take place but it will be scaled back. The Imperial War Museum will also host a number of special exhibitions. Lets take a look at the travel situation now. On the tubes there are minor delays on tfl rail. The waterloo and city line remains closed for planned work. On the roads its busy northbound at the blackwall tunnel in Lower Holloway north road remains closed after a fatal stabbing last night. Now the weather with kate kinsella. Good morning. Its another very mild start this morning. We start the day in mid teens celsius, perfect conditions perhaps for a swim in one of londons lidos. Plenty of blue sky and sunshine today, and those temperatures rising, a little bit more cloud sneaking in from the west as we head towards the end of the afternoon and that could turn the sunshine a little hazy, but temperatures still very warm today, at around 30 celsius as a maximum. Now, overnight, it stays pretty sticky, actually, a bit of cloud which could produce the odd light shower, but many places staying dry. The minimum temperature, central london, not dropping much below 17 celsius, so again, we could be quite uncomfortable for sleeping. Now, for tomorrow, we start to notice the temperature just drop a little. There is a little bit more cloud around but were still looking at temperatures getting up to 25, maybe 26 celsius. Cooler still as we head into thursday, temperatures dropping back down to where they should be. Still plenty of fine, dry weather in the forecast. Im back with the latest from bbc london in an hour. In half an in halfan hour. Plenty more on our website, facebook and instragram. Now though its back to louise and dan. Bye for now. Hello, this is breakfast with dan walker and Louise Minchin. Lets get you up to date with various things going on. Nina can tell us whats happening in the employment front. Its not unsurprising at the moment. Here is what we have learned so far. Figures to the end ofjuly and suggest 4. 1 of people were unemployed over that period, that translates into 1. 4 Million People. That is an increase from 3. 9 to the end ofjune. It looks, when you look at the detail, it looks like these numbers are largely driven by Young People Working in arts, hospitality, agency we re working in arts, hospitality, agency were coming out of that working environment, more than three quarters of thejobs environment, more than three quarters of the jobs lost in that period or people aged between 16 and 24. But look at this, really interesting, in the last week of july when employers were bracing themselves to begin topping up the furlough scheme there was a jump to 4. 8 and unemployment, quite a big jump 4. 8 and unemployment, quite a big jump and experts say this sets the shape of things to come for august. Now, that figure also shows 2. 7 Million People were registered as claiming benefits in august, up from up claiming benefits in august, up from up by claiming benefits in august, up from up by1. 5 million claiming benefits in august, up from up by 1. 5 million compared to march, its been unfolding before our eyes, weve seen tens of thousands ofjobs go atairlines, weve seen tens of thousands ofjobs go at airlines, high street shops, theatres, cinemas, businesses rising to the challenge of social distancing, some unable to survive. Any positives to take . The number of hours worked were up slightly, recruitment up slightly compared to peak pandemic, changes have led some newjobs in supermarkets, online retail, even pizza firms but they are nowhere near the number ofjobs that have been lost. And we now know of millions of families are feeling the very real impact of this pandemic. In some cases, more than one person in a family has already lost thejob. One person in a family has already lost the job. Sarah corcoran reports. Man so, how close is this to the city centre . Life of the coombes family has dramatically changed. Woman not that one there. Back seat the first one of the three. Both parents, michael and karen, lost theirjobs in retail in the east midlands. Theyve moved back to liverpool, where theyre originally from, to look for work. Today, theyre helping daughter isabella move into a student house for her final year at university. All three know the months ahead will be tough. Woman welcome back. Well, this is the first time ive ever been without a job. So that in itself was a whole new experience and took some getting used to. You remain optimistic, but it gets tough. Its really hard. Michael has 20 Years Experience as a senior retail buyer. He was furloughed in march, made redundant in july. So far he has applied for 65 roles. How challenging has it been looking for a job at the moment . You begin to question yourself and you go, 0k, well, ive got a lot of passion for what i do, i have a lot of experience, but do i need to retrain . Am i in the wrong industry . I cant afford to sit and wait for this to stabilise to the degree where, you know, thejobs start coming again. I may need to go do something entirely differently. Isabella is facing a different challenge searching for part time work in bars and restaurants as she studies. Just over the last couple of months, i mean, i was applying for like, 2 3 barjobs a day, just through hospitality websites and you might hear back from one or two of them, and then even, they still cant guarantee the hours. I mean, they are just you know, theres nothing really there for us. One of my biggest concerns is with isabella is i cannot financially support her in the way i have been doing. And you talked a bit about savings only last so long. Yes. You are now having to navigate the benefits system. Yes. And that has been quite stressful. We will need to start to apply for benefits. Now, we have never claimed benefits in the whole of our life, not even the child benefit. You know . So, you know, you try to deal with it day to day. There is no one to talk to anymore. I found that so distressing. It took us an hour to find someone to explain what the differences were. And as the furlough scheme ends in october, recruiters warn of a second wave ofjob losses. I think it will get worse before it gets better. I personally feel it is going to peak because everybody is nervous and you want to survive this so, if we survive it, you can then grow afterwards. So youre going to be risk adverse if you are a Good Business owner, you are going to want to be here at the end of this. Give it a shake. Im putting in some baby carrots. Everywhere across the uk Family Finances are being squeezed. In berkshire, the lord family have taken a mortgage holiday to help ease the strain. We are both out of work at the moment, and we are really concerned about what will christmas bring, how the next bills are going to be paid. We are trying to find a job and that is really difficult. Aisling started a newjob in march and Ascot Racecourse but, after four months with no race goers, she was let go. Husband jamie left a job in Financial Technology just before lockdown, so neither qualified for furlough and they have now applied for universal credit. We were quite substantial earners and, you know, we have always been driven, we have always had a job and we just thought, that is not for us, and i will be taking from somebody that doesnt need it but we have actually found ourselves in the needing category now. The more covid goes on and stops us from earning money. There are a lot more applicants than are clearlyjobs. What i am doing is looking more kind of short term. So i have applied forjobs in retail, so in local shops, for Automotive Companies as well. You just get blankly rejected because you do not have that relative experience or youre perceived as too senior. As the economy opens up again, aisling and jamie are hopeful opportunities will emerge but the economic fallout from coronavirus will affect every generation. Sarah corker, bbc news. A really tough road ahead for so many families. Three and a half Million People stil on furlough will theirjobs exist come the end of october when that scheme ends . We just wejust dont we just dont know im one of the most striking things at the moment, like the people sarah spoke to, people before they have never been out of work, going on benefits for the first time. That impacts young people, 156,000 young people have lost theirjobs over people, 156,000 young people have lost their jobs over the people, 156,000 young people have lost theirjobs over the last people, 156,000 young people have lost their jobs over the last three months, think about it, they go into a job market now competing with people older, more established and experienced so we imagine when the figures progressed to august and september it will be young people bearing the brunt of this. Nina, thank you. Lets bring you some other news this morning. President trump has been visiting americas west coast where wildfires have claimed more than 30 lives and burned almost five million acres of land. Parts of california, oregon and Washington State have been burning since early august. Our north america correspondent Aleem Maqbool has the latest. It was like a journey into an eerie twilight zone. Few have been allowed here since the fires swept in with such rage. And though most people had scrambled to get out, with whatever they could, it was in this area that lives had also been lost. There were some we found wandering and bewildered, like larry. I lost everything except whats in that bag. Everything. And i didnt have insurance. Out of all the hosts had insurance, except for me. What made these fires so lethal and record breaking is the high winds that came with them accelerating their frightening, destructive passage through vast areas of this state. We keep hearing from those who said they felt they were fleeing for their lives, and its only when youre on the ground and you see the destruction as weve been able to and the warped landscape here, that you start to get a sense of the nightmare that they were running from. Donald trump has been called a climate arsonist by his democratic challenger, joe biden, who blamed Global Warming for all this, but in a visit to california, to be briefed on the fires, the president himself, said the fault lay elsewhere. This is one of the biggest burns we have ever seen and we have to do a lot about Forest Management. Obviously Forest Management in california is very important. There has to be good, strong, Forest Management, which i have been talking about for three years with the state so hopefully they will start doing that. This family has just been thinking of survival. We found them in a displacement camp. Theyve now fled fires three times, in three different locations, in the past week. My mom had ten minutes to get out of her place and she got the clothes on her back and the cat and that was it, and her house is completely annihilated, it wiped out everything she owned and. And, you know, thats what we heard, the same with ours. Were not sure as of right now. It was summers town that id visited earlier. The signs arent good. For all the politics, at the heart of this disaster are hundreds of thousands of americans who faced fear, displacement and loss. Aleem maqbool, bbc news, in gates in oregon. All its 8 43am. Its 8 43am. Heres matt with a final look at this mornings weather. That was sunrise in jersey, that was sunrise injersey, one must place in the British Isles yesterday at 31 degrees. Slight changes in temperatures today, wind coming from the south across the south of the country, today, we see the wind turning round to the south east but on the western fringes, weather fronts spitting in through the night and for some of you, where to start to this morning. It will brighten up later for to this morning. It will brighten up laterfor most, some rainjust in the eastern fringes of Northern Ireland but pushing north and east across scotland. Maybe just clipping cumbria. Some heavy bursts mixed in for a time this morning, turning drier and brighter from the south into the afternoon, raine confined to the far north of scotland, lots of sunshine for many through the second half of the day but workload returning the south west and South West Wales later. Low cloud around the coast, may be just enough to produce the odd isolated shower. Sunny spells across most of the uk this afternoon, warmer than yesterday in southern scotland and Northern Ireland, possibly reaching 31 degrees to the north east of london and across parts of east anglia. That sets us up for a one night especially across the south, the odd shower cant be ruled out in Eastern England, this cloud pushing south, basically the rain today returning to the south but with one or two isolated showers. Temperatures falling back into single figures. That will start to introduce cooler conditions to take us through the second half of the week, High Pressure shifting, wind going clockwise, coming from the north east, temperatures are gradually dropping, most places will stay dry. It will be a gradual drop through the week, one across southern areas, mist and fog around, lingering in western coast, isolated showers towards the south east, brighter day for northern scotland. Southern scotland, northern england, increasing amounts of low cloud around the coast, temperatures dropping away from these values into the afternoon. The further south you are, with the sunshine, temperatures into the mid 205. The last of the very warm days across the south, as we go through the rest of this week, temperatures returning closer to normal, some showers into the weekend across the south, may be a little rain in the north of scotland as we go into friday. Thats how your weather is looking, a big part of the weather on breakfast is showing you some of the weather watcher shots, they have helped us to tell the story over the past few yea rs. To tell the story over the past few years. Now a quarter of a million weather watchers, over three and a half million report issued, a selection behind mejust some of half million report issued, a selection behind me just some of the finalists from the picture of the season competition and we chose the finalists, you got to choose the winner and if you want with me at 6 45am this morning i have a great honour of being able to tell you the winner of the competition was this cracking shot. Taking by donald. Looking across onto the isle of mull and just on the mountains, you see and just on the mountains, you see and clouds formed, air rising up, cooling, forming this little cap, certainly a very popular with viewers. That was voted the winner. Who knows, if you are a weather watcher, yours could be the pick of the season for autumn. Keep watching. Back to you both. Studio there is a lot to love about that picture, it is wonderful. Thank you. None of us will be going on a grand tour of europe any time soon but we can at least watch one, on a new bbc drama called us. Its about a married couple who go on holiday together with their teenage son, despite knowing that their relationship is on the rocks. In a moment well speak to Tom Hollander and Saskia Reeves, who play the lead roles, but first lets see a clip of the show. Keep an eye on your bags. Every station weve ever been to, your father says, keep an eye on your bags. Wallets too, its. Pickpocket central. Et voila hotel bontemps. The good times hotel. Technically two stars but with four star reviews. So, i thought id save some money and put us all in the same room. Youre kidding me . theres bunk beds, or you can squeeze in with me and your mum. Im sorry, but i refuse to sleep in a. We are next door. 0k. Thanks, dad. Dont touch the minibar, the mark ups outrageous. Remember, your father can heara minibaropen from three rooms away. Exactly. Buy stuff outside and smuggle it in like everyone else. Bunk beds, such a dad joke. 0h, oh, gosh werejoined now Tom Hollander and Saskia Reeves, who play douglas and connie. Good morning, both, thank you so much forjoining us. Saskia, looking at this, gosh, times were different then, just the filming until the people around . Then, just the filming until the people around . I know, we can live vicariously, cant we . Ithink people around . I know, we can live vicariously, cant we . I think we will have to. Tom, tell us about the idea behind it, they are not a happy couple . No, no. Nothing terrible had happened, there is no great scandal or anything, nobody has committed a crime, it isjust or anything, nobody has committed a crime, it is just that they had started to grow apart, all the things that were always apart, the things that were always apart, the things that were always apart, the things that were always different about them, have become unavoidable. And with the prospect of certain going to college, connie, saskia, is asking some very Big Questions about her life with the prospect of their son going to college. I will not speak for you, saskia, but listening to the bit you were playing, we never, ever thought when we we re playing, we never, ever thought when we were shooting that it would become a nostalgia show, which it sounds like, about the way that life was incredibly recently. Anyway, it should remind people of holidays that they might have planned even this summer and could not go on, the very recent, far away pass, that is what it is like. That is exactly what louise and i thought when we were watching those clips. Saskia, explain what your character connie is like. Is it fair to say that toms character is desperately trying to help the marriage and you are looking for a way out . Yes, she knows the marriage might be over but she still wants to go on this fantastic cultural holiday that he had booked for them. There son is about to go to art school in the autumn, he is leaving home to do so, andl autumn, he is leaving home to do so, and i think she wants to keep them together for this amazing holiday but she has really come to a crossroads in her life, she is imagining him leaving, she cannot begin to think what it will be like without her son there and she has probably been sitting on this confusion and turmoil for a very long time. She has come to a crossroads in her life, i think. Sorry to interrupt, what i love is that i am sure there will be lots of people, this is the time of year when students are going to college and university and i am sure that will be lots of people in a similar position in some ways, re evaluating what is going on in the lights . Yes, and asa what is going on in the lights . Yes, and as a woman, for connie, when you see more of your life behind you than in front of you and you think, what is going to happen . Will i be in the suburban house with douglas for the rest of my life . She is thinking, cani for the rest of my life . She is thinking, can i make a break . She was an artist, she is an artist, inside, she is stillan was an artist, she is an artist, inside, she is still an artist. When she met her in her chaotic, wild, younger days, that is what she was doing. When he met her. Part of her rethinking, it is my chance . Perhaps we can do this, perhaps we can do this well, and this marriage well. That is something David Nicholson is very interested in, can you end a marriage and it still be all right . David nicholls was very interested in. Join to tell douglas that we can be a part but we will still be friends, we bloggers have our family. I dont think she knows that right at the beginning, she is in chaos we will always have our family. Let me play the pa rt have our family. Let me play the part of the amateur psychologist. Tom, working on a programme like this, did it achieve about relationships . They all laugh. Well. No. I dont know. No. Idont know. No. I dont know. No. Did it teach you about relationships . i dont know. No. Did it teach you about relationships . I had not been married and i had not had a child, so i really was acting quite a lot. It is not about. I suppose the one thing i might have learnt is that things that seem unthinkable and scary are not necessarily the catastrophe that you fear, but that is not to undersell the discomfort of this show, which is about somebody waking up, from my point of view, somebody waking up in the middle of the night and their wife says, i think our marriage is over, and it hit him like a thunderbolt, and it hit him like a thunderbolt, and nh to go on holiday. It is a comedy, we should point, well and then they try to go on holiday. It isa then they try to go on holiday. It is a comedy of discomfort in which a family is trapped together at least two thirds of the family wants to be summarily, and one of the family, my character, is trying to keep them altogether. And that, post lockdown, will have some strange resonances for people and, of course, as you suggested, people are about to go to couege suggested, people are about to go to college or trying to go to college, it is all very strange. This is how it is all very strange. This is how it used to be, that moment of the threshold of life that tommy taylors character is in, i dont know, this kind has been very, very ha rd know, this kind has been very, very hard for them, perhaps hardest on then, because all of the rules have changed, the road map has been ripped up and thrown away this time has been very, very hard. This is what it was like very recently. Tom has described it as a business romcom. Saskia, it will bejoyous for us to see what life was like. What was it like to film . In hindsight, even better than it was . Everyone pulled this together giving an amazingjob, everyone pulled this together giving an amazing job, they ended up going to italy, which i did not. It was a job make it happen for me, i did not have all the responsibility of organising it it was a job made in heaven. To be any beautiful cities and walk around these art galleries, especially at times when the public was not allowed in, that wasjust a huge privilege. The idea of being able tojump on a train and go to paris or barcelona, hopefully we can get back to that place at some point. I think we all share that. Thank you for being with us, saskia and tom. Us starts this sunday at 9pm on bbc one. It is well worth your time. Thank you both very much indeed. The hot summer has given us a bumper plum harvest this year and an earlier one, too. Frankie mccamley is in north norfolk to tell us more. I believe she is in a plum orchard. Yes, good morning. You are right, i am in the centre of a plum orchard in north norfolk, which is in an outstanding area of natural beauty. Iam in outstanding area of natural beauty. I am in amongst 3000 plum trees with 46 the riot is, i am told that is very unique across the country. Lets meet some of the owners, we are hearing there has been a bumper season. And this year. We are speaking to max, andrea and little lilia, who has just speaking to max, andrea and little lilia, who hasjust become speaking to max, andrea and little lilia, who has just become a little shy. Tell me about this bumper year for plums . It has been a strange year on many accounts, but it was the weather, we had that really hot, dry spring which meant that everything came on really quickly and it was growing weather, so as you said, it has been bumper but it has been a compressed season, it came very early and his finishing, we are on the last couple of days. Asafamily we are on the last couple of days. As a family you had just taken over, you are quite new to the plum business . We took over at the end of last year, it has been a learning curve but exciting and we have a lot of products out and making lots of plum things, lilia has been helping. It was planted in the 70s by my great uncle and has been in the family ever since. Great uncle and has been in the family eversince. I great uncle and has been in the family ever since. I am sure lilia will take it on at some point. How have you found lockdown . Has it helped . Strangely, yes, because as lockdown was lifted in july, that helped . Strangely, yes, because as lockdown was lifted injuly, that is when the plums became ripe, and it is an outdoor activity, we do lots of pick your own and people love doing that and felt safe, it has been crazy. North norfolk has been busy. You went out for us earlier in the programme to take us some plums, thank you, we have lots. These are shropshire plumes, they are a damson, they are going to a local gin distillery down the road, archangel, so were very about that. That is fun, the different project you can make outed plums. And we also have a craft pre where we use the barley the farm. So we will make plum beer. Next year, yes, and hopefully be able to sell it in the orchard. What could people do with some of the plums . I was well spun, andi some of the plums . I was well spun, and ifind some of the plums . I was well spun, and i find that plums from an orchard are different to the ones from a supermarket, which are quite flavou rless, roasting from a supermarket, which are quite flavourless, roasting sun in origins and honey. Thank you very much, if you are having your breakfast, plums are definitely on the menu. Studio thank you very much. Roasted plums good morning, welcome to bbc news, im victoria derbyshire, here are the headlines. A lack of coronavirus tests for nhs workers is causing staff absences according to hospital bosses. The government says the tests are out there the majority of tests are available within a ten mile radius. It seems to me that there will be extreme cases where people cannot get to test locations within that radius but that doesnt mean that, you know, Public Health england are not working night and day to boost capacity. Do you work for the nhs and need a covid test . Let me know if you have been able to get one if you are a key worker and you need a test. Contact me. vicderbyshire or by emailing me at victoria bbc. Co. Uk. Annita Mcveigh bbcyourquestions

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