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Theyll face wolves next, if they beat sevilla tonight. Its National Allotment weekend we have come to dorset road allotments, where the temperature is currently around 22 celsius. For those of us in the heatwave, it will continue for another two days but there is also the risk of heavy thundery downpours, which could lead to flash flooding. Details coming up. Its tuesday, 11th august. Our top story. Scotlands education secretary, john swinney, will explain today how he will address problems with the way School Pupils were awarded grades this year, in the absence of exams. The first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has apologised after the marks given to pupils were based partly on the past performance of their schools. The process meant that 125,000 results were downgraded. Alexandra mackenzie reports. 16 year old 0livia thought she was on track to study medicine. She got five as in her higher prelims, but those were not the results awarded by the sqa. Instead she received two as and three bs. I wasnt really nervous at all because i kind of knew what i was expected to get, and then i got my results and i was completely devastated. I was heartbroken. Literally i was, like, i thought my dreams were crushed. As the first minister visited a west lothian school, the education secretaryjohn swinney had signalled a u turn and said he would address the Scottish Parliament later today. Shortly after her visit came an apology. Despite our best intentions i do acknowledge that we did not get this right and im sorry for that. Its back to school today in the borders and in shetland. Tomorrow, a staggered return begins in the rest of the country. Here in kelso there is concern for the safety of students, and also for the impact this years results process may have. It is a case of each kid is individual and based on the results in last years results, it just doesnt sit right with us. Students who took to the streets to protest their grades will be pinning their hopes on the education secretarys announcement in the Scottish Parliament. The first minister said its their responsibility to fix this and every young person should get a grade that recognises the work they have done. With a level results due out this week, those in england, wales and Northern Ireland will be hoping similar issues can be avoided. Alexandra mckenzie, bbc news. Were joined now from westminster by our political correspondent, jonathan blake. Jonathan, although all eyes on edinburgh today, what happens in scotla nd edinburgh today, what happens in scotland is going to affect kids across the uk . It is, and the experience of scottish teenagers, as you have just heard experience of scottish teenagers, as you havejust heard in experience of scottish teenagers, as you have just heard in that report, is something that those living in england, wales and Northern Ireland waited for a level results this week and gcse results next week, will not wa nt to and gcse results next week, will not want to repeat. We will have to wait and hear whatjohn swinney has to say about how grades will be recalculated again. It is safe to assume they will put more emphasis on the initial assessment of teachers, because the feeling is that students individual hard work was not recognised, and the disadvantages they may have faced because of, whether that is race or ethnicity, or coming from certain disadvantaged backgrounds, or going to school with a particularly poor record in the past, were exacerbated by that record used to standardise grades, in which so many saw their grades, in which so many saw their grades lowered. In england, the education secretary Gavin Williamson has said of the system is fundamentally fair and he expects most students to get the grades that they would have achieved had they sat the exams as planned. Nevertheless, there is huge pressure on the system and the awarding of exa m on the system and the awarding of exam results without students having taken exams. This is a huge test for the Education System across the uk and the governments running them. Jonathan blake, thank you. We will speak to some of those politicians isa speak to some of those politicians is a Programme Goes on and we will hear from is a Programme Goes on and we will hearfrom some of is a Programme Goes on and we will hear from some of the young people whose lives are affected. You get in touch with us as well. The immigration minister, chris philp, will meet his french counterpart in paris today, to discuss how to reduce the number of migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats. Since thursday, more than 600 people have been intercepted. Simonjones is in dover for us this morning. 0n land this morning, but we saw you on the water yesterday. What is the situation today . Well, its very calm out there today again in the channel, so i expected to be another busy day for the coast guard, potentially also for the lifeboat getting involved as well. But today, heading in that direction to paris, is immigration compliance minister chris philp, meeting his french counterpart. 0fficially we are being told that the discussions are to cement cooperation between the sides. I think though actually there isa sides. I think though actually there is a lot of disagreement between britain and france about how best to deal with this. Britain has said repeatedly it wants france to turn the boats back at sea. France is relu cta nt the boats back at sea. France is reluctant because of safety concerns. The main demand from france will be britain providing more money, to offer more surveillance in the channel. We have been out on the channel for a couple of mornings for a bbc breakfast. We we re of mornings for a bbc breakfast. We were out there yesterday morning. The thing that struck me initially was we didnt have much trouble finding boats carrying migrants, which shows you just how common this is becoming. We can talk about the statistics, the numbers getting through, but what we did see is how dangerous this is as a crossing. Thank you very much. We will be back with you throughout the programme this morning. Thank you. President trump has praised the actions of the secret service, after an armed man was shot close to the white house. Mr trump was holding a press c0 nfe re nce at the time of the incident when this happened. Gunshots excuse me . The president was swiftly ushered away from the podium and into the oval office by a security agent. The gunman has been taken to hospital. The Outgoing Lebanese Prime Minister has blamed what he called a network of corruption, as he announced his governments resignation, following last tuesdays disastrous explosion in beirut. In an angry televised address, hassan diab, said the risk of other catastrophes is huge. The blast killed more than 200 people and injured thousands of others. The home secretary, priti patel, has been asked to consider allowing a virtual trial for the American Woman who is accused of killing 19 year old motorcyclist, harry dunn, in a Road Accident last summer. Anne sacoolas claimed diplomatic immunity and returned to the united states, following the collision outside raf croughton. The suggestion has been put forward by the dunn familys mp, andrea leadsom. Hundreds of live music and arts venues across the uk will light their buildings red today, to draw attention to the impact of covid i9 on those working in the entertainment industry. The sector says its on the verge of collapse unless it receives urgent Financial Support from the government, as our arts correspondent Rebecca Jones reports. And we rely on each other. Its played host to the biggest names in pop. But glastonburys famous pyramid stage remained dark this year. The festival was one of hundreds of live events postponed or cancelled due to coronavirus. And social distancing guidelines mean most gigs and festivals are unlikely to return before 2021. 0rganisers of the Red Alert Campaign say that means more than a Million People are at risk of losing theirjobs, from sound engineers to lighting designers. They released interviews with celebrities who want to show their support. Many of these people are freelancers and so dont fall under sort of furlough schemes and so on. Right now theyre feeling the pinch very badly, and if we want live events and festivals to stay an important british business, then it needs to be supported. To draw attention to the situation, a boat will make its way down the thames tonight, passing organisations including the National Theatre and the tate gallery, which will be lit up in red. Nearly 400 other venues and Companies Across the uk will make a similar visual statement. Those taking part say while live streams, virtual festivals and even some socially distanced events provide an alternative, they are not going to sustain an Industry Worth £100 billion to the economy. Rebecca jones, bbc news. If you think they are making a lot of noise, you should have been awake overnight. Many of us were kept awake overnight with the sound of thunder and lightning. Idid hear i did hear some of them. Lots of things going on. Have a look at some of these pictures uploaded to social media. That is spectacular. The storms follow yellow weather Warnings Issued for thunder and lightning across some parts of the country. Do send in your pictures if you have got them and tell us what happened as well. 0r you have got them and tell us what happened as well. Or your sound effects if you have got them as well there was silent thunder as well, where you get the lightning but you dont get the banks. Well have an update on the latest unemployment figures at seven this morning, but they may not fully show how many people are out of work or at risk. Ninas with us and can explain whats going on. Good morning. It is always tricky going through the numbers, but particularly at the moment. Good morning. Thats right. An important update from the countrys top analysts this morning, looking at unemployment figures. Day after day weve been hearing about jobs under threat, and being lost, and even the chancellor told this programme last week, hardship lies ahead. He cannot, he says, save every business and everyjob. So, these numbers we should be looking out for . Lets start with the unemployment rate. Last month it was 3. 9 . About 1. 35 Million People. Basically the same as it was pre lockdown. That represents about 1. 35 Million People. Thats basically the same as pre lockdown, and is expected to stay the same. The follow scheme could be masking reality. The government is paying the majority of wages of 9. 6 million jobs between now and october the scheme will be wound down. Its expected many more jobs will be lost. This is luke. Hisjob means he cant work from home but he has a major health condition, so he was happy when he was followed but now he has been told hisjob is at risk. I was born with chronic renal failure, and i was born with chronic renal failure, and i had to go on dialysis for seven years because i had an unsuccessful transplant when i was three. So when covid 19 arose, the only way i could travel to work is by public transport. And i wasjust very nervous about doing that, because i felt that because id kind of lost the majority of my childhood, i didnt want to put myself in danger of being able to continue to live life to the full. I got sent home and i was a bit up in the airas to got sent home and i was a bit up in the air as to what was going to happen because i live on my own. So i havent been able to see any friends or family. I was worried about being able to afford my rent, food and other kind of bills really. And then locally, obviously the government announced the follow scheme. The latest is that 30 of the staff is coming back. But unfortunately, because theyve had to give another business afloat by giving them a rebate, there will be redundancies and we will find out in the next few weeks. A really anxious time for luke and we wish him the best. What can we learn from todays figures . This is really important. We will be looking at the number of people on the payroll. That is the hmrc national register. Last month they were just over 28 million paid employees, down by 650,000 since the beginning of lockdown. Then there were the weekly hours worked. That has also fallen bya hours worked. That has also fallen by a record amount since the start of the pandemic. The bank of england has estimated that unemployment could reach 7 in the autumn. That will translate to about 2. 5 Million People out of a job. Other experts say that could be much higher, especially if we have a second spike. Predictions are very difficult at the moment but we will do our very best after seven oclock. Then at eight oclock, do you remember dragons den . James can has been looking at the numbers. And giving important tips on what you can do to make sure your cv is up to date if you are entering the jobs market at a time when it is going to be really competitive. Thank you. Lets take a look at todays papers. The guardians top story is one we are also talking about this morning it says ministers are facing mounting anger over the handling of how english a levels are being graded this year. Well have more on this throughout the programme, and will be joined by the former head of 0fsted just before seven. The times reports that secondary School Pupils can transmit coronavirus as easily as adults, according to a study by Public Health england. The scientists believe that tougher rules may be needed for older children. Anti mask mob mock shoppers is the metros headline. It reports that a group of activists urged customers in a supermarket to remove Face Coverings. And the Daily Telegraph leads on what it calls the overhaul of the Contact Tracing system. It says under new plans, councils will be given dedicated ring fenced teams from the National Service to help with Community Virus tracing. If you are watching anywhere near doncaster this morning, watch out foran emu. And i did say doncaster this morning, watch out for an emu. And i did say that right this is fl the emu. She has a p pa re ntly right this is fl the emu. She has apparently gone missing. She is six foot. Flv apparently gone missing. She is six foot. Flv emu. Apparently gone missing. She is six foot. Flv emu. According to experts, she knows where she lives, she isjust being experts, she knows where she lives, she is just being stubborn and she doesnt want to go there. She has been seen in all sorts of places. Reports of her running down the Trans Pennine trail. They are trying to catch about feeling so far. They can run at 30 mph, apparently. They will find her. Simon cowell has had an accident on his electric bike. He has been in hospital having an operation on his back. He said he should have read the manual. Also thanking nurses and doctors, some of the nicest people he said he has ever met. He said, some good advice. If you buy an electric trail bike, read the manual before you ride in the first time. Some reports he was trying to do a wheelie when he fell off. If you are about to go out for an Early Morning run, spare a thought for dad of two and he will man from essex, 76 years old. I am sure he is already out for a run this morning. 0ver sure he is already out for a run this morning. Over the years he has done nearly 21,000 miles in three decades, which apparently is almost the circumference of the earth. 800 marathons. Its been a week since the explosion at a port in beirut devastated the lebanese capital, leaving more than 200 people dead, and thousands more injured. It led to accusations of corruption, violent clashes between protestors and police and the resignation of the entire national government. Yesterday on breakfast we spoke to rola stephan, a mother of five who said her life had been shattered by the blast. Theres nothing left of my home. Nothing left of what we built. 0ur lives are trying to manage, trying to. Put in place other plans, another home for the children, another area. Trying to survive. Really giving you a sense of what is going on in beirut. So many of you responded to what you are saying about. Since appearing on breakfast rola has returned to the streets of beirut to asses the devastation in her community. Today, after almost one week, this is whats happening were trying to move everything from the house, all the glass, all the shattered glass. Were trying to salvage some furniture. We cannot carry 12 floors down, so theyre throwing everything down. This is where the explosion happened. This is the view from my living area. Complete destruction. Im walking with my daughter to the ice place next door. I volunteered cleaning our streets. This is our ice cream place. And this is the owner. Elias . Hi this is what is left of our ice cream place. Those are the pictures of the clients. Youll find pictures of my children somewhere here. My children used to come and help. It was amazing. This is one of the survivors as well. They were here when it happened. This is near my house. You have a team working to put people in apartments that dont have any more homes. People are giving them their apartments to help people with no homes. This is an operation here. Other groups working. Giving water, support for people, food for people, helmets, brooms. Garbage bags, everything they needed to help people. Amazing. Hi, how are you . This is our best speaker. I made him since day one of the revolution. This is my friend, who got injured on saturday. Its everywhere. We keep going . Yes. Love you guys. Hi i love these people. Theyre family now. They are amazing. This is beirut, this is the heart of beirut. This is a building near my house. Nothing remains. A few people i know died in there. Thats my son taking sandwiches and water for the army. There is no electricity, there is no water in most of the apartments here. Thats my son. Giving the army sandwiches and water. They say they need some more sandwiches. What happened here cannot be imagined in recent history. The only way to cure it is for the whole regime to step down with all its sponsors. You cannot expect the same people who got us here to fix it. These people need to go, for the lebanon we dream of to rise again. Please listen to us. Since she talks to us, the government has actually stepped down. We will stay in touch with her in the next weeks and months. The teenage son wejust in the next weeks and months. The teenage son we just saw, she said it was yesterday morning that he was dealing with it in that way, going and helping people, that was the way he tried to make sense of it and come to terms with it, helping his neighbours who had lost everything. Well, we arejoined now by lizzie porter, a journalist based in beirut. Heartbreaking close up story for us to hear they are from beirut, but you must be seeing, hearing, living stories like that all day, every day right now . Thank you, yeah. Indeed that really does capture how things are in this part of beirut at the moment. People are allowed on the street helping each other, really Grassroots Efforts and small local ngos doing a lot. My house was damaged partially and we have had dozens damaged partially and we have had d oze ns of damaged partially and we have had dozens of people come round to the door saying, do you need anything . What can we give you . 0ffering food. That is one very small snapshot of how people are reacting to this. And people are sort of angered but not unsurprised by the lack of government response. People are saying that the response from the municipality and government authorities is very, very little or nonexistent, in comparison to what is literally people with brooms coming around and sweeping up and trying to help and patch peoples lives back together. So most of the effort that you are seeing there on the streets is just individuals, neighbours, friends, helping one another, is it, ratherthan neighbours, friends, helping one another, is it, rather than an official response . Absolutely, yeah. There definitely are ngos. Medicines on frontier as a tent on one of the streets most affected. 0ther ngos similarly. There are also international workers, search teams, and ive seen some of those teams out on the streets. But in terms of an official response, i think one thing that really struck people here was how, in protest at the weekend, the state was able to deploy hundreds of riot police and army in order to be able to put down people protesting, who were incandescent with rage over the government response, and that government has now stepped down. Their lack of willingness to take responsibility for what has gone on, and comparing that with the lack of any state intervention. You mentioned the fact the entire government stepped down last night. In most countries when something that dramatic happened politically, one would assume that was a clean slate, that there would bea was a clean slate, that there would be a new regime, that things would change completely, but there seems to bea change completely, but there seems to be a realfeeling in lebanon, in beirut, that change is not going to happen. Can you explain why people feel that way, please . Happen. Can you explain why people feelthat way, please . People happen. Can you explain why people feel that way, please . People feel like that because they have seen governments, and go time and time again. 0nlyjust governments, and go time and time again. 0nly just in governments, and go time and time again. 0nlyjust in october last year, when we saw widespread Anti Government protest year, the Prime Minister at that time stepped down. This government came in. But it was just the same regime with different faces. They didnt see the actual systems had changed. That is because it was still using the same system of negotiations between existing mps and parliamentary blocs to be able to choose the new leaders, the new Prime Minister and his ministers were chosen using the same system. What people really want is parliamentary elections using a new Voting System that would allow people to elect the people that they really wa nt, people to elect the people that they really want, rather than using the same Voting System that doesnt allow people they feel really represent them to really run for a seat. When you see something as horrific and dramatic as what happened in beirut a week ago, you can kinda forget the fact there is also a pandemic going and that lebanon has been affected badly by it in recent months. I am just wondering, is that kind of, has that had to be forgotten at the moment, 01 had to be forgotten at the moment, or is that going to be another serious implication of what has happened over the last seven days . It is going to be another serious implication. In the past couple of days lebanon recorded a record, its highest number of daily cases, 294 cases in one day. That doesnt sound very much in comparison to the numbers that we might be seeing in the uk and the usa. But youve got to remember lebanon has a small population compared to European Countries and the us, of 6 million, round about. That is a huge jump compared with what it had been recording previously. Absolutely, i mean, people are just thinking, we have got to clear up our lives, we cant social distance if we have to get rescue teams and, we need to collaborate to pick up food and pick up collaborate to pick up food and pick up glass. We cant social distance when we are doing that. So it has sort of, i mean, people are wearing face masks because it is protection from the dust and there have been big concerns about dust and polluta nts big concerns about dust and pollutants in the air that have risen from the blast. People are wearing their facemasks for notjust covert, but for the blast response. But i think it definitely will put extra pressure on the Hospital Services here in the medium to long term, because the guy situation seems to be getting worse and worse, along with the after effects of this devastating blast. We wish you well. Lucy porter, speaking live from beirut. Lizzie. You are watching bbc breakfast. Still to come well hear from a straight a student in scotland, whose dreams of medical school have been put on hold after her predicted results were downgraded. We ll be discussing that shortly, and bringing you the latest news and weather. But the time now is 6. 28. Now lets get the weather with carol, who is at an urban allotment in south london. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning everyone. I am good morning. Good morning everyone. Iam in beckenham this morning on the dorset road allotments. A very tranquil here. We have got potatoes waiting to be harvested, some have already gone. You can see apples beside me. There are beings, the works going on. Temperatures in about 22 degrees. Last night, in fact in the last 24 hours, there have been more than 50,000 lightning strikes across the uk or in the vicinity of the uk. And some torrential downpours. The forecast for today is a hot, humid and a sunny one. So in scotland today, for example, it is going to be much more humid than it has been for the last few days. You can also see on the pressure chart that weve got a weather front just aligned across parts of the northwest. That has been producing some torrential rain as we go through the course of the night and also a lot of lightning strikes as well. There is torrential rain currently around the glasgow area, the Central Lowlands heading into the highlands. We have also got an arm of that extending through the southern uplands, down across northern england, around the pennines. If you are travelling, bear that in pennines. If you are travelling, bearthat in mind, pennines. If you are travelling, bear that in mind, there is the risk of flash flooding. We have had a lot of flash flooding. We have had a lot of low cloud, mist and fog in parts of low cloud, mist and fog in parts of wales and the east coast. Some of that will linger through the day. Any fog will burn away quite quickly. Through the course of today the thunderstorms in the north will migrate northwards and we will see some further thunderstorms develop as we look at what is happening in the south, in england and wales. It is going to be another hot and humid day. Temperatures up to 35 degrees in the south. We are looking at 30 in the south. We are looking at 30 in the midlands. 27 to 29 in northern in them. But for Northern Ireland and scotland it is more likely to be between 19 and 24. A bit more comfortable for you, although still humid. This evening and overnight, those thunderstorms will move northwards across scotland. More coming in, more low cloud from the east, and then further thunderstorms will develop as we go through the second part of the night in the north and the west. Some of those will be torrential. We watch the thunderstorms head northwards. Still some low cloud on shore in the east. We will have some heavier rain and thunderstorms coming in from the south west. Temperatures similar to today, still peaking at about 35. As we head on into the latter part of the week, still more thunderstorms in the forecast, but it will be drier in the north. Hello, this is breakfast with Louise Minchin and jon kay. Well bring you all the latest news and sport in a moment, but also on breakfast this morning stormzy and the cure are among the performers who are supporting the live Music Industry today, as hundreds of venues across the uk light their buildings in red, to draw attention to what they say could be a million jobs at risk. Well find out more at 07 45am. Well catch up with former paratrooper and double amputee Ben Parkinson, who is hand cycling 1,000 miles to raise funds for Motor Neurone Disease. Theres another treat for star gazers tonight, as the annual Perseid Meteor Shower reaches its peak. Up to 100 shooting stars an hour will be visible, and well find out the best ways you can see them. Good morning. Heres a summary of todays main stories from bbc news. The Scottish Government will explain today how it plans to address concerns about School Grades, after many students complained theyd received worse results than they expected. With exams cancelled this year, teachers estimated pupils marks, which were then compared with their schools past performance. The process led to 125,000 grades being lowered, with students from deprived backgrounds disproportionately affected. The immigration minister, chris philp, will meet authorities in france to demand stronger measures to prevent migrants crossing the channel in small boats. It follows comments from borisjohnson that hes considering a change in the law to discourage those thinking about making the journey, which he called stupid and dangerous. The home secretary, priti patel, has been asked to consider allowing a virtual trial for the American Woman who is accused of killing 19 year old motorcyclist, harry dunn, in a Road Accident last summer. Anne sacoolas claimed diplomatic immunity and returned to the united states, following the collision outside raf croughton. The suggestion has been put forward by the dunn familys mp, andrea leadsom. Now, have you got your keys, phone and your mask before you leave the house . Face coverings are now compulsory in most indoor public spaces, but there are exemptions for some who dont need to wear them, including Young Children, people with disabilities or those with breathing difficulties. However, according to a group of charities there has been an increase in abuse and challenging behaviour towards people who dont cover their faces. Fiona lamdin has more. This exchange was filmed on a train, when a passenger challenged these two sisters travelling together. 0ne sister temporarily lifted her facemask, so her sister, who is deaf blind, could read her lips. And these sisters are not alone. Paul has borderline personality disorder. He says hes faced abuse for not wearing a mask on a tram. A gentleman literally was just like, why arent you wearing a mask . And i told him and i explained to him, and a simple response was, well, if youre not wearing a mask, you shouldnt be allowed out. And that made me feel extraordinarily vulnerable. This exchange upset him so much, he didnt leave the house for four days. So, what are the rules . Because some of us are exempt. For example, Young Children under the age of 11, those with a physical or mental illness, if wearing a mask will cause severe distress, and if youre travelling with someone who relies on lip reading to communicate. Are you aware that some people dont need to wear masks . Now that you say that, i had heard of that, but i dont think about that in the moment. So, no, i guess i dont think about that when im making judgments about people. No, i wasnt aware of that. I wasnt aware of that at all. Ive seen it advertised that people have breathing difficulties or anything where their health is going to be made worse by wearing a mask, then theyre exempt. I am an asthmatic, so i might be on the verge of not having to wear one, but where i can, i will. But mask wearing is also a huge problem for those with hidden disabilities when out shopping. Which one did you get there . Mariannes son max has sensory processing disorder. He cant tolerate a face mask over his face because of the feeling on his ears or having something over his nose or over his mouth. He cant wear one, he just cant. Hejust panics. Hes ten, so legally he doesnt need to wear one, but marianne said when the family visited their local apple store, they were told children over five must wear masks. She said max was not allowed inside. It made us feel like people were looking at us and they were judging us. It was a really uncomfortable experience because we want to go out, just like everybody else. Apple have told us they adhere to government guidelines and children under 11 dont need to wear masks. Theyre working hard to keep their customers and staff safe. With Face Coverings now becoming part of everyday life, it makes the thought of going out for those whove already faced abuse even harder than it was before. Fiona lamdin, bbc news. Lets speak now to Richard Kramer, the chief executive of sense, a charity which helps people who are deaf, blind and have complex disabilities. Were also joined by one of our regular gps, dr rachel ward. Richard, we really got a sense they are of some of the people in that report and the real difficulties they have. What kind of impact is having . In this instance, you saw it is so intimidating to be shouted at bya is so intimidating to be shouted at by a stranger in public. Sadly this is not an isolated incidents, so we re is not an isolated incidents, so were hearing lots of reports from other charities. People feel very distressed and anxious. We already know that one into people feel very lonely, and such distressing incidents resulted in people feeling they cant leave the home at all, and that adds to the real sense of isolation that disabled people feel they face. Rachel, i see you are nodding. Are you aware of patients coming in and about this . We have to be very careful in general practice. The advice is that if you cannot wear a Face Covering when seeing yourgp then you wear a Face Covering when seeing your gp then you should do so. But from the start of this we have been very cautious that we dont want to put people off coming to see us. There is a real sensitive approach that needs to be taken with us. We must not stop people going out, we must not stop people going out, we must not stop people going out, we must not stop people Getting Services they need because, as we have seen in your clip, there are so many people with hidden disabilities that should not be judged. Lots of people are asking for an exemption in surgeries . Thats not something gps should be doing. We are focusing ona gps should be doing. We are focusing on a lot of clinical work at the moment. There is a good set up with the government website and also other websites such as transport for london, where you can download your own certificate. You dont need to get that from your gp. Richard, do you feel there has been good enough communication to all of us about what the conditions are and the reasons for not wearing a face mask . No, and reasons for not wearing a face mask . No, and i think there needs to be more communication. At a government level but also a local and individual level. You cant really expect everyone to go on to a government website. It would be great if one of the government ministers spoke about the needs of disabled people at a daily press briefing. Reminding people that some disabled people will not be able to wear masks. Supermarkets are making announcements that people cant wear Face Coverings because of a disability, reminding people that not all disabilities are visible and greater patience is needed. But ultimately it is change at an individual level. We want people to show kindness, patience, tolerance and understanding of others. What we re and understanding of others. What were you going to say, rachel . And understanding of others. What were you going to say, rachel7m wasnt me. What would you say to people who are thinking of challenging someone who is not wearing a face mask . |j challenging someone who is not wearing a face mask . I would say dont challenge people. If you think people are not wearing face masks because they are flouting the rules, think again. They may whatnot be wearing them because they may be one of 40 Million People with a disability, so lets show some patience, some kindness and above all, more understanding to others. Rachel, this is an understanding which is only going to become more complicated in the weeks and months ahead, as lockdown restrictions a p pa re ntly ahead, as lockdown restrictions apparently are eased. There is discussion about whether kids in schools might have to wear face masks in future. Do you think this is something were all going to have to to in future . How concerned are you about the messaging and communication . Absolutely. We have a lot to deal with at the moment, lots of changes in lots of things to take on board. This isjust one of the many things. Richard is absolutely right that we need to show tolerance to each other. I think a lot of the responses from people comes from personal distress. I dont think they are trying to be malicious, they are trying to be malicious, they think they are doing the right thing and there is an anxiety about getting coronavirus. We need to Work Together, we have to understand that not everybody is going to have visible issues. Its very similar to what weve been used to for years with people using disabled toilets, people parking in disabled bays. We dont know the background and i think we just have to Work Together on this. Rachel, can ijust ask about the to schools . Theres lots of talk in the newspapers this morning. This issue about younger children not apparently picking up and transmitting the virus so easily, but older children are. How does it split, in terms of ages . Do we know enough yet . |j does it split, in terms of ages . Do we know enough yet . I dont think we know enough that there is a specific age cut off, i think what we are learning, there have been so many studies across the world, and Gavin Williamson has mentioned that there isa williamson has mentioned that there is a study in the uk which has not yet been released, which is actually looking at 100 schools in england, looking at 100 schools in england, looking at 100 schools in england, looking at recent times. We know that at the moment children are about half as likely as adults to contract coronavirus. The age cut off is unclear, but bearing in mind children are still in that young, low risk population generally, even when they get to the age of 18. Unless someone has a significant Underlying Health problem, young people are still at low risk. Thanks for clearing that up. We will speak to some of the policymakers about that later. For now, Richard Kramer from policymakers about that later. For now, Richard Kramerfrom sense, thank you very much. Now time for sport. I was concentrating. Ive been listening very hard. So many missed chances for Manchester United last night, but they got the job done. They needed extra time to beat Danish Club Fc Copenhagen 1 0 and reach the Europa League semi finals. United hit the post twice, had a penalty and goal disallowed by var and then there were the 13 incredible saves by keeper karl johanjohnsson. But when Anthony Martial won a penalty in extra time, Bruno Fernandes finally got the breakthrough to seal uniteds place in the last four. Theyll face wolves or five time winners sevilla next. Mentally, thats where its decided. And when you get tired, the opposition is probably more tired, and youve just got to be mentally strong. Difficult conditions, even for me. With my shirt on, i started sweating and my t shirts wet, so im glad i didnt have to do run out there as much as they did. The Scottish Government is warning it could call a halt to the scottish football season after another breach of coronavirus protocols. Celtic player Boli Bolingoli flew to spain without the club knowing, failed to quarantine on his return, then played in a league match on sunday. Hes since tested negative, twice, and apologised. Celtic say theyre investigating. It comes days after eight aberdeen players broke rules by gathering in a bar after a match, which led to two testing positive. Nearly four in five elite sportswomen say theyre concerned about their body image thats according to a bbc survey. 0ur reporter nesta mcgregor has been to meet one athlete who says she tried to lighten her skin, after racist taunts as a teenager. Like all athletes, colours are important to annie tagoe. Gold, silver, bronze. But, as a teenager, the sprinter says it was another colour, the colour of her skin. People would start calling black girls, you know, unattractive or charcoal or whatever word you want to use to describe dirt. So that was my First Experience with racism or discrimination. A bbc survey looking at elite women in sport has found more than three quarters of them had concerns about their body image and annie is one of them. It so easy to buy skin bleaching cream from the counter. I didnt check what the danger of it was. I would wake up everyday and i would just be like, its not working. And id put more and more on my skin because i wanted to become really light quickly. Skin lightening creams are prescribed and can be bought legally in the uk to treat various conditions. With the nhs advice being to see a gp first. But skincare experts are concerned about safety and quality checks on some products. Longer term, with prolonged use and unsupervised use of such products, one can see a pigmentary alteration in the skin which contains a mottled effect, but the more troublesome effects, the of such medication to be used in the longer term basis would be the risk of development of cancers. As well as dealing with the issues brought on by comments about the colour of her skin, annies also struggled with how her body was changing with training. Id tell my physio, i dont want to do gym because im going to get stronger, i dont want to get arm muscles and i would just feel it was not feminine. The 27 year old recently signed to a modelling agency, but says at times thats still problematic. I havent really felt happy yet because i always have to bring my own foundation to shoots. They still dont have my skin colour foundation. Annie is coming back from knee surgery and says she hopes talking about her experiences with her body and her skin will stop others making the same mistakes. Nesta mcgregor, bbc news. The us open tennis gets under way at the end of the month but britains top two womens players have suffered first round defeats in a warm up competition. Johanna konta at the bottom of your screen was beaten by in straight sets by world number 48 Marie Bouzkova at the lexington 0pen the same opponent she lost to in her last match before lockdown. Heather watson was then beaten by american jennifer brady. Joanna cant i had to see a doctor a few minutes into that match in lexington. Apparently the heat brought on heart palpitations. It is super hot over there, so konta is having to adapt to the conditions. When exams were cancelled earlier this year due to covid 19, it was decided that students would be given results based on their predicted grades, combined with the exam success of their school or college in previous years. However, a growing number of pupils in scotland argue their marks have been unfairly downgraded. Students in england, wales and Northern Ireland will receive their a level results on thursday. Were joined now by the former head of 0fsted. Thank you very much forjoining us. So we talk firstly about the scottish situation. Nicola sturgeon saying, we did not get it right. What should they have done, in your view . They have got it wrong. What is particularly concerning is the number of children from a disadvantaged background and a disadvantaged background and a disadvantaged area that have had their results downgraded in much greater proportion than people from more affluent backgrounds in more prosperous areas. Thats very worrying. We hope that is not replicated on thursday when the results come out for in england. We have to avoid the mistakes. I think the mistakes are about not getting the mistakes are about not getting the balance right between the judgment of a youngsters performance on the basis of the history of the school and the previous results of the school, and individual student performance. U nless individual student performance. Unless that balances a correct one, a good one, then were going to have a good one, then were going to have a repeat of the scottish performance. Even in schools with a history of poor performance, there will be youngsters there who work very hard, youngsters who are very bright, who will have done well in that school or with a school in difficulties. And there will be some youngsters who cram very late on, whose internal assessments might not be good, but the side in the last few months to really cram and intensively revise who would have done well in the exam. So what the regulator in england has got to do is to make sure there operation on the ground regionally gets that balance absolutely right. Nothing can be changed at this stage, so are you optimistic that they have got it right . Quual have known for some time that exams will not be run in the normal manner. They have known that schools have to rely on internal assessments. You need to go back into recent history to understand why we move to final exams, michael gove chose to move to that because of unreliability. So theyve had for months to prepare for this. Unless they have taken a regional approach to drill into this, were going to have a repeat of this. What would you say to people who feel they have been seriously disadvantaged . What people who feel they have been seriously disadvantaged . What is your advice . Notjust rely on the school. The department for Education Needs to make it clear to families and students, that they have a right of appeal, and they have a right to sitan of appeal, and they have a right to sit an examination in the autumn term later. Dont just sit an examination in the autumn term later. Dontjust rely on the school to make an appeal. Some will not make that appeal on behalf of the students. So i hope the government see sense and communicate to parents that they have a right of appeal against the judgment which has been made and they shouldnt just rely on the school and the head teacher to do it. It makes it so difficult for parents, teachers, pupils as well. Already a stressful situation. Schools in scotland are beginning to return from today, for example, how important is it that children get back to school . Absolutely important. Children have had four months of education at home. Some have had good online programmes given to them and have done well, but a lot havent. We know from all the evidence that has come out that a lot of children have been doing a minimal amount of work, particularly those youngsters from poor backgrounds. If we are really intent on improving social mobility, intent on improving social mobility, intent on improving social mobility, intent on maintaining the improvement of English Schools that weve seen over the last ten years, then weve got to make sure that our youngsters return in september and not just youngsters return in september and notjust in a partial way, in an absolutely comprehensive way. Briefly, with what happened in scotland, the fact that people have missed so much school and not taking exams, are you worried this will have a permanent light on some young peoples lives . Yes. And this must not be the generation of young people that looks back on this time and says, we were badly treated. In the way that other generations have not beaten. We have not been given the same opportunities as other young people, so its absolutely essential that schools go back in full in september, but also that head teachers and government will put in all sorts of remedial programmes to make sure that pupils catch up. Thank you very much for your time on breakfast. Carol is at an urban allotment with the weather this morning. Where are your gardening tools . They arejust where are your gardening tools . They are just out of shot good morning. Im in beckenham, surrounded by fruit and vegetables. We have the whole works. Interest in allotments has soared during lockdown. 2020 has seen an increase of 45 and that has been put down to covid. Its dry here, its humid here, interestingly today we could hit 35 degrees again. That will mean it will be the fifth consecutive day were somewhere in the uk has had a temperature higher than 34. We expect the same again tomorrow, six days is unprecedented in the uk. So the focus today is a hot one, humid one and there will be heavy and thundery downpours. In the last 24 hours, there have been more than 50,000 lightning strikes, so a lot. There are currently torrential downpours over parts of south west scotland, the Central Lowlands and into the highlands. An arm of rain is extending over england. There is a lot of mark around on the coast. Inland, a lot of dry weather and a lot of sunshine, but as temperatures rise through the day, for england and wales, further thunderstorms develop. All thunderstorms have the potential to be torrential, leading to flash flooding, gusty winds and large hail. Temperature range today, 1735. We large hail. Temperature range today, 17 35. We will lose the daytime thunderstorms, but further ones will develop over the north and west, again torrential. Its another humid one, whenever you are. Still in high double figures. Even 20 degrees for some parts of the south east. For scotla nd some parts of the south east. For scotland and Northern Ireland, it will dry scotland and Northern Ireland, it willdry up, but scotland and Northern Ireland, it will dry up, but we seeing a lot more coming in over england and wales. Again with the potential for torrential downpours and locally some flash flooding. Tomorrow is probably the last day in this spell we will see 35 degrees somewhere in the south, but in the north, temperatures a bit more comfortable. As we head into thursday, it will turn a little bit fresher. The maximum temperature will still be about 29 degrees, we will still see some thunderstorms come in over england and wales, but drier over scotla nd england and wales, but drier over scotland and Northern Ireland. These are the temperatures you can expect, about 19 29, as we push down towards the south. The headlines are coming up the south. The headlines are coming up next. Good morning, welcome to breakfast with Louise Minchin and jon kay. 0ur headlines today children in scotland begin returning to the classroom as the Scottish Government faces criticism over low exam grades. Talks take place in paris on how to stop hundreds of migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats. Good morning. How big is the jobs crisis . The latest unemployment figures are out in the next few minutes ill crunch the numbers and ask whether the furlough schemes obscuring the real picture. With live music on hold during the pandemic, pop superstars get behind a campaign to save the industry good morning. An extra time penalty sends Manchester United into the Europa League semi finals. Theyll face wolves next, if they beat sevilla tonight. Good morning. Its tuesday, 11th august. Our top story. Scotlands education secretary, john swinney, will explain today how he will address problems with the way School Pupils were awarded grades this year, in the absence of exams. The first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has apologised after the marks given to pupils were based partly on the past performance of their schools. The process meant that 125,000 results were downgraded. Alexandra mackenzie reports. 16 year old 0livia thought she was on track to study medicine. She got five as in her higher prelims, but those were not the results awarded by the sqa. Instead she received two as and three bs. I wasnt really nervous at all because i kind of knew what i was expected to get, and then i got my results and i was completely devastated. I was heartbroken. Literally i was, like, i thought my dreams were crushed. As the first minister visited a west lothian school, the education secretaryjohn swinney had signalled a u turn and said he would address the Scottish Parliament later today. Shortly after her visit came an apology. Despite our best intentions i do acknowledge that we did not get this right and im sorry for that. Its back to school today in the borders and in shetland. Tomorrow, a staggered return begins in the rest of the country. Here in kelso there is concern for the safety of students, and also for the impact this years results process may have. It is a case of each kid is individual and based on the results in last years results, it just doesnt sit right with us. Students who took to the streets to protest their grades will be pinning their hopes on the education secretarys announcement in the Scottish Parliament. The first minister said its their responsibility to fix this and every young person should get a grade that recognises the work they have done. With a level results due out this week, those in england, wales and Northern Ireland will be hoping similar issues can be avoided. Alexandra mckenzie, bbc news. Were joined now from westminster by our political correspondent, jonathan blake. This is such a stressful time for pupils, teachers, members of staff etc. What is going to happen in scotla nd etc. What is going to happen in scotland today . Morning, louise. Its bad enough waiting for your exa m its bad enough waiting for your exam result in any case, but with the added anxiety this year of not really knowing how your grade is going to be calculated and whether it could be changed, even after you receive it. That is what is happening to students in scotland, as we have heard. We will hear from the Scottish Education secretary later on about how the government plans to reallocate grades to stu d e nts plans to reallocate grades to students who receive them a couple of weeks ago. After all the anger in response to the way they were changed. I think its fair to say there will be more of an emphasis on there will be more of an emphasis on the initial assessment of teachers because the overriding criticism of the way the grades were allocated in scotla nd the way the grades were allocated in scotland to students was that they did not take enough account of individuals and their hard work. For stu d e nts individuals and their hard work. For students waiting for their a level results in england, wales and Northern Ireland later this week, and their gcse grades next week, these are definitely nervous times. And the education secretary in england, Gavin Williamson, has said the system there is fundamentally fairand most the system there is fundamentally fair and most students will get the grade they would have received had they taken grade they would have received had they ta ken exams. Grade they would have received had they taken exams. Now that is a big commitment to make. Something which stu d e nts commitment to make. Something which students will be hoping comes to fruition. In terms of learning the lessons from what happened in scotland, the former head of 0fsted, michael wishyou, has been speaking on breakfast in the last hour about the potential lessons that can be learned. I think the mistakes are about not getting the balance right between the judgment of a youngster past my performance on the basis of the history of the school, and the previous results of the school, and individual student performance. Unless that balance is a correct one, isa unless that balance is a correct one, is a good one, then we are going to have a repeat of the scottish performance. Even in schools with a history of poor performance, there will be youngsters there who have worked very hard, youngsters who are very bright, who would have done well in that school, albeit with the school in difficulties. So there will be an appeals process in england and elsewhere in the uk as well. But with so much riding on these results, these are testing times for the Education Systems in all parts of the uk, and a tough test for the government is running them. Jonathan, thank you. The immigration minister, chris philp, will meet his french counterpart in paris today, to discuss how to reduce the number of migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats. Since thursday, more than 600 people have been intercepted. Gavin lee is in brussels for us this morning. Gavin, this meeting between the uk government and the french government, it is a big moment, but the two sides are really far apart, arent they . It is a bigger moment for the uk. We are hearing a lot of rhetoric. We heard from priti patel yesterday, she said the situation in terms of numbers is unacceptable. More than 611 days. More than 4000 since the start of this year. Twice the figure compared to. At the french are dealing with twice the number of interceptions this month than they did this time last year, in fact, overbefore. Than they did this time last year, infact, overbefore. But than they did this time last year, in fact, overbefore. But while you have the uk side are saying they are going to paris, they want some a nswe rs , going to paris, they want some answers, how you make it in viable, how you stop the smugglers, the french have been here before, the french have been here before, the french rhetoric is not quite the same, what we are hearing from paris is we are willing to listen to the uk. For example, we heard from a colour mp yesterday saying they had Something Like 50 miles of coastline from the west to the east, they cannot have this, a police officer, a drunk every ten kilometres. It is not viable. If you go back about a year, if you go back to theresa mays government dealing with the increase then of that involved money, money for cameras, money for new infrastructure as well, areas the french could make it harder. So we could be looking at that again today. Gavin, thank you. Gavin lee. The Outgoing Lebanese Prime Minister has blamed what he called a network of corruption bigger than the state for last tuesdays devastating explosion in beirut. In an angry televised address, hassan diab announced his governments resignation and said the risk of other catastrophes is huge. The blast killed more than 200 people and injured thousands more. The home secretary, priti patel, has been asked to consider allowing a virtual trial for the American Woman who is accused of killing 19 year old motorcyclist, harry dunn, in a Road Accident last summer. Anne sacoolas claimed diplomatic immunity and returned to the united states, following the collision outside raf croughton. The suggestion has been put forward by the dunn familys mp, andrea leadsom. President trump has praised the actions of the secret service after an armed man was shot close to the white house. Mr trump, who was holding a press co nfe re nce at the time of the incident was swiftly ushered away from the podium by a security agent. 0ur north america correspondent david willis reports. The nasdaq and the s p 500 and the dowjones are going to beat out a few minutes into a televised News Conference came this dramatic interruption. Excuse me . The president , breaking off mid sentence, only to be escorted from the briefing area in the west wing to the oval office. Nine minutes later, he and his team returned to the briefing room, with the president telling reporters, this time with a secret Service Agent standing guard at the door, the situation was under control. Thank you very much. There was a shooting. It was Law Enforcement shot someone. Seems to be the suspect and the suspect is now on the way to the hospital. I cant tell you the condition of the suspect. There was nobody else injured. There was no other Law Enforcement injured. The Us Secret Service later confirmed what they called an officer involved shooting, giving us the address, the Eisenhower Executive Office building, which is next door to the white house. A second tweet revealed that male suspect had been taken to hospital along with a secret Service Agent, but that at no time at the white house complexity and breached. The area remains sealed off for a while. The local Fire Department said later the suspect had sustained serious or possibly life threatening injuries. Although the motive remains unclear, officials are said to be investigating whether the individual in question had a history of mental illness. David willis, bbc news. Diners used the eat 0ut to help 0ut scheme more than 10. 5 million times in its first week, the treasury has said. The scheme gives people 50 off their meal on monday to wednesday throughout this month. The discount is capped at £10. The treasury estimates the average claim is around £5, making the cost of the policy £50 million so far. There were 50,000 lightning strikes in the last 24 hours across the uk, with lots of thunderstorms overnight across north wales, north west england and southern scotland. Lets take a look at some of the pictures posted on social media. The storms follow yellow weather Warnings Issued by the met office for thunder and lightning for the next few days. Feel free to send us your own pictures and videos at the usual address. They are pretty spectacular. Wow 20,000 . 25,000. Amazing. 11 minutes past seven. More than 4,000 migrants have successfully crossed the channel from france in small boats so far this year, risking their lives to travel to the uk through the worlds busiest shipping lane. The home secretary, priti patel, has stressed her commitment to making the route unviable, and is calling on the french government to take tougher action against those who attempt the crossing. Simonjones is in dover for us this morning. We know there is going to be this high level meeting later today. They will be so many things on top of the agenda. Good morning. Absolutely. It is another very calm day here in dover. If you look out to the channel, there is hardly a ripple. It is going to be another busy day for the lifeboat and also the border force and the coastguard. As we are likely to see rescues in the channel, we have got the immigration compliance minister going over to france to talk to his counterpart about what can be done about this. In the past few days here on brea kfast we in the past few days here on breakfast we have seen up close and what is happening in the channel. We took to a boat yesterday morning and on friday morning. The thing that struck me on both occasions is that we had not been out in the channel for very long before we came across boats. That gives you an idea of how prevalent this has become. A lot of times we are talking about the statistics. We are talking about yesterday 18 people coming across on one day last week. More than 200 last month. More than a thousand during the course of the month. When you get out on the channel you realise how dangerous this is. These are very small bolts. They are overloaded. They are passing through the busiest shipping lane in the world and passing through big tankers and containers and ferries. 0n tankers and containers and ferries. On both occasions we made sure the people on board were safe. We were asked to shadow the boat as it headed towards the coastline to make sure it was ok. The border force we re sure it was ok. The border force were busy dealing with other incidents. Just looking at some of those pictures now. You really do get a sense of what is going on. It isa get a sense of what is going on. It is a calm day. I suppose what many people might try to make that crossing again today . people might try to make that crossing again today . I think today conditions are perfect to attempt to get across the channel. We always say with a caveat that this is extremely dangerous. And often people are launching from beaches in northern france under the cover of darkness. It is around about now we start getting reports of bolts being found. A couple of Border Force Vessels out in the channel already. We have also got enhanced surveillance because yesterday the raf have given a plane to fly over the channel to help in gathering intelligence. Certainly things being stepped up. The home secretary came to dover herself yesterday. She was speaking to people from the border force and also the police. She wouldnt speak to the media despite repeated requests. She is determined to get to grips with this issue. The reality is britain and france are fairly divided over what should be done. I think both sides agree these crossings are dangerous and they need to stop. Britain say, try to turn boats back at sea. France say thatis turn boats back at sea. France say that is not safe. France also asking for more british money. Thank you. So what drives migrants to make the crossing, and what happens when they reach uk shores . Were joined now by tim naor hilton, head of asylum at refugee action, and also by andy roberts, who is a former coastguard. Good morning to both of you. Tim, if ican good morning to both of you. Tim, if i can start with you, the migrants who arrive, who your team deal with, what are you hearing from them about why it is that they want to, from france to the uk . What is the draw of this country . I think first of all we are talking about a global humanitarian refugee crisis. This is not just playing out humanitarian refugee crisis. This is notjust playing out in the English Channel. People are fleeing from desperately difficult situations. We are working with people from iran, iraq, afghanistan, sudan, eritrea, syria, for example. These people are fleeing either war situations, they are fleeing situation where they have had their lives put in danger, they have seen members of their family killed due to political affiliations or links to particular communities or religions. And we are seeing people fleeing gender based violence. Those are the reasons why people are making the journey is from their countries, they are being forced out, and the vast majority of those people are finding themselves in the neighbouring countries to wear these crises are taking place. A small number are making it through to europe. It is worth remembering that france is taking almost three times as many people seeking asylum is the uk. So this is not a case of its people simply passing through france and coming to the uk. A small numberare france and coming to the uk. A small number are doing that. They are doing it because they may have Community Links in the uk, they may have links to friends or family. Some of them have a belief in british justice and fairness. Some of them have had terrible experiences and believe the uk is the best place to find that protection. The most important thing is there are very few safe and legal routes to claim asylum. People have the legal right to claim asylum if they experience the things ive talked about. But there are no routes to do that. The government has a Resettlement Programme that has a Resettlement Programme that has not resettled anybody since march. Primarily due to the Coronavirus Crisis, but that, we believe now, a date should be set for when the Resettlement Programme can restart. And the focus should be not on board ares and protecting borders, but should be on ensuring there are safe and legal routes for people who are fleeing, are being forced to flee from their countries, and are looking for safety and protection. I wanted to talk to you as well, andy roberts, a former coastguard. You know these waters well. We have seen an indication today of how dangerous they are. Are you noticing more people attempting to come across . What is the best way in your view of trying to tackle what is happening . Well, yes there isa what is happening . Well, yes there is a lot more people coming across. So far this year it is more than double the number that successfully crossed last year. How to tackle it is very difficult. The prime aim is safety at sea. Preservation of life at sea. The french shadow many of these boats coming across. They refused to be rescued by the french. So they come across, and then when they reach uk waters they might dial 999, or the french have been in contact already with the border force in the uk, and theyre are met by the border force and that is when they want to be rescued and they get on board the Border Force Vessel and come to the uk. Now to me it is the traffics, the gang masters that need to be caught or. The National Crime agency in the uk and the french equivalent should be working together. These boats they are coming across in are inflatable. Wherever they are sourcing it from, they have to try to nip that in the blood. And the problem is, theyre being very successful. So the news gets back to the migrants who want to come here, in france, and more and more are wanting to do it. How you can actually stop it without complete cooperation of the two governments, ijust complete cooperation of the two governments, i just dont complete cooperation of the two governments, ijust dont know. Those governments coming face to face today to try to come up with some kind of solution. Andy, one of the suggestions has been a push by policy, a so called push bike policy which has been tried in australia, may be with the royal navy literally pushing back boats towards france and not letting them get to the uk. As a former coastguard, how safe, how realistic do you think that would be . Not realistic at all, im afraid. They are already threatening to jump overboard when the french have tried to stop them. Some have held their children over the water and said, i am going to drop my child in if you try to rescue us. I cannot see how the navy could force anyone back without there being some tragedy or other with people drowning. Lets get the response from you, tim. It is clear this is a dangerous thing to do. What makes it safer for people . What persuades them that perhaps there is a different way to seek asylum . Perhaps there is a different way to seek asylum . It is an incredibly dangerous thing to do. You can only imagine what it must take to put yourself and your family into a dinghy and cross the English Channel. It is incredibly dangerous and it is a sign of that wider global humanitarian crisis. If we simply look at this as being around what happens and how we treat boats in the channel, of course we need to protect the people who are putting themselves in those incredibly dangerous positions. But to go back to the main point here, unless we start to create safe legal routes for people fleeing their country is for people fleeing their country is for the reasons we talked about earlier, then this will not be dealt with and it will continue to be a set of media sound bites and rhetoric. We need action, we need safer routes and the Resettlement Programme started again. We will be talking about this again today because the french and british governments are coming together. I get the sense that you are saying it needs to be more than that, it needs to bea needs to be more than that, it needs to be a wider consultation, is that right . Yeah, i think of the focus of the conversation is simply whether to, how the navy can turn boats back or not in the channel, they will be missing the point massively. We need to listen to the people making these crossings. We need to accept that this is part of a wider global situation. And we need to bring in those safe and legal routes. Until we do that, this situation will continue to go on. Thank you both. You are watching breakfast. 22 minutes past seven. There has been an update on the latest unemployment figures. Ninas with us and can explain whats going on. Yes, the report has come out in the last ten minutes. Good morning. An update on unemployment and the wider jobs market. A sobering read. What we are seeing is the biggest quarterly drop in employment since 2009, just after the financial crisis. Everyday we are hearing about morejobs crisis. Everyday we are hearing about more jobs being crisis. Everyday we are hearing about morejobs being lost, jobs under threat, and even the chancellor said hardship lies ahead. Lets start with the unemployment rate. The percentage of people out of work between april and june. That has remained steady at 3. 9 . 1. 35 million. That is similar to pre lockdown. It suggests things have not got worse. That is because it does not count people out of work and looking for a job. Now this is far more telling. This is the number of people registered on the National Payroll. Between april and june, 730,000 people left the payroll. Stop being on staff employment. That isa stop being on staff employment. That is a big downward turn. And this is really important. They have looked at the number of hours collectively worked. That is at an all time low. It doesnt take an economist to work out that is not good news forjobs. A slight ray of sunshine, if you can call it that, the number of vacancies is up slightly on the last month but nowhere near pre lockdown. Inside the report it says those jobs around people trying to make their environments covid 19 say. Through the follow scheme the government is paying the majority wages of 9. 6 millionjobs between now and 0ctober. That scheme will end. Its expected many more jobs will be lost. The bank of england has estimated unemployment could reach 7 in the autumn. That could mean 2. 5 Million People out of a job. Another experts say that could be way higher, especially if we see a second spike. When you look at the numbers, the 730,000 people no longer registered on paye, it shows the worry is these people are over 65 or self employed or in part time work. The early kind of people that might struggle to pick up work again. These are the kind of people. There are still names of people. There are still names of people on the furlough scheme. The prediction is things will get worse. You sort of get the sense that we are beginning to see the real fallout. 0ther figures are beginning to see the real fallout. 0therfigures coming out later in the week . Yes, thats right. Tomorrow, we will see the gdp figures, how much. You are absolutely right. These figures only go to the end ofjune. We dont love the full picture forjuly. As the chancellor has told us, there are dark days ahead, and this will get worse, especially as we hit the autumn. I wish i could Say Something more cheerful. Yet there is a small ray of light with job vacancies, thatis ray of light with job vacancies, that is because they are around covid safety. Very little good news. A good recruitment gas later . Yes, james cannon, one of the dragons from dragons den. He will be giving tips on how you can spruce up your cv and let yourself best place to find a job if you are unemployed or facing in employment. Thank you. You are watching bbc breakfast. Well catch up with former paratrooper and double amputee Ben Parkinson, who is hand cycling1,000 miles to raise funds for Motor Neurone Disease. We ll be discussing that shortly, and bringing you the latest news and weather. But the time now is 7. 26. Now lets get the weather with carol, who is at an allotment in south london. Checking her runner beans and tomatoes, yeah . Absolutely im at the dorset road allotments in beckenham. I am surrounded by lots of fruit and veg because tomatoes and squash love the kind of weather we are having, the heatwave. Where is things like lettuce, raspberries, french beans, just dont like it at all. It beat like myself. Too hot and humid. There has been a surge in the interest and also enquiries about having an allotment in this country since lockdown. It has surged by about 45 . There is a waiting time of between six months and 18 months if you do want to get one. The mind charity says working in the garden is really good for you. During lockdown i have thoroughly enjoyed it myself. Never having been much of a gardener before. Today is already about 22 degrees here in beckenham. The forecast for today is hot and humid, even further north today, and one of some heavy, thundery downpours. It could lead to flash flooding. At the moment we have a weather front across the north west of the country. That is producing heavy and i thundery downpour is across parts of scotla nd i thundery downpour is across parts of scotland and the tail end of it extending down into northern england. We have also got quite a bit of low cloud, mist and fog across South West England, South West Wales and eastern england, most of which will linger on the coast. A lot of dry weather. The thunderstorms we have in the north will continue to drift north. As temperatures rise we will see further thunderstorms develop across england and also wales. A drier day for Northern Ireland. The temperature range about 19 in the north to 35 once again in the south. It will be humid wherever you are today. Through this evening and overnight we start to see the daytime thunderstorms fade. They will be replaced by more thunderstorms developing across the north and also the west. And once again we will see some low cloud coming in from the north sea, again along that east coast of the country. It is going to be a humid night. Some of us getting down to 20 degrees or in the mid to high teens. Tomorrow, we watch our thunderstorms again pushed north. A lot of dry weather. Low pressure coming in from the south west. That will bring in once again some more thunderstorms across parts of england and wales. And away from the east coast, temperatures still getting up to the low 20s to the mid 30s. That is the last day of those high temperatures. By last day of those high temperatures. By the time we get to thursday a lot of thunderstorms across parts of england and wales. Still a lot of dry weather. Still low cloud on the east coast. Feeling fresher. Top temperature of 29 degrees, which is still pretty hot. More weather later. Hello, this is breakfast with Louise Minchin and jon kay. The latest news. The Scottish Government will explain today how it plans to address concerns about School Grades after many students complained they had received worse results than they expected. Children are expected to go back to the classroom from today. There are concerns about the effectiveness of the governments track and trace system, something weve talked about so much here on breakfast. How is it going . Were joined now from westminster by Health Minister edward argar. Thank you very much indeed for joining us. I am trying to remember, it was ten weeks ago we were promised that this was going to be a world beating test and trace system. Yesterday we hear the whole thing has been overhauled, people are going to be gotten rid of, the whole system is changing. It looks like it is not really world beating . Ant i dont think thats a fair characterisation. Weve always said it will evolve. Now it is evolving and flexing. If you look at international comparisons, the who yesterday said we had an effective system and were supporting our local lockdown methodology. We are making contact with just shy of 80 of those who test positive and make contact with just shy of those contacts. Contact with just shy of those co nta cts. We contact with just shy of those contacts. We a re contact with just shy of those contacts. We are being transparent about this. If you look at new york, they are making contact with 42 . New zealand are a few Percentage Points higher than ours. They have made contact with 360 people in the past six weeks. In the past ten weeks, we have made contact with a quarter of a million different people, thats a significant effort starting from scratch. What we have learned from local lockdown is and how they work, we have all worked in Close Partnership with local authorities, this is about taking that partnership a step forward and strengthening it further. Youve given us examples of countries which are better than ours, so we are not world beating . The percentage performance in new zealand is only marginally better than us. In new york, it significantly lower contacts york, it significantly lower co nta cts york, it significantly lower contacts proportion of contacts being traced. 42 . We are on just shy of 80 of those who test positive being contacted. International comparisons, we are doing pretty well on this. Most European Countries dont publish any data on this at all. Its all about perception, about confidence. With kids going back to School Across the uk over the next few weeks, starting today in parts of scotland, you know that a lot of parents just dont have confidence in this test and trace have confidence in this test and tra ce syste m have confidence in this test and trace system yet. They dont know whether they can trust their kids into school life as things stand at the moment. Looking at some of the figures this morning, we are seeing some data, some research on the front page of the Times Newspaper that says older children in secondary schools might be passing on this virus in a way that adults do in the workplace. That will affect peoples confidence if they dont trust test and trace . The most important thing is to get our children back to school, back to school safely, because every day they are out of school is harming their education. The Prime Minister has been clear, we will get more pupils safely back to school from september in england. Regarding the story on the Times Newspaper about research under way, firstly, its not complete and i dont want to prejudge what it will or wont say, it will be published and you and others will rightly question it and look at it, but what we have at the moment are a significant number of international studies. Weve seen in norway and denmark where schools have gone back, we havent seen any increase in transmissions within them. In france, there was a study and in australia a recent study, all of which suggested that children we re of which suggested that children were less likely to get the disease, tha nkfully were less likely to get the disease, thankfully much less likely to have serious symptoms and suffer the ill effects of it that require hospitalisation, and crucially they we re hospitalisation, and crucially they were less likely to transmit it to adults or to see it transmitted between adults in those environments. The evidence continues to evolve, but on what we have seen so far, the president of the royal couege so far, the president of the Royal College of paediatrics on a different media outlet was saying the study suggest that we can have confidence that children and young people are less affected and less likely to transmit this disease. But we will look at the study by Public Health england when it is complete. When are we going to get it . Children are going back to school from today in parts of the uk. Its the kind of information that pa rents, the kind of information that parents, pupils and teachers need now. There are a significant number of studies around the world which have been published. This will be one more. I dont know the exact publication date. Ive been on your Programme Many times in the past few months. Back in the studio for the first time in four months today, but what ive said throughout is one study does not a consensus make, and its right we dont set an arbitrary timeline in the studies which need to be Peer Reviewed and looked at properly to ensure scientists can do theirjob to come up with Meaningful Evidence based views. But on the studies we have seen so far, i think pa rents studies we have seen so far, i think pa re nts ca n studies we have seen so far, i think parents can have confidence that it is safe for their children to go back to school, and its very important that children do go back to school, so they can continue their education. How likely is it that children will soon be wearing Face Coverings in classrooms . Its not something were looking at now. The department for education has made it clear that that poses a challenge to the ability to teach and to learn in certain contexts. We dont think its necessary at this point because we are setting out different year groups as social bubbles. Were there to be a case, and schools are a low risk environment on the base of the studies we have at the moment, were there to be a case, we could implement a version of the local lockdown, testing and tracing for classes to contain such an outbreak. But at the moment, we believe social distancing around the bubbles and around the facility to test if necessary a re around the facility to test if necessary are the right ones to continue to make our school safe when they reopen. The government has consistently been behind the curve on Face Coverings. Earlier in the year we were told we didnt need to worry about them, then we were told ofa worry about them, then we were told of a useful, then we were told you dont have to wear them in shops, then you did, you dont need to wear them in museums, now you have to, it feels like its only a matter of time before they could well be in schools and it changes again. Throughout this, firstly weve been learning more about this disease every day since it first appeared in this country. When i first came into the studio back in february or early march, we knew very little about how this disease behaved. The Scientific Community was learning more and more every day. We need to be guided by scientific advice on masks and other aspects of this, which, as you will have seen over the past three or four months, has evolved. There is no consensus around this. We have seenin no consensus around this. We have seen in recent weeks and months are growing Scientific Consensus around the use of face masks, which is why we took the steps we did when we took them, around public transport and shops. We have been guided by science. Ministers decide but scientists give us the best advice they can. We listen to the advice, we study it and we follow it. Guided by the advice is such a complicated phrase because it sounds like there is one scientific answer to all of this and you follow it. But the science is multiple different theories and ideas. Its a bit of a cover you are hiding behind, as politicians, isnt it . You would be quite rightly the first people to challengers if we said there was a multiplicity of scientific advice and we will not listen to it and just do what we think. Quite rightly, we will listen to the Scientific Community and what they are advisers. Your right to say that science, there is no single right answer, science evolves, its a process of continuous debate, new evidence, sifting, and thats why the position on masks has evolved over time, as we learn more about the disease, have weve learned more about the impact that masks have on protecting others and not transmitting the disease in certain environments, as we know more about how the disease behaves inside compared to outside. So it is not a fixed homogenous, this is the way to do it, but you do get a scientific debate that drives a broad consensus and we quite rightly as politicians will listen to those experts, though scientists, as you would expect us to do. Isnt the problem that over the last few weeks and months, there have been quite a lot of inconsistencies, a lot of confusion about the message and what were to be doing, and thats where we are with schools . Parents, kids, teachers, are confused about what the science says. In other countries they have had outbreaks in schools. We are in this situation of, who do we trust, who do we believe . In terms of different scientific views, yes, there are different interpretations out there. The evidence base, even five months on, that continues to evolve as we learn more and more about the disease. But in terms of messaging, i think we have been consistent. It was always going to be more complex in terms of messaging when you move from a very simple blanket stay at home, which had to happen in late march, to a gradual step by step restarting of daily economic life, of social life, of everyones life. There was always going to be a complex step by step process which of course would need more nuanced messages. That was the reality of coming out of a blanket lockdown approach. We sought to be as consistent and clear as we could be. The messaging around schools todayis be. The messaging around schools today is they will reopen, its vitally important they do reopen because young people and children need that education, we need to be backin need that education, we need to be back in school and they will be back in school. Edward argar, thank you very much forjoining us on brea kfast. Very much forjoining us on breakfast. Thank you. Now the sport. A goalkeeping master class from the fc copenhagen keeper, but in the end he couldnt keep out the extra time penalty that saw Manchester United through to the Europa League semifinals last night. And it could be an all english tie, if wolves beat the five time champions sevilla later. 0ur Sports Correspondent andy swiss reports. The start of a frantic fortnight of football to decide the european honours. First up, Manchester United against copenhagen in cologne in germany, where the Europa League is being completed. Confused . Well, united certainly were, with some pretty wobbly defending early on, and then frustration at the other end. Mason greenwood thought hed put them ahead, but he was just offside. It summed up uniteds first half. And, guess what, just after the break, they had another goal ruled out, this time Marcus Rashford the man offside. And when Bruno Fernandes then thumped the post, united must have wondered if it was one of those nights. Still goalless after 90 minutes, it was into extra time and at last, Anthony Martial fouled, penalty awarded, and fernandes ruthlessly dispatched it. It certainly hadnt been easy, but united into the semifinals and their european hopes still very much alive. Andy swiss, bbc news. The Scottish Government is warning it could call a halt to the scottish football season after another breach of coronavirus protocols. Celtic player Boli Bolingoli flew to spain without the club knowing, failed to quarantine on his return, then played in a league match on sunday. Hes since tested negative, twice, and apologised. Celtic say theyre investigating. It comes days after eight aberdeen players broke rules by gathering in a bar after a match,which led to two testing positive. In a bar after a match, which led to two testing positive. Days after saying the sports younger players are not good enough, ronnie 0sullivan will need to come from behind against someone whos a year older than him if hes to avoid a quarter final exit at the World Snooker championships. Hes 6 2 down in the best of 25 frames match, against the three time champion mark williams. The welshmans won the last four frames which included a break of 130 at the end of their first session to give him a big advantage heading into this afternoon. Defending champion judd trump is also trailing, 10 6, to kyren wilson. And you can catch up with all of those quarter finals on bbc two at ten oclock this morning. You can see how much snooker has changed, with nobody watching in the arena. Hundreds of live music and arts venues across the uk will light their buildings red today to draw attention to the impact of covid 19 on those working in the entertainment industry. The sector says its on the verge of collapse unless it receives urgent Financial Support from the government, as our arts correspondent Rebecca Jones reports. And we rely on each other. Its played host to the biggest names in pop. But glastonburys famous pyramid stage remained dark this year. The festival was one of hundreds of live events postponed or cancelled due to coronavirus. And social distancing guidelines mean most gigs and festivals are unlikely to return before 2021. 0rganisers of the Red Alert Campaign say that means more than a Million People are at risk of losing theirjobs, from sound engineers to lighting designers. Theyve released interviews with celebrities who want to show their support. Many of these people are freelancers and so dont fall under sort of furlough schemes and so on. Right now theyre feeling the pinch very badly, and if we want live events and festivals to stay an important british business, then it needs to be supported. To draw attention to the situation, a boat will make its way down the thames tonight, passing organisations including the National Theatre and the tate gallery, which will be lit up in red. Nearly 400 other venues and Companies Across the uk will make a similar visual statement. Those taking part say while live streams, virtual festivals and even some socially distanced events provide an alternative, they are not going to sustain an Industry Worth £100 billion to the economy. Rebecca jones, bbc news. Werejoined now by the man behind tonights event, gary white. Good morning to you. Thank you so much forjoining us. What are you hoping to achieve . So many people affected by whats happened in the events industry. What we are planning is to allow our friends and collea g u es planning is to allow our friends and colleagues in the sector to have a voice. We want to raise awareness to the government. For them to understand our situation. Tell us about the jobs that people are in and how many people. Its the whole supply chain. The government have offered support to the venues, but the funding is for the venue to stand still. 50 of most venue staff have been made redundant by many venues. Following the supply chain through to catering, lighting rigours and manufacturers, its a disastrous situation for us. We have spent the best part of 40 years becoming a world leader. Now we are slowly watching it fall apart in front of our eyes. Its devastating. You have some big name supporters backing you. How important is that . Absolutely. It allows us to get some additional publicity, to be frank. Peter gabriel, paloma faith, leona lewis, frank skinner, imogen heap and even captain sensible. So we are ina very and even captain sensible. So we are in a very strong place. So many people will be missing out on the things they love, the concerts they love to go to, when do you see we will be able to get back to any sense of what it was like before . At the end of february, i was overseas in saudi arabia. I came back and literally within one week, all of my project for the next 18 months disappeared. It was like watching a screen at an airport where everything just went straight to cancellation in front of my eyes, along with all my colleagues. I suppose at the beginning i thought we might see a return in december and the further we go, the more it looks like may be spring next year if lucky. Everyone in the sector is now looking at 12 months without any income. Tell us about the plans. We are going to have a boat go down the river thames and the buildings are lighting up . Our friends and colleagues, its an invitation event only and registration is closed. We will be standing side by side, socially distanced of course. It is a mandatory masked event. We are being fully compliant with Westminster Council and the police are fully aware of what our plans are. Thank you for talking to us. Almost every story we are talking about comes back to coronavirus. But there has been a surge in demand for dogs, but there is a concern about the number of puppies being brought in from abroad. Concerns have been raised though about how many puppies are being imported to the uk from overseas and the issue will now be debated in parliament. It was inspired by the story of love island couple, Molly Mae Hague and tommy fury. They spoke out injune after their puppy died, just six days after it arrived from russia. Everyone makes mistakes. Just because we are in the public eye doesnt mean that we dont make mistakes. Its positive that we can share the story. I dont wish this on my worst enemy. Hopefully you guys can take stuff out of this and use it in your own lives, if you are thinking of doing anything like this. Stop and put more time into it. I was so prepared for the dog. I was ready to give him so much love. The love island couple talking about how importing a dog broke their heart in the end. Were joined now by tv vet marc abraham. What is the reality of what is going on at the moment . There is a definite spike in demand for puppies. People want companionship and something to keep the kids entertained. But this desperation has led to them being sourced from irresponsible breeders. Puppy farming has gone on for a long time in the uk, but thanks to legislation ill breeders are accountable. The governments own advice is very clear. The is another route to market which means puppies can be bought from overseas puppy farms and careered to bought from overseas puppy farms and ca reered to england bought from overseas puppy farms and careered to england and the public dont see the conditions it was born in. So whilst the government advice is to always physically see the puppy is to always physically see the puppy interact with its mother, this is impossible on this legal route to market. So the campaign at the moment is to ban this exploitative route to market for young puppies for sale in the uk. The only way to purchase a pup is to physically see it interact in the place it was born with its mother. What are some of the worst examples you have seen . The classic one is the one you have just shown. That dog was flown to amsterdam and then careered to the uk. It had a deformed skull, it had epilepsy, these are diseases, medical, surgical, behavioural, these puppies that are coming from abroad, much like puppy farming in the uk, these cute bundles of absolute time bomb diseases so they die within days of reaching the uk or have to spend years on treatments and having behavioural modification therapy. So what were trying to do is keep responsible, keep all breeders responsible. The solution is easy, you raise the minimum import age for pups from 15 weeks to six months. That gives the rabies vaccine time to work. Rabies affects the human population as well. We are asking to raise the age to six months, which means theyre less desirable and there will be less pppy desirable and there will be less poppy farming abroad, there will be less dying pups and more dogs will be taken from rescue centres. people have suspicions that a puppy is coming from a difficult situation, i will show it love and i will get it treatment and do what is best for this animal. You can see how people convince themselves it is a good thing. Youre absolutely right. That was one of the most honest revelations from that couple was raising awareness, which really helps. It sparked the petition which is still alive. The petition is nearly 103,000 so it has triggered a debate in westminster. That is in 41 days and it has six months to run. If you want to sign it, find it on the government website and search for a the government website and search fora ban the government website and search for a ban puppy imports. They did their research, but what they found was a legal route to market. Its a big ask of people. When someone is saying sourced responsibly, they didnt go in the dark web, they didnt go in the dark web, they didnt go in the dark web, they didnt go underground, they did everything right. Something that was com pletely everything right. Something that was completely legitimate, but its unethical and its immoral and thats why it needs to be closed down. Thats why the only way to get a puppy down. Thats why the only way to get a puppy should be to physically see it in the place was born, interacting with its mother, or go toa interacting with its mother, or go to a rescue centre instead. If you stick to those two options, then you can source your puppy responsibly. Mark abraham, thank you very much indeed. Thats something politicians will be discussing in parliament when mps come back after the summer recess. Very interesting to hear his point of view on that. Carol is at an urban allotment for us this morning. We are in dorset road allotments in beckenham. Im joined by we are in dorset road allotments in beckenham. Imjoined bya we are in dorset road allotments in beckenham. Im joined by a very successful farmer. I beckenham. Im joined by a very successfulfarmer. I like to be beckenham. Im joined by a very successful farmer. I like to be cold the black farmer, so id like to get that in. I love allotments. Iwas brought up in a place cold small heathin brought up in a place cold small heath in birmingham. Its a classic urban area. This is a wonderful oasis. You would never think you are in london in a place like this. At the age of 11, i love being on the allotments so much i decided that one day i would own my own farm. It took me 30 years to do that, but being in an allotment where you can grow things, not only grow things but you can eat the things you grew, i believe its so good for your well being and it i believe its so good for your well being and it gives you a sense of the wonders of the world around you. Allotments are very important. How difficult is it to get an allotment these days in urban areas . Its really difficult. You can imagine that with covid, a lot of people will be made unemployed, my father had an allotment to supplement the family income. Without that, we would have gone hungry. And i think its very important that councils, people who own land, start to divide that land up own land, start to divide that land up so people can actually have access to land to be able to grow their own food. 0ne access to land to be able to grow their own food. One of the things that gets me very cross is organisations like the church of england, the government, councils, universities, own vast swathes of land. How much of that land are they allocating to people from Diverse Communities so they can get a taste of what its like being in the outside environment, but also a chance to grow their own food . Its been a pleasure. I wish we had more time. For now, thank you very much. Chance to grow their own food . Its been a pleasure. I wish we had time. For now, thank you very much. Its about 23 degrees at the moment. The forecast for today is hot and humid, with thunderstorms. Some of them will be torrential, potentially leading to flash flooding. We have heavily thundery downpours. We have some thunderstorms currently moving across kent. We also have a lot of low cloud coming in across South West England and also South West Wales as well as eastern england. Most of that burns back to the coast by midday. Thunderstorms in the north continued to drift northwards. Further thunderstorms developed over england and wales. Temperatures ranging from 19 in the north to a high of 35 in the south east. 0nce north to a high of 35 in the south east. Once again it will be an oppressive humid day notjust in the south east but really across the uk. Through this evening and overnight, daytime thunderstorms will tend to fade, but new will develop, particularly so in the north and west. Still the chance agreed to flash flooding, gusty winds and also large hail. 0nce flash flooding, gusty winds and also large hail. Once again, low cloud will move in from the north sea. Another humid night. Tomorrow, we start off with thunderstorms in the north west. Through the day, we have low cloud in from the north sea over eastern areas. England and wales both see thunderstorms. Not all of us, of course, it will be hit and miss. Temperatures hitting 35 degrees once again. By thursday, a bit of a change. Temperatures not as high, around 29 degrees, again thunderstorms for england and wales. Something more dry for Northern Ireland and scotland. Here it wont be as high. The headlines are coming up be as high. The headlines are coming up next. Good morning, welcome to breakfast with Louise Minchin and jon kay. 0ur headlines today. Children in scotland begin returning to the classroom as the Scottish Government faces criticism over low exam grades. Talks take place in paris on how to stop hundreds of migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats. The biggest drop in the number of people employed for 11 years. The latest unemployment figures are out and suggest the furlough scheme means worse is to come. Ill be speaking to dragons dens james caan about the future job market. With live music on hold during the pandemic, pop superstars get behind a campaign to save the industry. An extra time penalty sends Manchester United into the Europa League semi finals. Theyll face wolves next, if they beat sevilla tonight. Its tuesday 11th august. Our top story. Scotlands education secretary, john swinney, will address problems with the way School Pupils were awarded grades this year, in the absence of exams. The first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has apologised after the marks given to pupils were based partly on the past performance of their schools. The process meant that 125,000 results were downgraded. Were joined now from westminster by our political correspondent, jonathan blake. We know there is going to be a statement in scotland, is that likely to have an impact in what happens in the rest of the uk . Itll certainly be watched very closely in england, wales and Northern Ireland, where pupils are expecting to get a level results later this week and gcse results next week. Because the experience of many pupils in scotla nd experience of many pupils in scotland has been a very frustrating one, as you said. Almost a quarter of grades were revised down, using that standardisation system, which prompted huge levels of anger across scotla nd prompted huge levels of anger across scotland as pupils protested their results. And the frustration was that it didnt take account, the system didnt take account of individual students work. And i think when we hear from john swinney later about the new allocation of grades, its likely that that initial assessment of teachers for each individual pupil will be given a greater weight. As for results here in england, and in Northern Ireland and wales in the coming days and next week, Gavin Williamson, the english education secretary, has said that in his view, the system is fundamentally fair and most students will receive the grade they would have got the exams had been taken as normal. He hopes that will be reassuring but nevertheless it is a nervous few days and couple of weeks ahead or students awaiting their exa m ahead or students awaiting their exam results. There will be a process for them to be able to appeal against them if they believe they will not be fair. Weve heard about an appeal for universities to keep places open to students who believe that they have been given inaccurate or wrong grades on the basis that they might be changed after an appeal. At the same time, we know that schools are beginning to go back in scotland as well, there is still a lot of discussion about the children and safety in schools. Thats right. The debate goes on about whether it is safe for stu d e nts to goes on about whether it is safe for students to go back to school. Yesterday, the education secretary for england, Gavin Williamson, did his best to try and reassure parents that the time was right and it wasnt safe for pupils to return to all schools in england and it was safe for people to go back to school. He said there was little evidence that the virus is transmitted in schools. The results of that study that he referenced has not yet been published and this morning speaking on breakfast, the Health Minister struck a much more cautious tone but said nevertheless, pa rents cautious tone but said nevertheless, parents should be confident. What i have said throughout is, firstly, one study does not a consensus make, and it is right also that we dont set an arbitrary timeline on these scientific studies which need to be peerand at scientific studies which need to be peer and at properly to ensure that the scientists can do theirjob and come up with Peer Reviewed properly to ensure that the scientist can do theirjob and come up scientist can do theirjob and come up with good evidence. Based on many studies we have seen so far, parents can have confidence that it is safe for their children to go back to school. There are some conflicting reports about the conclusions of that study which is being done to assess the risk of the transmission of coronavirus in schools but i would expect the evidence and results to be published before the start of the Academic Year in england and for ministers to use it further in their argument that the time is right and it is safe for stu d e nts to time is right and it is safe for students to return. There will be a lot of interest when it is published. Thank you. The immigration minister, chris philp, will meet his french counterpart in paris today to discuss how to reduce the number of migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats. Since thursday, more than 600 people have been intercepted. 0ur correspondent simonjones is in doverfor us this morning. He has seen much of that activity in the channel over the last week for brea kfast. The channel over the last week for breakfast. An important date politically, meanwhile in the channel itself, this game of cat and mouse goes on. Yes, incredibly calm in the channel once again this morning and in the past hour or so, we have seen a couple of Border Force Vessels head out to sea, we understand they are dealing with one migrant boat. The immigration compliance minister is heading across the channel to meet his french counterpart. We are being told officially this is about cementing the understanding between the two sides but there are some big differences about whether boats should be turned back at the end whether britain should give more money to france to try to police this issue. I think over the past few days, going out to sea, we talk a lot about the numbers coming in, 18 people yesterday, more than 201 day one day last week, 1000 last month, but seeing it up close, you get a sense of the danger of this, people are very small boats crossing the busiest shipping lane in the world. Priti patel was here yesterday in dover, i understand she will hold talks with her french counterpart and a couple of days so the talks today could be a precursor on what is to come. Diners used the eat out to help out scheme more than ten million times in its first week, the treasury has said. The scheme gives people 50 off their meal on monday to wednesday throughout this month. The discount is capped at £10. The treasury estimates the average claim is around £5, making the cost of the policy £50 million so far. There were 50,000 lightning strikes in the last 24 hours across the uk, with lots of thunderstorms overnight across north wales, north west england and southern scotland. Lets take a look at some of the pictures posted on social media. The storms follow yellow weather Warnings Issued by the met office for thunder and lightning for the next few days. Thank you for sending in your pictures. Keep them coming. Feel free to send us your own pictures and videos at the usual address. We will put them on social media. Scary stuff. And carol has been talking about high temperatures, we will talk to her shortly. An escaped emu has gone on the run near doncaster. The six foot bird called ethel, has eluded police and the rspca for five days. Shes very timid and is reported to have legged it from a private wood after being startled by passers by taking her picture. Ethel can run at up to 30 miles an hour. Right now, she does not appear as if she wants to go back. 30 miles an hour, five days, she could be anywhere i love this statement from South Yorkshire police, quoted in the son, imagine the press of his having to issue this statement, we are aware of a number of reports relating to an escaped emu running down the Trans Pennine trail. I bet they never thought they would have to write that in a press release a week after thousands of scottish students were left disappointed by exam results they expected to be higher, schools are reopening their doors for a new Academic Year. So as pupils return to the classroom, how different will things be . Back to school was never like this before. Alexandra mckenzie is at a school in kelso in the Scottish Borders as it prepares for the first day of term. What are you seeing, whats it like . Well, kids are due to come back here in the borders and in shetland today and across the rest of the country in the next few days and i am at Kelso High School this morning. At the moment, there are more media than students but we are expecting about 600 kids to come here, they all about 600 kids to come here, they a ll start about 600 kids to come here, they all start today from secondary one up all start today from secondary one up to 68, the first and they have been to school in five months. Up to sixth year. Im joined by the head teacher, you are one of the first school to go back, how does that feel . We are looking forward to helping our young people back. As you said, its been five months since they have been here and speaking to young people locally they are excited to come back. There isa they are excited to come back. There is a bit of anxiety but we are here to get them back into their routines, so its all systems two. What kind of preparations have been in place . Since the Scottish Government issued the guidelines, we have been working closely with the council to make sure you follow the guidelines. There are some changes as you walk into the school, hand sanitiser, a one way system and when the young people go to classrooms, they have got to meet a social distance from staff and there are wipes through the room. We are trying to limit the amount of time they move through the building and keeping them in as much they can. It will be difficult but they will get into it after a week or so. Another issue schools will be facing today issue schools will be facing today is the exam results, john swinney, the education secretary, will make an announcement later today in Scottish Parliament. Thousands of pupils feel they been unfairly downgraded. The first minister has apologised, and they have said that they will fix it. Thank you very much. Lets continue talking about that. Werejoined now by two pupils who were affected by last weeks exam results. Olivia and her dad david join us from motherwell. Thank you forjoining us. Morning. I know you didnt get the grades you expected, so tell us what you expected, so tell us what you expected and what you got. expected, so tell us what you expected and what you got. I was expected and what you got. I was expected five as, because throughout the year i had expected received five as for all my tests but then i got 23 and three b3, so that was really distressed distressing. I got two as. I was really disappointed, it was my dream shattered. Those grades are still really great for most of us but i expect it affects what you want to do in your life and your education and career . Yes, because i want to go and study medicine next year, so i would really need all as orjust one b. Its so hard sitting by as a pa rent one b. Its so hard sitting by as a parent watching a child go through this, how has it been . She has underestimated how she is feeling, distraught doesnt cover it. Just looking on as a parent, i felt that sense of injustice for her, but also people who are waiting on two bs or cs, its notjust about 0livia, at about every single people who has been downgraded. You say she underestimates how she is feeling. You think are great have been underestimated by the process, by the way that coronavirus has you think her grades have been underestimated by the process, by the way that coronavirus has made sure they had given up. Just explain what you think has happened, why has she got lower grades than she was expected by her teachers to get . The teacher made an assessment, and it was not a quick assessment, it was a a five week process under the head teacher and under the sqa governance to submit grades. Then the government ran an algorithm to say, this is what your child has achieved. Despite what has been put m, achieved. Despite what has been put in, a computer model has been run against that to them downgraded certain pupils. The downgrading has come more specifically in historically low attaining schools. So if you have been in a low attaining school and you are a High Attaining School and you are a high attaining people, you are the most severely treated when they run the programme. Its almost like the official review doesnt believe that that schools pupils would get those higher grades . Absolutely, and it is specific to low attaining historical, but does not take account of one small class which is talented in one year which can go up or down depending on which year you are in. We will come onto what you wa nt to are in. We will come onto what you want to happen in a second. Lets speak to sarah. You have organised protest about this, you didnt get the grades you were predicted either . Sorry. Were having a technical issues. You didnt get the grades that you were expecting . No, i was predicted all as and had. In one of my assessment i got 96 and was one of my assessment i got 96 and was still downgraded to a b. Im so sorry, we have real problems hearing you. We know that you organised protest about what has happened. We know that there will be a statement today. 0livia, what would you like today. 0livia, what would you like to happen today . I would like john swinney to apologise for the m ista kes swinney to apologise for the mistakes that have been made, and hopefully he will reassess everyones result and give us what we deserved. But what does that look like . They cannot give you, i guess, go back and give you what the teachers would have given you, is that what you want . I dont know how they would work it out. Right now theyre talking about an appeals process where the appeals which have been downgraded, they can be put in to be reassessed. Hopefully they will be successful. But if not, im not sure what they should do. But just make sure that everyone gets a fair chance. David, what would you like to see happen . That would be a very lengthy and completed process, appeals to everybody who wants one. It genuinely would be and i think the problem. Mr sweeney and the first minister are facing that because there are 124,000 pupils who will be potentially appealing. But it needs to get down to individual pupils because the problem exists at an individual pupil level. A big broad brush approach, running another computer model aint going to cut it. Pupils need to feel that they have been treated with justice and grace, we need to hear, im sorry, this is what were going to do to sort it. If mr swinney wants me to try and help him solve it, we will help him, but he needs to understand the problem is that each pupil has faced. We will hear from him in the Scottish Parliament today, maybe we will him request your help officially there. Thank your help officially there. Thank you for all of them. Were joined now by sirjon coles, the governments former director general for schools and now chief executive of an academy trust. Im not sure how much of those interviews you heard, but a real sense of injustice from that father. Talking specifically about scotland, what can be done to fix it . talking specifically about scotland, what can be done to fix it . I think its very difficult. They have already got those individual pupil appeal process in place, but i suspect they have decided that will be unmanageable given the level of concern. Thats probably the reason why they have decided to change tack. Im not sure what they can do now, other than go back to the teacher grades. They dont have time to, i think, teacher grades. They dont have time to, ithink, devise teacher grades. They dont have time to, i think, devise and teacher grades. They dont have time to, ithink, devise and run teacher grades. They dont have time to, i think, devise and run a teacher grades. They dont have time to, ithink, devise and run a new computer model. So i think they have very limited options at the moment. So you could see perhaps a wholesale regrading, everything goes back in reverse . Regrading, everything goes back in reverse . I mean, not impossible. Ive been trying to think what options they have got other than doing that, and im not really sure ican doing that, and im not really sure i can see too many. As i say, they could devise a new computer model, im sure they tested various other models. They came to this one because they thought it was the fa i rest. Because they thought it was the fairest. It already in scotland includes between four and 5 of leniency, so you are seeing grades that are higher than they have ever been before. The difficulty they have got is distributing those grades fairly to individual young people. One thing i can see they can certainly do is go back to the teacher grades. That is something they can implement. Whether thats what they got in mind, im not sure. But Nicola Sturgeon was pretty unequivocal promising they would be a solution today. And so many pa rents, a solution today. And so many parents, pupils and students waiting for results across the uk for both gcses next week and a levels this week, are you concerned that the same thing could happen with those results . Same thing could happen with those results . I am concerned. Ofcom have been a bit more 0fqual have been a little bit more transparent about the way they have done this, more than the sqa have done in scotland, 0fqual have released the algorithm they are using. Sqa did build in some leniency, to 5 , and 0fqual have not done that, they have said there is a 1 uplift at gcse and 2 from a levels, but we know that comes from the small sections where they have had to use teacher grades. For the vast majority of young people, it is being decided by algorithm in the uk and i think that isa algorithm in the uk and i think that is a concern. And so on thursday, you imagine there will be similar scenes of children, pupils upset, pa rents a re scenes of children, pupils upset, parents are distraught, seeing their children not get the grades they think they would . I mean, obviously i dont want to make predictions, i certainly dont want to be alarmist about things. But its very, very difficult to use a statistical model to predict accurately at people level the grades that would be got, because the model requires 0fqual potentially to predict what result each school would have got, and School Results go up and down quite unpredictably from year to year so its very difficult to get it right using a statistical model. So i think inevitably, that will be less reliable, there will be less reliability in these results than in a normal year. Reliability in these results than in a normalyear. Thank reliability in these results than in a normal year. Thank you very much for talking to us. Pleasure. Its been a week since the explosion at a port in beirut devastated the lebanese capital, leaving more than 200 people dead, and thousands more injured. It led to accusations of corruption, violent clashes between protestors and police and the resignation of the entire national government. Yesterday on breakfast we spoke to rola stephan, a mother of five who said her life had been shattered by the blast. Nothing left of my home. Nothing left of what we built. 0ur lives, we are trying to. Put in place other plans, another home for the children, another home for the children in another area. Trying to survive. Since appearing on breakfast rola has returned to the streets of beirut to assess the devastation in her community. She was speaking to us yesterday from her flat, that she was speaking to us yesterday from herflat, that was she was speaking to us yesterday from her flat, that was devastated, shattered glass everywhere. This is a report taken on her phone for us here. Today, after almost one week, this is whats happening. We are trying to remove everything from the house, all the glass, all the shattered glass. We are trying to salvage some furniture. We cannot carry it 12 floors down, so theyre throwing everything down. This is where the explosion happened. This is the view from my living area. Complete destruction. Im walking with my daughter, to the ice cream place next door. There is volunteers. Cleaning our streets. This is our ice cream place, and this is the owner, elias hi this is what is left of our ice cream place. Those are the pictures of the clients. You find pictures of my children somewhere here. My children used to come and help, it was amazing. This is one of the survivors as well. They were here when it happened. This is near my house. This is a team and im part of it. You have a team working to put people, to place people in apartments who dont have any more homes, people are giving them their apartments, to help people who lost their homes. This is an operation here, there are groups working. Giving water, for people. Food, helmets, brooms, garbage bags, everything they need to help people. Its amazing. Hello. How are you . This is our best speaker. Met him since day one of the revolution. This is my friend who got injured on saturday. Everywhere. Here, here, here. We keep going, yeah . Love you guys. Hi i love these people. Those are family now. They are amazing. This is beirut, this is the heart of beirut. This is a building near my house. Nothing remained. Three people i know died in there. Thats my son, taking sandwiches and water for the army there. There is no electricity, there is no water in most of the apartments here. Thats my son giving the army men sandwiches and water. They speak own language. Hes saying they need some more sandwiches. What happened here cannot be matched in recent history. The only way to cure it is for this whole regime to step down with all its sponsors. You cannot expect the same people who got us here to fix it. These people need to go, for the lebanon we dream of to rise again. Please listen to us. That was our correspondent showing us around her neighbourhood, and we will keep in touch with over the and months. Bel trew is the independents middle east correspondent and joins us now from beirut. I remember speaking to you last week and seeing the first impact of what happened, and there you are again, quite extraordinary what has happened to this city. How are things now, people are still trying to sort things out . As you can see behind me, there is a man theyre putting together some of the debris from his home and business. There is still a massive clean up operation here. It is being led by volunteers, im not seeing any state input whatsoever. The scenes are pretty staggering. Still massive amounts of masonry and glass and iron rods which are coating what used to be a very popular bar and restaurant street in beirut. People are still being impacted massively by this placid little impact from the cove na nt. Placid little impact from the covenant. We know the whole lebanese government resigned yesterday, will that help the situation . That will temporarily ease some of the tensions, there were protesters who we re tensions, there were protesters who were saying this is a good move, the cabinet had to step down given what has happened. They still think the system itself needs to be changed, they call it rotten to the core and echoed some of the statements of the Prime Minister yesterday that the corruption is rampant. Some of the names which are being suggested for Prime Minister of former Prime Ministers and they say they do not wa nt ministers and they say they do not want the moving of the deckchairs. International consensus is that aid will have to have a stable government, people here are not happy. Do they have new elections, how would this happen . What happens next is that the president is going to call for mandatory consultations between the parliamentary blocs, they will come together and decide who will be the next Prime Minister and that is what is worrying people here because they see the bigger problems start within those political parties. After that person is chosen, they will put together a cabinet and there is a lot of pressure on them to do this speedily. The last time this happened in october, it took two months to find the new Prime Minister diab. We dont have that time. The devastation is huge, there is 250 Million Euros of aid which needs to be delivered and we need a government in place to do that. So many people made homeless as well, how are they managing, where have they gone . The most staggering thing which i have seen in this extraordinary situation is the total lack of government support. You would imagine that there would be schools and hospitals open to house people, there is nothing, its literally people helping people. In that report we just heard, we mentioned an organisation which is housing people, matching Homeless People up with housing which is empty, so people are going to stay with family and friends, strangers have opened up houses, hotels have opened up free rooms. Its not a long term solution. Many of the government to step up and rebuild homes, to have some kind of alternative. Houses and buildings look like this right now in central beirut. Thank you very much indeed for your time and analysis. You are watching breakfast. If the lightning was impressive last night, another treat in the skies tonight. The annual Perseid Meteor Shower make its peak. 100 shooting stars andi make its peak. 100 shooting stars and i will be visible if the clouds arent there. We will tell you per hour will be visible in the clouds arent there. Now lets get the weather with carol who is at an urban allotment in south london. Will there be cloud tonight . For some there will be. Im joined by linda phillips. Have you seen an increase for demand in allotments. Yes. How many do you have. We have 42 and it is rising. Lie do you think there is such a rise in interest. People have realised the importance of being jut door and growing vegetable and fresh air. Thank you for having us, it has been a pleasure and the weather, well, it is humid here and the forecast for today has high humidity in it, as well as high temperatures and some thundery down pours which could lead to localised flooding. Gusty winds and large hail. We have a front in the north west that is what is producing the thunder storms. Theyre going to be moving north during the day. But we have got some of those affecting northern england, north wales and another set coming in across kent. This morning there is some low cloud in the west, particularly western wales and South West Wales and the east. In between a lot of dry weather and sunshine. As temperatures rise, we will see further thunder storms and temperatures up to about 35 degrees. That is in south east. In the midlands, 30 degrees. Northern england about 27 and for Northern Ireland and scotland between 19 and 24. Where ever you are, it will feel humid. Tonight, we lose a lot of day time thunder storms initially, but we see further develop across the north west. They could torrential, leading to some flash flooding. The low cloud in eastern areas again and wherever you are it is another humid night, with temperatures into the high teens or the low 20s. Tomorrow, we watch the thunder storms in the north west drift north and there will be a lot of dry weather and cloud by the north sea coastline and further torrential down pours with temperatures up to 35 degrees. Another humid day in prospect. By the time we get to thursday, it is england and wales that will still have the thunder storms. Not all of us seeing them. Temperatures up to 29. In scotland and Northern Ireland something drier and brighter and also feeling fresher. That is it from me for today. I look forward to see you again tomorrow. Hello, this is breakfast with Louise Minchin and jon kay. Employment in the uk fell by the largest amount in over a decade between april and june according to figures just out this morning. Nina is here with more. Yeah it has not been nice reading the report. Yes, these figures really break down how the job market and unemployment figures are looking. Day after day, week after week weve been hearing about redundancies and jobs under threat. Unemployment percentage stayed the same at 3. 9 but thats because it doesnt take in those who are out of work but not actively looking for a job. Look at this though, the number of people registered on the National Payroll fell by 730,000 since march. That is a big downward turn and set to get worse when the furlough scheme ends. When you look at the numbers in more detail, one group that has been particulalry hard hit are older workers. Theres concern that many of them may never work again especially as training shemes and apprenticeships focus on the young. Our Business Correspondent sarah corker has been speaking to some people who are wondering what their futures might hold. Somebody like myself still has a significant number of years before can retire and i do need to work. The major challenge is knowing that the employers are probably going to pass you up for a younger applicant. Well, i have been here quite a few times before, so. And it never gets any easier, obviously, because as you get older, it gets more difficult. Ive already applied for that one. For those suddenly made redundant in their 50s, and 60s, the prospect of finding a newjob, competing against younger candidates, can be incredibly tough. You know, we are reliable, we are mature, sensible. Julies been job hunting since may. The party and Events Company she worked for in dorset went bust, a casualty of the lockdown. As more and more businesses every day are collapsing, theyre laying off more and more people like myself who have got years of experience, who are looking in job adverts every day and thinking, theres just nothing there, there is no end in sight. Julie says while the kick start scheme has helped younger workers, theres little support for her generation. When the government said they were going to do the 300,000 apprentice ships, i was sat at home thinking, well, hold on a minute, that could be 300,000 jobs that could be given to older people. And ijust think its as if weve been forgotten. Many over 50s now have to wait until theyre 66 to get their state pension. Keith is 63 and lost his finance job in derbyshire last month. I have applied forjob seekers allowance about a week and a half ago and i expect to hear from them in the next week or two. Have you ever applied for that before . I have never applied for any benefit in my life. So doing it at 63 must have been a bit of a shock for you maybe . Very demeaning. After a lifetime in work, hes now facing the most competitive jobs market for decades. Someone said to me, but if youre looking for experience, youre looking for experience. Yes, but how many Years Experience . 10 . 20 . 30 . Most companies would look at the long term prospect. How does that, make you feel . It makes me feel that ive got to fight a bit harder. Since february, the number of over 50s claiming Unemployment Benefits has nearly doubled, rising by 280,000. One in four older workers, around 2. 5 million, have been furloughed and women over 50 are most likely to be hardest hit. Figures suggest nearly 100,000 have left the workforce entirely. In greater manchester, heather believes shes previously been the victim of age discrimination. The best one is youre overqualified, which doesnt make any sense to me, because you know if youre qualified for this level, then you can do anyjob up to that level. So being overqualified doesnt mean a thing, except its another way of saying youre too old. Some people might say, youre 69, enjoy your retirement, put your feet up bgs but thats not what you want to do, is it . Feet up, but thats not what you want to do, is it . No no, i really dont. If somebody left me a million pounds, id still want to work. Julie, keith and heather want to get their working lives back on track, but the fear is some over 50s could be forced into a retirement they cant afford. We wish them all the best. Im joined now by entrepreneur and dragons den starjames caan. Who also works with 23 recruitment companies. What do you make of the report, nearly three quarters of a million fewer on the payroll than at the beginning of the pandemic . think it is devastating information. What i saw was there are 9. 2 Million People on furlough right now, with an additional 2. 6 million claiming benefits. That is nearly 11. 8 Million People today who are either being subsidised by the government or out of work. That is an unprecedented situation. That is 42 of the population on subsidies or out of work. This is probably the worst we have seen since the second world war. But necessary measures surely from the chancellor . world war. But necessary measures surely from the chancellor . I mean, you know, ithink surely from the chancellor . I mean, you know, i think the government have done a fantasticjob with the support they have shown, but the only thing that bugs me is this new scheme that they have introduced where theyre offering £1,000 for each employee that an employer takes back. When you look at it we have 9. 2 million on furlough. It is expected that at least 70 of the people will come back to work. The government should have put more into the people who are not going back to work. 0r giving bonuses for the people who would go back. If you look at that thousand pound theyre offering with 9. 2 Million People out offering with 9. 2 Million People out of work. That is £9 billion they will be giving to employers, but 70 of them were going to go back any way. So i would have like to see it go towards the unemployed or the people who will be out of work, rather than paying that money to employers for bringing back people they would have brought back anyway. While the government have done a good job, im concerned that scheme was ill thought through. Good job, im concerned that scheme was illthought through. So the jobs would still exist and where, because there is concern in todays numbers, about the under 25s and the over 60s, how can we address their concerns about the future job market . There is no question i think that there are going to be some incredible challenges that we are going to be facing over the next six months. We need to be retraining a lot of our employed people, what we have seen through this pandemic is a transformation of the way we work today. I think we are going to see more and more people working from home. So the landscape of employment has changed anyway. Before most employers were limited to hiring people, based on their commuting distance. Today, if so many of us are working from home, that barrier of commuting distance doesnt apply any more. I think the government could have had five billion set aside that theyre going to give to. Employers for people they were going to bring back any way we could have spent it retraining our workforce. When i looked at your article this morning, the younger people and the older people, theyre going to be the worst affected. So support there in terms of training, cross training, different skills, imagine the sector, the hospitality sector, which is one of the largest employers in the country, it has been devastated. Those millions of people, what are they going to be doing . Providing them an opportunity and Financial Support, giving them the opportunity to cross training to other sectors, there are many Different Things we could be doing, but right now those people have been left behind. What would you say to people watching, worrying theyre going to come off furlough to a job that doesnt exist, who are already unemployed, what measures can they ta ke unemployed, what measures can they take if theyre looking for work, you work with recruiters. take if theyre looking for work, you work with recruiters. I do, yeah. I think we are going to see the greatest rise of the entrepreneur in the next 12 months. I think, because in my opinion, i think there will be fewerjobs, of the 26 businesses recruitment businesses i look after, the one thing we have seen the decline in the number of jobs being thing we have seen the decline in the number ofjobs being registered. And i have an app that tracks graduatejobs and and i have an app that tracks graduate jobs and we have seen a massive drop. There will be some issues. What would i recommend . A lot of people think about starting their own business. When you look to start your own business, it doesnt mean you need to take premises or raise a lot of capital. I have met many people who have become free lance and if they had a job working ina company, lance and if they had a job working in a company, maybe they were in credit control, collecting receivables, but that jobs credit control, collecting receivables, but thatjobs gone. They have started to go out to organisations and employers and saying, how can i help you collect your receivables. Im not looking for full time, but your receivables. Im not looking forfull time, but i your receivables. Im not looking for full time, but i will take one day a week. Somebody i met has had got six clients they work with on a one or half a day a week but earning more money. 0ne one or half a day a week but earning more money. One thing you could do is use the skills you have. Rather than ona is use the skills you have. Rather than on a full time by a is, approach employers with the opportunity of free lancing. In that example, you can still run your own business, have the flexibility, but probably potentially earn more than you were earning before. Thank you. It is interesting that he finished on that point, the report shows there is more than a Million People on zero hours contract. The implication being, that people will be moving more to independent labour and employers will be sticking to zero hours contracts to give themselves more agility. That is not necessarily great if you want a steady income. It is trying to see through the months ahead and having that clarity. Thank you. Now cat and a big night for wolves. Just two years ago wolves were playing football in the championship. Tonight they could set up an all english semi final in the Europa League against Manchester United. Standing in their way the five time champions sevilla. Well it wasnt plain sailing for united against fc copenhagen. Largely thanks to the danish clubs keeper karl johan johnsson. He made just the 13 saves in a man of the match performance. But they got the job done in extra time when Anthony Martial won a penalty. Which Bruno Fernandes scored to seal their place in the last four. Mentally, that is where its decided. When you get tired, the opposition is probably more tired and you have just got to be mentally strong. Difficult conditions, even for me, with my shirt on, i started sweating and my t shirts wet. So im dmrad glad i didnt have to run as much as they did. Theres one match in the scottish premiership later as early leaders hibernian take on newly promoted dundee united. But the countrys government are warning they could bring the whole season to a halt after another breach of coronavirus protocols. Celtic player Boli Bolingoli flew to spain without the club knowing, failed to quarantine on his return, then played in a league match on sunday. Hes since tested negative, twice, and apologised. Celtic say theyre investigating. It comes days after 8 aberdeen players broke rules by gathering in a bar after a match which led to two testing positive. Britains number one womens tennis player Johanna Konta says she was suffering from heart palpitations and felt lightheaded in a match as her us open preperations took a blow. Konta at the bottom of your screen was beaten by in straight sets by world number 48 Marie Bouzkova at the lexington 0pen a warm up event for the grand slam which starts at the end of the month. British number two Heather Watson also lost to american jennifer brady. More health problems. She will have another scan to see what is going on with her heart. Fingers crossed it is nothing serious. She says she is not too worried about it. Lets hope isvit not too worried about it. Lets hope is v it is nota not too worried about it. Lets hope is v it is not a big problem. Sounds like horrendous conditions. Hot and humid. Add another ten degrees. Former paratrooper Ben Parkinson is the most seriously injured soldier to survive the afghanistan war. He suffered brain damage and lost both legs while serving in the country in 2006. Since then hes made an incredible recovery and this week ben set off on a 1,000 mile, 13 day, hand cycle ride from john 0groats to lands end, to raise funds for Motor Neurone Disease. Hejoins us now from invermoriston alongside fellow veterans Matthew Hellyer and john chart. Thank you so much all fof you. One day down i think, ben, how is it going so far . I had to carry him around with me every where. going so far . I had to carry him around with me every where. It is ha rd around with me every where. It is hard work i imagine. It is a massive. Very hard. Very hard. This is a huge task, that you have set yourselves as a team. Matt, talk me through what is the programme of events for the next 13 days . We started off up injohn 0groats yesterday and we are trying to average out about 70 miles a day. We had a fantastic day yesterday and smashed about 85 miles. So we are well on track to cut that. And he had somebody too. Im getting the senseit had somebody too. Im getting the sense it is a bit competitive there. He is too busy eating chocolate. We are going to push down along the caledonian canal, before breaking into england and then moving down the west coast of england and hopefully reaching our target and get to lands end in 12 to 13 days. ta ke get to lands end in 12 to 13 days. take my hat off to you, john, i think theyre raising money for mnd and that is something that is close to your heart . Yes i got diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease last year. It is about raising awareness for a disease that we dont have any hope for, is there no cure for, there is no treatment for, and to be honest there hasnt been enough going on to raise the awareness or to find a cure. That gives us no hope. I can see by the way youre standing together, that the camaraderie that is involved, ben what is it like to have your mate there is doing it with you . what is it like to have your mate there is doing it with you . I dont like them theyre amazing. 0h, there is doing it with you . I dont like them theyre amazing. Oh, my goodness. I think there is a lot of ba nter goodness. I think there is a lot of banter on the road with you lot. Ben we re banter on the road with you lot. Ben were you saying chocolate is your secret weapon . No. He loves chocolate. Tell us about the weather, from what i can see, it looks a bit overcast, that is presumably good news. Yeah, it was baking hot yesterday and it has been a good day. Nice and cool, a pit bit of rain and we are forecast storms, we are waiting for the forecast to see what we have. We have storms in about a day. If carole said storms, there will be storms, i guarantee it. Good luck. We will catch up with you over the next 13 days and thanks to your cameraman, whose finger is about to cut matts head off. I should have mentioned that two minutes earlier, we might have seen yourface. Good minutes earlier, we might have seen your face. Good luck. Minutes earlier, we might have seen yourface. Good luck. Thumbs up, thumbs covering the lens. We will try and see how they do. They look like theyre enjoying it. Face coverings are now compulsory in most indoor public spaces, but there are exemptions for some who dont need to wear them, including Young Children, people with disabilities or those with breathing difficulties. However, according to a group of charities there has been an increase in abuse and challenging behaviour towards people who dont cover their faces. Fiona lamdin has more. This exchange was filmed on a train. When a passenger challenged these two sisters travelling together. 0ne sister lifted her face 0ne sister lifted herface mask, to her sister, who is deaf blind, could read her lips. These sisters are not alone. Paul has border line personality disorder and says he faced abuse. A gentleman was why arent you wearing a mask. I explained to him. His simple response, well, if youre not wearing a mask, you shouldnt be allowed out. That made me feel extraordinarily vulnerable. This exchange upset him so much he didnt leave the house for four days. So what are the rules . Because some of us are exempt. Young children under the age of 11. Those with a physical or mental illness. If wearing a mask will cause severe distress and if youre travelling with someone who relies on rip reading to communicate. Are you aware that some people dont need to wear masks . Now that you say that, i had heard of that, but i dont think about that in the moment. So, no, i guess i dont think about that when im making judgments about people. No, dont think about that when im makingjudgments about people. No, i wasnt aware of that at all. makingjudgments about people. No, i wasnt aware of that at all. I have seen it advertised, if people have breathing difficulties or anywhere where their health will be made worse by wearing a mask. Im asthmatic, sol worse by wearing a mask. Im asthmatic, so i might be on the verge of not having to wear one, but where i can, i will. Mask verge of not having to wear one, but where i can, iwill. Mask wearing is also a huge problem for those with hidden disabilities when out shopping. Marions son max has sensory processing disorder. He cant tolerate a mask over his face, because of the ears, with the feeling on his ears or something over his nose or mouth. He just cant wear one. He just panics. He is ten. So legally he does not need to wear one. But marion said when they visited an app store, they were told he had to wear one. It made it feel like people were judging told he had to wear one. It made it feel like people werejudging us told he had to wear one. It made it feel like people were judging us and it was an uncomfortable experience. We wa nt it was an uncomfortable experience. We want to go out like everyone else. Apple say they adhere to government guide lines and are working to keep people safe. If Face Coverings becoming part of v are i day life, it every day life, it makes the thought of going out for those who have already faced abuse even harder than before. It is another aspect of our new lives. We are trying to clear up the confusion. It may have been thunder and lightning gracing the skies in many parts of the uk last night, but, weather permitting, tonight we should see one of the best meteor showers of the year reach its peak. The perseids occur every year when the earth passes through the debris trail of the comet swift tuttle. Emma alexander from jodrell bank at the university of manchester joins us now. Good morning. What should we see tonight, if there were clear sighs . Good morning. Well, fingers crossed for clear skies. It is not looking hopeful at the moment. If you happen to live somewhere where it is clear, what you will want to do is go outside and just look up and about every minute so, maybe less if youre in someone light polluted, youre in someone light polluted, you might see a perseid meteor. What time should we be looking out for them tonight . Any time. You would even get them during the day if we could see them. The best time is after midnight, when the earth is turning into where the debris is. There is a complication of the moon will be rising later and that can drown meteor out a bit. In general the early hours of the morning. The meteor showers what is happening. So, as you said, the earth is passing through the debris of comet swift tuttle. As comets pass through, they leave a trail of stuff behind them. If you remember a re ce nt behind them. If you remember a recent comet, that was visible to many people, you can see the long tailand when many people, you can see the long tail and when the earth passes through that debris, that gets left behind, the meteoroids, the space rocks will go into the atmosphere and as they enter the atmosphere, they will burn up and can get up to over 1,000 celsius. Theyre very hot and very fast and burn up about 50 miles up. That is what you can see when you see a meteor. How exciting, i shall be looking out for them. Thank you. So we are looking for meteors in the sky and emus in the ground. We are back tomorrow from six. This is bbc news with the latest headlines. More than 700,000 people have lost their jobs since the Coronavirus Crisis began in march, the biggest quarterly decrease in over a decade. As the first scottish pupils return to school, scotlands education secretary will explain how hell address student worries after many received grades far lower than expected, in exams which couldnt be taken. Pupils have been arriving here in the Scottish Borders to go to school for the first time in almost five months

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