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Look like when it welcomes you back for yourfirst pint sent look like when it welcomes you back for your first pint sent lockdown began. When looking at laughter, sunshine and love from returning tories will keep businesses happy. Novak djokovic apologises after testing positive for coronavirus. The world number one is the latest tennis star to be diagnosed with covid 19, after playing at a tournament hed organised himself. Good morning from kew gardens where the temperature is already 15 celsius. Today, it is going to be hot and celsius. Today, it is going to be hotand humid. Celsius. Today, it is going to be hot and humid. Temperatures rising in scotland and Northern Ireland. But you will not see the real humidity until tomorrow. All details at 27 minutes past. Its wednesday, june 24th. Our top story Health Leaders are warning that urgent action is needed to ensure the uk is ready for a potential second wave of coronavirus. The president s of the royal colleges of surgeons, nursing, physicians, and gps have signed an open letter in the british medicaljournal calling for ministers to do more to prevent further loss of life. It comes as the Prime Minister announces the biggest easing of the lockdown to date in england. John mcmanus reports. The warning is stark, according to the Health Leaders, britain is at risk of a second wave of coronavirus and is to undertake a Rapid Assessment in order to prevent further loss of life. In a letter, they say some of the infrastructure needed to contain a resurgent of covid 19 is in place but challenges remain and they call for a cross party remain and they call for a Cross Party Commission to start providing recommendations for all of the uk by august at the latest. It is essential, they say, in order for the country to get ahead of the curve. It comes a day after westminster government now sweeping changes to the virus restrictions in england. Pubs and restaurants are set to reopen but social distancing will be observed and staff will take Contact Details in case people need to be contacted in case of an outbreak. Museums and cinemas will also open at the end ofjuly and couples will be able to tie the knot again, but only with 30 guests. These precautions could include installing screens, making sure people face away from each other, providing hand washing facilities, minimising the amount of time you spend with people outside your household and, of course, being outdoors. At a dentistry briefing, the Prime Minister also warned the relaxation is could be undone. At a press briefing. Guidance is limited. Many businesses are waiting for detail classification of how to open safely. I thought echoed by labour. Were waiting for the guidance for all these businesses who are supposed to be opening a week on saturday and some of that guidance is really business critical for those businesses and it is important for the public to have confidence going about their business. And if there is frustration among businesses not included in thejuly frustration among businesses not included in the july four easing. Restrictions are still varied across the uk. In scotland, the two metre rule remains in place by the government in edinburgh says it was very interesting to see the Scientific Evidence that had prompted london to ease restrictions in england. The first minister Nicola Sturgeon will provide more details about easy lockdown restrictions later today. While in Northern Ireland, as of yesterday, up Northern Ireland, as of yesterday, up to six people can now meet indoors. Shops and places of worship open earlier in wales but the 5 mile restriction on travel remains in place. John mcmanus, bbc news. Lets speak now to our political correspondent, nick eardley, who is in westminster this morning. Big changes, letter from big changes, letterfrom doctors and more guidance we are waiting for . Absolutely. Big changes coming in england on the fourth ofjuly. Things will start to feel a bit like what the government thinks the new normal is going to look like with new rules with pubs and restaurants getting up, tourism starting again. Were going to see some pretty big changes injust were going to see some pretty big changes in just over a weeks time however there was a real note of caution from experts yesterday and it really struck me at the press conference last night that the Prime Minister was talking about caution, the chief medical officer for england was saying if we do not take the mitigation measures that things are supposed to stop us getting the disease again, even within two metres of somebody, if they are not observed properly, they could be another uptake in the virus. I think thatis another uptake in the virus. I think that is probably what is behind the letter saying we have to be prepared and look towards what could happen if there is another peak of this virus in the window. Some optimism, something to look forward to next week, but also a real note of caution and a warning from the government that we cannot move too fast of these and it is not all about to get back to normal. Things will still feel very different to how they felt before. We will speak to you throughout the programme and later to the business secretary at 7 30am. So much more detail that we need to know as well. Americas top Infectious Disease expert has warned that the us is seeing a disturbing surge in Coronavirus Infections in some states. Dr anthony fauci, said the next few days will be crucial to stem the new outbreaks. 0ur north america correspondent peter bowes joins us now from los angeles. Peter, how bad is it around the country . Good morning. It is pretty bad. In fa ct, good morning. It is pretty bad. In fact, in more than half of all us states, the number of daily infections is increasing. In some places, those spikes are very significant. In arizona, nevada and texas, all of those states are recorded records over the last few days and in arizona some 80 of hospital beds there are occupied and there are real fears the Healthcare System in that state could be overwhelmed in the next few days or weeks and that is a kind of language weeks and that is a kind of language we we re weeks and that is a kind of language we were hearing at the end of march and beginning of april in relation to places like new york city, the epicentre of the outbreak in the states yet it is still the situation around the country. The president was in arizona talking about coronavirus, the coronavirus plague as he described it which he said was going away. Thank you very much for that. That is the update in what is happening in america, live from la. Internet use has surged during lockdown, with adults in the uk spending a record quarter of their day online. Thats according to the Communications Watchdog, 0fcom, which says the biggest rise was among those over the age of 65. Our technology correspondent, rory cellan jones, has more. From cabinet meetings. Choir practice. To exercise class, much of life has moved on line over the last few months. The average idleness spends more than four hours a day connected to the internet. Half an hour more than last september. Much of that time involves video, watching it or using it to make calls to friends, relatives or colleagues who cannot meet face to face. Video services are booming. The tick tock short video platform had 11. 5 billion visitors in january. Video platform had 11. 5 billion visitors injanuary. A0 million video platform had a. 5 billion visitors injanuary. A0 million by the end of april. House party had under 200,000 users in january, the end of april. House party had under 200,000 users injanuary, by april a million were using it. At the beginning of the year, 700,000 people were having business meetings using zoom, by april, 13 million we re using zoom, by april, 13 million were using it from everything from lattes lessons to pub quizzes. Y93 lattes lessons to pub quizzes. Yoga lessons. Locked in front of screens of all kinds and it seems this applies to all ages. Often it is the younger people who adopt new technology first, smartphone or social media but in this case we have seen the use of video calling double during the pandemic and for the over 65 is, they have been embracing the technology, spending time with grandchildren and loved ones often using the technology for the first time ever. Lockdown. Has also seen a surge in creativity, making videos for sites like youtube and instagram and tick tock is something the majority of children over eight say they do every week. Rory cellan jones, bbc news. The government is to spend over £100 million to help Homeless People in england stay off the streets. A scheme to provide emergency accommodation to thousands of rough sleepers during the pandemic was due to end in 10 days. This but Homeless Charities and councils have urged ministers to pay for it to continue. 0ur social affairs correspondent, michael buchanan, reports. Over one weekend in march thousands of rough sleepers were taken off the street, most had been out in hotels which were close to tourists because of the pandemic. Not only do they get shelter but also access to healthcare and, where necessary, addiction support. This is probably addiction support. This is probably a healthier situation. You have food, water. 0n the street view have not got it, you have to look for it so it is an improvement. It was due to end early next month with charities wanting thousands of people will be kept back onto the street. Ministers are now found money to allow councils to continue housing the homeless, to the delight of campaigners. Over the last three months, something incredible has happened. 50,000 people have got off the street and into accommodation in hotels and other forms of housing and that has shown us homelessness can. They can start to begin this is the beginning of homelessness completely. Student accommodation and private sectors flat are expected to be used. To ensure the homeless can still be helped. Michael buchanan, bbc news. In the midst of the pandemic, weve seen organisers cancel or delay countless performances but, in switzerland, a group of acrobats decided the show must go on. Swiss acrobat freddy nock has broken three records during the performance to support artists affected by the outbreak. He walked blindfold at an altitude of 3000 metres in a cable care wire at a swiss ski resort. He is on the cable. He is on a unicycle. Though, no, that is too much for me, i should have had a warning. Does he have any wise on at that point . I am not sure. I dont think i can have my breakfast after that. An altitude of 3000m. He is walking. What is it doing . Watch carefully when hes on his unicycle because that is terrifying. Lets have a look. I do not think he has any wires. Anyway. Next time we do that, at least i am now warned. Laughter i am not very good at height even when i am looking at it. | height even when i am looking at it. I have sweaty palms. Some people are a lot braver than we. Pupils in all year groups in england are due to go back in september, but that brings with it challenges for teachers and parents about the safest way to protect their children. Now, as the Prime Minister relaxes social distancing measures, could the new guidance of one metre plus make a difference . Breakfastsjohn maguire has been to one school to find out. Rock, paper, scissors. There is an abundance of creativity, energy and resilience on show in the playground in Summerhill Academy in bristol. Right guys, make sure you keep your two metres distance at all time, please. If the school chose to reduce the gap from two to one metre, what difference would it make the pupil numbers . For us we have done some estimations and at the moment we can safely have eight children in every classroom. We think the metre will be nearer 12 or 13 children in every classroom. We have to allow those children to be able to move around and still have a metres distance away from their friends and teaching staff. Government says its up to schools in england decide whether or not reduce the distancing rules this term but that all children will return in september. And then id like you to improve on what youre writing. Recent weeks have seen pa rents writing. Recent weeks have seen parents make some tough decisions. Everyone say hello to everyone. So we brought a group together to discuss their experiences. She is absolutely fine, she is loving it andi absolutely fine, she is loving it and ijust absolutely fine, she is loving it and i just was that absolutely fine, she is loving it and ijust was that her little sister would go back as well. There was the invitation of sending him back to school in july and i thought, what, for three weeks . And its only two days a week for a few hours and i thought, no, he can stay home, its fine. I started off really well, getting a tattoo loads of schoolwork, we had a timetable on the wall, we kept to a routine but as the weeks have gone on, thats waned. Its a lot harder to get her to sit down and do the schoolwork and im actually quite worried about the schooling. And would reduced social distancing change anything . For me it would make any difference moving it down to one metre and we we re moving it down to one metre and we were told as well in regards to the social school bubble, there was only one place left so with twins, i would have to just send one one place left so with twins, i would have tojust send one back one place left so with twins, i would have to just send one back or maybe i could have put one of them ina maybe i could have put one of them in a different bubble without their friends and things so itjust wasnt going to work for us. |j friends and things so itjust wasnt going to work for us. I definitely wa nt going to work for us. I definitely want them all to go back but then anthony, and i just want them all to go back but then anthony, and ijust hope they can go back full time. Anthony, and ijust hope they can go back fulltime. Our parents agree on two things. Children must go back to School Full Time when its safe and that the autumn term cant come soon enough. John maguire, bbc news. It feels like a real change to the programme. We are out and about in all sorts of different places. As many pubs get ready to reopen their doors, landlords are waiting for clarification from the government on the safest way to do so. Jayne mccubbin is at one bar in manchester this morning to see how theyre getting ready. Hands up who is desperate for that first pint in a pub, if its safe, me. We are here at atlas bar with mark on the team. How do you feel aboutjuly four . Mark on the team. How do you feel about july four . Massively mark on the team. How do you feel aboutjuly four . Massively relieved but also quite anxious about safety. Its got to be done right. Mark is here to help us guide through what your boozer might just looked here to help us guide through what your boozer mightjust looked like. Step into the atlas bar onjuly four and this will happen. Good to go. Temperature check. You will have to download the app and it does for things, it tells the bar who you are in your Contact Details, important to track and trace. The government wa nts to track and trace. The government wants bars to have a record. And tells the bar where your are sat, what you want and when you leave so they can clean the table. Have a look around. You will see £320, these perspex screens. All of these are in place to keep people safe. The problem in this place is the toilet. Tell me about them. Weve had to get a door installed installed , had to get a door installed installed, you can see the mirrors all the way up so no one else is on the stairs. We have a lock and a mirror that goes through to the bar. Kelly is going to open the door for us. One incoming one out. No queueing on the stairs. Walk through the bar with me. You will see more perspex screens appear on the bar. Good morning. Nobody is allowed to cue here for drinks anymore. Everybody has to say stay in their seats and speaking of seats, have a look at this. This is just a small proportion of the tables and chairs that have been taken out because even with one metre social distancing, they still had to clear out a lot of the trade. Come and meet mark and elaine. Good morning. This is going to cost you. It certainly has done. We invested thousands and thousands of pounds, trying to pre empt and get things right. And really, mark, this is just guesswork. When you log onto the website, its as guidelines to follow. How do you feel about that . Its all being guesswork. Its been a challenging timejust its all being guesswork. Its been a challenging time just trying to figure out and guess what the best thing to invest our money on his. Should they come sooner, the guidelines . Its certainly been so much speculation ironically but we did think the guidelines would come onto the website at some point late yesterday. Its disappointing but we genuinely believe the things weve invested in i going to make a difference for everyone who other customers order team. Were going to stay with you throughout the morning and chat to you. The situation is different in wales scotland, they will review in earlyjuly. Northern ireland, they got that opening date ofjuly nine four bars and restau ra nts. Ofjuly nine four bars and restaurants. But at the moment, with two metres social distancing. More on all of this later. Its fascinating to see the changes they have made and we will be with you throughout the morning. Lets take a look at todays papers. Hibernation at an end thats the headline on many front pages this morning including the times. It focuses on the relaxation of the lockdown in england which will see pubs, restaurants and hair salons reopen after three months. The guardian says the scientists who were with borisjohnson at the final daily downing street briefing sounded notes of caution with prof chris whitty saying the move was not risk free. The front of the daily express says the Prime Minister has given the nation some much needed cheer with the easing of measures though it does say the virus is still a risk. And the scotsmans front page looks at possible changes being made in scotlands schools, with the paper suggesting social distancing could be scrapped for pupils. How do you feel about the end of the Daily Briefing . Has it been an important part of your life . An interruption to my sporting activities. I think ill missing miss it. Chris mason said with had 92. Well we would have, because its been 92 days. There is so much detail to go through and also what isnt as well. Lots of concern amongst people who own and go tojim s and pools, swimmers. The chief executive swim england says it appears its ok to sit on the couch, go to appears its ok to sit on the couch, gotoa appears its ok to sit on the couch, go to a high calorie meal in the pub and then go to a swim which provides and then go to a swim which provides a sanitised environment. Jim operators are also concerned. Pure jim says we understand these decisions arent easy but its a strange war on obesity that sees pubs and restaurants open beforejim s. Weddings are allowed. 30 guests at services from july the fourth stop churches mosques and synagogues will reopen prepares and services they have to have social distancing and if you have a wedding, you cant sing. Scientists are concerned it carries an increased risk of transmitting coronavirus. You can open a theatre but you cant have a live performance. Lots of the papers are running you to all the things you can and cant do. Well be speaking a bit later about that situation. You show pre recorded programmes but no Live Performances and everybody has to social distance as well. An interesting take on gyms. Tim moffat has been to see one that has got everything ready but still unable to go. Muffett. This tennis tour organised by Novak Djokovic, half in serbia and half in croatia in six people, including Novak Djokovic himself, have tested positive for coronavirus. Its a fulsome explanation. Pictures of him playing basketball with grigor dimitrov, is also tested positive. And dancing in a nightclub. Already the papers are giving lots of pictures of that and the temperatures. Brighton, 3a. Willie come in devon looks lovely. Margate, lots of crowds, bournemouth, people out enjoying the sunshine in Richmond Park as well. Two people having a lovely time and its going to be absolutely glorious. If you like sunshine, its going to be good. It is hot out there. Sean is wearing shorts today. Prepare yourselves. Lockdown restrictions may be easing, but there are still new cases of the coronavirus every day, including hundreds of workers at Meat Processing plants and abattoirs. The 2 sisters chicken site which employs about 500 people on anglesey, is one of three across wales that have reported infections. A number of workers at a plant in West Yorkshire have also tested positive, with hundreds more cases across europe and the us. Were joined now by professorjames wood, whos a vetinarian and epidemiologist at the university of cambridge. Give us an idea first of all on my web scene this first of sort of concentrated outbreak and meat factories. Is it to do with working conditions . What is going on . Its an interesting question. These outbreaks have been seen in meat pla nts outbreaks have been seen in meat plants around the world, a huge outbreak in germany. Whats happening in england and wales is reflecting what has happened elsewhere. Everyone has been speculating about slaughterhouses being an ideal place to transmit because of the cold, the coldness is regulated to make sure the meat is preserved openly. In fact, although every plant is different, its as much to do around the Employment Practices as there is around the actual working conditions. There are actual working conditions. There are a lot of foreign or Migrant Workers living together. It can make outbreak control prevention really ha rd outbreak control prevention really hard outside of working hours. Working in a noisy, very fast moving, busy environment where people have to work close to each other in shifting patterns. Louise mentioned about people not being able to sing in weddings and church services. Tell me if this is right. Because the loud nature of those industries, whether as a duration units as you say, and people have to shout to communicate. Could that have something to do with the higher rates . Have something to do with the higher rates . It depends where in the process you are. But there are very noisy places and they would suggest communicating and whispers would not be possible so people would be shouting at each other in those environments. Also in many of these places, there is quite a lot of our movement. And all these things come towards a high risk of transmission is. I would emphasise the standard employment actresses around the slaughter lines, unpopular work, Foreign Workers are come and do it. Those themselves with shift patterns in sharing vehicles can make the overall employment risky, not just whats going on in the slaughter lines. Is the meat safe to consume . Thats a really important point. All of the hygiene measures which are strong in meat plants in europe are directed towards keeping the product clea n. Directed towards keeping the product clean. I think they are working and very importantly, despite people looking around the world, there is no evidence of foodborne transmission of this virus. Every indication are we are appropriately safe. With Public Health officials looking closely at the factory, this is not something that should be of any concern at this stage. Really helpful advice. Professorjames wood talking about that high case, not just in the uk but around the world of coronavirus cases at various meat factories. Its time for a look at the weather. Carol is out and about the weather. Carol is out and about the wonderful kew gardens. Lots to look forward to if people like sunshine. Thats right. And if you like it humid as well because in the next couple of days, thats what its going to be like. Louise was quite right when she said i am in the lovely kew gardens and the great boardwalk borders, 320 metres long and the longest double herbaceous orders in the world. And there are 30,000 plants here. You can smell some of them as well. A beautiful perfume here as well. The temperature is for 10 degrees. In the channel islands, 17 rating depending where you are. The forecast for today is one of heat building. Just today but in the next day or so and humidity is going to build as well. Today across england and wales, tonight will include southern scotland and tomorrow will include the rest of scotland. We have a weather front across scotland and Northern Ireland. As we go through the course of the morning, the rain will start to peter out but you will be left with quite a bit of cloud. Will brighten up across north west scotland would be quite windy. For south east scotland and wales, we lose any morning mist and fog while the sun will come out as its doing this morning and is going to feel hot and also quite humid. Temperatures today are widely going to be from england and wales from the low 20s to the high 20s and locally in the south east, looking it up to about 32 degrees. For scotla nd it up to about 32 degrees. For scotland and Northern Ireland, more likely to be in the mid teens to perhaps locally, the mid 20s. As we head on through this evening and overnight, we will still see some showers across the north west of the country. Some getting into other Western Areas but there will be a lot of dry weather around as well. But humidity rising, getting into southern scotland. A muggy night across england and wales in southern scotland. Tomorrow we have showers initially across the north west. They will push northwards and then all of us are going to have a dry day, the possibility of an odd shower but that is it. Tomorrows temperatures are going to be higher than they are today are places where they will be lower so widely tomorrow, temperatures in the mid 20s to the low 30s, somewhere potentially in the south east could hit 32, possibly 33 but overnight thursday to friday, thunderstorms coming in and heavy showers and during the course of friday, in the west to start with and through the day, pushing northwards and eastwards. If you are in an area that catches a heavy downpour, it will have an impact on come down and more hit and miss and south anisa somewhere like east anglia again could still have temperatures 29, 30, possibly 31. If thats all too hot and 30, possibly 31. If thats all too hotand humid, 30, possibly 31. If thats all too hot and humid, low pressure on the weekend takes over and we see a return to fresh conditions whatever you like, it is all on the way in the next few days. Thank you very much, carol. Thank you. Hello this is breakfast, with dan walker, and louise minchin. Well bring you all the latest news and sport in a moment, but also on breakfast this morning all this morning were looking at what the changes to lockdown rules in england will mean for you sean will be in blackpool to find out how we might be able to holiday safely. Well ask what one metre plus means as the safe distance is reduced and why the change is being brought in now. And theatres can open but without Live Performances. Well talk to actor Julie Hesmondhalgh, and writer, james graham, about the impact it could have on the arts. Good morning. Heres a summary of todays main stories from bbc news. Senior medics warn urgent action is needed to make sure the uk is prepared for the real risk of another coronavirus outbreak in the winter. With just ten days to go, theres still no detailed safety guidance for many businesses in england which are expected to reopen from lockdown. From the fourth ofjuly headdresses, pipes, and hotels will reopen. Many businesses are still waiting on delayed guidance on how to do that safely. The chief medical advisor, professor chris whitty says it represents a reasonable balance of risk. No criminal offences were committed by the fancy paid for a plane to fly over Manchester City stadium with a banner saying black lives matter. It has now suspended banner during flights. It is back to the normal gp appointment of the day. Our gp today is doctor alison bollen. Thank you forjoining us. Big changes in england, it is now one metre plus. What difference isnt going to make, do you think . Is isnt going to make, do you think . Is it stop good morning and thank you for having me on bbc breakfast. It isa you for having me on bbc breakfast. It is a big change. The first thing i would really, really like to say is that actually it is still two metres if you can. Can we try and remember that. One metre metres if you can. Can we try and rememberthat. 0ne metre with mitigation, i hand washing, face covering, and i think that is really, really important for us to remember. You say that is important to remember, do you think people will be somewhat confused because my people can go to pubs, restau ra nts. People can go to pubs, restaurants. Yes, ithink people can go to pubs, restaurants. Yes, i think people need to be careful with that and i think businesses will still be putting in place, if possible, people to maintain that social distance. It is also important, if you are one metre away, it is about whether you are face to face, it is different from being side to side and how long you are face to face talking directly, perhaps laughing with them which perhaps generates more aerosols. Everyone leads to think of their personal risks younger people have a much lower risk than older people and the more likely to go into pubs early on in the relaxation, ithe likely to go into pubs early on in the relaxation, i the fourth of july. Everybody will have to be making theirjudgements. July. Everybody will have to be making their judgements. What july. Everybody will have to be making theirjudgements. What about in your surgery, does this make any difference to you . I think it makes it less a difference in surgery. Patients are come into a surgery, some of them, almost always, will be older and more vulnerable. So we need to try, if we can, maintain that to metre distance within the waiting room at that to metre distance within the waiting room et cetera. This is very new out so we have not exactly laid this out yet but if we can, that is the guidance, two metres. In a gp surgery it is important to keep that going for as long as we can, for our staff as well. They are spending a lot of time together so it might make it slightly easier for us to operate the business. Make it slightly easier for us to operate the businesslj make it slightly easier for us to operate the business. I know doctors and gps have been working all the way through this and learning new ways including video calls et cetera, do you think this means more face to face appointments with a doctor, for example . Well, are face to face with your doctor has a lwa ys face to face with your doctor has always been possible. We talk to you first on the phone and take a lot of your history or your story from you on the phone and if we need to we bring you to the surgery. And again i set two metres apart and if i make an analyst is coming with a mask. We are seeing people if we need to. |j know doctors have been careful to make sure youre doing that. The president s of rcsnpg all signing a letter calling for ministers to do more to prevent a further loss of life. Are you concerned there might be that in the coming winter months . I think there is no doubt the country should be prepared for that, yes. We get the flu in the winter, we may well get a second spike and why wouldnt we want to be prepared. I have sent the letter and i think hopefully the government will look at that and we just need to get Everything Possible in place so that hopefully we can avoid that second spike and be as best prepared as we can. And hopefully better prepared. The slight upsurge to go into local lockdowns or bringing back the two metres or whatever it would take. Really good to chat to you. It is wednesday morning. We were talking about the papers and mentioning what happened with Novak Djokovic and the tournament he organised in serbia and croatia. The more of coronavirus confirmed and it becomes the worst idea by the day. When we look back on it and even when we saw those pictures, you think, how is this happening. Novak djokovic says he is deepy sorry after testing positive for coronavirus at a tournament that hed organised himself. Four other players had already tested positive for covid 19 after playing at the adria tour competition in serbia the rest of that tournament has now been cancelled. There had been criticism of the way it had been run. There had been games of basketball, and the world number was videoed dancing at a party. Djokovic says theyd organised the tournament with the best of intentions, but admitted that it had been too soon. 0na on a brighter note, andy murray is back playing tennis again. His latest comeback started at the battle of the brits exhibition tournament in london. It was his first competitive action in seven months, as Craig Templeton reports. All smiles for andy murray as he made his competitive return. A lot has happened in the seven months he has happened in the seven months he has been out. No fans or linejudges ata has been out. No fans or linejudges at a symbol of solidarity before the action got under way. Murray force theissue action got under way. Murray force the issue and mistakes from ian brady. The familiar clenched fist was back. Murray had joked you should not listen to someone with a metal heap but he took the opening set. That hip pumped away harder with no one to collect the balls that he was saving Something Special for the second said. So good even his opponent enjoyed it. Murray finished with a flourish and you can see just what it meant. An impressive return. Just great being out there competing and i think it should be pleased about what went out there in the first match and something you can get confidence and get some recovery, sleep on it and come out and go again with the challenge against kyle edmund. Tennis and murray are back but not quite as we once knew it. Theres big problems for west ham, they lost to spurs in the premier league last night and its only goal difference that keeps them out of the relegation zone. Harry kane got himself a goal in the 2 0 win for tottenham, thats his first since returning from a lenghty spell out with an injury. That is great to see. West ham will drop into the bottom three if bournmouth win later today. Last nights other game was a goal less draw between brighton and leicester theres loads more football this evening five premier league games including one live on bbc two. Coverage of norwich against everton starts at 5 30. And finally englands test series against pakistan is still scheduled to go ahead. Thats despite a total of ten pakistan players testing positive for coronavirus. Those who tested negative will fly to manchester at the end of this month. The series is scheduled to start at the beginning of august. We are seeing andy murray back on court and we are talking to his brother about the tournament, the battle of the brits. Lots to look forward to. See you later on. While the Prime Minister announced yesterday that many businesses in england would reopen in early july, there are some sectors where the doors will remain closed. Indoor gyms and swimming pools are among those that are not yet allowed to open, despite many of them already putting in measures to protect staff and customers. Breakfasts tim muffett reports. The uncertainty goes on and on. For indoor gyms like this one it has meant no income. Disappointed by the news we cannot reopen our gyms but we are disappointed for colleagues and members who are desperate to come back. Those running this gym believe they could reopen. We can make sure we can keep as much keep in action as possible while keeping members say. The prospect screams set two metres high. Screens. Add our staff would wipe them down. Each treadmill will be self contained. Do you think that will detract from the workout experience. Anything that can make our members feel safer is going to be a good thing. We have one of these for every gymnasium. Its sterilisers equipment like this. At a push of a button. And as numbers inside will be strictly controlled, gym members will be able to check them in advance. They can see how busy or quite the gym is so they can get in without cueing. This gym has failed to make this expenditure and while the owner tweeted the government hopes endogenous can open in england in mid july, the sector is for clarity. There are more than 7000 gym and Leisure Facilities across the uk with more than 10 million members. Collectively, they are thought to be worth more than £7 billion to the uk economy. Pew gym has more than1 million members. My average gym is about 70,000 square feet which is about 70,000 square feet which is about the size of six Tennis Courts and, in my book, that is less of a close proximity venue of your average pump which is 700 square feet. I am confused about the application of science. People working out in the home and garden, do you think people will want to go back to the gym . I do believe we provide a particular environment that people want. Nothing quite like a live exercise class, most people do not have an olympic lift platform ora do not have an olympic lift platform or a stake do not have an olympic lift platform ora stake in do not have an olympic lift platform or a stake in theirfront do not have an olympic lift platform or a stake in their front room do not have an olympic lift platform or a stake in theirfront room or bedroom. Most people do not have a treadmill at home. If there is one lesson we have learnt is that your health and fitness really doesnt matter. But others believe indoor james should stay close to an hour. This micro religious is one. The fa ct this micro religious is one. The fact that people will be touching lots of different surfaces, they will be sweat, people touching their face a lot and potentially touching lots of gym equipment. Perspex screens may well help but then you would imagine that the screened would imagine that the screened would end up covered in respiratory droplets and could be a potential site for contamination. 0ne droplets and could be a potential site for contamination. One of the safest ways to exercise is of course outdoors with the risk of transmission is far reduced. Back in northampton, the machines have been spaced out and spruced up. Theyjust need people to use them. Do you think that when people come back, there will be some changes you have had to make which could actually be better . I am confident, especially in the weights area, marked outer space you can have, it could be important and we will work so hard our gems are clean and hygienic. Important and we will work so hard our gems are clean and hygienicm has been a tough time for this sector. It is hoped the finish line is not far off. There is a lot of people really missing that time in the gym. They are very concerned. We will talk about it later. The Eurovision Song Contest may have been cancelled this year, but a new netflix film starring will ferrell and Rachel Mcadams could help to fill the void for pop fans. They play an icelandic pop duo, whose dream is to become the next abba and take the competition by storm. 0ur entertainment correspondent Colin Paterson has been speaking to Rachel Mcadams. Ever since we were children, weve had one dream. Winning the Eurovision Song Contest. Rachel mcadams, it kind of feels appropriate speaking to you from a small box because that is how they announce the jury voting in eurovision, what do you think about it . Yes, yes, and your background is really taking me back to those big crowds. Thank you, thank you. Do you wa nt to crowds. Thank you, thank you. Do you want to see my real background . This is the beauty of these interviews. Lets go eurovision, its a lot more interesting. It looks great, though. Thank you. How much did you know about eurovision, is a canadian american . Very little, im embarrassed to say but i do remember the year Conchita Wurst one, it went on my radar and then i kind of got really curious about it and then coming onto the film and getting to go to tel aviv and actually go to the real eurovision last year was quite an experience. You know, when you are doing the film, youre like a singing to a green screen so to be able to go to israel and really know what those crowds are like and how much passion there is and all the flags waving in the energy in that room, flags waving in the energy in that room , you flags waving in the energy in that room, you cant recapture that when youre filming it. It was so valuable for me as an actor. inaudible question . I got to sing everything, they didnt use all of it. We sort of you blending technique. They can do really magical things now. I think i was quite worse by the end, the final performance but you know, some of the stuff, hitting that bjork note. This is sigrid, i am lars and we are via saga. He wants to hear eurovision song . All of iceland thinks we are a joke. And my father is ashamed of me. No, hes not. He looked deep into my eyes and said i am ashamed of you. Maybe he was drunk. And he said maybe you think im drunk but im dead sober. Idiot. Eurovision were actually on board, they let you use their logos, they let you have previous winners appearing in that. Much did it mean to the film . It was incredible. We kept looking at each other and saying, this is ok . Everyone wants to come, great. I mean, people were so on board. I think it is a love letter in its own way as much as there is a lot of fun and campinas to it as well and appreciation of what the competition can do for peoples dreams coming true and thats what part of the thrust of the film is. And it is obviously a film which stretches the realms of whats possible because it is set in edinburgh, meaning the uk mustve won the contest the Previous Year and as im sure youve been told, we have not wanted for 23 years. And as im sure youve been told, we have not wanted for 23 yearslj and as im sure youve been told, we have not wanted for 23 years. I did hear that a lot. Its a sad fact. I dont know, maybe david was trying to throw you guys are bone or something. We will never be separated. It looks beautiful in the film, though. Its hard to make scotla nd film, though. Its hard to make scotland look bad. Tell us about the song that is your entry in the song contest, volcano man. Yeah, thats a powerful song. Volcano man. Volcanic return demand. Volcanic protector man. I couldnt stop laughing when i heard that song. It was so over the top. The idea of this top volcano guy who needs love and it was just so cheesy and fun and campy and then to hear will sing it in his wonderful will weigh, just made it that much better. Finally, the Eurovision Song Contest always needs an act to perform at the interval. If they said next year, via saga, the interval, would you go and perform with will ferrell . Sure. Come on i dont know if anyone wants to see that. Oh, yes. At our dance rehearsals, we were both pulling muscles, he pulled his groin, i pulled my back out. I mean, we are old. They see that in the film, you quys old. They see that in the film, you guys are too old to be in eurovision. Thats the beauty of film, you can get away with stop. Imean, it i mean, it looks good. Im in. Its just what we need. Thats the sort of daft film that could work very well at the moment. Eurovision song contest the story of fire saga is on netflix from friday. Its coming up this seven oclock. Sorry, got the time wrong, go back to bed. After three months of lockdown, will customers be ready to go back . Mark easton has been asking that question. Weve become used to the etiquette of the epidemic, keeping our distance and avoiding the personal touch. So how does britain feel about the new freedoms announced today . A poll conducted by you got suggests the public are broadly supportive of opening pubs and broadly supportive of opening pubs a nd restau ra nts broadly supportive of opening pubs and restaurants and hairdressers in other venues, almost two thirds say it isa other venues, almost two thirds say it is a good idea, just 29 worry that it it is a good idea, just 29 worry thatitis it is a good idea, just 29 worry that it is too early. Im just doing the exact same thing exact same thing what we always do, keeping two metres away. There are so many precautions in place i think and we sanitise a lot anyway. Probably too much. My hands are like that drive. What about the idea of two households meeting indoors with social distancing of course. Most three quarters of people they support that change, just one in five oppose the idea. In all these changes, the Prime Minister says he is relying on commonsense to do the public. Is that enough . No. We are over three months into lockdown and what we got now, weve got complacency setting in. Sometimes you just need to see your friends and stuff like that. I agree with that. Once youve had a few drinks, people start relaxing. I know i do. Recent polls suggest people are worried about the risk of a second wave of the virus but concerns at the economic and social psychological harm restrictions are doing are increasing. 0verall do people think this is the right time to loosen the restrictions . Just over heard of people think government has gone too far. Just 7 think the government has not gone far enough and almost half of the public this poll suggests think ministers have it about right. Public this poll suggests think ministers have it about rightlj dont think it should be studied quickly because we have risked a second peak. They re quickly because we have risked a second peak. Theyre what they are worried about is this second spike. 0bviously thats not what we want. Wed all be locked up again. Im happier, ive got all my friends in that. We willjust chill out. Thumbs up, yeah. The views of voters will be well to a government that keeps a close eye on polls and focus groups but the real test isnt what the public thinks, its what the virus does. Also tell us how you feel about the changes, what difference it will make to you. What kind of things thinking about . Jim is not allowed to open. We will be speaking to alok sharma from the government. Carol was at the wonderful kew gardens. do have a question. Id bind me you can see the palm house. What do you think that resembles . Crystal palace. Its actually the whole of an upturned ship. Is it the whole of an upturned ship. Is it the whole of an upturned ship. Is it the whole of an upturned ship . Spot on, down. No flies on you, my lovely. Its also the first glass house built in kew and it holds some unusual plants and species, some extent in the wild. Todays forecast is one of heat building. Going to be humid across england and wales, that humidity get into southern scotland as we go through tonight and it will be across the whole of the uk. Today we do have a weather front draped across Northern Ireland and also scotland, the west. Its producing a lot of cloud and rain. Through the day, that will tend to fizzle. The rain will tend to dry out. Behind it in the north west, it will brighten up. Still quite windy and across south east england, wales, youre in for a south east england, wales, youre in fora dry south east england, wales, youre in for a dry day. A lot of sunshine and also a lot of humidity. The level is rising. The odd showers. Temperatures today. About 16 22 in scotla nd temperatures today. About 16 22 in scotland and Northern Ireland in about 25 32 as we come across england and wales. The highest temperatures across east anglia and the south east. Through this evening and overnight, heavy thundery showers potentially across north west scotland and also Northern Ireland. Mist and fog patches forming. The most of us, a dry night with clear skies. But humid. Look at the temperatures, not just in england and wales was also getting to southern scotland as well. Tomorrow, the showers in the north west move northwards. We see further heavy and potentially thundery showers across Northern Ireland. We can also see a few isolated showers in other Western Areas. It will be the exception rather than the rule. A lot of dry hot and sunny weather. The mid 20s to low 30s. Again, highest temperatures across england and wales, particularly in the south east. As we get into friday, thunderstorms and the west overnight, starting in the western friday morning. North and east as we go through the course of the day. It and miss if we catch them but if you do, they be heavy. Temperatures clinging on in east anglia tomorrow but as the cloud and thunderstorms come across, it will have an impact on the temperatures and they will go down. For the weekend, on the temperatures and they will go down. Forthe weekend, cooler, windier and down. Forthe weekend, cooler, windierand rain or down. Forthe weekend, cooler, windier and rain or showers at times. My love good morning, welcome to breakfast, with dan walker and louise minchin. 0ur headlines today as england prepares for a major easing of lockdown restrictions, senior medics warn urgent action is needed to make sure the uk is prepared for the real risk of another coronavirus outbreak. With just ten days to go, theres still no detailed safety guidance for many businesses in england which are expected to reopen. Many any of the Tourism Industry happy to have a reopening date. They hope it will be enough to keep businesses open. Uk adults now spending a record of quarter of our time on the digital world. Novak djokovic apologises after testing positive for coronavirus. The world number one is the latest tennis star to be diagnosed with covid 19, after playing at a tournament hed organised himself. Its wednesday, june 2ath. Our top story Health Leaders are warning that urgent action is needed to ensure the uk is ready for a potential second wave of coronavirus. The president s of the royal colleges of surgeons, nursing, physicians, and gps have signed an open letter in the british medicaljournal calling for ministers to do more to prevent further loss of life. It comes as the Prime Minister announces the biggest easing of the lockdown to date in england. John mcmanus reports. The warning is stark according to the Health Leaders, britain is at real risk of a second wave of coronavirus and needs to undertake a Rapid Assessment in order to prevent further loss of life. In their letter to the british medicaljournal, they say that some of the infrastructure needed to contain a resurgence of covid 19 is in place, but challenges remain and they call for a Cross Party Commission to start providing recommendations for all of the uk by august at the latest. It is essential, they say, in order for the country to get ahead of the curve. The letter comes a day after the westminster government announced sweeping changes to the virus restrictions in england. Pubs and restaurants are set to reopen but social distancing will be observed and staff will take customers Contact Details in case they need to be traced to prevent a virus outbreak. Other venues opening on the ath ofjuly include museums and cinemas, and for the first time in months, couples will be able to tie the knot again, but only with 30 guests. These precautions could include installing screens, making sure people face away from each other, providing hand washing facilities, minimising the amount of time you spend with people outside your household and, of course, being outdoors. At that final downing street briefing, the Prime Minister also warned that the relaxations could be reversed. The chief medical officer for england, professor chris whitty, said there would be an uptake in the virus if the public returned to their normal routines. The published guidance though is limited and many businesses are still waiting for detail classification on how to open safely. Its a thought echoed by labour. Yet were still waiting for the guidance for all these businesses who are supposed to be opening a week on saturday and some of that guidance is really business critical issue for those businesses but it is also really important for the public to have confidence in going about their business. And if there is frustration among some businesses that were not included in the july fourth reopening, like gyms. Leisure bosses say their facilities are vital to maintain immune systems and ward off the virus. Restrictions are still varied across the uk. In scotland, the two metre rule remains in place for now, but the government in edinburgh said it was very interested to see the Scientific Evidence that had prompted london to ease restrictions in england. The first minister Nicola Sturgeon will provide more details about easing lockdown restrictions later today. While in Northern Ireland, as of yesterday, up to six people can now meet indoors. Shops and places of worship opened earlier this week in wales but the 5 mile restriction on travel remains in place. John mcmanus, bbc news. Lots to think about today. Lets speak now to our political correspondent, nick eardley, who is in westminster this morning. Can we start with the concern about the second wave . It is interesting because, although we are going to see big parts of life in england come back injust see big parts of life in england come back in just over a weeks time, there was a lot of caution in that press conference with the Prime Minister and chief medical officer. Borisjohnson urging minister and chief medical officer. Boris johnson urging caution minister and chief medical officer. Borisjohnson urging caution in telling people they need to take things slowly when the economy sta rts things slowly when the economy starts to reopen again on the fourth ofjuly. I was struck by the chief medical officer, professor chris whitty, as well saying the two metre rule has been relaxed but you should stay two metres apart if you can and you need to take some mitigation measures to make sure the virus does not come back and warning that if people do not do that, there will be another uptake of coronavirus somewhere down the line. There is somewhere down the line. There is some hope that things can get back to Something Like a new normal but also a lot of warning that we need to ta ke also a lot of warning that we need to take seriously. 0ne think that would be interesting to see today, a bit more guidance from the government. What we have so far is a fairly minimal. Companies will be asked to keep records of who has beenin asked to keep records of who has been in for 21 days to help with track and trace but we do not know exactly what it would look like when you go to the pub and what sort of measures the government will ask us today, what it would look like at a restau ra nt, today, what it would look like at a restaurant, getting your hair cut. Still a lot of details to be worked out. We will be asking some of those questions to the business secretary alok sharma. So many things we need to know. Military parades marking the 75th anniversary of the soviet victory over nazi germany are being held across russia, after a long delay caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Thousands of servicemen will march across moscows red square, accompanied by more than two hundred and fifty tanks. We can speak now to our moscow correspondent, sarah rainsford. Sarah, we understand president putin has had to scale back his original plans . It looks lovely where you are, by the way. He has had to delay them. This was supposed to happen on victory day, may the ninth. It is happening later because of the coronavirus pandemic. Back in april mr putin said this parade could not happen because it was too risky with thousands of new coronavirus cases happening every day. There will be thousands of servicemen and women marching across red square, the ta nks marching across red square, the tanks will run, the missiles on a display. It is a huge event in russia every day. For example, the soldiers that will be taking part in the parade have been in quarantine of that moment and there are vetera ns of that moment and there are vete ra ns o n of that moment and there are veterans on the podium with mr putin and 80 have been in senatorial ahead of the event for a couple of weeks to do the most possible to make sure this could take place but there are still thousands of new coronavirus cases detected in russia every day. The virus is still here although the official term is that the virus is in retreat and russia is beating the virus but still a long way to go. Thank you very much indeed. No criminal offences laid against fans holding a matter saying what lives matter badly. 0nly say it has left them ashamed and the airport say it has banned such flights. Internet use has surged during lockdown, with adults in the uk spending a record quarter of their day online. Thats according to the Communications Watchdog 0fcom, which says the biggest rise was among those over the age of 65. Videoconferencing apps were among the most popular. What were trying to do is take you out and about and try to address some of changes potentially happening, particularly in england. The log hibernation is beginning to come to an end. Longer. We are concentrating on lots of things of this morning, including what is happening in pubs and restau ra nts a nd what is happening in pubs and restaurants and what it means for the tourist industry. Legs out sean in blackpool it has to be done, it will be 20 degrees. An important announcement for so many businesses. They will be happy they can reopen in earlyjuly and b bs and restau ra nts in earlyjuly and b bs and restaurants will be looking for that date as well. But you go to the government website and it still says further guidance on its way so how are businesses going to be prepared for that. Lots in blackpool needed to be prepared. We have seven Visitor Attractions along with the beautiful promenade, including the beautiful promenade, including the beautiful tower behind us. You got the announcement yesterday. What does it mean for the variety of museums and entertainment places . Does it mean for the variety of museums and entertainment place57m means we can open three of our seven Visitor Attractions, see love, madam truffaut, we can reassure visitors that it will be safe when they come in because of the measures we have put in. The attractions were not going to open at this stage because we need to further from the government what they want to do is the ballroom, circus and dungeon because there are actors involved in that. Do you have the guidance you need . We are still picking at the guidance because it only came out yesterday. They have been issuing information through to us. We have screens, that ppe is available so when they come back to us, were all going to be ready. We are reducing capacity and getting people through on timeslots. You have a lot of stuff relying on that stop thank you for that. Blackpool as a whole, such a huge important industry, s. Allen, you up from blackpool council. What will be open in the wider centre . The pleasure beach, the piers, the zoo, the arcades and the pubs and restau ra nt zoo, the arcades and the pubs and restaurant will be open from the fourth ofjuly. Restaurant will be open from the fourth of july. Quite restaurant will be open from the fourth ofjuly. Quite a lot is open but quite a lot not open as well. What have you been prevented from opening . Critically, theatres. And anything that is a wet area, spas but we have a water theme park which also cannot open. You have been able to put a bit of money into the preparations but for all the smaller businesses across blackpool, have they been able to get as ready as they been able to get as ready as they need and is the guidance enough for them . They can do what they can do but the guidance is not out yet. We need the guidance to help them trade safely and understand what it means to them. Thank you very much. Businesses want to get ready for that date but do they have all the guidance . We will be talking to a few more later about how the difference in tourism and at the best they will see hopefully in the coming weeks and what difference that would make to them and what impact it might have on the town. What time will you be down at the beach . About a quarter past eight. The sun will be right across it. Thank you. Our breakfast deckchairs are out again. I love that. 0ne one of the key announcements is the relaxation of the two metre rule. An is one metre plus enough to protect our health. Listening to a virologist and a business person. Explain to us what exactly, from listening to the Prime Minister, how you interpret what he said from two metres to one metre plus . We know this is a respiratory infection and that means that when you stand close to somebody, you can breathe in droplets or particles from the respiratory tract and you then have a chance of being infected. The more you breathe in the greater your chance of being infected so easily you be very close to somebody or you stand next to somebody for longer. Either way, you get what is called an infectious dose and the chance drops with distance as you get towards that person. At two metres it isjudged to be 1. 6 , at one metre, it is 100 pay out but still small, 2. 6 . They are making a judgement that if we go from two metres to one metre, this means love can return to more of a resemblance of normality without surrendering too much more risk and this is with mitigation stop and that is a critical line. If you drop down to one metre, you take additional steps to protect yourself and you should only do that where you have to. In otherwise, you should adopt two metres and professor chris whitty was emphatic about this, stay at two metres if you can, if you have to be at one metre take educating things like hand sanitiser and face coverings. When the pubs and restaurants open, people will want to go out and be with their friends. Are you saying they should be two metres apart . Chris, can you hear me. they should be two metres apart . Chris, can you hear me. I thought you were talking to somebody else. This is the problem. Businessesjust cant run it two metres. The idea that people should be outside in libya garden, perhaps you go into the pub to get your be a bit bigger outside if you can. The problem will come to the closing end of the weather. When winter comes, we are now doing natural social distancing because the weather is nice and the virus spells much spreads much harder outdoors. At its going to be ha rd to harder outdoors. At its going to be hard to continue to implement this. What reinforces and underpins this is at the moment, the level of virus circulating in society is extremely low. Its less than 0. 06 , youve got a one in 2000 chance, if you pick two people at random, that one person is standing next to someone with coronavirus c got small levels of circulation relative to where we we re of circulation relative to where we were compared to a smallish risk of passing on the virus at one metres compared to two metres. The governments teams this is a risk sufficient to take. All businesses have to be covid secure. Linda is a businesswoman listening intently. The language, and will talk to alok sharma about this, the language to many businesses appears to be vague. 0ur many businesses appears to be vague. Our view another friends, how are you interpreting what is happening at the moment . We have to get the country moving, we have to get is this going. People have to get back to business but we must proceed with caution that the fact that restaurants are opening and hotels allows job security, restaurants are opening and hotels allowsjob security, which is the most important thing now. People have to feel they have theirjobs back, businesses can thrive and survive, smaller local businesses, which is also important, pupils should support the smaller local businesses which really, if we didnt have this ease of restrictions by the Prime Minister, i could see many, many businesses just not surviving. Its crucial to business, even the tourist industry, where people can now take holidays in england, people who travel for business are now free to do so. Its very, very meaningful in my opinion for the country. We have to get people moving. Job security and Business Owners. So much of this is about confidence i all different levels. Also businesses thinking they can open with enough Safety Measures in place for both our customers and staff as well. We looked at the government website and its has lots of things, guidelines to come. Its only about ten days. Is that enough time . A lot of businesses have been prepared. Even though weve only had the guidelines now, i think that hairdressers, hairdressing salons have been prepared, we know they have to have screens. So its a short time that i do feel the businesses, if you had a restau ra nt do feel the businesses, if you had a restaurant and you couldnt open by july the fourth, you really were on the way to make it seem like you should close down. Its a short space of time but considering what they need to do and putting those measures in place, certainly hoping the Prime Minister would release the lockdowns and although people should proceed with caution, i do believe is this owners are put restrictions in place so we can still observe Safety Measures. Anyone who would have watched the Daily Briefing would have seen the government talking with a significant degree of caution about what happens if the r number goes up and thats something to bear in mind, isnt it . Patrick valla nce to bear in mind, isnt it . Patrick vallance pointed out and reminded eve ryo ne vallance pointed out and reminded everyone only about 5 of the Population Based on the numbers we have have antibodies, showing they have have antibodies, showing they have some semblance of immunity. In other words, the point is making is, 95 remains to sit the ball and could catch this. That is a lot of tender to get a nice, big inferno going. We must not get complacent. If we go back to how we were before the lockdown, we will have wasted about a third of £1 trillion in terms of our Economic Impact and our economic well being into the future but also it will be back, sure as Arnold Schwarzenegger said, i will be back, and it will be back in wintertime. All the usual culprits will turn up. This will make it much harder to deal with, its important we ta ke harder to deal with, its important we take this seriously and take steps to find out what works and put in place adequate safeguards going into the wintertime. Linda, looking back over the last few weeks, do you think businesses have learned, from this, for example. So many have been working from home. With a change and continue . There will be an element of people and bosses that can see the expense accounts they had, the overhead they had can be reduced. People can work from home effectively, it will probably have a lasting change but on the other hand, ithink lasting change but on the other hand, i think there will be an element that has to get back to business but i do think there will bea business but i do think there will be a lasting change from this because people can see, they can function at home efficiently. So for bosses, we are still in challenging times and were going to be in challenging times a while. I think there will be some changes that will stay. We talk about mitigating circumstances, do we need to take those on board . Circumstances, do we need to take those on board . Boris johnson yesterday said, dont forget to wash your hands. Very good advice because while this is a respiratory infection, the virus can land on surfaces and you can pick it up by touching those surfaces and your eyes, nose and mouth and transmitting that way. Keep vigilant, stay alert. Its pretty good advice. Really good to talk to both. Steve reed is with us. Thanks for talking to us. We heard from a biologist quoting Arnold Schwarzenegger, things will be back at some stage particularly when it is the winter months, what do you feel about the governments decision to further ease the lockdown in england . There is no riskfree way to do this. We are balancing the risks of easing the lockdown with the risks of all the damage being caused to people psychologically, mentally into the economy not easing the lockdown so as far as possible we have to follow the signs. Its never absolutely clear so the government is doing the right thing in easing the lockdown. They must do it in in easing the lockdown. They must do itina in easing the lockdown. They must do it in a measured and controlled way and its important the messaging they communicate to the public as Crystal Clear at every stage so people know they will what they should and shouldnt do. In terms of that messaging to the public, these new measures in england are guidance and not more. A lot of this will be done to commonsense. 0ur and not more. A lot of this will be done to commonsense. Our own sir personal responsibility. done to commonsense. Our own sir personal responsibility. I dont have a problem relying on peoples commonsense. The important thing is the messages must be clear. If you remember when they appeared to be allowing rule breaking to go on, its very important as we change the rules of social distancing down from two metres to one metres plus that eve ryo ne two metres to one metres plus that everyone knows what that means. We havent seen the detail on how they do that. I do think that they are trying to do the right thing. We will be asking alok sharma about that soon. We are awaiting more instruction from the government website. In terms of enforcing these social distancing. Its in a bar, or later on in the evening when people have had a few. How on earth does that get enforced and where is that responsibility rely, with individuals, with landlords . How do you make sure that continues . M individuals, with landlords . How do you make sure that continues . It has to be both. People have to take responsibility for not breaching the new rules but another landlords, the people i spoke to in my constituency hearing quarter north will be looking to make sure their customers are kept safe. People wont want to start coming back to their businesses if they think it is going to be safe. The clarity about the rules is absolutely critical to getting this right but an important pa rt getting this right but an important part of this is, this is not the end of the lot down. This is just moving toa of the lot down. This is just moving to a different phrase. Its going to be very different to what weve seen before. He said that about talking to your constituents, is that a concern that comes to you when you are speaking to people . Its an absolute concern. The problems weve had with the governments track and trace had with the governments track and tra ce syste m had with the governments track and trace system and the fact the app didnt work is all increased the risks. My view is the government was to slow to start working on a track and trace system. Theyve not quite got the assurances we need on the speed of getting test back. They really have to focus on that issue now. As the lockdown gradually eases, its in a way that makes everybody feel safe so we can get back to some kind of normality as we await the vaccine, which is the only way we can guarantee. You are back in glorious technicolor now with us. We heard the Prime Minister talk yesterday about saying he didnt think a second peak of infections would overwhelm the nhs but i know that labour party are looking for and try to clear the backlog. What is your plan . Well, i think we are bubbly and a better situation if there was a second peak, because people have experienced what weve gone through over the past few months but speaking to my local nhs, their concern is that so many people have been afraid to come to the hospital, the gp with other illnesses. Early stages of what might be cancer. They are now more worried about that developing into problems than they are with the situation with coronavirus but there are others to choose situations we need to do that. You have frozen again, we are having a bit of problem with the sound, we will leave it there. Keep talking to us. Steve reed from the labour party joining us. Weve had quite a good record with our video chats. Mostly. I wish i was good at telling what is and what the are because look at this, carol is the hound some glorious purple flowers. Good morning to you both. Its beautiful here at kew gardens this morning. The temperature is already 90 degrees. This is the evolution garden, redesigned last year so its the first time it has actually blossomed, if you like. Its like a family tree for plants. You got pla nts family tree for plants. You got plants that are all related to each other in here. These other rosettes and did you know for example that we re and did you know for example that were related to nettles and that peonies were related to gooseberries. At the moment, its already 21 degrees and the forecast is for want of heat rising, and the humidity. Today across england and wales, tonight, including southern scotla nd wales, tonight, including southern scotland and tomorrow across the whole of the uk. What we have at the moment is whether front draped across North Western scotland and also Northern Ireland, producing some cloud and rain. Through the day, that will tend to weaken, the rain will fizzle and will brighten up rain will fizzle and will brighten up in the north west although here, still quite easy. The rest of scotland, england and wales, we are going to have a brighter start with sunshine already. Warming up already and its going to be a warm or very warm or hot day depending on just where you are. As an isolated chance we could catch the odd shower but no more than that. Temperature wise, 16 22 more than that. Temperature wise, 16 22 degrees across scotland and Northern Ireland. 0r england and wales, roughly from about 26 or 27 toa high wales, roughly from about 26 or 27 to a high of 32. 32 in the south east somewhere or east anglia. As we head on through the evening and overnight, showers which could be heavy and thundery across North Western scotland and some of them drip into Northern Ireland but for most of us, its going to be a dry night, clear skies. For most of us, its going to be a dry night, clearskies. Muggy. Look at those temperatures all in double figures. Pushing up into southern scotland. Tomorrow, we start off with those showers which could be thundery, pushing north, heading out of scotla nd thundery, pushing north, heading out of scotland but through the afternoon, further heavy downpour is potentially thundery, coming back into western scotland and Northern Ireland. We can also catch the odd shower somewhere else in the west. As will be as prolific as the ones further north. A lot of dry weather tomorrow, hot and humid and temperatures roughly from the mid 20s to the low 30s. 0vernight, thursday to friday, some thunderstorms develop in the west. We will start with them in the west on friday. Drifting northwards and eastwards through the course of the day. Torrential downpours. In the south east, barely hit and miss. But still quite muggy where weve got the sunshine. We are looking at highs still across east anglia, 29, possibly 30 or 31. If you are in one of those downpours, it will mean the temperature will be that bit lower and also as we head into the weekend, cooler, windy and some rain or indeed showers at times stop hello, this is breakfast with dan walker and louise minchin. Health leaders are calling for an urgent review to ensure the uk is prepared for what they say is a real risk of a second wave of coronavirus. The president s of the royal colleges of surgeons, nursing, physicians, and gps have signed an open letter in the british medicaljournal saying urgent action is needed to prevent further loss of life. It comes as the Prime Minister announces the biggest easing of the lockdown in england to date. From july the ath, hairdressers, pubs, restaurants and hotels will reopen. The chief medical adviser, professor chris whitty, said the relaxation represents a reasonable balance of risk. We can speak now to the business secretary, alok sharma. Thank you indeed forjoining us on an important day after that announcement. That many things a release from lockdown and businesses as well. Guidance was published last night for businesses. Could it not have been published earlier . Businesses have been desperate to know how to reopen safely. Thank you for having me on. We have of course been publishing guidance over the last few weeks sectors, individual work settings and have been consulting on all this as well. The guide isjust consulting on all this as well. The guide is just published consulting on all this as well. The guide isjust published has seen consulting on all this as well. The guide is just published has seen an increase in consultation with the businesses, trade unions and there has been an awareness of what is coming and if you look at the guidance we put out, clearly there are measure specific to sectors we are measure specific to sectors we are now asking to reopen but, overall, the structure of that is very similar to some of the other guidance we have put out and i hope people can make use of this and we can see a bounceback which is what we all want. Lets talk about, for example, pubs and restaurants opening. What is the idea . People go inside, order a pint . Opening. What is the idea . People go inside, ordera pint . How will it work . We will be encouraging Table Service about making sure people maintain social distancing but i think the key point here is that these businesses are able to reopen. I spent every day with my ministerial colleagues talking about this and precisely how tough it has been for many businesses. Particularly those entertainment sectors closed since the 2ath of march. People have been itching to get back and enjoy a pint in a safe and responsible manner and that is what these guidelines are about, keeping people and businesses are safe. In allowing businesses to flourish. Whose responsibility it be to make sure social distancing is maintained . The reason we have been able to get to this stage and we have been very cautious and we have done the opening of the economy in a phased manner, to make sure the hour rate stays below one. R. People have been following the rules and hopefully that will continue to happen. The guidance we have put out in terms of these particular work settings and retail outlets, of course, we want Business Owners to observe this. That question again, lets say a group of people standing too close in a pub, cafe, whose responsibility is it . What happens . Firstly what happens, the practicality is that loss we can i went to shops in my constituency. Last weekend. For smaller shops, when people went in, the shop owners we re when people went in, the shop owners were making sure only single households came in. People are observing the rules. It requires commonsense but, of course, if there are occasions when things do not go to plan and particularly employers and workplaces are not keeping their workers safe, there is an opportunity for people to talk to the inspectors and safety and i can tell you that businesses want to make sure that workplaces are safe and they want their businesses to work. The last thing anybody wants isa work. The last thing anybody wants is a second peak and for a business to shut down because it is not observing the rules and the only way we will continue to open it economy ina we will continue to open it economy in a safe and cautious manner is by people continuing to follow rules and guidance. You mentioned local Authority Sectors and the funding for them has been cut so how will they be able to do that . The house and safety executive we, we made more money available to them. What has happened since we have had non essential retailers reopen, that has not been a big surge in enforcement and, when i have had my conversations with the chief executive, she has been clear that very many businesses, whether they are contacted, voluntarily make changes. They know it is in their interest to make sure we have a safe environment because that is the way they stay open and continued to flourish economically. they stay open and continued to flourish economically. I will try to ask these questions quickly. Why are pools and gems not opening . We have had a balanced approach on this and clearly this is about ensuring that we do this in a balanced way. Gyms. The proximity to have to someone in some of these settings does pose a greater risk. We are trying to do this in a balanced way. I completely understand the frustration of businesses that are not yet open but if we continue to meet the five tests and continue to ensure the r rate stays below one the better it is. They are good for mental and physical health, when will they be open . The intention is that if we look at leisure and gems, at some point injuly, as we continue to meet the test. Gyms. All of this is calibrated in calculated steps. People will understand instinctively that this is about keeping them safe and that is the most important thing for us. The way we preserve the livelihood of the economy and the health of the nation. We have seen people in parks close together, in pubs close together, are you concerned there may be such scenes . There is always a concern but i can only go by what has happened in terms of when we have open different sectors of the economy. People have to a large extent followed the rules and shown commonsense and i extent followed the rules and shown commonsense and i say to people please continue to do that. You are the reason why we have been able to reopen economy, you the reason that we are able to move forward because you have followed the rules and i urge people to continue to do that. You have talked about the risk. The letter in the british medical journal, Health Leaders calling for a review to determine whether the uk is prepared for a possible second wave of the coronavirus. Noone can predict what is going to happen in the future and of course there is a lwa ys the future and of course there is always risk with anything we do but in terms of the way we have reopened the economy, it has been looking at a balanced risk. In terms of the nhs, i think the nhs has responded absolutely brilliantly and i really wa nt to absolutely brilliantly and i really want to thank everybody who has worked in the nhs. If you look how far we have come in a matter of months, we had six nightingale hospitals, a seventh this month, we had the testing, a0,000 people tested on monday. These are remarkable things that the nhs has done and the nhs has not been overwhelmed and i hope we can go back to some form of normality. But all of this is going to be predicated upon the basis that people continue to follow the rules, continue to follow the guidelines, thatis continue to follow the guidelines, that is how we keep each other safe. 0na that is how we keep each other safe. On a wider sense, borisjohnson saying where it is possible to keep two metres apart they should. What you say to people who are working from home and big or Small Businesses, should they still be working from home . Yes, the message is clear. If you are able to work from home should have because continued to so but there are many wea k continued to so but there are many weak settings of people cannot work from home. Work settings. They need to feel safe in a Work Environment and that is what the guidelines are about. We have been looking closely at the guidance. Hotels and headdresses are still waiting for guidance . hotels and headdresses are still waiting for guidance . I believe that guidance has been published and i would be very happy to point your corresponded in the direction of where that guidance could be found. What are you doing faced on the fourth ofjuly . That is a very good question. I am certainly looking forward to a pint of ale, i wont say the name of the brain in case i jinx their sales. I want to get back to normality. The brand of a yield. We can only continue to reopen the economy if we do this in a safe way and if they follow the guidelines and they follow the rules. That is both individuals and also businesses. Alok sharma thank you for your time here on bbc brea kfast. An apology from one of the biggest names in tennis . And a big apology. Novak djokovic has apologised saying he is deepy sorry after testing positive for coronavirus at a tournament that hed organised himself. Four other players had already tested positive for covid 19 after playing at the adria tour competition in serbia and croatia. There had been criticism of the way it had been run. There had been games of basketball, and the world number was seen dancing at a party. No social distancing laws or guidelines were broken, because they were not in place in croatia at the time. Lets hear from andy murray, he says the same mistakes shouldnt be made again. I personally do not think it is a good thing, i think it is something that could have been avoidable and certainly, in this country, we are aware of how serious the virus is so ido aware of how serious the virus is so i do not think it has been a great look for tennis. Well murray was speaking after making his latest comeback. He beat liam broady at the battle of the brits, an exhibition tournament in london arranged by his brotherjamie who well speak to on breakfast after 8 30 this morning. He will talk about that tournament and why it is so important for them all to get playing again. Important to say, behind closed doors with full guidelines and distancing in place. Jamie murray on the way in as minutes. Its the cbbc hit series which tells the story of one young boys struggle to make it as a professional footballer. Jamiejohnson has never shied away from some of the struggles that young people might face. Now its breaking new ground, as it features one of its main characters in a coming out storyline. We arejoint by we are joint by dylan and the writer of the show. Good to speak to you both. Man all how important was to write this for cbbc . Weve never shied away from big issues like Jamie Johnson and its incredibly important the stories we tell reflect the lives of our viewers. From your point of view, sean, writing it, its kind of personal . mean, you know, from a very personal experience, im myself, and you dont choose what family you are born into. A lot of young people out there will be watching this show on there will be watching this show on the people they love most of all, they might be homophobic themselves, their parents and whatever, telling a story like this can really be a lifeline. Patrick, iwould a story like this can really be a lifeline. Patrick, i would imagine trying to get Something Like this right, you must have done a bit of research into this role. For sure. You get an opportunity as a young actor. I played dillon for a few years before this. It was about extending that. I was watching films with acclaimed, nuanced betrayals of 95v with acclaimed, nuanced betrayals of gay characters but dillon is a character, there wasnt too much mystery. Also, theres been a build up to it as well, hasnt there . For sure. Ithink if build up to it as well, hasnt there . For sure. I think if you look at his journey over the seasons, its been amazing because he started very much being much the anti hero. If you look at the journey his come on, him being comfortable, itsjust a further progression of this. think we got a clip from the programme. Lets have a little look atjamie programme. Lets have a little look at Jamie Johnson which you programme. Lets have a little look atjamiejohnson which you can see tomorrow at five oclock. Please dont tell me youre gay. Well . You dont tell me youre gay. Well . You dont know. I think dont tell me youre gay. Well . You dont know. I think i might be. You might be. Youre either gay or youre not. Ok. Ithinki am. No, no, no. Dad, im sorry. That is such an important seem to play, isnt it . 100 . I think its really important. Its topical and its really important that children see it as well. Ive been really proud to be a pa rt well. Ive been really proud to be a part of it. What has the viewer response been to this storyline . For us, the most important thing, its notjust us, the most important thing, its not just about having that visibility on tv and for the Young Audiences to see that. But the story of dillons character, it isntjust about him coming out. The young kid was a brilliant and gifted foot paula. All hes ever wanted is to play professionally. Hesjust been scouted by his boyhood club. Weve always had cameos where our characters are having a moment of crisis, we had marcus rushford. In 2020, when dillon was having his moment. When he needed some advice. There was nobody we could call in to give him that support and advice, and players might be struggling with their sexuality in getting the support. Sean, do you have to write things differently in some ways . This is for a young audience. You cant end it on a cliff hanger, in some ways. I mean its all very sensitively handled and its age appropriate. I havent really donein age appropriate. I havent really done in adult drama in the past and the thing ive learned from doing cbbc shows. For example, jamie was ina cbbc shows. For example, jamie was in a Service Accident a couple of weeks ago. If it was east eastenders or another soap, that would be the cliff hanger. We have to reassure the audience that jamie cliff hanger. We have to reassure the audience thatjamie is going to be ok by the end of the episode. We dont want them to have sleepless nights worrying. Patrick, you are going through what a lot of young people are going through. Potential exams this year, how have you dealt with all that . Were you due to be having exams this year . Really, i would have been on aes, all my predictive grade, they are quite a portent exams but they have obviously been cancelled but we are alljust trying to make our way through, i suppose. That is the voice of a teenager, rightly said. Good luck with the rest of it, both of you, thank you very much indeed. The next episode ofjamiejohnson is on cbbc tomorrow at 5pm and you can catch up on the rest of the series so far on the bbc iplayer. Tomorrows episode also shows the fallout from dillons decision to come out to his father, lets take a look. When the former welsh rugby captain Gareth Thomas came out as gay, he said he hoped his decision would help break the stigma and encourage others in his situation to do the same. A decade on, he is now at the forefront of a new campaign to end the misconceptions around hiv, after revealing he is living with the condition. Gareth joins us now. Lots to talk to you about this morning. Hopefully you are able to listen into that story. How do you react to cbbc or that on screen this week . I think its amazingly positive. I worked for many years trying to create a Good Environment with input or grounds. Ive been through a three year process of trying to include homophobia in the act and trying to include homophobia in the actandi trying to include homophobia in the act and i hope the faa, the pfa, uefa, either, all these governing bodies which have the power to create the environments for footballers to have an environment to create for them to be themselves, sit down and watch cbbc and actually ta ke sit down and watch cbbc and actually take some knowledge from it because i was trying to use to change it and try and put forward an argument that its not good enough to have 72 football clu bs its not good enough to have 72 football clubs in england and wales but no openly gay foot boilers, and that shows there is a problem is i think its fantastic the programme on the cbbc is not only highlighting an adult problem but also a problem that starts and potentially as may be the reason why a lot of Academy Players dont end up filling their full potential. I would love to talk to you about Jamie Johnson full potential. I would love to talk to you aboutjamiejohnson today full potential. I would love to talk to you about jamiejohnson today but also lots of people discovered about you last year, living with hiv. And to ta ke you last year, living with hiv. And to take you back, it shocked a lot of people. Its a painful thing to go through but to take us back to the day, im right in saying, you we re the day, im right in saying, you were with your dad coming out of the family home and there was a journalist outside. Is that how your dad found out, thejournalist journalist outside. Is that how your dad found out, the journalist told your day . What was it like for you to be living with hiv . It was a secret, i chose to keep a secret. I was a self stigmatised version of what a lot of people are. I didnt understand hiv so i chose not to tell anybody because i felt in that environment in my family, people would think i was going to die because i thought i would die so i chose not to tell anybody until the moment was right. The moment was taken away by a journalist who tried to lean over me and tell my father to lean over me and tell my father to make comment on the fact i was living with hiv and it was a form of discrimination as well because that journalist was using the knowledge that i had hiv to make my life hell, to make my life unbearable and so many people are going through the same scenario these days in that they dont tell people because they feel that people dont have the knowledge, they have the misunderstanding so nine months ago when i started the conversation, i wa nted when i started the conversation, i wanted to keep the conversation going but i felt really difficult and thats why i teamed up because i feel that before we did this campaign, the survey we did came back, almost half of people still think if someone is on effective treat and, they could transmit hiv or two thirds of people said if they knew their partner was hiv positive they would consider ending it and that really scared me. A third of the people we surveyed said that if they were in a contact sport, they would no longer participate they knew somebody else on the team or the Opposition Team was living with hiv and it says to me there is still a misunderstanding, there is still a huge stigma around it and thats why its a subject that needs to be spoken about constantly. What was your conversation like with your dad after that . Did he react in a way you didnt expect this to mark what followed that interaction with the journalist . My mum and dad are amazing human beings. My dad dropped me at the train station because i had a commitment i had to fulfil. I never had the conversation with mum and dad because they had to come back to the house and when i wasnt in the house, thejournalist back to the house and when i wasnt in the house, the journalist came back, knocked on the front door and asked my father to again make a comment which might father had to tell my mother but i knew at this point that my mother had rung me, i knew at this point that i needed to be with my parents, to reassure my pa rents be with my parents, to reassure my parents that i wasnt going to die. My parents that i wasnt going to die. My parents didnt know the separation between hiv and aids, they didnt know the fact that now we live in a world where somebody with hiv can take one tablet today, have a normal, Healthy Lifestyle without limits but i didnt have the opportunity to tell my parents that. My opportunity to tell my parents that. My parents were petrified, they were terrified. Not because of the fact i was living with hiv, all is the journalist said to them, aids, the that the fact that their son was going to die and it wasnt the case. Isaid to going to die and it wasnt the case. I said to many people, i missed dad, im notan i said to many people, i missed dad, im not an actual father but can you imagine if somebody knocked on your door and told you something, your thought your children was going to die from and he didnt have the opportunity to be with your children at that moment and thats why i want to break the stigma, practice men misunderstanding the people think they can blackmail people or people feel like they cant be open about doing with hiv because they are afraid that people in the same room have to leave or share a cup or knife orfork, have to leave or share a cup or knife or fork, they will transmit the disease. That is not the case and people need to know this. People need to have this education, this knowledge to empower and create. Like in football, like with sexuality, an environment where everybody is able to be themselves. They shouldnt have to hide it or live in their of telling the closest loved ones living with hiv because they are fearful that their loved ones and closest friends are going to die or they cant meet them again. Gareth, thank you for being so honest with us. I know you are passionate about the subject, and you deliver that perfectly this morning. Im just sorry as well you had that freedom and opportunity to talk to your parents and it was stolen away from you. I know that was awkward and difficult but thank you so much for talking to us this morning about it. A real pleasure to have you on. Gareth thomas speaking to us on breakfast. Lets catch up with the weather. The views you have had this morning a fantastic. Absolutely right. Good morning everybody from beautiful kew gardens. We are surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colour. Worth mentioning if you are planning to come to kew gardens which has been closed until the first ofjune, there are Safety Measures in force or coming in to maintain a safe social distance. Also, if you are, bearin social distance. Also, if you are, bear in mind the buildings are all closed. Until the fourth ofjuly. The weather here is already 20 degrees. Its going to heat up as we go through the day. Temperatures above average for most of us. Some of us around about average. We have a weather front draped across Northern Ireland and also western scotland. Thats producing a bit more cloud and also rain. Through the day that will tend to lose its pa rt the day that will tend to lose its part and attentive is also brighten up part and attentive is also brighten up across north west scotland in here too. It will remain rather breezy but the rest of scotland, for all of england and wales, are largely dry day. Hot and sunny. The chance of the odd shower in the west but not much more than that. If you do catch one, its going to be so isolated. Temperature wise, 16 22 in the northern has become farther south, roughly 25 32. The highest temperatures will be in east anglia and south east but someone like birmingham could reach 30 degrees. You will know about that. Dont forget the humidity. As we head onto evening and overnight, we will see showers which could be having an underwear across the north west of scotland. Most of us will have a dry night and clear skies. It will be humid again tonight and that humidity wontjust humid again tonight and that humidity wont just be humid again tonight and that humidity wontjust be across england and wales, it will creep up into southern scotland. Temperature wise, all of us in double figures. For some, the temperature wont dip lower than 17. We start tomorrow with the showers across the north west. They are going to migrate northwards through the course of the day. Heavy downpours across scotland and Northern Ireland. There will be the exception, most of us having a dry, hot and exception, most of us having a dry, hotand humid exception, most of us having a dry, hot and humid day. Tomorrows temperatures widely from the mid 20s to the low 30s once again. 0vernight thursday to friday, thunderstorms developing in the west and we start with them in the west on friday but moving northwards and eastward through the course of the day. Many of us catching one, hit and missed in the south east. If you are under one, they pull the temperature down but it will still be quite muggy across parts of the south east. East anglia could still have temperatures of 2931. Anglia could still have temperatures of 29 31. Into the weekend, High Pressure replaced by low pressure and we see a return to cooler conditions, windy and also looking at some rain or showers. Thats it from me. The headlines are next. Good morning and welcome to breakfast, with dan walker and louise minchin. 0ur headlines today. As england prepares for a major easing of lockdown restrictions, senior medics warn urgent action is needed to make sure the uk is prepared for the real risk of another coronavirus outbreak. With just ten days to go, the government publishes more guidance for businesses in england which are expected to reopen. Well take you through what venues are doing to ensure they open safely. And finding out how different the experience is likely to be for customers. You are on the telly she is in a pub and talking about the preparations being made there. Lots of people in the Tourism Industry will be happy about the tourism changes. I am on blackpool beach in the shadow of the tower. We will be speaking about the difference this will all make for businesses. Novak djokovic apologises after testing positive for coronavirus. The world number one is the latest tennis star to be diagnosed with covid 19, after playing at a tournament hed organised himself. I think we got away with that. Its wednesday, june 2ath. Our top story. Health leaders are warning that urgent action is needed to ensure the uk is ready for a potential second wave of coronavirus. The president s of the royal colleges of surgeons, nursing, physicians, and gps have signed an open letter in the british medicaljournal calling for ministers to do more to prevent further loss of life. It comes as the Prime Minister announces the biggest easing of the lockdown to date in england. Lets speak now to our political correspondent, nick eardley, who is in westminster this morning. Nick, what more can you tell us about this letter . Good morning. Ithink good morning. I think this reflects some of the caution out there, frankly. We have the Prime Minister saying yesterday, yes, lots of things will start opening up in england from next saturday, but he is urging everyone to be cautious. We heard from englands chief medical officer, that warning, that even though the two metre rule is being relaxed, he is still urging people to remain two metres apart, and where they cannot do that, he is telling everybody to take some mitigation measures to stop this virus returning. Warning that if we do not, there could be an up tick in the virus. We have a raft of things this morning, i have some of it here. I have printed out the bet on pubs which wasnt deliberate. There has been a lot of detail about how the government thinks this will all pan out within the next few weeks. I will start to go over it at the moment, but there are suggestions about hairdressers wearing visors to stop them transmitting the virus or getting it, of moving tables in pubs further apart to make sure that people can properly socially distance. The big question is, we are moving from the point where things were in law to now guidance. How will it be enforced . Here is what the business secretary alec sharma said on breakfast 30 minutes ago. We require common sense, but if there are locations where things are not going to plan and particularly employers and workplaces are not keeping their workers safe, then there is an opportunity for people to talk to the local authority inspectors, the health and safety executive, and they are able to respond. Alok sharma. What i can tell you with the conversations i have had with businesses is that they want to make sure that the workplaces are safe and welcoming and they want their businesses to grow. The last thing anyone wants is for a second peak of ao grow. The last thing anyone wants is for a second peak of 40 business to be shutdown. For a second peak of 40 business to be shut down. It does look like most of that guidance is out, i am not sure if that is all of it. We are working our way through it but there is lots to chew over what the new normal will look like. Before we let you go, you touched on hairdressing. Anybody who saw your social media yesterday will know that even though your hair is immaculate today, you posted this yesterday, a clear indication of the Current Issues that you and many other people are going through. It is a battle, dan, isnt it . It has got pretty long. I have not had it cut for four months soon coming to an end for people in scotland. I. Sorry for our viewers in other parts of the uk who are still waiting for a haircut. That is very important to point out. You will get it cut on the ath of july. Thank you. The first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, is expected to announce greater easing of restrictions in scotland later today. It follows the announcement that some of the hospitality and leisure industry in england will begin to reopen in july. 0ur scotland correspondent, lorna gordon, is in glasgow for us this morning. Take us through the plans. There are gaps opening up between the speed of restrictions compared with england and scotland. The first minister he would describe it as careful and cautious and she has said that the changes seen in england will not apply here at this stage. She has also cautioned scots against travelling to england for holidays, while the five mile restrictions for leisure remain in place here in scotland. But she will give accelerated dates for the easing of restrictions in scotland later today. We will look closely to see if those dates on hairdressing, for outdoor areas in pubs will be set. But she has said they will be no easing of the two metre rule at the moment. There is a rule into that taking place in scotland and that will report back on the 2nd ofjuly. Thank you very much for that. All this morning were looking at what the announcements about relaxing lockdown in england mean for you. And, as Many Companies prepare to open their doors from the ath ofjuly, will it be back to business as usual . Pubs, bars and restaurants in england can reopen, but must provide Table Service indoors, and owners will be asked to keep the Contact Details of customers to help with contact tracing. You can also visit hotels, holiday apartments, campsites and caravan parks, and you can go with people from another household. Hair salons and barbers will be able to reopen but must put protective measures, like visors, in place. Libraries, cinemas and museums will open. Theatres, too, but they wont be allowed to hold Live Performances. But the doors will remain closed in nightclubs, indoor gyms and swimming pools. And many health and beauty businesses which offer more hands on treatments will also remain closed. This includes beauty salons, spas and nail bars. So what does all this mean for our Summer Holidays . Seans in blackpool this morning with a b b owner whos preparing to reopen. He has also got one of those long microphones we are getting used to. It looks lovely there this morning. It looks lovely there this morning. It is glorious and starting to get warm here on the beach with the comedy carpet in blackpool. We have the tower which will be opening any few weeks to mark time. It is next to the dungeons which will not be opening because they need more guidance over what is materialising there. You can see why a lot of people would want to come to blackpool and start their holidays, going to see events they have not seen before. But they are having to wait for the guidance on that. I have morris with me, who as you can see, runs an ice cream van. Good morning to you. These rule changes for you, you have been able to sell ice creams for a few weeks now. What difference does it make to you . The biggest difference is the announcement that caravan parks can be open, because 50 of my work and income comes from local caravan parks. So great news that from the fourth they can be open. I think it will take a few weeks before we start seeing the holiday makers filling the parks up again, but it is positive news and it leaves us with a few weeks to try to claw something back. Our season is very limited. We normally start in easter and work seven days a week right through to september. Can you give us an example of how exactly you will be retailing socially distance practice with serving ice creams . You carry on and we will look at the end results. You have screens to pull across and things like that. Morris is a good example, £1. 5 billion spent in the Tourism Sector in blackpool over the year. Lots of Small Businesses like morris who is affected. Another is shirley who ru ns affected. Another is shirley who runs a b b. She has taken it she has taken as around her site to look at the preparation she has been making to open properly in a few weeks time. Hello, hi, welcome to the cranstone. Come on in. This is the check in area now. We used to have the check in area in the bar, but we feel that the less sort of space that we need to utilise, the better. This area used to be where we used to keep all of our leaflets, which, at the moment, we are not displaying or distributing any leaflets out. On arrival, all of our guests will be given a check sheet, and on that check sheet will be one specific area, which is mainly the stairs and the hallways. I really, really want the guests to keep a safe distance from each other, either by stepping back and letting the guests come down the stairs, or letting a guest come in through the front door and then you waiting for someone to come up the stairs. And please just consider each other for your safety as well. Weve not really got any guidelines as yet as to specifically what we are allowed to do and not to do, apart from the two metre rule. So, i have decided for now i think this is the way its going to work. I am going to invite the guests down to breakfast, maybe at a specific time. I am then, instead of coming through to the dining room, i will be using the hatch, where the guests can get their own breakfast from and i will also be limiting any pastries and cereals. Everything really will be. The less contact, you know, for us, the better. Like i say, its going to be trial and error. No specific guidelines. So, hopefully, you know, i will learn as i go on. But, for us, we will not be open until around the 2ath ofjuly, that is when we will welcome our first guests in. So, yes, you can see the preparations that people have to make. Shirley has joined preparations that people have to make. Shirley hasjoined me now. What a spot that this is. This is what you want, isnt it . Where else would you like to be in the world . Many people will be thinking that over the next few weeks. What are you expecting once the ath ofjuly comes along . Here in england in particular . It is needed, we want to welcome back all of our tourist, four weeks we have been telling them to stay away. But we want to welcome our guests and visitors back. From the ath ofjuly, yes, people are getting preparations done. We have just seen some of the preparations you are making in the b b. Are you expecting to be able to make up any lost ground you have had in the past few months . I dont think i personally well, no. Everybodys circumstances are different, but i do not think we will make up what we have lost. We have had the best start to a year weather wise for 20 years and all the time i have been doing it. It is great that we are extending the eliminations. That might bring more people in as long as people know they are running through to the 3rd ofjanuary. And as someone who lives here and not just running a business, how do you feel about all of a sudden lots of people flocking to your town, you know, alongside the whole economic issues, given Health Issues . Absolutely, i am a little bit apprehensive. I think i said on the video, people coming into my guesthouse, i do have a concern, only because i am thinking about Health Issues. I personally have diabetes. So it is a bit of a worry for people coming in. I think it will be strange to see lots of people around, when it has been very quiet. And there is something about the lockdown period that perhaps you are used to seeing nice and quiet beaches like this early in the morning, but for a lot of people, this is not a normal site, when the sun is out in blackpool in the middle of the day and that is what it has been like. It is going to be quite a change. Yes, and i feel really privileged to live there. Why wouldnt you when you walk down the road and this is at the end of your street . But, yes, we will welcome them back. As long as people stick to the two metre rule or the one metre rule, ithink to the two metre rule or the one metre rule, i think we will be ok. Thank you for inviting us in here this morning, shirley. You are very welcome. Perhaps we will have to change the length of this microphone any change the length of this microphone a ny few change the length of this microphone any few weeks time there are lots of things for people to deal with, with businesses wanting to reopen, but still more guidance required than they are maybe getting online at the moment. I have been mesmerised, not just buy at the moment. I have been mesmerised, notjust buy what at the moment. I have been mesmerised, not just buy what you have said, but the view as well and trying to spot you in that glorious scene this morning. You could not have gone for a better could you . Just by the shadow of the tower, i think. Yes, any criticism of wearing shorts have long disappeared now. You can see the weather, it is the right thing to do. It is, isnt it . We have sent Carol Kirkwood to kew gardens as well. Thank you. So many changes coming. Including what is happening with pubs and restaurants. Jayne mccubbin is at a bar in manchester. Good morning. Can you hear us . Good morning, we are live ata bar hear us . Good morning, we are live at a bar in manchester because we wa nt to at a bar in manchester because we want to tell you what it will look and feel like when you step back into your browser on the ath of july. The first thing, this is mark who runs the place and work there. This is what he will do. He is taking a temperature. Tell me if i am safe . Very safe. He is taking your temperature to tell you you are safe to come inside. Before you get your pintand safe to come inside. Before you get your pint and take it to a table behind the perspex screen, you have to download the app. It tells the staff who you are and your Contact Details, essential for track and trace, where you are sitting, and what you want to order, but it tells them when you leave, so that they can bring somebody over to clean all of your space. Of course, you must wash your hands on the way in and out, and whenever you want to over the course of your stay here. The toilets are operated on a buzzer system, completely controlled by the bar staff. 0ne system, completely controlled by the bar staff. One in and one out. Really, they dont want you to be anywhere other than the table, or, if necessary, the toilet. The staff are ready to go, behind more perspex greens. These cost £120 each, the big ones are 300. Good morning to you. How do you feel about coming back . We are taking precautions. You are raring to go, because some staff have had to lose theirjobs, they laid off two people last week. I will give you a visual representation as to why that had to happenjust representation as to why that had to happen just around this corner. This is only half of the tables and chairs that this pub has had to lose from the inside area, and 50 of the chairs and tables have had to go from outside as well. Let us go and meet some more people. Thank you for chatting to us. All of this lockdown has cost, and these measures have cost as well, how much are you down . It isa cost as well, how much are you down . It is a huge amount, we think thousands of pounds in the equipment you have seen this morning. But equally, our capacity will be hugely reduced. So, at two metres we would be at best 25 to 30 below capacity. The one metre means we will be much better, but we still believe we are going to be 50 or 60 worse than we were. It is important to tell you, mark, no one has told you to do these measures, you have done it off of your own back. Yes, we had to figure it out and make some leaps of faith, setting up an app was done weeks ago it does not happen overnight. We have got the screen set up weeks ago. You are ready to go, while the customers come back . Absolutely, we think we have had a lot of interest people wanting to come back. As long as they are safe. If you think this isa as they are safe. If you think this is a measure that things are back to normal, you are wrong. You will still have to be careful and follow the guidelines. Bars in Northern Ireland are opening earlyjuly, wales and scotland are still deciding. Back to you. Thank you very much indeed. This is going to be our new normal, at least in england for the moment. Not all businesses in england will be reopening. Indoor gyms and swimming pools will remain closed, despite many of them already putting in measures to protect staff and customers. Breakfasts tim muffett reports. The uncertainty goes on and on. For indoor gyms like this one in northampton, lockdown has meant no workouts, no weight training, no income. Were obviously disappointed by the news that we cannot reopen our gyms on the ath ofjuly, but we are more disappointed for our colleagues and members who we know are desperate to come back. Those who run this gym believe it could open safely. We have installed some screens between our treadmills. The purpose of these is to make sure we can keep as much kit in action as possible whilst keeping our members as safe as possible. So the perspex screens sit about two metres high. They are wrapped around the treadmills and our cleaning teams will be on hand to wipe them down regularly throughout the day. More screens are about to be installed. Each treadmill will be self contained. Do you think that will detract from the work out experience . I think anything we can do at the moment to help make our members feel safer is going to be a good thing. We have bought one of these for every gym. Its an electrostatic cleaning gun that at a push of a button sterilises a piece of equipment like this. And as numbers inside will be strictly controlled, gym members will be able to check them in advance. They can quickly check this before they come down, to see how busy or quiet the gym is so they are guaranteed to get in without queueing. Expensive investment this gym has felt compelled to make and whilst the culture secretary 0ilver dowden tweeted yesterday that the government hopes indoor gyms can open in england in mid july, the sector is calling for clarity. There are more than 7,000 gym and Leisure Facilities across the uk with more than 10 million members. Collectively, they are thought to be worth more than £7 billion to the uk economy. Humphrey cobbold runs the chain pure gym, which has more than 1 million members. These were described as sort of close proximity venues. Well, my average gym is about 17,000 square feet which is about the size of five or six Tennis Courts and, in my book, that is less of a close proximity venue of your average pub which is 700 800 square feet. I am confused about the application of science. We hear about the so called joe wicks effect, people working out at home and in the garden. Do you think people will want to go back to the gym . I do believe gyms and facilities provide a particular environment that people want. Theres nothing quite like a live exercise class. Most people do not have an olympic lift platform or a weight stack in their front room or bedroom. Most people do not have a treadmill at home. If there is one lesson we have learned in the last few months, it is that your health and fitness really does matter. But others believe indoor gyms should stay closed for now. Dr Claire Taylor is a microbiologist. The big dangers in the gym is the fact that people will be touching lots of different surfaces. They will be exercising, there will be sweat, people will be touching their face a lot and then potentially touching lots of different gym equipment. Perspex screens may well help, but then you would imagine that the screens would end up covered in respiratory droplets and could end up being a potential site for contamination. One of the safest ways to exercise is of course outdoors where the risk of transmission is far reduced. Back in northampton, the machines have been spaced out and spruced up. Theyjust need people to use them. Do you think that when people come back, there will be some changes you have had to make which could actually be better . I am confident, especially in the weights area, having a marked out space you can have while you train could be important. We will work so hard to makee sur our gyms are clean and hygienic. We will work so hard to making sure our gyms are clean and hygienic. It has been a tough time for this sector. It is hoped the finish line is not far off. Tim muffett, bbc news. Health leaders are warning this morning that an urgent review is needed to make sure the uk is ready for a potential second wave of coronavirus. We can speak now to dr Helena Mckeown from the British Medical Association. Good morning to you and thank you for joining good morning to you and thank you forjoining us. What are your concerns . Good morning, our concerns and that of the other authors in a letter published today is that we Must Immediately learn the lessons of how we dealt with the first wave of how we dealt with the first wave of the pandemic so that the nhs can be at its absolute best if we get a second wave of pandemic. We must learn where we went wrong with procurement, for instance, that is ppe. 0k, procurement, for instance, that is ppe. Ok, we have already had a government response, from the department of health and social care. It is in response to your letter. We continue to be guided by the latest scientific advice and we will give the nhs whatever it wants. The government would reintroduce measures if necessary to contain the virus and stop it spreading to the wider population. What is your response . I would say that is disappointing. If we listen to International Patient Safety Experts such as professor don berwick, he would say that how we should look at things when we have done something less than well, is with no blame learning, we need something nonpartisan, we must be forward looking, we must be practical and we must learn the lessons by august so we can implement the changes in time for any potential second wave in the winter. We also know and we have spoken about it this morning about these big changes to the easing of lockdown, at least in england. Having looked at the changes, do you have concerns . We do have concerns. We have concerns that we understand why the government has made these changes, for business, however, we have increased the chances of local outbreaks and indeed a second wave. So as we implement reduction in social distancing, we must have more widespread use of masks, particularly within pubs and restaurants, and remember a good hand hygiene. The government has spoken this morning with the business secretary talking about one metre plus mitigation, masks and various things. Yes, mitigation is exactly what we need, however, this is only half of the answer. We must learn from the lessons where we have not done as well as other nations as we not done as well as other nations as we could have done. That is what we ask of our colleagues when i make a mistake, we look at this across all of the people that were involved. Those who are infected affected and those living it day in and day out and in this case, that is doctors and nurses. The government has said that its five tests have now been met. Well, but are we any more prepared than we were when the first wave hit outs . Why were we uncoordinated with supplies of our ppe . We still dont have an answer as to why my colleagues from the black and asian ethnic minority groups are more likely to die from this virus. These are things that must be looked into and a no blame way so that they can be prepared with measures put in 40 potential second wave in october and the winter. Ao second wave in october and the winter. 40 potential second wave. Ican imagine winter. 40 potential second wave. I can imagine many people watching this and wanting to go back to normal. Perhaps visiting restaurants and pubs. What is your message to eve ryo ne and pubs. What is your message to everyone watching . Be careful, the virus has not gone away. If you are unlucky enough or your relative is unlucky enough or your relative is unlucky enough or your relative is unlucky enough to get this virus, we still do not have a cure. It is all around us. We must take care and wear face coverings when we are unable to socially distance, when we are indoors. We must practice good hand hygiene. An physically separate where possible. Helena mcewan chief medical officer from where possible. Helena mcewan chief medical officerfrom the where possible. Helena mcewan chief medical officer from the British Medical Association, thank you very much. Helena mckeown. Now lets get the weather with carol. Look at this beautiful shot. The sun is shining. Sean has his shorts on, louise Carol Kirkwood, you are at kew gardens this morning. There are some really good weather for people who like it hot. That is right. In fa ct, who like it hot. That is right. In fact, here at kew gardens already the temperature is 21 celsius and widely across england and wales the temperature is currently 20 or 21. We are at kew gardens and who better to talk to dan tom, the supervisor here who knows all about plants. One thing i have always wondered is, when should you water your plant and how frequently to keep them as beautiful as they are here at kew gardens . The answer is minimise wastage and there are lots of things you can do to do that. The first thing is, probably watering first thing is, probably watering first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and that minimises evaporation and run. And there are Little Things like putting it into pots and you can upcycle Water Bottles to drip feed the pots and this minimises wastage. bottles to drip feed the pots and this minimises wastage. I would have thought in this weather and heat you would have to water your plants every night, especially your tabs, but that is not the case. Overwatering plans is one of the easiest ways to kill them. We need to water when the plants needed and we need to water the plants are not the soil. Tubs. There are many ways to test out, look at the plant, is it wilting . Test the soil, is it to dry underneath . Test the compost in your pots. How do you keep your lawn looking nice . In this heat, it ends up brown. We dont actually irrigate the lawns here and at kew gardens they will always come back. We tend to prioritise other things. That would be the advice i would give to viewers at home. that would be the advice i would give to viewers at home. I have so many questions and i could speak to you about this all day. But we dont have the time. Thank you so very much. The temperature here is 21 and on the rise. Notjust here but across many areas. The forecast for todayis across many areas. The forecast for today is just that. The temperature rising. And notjust the temperature, so is the humidity, particularly today across england and wales. Tonight across the south of scotla nd and wales. Tonight across the south of scotland as well and into morally hold of the uk will feel that bit more human. We have a weatherfront across western scotland and Northern Ireland and that is introducing a fair bit of cloud and rain. Through the course of the day that will tend to fizzle and the rain will die out. It will brighten up in north west scotland, still breezy for you but for the rest of the uk, we will see sunny spells developing, if you do not already have them, most of us do. There will be a notch up in the west, but that is about all and depending on your point of view, consider yourself lucky or unlucky if you catch one. Temperature wise, 16 up to 22 degrees across scotland and Northern Ireland this afternoon to stop coming further south across england and wales, we are looking at 25 to about 32. 30 in birmingham, 32 somewhere in the south east or east anglia. For this evening and overnight, we will see some showers develop across parts of western scotla nd develop across parts of western scotland and Northern Ireland, and some of those will be heavy and thundery. For many, we will have a dry nightand thundery. For many, we will have a dry night and also some clear skies. Temperatures remaining in double figures with quite high double figures with quite high double figures at that. Dont forget, it will be humid, tricky for sleeping with that humidity travelling as far north as the south of scotland. We start off with the thundery showers but they will push quickly northwards and clear, replaced in the afternoon with further thundery showers across parts of the west of scotla nd showers across parts of the west of scotland and Northern Ireland. And like today you could catch the odd shower, especially in the west. For most of us tomorrow, dry and hot and humid, with highs up to 32 degrees. But widely into the mid or high 20s. Overnight, thursday into friday, we start to see some thunderstorms form in the west and they will be with us first thing in the west on friday, travelling northwards and eastwards during the day. They are showers, but heavy thundery downpours, so not all of us will catch one and they will be hit and miss in the south eastern corner. If you do catch one it will impact the temperature, bringing it down. In the south east we could hit 29, somewhere like east anglia, maybe 30 or31. If somewhere like east anglia, maybe 30 or 31. If this is too hot for you, bearin or 31. If this is too hot for you, bear in mind that at the weekend High Pressure is usurped by low pressure and that means that the weather at the weekend will be cooler, when there and we will have some showers or some rain. So it is all change once again. Louise and dan. Glorious in the meantime, thank you very much. Hello, this is breakfast with dan walker and louise minchin. The chief officer of the British Medical Association has told bbc breakfast that the organisation has concerns about the governments easing of lockdown restrictions in england. The bma, alongside several other Health Leaders including the president s of the royal colleges of surgeons, nursing, physicians, and gps want an urgent review to ensure that the uk is prepared for what they say is a real risk of a second wave have signed an open letter in the british medicaljournal saying urgent action is needed to prevent further loss of life. The government says it is guided by the latest scientific advice and will give the nhs whatever it needs. It comes as the Prime Minister announces the biggest easing of the lockdown in england to date. From july the ath, hairdressers, pubs, restaurants and hotels will reopen. The chief medical adviser, professor chris whitty, said the relaxation represents a reasonable balance of risk. Pupils in all year groups in england are due to go back to school in september, but that brings with it challenges for teachers and parents about the safest way to protect their children. Now, as the Prime Minister relaxes social distancing measures, could the new guidance of one metre plus make a difference . Breakfastsjohn maguire is live at a secondary school in bristol for us this morning. John, how are they preparing . Good morning. Good morning. Good morning, louise. Lets give you a quick look round. This is going to bea a quick look round. This is going to be a year ten classroom, they are going to do science and phs e later this morning. The teacher is preparing and getting ready to go but as you can see, one, two, three, four, five, six desks here, in ordinary times, there would be more than 30. If the head teacher takes the decision to go down to one metre, you can see they will only get a few more in. Certainly as regards the idea of getting everybody back to school in september, there is still a lot of work to do. Rock, paper, scissors. There is an abundance of creativity, energy and resilience on show in the playground at Summerhill Academy in bristol. Right guys, make sure you keep your 2m distance at all times, please. If the school chose to reduce the gap from 2 to 1 metre, what difference would it make the pupil numbers . For us we have done some estimations and at the moment we can safely have eight children in every classroom. We think at a metre, it will be nearer 12 or 13 children in every classroom. We have to allow those children to be able to move around and still have a metres distance away from their friends and teaching staff. The government says its up to schools in england to decide whether or not to change the rules. But the maximum distance is 15. We have brought everyone together to discuss their experiences. Hes fine, hes loving it and i hope his little sister will be called back as well. There was the invitation of sending him back to school in july and i thought, what, for three weeks . And its only two days a week for a few hours and i thought, no, he can stay home, its fine. I started off really well, getting her to do loads of schoolwork, we had a timetable on the wall, we kept to a routine but as the weeks have gone on, thats waned. Its a lot harder to get her to sit down and do the schoolwork and im actually quite worried about the schooling. And would reduced social distancing change anything . For me it wouldnt make any difference moving it down to one metre and we were told as well in regards to the social school bubble, there was only one place left so with twins, i would have to just send one back or maybe i could have put one of them in a different bubble without their friends and things so itjust wasnt going to work for us. I definitely want them all to go back but then and for me, and ijust hope they can go back full time. Our parents agree on two things. Children must go back to School Full Time when its safe and that the autumn term cant come soon enough. John maguire, bbc news. Back at this school, you can see they have got the hand sanitiser all set up, the one way system, there is a chicane to get into the pod, so you have to go and wash your hands before you get into the classroom. Lets say good morning to steve, the principal, going down from two metres to one metre plus, you have only got two weeks left of term after that comes in so will you do it . The government says two metres where you can and one metre where you have two and we have set the academy up with lots of health and Safety Measures around two metres and we will probably maintain that, the other guidance for us is around year ten and only having 25 on site and we have reached capacity so moving to one metre would not allow us to get any more students on site u nless us to get any more students on site unless the government change the guidance for that. If the rules dont change before september, can you come back fully loaded in september . It will be a real challenge, one metre means we can probably get 20 students in a class rather than the normal 30 but being creative educationalists, we will find a way. Creative educationalists, wonderful great to see you, and archie is in year ten, your big year next year, doing your gcses, how are you feeling, how have the last few months been for you . M has been a right, ive been working ha rd has been a right, ive been working hard at home but it is quite stressful seeing as we lost quite a few months of work. Would it have been better for you to have maintained schooling throughout . Ya. But you are back this week and callum, you are back this week as well, for the first couple of weeks last couple of weeks at ten, nice as it meant to be back . Its been really nice to be back in the bathroom and having lessons with the teachers again. It is nice to be back and seeing everyone. There is no replacement for the personal contact, is there . Thin is in year nine and you are the hardest working man in british education yeah. You have been here throughout, so how has the loan process been for you . It has been pretty good. Ifeel like what we are doing in general is good and now the fact you can get help from the teacher if you come back to school, i feel that will really help people. Ok, good luck with that coming weeks and months ahead and the twins, good morning, poppy and daisy, year seven so relatively new at the school, how have you been coping . It is better now we are at school because we have got more help from the teachers so it has made it a lot easier. Yeah, it is nice to be in school and have help from the teachers as well. Very nice to see you. Good morning, the other child in year nine, talking to the principal just now about in year nine, talking to the principaljust now about september, gosh, that is going to be with us before we know it, isnt it . Ya. What are your thoughts . Cant wait to get back in september. Home learning is great and my child has kept up with the learning but there is no substitute for real live lessons with face to face contact with a teacher and to seal their friends and just get back into the School Community again, it is going to be great when they come back. When you see the steps the school have taken to get children back, the limited number at this stage, does that give you confidence and assurance . It does. Ifeel extremely confident that my child is going to be safe and i think they are safer here than they would be in the local supermarket or Walking Around because of the social distancing in maintained and hygiene being maintained. I have got no worries at all about them coming back. Great, thank you for talking to us, great to see you all, give everybody at home a wave and say thank you, good to talk to you, very interesting to hear, as we said in the film, certainly no one size fits all but eve ryo ne certainly no one size fits all but everyone who is back to school is very pleased to be yet. Talk to you later. John, what i loved about that is that you went through nearly all the year groups you havent got enough guests, you need some more we leave no stone unturned stop you got a full classroom. Thanks very much, it has been interesting this morning seeing how things will change in the future, interesting to see the detail. At this stage, you can see the level of planning that is going on from the schools, from the hospitality industry, sean has been in blackpool, everyone is trying to get ready and the government guidance has literally been published as we were on air so people are trying to get there. And important to talk about in the sport as well. Good morning, both of you and eve ryo ne good morning, both of you and everyone at home. You will have seen if you opened a newspaper this morning that the tennis player Novak Djokovic has had to apologise after testing positive for coronavirus at a tournament he had organised himself. Four other players had already tested positive for covid 19 after playing at the adria tour competition in serbia and croatia. There has been criticism of the way it had been run. There had been games of basketball, and the world number one was seen dancing at a party. No social distancing laws or guidelines were broken, as they werent in place where the tournament took place, but djokovic admitted it was simply too soon to play. Well, last night djokovic put out a statement. He says hes deeply sorry for the harm caused by the tournament. He said that it had been organised with the best intentions, and a belief that they had met all health protocols. But he also admitted that he and the organisers were wrong, and that it had been held too soon. A lot of talk about that this morning. Lets bring injamie murray, whos organised the battle of the brits exhibition tournament thats happening at the National Tennis centre in roehampton at the moment. It isa it is a very different tournament. Good morning. Good morning. I know you have been asked a lot about Novak Djokovic and what is happening there and last night your brother and he said it was not a particularly good look for tennis. We will talk about your tournament ina we will talk about your tournament in a moment because i know it is different but what did you think when you heard that novak dogleg had tested positive and this had happened after the tournament . Well, imeani happened after the tournament . Well, i mean i guess it was not totally out of the blue because there were already quite a few of the players involved that had tested positive and obviously, you know, i think they were playing in front of 2000aooo they were playing in front of 2000 a000 people and there was obviously all of the photos and images that had come out of them being in night clubs, playing soccer matches, basketball, you know, kind of being in proper close contact with one another and i guess, yeah, the object did not look good when the object did not look good when the rest of the world is obviously, you know, in various stages of lockdown and a lot of people are hurting from the virus and a lot of people have lost lives and obviously, for tennis as a sport, it does not look good, i dont think. And it does show up, doesnt it, the difficulties in organising a tournament at this time. Talk me through all of the hoops that you have been through to make sure the tournament you are organising at the moment, the battle of the brits, to make sure that is completely safe because i know you are playing in com pletely because i know you are playing in completely different circumstances. Yeah, i know for a fact theres not enough time on the show to go through everything but yeah, it is a completely different situation. We are not playing in front of any fans. The sort of playing side of things are completely separated off from the production side. I think we have about 70 people on site within the venue each day. The players had to go through mandatory testing before the events. You know, the centre has a one way system in place that everyone has to adhere to. Yes, there are other guidelines and protocols that we are following to ensure the safest environment we possibly can for everyone connected to the event. How nice is it having your brother there, playing . Yes, it is good to see him back playing. I mean, he has obviously been off the court for eight months or so, certainly from the match court. It has been great to see him back. Yesterday, great to see him back and practising over the last few weeks and a Good Opportunity for him this week to see where his game is at. And in terms of, i know you said there are too many precautions to even go into but in terms of your own hands on work with the tournament, what kind of things have you been doing . I have heard you had to go to the supermarket to buy the players their food. Yeah, you dont wa nt players their food. Yeah, you dont want hungry players, that is for sure so much work has gone into it and we have obviously tried to build the event and basically an eight or nine week period where most events have been 50 odd weeks to plan and prepare for, and throw in the fact we are in the midst of a Global Pandemic and there are all of the guidelines and protocols that need to be followed, it has been, yeah, very time consuming and quite overwhelming at times and chaotic but it has been a lot of fun, huge learning experience for me, learning about that side of tennis and i guess if it is something i want to head towards in the future, i have a lot better understanding and experience of what it takes to put on these events. You know, that is not even including the fans and stuff. It has been fun, it has definitely been a good experience. Jamie murray, thank you very much indeed. We wish you loads of luck with it. The battle of the brits continues today and i wonder, did we hearjamie murray suggest that tournament organiser might be a future career choice for him . I think that is what he just said. Anyone who goes and buys the food, i am in. Yes, it is very much all hands on deck there at the moment, i can tell you. Sally, thank you very much. So many people trying to work out how they can get back to what we keep saying is the new normal at some stage. The Eurovision Song Contest may have been cancelled this year, but a new netflix film starring will ferrell and Rachel Mcadams could help to fill the void for pop fans. They play an icelandic pop duo whose dream is to become the next abba and take the competition by storm. Our entertainment correspondent Colin Paterson has been speaking to Rachel Mcadams. Ever since we were children, weve had one dream. Winning the Eurovision Song Contest. Ell, Rachel Mcadams, it kind of feels appropriate speaking to you from a small box because that is how they announce thejury voting in eurovision, what do you think about it . Yes, yes, and your background is really taking me back to those big crowds. Thank you, thank you. Do you want to see my real background actually . This is the beauty of these virtual interviews. Lets go eurovision, its a lot more interesting. It looks great, though. Thank you, thank you. How much do you know about eurovision, as a canadian, if anything . Sadly very little, im embarrassed to say, but i do remember the year Conchita Wurst won, it kind of went on my radar and then i kind of got really curious about it and then obviously coming onto the film and getting to go to tel aviv and actually go to the real eurovision last year was quite an experience. You know, when you are doing the film, youre, like, singing to a green screen so to be able to go to israel and really know what those crowds are like and how much passion there is and all the flags waving and the energy in that room, you cant recapture that when youre filming it. So it was so valuable for me as an actor. How close to a performance did they let you, getting to sing . I got to sing everything, they didnt use all of it. We sort of use a blending technique. They can do really magical things now. I think i was quite worse by the end of the final performance but you know, some of the stuff, hitting this bjork note is beyond. I am lars, this is sigrid, and we are fire saga who wants to hear a eurovision song . All of iceland thinks we are a joke. Thats not true and my father is ashamed of me. No, hes not he looked deep into my eyes and said, i am ashamed of you. Maybe he was drunk. And he said, maybe you think im drunk but im dead sober. Idiot. Eurovision were absolutely on board, they let you use their logos, they let you have previous winners appearing in it. How much did it mean to the film . Oh, it was incredible. We kind of kep looking at each other and saying, this is ok . Everyone wants to come, great. I mean, people were so on board. I do think its a love letter in its own way, as much as there is a lot of fun and campiness to it as well, but an appreciation of what the competition can do for peoples dreams coming true and thats what part of the thrust of the film is, so. And it is obviously a film which stretches the realms of whats possible because its set in edinburgh, meaning the uk mustve won the contest the Previous Year, and as im sure youve been told, we have not won it for 23 years. I did hear that a lot. Its a sad fact. I dont know, maybe david was trying to throw you guys a bone or something. We are a duo that will never be separated. It looks beautiful in the film, though. Oh, oh, yeah its hard to make scotland look bad. Tell us about the song that is your entry in the song contest, volcano man. Oh, yeah, yeah thats a powerful song. Volcano man. Pick up my melted heart. Volcanic protector man. I just couldnt stop laughing when i heard that song. It was so over the top. The idea of this tough volcano guy who needs love and it was just so cheesy and fun and campy and then to hear will sing it in his wonderful will way, just made it that much better. Finally, the Eurovision Song Contest always needs an act to perform at the interval. If they said next year, fire saga, the interval, would you go and perform with will ferrell . Sure. Come on i dont know if anyone wants to see that. Oh, yes. At our dance rehearsals, we were both pulling muscles, he pulled his groin, i pulled my back out. I mean, we are old. They say that in the film, you guys are too old to be in eurovision. Thats the beauty of film, you can get away with stuff. It is thought of everything, it is going to be fun to watch. Everything thatis going to be fun to watch. Everything that is wrong and right about eurovision. Eurovision song contest the story of fire saga is on netflix from friday. The gradual easing of lockdown measures in england has offered hope to many businesses who have struggled during the pandemic, but the arts and Entertainment Industry still faces huge challenges. Although theatres and concert halls can reopen, they wont be able to put on Live Performances. So what will this mean for venues and artists . We can speak now to the actor Julie Hesmondhalgh and playwright james graham. Good morning to both of you. I saw you giggling along to the eurovision, there, i hope you are both big fans. Butjulie, there is a really serious issue here. We talk a lot about the economy but the cultural side of things, how concerned are you for what is going to happen over the next few weeks and months . Oh, i mean there is absolutely massive concerning our industry about what is going to happen, there is so much anxiety around obviously, you know, what it might seem on the surface about the money that is being lost to the gdp and about people not being able to access the arts, it is also, you know, the functions that those theatres performing communities. I am very involved in regional theatre around manchester and they have not closed for business, you know, they have continued to try and have conversations with the people they support in communities, young people, older people, vulnerable people. They are trying to keep up online resources out there for everybody, discussion groups, two meetings, putting out archive performances and having conversations around them. Zoom meetings. It is still going on but it is not the same, we are still desperate for theatres to be able to open again but safely and of this interim period, the theatres are closing, already going into administration. There are theatres closing. What it means to small towns, towns like plymouth who have Just Announced their redundancies yesterday and southampton, who have lost the nuffield theatre to administration very early in lockdown, it is every pound people spend on the theatre in a town like that also brings in transport, food, you know, drinks in the bar, it brings in people into the bar, it brings in people into the town and it absolutely sets struggling sounds apart from others. It gives the town and identity, the outreach those theatres do into the community, bringing people in, supporting their Mental Health and well being, because as we know, you know, arts and culture is absolutely central to that and has been during lockdown. It is very, very anxiety ridden for the buildings but also for artists because you know, so many artists in this country are freelance, freelancers make theatre work, there is a Huge Campaign at the moment and in terms of moving forward and knowing how artists can actually survive, you know, we need some clarity on that and really soon. Everybody wants to be safe, thatis soon. Everybody wants to be safe, that is the priority, but i think we need the arts to be recognised for the important place they hold in our culture. James, you are a playwright, a passionate defence of theatre for so many reasons from julie, you really concerned about the future as well . Julie is absolutely right, it is really devastating, and in normal times, theatres are really full and profitable but as julie theatres are really full and profitable but asjulie said, you cant open them when they are not safe and even with the one metre guidelines, that means most theatres still wont be able to fill the auditorium more than about ao capacity and you need 80 to pay for the productions which means you are looking at six, seven, eight months of basically no income. Asjulie said, unfortunately, we are already seeing that this is not a future problem, it means this week, hundreds of people have been made redundant across theatres, there are 1100 theatres in the country and 300,000 people working on them. You are going to see proportionally in the coming weeks, not months, thousands of people begin to be made redundant. As julie said, thousands of people begin to be made redundant. Asjulie said, it is not just the people that work in theatre that are going to suffer because of the virus, it is the millions of people who love going to the theatre. We have the largest capacity of theatre going in the world, the west end has higher audiences than even broadway. Then you have all the local theatres like julie spoke about. Briefly, as a playwright, you are right, i work in theatre but it is also important to say that people dont go to the theatre will notice the problem emerging because it is a Training Ground for people who write, produce, direct and act in Television Like julie, i was lucky in lockdown to have a tv drama called weighs about the coughing major scandal but it started in the theatre and has been broadcast all over the world called toys. We have a global reputation to save but you cant have a global reputation for film and tv if the theatre industry collapses and it is the time where the theatre industry will start to collapse in the coming weeks. You are clearly both so passionate about the industry. Weve got about a0 seconds left, julie buddy mentioned and touched on Mental Health and that is crucial, not only for those in your industry but as jane said, about those who are coming in and need the release from coming to the theatre . Absolutely, i mean, the way we make sense of our lives and our society and our world is through telling stories and it always has been and theres going to be more of a need than everfor theres going to be more of a need than ever for that, for us to theres going to be more of a need than everfor that, for us to be able to come together and make sense of this period in some way and celebrate being back together. We need some clarity and funding and bridging the gap, their Creative Industries is a massive earner in this country, we contribute so much the economy and we need some help now. Shes a pro, 35 seconds on the nose thank you. Thats all from breakfast this morning. Charlie and naga will be back tomorrow morning from six. Have a lovely day. Goodbye. Hi, good morning, welcome to bbc news, im victoria derbyshire. Here are the headlines this wednesday morning. As england gets ready for a big easing of lockdown, Health Leaders warn urgent action is needed to ensure the uk is prepared for a potential second wave of coronavirus. The government publishes its guidance on how businesses in england can operate safely when they reopen in ten days time. The last thing anybody wants is for a second peak. Is for a business to be shut down because its not observing the guidelines and the rules. Well be getting reaction to the lifting of the lockdown in england here on bbc one and the bbc news channel. So, if you run a buiness, how are you preparing

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