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Owners to find out what it can mean. I am in st albans this morning. A massive expansion police can hand out fines of flu jabs in england 30 Million People will be offered of up to £100 to those who refuse to comply, them to help stop the nhs but some retailers say being overwhelmed if theres they wont enforce the rule. A coronavirus surge. Jon donnison reports. The duke and duchess of sussex launch legal action after a drone allegedly took pictures this pandemic has brought of their son, archie in the us. Huge changes to the way on the day the Olympic Games should have started in tokyo, we live our lives. Britains most successful gymnast, and a new set of rules. Max whitlock, tells us it will be harderfor him the latest, from today to retain his two olympic titles, for people in england, after another year of training. Face coverings will be mandatory in shops, supermarkets and shopping centres. And one year ago we were approaching they will potentially the hottest day ever recorded in the have a £100 fine for uk. This weekend, distinctly un those who do not comply. But if you are eating summerlike and i will explain why food on the premises from which you are the difference is there. The purchasing it, you can forecast coming up. Remove the mask. Restaurants, cinemas, salons, its friday the 24th ofjuly. Gyms and pubs are exempt as well. Our top story. I think it is important wearing a Face Covering because they are small spaces and it in enclosed public spaces protects me and everyone like shops, banks and takeaways else and i dont see why is compulsory in england from today. There is a problem. Police can hand out fines of up to £100 to those i think it is a good who refuse to comply, idea for it keeps but some retailers say they wont enforce the rule. You safe and other people safe. Jon donnison reports. A good idea. It seems funny that it only happened now rather than ages ago but it is political, isnt it . Children under the age of 11 will be exempt as will people with certain this pandemic has brought huge changes to the way we live our Health Conditions and disabilities. Lives. And a new set of rules. The there are concerns about who will enforce the rules. Latest, from today for people in england, Face Coverings will be some shop owners have said they are worried about what to do with customers refuse mandatory in shops, supermarkets and to wear a mask. Shopping centres. They will the body that represents Frontline Police officers warned they do not have the resources potentially have a £100 fine for those who do not comply. But if you to make sure all shoppers comply are eating food on the premises from and will only issue which you are purchasing it, you can remove the mask. Restaurant cinemas fines as a last resort. Salons gyms and pubs are exempt as more than half the population of england will be offered a free well. I think it is important flu jab this winter because they are small spaces and it as the government tries to avoid the nhs being overwhelmed by a combination of both seasonal protects me and everyone else and i flu and covid 19. Dont see why there is a problem. around 30 million think it is a good idea for it keeps people will be eligible for the vaccination scheme, you safe and other people say. A which has been extended to include everyone over 50, good idea. It seems funny that it and all 11 year olds. Our health editor, only happened now rather than ages ago but it is political, isnt it . Hugh pym, has more. Children under the age of 11 will be ministers and Health Leaders examined as more people with certain Health Conditions and disabilities. Are concerned that if there is a flu outbreak at the same time as another surge in covid 19 infections, there are concerns about who will enforce the rules. Some shop owners the nhs will again be under great strain. So the government has announced have said they are worried about an extension of eligibility for flu what to do with customers refuse to vaccinations in england. Wear a mask. The body that represents frontline officers warned previously, those who are pregnant, aged over 65 or with certain medical they do not have the resources to conditions make sure all shoppers comply and qualified along with preschool will only issue fines as a last and Primary School children. Added to the list this winter resort. More than half the population will be the over 50s, of england will be offered a free year 7 pupils and all those who have been shielding flu jab this winter as well as their as the government tries to avoid households to the news was welcomed by doctors. The nhs being overwhelmed by a combination of both seasonal flu and covid 19. What we want now is for things around 30 Million People will be eligible for the vaccination scheme, to move to a normal pace which has been extended to include without having to worry everyone over 50, and all 11 year olds. Our health editor, about coming out of the pandemic hugh pym, has more. Into the winter flu season which we get every year anyway but now with coronavirus around ministers and Health Leaders are as well it is a situation concerned that if there is a flu we want to avoid, really. Outbreak at the same time as another surgeon outbreak at the same time as another surgeon covid 19 infections, the nhs the Royal College of gps said will again be under great strain. So the government has announced an there would be challenges including ensuring that at risk patients extension of eligibility for flu were confident about coming into surgeries for their jabs. Officials say more than 30 million vaccinations in england previously, doses have been ordered those who are pregnant, aged over 65 and are urging all those eligible for a free flu vaccine to have one. Or with certain medical conditions plans for the next vaccination qualified along with preschool and campaign in scotland, Primary School children. Added to wales and Northern Ireland the list this winter will be the are still being finalised. Over 50s, year 7 pupils and all those who have been shielding as well as their households to the news the Prime Minister is planning to announce new measures to curb was welcomed by doctors. What we obesity, which are expected wa nt was welcomed by doctors. What we want now is for things to move to a to include a ban on tv adverts forjunk food before nine oclock in the evening. Normal pace without having to worry borisjohnson who once suggested people should be able to eat what they like appears to have about coming out of the pandemic changed his stance amid growing into the winter flu season which we evidence linking obesity to coronavirus deaths. Our Political Correspondent get every year anyway but now with jessica parkerjoins us now from westminster. Coronavirus around as well it is a situation we want to avoid, really. At the Royal College of gps said they would be challenges including ensuring that at risk patients were jessica, weve heard this idea before confident about coming into surgeries for theirjabs is it more likely confident about coming into surgeries for their jabs to confident about coming into surgeries for theirjabs to official to happen this time . Say more than 30 million doses have been ordered and are urging all those eligible for a free flu a good question because as you say vaccine to have one full plans for these ideas have been kicking around under previous Prime Ministers. For the next Vaccination Campaign in scotla nd the next Vaccination Campaign in scotland wales and Northern Ireland are still being finalised. Example, this idea of banning adverts of certain Unhealthy Foods to curb finalised. Before the watershed, looking at the obesity, which are expected to include a ban on tv adverts kinds of emotions you can get in forjunk food before nine oclock in the evening. Supermarkets, restricting online borisjohnson who once suggested advertising. These ideas have been people should be able to eat in the mix before. What is new is what like appears to have changed his stance amid growing what you mentioned there, the evidence linking obesity to coronavirus deaths. Our Political Correspondent reinforced feeling that this needs jessica parkerjoins us now from westminster. Jessica, weve heard tackling because we have seen a risk factor of obesity linked to this idea before coronavirus and borisjohnson himself was hospitalised with covid 19 and lost weight in what is different this time. A lot intensive care. Not a method he recommended for weight loss but a of the ideas that seem to be kicking lot of speculation as to whether around once we have heard for. As this could have seen a change of heart from the Prime Minister you were saying they are, things like stopping certain types of because Boris Johnson heart from the Prime Minister because borisjohnson is known to be advertisements or foods before the anti the idea of a nanny state. But watershed and also ideas like he recently suggested that he was stopping in store promotions of Unhealthy Foods, restricting Online Advertising and as you guys were moving away from that libertarian stands saying the uk was amongst the just pointing out, borisjohnson has fattest nations in europe and that comes at a huge cost to the health previously rather spoken out against what he described as the nanny state of people and at a cost to the nhs as well. Having said that, as you but, of course, coronavirus and obesity has been a risk factor and, rightly point out, these issues have more broadly, it comes at a cost to been talked about before. They sugar tax was brought in on very sugary Peoples Health and a huge cost of the nhs and the Prime Minister recently spoke about how the uk was drinks and Boris Johnson tax was brought in on very sugary drinks and borisjohnson has spoken of not extending that into other among the fattest nations in europe areas but it does seem he is looking ata so among the fattest nations in europe soi among the fattest nations in europe so i think he is clearly looking at theissue so i think he is clearly looking at areas but it does seem he is looking at a broader strategy to tackle the issue and thinking something must be done about it. He had his obesity. But these wars have been own stay in hospital with declared before yet not easily won. Cinemas, museums and beauty salons coronavirus so perhaps that may have in wales will be allowed to re open shifted his thinking on the issue. From monday, as the Welsh Government sets out its latest plans to ease the lockdown. But, yes, these ideas have kicked campsites can also open around before and they have not from this weekend but indoor gyms and Swimming Pools, quite gotten off the ground. It is along with theatres and music venues, must remain closed. One thing to declare a war on a further review will take place next week to decide if pubs, obesity, another thing to win it and cafes a nd restau ra nts ca n is boris has spoken before about the resume trading inside. Nanny state, there may be those of the duke and duchess of sussex have his own backbenchers, not to mention begun legal action in los angeles some in the industry who will be complaining that drones were used resista nt to some in the industry who will be resistant to these ideas. To take pictures of their son, archie. Harry and meghan are claiming cinemas, museums, and beauty salons an invasion of privacy. In wales will be allowed to re open its alleged that archie from monday, as the Welsh Government who is now 14 months old sets out its latest plans was photographed at their to ease the lockdown. Campsites can also open from this weekend, but indoor gyms and Swimming Pools, along home during lockdown. With theatres and music venues, must remain closed. A further review will take place next week to decide if pubs, the couples lawyer said that every cafes, and restaurants can individual in california is guaranteed by law the right to resume trading inside. Privacy in their home and that no drone or helicopter can take that the duke and duchess of sussex have away. Get more on these story from begun legal action in los angeles complaining that drones were used to take pictures of their son, archie. Harry and meghan are claiming an invasion of privacy. We can get more details the Entertainment Industry report at the Entertainment Industry report at the los angeles times, we will have from our los angeles correspondent that interview in a few minutes david willis. Time. Were talking about Face Coverings this morning. From today they must be worn in this lawsuit the couples lawyer says that meghan and harry moved to in shops and other public indoor los angeles in order to escape what he calls the incessant attention of the uk tabloids and for six weeks but the rules vary around the uk. Lets take a look at how they differ. All was well until the daily mail in england, Face Coverings are now compulsory in shops, published details of the couples when buying food and drink to take address whereupon they were besieged away, and on public transport. Why members of the paparazzi, in wales, theyll become mandatory according to this lawsuit. Some of on public transport from the 27th whom flu groans as low as 20 feet of july thats above the roof of the house or used monday of next week. Helicopters in an attempt to get in Northern Ireland they are required on public pictures of the couple and their transport, including ferries. Young son. The lawsuit alleges that and in scotland, Face Coverings are compulsory in shops, pictures were taken of archie libraries and on public transport. Playing in the back garden by somebody who later claimed that those pictures had been taken in a one of the issues thrown up as how public place but such action is to enforce this. The government said it will be up to police. Lets speak illegal under california law. The to the National Chair of the Police Lawsuit alleges that whoever took federation of england and wales. The pictures used either a telephoto good morning. Firstly, can you give lens, trespassed onto the couples property or took those pictures us your outline of how you see the using a drone and while the couple does not know who actually took the polices role in relation to enforcing these new rules . Good pictures, they are suing for morning. As far as policing is invasion of privacy in the hope of establishing the photographers concerned it will be no different identity and, to warn potential from what we have seen throughout buyers that those pictures were this whole pandemic that we have had taken illegally. To police new laws that have been coming in waves and for many members it is eight minutes past six, lets of the public it has been confusing and that is where i think the role have a look at some of the front of the police on the ground is, to pages. Lets start with the mirror. Engage with the public and explain most of the front papers focus to them what the rules are. When i say these rules, i mean legislation on new rules on Face Coverings in england with some of them calling today mask up friday. And law because there is confusion the daily mirror leads with a poll between guidance and law. Guidance that claims two thirds of britons is not enforced. The unfortunate believe Face Coverings should be worn in all indoor places. Thing is that there is an the telegraph has more details expectation that the police are on what it calls the biggest flu almost the first port of call when Vaccination Programme in uk history. It comes to enforcement or dealing it says the government stopped short with Face Coverings. And i really do of vaccinating the entire population because ministers had not been able to obtain more than 30 million doses. Believe. Firstly, we do not have the capacity, we simply cannot do it the times reports thatjunk food to the level that some people expect adverts could be banned on tv before witches in almost every high street the 9 00pm watershed. It says Boris Johnson will announce and every store and ensuring people an interventionist strategy as part are wearing Face Coverings. That is why i said very clearly that the of the fight against coronavirus. And prince harry and meghan sue over photos of their son, retailers and those who operate the archie, is the headline in stores and businesses, they also the New York Times online edition. Have responsibility to educate the the duke and duchess apparently say public. This is all new and some they havent been able to escape the paparazzi. People are scared, some people genuinely dont know what is expected of them. That is a combined effort in educating people and those are the main stories and enforcement will be absolutely the last resort. People are thinking looking inside some of the papers for you right now. A lovely story here about a seal pup that was about scenarios. If someone is in a shop without a Face Covering and they do not have a medical reason trapped in rocks. It was underweight not to wear a mask, has an offence and tired and it was low tide and at that point taken place . Invisible to people on the beach. A potentially. As in failure to wear a little puppy sniffed it out stop the dogs owners then managed call for a rescue. This was in kent. There was Face Covering without a reason under the legislation so, yes, it could a lady in a vehicle who had all the have taken place. You would need to ask questions. What i would say is kit and extricated the tiny seal that when people go into stores, all pup kit and extricated the tiny seal pup. It was too young to be put back these premises, stores should put up in dc but it is being looked now by signs explaining what the no face the rspca. So sweet. covering means you are not allowed to be in the store. What i com pletely to be in the store. What i completely accept is that we do not wa nt in dc but it is being looked now by the rspca. So sweet. I love stories like this, a cricket team who have completely accept is that we do not want and expect retail staff, who have a difficultjob as it is, and i just had a five year, theyjust won have a difficultjob as it is, and i have seen the levels of abuse in the early days that they faced which is com pletely early days that they faced which is their first cricket match in five completely outrageous. I do not expect them to rugby tackle people yea rs. Well who do not wear a Face Covering. But their first cricket match in five years. Well done. It is the bowden a gentle engagement to remind people over 40s from greater manchester. Of what is expected of them. If they won this week for the First Time Since 2015. A match against one certain customers, and i genuinely believe this will be a tiny minority. As we saw with the of their neighbouring sides. So quotes from the captain who says largerscale response to this, if somebody is refusing to leave the many times we managed to get into store or becomes aggressive, of what appeared to be a winning course it is right that the Police Position only to somehow conspire to should be called. But if somebody throw it away and the dying moment. Calls the police because somebody is just not wearing a Face Covering he goes on to describe that then im afraid that will go into a despite the years of losses, the pot ofjobs my colleagues have to respond to because business as usual squad has not changed. Most players is still there but we are now busier than before so we have very little are in their late 40s although capacity for it is all about martin is in his early 70s. The priority. I want to manage public captain then had their efforts were expectation. This is about keeping generally pretty hopeless and then he continues, while fielding people safe, so why would not stores wa nt to people safe, so why would not stores want to do the right thing and educate the public rather than saying i am not going to challenge positions, arrow decided according anybody. Why are you busier now than to medical complaints. They are allocated fielding places according to medical complaints. And before the pandemic . Policing has a p pa re ntly to medical complaints. And apparently when the winning run came a lwa ys before the pandemic . Policing has always been busy. When the pandemic m, apparently when the winning run came in, after five years, apparently when the winning run came in, afterfive years, the reaction described by the was first came upon us, obviously nobody was out and about so crime trends dipped disbelief. No celebration, just in certain areas. We have seen it go disbelief. No celebration, just back to pre covid 19 levels now and disbelief followed by some beer asi back to pre covid 19 levels now and as i was saving saying then, brought into the players from one of the cars. So congratulations to policing is under pressure like never before. We are at extreme levels of pressure. We do not have them. I love a story like that. So enough officers and we are trying to nice. Five years without a win. The fix that and we are always trying to plug the gap but it is tough. It is rspca advice for anyone who does really tough. My colleagues, they stumble across a stranded seal pup, read the reports in the press to say watch from a distance because the that we do not care about responding to these jobs, of course we care. It mother could return but a healthy is all about capacity and this is seal pup, this is the description. A healthy seal pup looks like a big why this is unprecedented. I know people have used that word many stuffed maggot without a head. times over the past few months but think that is true. Without legs we are in exceptional times and we all have to play our part. And if thatis all have to play our part. And if that is just about retailers putting notices on the door and messages on do maggots not have do maggots the tannoys and trying their best have legs . I have seen them basking on term sometimes and they are very, to engage with the public, it makes very. Porky. They are very well life easierfor us all to engage with the public, it makes life easier for us all and it educates the public and keeps us safer. That was the National Chair filled. Designed for the water. An of the Police Federation of england unhealthy seal pup looks thin and and wales. Thank you for talking to has a visible neck like a dog. There us this morning. You go. If you see a healthy seal pup you go. If you see a healthy seal pup without a neck it is healthy. If youre planning to visit a shop in england today, lets talk now to a couple of dont forget youll need to grab another item along with the usual phone, keys, and wallet or purse. We will have to get into this shopkeepers, asiyah and jawad javed who join us from falkirk. Routine. And then you are going to we run an off licence grocery. Now need a mask. Masks are already compulsory where Face Coverings are now mandatory in many enclosed public spaces including banks, post offices and shopping centres. Breakfastsjohn maguire has been you are so, can you out to see if businesses masks are already compulsory where and customers are ready to cover up. You are so, can you explain to us how this works in practice . How many people coming into not wear masks . When work by one of bristols most famous sons as modified, then you know something is afoot, or a face. We have customers who coming without a mask and give them a mask. We give from today, but certain exemptions, we will have to cover our faces in them a free mask in the shop to make shops in england stop so, from the sure that they wear a mask. If university of bristol, here are some someone dos and donts. We need to cover our sure that they wear a mask. If someone has an issue then we just let them in. Of course, the nose and our mates, that needs to be covered at all times. Mall. It doesnt have to be a mask, it can be exemptions at the moment in england a scarf, we can use that. We must are that if you are under 11 you do not need to wear a mask but do you make sure our nose and mouth are covered and if its really snuggly, so covered and if its really snuggly, so like this, and then you can have customers who say no, i do not tighten this cover around you and that would be fired in to go into a wa nt to have customers who say no, i do not want to wear a mask . And if you do, shop. If you are wearing a mask that what happens . We do have customers has alaska straps you want to hold like that but we do not let them in it by the strap. First of all, a because it is important to wear a really clea n it by the strap. First of all, a really clean hands, wash your hands, mask now. Most people do online if you are out and about having little hand sanitiser you can quickly rub on. And if you have one shopping because they do not want to wear a mask. Have you then found these pleated masks you want the pleats facing downward so that if that other customers as well our there are any particles in the air they are not being caught in the pleats. If you had at the wrong way self policing in terms of if they around they could potentially go see someone into those faults. The roadways you self policing in terms of if they see someone not wearing self policing in terms of if they see someone not wearing a self policing in terms of if they see someone not wearing a mask, what is the nature of it, the mood around have the folds going down, put it on across your face, Little People who are not wearing them by have the folds going down, put it on across yourface, little bit have the folds going down, put it on across your face, little bit on one those who are complying . Some people airand then the across your face, little bit on one air and then the other. If it has got a metallic strip, you really wa nt to got a metallic strip, you really want to be putting down so it fits snugly across yourface. They say they are not wearing a mask want to be putting down so it fits snugly across your face. If we dont do this than people who wear glasses but we have a sign saying that it is will often say there losses get important to wear a mask if you come steamed up. Thats because the air is going up and its not staying in the store. What lessons have you within the mask. Always keep them in a plastic bag, a ziploc disposable learnt that might be useful in bad light this is great, then you can carry a couple at a time. To england . Many learnt that might be useful in england . Many people learnt that might be useful in england . Many people have to adjust to these changes. What lessons have watch them actually what is really hot, at least 60 degrees, and make you learnt as a shopkeeper and from sure they are put out to dry a Customer Perspective . It is naturally and fully clean before you put them back on. Tamatta fullface important to wear a mask because it masks has been high. They are is to protect yourself and other awaiting a resupply at the shop. And people from the coronavirus. The owner expect peoples social conscience will mean they will do what have you done in practical terms in this store, people in the right thing. Yeah, i cant see england now will have the experience myself enforcing it in the shop or where its compulsory to wear a anywhere else, for that matter. Mask, there are store owners as well people dont make it should be more ofa people dont make it should be more of a social pressure thing, i think. In england who are thinking how to dont smoke in cars with children, deal with this . For instance, over your shoulder eye can see the sign saying to stay clear and stay two or at all, wear a seatbelt, where a metres apart stop what tips could mask. Its simple. And shoppers seem you give store owners in england now about any problems they might face . Determined to play their part. Anything that can help us get back to normal a bit quicker. If we can i think they should wear a mask reduce the number of people who get because its really important to protect yourself from all this, it and we must, then great. Its not a problem. I dont see why anyone has an issue with it, to be honest. Especially in the supermarkets and think everyone will comply, right, the stores when everyone is so close to each other. Its really important most people will. Otherwise you will to each other. Its really important to wear a mask when you are out in get a nice fat fine, dont you . And supermarkets or small shop. Thank that nice fat fine, up to £100, would mean the police had been you very much for talking to us this called. But they expect people to morning. Yes. Trying to give you a comply. This is someones premises sense of some of the changes. As you and they have invited you win. And heard, the situation in scotland, they are already dealing with the if you abuse that invitation then the role of police is no different. Masks in shops already. Those we would ask you to respect the changes coming into place in individual but if we are called we will ask you, through them, to leave england. Gyms and leisure centres in england and if you dont then there is a can re open from tomorrow, chance you will get arrested. But not those in luton or blackburn. Looking yourself in the mirror and a lot of change happening at the say why are my being like this . Moment. There is a reason. Treat with respect, by with a product, and live with a smile on both towns have been marked yourface. And if you cant do as areas for intervention product, and live with a smile on your face. And if you cant do that by Public Health england due then youve not been listening to to a spike in coronavirus cases. What has happening for the last six lets speak now to laura church months. Wales and Northern Ireland from luton borough council. Will be watching with interest stop thank you very much forjoining us, here in scotland its been mandatory laura. This decision, when was it in shops for the past fortnight. In taken and laura. This decision, when was it ta ken and what laura. This decision, when was it taken and what prompted it . The coatbridge, north lanarkshire, decision on not reopening gyms and Claire Williams is a sometimes a need to be reminded. It is difficult pools was taken yesterday. And its and a Small Business as well, its a precautionary measure really, hard, because you need to have custom but you do need to make sure because we didnt want to send out some of the strong messages about eve ryo ne custom but you do need to make sure everyone doesnt so everyone is a social distancing, staying more at finish up so do have to say to them. Home, when, actually, the other message going around was that other but usually. Scottish shoppers things were being opened. So we were responding to that. What you will have had a while to get used to begin to see in luton from today is them. Ive found it really more testing availability. We had a uncomfortable. I just cant them. Ive found it really uncomfortable. Ijust cant breathe. Especially if it is over my nose and really great responsibility from our mouth, you know, but oh no you have community about testing and had to wear it anyway for safety. And support from the government for more testing going on. And were hoping backin to wear it anyway for safety. And back in bristol, work making hats for the races, weddings, film and to see, you know, a Strong Campaign theatre costumes had dried up, so going out about protector luton, Annie Stafford townsend turned the protect your family, protect other cheek, as it were, and has yourself. How have businesses produced thousands of masks in responded . Especially the leisure various designs. There is definitely industry that would have been opening this weekend, like others in plenty of scope to show your england, for example so this is personality. But its also really really fast moving news for them. Important to balance practicalities but i think because we already and safety with the personal style. And we dont do things like fur. You understood that there have been increasing cases in luton, it is going to be hard for them. So one of needed to be able to wash it at 60 the things we want to look at is how otherwise is completely we can support them more and again counter productive. Otherwise is completely counterproductive. So whether you are planning a full day of retail thatis we can support them more and again that is another item we will be talking to the government about. Therapy orjust popping out for a pint of milk, like your money, when you see other areas that have phone, and reusable shopping bag, when it comes to a Face Covering had localised lockdowns, there have dont leave home without it. Been concerns about how effective john maguire, bbc news. The data is thats coming through new world, new times, in england at least. Bens in st albans with some from the signs, basically. Have you had enough data to show how high a retailers who are preparing to deal with the new guidelines. Good morning. Every time you are prevalence this is where you are . We inside an enclosed space that is have been getting the data really where were wearing a mask. At the moment you are obviously on the high regularly, down to postcode level, street. How it there . You are right. Which has allowed us to look at good morning to you both. They have got my mask. Businesses are now targeted campaigns. We expect to see getting used to some new rules. That more in the future. Were going to be working on a test of how we rules introduced 12 hours ago, so have not had a huge amount of time could work more closely with the to prepare. Here in st albans you might have noticed they have closed test and trace teams as well. So all the street to try to encourage of that data is coming through and thats allowing us to respond much people back and make it a nicer shopping environment. But lots of more proactively in the current changes or retailers to get their head around. And asjohn was telling us situation. So what does that look head around. And asjohn was telling us in his report, Big Questions about who will then enforce it and whether retailers were struggling like, reacting more proactively . Right now can really afford to turn obviously you have the restrictions away any customers who are not wearing one. Let me introduce you to now, but can you target streets, sarah. Sarah, good morning. You run particular small areas of where you this dual store. Talk to us about are . Yes. The latest data we had showed a particular area of the town the new laws. 12 hours to get your head around them. What will it mean for how you run your business . We was impacted. We have put in have come back since the 15th, 16th, localised testing which has been really, and what we have found is available yesterday and today. All people are a little nervous to come of the slots were booked up. Which through the door anyway. So we have gives you an idea of how the been trying to make them feel comfortable through the wearing of Community Wants to respond and be ppe masks and things like that, but tested. If we get other locations we have not enforced then wearing it, we have been the one trying to identified we are going to be looking at how we deliver swabs and make them feel comfortable and we have chosen to go for a visor rather how we do some doorknocking. So it thana have chosen to go for a visor rather than a mask, because you can see peoples males and it is all about can really respond to that localised cases and we are getting the data to trust. What you do. Very close support that now. I wonder, as quarters with someone, trying on facemasks become mandatory, jewellery or a ring or a watch, something were talking about today people need to trust you, they need on breakfast, in england, enclosed to see your eyes and maybe see your mouth. I think they do. The same spaces, were social distancing is goes the other way round, when they difficult, i want if that, you think, is going to make a difference goes the other way round, when they go to the door we kind of need to see who they are because they could and allow luton to catch up more be robbers, they could be anything. Quickly than perhaps it would have done. I think wearing Face Coverings so we are very grateful for the mask is going to be an important change wearing, because it will protect us, andi is going to be an important change and i think we have been. We have wearing, because it will protect us, we know that, and we will do what we need to stay open, obviously, but we seen more and i think we have been. We have seen more people out and about in Face Coverings, probably over the wont be. We set ourselves up last days as well. We have had great before we open, we are very support from the community in doing conscientious about that and very keen to keep people safe when they that. And, actually, from showing are in the shop. So we had already set upa are in the shop. So we had already set up a lot of social distancing within the shop, change the layout that. And, actually, from showing that they are out and about wearing and the desks, we have a beautiful Face Coverings to. Laura jayes, backdrop that we can open up to. So acting chief executive, luton we feel we have done a risk borough council, thank you for your time this morning. Laura church. Assessment and it was pretty safe for people to come back, but we just wa nt for people to come back, but we just want people to feel safe and we want them to come in. There are questions over who will enforce it. Does that its a town full of the worlds most famous celebrities, put you in an awkward position as a but even in Beverly Hills the duke retailer . Quite clearly you want and duchess of sussex have found themselves the target people to come through the doors, of unwanted media intrusion. They have launched legal action can you afford to say, look, if you after drones were allegedly used to take pictures of their are not wearing a mask we dont want 14 month old son archie you, go away . We wont say no. You in their home. Cant say no. People who have got the courage to come out and spend our few and we can speak now to anousha sakoui, the courage to come out and spend ourfew and far the courage to come out and spend our few and far between, as you can Entertainment Industry reporter imagine. And you wont do that. And at the los angeles times. Also the point is we think we have achieved a lot of social distancing a claim has been filed at the los within the shop. Its almost like angeles county superior court. What are they saying . You are right. Here you outside. Got back doors open, front doors open, there is full in la the couple have filed a ventilation. Its a limited risk. So lawsuit against unnamed actors, they i wont say no. Equally, if people would be photographers or photo agents. Anyone who would be involved do want to come in wearing the masks, we obviously going to let them in. But, conversely, they have in inducing or paying for paddling in any these kind of photos taken got to ask them to show their face to the camera before they come in, either by drone, they believe, or because they need to know who they are when they come through the door. Through photo lenses, long lenses, all sorts of different practicalities for you to consider or somehow have got onto their practicalities. You are on the property and that is the anyway, really, they would have been able to business board, what are the ca ptu re really, they would have been able to capture 14 month old archie playing retailers telling . It is tough at in the garden. And, you know, in the moment and getting people to california that is illegal. Anousha, come back and shot. It is tell. Do we know if this is one specific after an initial blip at the incident or is it a pattern of beginning where there was pent up behaviour . It seems to be they refer demand, we are all feeling really nervous about this. And telling someone you are not nervous about this. And telling someone you are not safe unless you are wearing a mask within a shop to, you know, there is not a huge actually makes them feel more nervous about everything. And thats amount of information in the actual the last thing we need. So in st lawsuit about which photos. I have seen lawsuit about which photos. I have seen photos and there have been albans, as a group, the business photos published from what looks like their property and, you know, improvement district, which is an asi like their property and, you know, as i said, in california it is, association of the local businesses, they have got this initiative about obviously, the world of celebrity inside out. What were trying to do, and, in america, it is unlike the uk we cant do that in this shop because it is not safe, but all the in that there arent the same cafes and everything like that, restrictions on libel, freedom of speech, it means you can photograph were working local council to try people on the streets. There isnt to get planning and licensing relaxed so we can actually trade the same sort of protection of from outside. Weve got the perfect famous people. But one thing you forum on the street because it is now closed. The cafes could have cannot do is photograph people record people without their permission, especially not in their their tables outside. But we are own home. Definitely this is just waiting to get that all sorted in terms of logistics and licensing. Something that has been a growing problem for celebrities recently, good luck. Thank you. There is a lot especially with the rise of the use of work ahead for you. In our its of drones. I imagine there must have nice to see you. And you very much. Been president through the courts you get a sense of how difficult is previously stop has there . M for retailers to make they have all been president through the courts of the procedures in place to make previously stop has there . It was expanded a few years ago. After the customers feel comfortable. It is about getting people back out and death of diana there were many celebrities here who fought back, back out spending and feeling confident to do so. So this could be Justin Bieber was pursued by one of the ways they do it, but paparazzi in a car that led to wearing a mask, as we said, inside now in shops is mandatory in further tightening of the laws here england. But lots of questions for and then celebrities though they retailers about who will enforce it. Helped push legislation to protect children from being photographed more from me from here a little without their permission and also later. Ben, sorry, you might have the law was expanded or the mentioned this, those yellow lines definitions changed a few years ago behind you, are they connected to social distancing, on the road . To include drones. So you dont have these . I dont know. There are only four of them stop so i suspect not. To include drones. So you dont have to actually be physically on someones property to be able to it might be to do with the pub which photograph them. You canjust someones property to be able to photograph them. You can just fly a drone over the house. Anousha, of clearly at this point of the day is not open. We know what these are for . As part of the bid we have done course, one of the reasons we understand the duke and duchess these pop up markets. With which chose to go to, first canada now they might be one later on. When we america, precisely because of have the gazebos up on the street we privacy. What do you know about the need social distancing for cueing. So we marked them out for that. The experience so far, has it proved to be better than what they had studio is asking what these are for. Experienced here in the uk . You did you hear that . When there is a know, its an interesting question. Market here they are for cueing. How much do we know of what theyre brilliant. Thank you so much. We will see you later. We will talk to really experience . They have shared ben a bit more this morning. If you struggles, but they havent sorta have specific questions or areas broken it down in detail. So we know that are still a little confusing, they clearly dont want this to the day things are changing, do let happen here and they have been us know this morning. Interested to hear your thoughts. Unhappy about how thereve been it is 6 24am. Pursued. The lawsuit describes of weve seen all sorts of public tributes to our frontline nhs workers over the past few months. Life are being pursued across now theres one in lincolnshire continents from the uk to canada to which is best viewed from above. Luxmy gopal is there here in america. It is probably to tell us more. Helped them. They not really speaking on that. There have been so this is a maze. You can describe photographs of them doing their work. And in their lawsuits they do it ini so this is a maze. You can describe it in i think we will see from say, you know, we understand we are above, will be . Absolutely, charlie. Going to be photographed doing our work, and thats fine, we draw the line at being photographed at home and alkyd in photographed. And then, iam here above, will be . Absolutely, charlie. I am here lost in the middle of a maze in north lincolnshire. All i can see surrounding me is rows and you know, the pandemic is probably rows of maize. From the skies you keeping everybody at home and it is making it harder for paparazzi at can see it forms an incredible the la times with a story about how tribute. It spells out a great thank you to the nhs, to our healthcare paparazzi are making ends meet workers. It is a creation of the because theyre only 70 times you wa nt to because theyre only 70 times you want to see famous people in masks ward family who runs and manages the going to the shops. Its not that farm here, that is graham and annie. Interesting so many times. To let us see if we can find them in some degree they probably had more privacy. We will see how that plays the maze. We have steve here who is out because, you know, there is in the same level of protection for grahams died. Steve, the idea was famous people in california and the your concept, the theme . Yes. Every us. As a reporter that has worked in year we do usually a farm theme, both continents. Anousha, good to animals or attractor, this year at speak to you today. That is anousha the end march, early april, we had sakoui, with the la times. Seen the end march, early april, we had seen everybody out on a thursday night clapping to support the nhs the weather may not be as nice and soi night clapping to support the nhs and so i thought it would be great to use our maze this year as a as it was a couple of months ago, tribute to the nhs for all the work but the rain that followed one of the sunniest mays on record, they have done. It is a lovely has worked wonders for our gardens. Tribute. Thank you, steve. We go on a mission to find graham and annie. It means perfect growing conditions creating the maze isnt a case of coming out with a mower, because. For summer blooms. That is according who have we got . We have sam who is to the royal horticultural society. Just look at these gorgeous pictures of the gardens s brother. Youre the one who at hyde hall in chelmsford. Implemented this idea. They got the if your garden is in full bloom we design from annie. We use a clever would love to see those images. Piece of Farming Technology where we put it into a computer and it you can e mail us at bbcbreakfast bbc. Co. Uk or get in touch with us on social media. Converts it to a usb and basically dont be intimidated. My know those plug into the screen, uses gps gardens are. We are not expecting technology, drive up and down as your garden look like that we normal planting the maze and it know those gardens. Also hanging turns off. Then a grocer about ten baskets. You get some really foot tall and three months. We will harvested and put it in our impressive hanging baskets. Not eve ryo ne impressive hanging baskets. Not everyone has a garden. They make do Renewable Energy biogas plant and with maybe a balcony or windowsill, that his anne power powers the farm shop. So all good. Thank you. It is send us something beautiful you might have been tending. A bit like 3 d printing a giant still to come the Olympic Games should be getting under way tonight maze. We keep on going for our but theyve been pushed back by a year. Mission to find. Here we are. We well be catching up with the taekwondo gold medallist have got graham and annie. Annie, it jadejones about her plans to remain fighting fit for tokyo 2021. Well also bring you was your design, wasnt it . It is the first time i have had to design the latest news and weather. A maze maze. We are very let us talk to matt with the latest the first time i have had to design a maze maze. We are very proud of friends we have working in the nhs. On the weather. We saw those they wanted to incorporate the glorious pictures of those gardens lovely rainbow which signifies hope because of the rain, i suppose. You over the nhs logo and came up with are taking us back. You are being nostalgic this morning, are you . This design. And i came up with. Some of the gardens might be enjoying the rain at the moment. Probably not enjoying conditions exactly a year ago. We are about you had to take into account safety in designing the maze. It is we re exactly a year ago. We are about were about to head into a hottest important our customers feel safe day of recorded here in the uk, just when they come out to us. We outside cambridge it was 38 getting invested in a new online ticketing platform. Everyone has to buy closer to the 40 degrees mark. Too hot for some of you, but completely different to what we are going to online. We have taken at the touch see exactly one year later. Points from the maze. Spent a lot of bellwether has, for many, been time trading the star. It is a real d ista ntly bellwether has, for many, been distantly on summer like stop that would be the case betimes this bonus on that side start. Weekend. Cambridge only 21 degrees time trading the star. It is a real bonus on that side start. So covid safety being the key theme compared to the 39 degrees at the here. The only danger is getting same point last year. Did you know lost. They have no idea where we we have not had a 30 degrees date are. Lets see if we can help. We yet this month . July is the warmest month of the year. Last time we had are. Lets see if we can help. We are looking, luxmy, at the shot from ajuly month of the year. Last time we had a july without any 30 degrees days above and everyone has been looking very closely. Someone has told me was around nine years ago. It could that as we are looking at it you are get close to 30 degrees as we go the top left hand corner of the into the second half of next week. But over the next few days it is screen as the top left hand corner of the screen as our the top left hand corner of the screen as our audiences. Can you looking distinctly on summer like. Do something collaborative see if we that is because the air is coming in can supply you at all . In wearing a off the atlantic. A rather cool air flow. The colours behind showers how the temperatures will vary compared bright pink coat deliberately to see to average. Around average, the if you can see the flash of pink light colours, the want that the in wearing. Luxmy is in the t of the moment is to be found across spain and portugal. We will tap into some of that warmth potentially as we go thank you. If you look really, into next week. That all said and really closely of this green you can done, today is probably one of the see luxmy just better days of the next five. Really closely of this green you can see luxmyjust there. Yes see her between the weather system which brought rain yesterday and one which will move into the west for the there we go. Making sense. We have eyes on you from above, luxmy. Good weekend. Most places dry and bright to start with. There is a line of plough through parts of wales, the waving. This is my exercise for the midlands, towards east anglia. Producing spots of light rain and drizzle which will fizzle out. Week. Thank you, luxmy. It looked like a stunning day. Are you good at isolated showers later and in the far north of scotland s will mostly be dry and bright with sunny spells. Getting out of mazes . A maize maze . To Northern Ireland and the isles of scilly late this afternoon. Because its not really my cup of tea. We have got more sunshine than yesterday, it will feel that little you are watching bbc breakfast. Still to come the former bit warmer, especially across Northern England and wales. We heavyweight champion mike tyson last boxed professionally in 2005, but hes getting back in the ring finished the day with rain in for an exhibition fight Northern Ireland, spreading against royjones junior. Erratically eastwards as we go well hear more on that through the evening and overnight. A from the boxing journalist few heavy bursts mixed in amongst steve bunce in around 20 minutes. Well also bring you it. With all the cloud in place and went temporarily coming in from a the latest news and weather. More southerly direction it will be quite a more southerly direction it will be quitea humid more southerly direction it will be quite a humid night across the country. Temperatures not dropping it is now 628. 6 28am. Below the mid teens. Maybe 17 18 celsius into tomorrow morning across now lets get the weather with matt. The south. Even though we start off on that fairly humid note, it will st albans look lovely this morning, feel much fresher this weekend, most where luxmy was in that maize maze. Notably when we see heavy downpours come your way. In between, a bit of what about the rest of us . It did. Sunshine and more of a breeze. There will be more sunshine around. Downpours could be just about anywhere on saturday morning. And let me take you back, first of all. Into the afternoon they will still many have been commenting that summer seems be around, fairly hit and miss. Some many have been commenting that summer seems to many have been commenting that summer seems to have gone many have been commenting that summer seems to have gone amiss at the moment. This time last year we places will stay dry for longer than we re others with a bit of sunshine. The the moment. This time last year we were approaching the hottest day jobs could be heavy and thundering. Ever recorded in the uk, on the 25th. That is a year ago tomorrow, we saw temperatures close to 39 temperatures will be down a little bit on todays values. As we go degrees, 38. 7 c. A complete contrast to what we will see exactly one year through saturday night into sunday, some showers will continue, low pressure m oves some showers will continue, low pressure moves into longer spells of later. Temperatures will struggle to get to 21 22 in cambridgeshire, with rain in northern scotland and Northern Ireland. Next we have an some heavy rain and thunderstorms update just before eight a. M. Possible. Why the big turnaround this year . It has all been down to hello. This is breakfast with where air has been coming from. Charlie stayt and naga munchetty. Lastly from the atlantic. That means this year we are still to have a 30 celsius day in july. This year we are still to have a 30 celsius day injuly. The unusual. This is the warmest part of the year. That last happen in 2011. Not wearing a Face Covering in enclosed all hope is lost. It will be warm aircoming ourway all hope is lost. It will be warm air coming our way later next week. Places is compulsory in england from while we have our air at the moment coming from the west. Limiting today. Some retailers say they will temperatures to where they should be below average for the time of year stop atos the lighter colours on the not enforce the rule. Face coverings are already mandatory in shops in chart. The warmer air is down there scotla nd are already mandatory in shops in scotland but not in wales nor across iberia. We will tap into a Northern Ireland. The Prime Minister little bit of that, hopefully, as we plans to announce new measures to go into the end of next week. Out there today, probably one of the curb obesity x including a ban on tv best of the next five days. Between junk adverts. Prime minister once two weather systems, one clearing up suggested the people should be able towards the east, another one will to eat what they like but he appears move in later today and into the to eat what they like but he appears to have changed his stands amid weekend. For most of you use or the growing evidence that those who are sungshan around with luxmy and ben. Obese are more at risk from covid 19. More than half the well broken cloud, sunny spells for many. More in the way of grey and population of england will be misty conditions are only far south offered a free flu jab this winter as the government plans to avoid the and west. It is here we could see one or two showers through the day across southern england and wales, nhs being overwhelmed by a before wet weather arrives in the combination of seasonal flu and bar was later. With more sunshine covid 19. The scheme has been extended to include anyone over the around and with winds generally age of 50. Family members of those light its going to feel warmer than yesterday, particularly across parts who have been shielding and children of Northern England and wales, up to in the first year of secondary school. Primary children already 25 26 of Northern England and wales, up to 25 26 celsius in the south east corner. A wet tee time. Rain receive. Receive those. More than spreading erratically it was. Heavy bursts amongst it. Lots of cloud 30 Million People will be eligible around and a bit more breeze. A mild for the jab. Lets return to one of night across the board. Temperature stuck in the teens for the vast the main stories, growing evidence that those who are overweight or majority. One or two spots around obese are at a significantly greater 17 18 majority. One or two spots around 17 18 celsius across the south and risk of coronavirus. That is one of east. But after the very mild to the the reasons the government is weekend it will turn fresher. The expected to announce next week aims breeze will pick up. Nice enough when the sun is i will bill kollar to curb the sale ofjunk food. Mocd heavy examples come your way. Tackling the root causes of obesity quite a few of them around on saturday across england, wales, could require more than cutting scotla nd saturday across england, wales, scotland in particular. Not too bad in Northern Ireland. While we will back. Ever since she was a child, see sunshine come through, where we see sunshine come through, where we see the showers as there could be having a binary and emerging later in the day into longer spells of roxa na back. Ever since she was a child, roxana has had a difficult rain. Channel islands in the south relationship with food. Every time you sit at the table you meet your and south east of england. Temperatures stuck in the low 20s at demons, your addiction every time their highest. As we go through then you must eat. After becoming very into sunday, the area of low pressure will still be with us. It will start to close in again, overweight, she developed type 2 diabetes. She is now trying to eat bringing windier conditions for more healthily and lose weight ahead sunday, with a mixture of sunshine of further gastric surgery. But and showers. The next update in half an hour. Those like roxana with Underlying Health problems were really and showers. The next update in halfanhour. This this this is breakfast vulnerable to covid 19. So the past with Charlie Stayt and naga munchetty. Few months have been tough. well bring you all the latest news vulnerable to covid 19. So the past few months have been tough. I had and sport in a moment, anxiety of going out, especially but also on breakfast this morning. Knowing that i have type 2 diabetes. Well hear from two of britains gold medal winning olympians first the gymnast iamata knowing that i have type 2 diabetes. I am at a high level of danger. So i max whitlock and later the taekwondo tried to avoid as much as i could. Champion jade jones on the day we should have been enjoying the Opening Ceremony in her home town of sheffield, of the tokyo games. Our parks have been extremely around 60 of the Adult Population busy in recent months but more visitors means more litter. Are overweight or obese. And like roxa na are overweight or obese. And like roxana they were among those at well be live at one of the uks greatest risk of falling seriously oldest municipal parks as a new campaign to ill during the pandemic. Coronavirus protect them is launched. And how do we tackle the obesity has exposed the deep inequalities in which is making millions of britons our health. What happened here in even more vulnerable to coronavirus . Sheffield at the height of the coronavirus pandemic reflect what happened in so many towns and cities well hear from the Public Health chiefs who say that addressing poverty is the key. Right across the uk. The more affluent areas escaped unscathed but in the poorer parts of sheffield, good morning. They saw some of the highest heres a summary of todays main stories from bbc news. Mortality rates in the entire uk. Wearing a Face Covering that raises some difficult questions in enclosed public spaces about the state of our public like shops, banks and takeaways health. And those questions are ones is compulsory in england from today. Police can hand out fines of up to £100 to those who refuse that trouble rig, the director of Public Health in sheffield who knows to comply, but some retailers say they wont enforce the rule. He is dealing with a complex Face Coverings are already mandatory multilayered picture. Things that in shops in scotland but not wales or Northern Ireland. Determine health are not the nhs or the Amazing Things that they do. It more than half the population of england will be offered a free does do Amazing Things but it is the flu jab this winter as the government plans to avoid environment in which we live, the nhs being overwhelmed by a combination of seasonal flu and covid 19. The vaccination scheme has been poverty, poor housing, lack of education, job opportunities. Extended to include anyone over 50, economic policy, housing policy, the family members of those those things make more of a who have been shielding, and all 11 year olds. Difference to health and the treatment of the nhs. So what has more than 30 Million People will be this coronavirus pandemic told us eligible for the jab. About the underlying state of our 15 million had it last year. Health and, more broadly, our the duke and duchess of sussex have society . Earlier this year experts begun legal action in los angeles warned that life expect and see, complaining that drones were used particularly among the poor, had to take pictures of their son, stalled. Now the coronavirus has archie. Harry and meghan are claiming an invasion of privacy. Reinforced that connection between its alleged that archie, who is now 1a months old, poverty and ill health. Was photographed at their reinforced that connection between home during lockdown. Poverty and illhealth. Health and health equity, the Fair Distribution of health, tell us a great deal lets return to one of our top stories now flu jabs. About how well a society is doing. Over the last decade, society has around 15 Million People in england had one last winter but that number stopped improving and inequalities could be doubled this year as more than 30 Million People in society have been increasing. So will be eligible. When the pandemic came itjust its part of an effort to avoid the nhs being overwhelmed by a potential surge of both exaggerated and exposed, amplified those inequalities. Renewing plans seasonal flu and covid 19. Dr william bird is one of our regular gps and he helped to curbjunk those inequalities. Renewing plans to curb junk food advertising, the government is showing signs of to write a report stepping up the fight against commissioned by the government obesity. But the big challenge for and published earlier this month which predicted that the flu our political leaders is how to could kill 113,000 people apply the deeper lessons of the this winter if action is not taken. Hejoins us now from reading. Pandemic, that a real transformation of our Nations Health will need fundamental changes in society. Thank you very much forjoining us this morning. Can you tell us the weve been talking about the new rules on Face Coverings in shops this morning key points you have taken away from the idea that now up to 30 million theyre compulsory in england people will be getting a free jab. from today as well as the governments plans to double think from the report we said it had the number of people wholl get a seasonal flu jab. To be done. We are dealing with one lets get some more details from the care minister, helen whately, who joins major problem, covid 19, and there us from westminster. Was another problem that could come thank you for your time. We start back like in 201718 when we had an with facemasks. How do you see this, extra few thousand deaths but we as it is now mandatory in england, only just extra few thousand deaths but we onlyjust got extra few thousand deaths but we only just got through extra few thousand deaths but we onlyjust got through that extra few thousand deaths but we only just got through that winter. So to have two problems would be to wear them. How do you see this enforced . Good morning and thank you twice as difficult. To get rid of the thing we know the best, flu, for inviting me on. As you just said, as of today facemasks are this is exactly the right move to mandatory to wear in a shop, in a make. The big problem is the supermarket, in a takeaway. We logistics of getting it sorted out. Should put on a facemask before we go in and keep it on while we are in i have been speaking to practise managers locally who must deal with the shop. There are some who have this. They need to get flu vaccines in and do the clinics and when you exemptions, such as if you have a have a clinic you have about 200 disability to make it impossible to wear a facemask but we are expecting 500 people turn up and anyone who the vast majority of people to wear has been knows that it is a military facemasks. And, in fact, as you have operation. Everyone however is seen bunched together. This year we need facemasks. And, in fact, as you have seen throughout the pandemic, the vast majority of the British Public to get through 500 people in rain have followed the guidance, have and cloud and wind and two metres taken the steps on lockdown and restricting movement, on social distancing. We know that people are apartand responsible and will play their own and cloud and wind and two metres apart and 7000 that need to be done pa rt responsible and will play their own part in looking out for each other and protecting everybody from normally, that will have to be ramped up to around 10,000 people. Covid 19. There will be logistics this year and protecting everybody from covid19. I will ask again. And protecting everybody from covid19. Iwill ask again. How and protecting everybody from covid19. I will ask again. How do you see a minority who do not wear a but it is absolutely the right move. Facemask, Face Coverings, how do you see that being enforced . What we are enough of the people who will need it get it . The other big will see is, as you see on public problem is will we get the supplies transport for instance where there are signs around encouraging you to wear a fast mast that there will in. They gave me some information when they were ordering so there are two different vaccines. One vaccine be people who ignore that. Facemask. How do you see that being used for the Adult Population up to the age of 65 and those are for enforced . We know that the vast majority of people do follow the people who are pregnant or have rules and there is the option for diabetes and other conditions. And the police to be involved but i then there is another vaccine with a different take up that is used by really dont think we will need to the over 65s. They will get 2000 go down that line because most vaccines in for the onlys over people will follow the rules. People do take this very seriously, people 65 is in in september. So the rest dont want to see the covid rate go up dont want to see the covid rate go up again and people know that by wearing a facemask it is about will come in up to late october with protecting those around you, 30 arriving in november. That is particularly the most vulnerable, without extra load. So the you shall we do not get increased rates of covid 19 which may mean we have put restrictions on again. We production of vaccine is already at full stretch and they are unsure do not want that to happen. So we when they will get the remaining know people will act responsibly and will wear facemasks. The police vaccines for the older population. I think there will be a real strain on federation of england and wales, the the actual production and, hopefully, the government has National Chair was on the programme a short while ago and he basically procured some extra vaccines already because at the moment it looks like made clear that the police do not have the capacity to enforce this if there is a struggle to get existing people are not wearing face ones in place. So my interpretation coverings. Do you accept that that is that there is not enough vaccine at the moment . It is a stretch to is the case . I am not expecting the police to be called whenever decay real stretch. And practices somebody is not wearing a facemask to that would be inappropriate for often complain that the we know that the majority of people have, throughout this, followed the manufacturers who they order rules and will do so now. And what i directly from being pushed to november and then we get into the flu season. So at normal times it is should say now is that wearing a Face Covering goes hand in hand with a stretch so hopefully these other the other really important measures that we must continue to take, vaccine for an extra three or 4 critical amongst these is social Million People will help. We need to distancing, staying two metres away find out. The other thing. Sorry, from others when you can. If it comes down to one metre, making sure ijust find out. The other thing. Sorry, i just wanted to find out. The other thing. Sorry, ijust wanted to clear up. 11 you make take medications, regular year olds will receive this washing your hands, following all vaccine . Yes. The School Vaccines the guidance so we restrict our grunt that make contact and our are not done in general practice, movements. This is part of what we they are done in schools and that is need to do a society to keep covid a nasal spray. That is the third under control so we can get on with different type. So you have two life as close as normal as possible and people can do the things that types for adults up to 65 and over make life worth living. The government wants 15 million more 65 and then a nasal spray for children aged 11 and year 7. So they people in england to receive a flu would have had that already last jab this year. Can you explain, if you have the vaccinations, one, if year and they are extending that for the first time into secondary schools. I would be keen to hear you have the vaccinations, one, if you have the vaccinations, one, if you have all the vaccinations, if supply will meet demand, and whether your thoughts, many people are the systems are in place for those eligible for a flu jab and have been for yea rs to be effectively administered. We eligible for a flu jab and have been for years and have not taken it. I are announcing what is the greatest havent had a flu, i dont need it, flu Vaccination Programme in the im fine. You think those people, uks history. We are doing this because of covid 19 and the pandemic because we know that we have a we are living with, there will be an particularly challenging winter upsurge in people like that who ahead and we do not want to have to think, actually, ishould upsurge in people like that who think, actually, i should at the flu do tackle flu along with covid. Flu jab and will that add more pressure . On its own right can be a serious illness and we do not want people to that is exactly what is going to go to hospital with flu or to catch flu and covid at same time which is happen. Already we know patients and nhs staff as well who perhaps have why we launch this Ambitious Programme to vaccinate 30 Million People. We do that and we can do not been so stringent in having a that because we have secured the flu vaccine every year. I havent but i will this year and i know many stocks and set out that not only others who will as well. They had to will the people who usually receive a flu vaccination such as those who have been shielding, those who are order all these flu vaccines in over 65, health and social care february and march before coronavirus started so they were workers, not only are they eligible just ordering for a normal year expecting the normal amount of for free vaccinations but we are u pta ke expecting the normal amount of extending it to over 50 is in some uptake and of course, now, all the other groups that we have the widest way down the line, we are in a possible coverage for the winter ahead. A magazine for gps called different situation as practices try to order extra vaccines already, another thousand came in to the matt puls said manufacturers said practice of the road. No sale, no they may not be able to provide the return so we dont use it we get no flu vaccines ordered this winter money back. But they may not be following an unprecedented surge in demand worldwide. They were quoting enough and i think there will be a big surge of people who are eligible a spokesman for gsk who said they it is just whether there will be enough vaccine to supply everyone who needs it. Always good to talk to expect demand to outpace many pap factoring supplies. Manufacturing you. Doctor william bird is one of the authors of the winter flu report supplies. Have you heard that . I commissioned by the government. It know we are not alone amid countries is 6 a0 on friday morning. Lets go in the world looking to be prepared for winter and that means doing flu talk to mike. Vaccination programmes. We have been there would have been so much excitement, and with tokyo, preparing since early spring. We can eight hours ahead, the opening make this announcement because we ceremony would have been getting have secured the supply to be able under way in just a few hours, to vaccinate 30 Million People and we wa nt to vaccinate 30 Million People and we want to make sure that people who when athletes like max whitlock get the vaccination are those most at risk. So that we vaccinate the would have been walking out with the british team, right people so that we protect our before trying to successfully society, protect our nhs from the defend, his two olympic titles. Flu. We spoke to doctor william bird he was also due to be my coach, for our breakfast presenters olympic who is one of the authors of this challenge. Winter flu report, who is one of the authors of this winterflu report, obviously commissioned by sir patrick balance due to covid 19 though, we have to wait another year, but this week i did at least go and considered by sage. He raised to see max, for an exclusive, concerns about whether there will be socially distanced chat. Capacity to deliver these flu it should have been a big day with vaccinations by gps, taking in social distancing and, also, the fa ct social distancing and, also, the the eyes of the world on max fact that there will be many people who did not take the flu jab who are whitlock, britains most successful dimness, and the rest of team gb eligible previously who are now likely to want it this year because walking out of tokyos olympic of the fear of covid 19 as well. How stadium. Instead, he is back at the are you going to help accommodate gym where he trains, going through gps to get stocks you say you have the routine many of us go through now as we return to work. When i to the people who need it. You are think about it, it feels so strange to think that now the olympics have right. This year we want everyone eligible to come forward and have the vaccination. In the past there gone but it has come around so are some people who, even though quickly it is scary. And to defend they could get a free flu your titles would have been amazing vaccination have not come forward to did itand your titles would have been amazing did it and that is what is gutting, get it so we really want to make coming off the back of last year i sure that people who come and get was ina coming off the back of last year i was in a good place going into this their flu vaccination. Yes, sure that people who come and get theirflu vaccination. Yes, the programme will involve gps and as olympic year but it is what it is. Everyone is in the same boat and usual, for example, that schools nothing can be done. When we last will provide the vaccination. We are working through the Delivery Plan to met after the rio olympics, max make sure that we will be able to showed me how tough this sport is get the vaccination to all of those who should be having it, including, from the beginning and every year he says the pain increases. for instance, in the event that you might have extra restrictions of a from the beginning and every year he says the pain increases. I was one of those people who did a lot as well during lockdown. I even still local area if there is an outbreak. Building up slowly and having aches we need to make sure that even in and pains. It starts to get harder those circumstances the people can get there vaccinations. We talk about care homes . You say visits year on year and as i get older and will resume and care homes once older. That is the biggest local authorities and Public Health challenge. I will be 28 and for a gymnast that is getting on but for Authorities Say to say. What can you say to those relatives who are meiam desperate to see their loved ones in gymnast that is getting on but for me i am not done yet. I have a lot these care homes . Can you give them more i want to do and a lot of improvement. For yourself, being an a timeframe . I am well aware that people are desperately wanting to athlete and not home for a long see theirfamily period of time but now you have a people are desperately wanting to see their family members who are in ca re see their family members who are in care homes and it has been hard with the first few months that they have chunk of time, especially with your young daughter who turned onejust not been able to do so in many before lockdown. She is saying a few cases. We are working with directors words. She says mummy and daddy. She of Public Health across the country and, specifically, we have asked hides toys and says they are gone. Stuff like that. She is trying to do them to look at the policy overall the splits. That is pretty funny. For their area and work with care those of the things i would have homes so that visiting is arranged missed and that would have been a safely. I know that care homes are huge shame so i feel lucky to have already working on this to make sure been here for those stages and to they can arrange safe visits for spend that time with her. Spending time with family is everything and their residents dick the government will announce, we understand, a ban it was before but i think it is on pre watershed junk food something that i think everyone but advertisements as part of an anti obesity drive. Is this in response me must have taken for granted. His return to the gym has gone sided to covid 19 . The Prime Minister has with the big crisis in this sport, made comments himself about being allegations of abuse by some vulnerable to covid 19. although max has never experienced made comments himself about being vulnerable to covid19. I cannot anything but positive coaching comment on the details of a leaked himself. As someone who has done so document but what i can say is that much to try and inspire the next generation coming through, how we know absolutely that obesity is worried are you about the one of the greatest if not the allegations putting people off . greatest Health Challenge we face as hope not. The benefits of gymnastics a country. Half of adults are overweight and one in five children positive, they are still there in leaving Primary School are obese. The sport. It is an amazing sport obesity brings with it a host of and the sport i love and i think thatis and the sport i love and i think that is why this has hit hard. It is Health Challenges and particularly with covid 19, you are at greater sad to hear and frustrating to hear risk of getting those third and the stories about gymnasts who have greater risk of complications and spoken up. That is frustrating and greater risk of complications and greater risk of dying from covid if you are overweight. So as it is an sad but obviously credit goes to important Health Challenge we must them for speaking up. And it is a ta ke important Health Challenge we must take it on and the Prime Minister is committed to making sure that we situation that needs to change and tackle obesity and that we help people live a healthy life. As addressed immediately. And then, i health and social care minister do you think it is a good idea to ban think, the main outcome is that we such advert such as junk food adverts . I will not talk about the wa nt to think, the main outcome is that we want to create a change in that specific details. I am just asking culture. Overall i think the sport will be in a better place and i if you think it is a good idea. Think that is the mission. Creating there will be an announcement on Something Better for the think that is the mission. Creating Something Betterfor the next this coming shortly. The department generation because the sport is of health has been consulting on the amazing and incredible. It has done best way to protect children, for instance, from the advertising of so amazing and incredible. It has done so much for me. His continuing love for the sport is why he is known his unhealthy food and so it is absolutely right that the government next year long buildup for the is looking at what is the right way olympics and while his goals remain the same, the postponement will have to help people make healthy choices, served a purpose. Before we had so lose weight, stay healthy and look much freedom we took it for granted after ourselves. So in that effort and now i think a lot of things are to keep us healthy, when will you make that announcement . There will put into perspective. Now ijust be an announcement about it wa nt to put into perspective. Now ijust want to go away and spent time with imminently. On monday . I am family and so many different places be an announcement about it imminently. On monday . Iam not going to commit to a day or a day and make that a huge priority in my but what i can say is that it will come soon. Life, even more so than it was. I but what i can say is that it will come soon. Helen whately, thank you. Think that is what this time has done for me and talking to a lot of people, i think it has done that for coming up to 7. 45. Time out to head many people as well. over to mike tyson and we will talk about the olympics but i think people, i think it has done that for many people as well. I think we all starting with some cricket . Learned things about ourselves as max was saying then. Next hour we will speak to another to time gold of course. The olympics is back here. Its a big day ahead. The medal winner, jadejones. That deciding test between england and the west indies. We are waiting to will speak to another to time gold medal winner, jade jones. That will come at 7. 30. Find out whether the england bowler, its all to play for when england take on the west indies, jofra archer, will make the side for in the decider, the third and final the third and deciding test match test, which gets under way at old trafford. Against the west indies at old later this morning with the series currently tied at 1 1. Trafford. Pace bowlerjofra archer, hes in the squad, after being has been included in the england dropped for the second test, squad, after being dropped for leaving the players covid 19, bio bubble. From the second test, he said, he wasnt sure for breaching the covid 19, bio secure protocols. Hed be 100 mentally, archer has, this week, ready to play, after receiving talked about the racial abuse, he has suffered on social media, racist abuse, on social media. But both captains say now if youre in the birmingham they are fully behind him. Area, and the ground shook, about an hour ago, it could have been bbc boxing pundit, steve bunce, reacting to the incredible news, it has been hard for him and some of that the former heavyweight world champion, mike tyson, the stuff that he has had to deal will be returning to the ring in september with has been horrible. As a squad at the age of 54. Hell fight an exhibition bout, against another former champion, we try to rally around him and make royjones junior, who himself sure that he is as wood as he can be is 51 and bunce said there were definite safety concerns. And it is nice to see him back and smiling and enjoying his cricket and iam sure smiling and enjoying his cricket and i am sure if he is selected he will be desperate to put in a great ive personally fairfor performance as we saw in the first ive personally fair for the toua. I will tell you why. They are both to test match. Braver their own good. There are a lot of people, especially in hopefully we can all get a grip of what has been happening and california, the Athletic Commission, they sanctified, they say its ok, understand, you know, what hes they sanctified, they say its ok, they have given me the way that they feeling. They think it is the perfect opportunity for us to rally wont hurt each other. They are around him and unite and make sure boxing, you idiot, what you think they will do . to get the slightly that these things are eradicated as much as they possibly can. Larger gloves, forget the really tight head guard. They will hit each scottish premiership club, other. Its that simple. Its st mirren, have gone into lockdown after a number of the clubs staff, tested positive for coronavirus. Boxing. There we go. Yes. Steve Seven Members of the backroom team, have tested positive but its bunce theyre reacting to that news. Understood none of the players have. The Tokyo Olympics should have the news comes nine days, been starting today, with the Opening Ceremony getting under way in just a couple of hours. But the games have before the start of the new season. Been put back a year due to the coronavirus. One of the team gb athletes mike tyson has announced he is who should have been there is jade jones, stepping back into the ring in who won taekwondo gold september at the age of, get this, in london and rio. She was also due to be nagas coach for the breakfast presenters olympic 54. He september at the age of, get this, 5a. He will fight an exhibition challenge. Before we talk to jade, about against another champion, roy jones about against another champion, roy joneanr, about against another champion, roy jones jnr, who was lets see her in action. About against another champion, roy joneanr, who was also no spring chicken, in his 50s, like myself, of course. Let us find out from steve the wealth wonder streaks gold bunce from radio 5 live. More. There area number of again. Bunce from radio 5 live. More. There are a number of boxes going strong, double olympic champion. But it is 15 years since mike tyson last fought professionally and now he is trying to do a grounds . Im trying to think what sort of music plays. Spectacle this could be. It will be somewhere between carnival and helping everyones and balance. Not jade jones only was it 15 years, that was a very poor and sad mike tyson that sat on the ca nvas and sad mike tyson that sat on the canvas with the blank test of eyes and looked out on a world that, id tell you what, he hated at that music plays. Time. How we are meant to imagine this guy could go more than two or three rounds is ridiculous stop by the idea of two guys in their 50s trying to slug it out, should we fearfor trying to slug it out, should we fear for their safety . How dangerous could be . Chai personally for two of yes, some gold memories they are. Them. They are both too brief for lets speak to jade now, whos in manchester. Their own good. Lots of people, morning, jade. How are you . Especially the people in california, the Athletic Commission who have hi, im good, thank you. Its sanctioned the fight, they said it is ok, they have given me there frustrating. You should have been where they are not going to hurt there with the team getting ready each other. They are boxing, you for the Opening Ceremony. Especially seeing the video there, it brings idiot, what you think they are going back all the feelings and the to do . Forget the slightly larger emotions and itjust makes it all gloves and the tight head guard, seem emotions and itjust makes it all seem real. Im supposed to be going they will each other. Its that from a third olympic gold in simple. Its boxing having said literally a couple of days. The timing would have been perfect that, do you think this is a because you want the world title last year. So you would have been in distraction, that this port, as it was to come out of the coronavirus peak condition as well. My know. Crisis, just does not need. It its always hard. What it would be doesnt need but there is a slight saving grace, a little asterix and all that. Now it almost seems attached to it. That is that this is surreal that it was supposed to be pa rt attached to it. That is that this is part of something that tyson is in two days time. You just change launching called the legends only your sites. Now the focus is it is lee, legend from tennis, football, in ones time. We have had to change cricket compromised full, they will all our plans. Its just all a get together and compete and to all in ones time. We have had to change all our plans. Itsjust all a bit the world. Legal. There is that surreal and crazy, to be honest debate absolutely. Earlier we were hearing about max whitlock, having lovely word attached to it, time with his family at home and exhibition. However it is mike tyson and royjones, its boxing gloves, changed his priorities. Owl has locked and affected you . How has . Banquiao, what you expect . Come on id just spent it with my housemate, isa banquiao, what you expect . Come on is a crowd, but with the coronavirus still deepening in the us, there bianca walton, just beating each other up will be no fans in the stadium, they bianca walton, just beating each otherup in bianca walton, just beating each other up in the garage downstairs, to be honest. Just doing what i will be no fans in the stadium, they will have to watch on box office, whatever it is. Thats it. Shock, would normally do. But i think black horror, no one can come in. We have said, it has changed my outlook and kind made me enjoy it and appreciate 20,000 fans paying 50 for a paper it more, because you can get so view. It is a pay per view venture. Wrapped up in the olympic bubble in by view. It is a pay per view venture. By looking at my twitter feed for the last 2a hours and there will be your sport, where isjust to realise a lot of people tuning in and a lot what is truly important and to of money generated. It will be a appreciate all the memories even carnival, but it will be a carnival more. Its all about kicking and and a lot of sports fans and boxing fighting, you are going to be doing fa ns and a lot of sports fans and boxing fans will want to watch. Mike, were that with naga, wont you . Naga has to japan because naga and i am something to say, i think. Im a bit listening intensely. Chip in. Concerned. I was really excited. I good morning to you. Can i ask a gutted we did not get a film with you and train. If you are fighting question . Of course you can. Is forfun, you and train. If you are fighting for fun, how would you have treated there anyone else in the house with me . Well. Im sure we can have a you this morning . It is ten to seven. Have you woken the rematch one time. They have to say neighbours, is there. that, though. I think you would win. But, seriously, how are you keeping . Seven. Have you woken the neighbours, is there. Ithinki have woken my wife. They dont think how has it been for you generally in she is very happy. I have photo stomp downstairs. Can i ask your terms of emotions, mental health, in question, steve . Of course you can. Terms of emotions, mental health, in terms of, you would have been there, this is what you do. Yeah, to be mike tyson is held . 54 how old. Honest, im not going to lie, it has been tough and people think athletes are been tough and people think athletes can you describe how hard mike tyson a re really been tough and people think athletes are really mentally strong so, to be honest, me, myselfand are really mentally strong so, to be honest, me, myself and did not think can hit, can punch now . Funnily it would affect me. I think athletes a lwa ys it would affect me. I think athletes always have a goal and you wake up enough, on a five live bbc podcast, every day for that one thing and you we did 45 minutes with a referee, Richard Stiller who was the third literally know why you are waking up in what you are training for. So to man in tyson fights and he said he wa ke in what you are training for. So to wake up and think what are my doing, used to fear for tysons opponents what competition . And still now we dont know when the next competition and he would get himself six inches closer so he could stop a fight. I is, were just kind dont know when the next competition is, werejust kind of training and floating. It kind of felt like i have been ringside and i have winston i have fairly tough skin. Have been retired a little bit. Its been tough. Jade, how is the you can just sense winston i have fairly tough skin. You canjust sense it, you can feel it. Men i know you have fought him training going, what are you allowed have said that when he hits you, to do . Is it really non stop from anywhere above the beltline, it here until next summer now . hurts. I have seen him drop people, to do . Is it really non stop from here until next summer now . I hope they have fallen around and danced not. Training is kind of like slowly andjumped up and they have fallen around and danced and jumped up and then they have gone down. He can still cause going back to normal and the code damage, hejust gone down. He can still cause damage, he just cant cause it for still has to wear a mask and when we very long. Steve, we will have to turn up to the centre we have to get leave it there. You better go and our temperature chack and theres make some coffee and breakfast for all sorts of jacks our temperature chack and theres all sorts ofjacks and procedures your wife. Thank you. There are a that we have to go through checked. Its is in little groups as well. Normally it is the girls team lot of sports we can come back to an together where as now its like pods hour 50s. Why should stress that. Loads of of little groups of six. The Academy Things to keep active. When you havent been in the ring for 15 is back open and we are going to a yea rs havent been in the ring for 15 years that is when you start to get Training Camp as well next week in concerned. Thank you very much was croatia where the cases are really up concerned. Thank you very much was up see you later on. Nine minutes low. Really looking forward to that. Until seven. Weve all seen the value of our parks in recent months. But the surge in visitors, thanks,j. Low. Really looking forward to that. Thanks, j. Lovely to see you. And both during and since the lockdown, has meant an increase in the rubbish for wetting our appetite as to what we will see next summer. I have seen that some of them leave behind. Were looking into this, and whats being done about it, js head shots in the past. as part of our litter britain series. Our reporter tomos morgan is at one of the uks oldest municipal parks, in manchester. We will see next summer. I have seen js head shots in the past. I think thatis js head shots in the past. I think that is great. Thank you for showing me how to duck as well. And be quick. Iam me how to duck as well. And be quick. I am also very good at running away. That works too. Run away thanks, mike. I it is interesting, people have been loving their outdoor spaces, havent they, but more people often means think i had a lucky escape. It could more litter. Thats exactly right. Happen. The remotes could happen. You can see some scattered around 7 52 the time. Guide dogs have been helping blind and partially sighted people to live independent lives since the 19305, this park in manchester, one of the but how about one that doesnt need old est this park in manchester, one of the oldest parks in manchester, one of food, training, or sleep . The largest parks as well. It is this is theia, named after the greek goddess of sight. Unsettling and not nice to see the shes a robotic guide dog rubbish around. When this park and was created by anthony comu, opened, like many across england and who onlyjust graduated from university this week. Anthonyjoins us now the rest of the uk, it has meant that councils have had to spend an from shropshire to tell us more. Extra amount of money, tens of thousands, to clear up the litter. Rick and rachel who are here took it anthony, very good morning to you. Upon themselves to clean up the first things first, congratulations, you just got a first, is that right . Litter. What was it like when you that is right. Thank you very much. First helped out in the start of when did you get the news . Yesterday june . We started because it was really, really dirty in the park and morning, actually. Can raise littered. We wanted to make sure that everybody can enjoy nature once relations for that. Thats job done. You have been busy on a project we can come back to it. And we have been trying to do it for the last congratulations for that. They dont know what you can show us, what you few months. And, rachel, for you, at we can see. You are creating a form its worst what was it like when you first arrive back in the park was of robot that can do the work that a matt pretty bad. Park. When we guide dog could do stop can you explain . Essentially that is what it does. Essentially distills a guide first started picking we got six dogs does. Essentially distills a guide days between us. They are not small dogs or bags. Now it is may a bag each when does. Essentially distills a guide dogs orfunctions does. Essentially distills a guide dogs or functions so walking the street, avoiding obstacles, and we do an hour and a half. This is translating those into a hand held slightly better. Slightly better, here. We will come back you later in device, which blind people, visually the bagram. As well as passing the impaired people, its conceivable cities and urban areas this has been an issue in some of the larger what things you can put in your National Parks across the country backpack and rucksack, it is a since knocked has eased. Convenient and basic solution to people who cant get hold of guide iamat dogs for whatever reason. Some i am at dugdale National Nature reserve picking little for the national trust. Dugdale people have allergies to dogs, have reserve picking little for the nationaltrust. Dugdale is reserve picking little for the national trust. Dugdale is one of the peak districts most picturesque small houses, some places dont have locations. But it has been overrun the charities to support them, like with people and their rubbish. Rosie third world countries. That is the should be helping in the National Inspiration for the project. Then it trusts gardens nearby and mike should be fixing paths and styles, becomes something that could have a positive change for people who cant get the dogs. Anthony, were looking but both volunteers have been picking up litter since lockdown at some of the images it now. Restrictions were eased. On june question one, does it work . Yeah, it one, from this area here, we took 75 bags in the morning. Nappies, lots does work. The project as a sort of in its infancy at the moment. There area in its infancy at the moment. There are a lot of teething issues. There of coffee cups, loads of wet wipes is this little vibration and braking where people go to the toilet, wet wipes dont break down like tissue. Motors. At the potential is so it is things like we really definitely there. I was testing the shouldnt have to be picking up. Function with my brother. Although some Leisure Industries u nfortu nately, function with my brother. Unfortunately, due to covid, i open, beauty spots like this one in the peak district, have been couldnt tested on real visually overwhelmed by visitors. And impaired people. But ive basically u nfortu nately overwhelmed by visitors. And unfortunately many have been living the trust behind. As soon as emulated the effects of being blind lockdown lifted we were seeing on both myself and a few willing unprecedented numbers of people. There has been more rubbish left now participants. And ive basically, than ever before, according to the you know, played around with my national trust, which has meant that mechanism, which is called a cmg, every day a team of volunteers have been here cleaning up after the public. Why are peoplejust uses force and resistance to been here cleaning up after the public. Why are people just not manipulate the movement of some ofs doing basic things and taking the rubbish with them . Everyone was so had an open space, they use it in the International Space station to cooped up because of lockdown, they rotate the space station in space. Came out, they wanted to have a nice, amazing experience in a it isa beautiful place. But they wont rotate the space station in space. It is a novel application of the really prepared for coming to a technology. Nature reserve. They are expecting it is a novel application of the technology. Crosstalk. To come to a country park and instead came to a nature reserve. So anthony, its naga here. When a there were not the bins and visually impaired person is Holding Facilities they are expecting. As this and walking down the street, more rubbish has been appearing in how does it communicate with them . All our green spaces, across the what does it tell them . Say they get country the younger among us have taken it upon themselves to give a toa what does it tell them . Say they get to a Pedestrian Crossing or they are helping hand. What did we find about to enter a supermarket, how do today, can you remember . Covid19 they know . What does it say . About to enter a supermarket, how do they know . What does it sawm doesnt speak to you. It sort of communicates to you through moving your hands, just like a guide dog facemasks. Holly and her would stop a guide dog is fairly eight year old have been picking on silent. This communicates the the way to and from from school. Complex mechanics of movement while dylan and rachel have been cleaning up in the community, through feedback. So you are holding raising money for the nhs. Because the nhs helps people and we have this thing, it moves your hand in response to whats ahead of you. If there is an obstacle in front of you such as a lamppost or a pedestrian, it will ship your hand to the left, raised about £1430. Laughter. Almost like this. And as it does that it sort of moves your arm and the National Parks welcome the influx after lockdown, but ask your hand to the position you need eve ryo ne influx after lockdown, but ask everyone to respect nature. So its to walk into. It can communicate speed and direction all from this a about helping them understand that when you come somewhere here thats cmg technology. You must be so so when you come somewhere here thats so special is so important for wildlife, that part of yourjob when excited for when lockdown rules ease you come here to help protected. The and you can actually get someone to message for all is clear, come and use it. Its brilliant. It has been enjoy the Great Outdoors again, but so use it. Its brilliant. It has been so interesting talking to you, dont leave your rubbish for others anthony. The other thing im super to mop up behind you. Impressed with is you get a first on thursday, right, you must have well, more than half of englands celebrated, and at ten minutes to eight in the morning on friday you park said they have had to bring in are on bbc breakfast. Are you extra resources to help with the rubbish and litter left behind by feeling ok, did you celebrate well . People after the lockdown eased. That means that keep britain tidy, idid. Me feeling ok, did you celebrate well . I did. Me and my family had some they have started a new campaign champagne. We had a nice time last night. Good things in moderation. Today. Richard, tell me more about that. It has been designed by our own image innovation team. A lot laughter. This has all happened very suddenly. But so exciting. Its great, of people think that what you need to do is shame people, but in the anthony, keep in touch with us and broader context when it comes to we will follow the progress and see littering what the size behavioural how it develops over time as you insights as his care and compassion carry out the test. Thank you very and empathy are much stronger much. Thank you. What a lovely guy. Leaders of behaviour. We have seen isjunk over 19 leaders of behaviour. We have seen is junk over 19 with the governments messaging. We have lost i like ten. Weve seen all sorts of public a Campaign Across parks across the country today using that sort of tributes to our frontline nhs messaging, but also the messaging coming from individuals who use the workers over the past few months and this morning we can show park. The park staff themselves who you a spectacular one which is best are affected by this, the people who viewed from the air. This is in gainsborough, use the park day today who are in lincolnshire affected by this. And we will have and our reporter luxmy gopal posters not just in affected by this. And we will have posters notjust in the park but in shops and premises around the parks is in there somewhere. So shops and premises around the parks so people walk to the park any messages reinforce all the way. Thank you so much. We will come back we cant see her from this distance to later in the programme, richard. But we will catch up with her a little later and have a look around. The message is clear, if you come to the park and enjoyed please take your rubbish with you put it straight in the bin. Tomos, thank we can talk to matter now who has the weather for us. That maze looks you very much. Nothing more frustrating than people who litter. Matt is taking a look at the weather. What a stunning view you good. It can imagine us chasing each have behind you. Where is that . Other around in better times. Beautiful. Overlooking ullswater good. It can imagine us chasing each other around in better timesm would be brilliant. Good morning to you. Sunrise are still a little bit this morning in cumbria. A cracking too early for many of us at the moment. They bring you the watcher shot by a weather watcher. Here was shot from earlier this morning. A up shot by a weather watcher. Here was up early to get up the hills and stunningly serene, calm morning on mountains there. Why would you want to litter if you like that. A the coast i bring you a weather stunning morning here and across watcher shot. What you cant make parts of the country. A very good out is the boat called jet stream. Morning to you all. Its going to be quite ironic because it is the jet one of those days where it is drier, strea m brighter, and warmer than most of quite ironic because it is the jet stream ruling our weather at the moment. Bringing something distantly you experienced through yesterday. On an summer one of the better days of the next moment. Bringing something distantly on an summer like over the next few days. It is close in the uk, running five. If you have got players to be to the south at the moment, pushing outdoors, why not make it today . We one area of low pressure after the are in between weather systems. This other. Today, however, we are isa are in between weather systems. This is a weather system abroad is the between the one that broughtjust wet weather yesterday. This is the av between the one that broughtjust as rain and one that will bring one thats moving for the weekend. This we cans rain. Most places will so in between there will be some have a drier, brighter, and warmer cloud, one or two isolated jobs, day today. If you are on your staycation at the moment today is a most cloud, one or two isolated jobs, m ost pla ces cloud, one or two isolated jobs, most places dry. Thats how we start this morning. Sunny spells across good day to get out and make the most of it. You will feel nice when most areas. There could be semester, the sun is on your back. A little low lingering across the south and bit of cloud around at the moment. South west. It is across southern especially across wales in the england and wales a greater chance midlands, towards east anglia, thick ofa enough for the odd spot of light england and wales a greater chance of a shower doing the day before rain or drizzle. If few jobs rain arrives to the west of ireland later on and across the isles of enough for the odd spot of light rain or drizzle. If fewjobs in a very far north of scotland. Later, scilly. With most places dry and this only counties of england and certainly a bit more sunshine wales makgatho shower. The first majority will be dry and the ad around, compared with yesterday it will feel warmer. Damages across Northern England and wales in vast majority. It will be warmer. Particular higher than they have temperatures hitting up to 26 in the been. While many finish dry and south east corner. Substantially sunny it will be a wet tee time warm across Northern England and across Northern Ireland. Tonight, this evening overnight, rain will wales with that sunshine. It will be spread around eastward, heavy bursts amongst us, not too much some across raining by tee time in Northern Ireland on the isles of scilly, and southern counties of england. But outbreaks of rain pushing all parts for all it will be a very mild and this evening and overnight. Not too muqqy much rain in the south. Further for all it will be a very mild and muggy night. Temperatures not dropping below the mid teens. North that rain will be be at times. With winds southerly for a time, it despite the fact you will be starting the weekend on that will be a very muggy night. Damages dropping below the teens in many reasonably mild night, it will feel a bit cooler, especially when we see places. 17 18 into tomorrow morning the downpours come along, nice enough with the sunshine out but in the south east corner. It takes more of a breeze around. Downpours us into the weekend were summer seems to be on pause. When the sun will be just about anywhere to start is out it will feel quite nice, but saturday morning, dry through the with some heavy doubles in the morning, Northern Ireland, the rannell, go through the day, dry forecast more of a breeze, it will feel that little bit. To begin with, moments, sunny moments, the showers could be heavy and thundery. Merging lots of doubt, outbreaks of rain into longer spells of rain across just about anywhere first thing in the morning. Most in northern the Channel Islands, the south, ireland before heavy showers get southeast late in the day. Going in the afternoon. There will be sunshine, it will not rain the temperatures down a little bit on todays values, generally in the time, but we use each other as they will be heavy and thundering and high teens or low 20s for many. They will most along the spells of rain later on. The Channel Islands, those showers continue, as you go through saturday night as well. South east england, and east anglia. Youve got low pressure nearby. Its temperatures down a little bit on basically a feeding ground for what you will have seen today. The showers. The air is rising and low pressure will still be around as michelle allows build up, there will we go through into sunday, closing be more around on sunday. A slightly better day to the south and east, ina we go through into sunday, closing in a little bit more towards the north west of the country. It is but away from the low pressure which here where we will see the showers will feed into longer spells of rain merged into longer spells of rain at across scotland. So janet showers times. More of a breeze around on across scotland. So janet showers across many western areas, fewer of sunday. Further south and east away them the further south and east you get. This is where we will see a from the area of low pressure, fewer showers, more sunshine, and it little bit warmer and a little bit should still feel pleasant in that sunshine. We have your headlines drier. More of a breeze on sunday. When the showers come along it will next. Feel substantially cooler. The 00 59 52,784 4294966103 13 29,430 headlines are next. Good morning. Welcome to breakfast with Charlie Stayt and naga munchetty. Our headlines today. Face coverings become mandatory in shops, banks and takeaways in england breaking the rules could mean a £100 fine. But who will enforce it, and can retailers afford to turn away customers who are not wearing a mask . I am in st albans meeting businesses and finding out how it will work. A massive expansion of flu jabs in england 30 Million People will be offered them to help stop the nhs being overwhelmed if theres a second wave of coronavirus. The duke and duchess of sussex launch legal action after a drone allegedly took pictures of their son, archie, in the us. On the day the Olympic Games should have started in tokyo, britains most successful gymnast, max whitlock, tells us, max whitlock, tells us it will be harderfor him to retain his two olympic titles another year on because of age. Its friday the 24th ofjuly. Our top story. Wearing a Face Covering in enclosed public spaces, such as shops, banks and takeaways, is compulsory in england from today. Police can hand out fines of up to £100 to those who refuse to comply, but some retailers say they wont enforce the rule. Our Political Correspondent jessica parkerjoins us now from westminster. The hope of course is that this becomes the new normal and something people will do because they want to do it voluntarily, but it is a major change for people to get used to and there are questions about how it will be enforced. It comes into force in england today but how will it be enforced . Force in england today but how will it be enforced . Technically, the police will have the powers to dish out £100 fines if people do not obey the rules, but you have been speaking to the Police Federation who are saying they are stretched, and Police Officers will not be hanging outside every supermarket enforcing these rules. As you say, therefore the emphasis seems to be on personal responsibility and people doing it voluntarily, and it is something the Health Minister has been speaking about this morning. am not expecting the police to be called whenever somebody is not wearing a face mask, that would be inappropriate. We know that the majority have throughout followed the rules and will do so now. What i should say is that the wearing of Face Coverings goes hand in hand with the other important measures which must be continued to be taken. Shop workers are not expected to enforce this, but i think supermarkets, banks, post offices will be encouraged to put up signs to remind people to put on Face Coverings in enclosed spaces. Will it work out and will enforcement need to be used . It is difficult to say. As with so much when it comes to coronavirus, nothing like this in this country has been tried before. More than half the population of england will be offered a free flu jab this winter as the government tries to avoid the nhs being overwhelmed by a combination of both seasonal flu and covid 19. Around 30 Million People will be eligible for the vaccination scheme, which has been extended to include everyone over 50, and children in the first year of secondary school. Our health editor, hugh pym, has more. Ministers and Health Leaders are concerned that if there is a flu outbreak at the same time as another surge in covid 19 infections, the nhs will again be under great strain. So the government has announced an extension of eligibility for flu vaccinations in england. Previously, those who are pregnant, aged over 65 or with certain medical conditions qualified, along with preschool and Primary School children. Added to the list this winter will be the over 505, year 7 pupils and all those who have been shielding as well as their households. The news was welcomed by doctors. What we want now is for things to move to a normal pace rather than having to worry about coming out of the pandemic into the winter flu season, which we get every year anyway, but now with coronavirus around as well it is a double situation we want to avoid, really. The Royal College of gps said there would be challenges including ensuring that at risk patients were confident about coming into surgeries for their jabs. Officials say more than 30 million doses have been ordered and they are urging all those eligible for a free flu vaccine to have one. Plans for the next flu Vaccination Campaign in scotland, wales and Northern Ireland are still being finalised. Cinemas, museums and beauty salons in wales will be allowed to reopen from monday, as the Welsh Government sets out its latest plans to ease the lockdown. Campsites can also open from this weekend but indoor gyms and Swimming Pools, along with theatres and music venues, must remain closed. A further review will take place next week to decide if pubs, cafes a nd restau ra nts ca n resume trading inside. The Prime Minister is planning to announce new measures to curb obesity, which are expected to include a ban on tvjunk food adverts before nine oclock in the evening. Borisjohnson once suggested people should be able to eat what they like. But he appears to have changed his stance amid growing evidence that people who are obese are more at risk from covid 19. The duke and duchess of sussex have begun legal action in los angeles, complaining that drones were used to take pictures of their son, archie. Harry and meghan are claiming an invasion of privacy. Its alleged that archie who is now 14 months old was photographed at their home during lockdown. Earlier, we spoke to anousha sakoui, a reporter at the los angeles times. The couple have filed a lawsuit against unnamed actors, who would be photographers, photo graphic agents, anyone involved in inducing or peddling photos taken either by drone, they believe, or through photo lenses, long lenses, or somehow perhaps have got onto their property and that is the only way really they would be able to capture 14 archie playing in the garden. In california, is illegal. The main story is about the changes in england. If youre planning to visit a shop in england today, dont forget youll need to grab another item. They hope this will be the norm. Keys, wallet, facemask. Face coverings are now mandatory in many enclosed public spaces, including banks, post offices and shopping centres. Breakfastsjohn maguire has been out to see if businesses and customers are ready to cover up. When work by one of bristols most famous sons is modified, then you know something is afoot or a face. From today, bar certain exemptions, we will have to cover our faces in shops in england. From today, bar certain special exemptions, we will have to cover our faces in shops in england. We need to cover our nose and our mouth. That has to be covered at all times. It doesnt have to be a mask, it can be anything that were wearing. For example, im wearing a scarf now. You can use that. We must make sure that our nose and mouth are fully covered and it fits really snugly, so, like this, and then you can tighten the scarf around you and that would be fine to go into a shop. If you are wearing a mask that has elastic straps, you want to hold it by the strap. First of all, have really clean hands, wash your hands. If youre out and about, have a little hand sanitiser that you can quickly rub on. And if you have one these pleated masks, you want the pleats facing downwards, so that if there are any particles in the air, theyre not being caught in the pleats. So if you had at the wrong way around, they could potentially go into those folds. So the right way is to have the folds going down, put it on across your face, loop it on one ear and then the other. If it has a metallic strip, you want to be pushing down so it fits snugly across your face. If we dont do this, then people who wear glasses will often say their glasses get steamed up. Thats because the air is going up and its not staying within the mask. Always keep them in a plastic bag, a ziploc disposable bag like this is great, then you can carry a couple at a time. To wash them make sure the water is really hot, at least 60 degrees, and make sure they are put out to dry naturally and fully clean before you put them back on. Demand forface masks has been high. They are awaiting a resupply at this shop. And the owner expects peoples social conscience will mean they will do the right thing. Yeah, i cant see myself enforcing it in the shop or anywhere else, for that matter. It should be more of a social pressure thing, i think. Dont smoke in cars with your children, or dont smoke at all even, things like that. Wear a seat belt, wear a mask. Its simple. And shoppers seem determined to play their part. Anything that can help us get back to normal a bit quicker. If we can reduce the number of people who get it, and wear masks, then great. Its not a problem. I dont see why anyone has an issue with it, to be honest. I think everyone will comply, right . Most people will. Otherwise youll get a nice fat fine, wont you . And that nice fat fine, up to £100, would mean the police had been called. But they expect people to comply. This is someones premises and they have invited you in. And if you abuse that invitation, then the role of police is no different. Wed ask you to respect the individual, but if we are called, we will ask you, through them, to leave and if you dont, then there is a chance you will get arrested. Look at yourself in the mirror and just ask, why am i being like this . Treat them with respect, buy their product, and leave with a smile on your face. Buy their product, and leave and if you cant do that, then youve not been listening to what has happening for the last six months. Wales and Northern Ireland will be watching with interest. Here in scotland, its been mandatory in shops for the past fortnight. In coatbridge, north lanarkshire, Claire Mcwilliams says, sometimes, her customers need to be reminded. It is difficult and were a Small Business as well, and its hard, because you are happyjust to have custom, but you do need to make sure that everyone else, your other customers, are safe in the shop, so you do have to say to them. But, usually, they just forget to put it on. And we do provide Face Coverings, as well, if one forgets. Scottish shoppers have had a while to get used to them. Ive found it really uncomfortable. Because when i pull it up when i go into the shops, i just cant breathe. Especially if its over my nose and mouth, you know. But i know you have to wear it anyway, for safety. And back in bristol, work making hats for the races, weddings, film and theatre costumes had dried up, so ani Stafford Townsend turned the other cheek, as it were, and has produced thousands of masks in various designs. Theres definitely plenty of scope to show your personality. But its also really important to balance practicalities and safety with the personal style. And we dont do things like furorsequins, because you need to be able to wash it at 60, otherwise it is completely counter productive. So whether youre planning a full day of retail therapy, orjust popping out for a pint of milk like your money, phone, and reusable shopping bag, when it comes to a Face Covering, dont leave home without it. John maguire, bbc news. Ben sin st albans with some retailers who are preparing to deal with the new guidelines. This sign says it all, where you are this morning. That is what people will be seeing. The normal precautions, but also wear a mask. Good morning. Good morning to you both, you are right. The things we have been getting used to about keeping distance, washing hands, now there is Something Else to think about. Earlier i was at a jeweller, explaining how it is different for them, but in the coffee shop, things are different once more. If you are coming in takeaway coffee, may be to pick upa coming in takeaway coffee, may be to pick up a sandwich to take away with you, you will have to wear a mask and you have to treat it as a shop. But if you come into Something Like this, a coffee shop and you will eat on the premises, we can treat it as a resta u ra nt on the premises, we can treat it as a restaurant and you do not necessarily need to wear a mask. So the things we are used to, social distance reminders, it has set up a one way system. That is the exit only. So lots of changes for businesses to get used to. And clearly they have not had a long time to do so. Julie, good morning, you have had 12 hours to get used to the guidance. How are you making it work . We are lucky because we have a lot of space. It has been quite easy to manage it. It is more going to be difficult having to make sure eve ryo ne wears difficult having to make sure everyone wears a mask when they come in. It is the enforcement issue, a lot of businesses have said it is not fair to ask retailers to enforce, because you have enough to do running the business. It is another thing to add to the list of things we have to manage. We will see how today goes. How has business been . The idea of getting people out and spending money and supporting businesses, that is part of the plan. We have been busy. We have been lucky. People feel comfortable because we have outside seating. It has been busy. I think people are glad to be out. And the weather has helped. Talk to me about the businesses in st albans. We would rely on a lot of passing trade, people picking up a takeaway. So reminding them of the rules but making them feel comfortable to be back . Staff have been wearing visors, which makes people feel more co mforta ble. Visors, which makes people feel more comfortable. We have been lucky, regulars have come back. We have had new people, as well. Tell me about business generally. Being shocked so long, do you hope the next few months will help you make back the money loss . We were only close six weeks, so not as bad as a lot of people, so especially we hope this next month will be good. There is criticism of the guidance that it is vague and confused and not clear when you are the ones having to make decisions. How have you found the advice . Day by day. Most are waiting to see what we are told in the evening before we know what we will do the next day. A lot of customers are confused so it is trying to find out what is going on and put it across to the customers. Their response has been ok . Pretty good. Everyone has been understanding and quite good with it. What do you find the hardest bit, is it about communicating with staff . A little bit. Mostly for people to understand what is going on. People having patience and waiting and everything is not as quick as it used to be. We talk a lot on the programme about people spending more time in the uk, when it comes to holiday now. I imagine that is good news for business like yours, because we have the glorious st albans cathedral and this wonderful view. Do you hope more people will stay in the uk this summer . I hope so. We have a nice town for people to come to and i think it is good that people are staying here and not going away this year. I was hearing earlier that you keep bees here but they are not immune to the problems of social distancing. We have beehives and they come around and see people sometimes. The issue is you cannot make it into honey because the people who process it our social distancing. Exactly, everything is taking longer than normal. Distancing. Exactly, everything is taking longer than normatm distancing. Exactly, everything is taking longer than normal. It is nice to see you, good luck. I am sure it will all work out. That is theissue, sure it will all work out. That is the issue, trying to work out the rules on how they affect retailers, and making sure people feel co mforta ble. And making sure people feel comfortable. People will not spend time here unless they feel safe and co mforta ble time here unless they feel safe and comfortable and all retailers i have spoken to this morning say it is reassuring customers, we are open, come back, it is safe to do so, so hopefully this guidance will allow them to do that. Back to you. Thank you. Lovely to see you enjoying a cup of coffee this morning. Not much left we are trying to get a sense of how this will work in practice. Different retail firms are planning to deal with the new rules in their own way. Lets take a look at how a few of the big chains are responding to the new guidance. Costa coffee told us that only customers who are sat at a table, consuming theirfood and drink, should remove their masks. They said they wont be challenging customers who enter without a mask since they may have a legitimate reason as to why they are unable to wear one. Furniture and homeware giant ikea said we ask every customer to play their part and be considerate by wearing Face Coverings. We will be encouraging and reminding them about the governments instructions through our social distancing wardens, signage and regular announcements. And the Supermarket Chain asda said it will do all that it can to encourage customers to wear a Face Covering but that it is the responsibility of the relevant authorities to police and enforce the new rules. Were joined now by nigel murray. Hes the chief operating officer for the Supermarket Chain booths, which has 28 Stores Across Northern England. Good morning. You have almost 30 supermarkets. I am good morning. You have almost 30 supermarkets. Iam not good morning. You have almost 30 supermarkets. I am not clear, are you at a store now . Notjust at the moment. I am you at a store now . Notjust at the moment. Iam in you at a store now . Notjust at the moment. I am in the Central Office in preston but will be heading out to see what is going on. Do you have a sense yet . Have you heard anything lately from stores about what is happening in practice . Not specifically this morning, but we have a store in the borough of pendle, who introduced additional measures and one of those was asking customers to wear Face Coverings in supermarkets and the approach has been brilliant in that store. We have had one look at it which is really encouraging. Talk us through the procedure. Do you have someone at the entrance advising people a mask is needed . At the entrance advising people a mask is needed . Are they allowed in without a mask . I think a bit of context is helpful. The past four months, we have greeted every customer into our shops and it is one thing we did in march when social distancing and hygiene initiatives were brought in, so we explained how and why we were doing things and we could deliver a high level of service, and that has been with us all the way through. In reality, this is another day with another conversation to have. We are going into this expecting not a great deal of change. And you are hoping everyone uses common sense and sticks to the law. But let me put a scenario to use, which is someone comes to put a scenario to use, which is someone comes to the shop. And they start to walk in and they are not wearing a face mask. I understand what happens is a member of staff will advise them the procedures in place are that you need to wear a face mask, but they walk in anyway. What does happen in that circumstance . We have a conversation with them about the fact it is law from today to wear a Face Covering asa from today to wear a Face Covering as a customer. There are options customers have if they have forgotten their Face Covering. We would talk to them about whether they have a scarf, clean handkerchief, which can be worn. They do not have to be surgical Face Coverings. We can sell a Face Coverings. We can sell a Face Covering at the front of store and in some circumstances we might be able to provide a free disposable Face Covering. It is important to have the conversation. There are many in society who should not wear Face Coverings, so it is important we understand that so we can support those people to do shopping in the best way. I take all of those points on board, but, in a way, what is most difficult is the customer who comes in and does not fit in those categories, refuses to buy one, because you politely said you can buy one right now and everything is good, but who does not do that. Im curious about what you tell your staff. Presumably, you have their welfare to think about. There is the risk of confrontation. All of the stores we spoke to said the one thing they will not do is confront customers in those circumstances. Thing they will not do is confront customers in those circumstancesm is different in booths because we greet every customer into the store. We do reserve the right to politely refused to serve customers and that is something retailers have to deal with daily, particularly those selling age related items. It is something as a business where we operate within the confines of the law, so we do not see the situation any different today. And explain to us, because i know these decisions are not yours in terms of the wider regulations, but they are confused that staff do not have to wear Face Coverings in most of these environments. What is your policy in relation to members of staff . From today, as a mutual and reciprocal action, and leading by example, all collea g u es action, and leading by example, all colleagues will be wearing a form of Face Covering, whether a see through visor or a mask covering, so every colleague in customer facing areas will wear facial protection. Thank you very much and good luck to you and your staff as everyone adapts to the new changes. That is nigel murray from supermarket booths. One of the things about masks that has really annoyed me, not wearing them, of course, we all do that, you see them littered everywhere. You only have to look around. One of the extraordinary things is someone has taken the trouble to wear one and you have the foresight to do that, but knowing all the risks associated, puts it down in the street. It seems extraordinary. We are talking about litter because it has affected parks. But the surge in visitors both during and since the lockdown has meant an increase in the rubbish that some of them leave behind. Our reporter tomos morgan is at one of the uks oldest council parks, in manchester. When you got there this morning, did you see more litter . Because people, more people using the park sadly means more litter. There was a bit scattered around and you can see behind me eric and rachel hard at work, filling up their bags. This parkis work, filling up their bags. This park is in the shadow of the Etihad Stadium in the north east of manchester. And people have flocked to parks after being cooped up inside but unfortunately have brought letter and not put it in the bin, which has created quite a scene in many of these places. Keep britain tidy are launching a campaign to make sure we put litter in the bin. The face of that campaign in manchester is sky. This is your local park. Why is it important to keep it tidy . Is your local park. Why is it important to keep it tidy7m is your local park. Why is it important to keep it tidy . It is important to keep it tidy . It is important to keep it tidy because i do enjoy coming to this park. Everyone should enjoy coming to this part. I do not like it when people drop litter and when people do not look after the park. It is like we are giving you green spaces and you are giving you green spaces and you are trashing them. So there is no point. What do you say to people when you catch them in the act . say to them, do not do it, put it in the bin, because it is simple. It is not very hard work, and it is simple to put something in a bin, but people still do not listen. Thank you so much. It is notjust city parks that have been affected as more people come out, it is also the big National Parks. I am at dovedale National Nature reserve picking litter for the national trust. Dovedale its one of the peak districts most picturesque locations. But its been overrun with people and their rubbish. Rosie should be helping in the National Trusts gardens nearby, and mike should be fixing paths and stiles, but both volunteers have been picking up litter since lockdown restrictions were eased. Onjune the 1st, from this area here, we took 75 bags in the morning. Nappies, lots of coffee cups, loads of wet wipes where people go to the toilet and wet wipes dont break down, you know, like tissue. So its things like we really shouldnt have to be picking up. With only some Leisure Industries open, beauty spots like this one in the peak district, have been overwhelmed by visitors. And unfortunately many have been living their trash behind. So as soon as lockdown lifted we were seeing unprecedented numbers of people. There has been more rubbish left now than ever before, according to the national trust, which has meant that every day a team of volunteers have been here cleaning up after the public. Why are people just not doing basic things and taking their rubbish with them . Everyone was so cooped up because of lockdown, they came out, and they really wanted to have a nice, amazing experience in a beautiful place. But they werent really prepared for coming to a nature reserve. They were expecting to come to a country park and they instead came to a nature reserve. So there werent the bins and facilities they were expecting. As more rubbish has been appearing in all our green spaces, across the country, the younger among us have taken it upon themselves to give out a helping hand. What did we find today, can you remember . Covid 19facemasks. Holly and eight year old lou, in cambridge, have been litter picking on the way to and from from his school. While eight year old dylan along with mum rachel have been raising money for the nhs by cleaning up in the community. Because the nhs help people and, so far, weve raised about £1450. The National Parks welcome the influx after lockdown, but ask everyone to respect nature. So its about helping them understand that when you come somewhere here thats so special and so important for wildlife, that part of yourjob when you come here to help protect it. The message for all is clear, come and enjoy the Great Outdoors again, but dont leave your rubbish for others to mop up behind you. More than half of the parks across england have had to spend Additional Resources to help out to clean their parks, with many spending tens of thousands of pounds to keep our parks tidy. Emma, you are from Manchester City council. Tell me about problems here and the complexity of picking up the rubbish . More people have been using the parks and bringing with them picnics. Unfortunately then leaving that behind. We have seen an increase in food litter. We have had other problems such as fly tipping. People leaving behind used masks and gloves in the park. Ppe. We have been pleased with the help and support from the community. When it comes to ppe, you have been fortu nate to comes to ppe, you have been fortunate to have rachel and erica help out, but that is a danger. We asked people to be very careful, to only use a litter pick to pick up the ppe and to make sure they use a hand gel so hands are clean before and after a clean up. We ask them to seal the bags and asked people to ta ke seal the bags and asked people to take care when they see those items listed in the box. Rachel, i will try to get over to you. Is this a usual amount that you would pick . We are picking more and more as it goes on. It is worse than before lockdown . Definitely. Manchester one of several places across the country trying to make sure we keep parks tidy. A campaign is being launched today to make sure we recycle little put it in the bin and keep parks tidy. Still to come, what do you think about this . This isa what do you think about this . This is a maze made out of nice in lincolnshire, it is a tribute to the nhs staff. We will be there later. We will bring you the latest news and weather. Now lets get the weather with matt. You are at the beach . you are at the beach . I wish i was good morning. Remember when being on a packed beach felt more normal. This time last year the beaches were packed. We were experiencing the hottest ever conditions in the uk, temperatures peaked just shy of 39 celsius in cambridge exactly one year ago tomorrow. This year, a com pletely year ago tomorrow. This year, a completely different story, temperatures closer to around 20 degrees cooler with some rain around as well. It has been a pretty cool month by and large. July is the warmest month of the year that we have not had any 30 celsius days yet, the last time that happened was in 2011 but we might get closer towards the end of next week. Over the next three days it is not looking very summer like, that is because we have air from the atlantic, the colours in the chart represents how temperatures compared to normal, the arrows are about average, nothing too cold. Some of the heat from spain and portugal could head our way next week, we will keep you up to date. We are between two weather systems, today is probably one of the better days of the next five, low pressure pushes towards the west, bringing some rain today and towards the weekend. For cloud to wales, the midlands, east anglia. A dry, brighter day than yesterday, isolated showers later, mostly we we re isolated showers later, mostly we were seated, sunny spells and given were seated, sunny spells and given we have more sunshine it will feel warmer, particularly across Northern England and wales. 25 or 26 across the south east corner. Northern ireland will finish the day with heavy bursts of rain into the evening, the rainbow spread erratically eastwards this evening and overnight. Not much rain across the south, but heavier bursts across the south, but heavier bursts across the northern half of the country into tomorrow. It will be quite a humid night, temperatures staying in the teams for many, 17 or 18 into the teams for many, 17 or 18 into the start of the weekend. It will not be with us for long, we will feel some sunshine and it will be nice, but the breeze and examples will make it feel cooler. Just about anybody can see downpours on saturday more, some becoming heavy and thundery. Northern ireland has a brighter morning before set in. Rainfall will vary markedly, in the Channel Islands and the south east it could have something more persistent. Temperatures in the high teens, low 20s at the highest. Saturday into sunday, low pressure is still with us, the breeze will be picking up across the north and west, showers become longer spells of rain. Driest, warmest and brightest to the south and east. Have a good weekend. Hello, this is breakfast with Charlie Stayt and naga munchetty. Lets go back to one of our main stories. Around 30 Million People in england could received a free flu jab this year in an effort to stop the nhs being overwhelmed by the twin threats of coronavirus and winter flu. Thats roughtly half of the population. How does it compare to previous yea rs . Last year, around 15 Million People took up their nhs flu vaccination. This included pregnant women, the over 65s, those with pre existing medical conditions such as asthma and children of pre school or Primary School age, roughly two to ten years old. And most children. But this year the government has widened the list to include everyone over the age of 50, 11 year olds in their first year of secondary school and whole family units if someone they live with has been shielding during the coronavirus pandemic. The government wants everyone who is eligible to have been vaccinated by christmas, but the Royal College of gps says thats going to be a challenge. Lets see what one of our regular gps, dr nighat arif, has to say. Lovely to another view of your kitchen. What do you make of this announcement . Up to 30 million flu jabs, are gps equipped to administer these quickly and effectively enough . Like lots of gps, i am waking up to this new thinking how will we vaccinate all these patients . It is gratefully received, we have been talking about this, i remember having conversations with my local practice thinking flu seasonis my local practice thinking flu season is just around the corner, i know with the sunshine and the summer know with the sunshine and the Summer Holidays winter bugs seem far off, but gps are constantly planning preventative care. We were prepared and it is nice that the government has thought of that as well. We need to be looking at how we can ease the pressure on a e departments and primary care because we know from yea rs of primary care because we know from years of data before coronavirus came along, that wintertime is the toughest time on resources. The whole point of lockdown was to protect the nhs, protect lives in order to make sure the most vulnerable get the support and resources for those that need it, and we are heading into. We are trying to prevent a second peak so we are continuing to plan for that. The thing that really consenting as a gp, three things, one is there a 1. 2 Million People on the shielded group, as gps we will be expected to vaccinate their families as well. We need to be looking at how to logistically do that. Vaccines need storage, switches etc, we had two switches in my practice, how will we have more vaccine and the capacity to do that . We have to fridges. And then manpower, i guess the only way around that is to get pharmacists, district nurses, hcas involved in vaccinating. It would not surprise me due to the sheer number we will have this year, whether the army needs to be deployed, like we did screening, when they did the swab test etc. We need to look at manpower. Gps, primary care physicians, junior doctors, some have not had holiday since february or march, myself included, i have not had proper leave, so we need to look into that because august and september is usually the time a lot of doctors try to get holiday with our children, so lots of planning but i welcome the news and they are thinking of how they can prevent a second peak, thankfully. Really interesting looking at this. What would you say to your patients, you are hearing it this morning, there will be patients who feel they do not need the flu jab and have not taken it not need the flu jab and have not ta ken it previously not need the flu jab and have not taken it previously even they have been eligible, lots of them will be saying, iam been eligible, lots of them will be saying, i am taking this because i wa nt every saying, i am taking this because i want every defence in case of a second wave or a surge in coronavirus. What would you be saying to patients . I imagine you will get them phoning you. Of course, iam will get them phoning you. Of course, i am going to work after this and they will be ringing me. I would say please have it, it is our only defence to prevent flu, which isa only defence to prevent flu, which is a horrible condition, if anyone has had it, in the vulnerable category it can cause death. People eligible for aid, i would say, please, have eight. How we get about giving it with the sheer number underfoot for we are trying to prevent into surgeries, everybody is expected to be wearing masks, and yesterday i had patients in the not wearing a mask so we are dipping into our own ppe to provide a mask. Now the law has come into force, that may change. We are still playing it by year and finding out what is happening but everybody watching, get a flu vaccine. When it comes to masks, you cant turn someone away from surgery comes to masks, you cant turn someone away from surgery if they are not wearing one . Spoton. We cant. So the only solution we have decided is to dip into our own supply. On the whole, patients are brilliant. You are talking to a woman with a hijab, i can turn this into a mask, any Face Covering is fine. It is a convenient thing to have. On the front page of the times newspaper, junk food adverts to be banned on television before the nine oclock watershed. We spoke to the ca re oclock watershed. We spoke to the care minister earlier, she would not confirm when this may or may not be announced but do you think this is a good step forward that will make a difference in terms of tackling obesity . The debate about obesity has been going on for years. There was a Huge Campaign by Cancer Research uk that show that obesity was the biggest link towards cancers. We need to be tackling this. Now we have an engaged audience, people are really aware of the fitness and physique and families are trying to do exercise together, i think i have been1 million downloads of the nhs couch to 5k app, there are other great apps as well. With gyms opening we need to get confidence back in, getting more physical exercise. This is feeding atjupiter my proceeding into preventative care. I wa nt proceeding into preventative care. I want the nhs to live forever and today so we need to start tackling obesity. Do you think covid19 has scared all prompted more people to exercise more because of the link we are hearing . Oh, yeah, of course. You guys had joe wicks on a couple of weeks ago and he said that families are becoming role models, pa rents a re families are becoming role models, parents are exercising with their kids. There was not much we can do now and when you are a parent exercising, it is feeding into the children and their mindset, saying, let exercise. People are more aware and wanting to know about their health, Health Literacy needs to improve, anything that contributes to that, as a gp, it makes me very happy. It is always lovely to talk to you and i am glad you are going to you and i am glad you are going to be happy enjoyed your day at the practice, thank you so much, dr nighat arif, it is always a joy talking to you. She has the double hand weights going on. I quite like a double hand weights, occasionally. Uncheck sports fans in normal times would be just about to have to weeks of olympicjoy. Would be just about to have to weeks of olympic joy. Would be just about to have to weeks of olympicjoy. Armchair sports fans. It is not to be. Not in tokyo, not right now, they had been postponed to july not right now, they had been postponed tojuly next not right now, they had been postponed to july next year and there are fears injapan that postponed to july next year and there are fears in japan that the danes might not happen at all. Heres more from our tokyo correspondent, Rupert Wingfield hayes. Tetsuya sotomura is one of japans best trampolinists. At beijing in 2008 hejust missed out on a medal. Now, at 35, tokyo 2020 was going to be his last hurrah. But covid 19 has killed his dream. Back in 2008, is the beijing games had been postponed by a year, i would have thought, ok, he says. Its another year to train, another year to grow. But now im 35, a year feels like a very long time, so ive decided retirement is the only option. There is another reason tetsuya is retiring. He thinks tokyos new Olympic Stadium may never get to hold an olympic Opening Ceremony. And hes not alone. A poll this week found only 23 of japanese support holding the games, even next year. By now, the buildings around media should have been bustling with thousands of athletes from all over the world getting ready to compete against each other. Of course, because of covid 19, they are not here. This place remains a ghost town. But will it be any different a year from now . If covid 19 is still circulating widely, if there isnt a vaccine, then how will it be possible to host an olympics here in tokyo safely . From brazil to india, south africa to the united states, covid infections are accelerating. Medical experts here think there is little chance the pandemic will be over by next summer. If a very effective vaccine became available, that could be a game changer. Even with the lessening of the spread of the illness thanks to vaccinations, still it is more likely that the viral illness or pandemic will continue by the year 2021. The olympics are supposed to be about bringing the world together, but could tokyo be held without foreign spectators . Senior olympic Officials Say absolutely not. They have to decide, do they want the games to go ahead or are the risks too severe to countenance it . In which case, i thinkjapan would probably propose and the ioc would probably accept a cancellation. Last night inside the Olympic Stadium they reset the countdown clock. One year to the Opening Ceremony. Maybe. Rupert wingfield hayes, bbc news, in tokyo. So many people will be missing this, i know mike is definitely. It would have been so lovely, talking about the events coming up . Yes, itjust threw me back to rio, scene of the olympic flame. We all have to reset the athletes in team gb and i had to put any thought that the games might not ever happen out of their minds. Gymnast max whitlock will be hoping to successfully defend his two olympic titles, he was also due to be my coach for our breakfast presenters olympic challenge. He is back in training. Due to covid 19, though, we have to wait another year, but this week i did at least go to see max, for an exclusive, socially distanced chat. It should have been a big day with the eyes of the world on max whitlock, britains most successful gymnast, and the rest of team gb walking out at tokyos Olympic Stadium. Instead, he is back at the gym where he trains, going through the routine many of us go through now as we return to work. When i think about it, it feels so strange to think that now the olympics have gone but it has come around so quickly it is scary. And to defend your titles would have been amazing. And that is what is gutting, coming off the back of last year i was in a good place going into this olympic year but it is what it is. Everyone is in the same boat and nothing can be done. When we last met after the rio olympics, max showed me how tough this sport is from the beginning and every year he says the pain increases. I was one of those people who did a lot as well during lockdown. And even still building up slowly and having aches and pains. It starts to get harder year on year and as i get older and older. That is the biggest challenge. I will be 28 and for a gymnast, that is getting on, but for me i am not done yet. I have a lot more i want to do and a lot of improvement. For yourself, being an athlete and not home for a long period of time but now you have a chunk of time, especially with your young daughter who turned one just before lockdown. She is saying a few words. She says mummy and daddy. She hides toys and says they are gone. Stuff like that. She is trying to do the splits. That is pretty funny. Those are the things i would have missed and that would have been a huge shame so i feel lucky to have been here for those stages and to spend that time with her. Spending time with family is everything and it was before, but i think it is something that i think everyone but me must have taken for granted. His return to the gym has coincided with a big crisis in this sport allegations of abuse by some although max has never experienced anything but positive coaching himself. As someone who has done so much to try and inspire the next generation coming through, how worried are you about the allegations putting people off . I hope not. The benefits of gymnastics are positive, they are still there in the sport. It is an amazing sport and the sport i love and i think that is why this has hit hard. It is sad to hear and frustrating to hear the stories about gymnasts who have spoken up. That is frustrating and sad but obviously credit goes to them for speaking up. To make them feel like they can speak out. And it is a situation that needs to change and addressed immediately. And then, i think, the main outcome is that we want to create a change in that culture. Overall i think the sport will be in a better place, and i think that is the mission. Creating Something Better for the next generation because the sport is amazing and incredible. It has done so much for me. His continuing love for the sport is why he is now on his next year long build up for the olympics and while his goals remain the same, the postponement will have served a purpose. Before we had so much freedom we took it for granted and now i think a lot of things are put into perspective. Now i just want to go away and spent time with family and so many different places and make that a huge priority in my life, even more so than it was. I think that is what this time has done for me and talking to a lot of people, i think it has done that for many people as well. So good to see max again, i think for the First Time Ever i am not aching the jr for the First Time Ever i am not aching thejr stewards, he gets involved. Gyms are allowed to open tomorrow but the gym in south essex is getting back open, but they are restricting numbers. Studio it is an enormous shame restricting numbers. Studio it is an enormous shame that we did not get to see you doing the pommel horse, i think you have had a go at that before . You start in a bucket, that before . You start in a bucket, thatis that before . You start in a bucket, that is the thing. It might look easy but it is really painful, you are upside down, trying to keep your legs in a bucket, that is how they start for months and months before they get onto the pommel horse for they get onto the pommel horse for the first time. Falling into the foa m the first time. Falling into the foam pit is lovely, i quite like that, but we can start giving it ourselves from tomorrow when gyms start to reopen. And leisure centres, you could book a squash, badminton or Netball Court and all the time of course check with each venues safety protocols, and the sports guidelines for covid 19. Indoor Swimming Pools as well, talking of which, i will be at the National Aquatics centre tomorrow talking about how indoor swimming. Reopen tomorrow and keeping ni talking about how indoor swimming. Reopen tomorrow and keeping n on the cricket, like the swimming full, it seems it will be wet tomorrow. Will you be careful around the Swimming Pool . That was a couple of yea rs Swimming Pool . That was a couple of years ago, that infamous moment, there will be no rushing around to different location, there will not be five gold medallists to interview with one microphone and i will check the contours of the swimming full. You can trust me, there will be no repeat were talking flowers on the programme this morning. According to the royal horticultural society, the weather weve seen this year has resulted in optimal growing conditions for summer blooms. And youve been sending us pitures of your wonderful gardens have a look of the colours here in judi boardmans. All of the beautiful hanging baskets. A point well made, there is obviously a lot of foliage but you dont have to have a garden to have a beautiful hanging baskets, what an example. Paul walkers also been in touch on twitter asking what we think of his garden. My my goodness, it is very lovely. Can we spot paul there working on the roof . it looks like palm trees. That is almost like a tropical garden. Stunning. Very impressive. Heres some of kathys beautiful flowers. They are thriving. I love a bit of colour in the garden. It almost has a wild feeling to it, which is lovely. And how about this sylvie dunns been in touch. I guess the link that this is in the garden. This is an alibi no blackbird, apparently. And albino blackbird. This picture was taken in alnwick in northumberland this week. It is just alnwick in northumberland this week. It isjust a alnwick in northumberland this week. It is just a blackbird which is an albino, isnt it . Thank you for that explanation bird watchers everywhere are very grateful i can see them across the uk, they had their pens ready, finally, we know they were writing that down weve been enjoying a birds eye view of a field outside gainsborough in lincolnshire this morning. It is part of a tribute to the nhs workers. Luxmy gopal is there to tell us more. You will reveal it for us. You look like you are in a field, but it is not so simple . I and in a field, charlie. There is more to the story, you can show as a shot from above which explains . From down here it is a field full of maize, towering rows and rows of eight. You get the full effect from above, when you look at it from a birds eye view you can see that the entire maze of maize creates this incredible tribute to our health care workers. From above, it spells out a giant thank you to the nhs. It was all the creation of the nhs. It was all the creation of the ward family who own and run the farm, it was a family affair, the creation, starting off with a dad, steve, you came up with the concept . Yes, morning. We generally had various mazes of animal themes throughout the last few years and we we re throughout the last few years and we were going to go with an animal theme again this year, but at the end of march when it was coming up to the time to plant eight, having seen to the time to plant eight, having seen all the thursday evening clap for carers at night, i decided to do a tribute to the nhs. It was my idea and that we have stated the rest of the family. It was a family affair. So used to just come along with a lower and create mazes over the past three years . And this is a slightly more hi tech way of giving it, and we will find out from one of your sons. If we go over to sam, you put the design into effect . Absolutely, we have upskilled a bit since dad and the lawn mower and we take the design, put it on a piece of precision farming software, we plug that into the tractor screen, you just drive the tractor up and down as normal and it knows where you are in the field from gps like on your phone, it turns the cedars off as you get to the passat then turned it on again. In of october we harvested, we put it into our anaerobic digester biogas plant and it heats and pellets the farm shop as well as 250 homes in the community. It is part of the cycle but it is an incredible night at the moment, it is almost like 3d printing creating this. We will speak to any wards, you came up with this specific design . It is the first time i had designed a maize maze after my father in law came up with the idea in the office one morning we thought it was a no brainer, a fantastic idea. We have a lot of friends working in the nhs who we are very proud of so i wanted to incorporate the rainbow which signifies hope over the nhs logo and is a symbol we had seen and everybodys windows over the last payments. It is a beautiful creation but it has had covid Safety Measures . We are covid secure, we have invested in a new ticketing platform so everybody is booking online and we are managing the numberof online and we are managing the number of customers that can come, we are restricting capacity to 20 of our busiest day last year, we are making sure it is really safe. The pats are a lot wider, we have removed touch points, we have had sanitiser everywhere and we are making sure we are covid secure. Keeping covid security at hospital with a risk of getting lost. It is ha rd to with a risk of getting lost. It is hard to tell from up in the skies, but down here it is very disorienting. Studio we will stay where you are and we will look at the shots from above and see if we can see you. I see her, top middle above the. I cant read, thank you, the a. Where there is a cross. See the flag and the heart and there isa see the flag and the heart and there is a line between then and it crosses with the vertical line. She is at the crossroads. You have been spotted look snicko, we can see you. Good luck finding your way out you have been spotted, luxmy. Beautiful thing in a bid to the nhs workers, who we have been celebrating over the last payments. That is it from us today. Back tomorrow at 6am. Have a lovely week. This is bbc news. The latest headlines. Face coverings become mandatory in shops, banks and takeaways in england breaking the rules could mean a £100 fine. Well be talking about the new rules for Face Coverings throughout the morning and what the changes might mean for you. Please do get in touch. Im on twitter Annita Mcveigh or you can email at bbcyourquestions. Also this hour. A massive expansion of flu jabs in england 30 Million People will be offered them to help stop the nhs being overwhelmed if theres a second wave of coronavirus. We know we have a particularly challenging winter, potentially, head, and we do not want to tattle

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