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Is quizzes and general knowledge, there isa quizzes and general knowledge, there is a correct quizzes and general knowledge, there is a correct answer quizzes and general knowledge, there is a correct answer to things, so it gives a sense of certainty and that is something that is lacking a lot of peoples lives under a lot of areas at the moment. Former World Champion amir khan warns its too dangerous for boxing to return injuly and tells us he wont risk his familys health by getting back in the ring until the pandemic is over. Good morning. It is a sunny saturday for most, with temperatures way above the average for this time of year. Tomorrow, or will change. Above the average for this time of year. Tomorrow, orwill change. Cold northerly winds will bring cloud and showery rain and those temperatures 10 degrees down on what we are going to see today. All the details, if you want them, coming up shortly. Its saturday, the 9th of may. Our top story uk airlines have been told that passengers flying into the uk will be expected to quarantine for 1h days from the end of this month. The body which represents uk based Airlines Says it needs to see more details, but understands that the new restrictions wont apply to arrivals from republic of ireland. Andy moore reports. Heathrow airport, where there are currently far more plans parked up than actually going anywhere. Planes. At the end of this month, anyone flying into the country is expected to have to self isolate in a private dwelling for two weeks. Airlines are due to be briefed this morning. They fear it could compound the Severe Damage they have already suffered. The quarantine will not apply to lorry drivers and other key workers, nor to arrivals from the republic of ireland. The United Kingdom is eagerly awaiting a televised address from the Prime Minister tomorrow evening, when he will announce a roadmap for the way forward. But it is not expected he will announce any major immediate changes. We have learned that Garden Centres in england will be allowed to reopen on wednesday. A similar measure has been announced in wales from monday, where people will also be able to exercise outdoors as much as they like so long as they remain in their local area. The four devolved nations are trying to move broadly at the same pace, but that might not always be possible. with the first ministers of wales and Northern Ireland, spoke to the Prime Minister. There was, i think, helpful recognition in that call but the four uk nations may well be that different speeds if our data about the spread of the virus says that thatis the spread of the virus says that that is necessary to suppress it. Yesterday the government announced another 626 people had died with coronavirus, including a six week old baby with Underlying Health problems. The child is believed to be the youngest victim in the uk. The total number of deaths in all settings now stands at 301000, 241. 31,241. As the lockdown is gradually eased, the government is expected to adjust today to cycle or walk to work wherever possible if we cannot walk from home. So called active travel is seen as a way of easing pressure on public transport which will have far less capacity if social distancing is to be maintained. Our Political Correspondent nick eardleyjoins us now from our london newsroom. Good morning. We await, of course, sundays announcements from Boris Johnson, but in the meantime, this focus on airlines and quarantine, many people have questioned why something has not been done sooner . They have. There has been a lot of pressure on the government over this, charlie, and it now looks as though they are going to act, that 14 day quarantine for the vast majority of people coming into the country, but will be one of the measures designed to boost confidence, really, but things can start to maybe get back to normal or a new normal sometime soon, beyond that, i think, a new normal sometime soon, beyond that, ithink, as a new normal sometime soon, beyond that, i think, as you heard a new normal sometime soon, beyond that, ithink, as you heard in anti s piece, the measures will be pretty limited. Borisjohnsons announcement pretty limited. Borisjohnsons announcement for england on sunday, we know, will potentially not have all that much in it, because the government has made pretty clear it is going to be limited, that any changes will be pretty minimal. We already know that in scotland, for example, Nicola Sturgeon is considering isnt considering that much beyond allowing us to exercise a bit more, likewise in wales, some limited changes including opening gardening centres. So, yes, some tweaks next week would be up to other changes, but nothing huge. Teaching unions in england have told the government that schools shouldnt reopen until there are measures in place to safeguard against the spread of coronavirus. The tuc is calling on ministers to work closely with unions to agree a way forward. Health secretary matt hancock has said pupils will only be allowed to return to school when it is safe to do so. An aide who works closely with us Vice President mike pence has tested positive for the coronavirus. Katie miller, who is pences press secretary, is the second white house worker to test positive for the virus this week. President trump and mr pence are being checked daily and have so far tested negative. The queen urged us to never give up, never despair, as she spoke to the nation 75 years since herfather made his address to mark the end of the Second World War in europe. Street parties and flypast events were held throughout the day yesterday to commemorate the ve Day Anniversary, as holly hamilton reports. Newsreel his majesty, king george vi. 75 years on from her fathers ve day address, the queen marked a defining moment of british history in the midst of another. Today it may seem hard but we cannot mark this special anniversary as we would wish. Instead, we rememberfrom our homes and our doorsteps. But our streets are not empty. They are filled with the love and the care that we have for each other. Land of hope and glory. The street parties may have been scaled back, restricted, of course, under lockdown. But still as heartfelt. Any occasion, Saint Patricks day, st georges day, we always put the bannerup, st georges day, we always put the banner up, dont we . But especially this year i think it is important to uplift us all a bit. It is not a nice time at the moment. Elsewhere, the mood was more sombre. In portsmouth, a tribute to those who couldnt come home to celebrate. A salute from these guys as the red arrows flew above london, with fly pasts taking place elsewhere across the uk. There will be bluebirds over the uk. There will be bluebirds over the white cliffs of dover, but on this occasion, to raf spitfires, the aircraft that help to defend the countrys shores. Will meet again. But it was this wartime anthem that the evening s commemorations. As britain came together to sing a song that has come to define feelings of loss and of hope. A look back at some of the events held yesterday. A very different feel to a lot of what was done, but marks nonetheless quite well. It is 6 08am. Lets bring you up to date on the front pages. The times are screening passengers arriving into the uk will be asked to self isolate for a fortnight, or face a £1000 fine. We understand that the airline that airlines uk has been given this information as well. The guardian reports that the government plans to reopen schools by the first ofjune, but those plans are now in doubt as teachers and union say a full return is u nsafe and union say a full return is unsafe until a full testing and tracing system is in place. The image you can see there is that street in chester, actually, we featured it yesterday on the programme, where they went in for their ve Day Anniversary celebrations in a unique way. Those celebrations in a unique way. Those celebrations are also meeting the express. The front page shows a picture of the queen, with a quote from her ve day speech which reads our streets are not empty, they are filled with the love and care we have for each other. And online, vi is featuring an image of the red arrows during a fly past. The i. Also picking up on that message, we will see it in here it a lot today, the queens message, never give up and never despair. Those are words that will resonate a great deal. Yeah, absolutely. And obviously it was on ve day, and it was a message that had a residence for a generation then, but many people are saying of course now is a time when those same thoughts have a part to play. And so poignant she was doing it at the same time her father had made that speech 75 years ago. So, what catches my eye in the papers is what catches my eye in the papers is what people are doing to keep themselves occupied. I cant remember what i was talking about yesterday, but today it is all about ancestry. You know with ve day, would be celebrations, the government hasjoined would be celebrations, the government has joined with ancestry uk so that people can trace back their history. It has become quite a thing. This is the daily telegraph, the saturday telegraph, saying that there are growing numbers of people, could you hold that . There we go. Lots of people are taking a look back. It has got some suggestions, if you do want to know, obviously you can because youre older relatives, search for emitters, relatives, search for emitters, relatives letters, documents, you can search censuses, parish records. You can use all of those and you can find crime and punishment records, military records. Lots of people are finding sinister things about their families, which i think is a bit more interesting. Well, the access to information now is greater than it ever has been, so the ability to do that kind of thing has obviously com pletely do that kind of thing has obviously completely changed. Just a thought, this is from the times, the weekend section. A lot of people are interested partly because they have more time, and also because the structures around their days are changing. Whether you have changed your plans, if you normally had to get up for work at a certain time, are you sticking to the same routines . And here they are looking at whether you are having trouble sleeping, here are the new rules. It is fairly obvious, in a way, but if you have created a new routine, if you have created a new routine, if you use to get up at a certain time but you dont need to, pick another time to get up every day, so you have a structure to your day. I dont know if you are hearing this anecdotally, lots of people are saying they are having vivid dreams at the moment. Again, there is a lot of Research Done into this, and one of Research Done into this, and one of the experts here is professor colin asprey, a professorfrom Oxford University whose as part of the brains function during sleep is to process emotions, including dealing with threat. So, no surprise that when you shut down, there is a lot going on in your head. So it is actually a good process that is happening. I am sleeping loads more when i am not at work and talking less in my sleep, which i understand isa less in my sleep, which i understand is a good thing. Sure. But i now is 6 12am. Care homes have been hit hard by coronavirus, and for staff, residents and theirfamilies, its been a difficult few months. But yesterdays ve Day Celebrations brought some happiness and hope to many residents who lived through the Second World War. Our scotland correspondent lorna gordon has been to visit one care home for veterans, to hear their stories. David whitaker lived a life of love and adventure. He was a decorated pilot who threw missions for the navy during world war ii. Flew missions. And he was 95 when he died of covid 19. Missions. And he was 95 when he died of covid19. My father survived being shot at by germans, russians, and he got done for, finished off by and he got done for, finished off by a virus you couldnt even see. He had been living at the erskine homes for ex servicemen and women. His family said his care had been excellent. But here, like so many other care homes, the virus has taken its toll. We know that, and we know for 25 deaths, which is really difficult to see, because i know the politicians and the first minute of state is someones relative, but for us it really is. Because we are with those residents on a day to day basis. Do you think you over the peak in care homes . No, i dont think were over the peak yet. They have already spent an additional £20,000 on protective Safety Equipment here. Staff Wearing Masks the entire time they are around those they are caring for. Anna porterfield is one of 50 erskine ca re porterfield is one of 50 erskine care residents who has had suspected covid 19 and has come through the other side. She turns 96 next week. For the First Time Since recovering, using video technology, she is able to see her son. Can you see him 0k . Ican see to see her son. Can you see him 0k . I can see him fine. I felt very ill, andl i can see him fine. I felt very ill, and i really thought i was dying. But the carers and the nurses. For the family, reunion and relief. She does try to keep her spirits up. I think for a lady of her age she has done very, very well. The oldest among those here remember the war. Their generation have faced grief and adversity before. The bombing was harder. Although it wasnt everyday, it didnt happen every day. But when you did get a bombing raid that was bad. Tough then, but not easy now. Cant see your loved ones. You cant go out, you know . Its all for the good, of course. Its all for the good, of course. Its got to be done. A generation already so few in number, their deaths because of covid tragedy like so many others hard to bear. Really interesting. A poignant day for those of that generation but interesting to see how they are communicating. Its such an orton then, people learning all the time then, people learning all the time the value of how they can communicate using technology. And they are also measured about the situation. 6 16am. Need to find out about the weather . Contrasting days, louise. Good morning. Ithinki could communicate the weather by what i wear because tomorrow, i should come in a big thick polo neck jumper. Ironically i put all my jumpers away to the back of my wardrobe this week is something to do one afternoon but i will have to fish them out again. Today, enjoy the sunshine safely because tomorrow, it all changes due to a front pushing down from the north, turning much colder and windier which willjust turning much colder and windier which will just exacerbate turning much colder and windier which willjust exacerbate that turning much colder and windier which will just exacerbate that feel u nfortu nately. Which will just exacerbate that feel unfortunately. Its a cold front, its arriving as we speak, is going to bring some cloud and light patchy rain but also, fairly straightforward. Dry, settled, sunny. Wanted to have showers may well be heavy and sundry that they will remain fairly well isolated and in the sunshine, very warm indeed just like yesterday. The only exception is the far north and west. Let us look at the temperatures. Load temperatures, but already had noticeable different feel into the far north of scotland. This weather front will bring some rain overnight, will we can offer considerably but watches the orders, what happens. The blue turns to white, snow showers even down to 100m soa white, snow showers even down to 100m so a light dusting of snow for the sum first and tomorrow. Into Northern Ireland and across to northern england, it could be a different start. Cloudy with outbreaks of light rain, not too bad across central and southern areas, heading in your direction. That weather front will push slowly north and look at the difference with the feel of the weather. We will see significant gusts of winds it feel chilly in those temperatures are likely to struggle. We start off on sunday morning with that weather slowly pushing its way south and after that bright sunny start into the south, a spit or spot or two of rain. But its the northerly winds that will make it feel the cold indeed. That will make you feel colder than these temperatures suggest. A maximum of five or eight degrees, the warmest of the weather into the south west, cold air really digging in. Generally speaking, it will feel 10 degrees down and where we are today. Back to you as well. Louise, i look forward to seeing you in that big, thick polo neck. You wont see it tomorrow. This is the problem with doing those jobs in lock down, you think its so satisfying. You went too early. You of all people should have known. Satisfying. You went too early. You of all people should have knownlj know, i know. See you later. Now, in a special edition of talking movies, tom brooks has been looking at the challenges faced by female film makers during this uncertain time for the film business. Lets take a look. Hello from new york. And welcome to talking movies, presenting one more addition of our show from central park. In todays programme, were going to put the focus on female filmmakers in the pandemic and some of the challenges theyve been leasing. Nowjoining me from home in west london is emma jones. Anna, i know youve been speaking to a lot of email lawmakers. How would you characterise their mood . Of email lawmakers. How would you characterise their mood . |j of email lawmakers. How would you characterise their mood . I think youve you are a woman who had built coming out in cinemas, they are feeling pretty deflated. Not only we re feeling pretty deflated. Not only were more women getting the films made than ever before but more women are getting the opportunity to direct these enormous multi Million Dollar block busters. Films like wonder woman 1984 and black widow. These films have been pushed back to the latter end of 2020 when it hoped there might be cinema audience for them or else 2021 when there is going to be a glut of films that are all going to be competing for attention at the box office. In many ways, it is quite dire now for women because there is a recent poll that shows more than 90 of women in film and tv in the uk lost all their income asa tv in the uk lost all their income as a result of the pandemic. This is the survey by women in film and television in the uk which says 96 of its members report theyve lost all their income because of the pandemic and of course across the world, most women working within the Film Industry will be freelance and so will then. Having said that, women are coming from a slightly different position. Historically, theyve taken care of the bulk of theyve taken care of the bulk of the childcare and they havent had the childcare and they havent had the same opportunities in terms of pay, and in terms of advancement in their career. So just as pay, and in terms of advancement in their career. Sojust as it pay, and in terms of advancement in their career. So just as it seems things were going great for women in the Film Industry, covid 19 has stuck. Thank you emma very much indeed. And let us take a look now at your report. I didnt see you at school today. I went to the doctor. Whats wrong . Problems. Never rarely sometimes always, the third film by new yorker aliza hickman, scooped thejury new yorker aliza hickman, scooped the jury prizes at both the sundance and berlin film festivals. The story ofa and berlin film festivals. The story of a teenager, autumn, who travels to new york from the countryside to seek an abortion should be in cinemas this month. Covid 19 means its still coming out but only on now. I know this is hard. I dont know if the strategy without theatrical enhances the audience necessarily. I do think that since we are in the middle of a Global Health crisis, that it might reach a vulnerable audience. Last year, thanks to movies like frozen to an captain marvel, films directed by women made a record 1. 7 billion in profits and women made about 15 of the top studio releases, a record. |j believe in you, elsa. But many high profile 2020 releases by women wont get a chance to build up Box Office Figures despite their on line releases. These include the assista nt releases. These include the assistant by kitty green, about a young woman who suspect a powerful media mogul she works for is a sexual predator. You can always come to us, come to us first, ok. Sexual predator. You can always come to us, come to us first, 0k. And also the perfect candidate, about a woman standing for Political Office in saudi arabia. Hows it going . I like your study. Director hope dixon leachs latest film, the end certain kingdom, a series of reflections on modern britain is now coming out on line and she is also a founder of racing films to highlight the lack of work like balance the carers and pa rents of work like balance the carers and parents in the industry. Of work like balance the carers and parents in the industrylj parents in the industry. I think everybody suddenly realises how important childcare is and how important childcare is and how important caring for more vulnerable members of society is and we can see that so much of this labour is normally done by women. So theres theissue normally done by women. So theres the issue of childcare, employment. What about the economics or production in the future . what about the economics or production in the future . I think that fear is that after this, people will go backwards and they will be risk averse and women are still seen asa risk averse and women are still seen as a risk. There are millions of michelle and barack obamas. Given all the high profile women of the world stage, this Netflix Documentary about Michelle Obama is an all female team behind it. Campaigners for equality hope there is no going back. There is the social imperative that we know in the business imperative. What all of the business imperative. What all of the leading content creators have learned over the past few years is that you will make more money when you have content that is diverse and inclusive. And now the Academy Awards have made on line only film releases a legible for the selah and the spades s the 2020 oscars. The director of selah and the spades thinks it is time to rethink cinema. I think that innovation is always necessary. We need to be rethinking how we are talking about distributing films and i wanted to make sure i was putting something out that as many people could see as possible, no matter where they were, no matter if they are watching it on the phone or computer, it doesnt matter to me, ijust want people to have access to stories. Nevertheless, most female will aspire to making a Big Box Office movie on a big screen. Its Uncertain Times for block rosters such as mulan, wonder woman 1994 1984 and black widow, all directed by women with multiMillion Dollar budgets, pushed back to later this year when perhaps there will be a cinema audience again. Even now, the hopes of so many have their hopes on the spotlight that could be taken away in this seismic year. Women in the film business have been quite busy, despite the pandemic, rising to the challenge. On his living room in north london, matt floyd has been surveying the activities of three female film professionals. The coronavirus has had a devastating impact on the Film Industry all over the world and here in the uk, things are no different. Its a situation that has affected women more than men but while most of the industry is ata men but while most of the industry is at a complete standstill at the moment, there is still some work ta ke moment, there is still some work take that can be done. London based filmmaker Sally L Husseini is best known for writing and directing the Award Winning british film my brother the devil. Last year she was signed up by Working Title Films to signed up by Working Title Films to sign up and direct the swimmers, incredible story of the martini sisters. Having fled the Syrian Civil War as refugees, they found themselves on a sinking boat on the way to greece, had to swim and push the boat to safety which saved the lives of all aboard. Younger sister don to swim for the first ever Refugee Olympic Team at the 2016 rio olympics. Essentially the film is a road movie across europe so logistically it is a complex project because we are building on multiple International Locations so the last year, weve been setting up the organisational side of things, developing the script father, finding our two lead actresses. We we re finding our two lead actresses. We were four days away from building. The tricky thing is, when you restart, you cant just the tricky thing is, when you restart, you cantjust continue where you left off. We dont know turkey, for example, when it will be safe for us to film in order for us to travel in. So with no immediate perspective being able to start shooting on the horizon, what can be done from home during a lockdown . The actors are continuing with their physical training on line and doing dialect work that they were doing, on line. There has been a revisit to the script, to make that even better. There will be a preproduction. That we to go back into when we get up and running again but certainly ive been working with all the heads of department on line basically. Weve been trying to keep the momentum going. Makers are amongst those barely affected by the virus but there are some provisions in the industry that can still keep busy. Just outside london and also dealing with the lot down is added to jinx godfrey who is credited credits include the theory of everything in the recent hbo series chernobyl. Shes also been forced to continue the latest project from home. Im fortu nate the latest project from home. Im fortunate that i can carry on working. We were two thirds of the way through our production so there seems no point packing it up and stopping it. We can continue and adapt all postproduction on this project is going to happen remotely. More and more people are doing that on smaller productions. Writing is another traditionally solitary profession. Olivia had three is the president of the Writers Guild of Great Britain and she believes that some good can come out of much of society having to work from home. Yeah, ithink society having to work from home. Yeah, i think theres a lot of people, not just yeah, i think theres a lot of people, notjust writers, i think that lockdown life, because its such a kind of extraordinary opportunity, and it is, notjust the virus itself but the effect on our lives and the time to think whats really important, who the most important people in your life and who are the key workers who are keeping you going . Weve all had to rethink that. The most, though, its a question of waiting and hoping that they can get back to work sooner rather than later at once that time comes, how will the landscape of film and cinema have changed . An optimist so i think the virus is going to positively affect our industry. I think that people are going to be sick of sitting in and watching lots and lots of telemetry so i think this will operably mean that there is a shift away from Television Sets and people will want a very real cinematic experience so i think theres going to be arising cinema going as a result because people will want to leave their sofas and their houses and go and watch a film and they wont take that for granted anymore. Hello, this is breakfast with Naga Munchetty and charlie stayt. Good morning. Heres a summary of todays main stories from bbc news. Uk airlines have been told that passengers arriving into the uk will have to quarantine for 14 days. The restrictions, which exempt arrivals from the republic of ireland, are expected to come into effect at the end of the month. However, the industry body airlines uk said the policy needs a credible exit plan and should be reviewed weekly. The queen has made a televised address marking the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in europe. At the end of a day of commemorations, the queen urged us never to give up or despair and shared her memories from 1945. She also praised britains response to the coronavirus epidemic that, she said, had filled empty streets with love. Its now time for our daily gp chat, and this morning werejoined by dr sarahjarvis in west london. Good morning, drjarvis. Good to see you again. How are you . Im very well, thank you, and looking forward toa well, thank you, and looking forward to a weekend at home, which i hope everybody else will be as well. So you are not working today . Im not working today. We didnt have a bank holiday yesterday, the bank holiday has been cancelled for gps, but im actually not working this weekend. What is concerning you at the moment . We have had lots of conversations about people who are seemingly reluctant to go to the gp and also reluctant to go to hospitals, and there has been quite a push to encourage people to get in touch, to get those routine tests and check sound vaccinations, et cetera. Absolutely. There are lots of things that worry me at the moment generally, but in specific terms, what worries me is people not coming in when they have something they are genuinely concerned about. The doors of a general practice may be shut but the practices are very much open and the Royal College of gps has just produced figures which show 70 of consultations now, 70 of gps are having consultations regularly online, either on the telephone, or very often these days, on video. And is very important, because we can do a lot that way. We have seen a 75 drop in the number of people being referred to hospital with potential cancer. Some of those will be false alarms but some people will be false alarms but some people will be false alarms but some people will be sitting at home with symptoms they are worried about, and they are worried about going on. Please see your gp. If you get chest pain, we have seen a 50 drop in people contacting 999 four chest pain over the last couple of months. Some of those will be false alarms, but some will not. In italy we have just seen figures showing an increase in the people dying from a heart attack. So while you may be worried about going to hospital and the risk of catching coronavirus there, firstly, they have very careful plans in place to try to separate people of covid 19 and those without, and secondly, numbers are falling, and thirdly, really importantly, it is not only coronavirus you could die from. You begina coronavirus you could die from. You begin a conversation by saying, stay in. You will be, this weekend, even though you have the weekend off. We understand the Welsh Government has plans, we have had announcements from the Welsh Government about some easing of the lockdown. You know as well as i do, when the weather is good, the temptation to get out, and you see this in the daily figures, it goes up, even though the advice is for people to stay at home, try to stay at home in your garden, dont go out unless it is just for your one form of exercise. People will be arguing about vitamin d, needing to get out, mental health. What are you thinking . In terms of vitamin d, on the whole, for most people, ten to 15 minutes outside in the sunshine with face and arms uncovered between april and october is enough to keep your vitamin d topped up. The chief medical officer of Public Health england already recommended everybody should be taking a supplement, about ten mcg per day. In winter, interestingly, that has been extended to say to ta ke that has been extended to say to take it all year round. And of course people over 65, people under five, Breast Feeding women, people who cover up for religious reasons, and certainly bame people who find it harder to make a vitamin d in the sun should be considering taking a supplement all year round. There is no evidence yet, specifically, that it reduces your risk of coronavirus. But we do know that in addition to helping your bones, vitamin d does have an impact on your immune system, so i do think it is worth doing. But i am afraid you can get enough vitamin d without ever going in the sun, from supplements. Really, in terms of mental health, yes of course it is important. But please do go out for your exercise once a day. If you have got a garden, dont do your exercise, you know, do your exercise, but the minimum. Please do not sit in parks. In fact, nobody should be sitting in parks at the moment. The welsh guidance have said more than one form of exercise a day, it has not set sunbathing. We had questions yesterday from people who are concerned about the o and s figures, which showed that those in the black community are more at risk of dying then their white counterparts. What are people saying to you, what are people saying in terms of how they can protect themselves more . People are very concerned. Of course they are. Some parts of the country are much higher in the same proportions of the population than others. Certainly in shepherds bush, we have lots of afro caribbean patients. What this study shows is that overall, the number of people buying asa overall, the number of people buying as a proportion of the population, from bame backgrounds and certainly black backgrounds, was about 4. 2 to 4. 3 for men and women respectively, and white counterparts. However, some of that was accounted for by the fact that, for instance, people of bame origin tends to be older. We know that men are more likely to die from coronavirus than women. We also know that people of bame origin are more likely to have raised blood pressure, more likely to have type 2 diabetes, which may be uncontrolled. What these figures show is that when you account for those, the relative size of the difference does drop between 1. 8 and size of the difference does drop between1. 8 and 1. 9 size of the difference does drop between 1. 8 and 1. 9 for men and women. And about 1. 6 for people of pakistani and bangladeshi origin. But that is still a rise. What we do know is that there are two points, really, which we could do something about. Clearly we cant do anything about. Clearly we cant do anything about age, but we can make sure that we encourage people of every race, creed, colour, to ensure that their conditions are well controlled. So, uncontrolled high blood pressure, uncontrolled high blood pressure, uncontrolled type ii diabetes, or type one, but especially type ii here. Uncontrolled asthma, all of those things greatly increase your risk of dying from coronavirus or from serious obligations, and likewise, if you are in a home, even if it is granted, if one person has symptoms, please find somewhere they can isolate themselves, ideally in a separate room, but certainly in a well ventilated room, where everybody keeps their distance, because that may reduce the severity of other people in the family become infected. Dr sarahjarvis, dr sarah jarvis, thank you. Dr sarahjarvis, thank you. Enjoy your weekend. It is saturday morning at mike has all the sport. Good morning. Yes, good morning. Boxing is gearing up for a return behind closed doors injuly, and believes it has the controls and measures in place to do it safely, but britains former World Champion amir khan has warned itll be very dangerous for the sport to restart then, and says he wont risk getting back in the ring until the pandemic is over. Having no fans, having it anti stadium, it will be like walking into a sparring session. I cant really see that working, in my opinion. I cant see the big names, especially, doing that. Unless that is ridiculous money from the tv company on the table. Even if there is big money, like, iwouldnt company on the table. Even if there is big money, like, i wouldnt be able to do it because i need to be found based there. But time when you hit someone with a shot, the split will come onto you, this what will fall onto you, ijust will come onto you, this what will fall onto you, i just feel like will come onto you, this what will fall onto you, ijust feel like it is going to be very dangerous. I have three kids. I dont want to go into something and then get sick. Ive had a great career. Do i really need to risk it . And we will hear more from him later, also about life in lockdown during ramadan and how hes discovered hopskotch. Next to the ongoing wrangling over the return of football, and hearts face relegation from the scottish premiership if matches dont resume in the country. Its after talks to reconstruct the leagues broke down, due to a lack of support from premiership clubs. One proposal was to transform the top four divisions to three larger ones of 14 teams. That would have kept bottom placed hearts in the premiership, but they now face relegation, while Partick Thistle will be demoted to the third tier. And at last yesterday on the other side of the World Football returned, live on the bbc, and we saw and heard what the future looks like as south koreas, K League Season got underway. Coaches and players were Wearing Masks, but it was the sound that got me as i watched. First of all it reminded me of a 5 a side kick around in a sports hall, just the players shouting, but then they started playing in crowd noise over loud speakers. Have a listen. Crowd clapping. Some strange sounds as well. It almost sounds like the real thing, and must have helped former middlesbrough player lee dong gook celebrate the only goal as jeonbuk motors won 10. Crowd cheering over loudspeakers, cardboard cutouts of sounds like they are doing in germany, welcome to the surreal new normal in football. And i suppose Going Forward if they do have the crowd noise, they will have to have somebody in a booth somewhere out of the ground, playing in the different sound effects. Controversial decision, goal. It will be quite an inventive way of doing it, i suppose. But it is getting used to it, it is adapting to the new normal. You know, mike, if there is a job going for someone to operate those, i would love thatjob. Operate those sound effects. Wouldnt it be great fun . Especially when you get it wrong. Yes, you can have billing at a home game. It could get very confusing. Thank you, mike. See you soon. During lockdown weve seen all sorts of sporting challenges and fundraising. Now its the turn of british diplomats and their families, who are posted across the world. Theyre aiming to complete a 24 hour marathon relay for charity, running a mile and then passing a virtual baton from embassy to embassy across every timezone. Were joined byjane marriott, high commissioner to kenya, whos taking part and joins us now from nairobi. Very good morning to you, jane. Just tell us how this works . So it set off in samowa in the east early this morning, and it will finish in vancouver tonight. Samoa. There about 3500 diplomats, staff and families taking part, we are all running a mile each and passing a virtual from one to the other. How are you managing to run a mile . Some people doing it on treadmills, or how is that working. It is an extra. Some people will be running, some people like myself will do an extra walking and jogging and running, others will be on treadmills, others i think we have got a couple of swimmers who are going to try to swimmers who are going to try to swim it as well. It is a whole mixture of things, depending on whether you are locked into your house or whether you are lucky enough to be able to get out for a bit of exercise. Do you know when is your stent . Is that preordained . When do you do yours . your stent . Is that preordained . When do you do yours . I am preordained in an hour. At 7 30am uk time. I will pick up a virtual baton, which i think is going to be a banana from addis ababa, and then i will set off for the canyon at leg and then we had over to uganda. So do you get a chance, it is a silly question, maybe, but do you get a chance to have a chat with your collea g u es chance to have a chat with your colleagues who are in other parts of the world as part of the sort of handover procedure . It is really nice yes. Somebody from addis ababa will pass on the baton, and then we will pass on the baton, and then we will do the same with uganda. What is really nice is that we have got a Whatsapp Group which is global and is absolutely exploding right now with people posting pictures of them sort of exhausted, dogs on the way, throwing bananas and other inventive things, and then some of us have to run it with a mask, because that is the rules in a particular country. So it is actually a Great Community spirit and the reason it came about is the ambassador in afghanistan, ian collide, is separated from his wife. So lots of us have had to send ourfamilies wife. So lots of us have had to send our families and kids wife. So lots of us have had to send ourfamilies and kids back wife. So lots of us have had to send our families and kids back to the uk, so we are here without them, and this is a way of bringing the whole network together and crucially fundraising for Nhs Charities and unicef. I suppose in a way, part of this is of course the work from the diplomats and in various parts of the world, you will be helping many british people with problems with the logistics earlier on in the crisis, but i imagine your own staff and their families are affected as well. They are, absolutely. The push to get British National zone is the most important thing i remember. We have managed to organise five planes and one of the most heart wrenching moments was one of our members of staff who was organising british people, focused on getting british people, focused on getting british people home, but also putting her 14 year old daughter on a flight, not knowing when she is going to see her again. She is very professional, the plane left and she burst into tea rs. We the plane left and she burst into tears. We are actually real people, we are professional, were getting british people home, but there is a human toll for us as well. We are aware of what is going on in the uk, and we are supporting Nhs Charities today with our deploy mile and a global diplo run. Good luck in your ste nt global diplo run. Good luck in your stent in an hour was my time. We wish you well with that. Thank you. Cani wish you well with that. Thank you. Can i apologise for nothing during that interview . It was about the banana. It is just the thought of handing a banana over, as the baton. It isa handing a banana over, as the baton. It is a brilliant idea. Why not . But it really tickled me. I apologise. Gorgeous picture behind you louise. We can all enjoy safely the weather today but things are set changed tomorrow. Unfortunately its going tomorrow. Unfortunately its going to turn much colder. If like me you spent the last couple of days just looking after those spring plants that are coming out, you might need to cover them up im afraid because were going to see temperatures a good 10 degrees down on where we will see them today, its also going to turn a little frosty as well. Its because of this weather front thats arriving as we speak in scotland, most of us will enjoy the weather but it will bring this cold northerly flow right across the country. It will all change, a very similar story to yesterday. A dry settled picture for many. Just the exception we conceded above the north west of scotland. A few scattered showers in scotland, wa nted scattered showers in scotland, wanted to shop showers across england and wales, favourite spots across central wales and the midlands maybe but in the sunshine, with light winds, temperatures are going to respond once again today, widely up into the low 20s for many. We could see temperatures as high as 25 degrees, 77 fahrenheit someone east. The exception is the far north. That cold front arriving in scotland. The wet weather will sink its way steadily south, weakening a little as it pushes into Northern Ireland and england. As the cold air kicks in, that could be wintry showers even down to 100m in scotland. A light dusting of snow not out of the question first thing tomorrow morning, can you believe it . Central and southern areas will start a dry and settled in here, not a cold start. Youll probably wonder what all the fuss is about, 12 15 degrees with a cold air is heading in ourdirection, degrees with a cold air is heading in our direction, pushing its way steadily south as we go through the day. The rain weakening, but of cloud, patchy rain pushing its way across england and wales through the day, a few scattered wintry showers continuing to scotland but its the wind and the direction of the wind, gusting in excess of 30 miles an hour, all the way down from the arctic so pretty cold, really. Its going to have an impact on the feel of the weather so particularly down across those exposed east coast, its going to feel on the chilly side. Temperatures through sunday afternoon, 5 8d, in the north on the east. 14 degrees for sunday afternoon, expecting 25 today. Still afternoon, expecting 25 today. Still a real gear change with the weather im afraid. It does look as though this cold weather is set to stay with us and so with clear skies through the night, that could lead to some frost so gardeners and growers , to some frost so gardeners and growers, take note. If you have spring plants out there, they might need a bit of tlc. Most people had time to give it, i suppose. Time now for a coronavirus news special presented by annita mcveigh. Hello and welcome to the latest in our special programmes, as coronavirus continues to upend billions of lives around the world. Im annita mcveigh. On todays programme, how testing for the virus differs around the world. Well also hear from young people across the globe as they try to spread some corona kindness. First, there are still many Unanswered Questions about covid 19. One aspect medics are trying to understand is why it affects people so differently. For many, the symptoms are mild, but for others, the virus is much more serious, and some People Struggle to shake off the symptoms for many weeks leaving them exhausted and anxious. The bbcs Health Correspondent Dominic Hughes reports. I have suspected coronavirus. What i was not prepared for wasjust excruciating leg pains. It has been seven weeks now. That feeling of being so diminished and so weak. It came back on week four. In the fifth week of being ill, my partner had to call out a e. Week seven, i relapsed again and had my third wave. For six weeks now, felicity, aged 49 and from london, has been living with suspected coronavirus. David, 42, and living in bristol, has also spent almost two months suffering relapses. This is where i have all my stuff. I make sure im keeping cutlery and bowls separate. Davids world has shrunk to this room, self isolating to protect his wife and baby daughter. Eating and sleeping here, separate from my wife for the last seven weeks. Its hard work. Butjust when he thought he was Getting Better, hed relapse and hes not alone. Just knowing that people like me, i guess, who have experienced these waves on and off, because when i first relapsed, when it first got worse, it was quite a scary experience, because i thought that you dont know whether that means you are going down, down, down, so it is quite scary to get worse after you thought you were Getting Better. When i was really ill, i was going on my hands and knees, up and down the stairs. Felicity has also struggled to shake off covid type symptoms and the weeks of illness have taken their toll. This entire experience of being sick and trying to recover has been mentally overwhelming. The hardest part was, having got through the first ten days of being very sick and thinking i was Getting Better, things later getting much, much worse. I was experiencing such horrific abdominal pains that i wasjust calling out injust extreme agony. Neither felicity nor david have been tested, but both were told by doctors they probably had the virus. Theyve also been reassured they are no longer infectious, but recovery has been slow. Even the slightest uphill slope is a real struggle since being ill. So much about the coronavirus is unknown, including why some experience relatively mild symptoms, lasting a few days, while otherwise Healthy People are left struggling for weeks. In many patients with other diseases who are recovering from an acute illness, you do tend to see this kind of waxing and waning effect as you are slowly Getting Better and you have good days and bad days. Theres some evidence to suggest that the prolonged features are the bodys response to infection rather than the infection itself persisting in their bodies. The first week, i started to keep a diary of the symptoms i was experiencing. David and felicity hope they are now finally recovering. A return to normalfamily life. My wife would bring my daughter to the window. It was lovely. Im going to give you squidgies soon some of the people there who have been living with suspected coronavirus. But countries across the world are approaching testing for the virus differently. Reality checks chris morris breaks on what testing is and why it matters. To beat the coronavirus, we have to know how many people are becoming infected where, when and how. Thats what testing for the virus is one of the most important things we can do. It can tell us who might be infected with the virus, who might have been infected in the past and who might need to be in stricter isolation to stop the virus spreading. There are two types of tests. The first type usually a nasal swab tests for the presence of the virus, to find out if youre infected right now even if youre not displaying any symptoms and youre feeling perfectly well. If you are infected, you can be isolated and treated if necessary, and people youve been in contact with can be traced and tested as well. That way, we can stop covid 19 from spreading so fast. Countries like south korea and germany tested lots of people early on in the pandemic and they seem to have been the most successful in keeping their death rates relatively low. Other countries, including the uk, are scrambling to catch up. But you need to be able to get hold of the right chemicals, have the right expertise and make sure you have enough laboratories to be able to process tens of thousands of tests every day. The second type of test looks at whether youve been infected in the past and whether you might now have some immunity. It does this by searching for antibodies in the blood, which your immune system uses to fight off bacteria and viruses. Sadly, reliable Antibody Tests are not yet widely available. While they are being trialed in various places and there are some pretty ineffective products on the market, scientists are cautious. Not having a test is better than having a bad test that gives false results. It will be a huge help if a reliable Antibody Test that can be mass produced can be developed soon. If we know someone has some immunity, it should be easier for them to get back to work. If we know that lots of people have some immunity, it should be easier for us to start lifting lockdowns in safer and more sustainable ways. But there is a problem. The presence of antibodies may provide some immunity but not necessarily complete immunity. And its still unclear how long any immunity might last. So testing can help us put other data, like the number of confirmed cases or the number of deaths, into context. But we are going to have to wait some time before a vaccine for covid 19 provides immunity. Until scientists crack that, testing is key to help us deal with this pandemic. Across the world, governments are beginning to ease restrictions and reopen society in the wake of the virus. The decision is based on something called an r number. But what is it . Laura foster explains. Our lives right now are pretty much controlled by something called r nought, also known as the r number. Test it tells us how many people will be infected for every one person who has the virus. If the reproductive number is two, one person will make probably two people sick, so it will spread. If it is three, it is around three. Without a cure or vaccine, this r number guides every decision governments make. Before changes were brought in to reduce the spread, the r number was between two and three. That is why it spread so quickly. The aim is for it to be less than one. But r nought is less than one, we cant switch back to how things used to be. Each restrictions that is lifted makes the r number rise. Some more than others. But it is not clear how much and how restrictions are lifted will affect the r number too. What happens if schools re open . What if only some pupils go back . These decisions have to be made for everything and the answers arent clear. Governments need to carefully balance this need to get countries moving while still keeping the public safe. Finally, with School Cancelled for millions around the globe, some students have decided to use their time to help people, from cooking meals for the homeless and making friendly phone calls to producing personal protective equipment with 3d printers. The bbc has heard from three teenagers about what theyre doing to help. Its very important that the young people take part to fight the coronavirus. As a demographic, we are the least vulnerable. I feel the need to do something to help them as much as i can. Im danish, im13 years old and im from malaysia. During the pandemic, i have been helping unfortunate families who lost their income during the restrictions. Most of them ran out of money to buy essential Food Supplies and milk for their babies. I also hope the homeless by cooking food for them and asking my contact to help me distribute the food to the homeless, because i cant go there myself. I have been doing charity work since i was seven years old. I feel the need to do something to help them as much as i can. As a kid, it is the least i can do for now. Im izzy. I have been helping to co ordinate a mutual aid response to support Vulnerable People who may not have family or friends who are able to do shopping for them. We get a lot of requests, and it is my responsibility to make sure we get a volunteer assigned as fast as possible. I started doing this because i didnt have school, my exams were cancelled and i knew i had the free time, and i knew it was important for young people to be getting involved, because as a demographic, we are the least vulnerable and we need to be supporting people who are more vulnerable. Im a Climate Justice activist normally, and so because coronavirus means we cant be on the streets protesting and striking, i wanted to use those skills to help people in my community in the same way. It is important for Climate Justice activists that we treat this as a crisis. Im a Climate Justice activist normally, and so because coronavirus means we cant be on the streets protesting and striking, i wanted to use those skills to help people in my community in the same way. It is important for Climate Justice activists that we treat this as a crisis. Hi, im diego, im17 years old, and im from chile. I have my bb printers and i make face shields and other products. In chile, many people are taking lockdown and Wearing Masks. I started to make face shields one month ago and i made 150. With another friend, together, we made 1,000 face shields and 2,000 masks. It is very important that young people take part to fight the coronavirus. Because we have the time, the energy and the information, so there is no excuse. Guys, please get motivate, lets get creative and we can fight the pandemic and fight this virus. Thats it for now. A reminder you can follow me on twitter. annita . Mcveigh or head to the bbc website for the latest information. Thanks for watching. Good morning, welcome to breakfast with Naga Munchetty and charlie stayt. Our headlines today 14 days quarantine for people arriving in the uk from other countries. Airlines are told to expect new measures to help stop the spread of coronavirus. Never give up, never despair. The queens message to mark the 75th anniversary of ve day. Our streets are not empty. They are filled with the love and the care we have for each other. Relieving the boredom of lockdown. How its turned us into a nation of quarantine quizzers. Quizzes and general knowledge, there is a correct answer to things, so it gives a sense of certainty and that is something that is lacking a lot of peoples lives and a lot of areas at the moment. Former World Champion amir khan warns its too dangerous for boxing to return injuly and tells us he wont risk his familys health by getting back in the ring until the pandemic is over. Good morning. It is a sunny saturday for most, with temperatures way above the average for this time of year. Tomorrow, all that will change. Cold northerly winds will bring cloud and showery rain and those temperatures will be 10 degrees down on what we are going to see today. All the details, if you wa nt see today. All the details, if you want them, coming up shortly. Its saturday the 9th may. Our top story uk airlines have been told that passengers flying into the uk will be expected to quarantine for 14 days from the end of this month. The body which represents uk based airlines, says it needs to see more details but understands that the new restrictions wont apply to arrivals from republic of ireland. Andy moore reports. Heathrow airport, where there are currently far more planes parked up than actually going anywhere. At the end of this month, anyone flying into the country is expected to have to self isolate in a private dwelling for two weeks. Airlines are due to be briefed this morning. They fear it could compound the Severe Damage they have already suffered. The quarantine will not apply to lorry drivers and other key workers, nor to arrivals from the republic of ireland. The United Kingdom is eagerly awaiting a televised address from the Prime Minister tomorrow evening, when he will announce a roadmap for the way forward. But its not expected he will announce any major immediate changes. We have learned that Garden Centres in england will be allowed to reopen on wednesday. A similar measure has been announced in wales from monday, where people will also be able to exercise outdoors as much as they like so long as they remain in their local area. The four devolved nations are trying to move broadly at the same pace, but that might not always be possible. I, with the first ministers of wales and Northern Ireland, spoke to the Prime Minister. There was, i think, helpful recognition in that call that the four uk nations may well be at different speeds if our data about the spread of the virus says that that is necessary to suppress it. Yesterday the government announced another 626 people had died with coronavirus, including a 6 week old baby with Underlying Health problems. The child is believed to be the youngest victim in the uk. The total number of deaths in all settings now stands at 31,241. As the lockdown is gradually eased, the government is expected to urge us today to cycle or walk to work wherever possible if we cannot work from home. So called active travel is seen as a way of easing pressure on public transport, which will have far less capacity if social distancing is to be maintained. And we will be speaking to karen dee, the ceo of the Airport Operators association in about ten minutes. Teaching unions in england have told the government that schools shouldnt reopen until there are measures in place to safeguard against the spread of coronavirus. The tuc is calling on ministers to work closely with unions to agree a way forward. Health secretary matt hancock has said pupils will only be allowed to return to school when it is safe to do so. Our Political Correspondent nick eardleyjoins us now from our london newsroom. We have been speaking about what Airline Operators have been told about this this morning. They have been told all passengers arriving from outside the uk will be quarantined for 14 days. We will speak to our political correspondence a bit later in the programme. The queen urged us to never give up, never despair as she spoke to the nation, 75 years since herfather made his address to mark the end of the Second World War in europe. Commemorations we scaled down with socially distanced street parties taking place across the country to mark ve day, as holly hamilton reports. Newsreel his majesty, king george vi. 75 years on from her fathers ve day address, the queen marked a defining moment of british history in the midst of another. Today it may seem hard but we cannot mark this special anniversary as we would wish. Instead, we remember from our homes and our doorsteps. But our streets are not empty. They are filled with the love and the care that we have for each other. Land of hope and glory. The street parties may have been scaled back restricted, of course, under lockdown. But still as heartfelt. Any occasion, Saint Patricks day, st georges day, we always put the banner up, dont we . But especially this year i think its important to uplift us all a bit. Its not a nice time at the moment. Elsewhere, the mood was more sombre. In portsmouth, a tribute to those who couldnt come home to celebrate. A salute from the skies as the red arrows flew above london, with fly pasts taking place elsewhere across the uk. And therell be bluebirds over the white cliffs of dover, sang dame vera lynn, but on this occasion, two raf spitfires, the aircraft that help to defend the countrys shores. Well meet again. But it was this wartime anthem that capped off the evenings commemorations, as britain came together to sing a song that has come to define feelings of loss and of hope. Today marks the 75th anniversary of victory day in russia, the celebration of the soviet victory over nazi germany in world war ii. Normally, the day would be marked with a huge military parade in moscows red square, but that has been postponed. Steve rosenberg is in moscow this morning. Steve, how will the occasion be marked . It is an important day for this, normally they would be lots of pageantry, a huge event. Very different this year . Absolutely. Normally i would not be able to be where i am now, bang in the middle of red square. At this time of the morning on victory day. Because there would be thousands of Russian Troops nothing, there would be military bands, hundreds of pieces of military equipment, but as you mentioned, the victory day parade has been postponed because of the pandemic. So vladimir putin, a bit later, will be laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. But as the other side of the kremlin, over there. He will be making an address to the russian nation, and there will be a fly past. The Russian Air Force is putting on what is supposed to be a magnificent hour display, 75 aircraft mocking 75 yea rs display, 75 aircraft mocking 75 years since the defeat of nazi germany. They will be coming from over there, from the Historical Museum across red square, that is called saint basil s. Museum across red square, that is called saint basil s. If, as you say yourself, there is no better illustration of how the problems of the pandemic are affecting russia, the pandemic are affecting russia, the very image of red square this morning, where you are, just give us a sense of more widely how russia is being affected . Yeah, russia has been affected badly. More than 187,000 confirmed covid 19 cases. But makes russia the fifth most affected country. There is talk about starting to ease lot down restrictions, but that is going to ta ke restrictions, but that is going to take a long time. Certainly in moscow, those restrictions are going to continue, the city will be locked down for quite some time to come, i think. Stephen, thank you very much. Really interesting scene there. So rare to be in red square, as he said. It looks so different. So many different circumstances at the moment and all sorts of locations. Louise will have the weather for us in about 15 minutes. Uk airlines have been told the government will bring in a 14 day quarantine period, for anyone arriving in the uk from any country, apart from the republic of ireland, in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Its more bad news for the sector. Werejoined now by karen dee, from the Airport Operators association. Thank you so much for your time this morning on the programme. What have you heard . Morning on the programme. What have you heard . We morning on the programme. What have you heard . We understand that allies uk, which represents some of the allies, has been told this news . think that has been lots of speculation in the press recently, and of course the transport secretary was on the Andrew Marr Show last week, so although we have not had any details yet, there has been a lot of speculation that there will be 14 days of quarantine for passengers returning to the uk. So that will have a really big impact on our sector, but at the moment we do not have much detail about what that would mean. Of course, we have had lots from any Airline Operators looking at furloughing staff, making staff potentially redundant because of this massive downturn, this understandable downturn in travel, in International Travel and domestic travel. What is going to be the impact of that . Our sector has really been at the forefront of the impact. We started to see passenger numbers declining before the impacts we re numbers declining before the impacts were being felt within the uk. We have seen passenger numbers typically down by about 98 in the uk. A lot of airports are now closed for passenger traffic. There are no new flights coming and that means no revenue. We are really having to adjust and see our way through. The Job Retention scheme at the moment, which the government has brought in, has been really helpful in helping us to protect some of those key staff that we really hope will be able to come back to us so that we are ready to restart the economy wa nts are ready to restart the economy wants the restrictions are lifted. When you say you are ready to restart the economy, it is still going to be restarting in a very different way. There have been concerns at various different way. There have been concerns at various airlines were physical distancing does not appear to have been taking place on board aircraft. How can that change and how must it change . Well, a number of people have pointed out that actually, social distancing on an aircraft on any public form of transport will be really challenging, if not impossible, once passenger numbers are back to normal. I think what we are really keen to do is work with government at pace, really quickly, to say that if social distancing is not possible, what are the other medical standards, the International Standards, the International Standards we can put in place instead, which will make sure that our staff and passengers can continue to come back to us and travel safely . What measures can be put in place . We spoke to the head of heathrow airport, not so long ago on this programme, talking about temperature checks and how they might be taken. Do you know if that has been put in place . At the moment we do not know exactly what the kinds of measures will be, we are not medical experts, and that is why we are keen to work with government and internationally to say, what are the best things we can do . Is it better cleaning and sanitation or hand sanitiser in the airports . Is it face masks and gloves for passengers to avoid touching . Is it some form of temperature checks at the airport, they travel . Or other kind of testing that might involve in the next few days or weeks, at the moment, it could be a range of those options. Some airports are testing some of those things already. Heathrow has tried various things at manchesters Airports Group is asking passengers to wear masks. I think there will be a range of things that passengers will see once we begin to scale back up, but at the moment i think it is really important that governments work with each other to say, lets get one Single International standard, so passengers know what to expect wherever they are travelling. The impression i am getting is that you have not had clear notification from the government or clear guidance yet about what needs to be put in place. What is your impression of not having that clarity . I think the problem with that lack of clarity means that we are unable to plan. You know, it is perhaps not surprisingly do not have that standard agreed and we know the government is now working very closely, both with the industry internationally, to look at what the science tells us we should do. So it is not a problem, as we begin to start, and we will see some flights beginning to take off, mostly repatriation at the moment, of course, but i think it causes some confusion, and what we are really keen to ensure is that those passages that do begin to come back to us feel reassured. And also our staff. As businesses, what we want is some lead in time so we can begin to put those measures in place. It isnt something we can do overnight. All you mentioned repatriation flights, who else is travelling . The guidance is only if necessary. Thats true. The vast majority of lights coming in, orthey thats true. The vast majority of lights coming in, or they could be cargo flights or nightlight services, there are very few commercial passenger flights the moment. Dont forget, repatriation flights work the opposite way, people coming back to the uk and some going back to their home countries. At the moment, as i said, most airports have very few flights at the moment unless they are key cargo andi at the moment unless they are key cargo and i would like to say, remind people that that is really sort of high value medical equipment. All of these are coming through travelling flights, its important airports managed to keep their operations going so we can sustain those services. Thank you very much forjoining us this morning. Louise is taking us through the weekend weather. We want to but you got certainty about what is happening . I have. Im certain today is going to be lovely, tomorrow will feel really miserable im afraid the nanny. If you can safely enjoy the weather today, do so because it will all change. We are starting to see the signs of the change in the final to scotland because we going to sunday, much colder. Its going to be windy. Not much in the way of useful rain. This weather front will push its way steadily south, producing this northerly flow which will turn showers increasingly wintry across the finals of scotland. The cold air arrives by the end of the day tomorrow. This is the end of the day tomorrow. This is the story today, lots of sunshine around, a bit of early mist and fog thats lifted quite nicely and generally for a fine day. Rain to the far north of scotland could be quite heavy and the winds will strengthen here, gusting in excess of 30, 40 miles per hour. Through the afternoon, if you shop showers developing, some of those heavy and possibly thundery but they should remain fairly isolated and to the south of the midlands, another fine, settled, sunny day. Temperatures here at their highest, we could see 25 degrees like yesterday, 77 fahrenheit. But widely they are going to sit into the low 20s. The finals of scotland, behind that weather front, pushing finals of scotland, behind that weatherfront, pushing its way southward. Overnight, saturday into sunday, that rain moves across the borders and will start we can often not much in the way of significant rain as it pushes south behind it. Some of those showers will turn increasingly wintry. You could wake up increasingly wintry. You could wake up to increasingly wintry. You could wake uptoa increasingly wintry. You could wake up to a light dusting of snow, anywhere between up to a hundred metres. In the south relatively mild, you will probably wonder what all the fuss is about. If youre an early bird out exercising, relatively mild but its not going to last as we go through the day, that cold front sinking south. It will turn cold as we go through the day for some. Behind it, a real noticeable difference in the feel of the weather. You might see sunshine and a few scattered showers, but youve got to factor in the strength of that wind, coming all the way down from the north. On exposed coast, gusting in excess of 30, 40 miles per hour, was temperatures are set to struggle. We will see them sitting at around five or seven degrees, maybe a bit further west, the midteens, highest values of 17 degrees but for most of us, that is ten, 13 degrees down on where we are today. Its just below the average is well this time of year. And just add insult to injury, clear skies overnight will mean that we could see quite frost in many places over the first part of next week. Gardeners and growers, take note. Back to you. We are warned that its changing. Thats the deal this weekend. For the Channel Islands which was the only part of the British Isles to be invaded by the germans ve day happened instead on may the 9th, their liberation day. Today, the 75th anniversary should have been celebrated by crowds and street parties, but much like the rest of the uk, plans have changed due to coronavirus. Robert hall has this report. There was joy there wasjoy in there was joy in the heart of everybody that sailed to guernsey in the destroyer bulldog, bringing freedom to the Channel Islands. The news from the uk had made it inevitable. When task force 135 arrived off guernsey, surinder was a formality. Stuart snow was in one of the first Landing Craft to dock. And we boarded alongside and somebody shouted, off you go, and of course i jumped. I landed and i wasjust going back and a young german soldier ran forward and grabbed me and held me back and it was a just a good thing that a human being would have done. I often wondered what happened to him. We could see the Landing Craft and the germans were in single file and they were walking into the Landing Craft. Absolute jubilation. We couldnt believe they we re jubilation. We couldnt believe they were leaving the island at last. Very different from the day in 1940 when theyd landed, a toehold on british soil and a huge propaganda coup. Hit thes determination to hold on to the islands tied up thousands of his troops. By the end, they were as hungry as the population. What one of them said hello, in broken english, he said i have a little brother like you at home, nice boy. Looming war, he said. He said, say nothing because i will be sent to the russian front. But the occupation regime could also be harsh. Over two dozen islanders with links to the uk were deported and interned. Roselle greens husband, then a teenager, remembers the day he tasted freedom. husband, then a teenager, remembers the day he tasted freedom. I was in an internment camp in southern germany. We could hear the fighting, the noise of gunfire and that. For people from the camp together got a makeshift unionjack and they walked along the road and met the troops coming towards them. They jumped out of met the troops coming towards them. Theyjumped out of the tank and broke the gate open and we all surged out of the village. At that stage, we were free. Its one of the biggest days on the islands calendar but there will be no crowds this year. Instead, islanders have been encouraged to mark the occasion in their homes and gardens. Liberation day 2020 will be remembered, but the very different reasons. Robert hall, bbc news, jersey. It gives you a sense of how its been celebrated in the past compared to now. But nonetheless, an important data mark. With fewer cars on the roads, the lockdown could provide some Unexpected Solutions to environmental problems caused by too much traffic. Transport secretary grant schapps is expected to encourage people to cycle or walk more instead of choosing to drive, and is likely to announce some new measures to help that happen. Our environment correspondent Justin Rowlatt joins us now from leyton. Good morning, justin. Why are you in leyton . Good morning, justin. Why are you in leyton . I am in walthamstow. Waltha mstow leyton . I am in walthamstow. Walthamstow has been leading the way in britain, changing the road infrastructure. To encourage people to walk and cycle more, which is something grant schapps, the transport secretary is going to talk about today when he hosts the Government Press conference. He is going to say look, when we begin to going to say look, when we begin to go back to work, as we will start to do in the next few weeks, as you begin to go back to work, if we keep to the social distancing, public transport simply wont have the capacity that it normally has. Were talking about 10 of the people being able to travel on public transport that used to before, back in the old normal. At the same time, we get in our cars, the roads will be choked with traffic so he is saying, listen, this is an opportunity to more active travel, get on your bikes, walk to work, do that kind of thing we have come here to Waltham Forest because its that kind of thing we have come here to Waltham Forest because its lead the way in developing that kind of infrastructure. Im joined by clyde, who is the transport lead but also you told me, the deputy leader of waltha mstow you told me, the deputy leader of walthamstow council. How many changes have you made . We are here in francis road in leyton where for the past five years, we have crossed and reprioritising our road space in favour the pedestrians and cyclists, so favour the pedestrians and cyclists, so really in bad active travelling, taking away car Parking Spaces and introducing trees, wider pavements, putting on cycle parking provisions. This would have been a busy road. 5500 vehicles a day used to use this road, the first he road in the uk where we put in a bus gate which prevents cars using it in the way they used to. 5500 and now we counted in tens. Its been great to the shops. Shops have been shuttered, completely closed. A lot more of a vibrant community here but you end up in high court. People objected to the kind of things you are doing. But we were doing the right things for the right reasons. All the evidence said making public spaces for people rather than a single mode of transport, is the right thing to do. The right thing for help, but i think the air quality, white writing to your well being quality, white writing to your well being as well quality, white writing to your well being as well and quality, white writing to your well being as well and the economy. Counsellor, thank you. Lets have a look at the kind of thing they are doing. The pavement shade into the road and the planted trees, they got these little growing spots, theyve got seats and stops so completely change the way the road looks and feels. Its something Environmental Charities say should become more permanent. You need to invest more in this kind of stuff to switch but also lock in some of the environmental benefits with hard eyed lockdown. Im joined now by rebecca newsome, political leader of greenpeace. What are you saying the government needs to do . Its fantastic to hear youre getting more oversteer from the transport secretary today to do more active travel, walking and cycling but we really need to see more money to make these changes permanent. Permanent cycle lanes on main roads, a permanent expansion of pavements seen a permanent expansion of pavements seen pavement space and planting spaces across the urban landscape so we can reduce the amount of private vehicles on our roads and actually protect Public Health from toxic air pollution. There has been a really dramatic improvement in air quality in britain as the result of the pandemic, lockdown, a 60 reduction in some places in nitrous oxide. You are saying to lock in those benefits. We really need to, because it would be completely absurd to have a scenario where this lockdown. Has been tough for a lot of people and to make those kind of sacrifices but then to risk Public Health again by allowing air pollution to increase in our streets, we have to make this permanent. Rebecca newsome, thank you. This is what we will hear from grant schapps, encouraging us all to walk and cycle more in britain. With powers of the local authorities to close roads, set aside space, make this big difference. Really interesting to see how its working. We will catch up see how its working. We will catch up with you later, maybe a bit busier by then. We will see how it looks. Enjoying the sunshine there. 0f looks. Enjoying the sunshine there. Of course, that is one of the issues. How will it adapt with social distancing, as people come out, maybe a bit more over the next few months. We will be back shortly with the headlines. Hello, this is breakfast with Naga Munchetty and charlie stayt. Good morning. Heres a summary of todays main stories from bbc news. Uk airlines have been told that passengers arriving into the uk will have to quarantine for 14 days. The restrictions, which exempt arrivals from the republic of ireland, are expected to come into effect at the end of the month. However, the industry body airlines uk said the policy needs a credible exit plan and should be reviewed weekly. A 6 week old baby with an Underlying Health condition is thought to be next, we are hearing this news has come through to airlines uk. What are you hearing . The same sort of thing. Two weeks, people who are coming into the country will be asked to self isolate for, they will have to provide an address of where they are going to be doing that. It is possible that might be fines to anybody who breaks the rules. There has been pressure for this to happen for some time, some people question why this didnt happen sooner. I think the government is trying to avoid a second peak when things start to potentially get a bit worse. The Prime Minister will announce more details on all of this tomorrow and i think more broadly it is going to be fairly limited changes, not huge sweeping restrictions being lifted, but small things, potentially a bit more time for exercise, Garden Centres opening in england and wales and scotland. We will start to see those tweaks to the lockdown, but were not going to be out of this anytime soon. We keep hearing that phrase a new normal. I think figuring out exactly what that means is going to take some time. Thank you, nick. The new shadow foreign secretary has urged Boris Johnson to bring countries together to create and distribute a coronavirus vaccine. Writing in the guardian, listen and he has stepped up guardian, listen and he has stepped up criticism of how the government has handled the pandemic and we can speak to her now. Thank you for your time this morning. We will come into the wider issues in a moment, i wonder if you have a comment for us on this news that our minds are being told that anybody coming into the uk should be quarantined for 14 days. Can i ask you your thoughts on that . It is something we have been asking ministers to clarify for weeks now. I raised it with the minister for the fifth time on thursday because it has caused real confusion. At the moment there are a lot of britons who are still stranded abroad, people are being brought back in relatively large numbers, and many of them are telling us they have no information or advice given about what they should be doing when they get home. They travelled back from the airport on public transport, they can after theirfamilies on public transport, they can after their families and they way they are putting their families and other members of the public at risk. Some are coming from parts of the country where we are seeing an increase in infection rates so they are really worried about it, the wider public are worried about it, and for weeks we have had mixed messages out of government, and we welcome that there is now some clarity about it. But unless the Government Works with the airlines to make sure this happens, as you have already reported this morning, they could be real problems if the airlines are saying, well, were simply not up to speed to be able to hand out this and get this right. Clearly, a lot of the social distancing, and this applies to the idea of quarantining those on flights, requires cooperation. I mean, would you be in favour, alongside of asking people to do that, but they would be ironed if they didnt go into quarantine . think most of the public actually so far have been desperate to follow the rules and to follow the advice. I think there is a real reluctance to do anything without official advice at the moment. So i dont think the big problem is getting people to follow it. The big problem is actually getting that advice to people in the first place, and it has been far too slow and far too confusing for most people. There is also the very real outstanding issue about the way in which people are being brought back into the country. A lot of the cases i am dealing with, and my offices in touch with around 3000 British Nationals who still stranded abroad, is about how they get to the airport on the other side of the border. People travelling across spain, for example. On coaches in spain, they could to the airports and it is very crowded. They are crammed onto planes with no social distancing measures in place, someone telling measures in place, someone telling me there is no hand sanitiser available, and of course there are no Testing Facilities when they get back to the uk. It is welcome the government has started to respond to this but we have got to get much quicker at this or were going to see a resurgence in cases. Part of this is of course about politics and pa rt this is of course about politics and part of it is personal decisions. You are shadow foreign secretary. Have you thought three yet under which circumstances you would be prepared to get on a plane . Well, i mean, that is not even in my mind at the moment, to be honest. Like most of the nation i have discovered zoom andi of the nation i have discovered zoom and i have been zoom calling with World Leaders over the last few weeks. It strikes me that this is a Great Development and how we meet other people. It has enabled us to connect much more quickly and much more frequently with other people all over the world and all over the country. It means were not all having to leave our families and travel all the time, something that has difficult for me as a mother who lives in the north. But i work in the south. So there is no chance that i am going to be travelling anytime soon, like everybody else, i am keen to follow the advice that is given. But i am also keen that the government is clear on that advice that we can have confidence in that it is the best way to get people to follow the rules. Lets talk a bit about how the opposition has tried to do thejob about how the opposition has tried to do the job there, the job they are expected to do, which is to look at what the government is doing. There is a fine line between supporting what are very important measures and presenting criticism, constructive criticism. What are the issues that you think are most prevalent at the moment, by way of criticism of what the government is doing . Obviously there are particular issues that i am grappling with on a daily basis at the moment here in wigan, which are the moment here in wigan, which are theissues the moment here in wigan, which are the issues we have put front and centre of our challenge to government, a constructive challenge where we have made suggestions about how we might start to get better. There are huge issues about the supply, there are huge issues about the supply, the availability and quality of ppe. I have a paramedic saying the ppe they are being asked to use just isnt suitable for outdoor use. I have got care home workers who are really frightened to speak out publicly in case there are repercussions for the employment, but they just feel that they are going into work completely unprotected. There are big concerns about that. I have lots of services that are folding on jobs being about that. I have lots of services that are folding onjobs being lost at the moment, and these schemes that are in place are just not quite doing it in terms of getting the help that is needed to people fast enough. There is obviously lots of concern in the public about the availability of testing and the fact we do not really have a proper strategy about Contact Tracing, which in the end is going to be the way we easily lockdown restrictions and start to return to some new kind of normal. So these are the big things im grappling with on a daily basis. But there is also obviously, in the end, the search for a vaccine, which is going to be so important. And that is something that will require a genuinely global response. The fact that the United States has been absent from the pledging conferences that have taken place, whether the well has tried to come together in order to find that scene and make sure it is manufactured and distributed across the world is a real problem. That is why we have been calling on the government to use the influence it has to make sure that the us gets around the table and we get that global response. A final thought, if i may. The government is constantly saying there is a four nation approach as to as and when the lockdown will be eased. Do you think that some of what is being said, and we know that whales have made their own decision, most recently about how much exercise you can have in the day, which is slightly at odds with what is happening in england. Do you think mixed messaging is a problem . I think it would be helpful if we could try to move in step with in step out of lockdown. There may be various local circumstances which are different in different places, but i think one unified approach across the uk is helpful, but that also means that we have to work at a very local level in order to deliver those strategies. One of the problem so far has been that we have seen the government come in with things like testing, for example, they have brought in Big Companies to try to conduct testing. Here in Greater Manchester we have had Companies Like deloitte, boots, conducting those tests at manchester airport. When you have got Public Health officials, local authorities, very close to her and who know their communities and have the medical expertise, who are saying, look, we could be doing this, we could be doing it in places where people can reach, we could be doing it more accurately, we could be doing it more quickly, and the government really does have to trust that local leaders understand, and regional leaders understand, and regional leaders understand, and regional leaders understand, their own communities. You know, if you talk to the other nations of the uk, they are far more across what is happening in their nations than the uk government could be. So we have got to trust people, we have got to bring them in and form a genuinely National Strategy with people at every level. Listen andy, thank you for your time this morning. That was less a n for your time this morning. That was less an anti comedy shadow foreign secretary. Lisa nandy. Typhus bought with mike, lots of sports personalities are quite happy to talk to us at the moment about how hard it is to be getting back to work and back to doing what they love you have been talking to your kind . Yes, absolutely right, during lockdown, sports stars and fans have been connected in so many ways. Last night i spent nearly an hour chatting to amir khan, one of the biggest names in boxing, but all sorts of things but especially about theissue sorts of things but especially about the issue of how sport can return. We are seeing football being played again in some parts of the world but he is wanting that boxing is different and it would be very dangerous for boxing to return in july, albeit behind closed doors, which is the plan. That is despite the bosses setting out measures and controls which they believe can make it safe. Amir khan told me he will not be getting back in the ring until the pandemic is over and he also talked about other challenges like lockdown and how it has been so much more challenging during ramadan, and also how he has been out helping the community. Amir khans new training regime in lockdown. Going out personally to package up and deliver Food Supplies and support to the vulnerable in the community and those workers on the frontline, even if they didnt or recognising behind the mask. looked to get involved in this myself, because i am no different to everyone. I am human and myself, because i am no different to everyone. Iam human and i myself, because i am no different to everyone. I am human and i am myself, because i am no different to everyone. Iam human and i am no different and im going through the same pain as everyone. I distribute food boxes to the people who need it the most. Last week somebody said, is this from amir khan . I said, yeah, amir khan foundation. I said that they said, can you please tell him thank you very much . I said, yes, of course. What is more, he is delivering food and drink small fasting himself or ramadan, and says it has been the toughest ramadan he has ever known because normally it is friends and community to help each other through the fasting. have never seen ramadan be like this and it is really upsetting, because normally we really look forward to ramadan. We look forward to it, where it brings everyone together. But this time it has not done that because of all the coronavirus and everything, and i think it is safe that everyone stays at home. I think it is the safest option. But i do miss those days. While he is keeping fit and adapting his training to staying at home, he cannot even think about coming back to the ring at the moment, even if the sport does get the final go ahead to return injuly does get the final go ahead to return in july without fans, and with Safety Measures in place. Having no fans, having an empty stadium, it is going to be like walking into a sparring session. I cant really see that working in my opinion, i cant see the big names especially doing that, unless there is ridiculous money from tv company on the table. Even though, if there is big money, like, iwouldnt on the table. Even though, if there is big money, like, i wouldnt be able to do it because i need to be fanbase there. When you hit someone with a shot, spit will come onto you, the sweat will fall onto you. I just feel like it is going to be very dangerous. I have three kids. I dont want to go into something and then get sick. Ive had a great career. Do i really need to risk it . But, like for many of us, there is a positive being in lockdown with the family, at home and spending more time with his three children. We have played some games like hopscotch. My little girl has got one of them hoops, so she is trying to teach me how to hoop downs with it, with my hips. Which i found quite hard. At least im spending more time with my family and my kids. They are teaching me things andi kids. They are teaching me things and i am teaching them things. Have you mastered People Living now . No, no it is so hard. I have tried it but i keep getting it wrong. no it is so hard. I have tried it but i keep getting it wrong. I am sure someone with his ability and agility can, i am sure, master the hula hoop with a bit more practice. So fascinating to hear that. He struggles with ramadan during the lockdown. Next week he says wanting to help him, because i think ramadan goes until the 23rd of may, he is going to start doing the sweat, the meal but ends the fast each day, and magazine. So they can at least connect and have a bit of a celebration at the end of a fasting day. But it shows that if a sport is to return it needs to have the main stars on board if it is to have any chance. Absolutely, because that is what keeps people watching and keeps the revenue for it. Mike, thank you. 7 43am is the time. Businesses who supply the cruise ship industry are warning they are struggling to survive while Holiday Travel is on hold during the pandemic. The chairman of Cruise Company carnival uk says the industry will have to return slowly so Health Protocols can be tested and passenger confidence restored. Heres our Business Correspondent katy austin. Every time these ships to visit southampton, northern europes is used to cruise port, the city normally gets a multi Million Pound boost but for now, there are no passengers. Normally the customers for local hotels, restaurants, tourism and travel businesses. This taxi firm used to get up to 4000 crews related jobs per weekend. No ships, no work, we are going to have to make a few harsh decisions. We monitor it on a daily and weekly basis, personally i dont think crews will return this year. The large cruise supply network is also suffering. Some crew are still on board but last orders for passengers crew and drink expected of drink and disappeared. Its fallen off a cliff. We are 90 down. We are owned ode of £1 million. Either £1. 6 million of stock here going nowhere. We furloughed 20. Currently we have to see if it starts up, how rapidly. Around the corner, another drink supplier that also has outlined customers. Its furloughed staff to make ends meet. We expect that the market will come back between september and tober and then slightly, month by month. The solent is farfrom slightly, month by month. The solent is far from the only area affected. Liverpool, falmouth and areas of scotla nd liverpool, falmouth and areas of scotland including the Orkney Islands are set to lose millions in cruising revenue, including from tourism and fees. The organisation which represents cruising internationally says the industry generates £10 billion for the uk economy each year and calculates cruising stopping for 90 days would mean an economic hit of nearly £2. 4 billion and nearly 14,000 jobs would be lost including in the supply chain. Even in limited cruising resumes in late summer, it will be a slow pa rt resumes in late summer, it will be a slow part back to normal, with new Health Protocols to test, and Customer Confidence to restore. I asked the uk chairman of cruise giant carnival what impact any potential 14 day quarantine rule would have. It would make our life extremely difficult indeed but of course it does depend what we mean by quarantine and exactly what rules might be of that. These firms hope that by the time cruise ships usual activities resume, their businesses havent sunk. Katie austin, bbc news. Lots of people give interested in the weather in this bank holiday. There is a change of fortune on the way when it comes to weather. It depends whether you like it or not. It wouldnt be a bank holiday without a change in fortune, would it . Tomorrow, it will all change. However, just look at this amazing weather watch picture. I like this atmospheric messiness. A glorious day. This is cambridgeshire, just a couple of hours ago. Slightly different story further north. We got some cloud now gathering into scotland. Some rain, some of it heavy to the north west of the great glen today and that is the change to come. This weather front will gradually push its way south overnight tonight. Its not going to push much in the way of rain out but it will introduce cold air, snow showers to Higher Ground in scotland but a real noticeable difference with that northerly wind kicking in for tomorrow. If you can, get out and enjoy the sunshine safely today, its probably the best chance for your daily exercise, some lovely spells of sunshine, a few scattered showers cropping up across england and wales, some of those heavy and thundering in the rain in the far north of scotland will be quite heavy, accompanied by gusty wind as well. Real difference for the feel of the weather, six or seven degrees, but well see temperatures widely into the low 20s, temperatures widely into the low 205, 25 temperatures widely into the low 20s, 25 degrees in the south east, a similar story to yesterday, 77 in terms of fahrenheit. The rain will arrive through the night. It will wea ken arrive through the night. It will weaken considerably but more importantly, behind that weather front, we are going to notice a real difference in the weather and just look at the rain turning to sleet and snow anywhere above 100m in the far north of scotland. More details on that coming up in half an hour. Time now for a look at this weeks click. Shall i, shant i, shall i, shant i . Maybe not just now. Gotta happen soon, though, hasnt it . Welcome, hope youre well. Lara is online too. How are you, mate . Im good, thanks i tried to edit out my roots before posting a picture on social media yesterday. Laughter. Didnt work had to give up your hair is going to get crazy soon, isnt it . Listen, ive got something to cover up that hair if youre interested. Take a look at this. Oh goodness, that looks a bit dramatic yeah, it is a thermal imaging helmet. Now the idea is it can quickly screen people to check for fever. Its already being used in china, but the company now says they are talking to governments and Police Forces across the uk, europe, and the middle east. It looks quite menacing but impressive if it does the job. Yes, and around the world, companies and governments are looking at testing peoples temperatures to try and spot those who might have covid 19. Vodafone is another company that is rolling out thermal imaging with a camera which can scan up to eight people at a time. They say it is accurate to within 0. 3 celsius. But the question is how useful is reading peoples temperatures in stopping the spread of the coronavirus . People have variable core body temperatures. So the range is between 36. 5 375 celsius. But there is some variability here, so that data itself might not be that useful. Second, there is an increasing amount of evidence showing that a larger number of people are asymptomatic. So even if you do not develop a fever, then you can still go on to infect others. It is very possible to have false positives and to miss people coming through. However, we think we will catch or identify enough people that it is still a valuable tool to add to our toolkit for creating a safe working environment while we wait for a vaccine for covid 19. So instead ofjust taking a one off temperature measurement, you could look at taking continuous ones and even add data from other vital signs too. In fact, thats just what this trial is doing. Lichtenstein, a principality with a population of only 38,000, is piloting a programme to fit its citizens with biometric bracelets in a drive to track potential cases of covid 19 in real time. We tried to find, like, kind of a signature of this disease by measuring parameters of the human body that could give us an early indication if there is a second wave coming. The bracelet measures the heartbeat, the skin temperature, and some other parameters that can be easily measured on the wrist. But these bracelets are not a new product, and actually have a surprising origin. Its really a solution for couples who are trying to get pregnant. So through the device, you are measuring different physiological parameters, and based on those physiological parameters, we can detect the fertile window. Then when covid started to arrive, we realised that the combination of the parameters that you are measuring could be basically they were uniquely suited to look at covid and basically monitoring the infection. And we have a couple of other countries and larger projects that are also interested, so we might make this study part of a larger study in the end, and it would roll out europe wide. However, the roll out of biometric bracelets across europe may not be straightforward. Health data is particularly sensitive data. So it has a higher level of protection. You can only process it on a member state basis if you have a strong legal basis provided by law to do that. So it might even be possible that some eu laws would need to adopt a new law allowing for the processing of the data. Health data is particularly sensitive data. So it has a higher level of protection. You can only process it on a member state basis if you have a strong legal basis provided by law to do that. So it might even be possible that some eu laws would need to adopt a new law allowing for the processing of the data. And in belgium, there is a very different type of wristband being introduced at the port of antwerp. When corona started, we had this idea where we said, hey, wait a minute. We already do measuring between a device and a machine. Couldnt we just measure distance between two devices . Now we can also provide social distancing capabilities using the same technology, where the wearer gets a vibration when he or she comes to close they need to step back to get out of the dangerous zone. The bracelet could also be activated for Contact Tracing but privacy is an objection. Prior to covid 19, everybody thought, my privacy is the starting point of everything in every debate. Well, thats not really the case any more if you have to make sure that everybody stays healthy, right . However, the introduction of this technology has worried trade unions. You have to understand how unions work and think. And if they do not fully understand what this is as a piece of technology and what it provides, and where the benefits are fortheir members, they object by definition, right . And i think that is a mistake some of the companies make, saying, you cannot implement this Technology Without taking the time to explain what this is for and what the benefits are. Across the world, companies are recognising that their products can be repurposed in the battle against covid 19. However, as governments increasingly look to technology as a solution, ethical and legal boundaries are starting to be tested. Now a lot of us are, of course, working from home at the moment, and as well as trying to perfect your background for video calls, a lot of us are having to put up with things like this. Dog barks. Or this. Alarm rings. Yeah, im often trying to compete with the washing machines fast spin cycle, i have to say well chris fox has been trying to find ways to be heard above the background noise. Today, im on a mission to make as much noise as possible to see whether Machine Learning can clean up ouraudio. You might have seen online, a lot of gamers are really excited that nvidia, the graphics card maker, is testing some noise cancelling technology. Its called rtx voice, and to try it out, i have a professional microphone here and a high end Gaming Laptop with an nvidia rtx graphics card. And on this side, i have an ordinary laptop running some software called crisp, which says it can do the same thing without the expensive graphics card. The first test is a noisy city apartment. Ive left the doors open so we can hear the trains going past. The washing machine is on and, for good measure, this speaker is blasting out the sound of a dog barking. Ok, i can heara train going past now. So lets turn on the Noise Cancellation. And what nvidia says its doing here is using al on the graphics card on a bit of Spare Capacity you may not be using while gaming to do the Noise Cancellation. Ok, we have a train going past. So, same experiment again lets turn on the Noise Cancellation theres the dog. And how does the laptop fare without the graphics card . This is just a software a running on an ordinary laptop. Next, we will test in a coffee shop. And since i cant go to a real one, im playing crowd noise from this speaker, we are using the coffee machine and playing some music from the speaker all while i read the blurb on claire from steps autobiography. Claire richards has been an extraordinary roller coaster journey since shejoined steps at 19. After the highs of chart topping success and the fame that brought, her life hit rock bottom when she left the band. But she fought her way back to create a whole new career in television, finding her inner strength along the way. Now shes finally ready to bare it all. Round three is total chaos. Im using a hair dryer and a vacuum cleaner, and theres an alarm going off all while i read the introduction to the bbcs royal charter. Royal charter for the continuance of the british broadcasting corporation. Elizabeth ii, by the grace of god of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Royal charter the continuance of the british broadcasting corporation. Elizabeth ii, by the grace of god of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Well, lets talk to davit baghdasaryan from crisp. My first question is, are you using your noise cancelling tech . Because we will be listening for every bit of background noise. Yeah, absolutely, it is always turned on on my laptop. But let me clap and demonstrate. You wont hear anything. Now we have thrown a lot at the software today, and it did a really good job although with some of the louder noises, it did make the voice sound a bit processed. Is that something youre working on . We have a number of technologies we are working on right now. And at some point, its going to start adapting to your voice. And itll be, like, way more amazing than this demo, actually. Now both crisp and rtx voice work really well on a laptop with pretty much any video calling app you could want. But you are much more limited on android and ios smartphones. So are you hoping to partner with individual apps . We are doing those very strategically. We are very careful who we are partnering with. We did partner with discord, for example, and now crisp is powering 200 million users when they do, like, voice communication. So we think that was a Great Partnership and we are very proud of that. Ive really thrown a lot at both of these systems today, using deliberate background noise. But both of them have done a pretty good job of cleaning it up, even under extreme circumstances. Now nvidia is keen to point out that its system is just a test at the moment. But for gamers who already have those high end rtx graphics cards, it is a nice extra feature to have and should stop annoying background noise getting into your voice chat when gaming online. And for everybody else, Software Like crisp can help clean up our voice calls and video calls if you cant convince your housemates to be quiet. Chris fox, coming through loud and clear and thats it for the short cut of click for this week. Please do try to check out the full length version, theres so much more great stuff in there and you will find that on iplayer. Youll find us on social media throughout the week, youtube, facebook, instagram, and twitter at bbcclick. Thanks for watching, and we will see you soon. Good morning welcome to breakfast, with Naga Munchetty and charlie stayt. Our headlines today 14 days quarantine for people arriving in the uk from other countries. Airlines are told to expect new measures to help stop the spread of coronavirus. Never give up, never despair the queens message to mark the 75th anniversary of ve day. Our streets are not empty, they are filled with the love and the care that we have for each other. Relieving the boredom of lockdown. How its turned us into a nation of quarantine quizzers. Its that british thing people love to be right and the pub quiz is the perfect way to prove that. Former World Champion amir khan, warns its too dangerous for boxing to return injuly, and tells us he wont risk his familys health by getting back in the ring until the pandemic is over. Good morning. It is a sunny saturday for most with temperatures way above the average for the time of year. But tomorrow, all change. Cold, northerly winds will bring cloud and showery rain with temperatures 10 degrees down on what we will see today. All the details, if you want them, up shortly. Its saturday 9th may. Our top story uk airlines have been told that passengers flying into the country will be expected to quarantine for 14 days from the end of this month. The body which represents the industry, says it needs to see more details, but understands that the new restrictions wont apply to arrivals from republic of ireland. Andy moore reports. Heathrow airport, where there are currently far more planes parked up than actually going anywhere. At the end of this month, anyone flying into the country is expected to have to self isolate in a private dwelling for two weeks. Airlines are due to be briefed this morning. They fear it could compound the Severe Damage they have already suffered. The quarantine will not apply to lorry drivers and other key workers, nor to arrivals from the republic of ireland. The United Kingdom is eagerly awaiting a televised address from the Prime Minister tomorrow evening, when he will announce a road map for the way forward. But its not expected he will announce any major immediate changes. We have learned that Garden Centres in england will be allowed to reopen on wednesday. A similar measure has been announced in wales from monday, where people will also be able to exercise outdoors as much as they like so long as they remain in their local area. The four devolved nations are trying to move broadly at the same pace, but that might not always be possible. I, with the first ministers of wales and Northern Ireland, spoke to the Prime Minister. There was, i think, helpful recognition in that call that the four uk nations may well be at different speeds if our data about the spread of the virus says that that is necessary to suppress it. Yesterday the government announced another 626 people had died with coronavirus, including a six week old baby with Underlying Health problems. The child is believed to be the youngest victim in the uk. The total number of deaths in all settings now stands at 31,241. As the lockdown is gradually eased, the government is expected to urge us today to cycle or walk to work wherever possible if we cannot work from home. So called active travel is seen as a way of easing pressure on public transport, which will have far less capacity if social distancing is to be maintained. Teaching unions in england have told the government that schools shouldnt reopen until there are measures in place to safeguard against the spread of coronavirus. The tuc is calling on ministers to work closely with unions to agree a way forward. Health secretary matt hancock has said pupils will only be allowed to return to school when it is safe to do so. Our Political Correspondent nick eardleyjoins us now from our london newsroom. Good morning to you, lick it. Lots are people waiting for the Prime Ministers announcement tomorrow but still news coming through a bit hope we might see changes. We are getting some hints about what the Prime Minister is going to announce for england tomorrow night, that two weeks multilateral quarantine that you will be told to self isolate, that will be part of it, Garden Centres will be able to open from next week in england and wales if they can adhere to social distancing restrictions. It is possible different parts of the uk will move slightly differently, in scotland, for example, the government there is talking about one change, allowing us to exercise more than once a day outdoors, lifting the once a day rule. More broadly, i think imminent changes are going to be pretty small, pretty focused on certain things. The Prime Minister will also sit out the road map, which will basically beat some of the conditions that will have to be met before other restrictions will be lifted, life is not going to get back to anything approaching normal any time in the next few weeks, i think it will take some time to figure out exactly what the so called new normal actually looks like. Thanks very much. The queen urged us to never give up, never despair as she spoke to the nation, 75 years since her father made his address to mark the end of the Second World War in europe. Commemorations were scaled down with socially distanced street parties taking place across the country to mark ve day, as holly hamilton reports. Newsreel his majesty, king george vi. 75 years on from her fathers ve day address, the queen marked a defining moment of british history in the midst of another. Today it may seem hard that we cannot mark this special anniversary as we would wish. Instead, we remember from our homes and our doorsteps. But our streets are not empty. They are filled with the love and the care that we have for each other. Land of hope and glory. The street parties may have been scaled back restricted, of course, under lockdown. But still as heartfelt. Any occasion, st patricks day, st georges day, we always put the banner up, dont we . But especially this year i think its important to uplift us all a bit. Its not a nice time at the moment. Elsewhere, the mood was more sombre. In portsmouth, a tribute to those who couldnt come home to celebrate. A salute from the skies as the red arrows flew above london, with fly pasts taking place elsewhere across the uk. And therell be bluebirds over the white cliffs of dover, sang dame vera lynn, but on this occasion, two raf spitfires, the aircraft that help to defend the countrys shores. Well meet again. But it was this wartime anthem that capped off the evenings commemorations, as britain came together to sing a song that has come to define feelings of loss and of hope. You may well have heard of the covid Symptom Tracker app, which aims to help scientists learn how the virus behaves and hopefully, eventually, help fight it. Its now added new questions to try to find out why the virus seems to affect men so much worse, on average, than women. Researcher dr louise newson, joins us now. Thank you very much for your time this morning. For those who dont know about this app, can you give us a brief description of why its so important. It is set up, if you search it is called covid symptoms and study app, its managed to give more than 3 Million People worldwide to track the symptoms and you go on every day and track the symptoms, it is the biggest database in the world so far to try and assess symptoms and also about the people who are developing symptoms and theyve been tested with covid as well, about 35,000 people on it who have tested positive and they are comparing those with other people having symptoms. They found the loss of smell that seems to be at a very typical symptom, thats one of the things they found, and they are co nsta ntly things they found, and they are constantly trying to work out what we wa nt constantly trying to work out what we want to do is find out which people are more likely to have a severe illness. Because covid is here to stay, but most of us dont mind having it if it is not as severe infection and we know mens community is very different to women. Women have the ability to fight the virus is a lot more efficiently and at the sales that fight infection have oestrogen receptors on them which means that it was so respond in a student can reprogram these cells and make them more effective oestrogen can reprogram these cells. Me as a gp and medical specialist, what we want to do if the sea if women who have more oestrogen in their bodies, women who have periods and women who ta ke women who have periods and women who take hormone replacement therapy, have more protection from this disease so if they have it it is less severe. Im working with nhs england on this exciting project because if there is some protection women who are menopausal who take hrt might be able to have some protection. This is the important if we think about front line nurses, shopkeepers, teachers. Lots of these are menopausal yet not taking hrt and it is very cheap and safe so for me it is very important question and hopefully will answer it in at the next few weeks. Not fully answered but it will give more understanding, which is what we need, and i am working with the team at Liverpool University to try and explore, because pregnancy seems to have some protection as well and obviously when women are pregnant they have very high levels of oestrogen. Very Little Research is done on menopause in general, sadly, and also very issue studies of immunity are done on women. But the ones that have been done are very interesting. And there is a study in wuhan which is very interesting. So its really important we explore this. For those who are approached, how do you get on board with this app . 3 million so far but there are so many out there, how do you know you would be valuable for this, to provide information . Everyone needs to use it, you can put yourfamily Everyone Needs to use it, you can put your family members on, Everyone Needs to use it, you can put yourfamily members on, ive put my mother, mother in law and my children as well. You search on the app children as well. You search on the app store for covid symptoms study, they changed it to study instead of tracker. If you search zoe covid you will find information. It is very easy to download and then every day you put on how you are feeling. They have this constant database. The questions weve had added this week have been questions about periods, if someone is on a contraceptive pill, for example and if someone is on hrt. We are trying to get the first level of information to see if its first level of information to see if its relevant because we know the incidence of covid a real increases ina woman incidence of covid a real increases in a woman in their mid 505 and the average age of the menopause is early 50s. It interesting, its obviously not the whole picture but asa obviously not the whole picture but as a menopause specialist i am very keen on looking at diseases associated with the menopause during which we have a low oestrogen levels and we know women have an increased risk of Heart Disease and diabetes and some of these comorbidities affect for us as well so im sure it isa affect for us as well so im sure it is a link, wejust need affect for us as well so im sure it is a link, we just need to research it. Is a link, we just need to research it. Some of these comorbidities affect covid as well. Online quizzes area affect covid as well. Online quizzes are a very affect covid as well. Online quizzes are a very big at the moment. Im not a are a very big at the moment. Im notafan, are a very big at the moment. Im not a fan, ill be honest with you, iam nota not a fan, ill be honest with you, i am not a fan of not a fan, ill be honest with you, iam notafan ofa not a fan, ill be honest with you, i am not a fan of a quiz, im seeing that up front, its one of those things. I dont mind a quiz but although they are really popular, you know they are really popular, you know the phases of lockdown, some people say they are kind of quizzed out, some people are embracing it. All the habits you adopt caught like baking bread or whatever, then the novelty wears off. I suppose its not necessarily about a quiz, its aboutjoining something, seeing other people and chatting online. We will talk more about that later on. Can we look outside the building . Outside the round window. There are some people who want to get that reference, that is a real generation divider. Louise is looking blankly. Just by saying that i know she knows what were talking about was there a triangle window . 0f was there a triangle window . Of course. It wasnt a triangle, it was an arched window. 0f was an arched window. Of course. Louise, would you like to talk about something far more important, like the weather . If youve been enjoying the warmth of recent days, it will not last. This was cambridge an hour or so ago. You can see how lovely it was going to be but unfortunately the cloud is gathering to the far north west. The cloud will continue to thicken and bring some rain. Once the rain sinks southwards it is all change for tomorrow. If you can enjoy the warmth and safety today, do so, because you will really notice the strength of the wind tomorrow, feeling bitingly cold for the time of the year. Enjoy the sunshine, we could see some scattered showers over england and wales through the day and you can see quite clearly we the weather front is, north west of the great glen. Summer rain will be heavy and winds will be strengthening. Here, noticeably colder but elsewhere we will widely see temperatures in the low 20s, may be as high as 25 celsius. But this is the story moving into the second half of the weekend. Our weather front is sinking south, bringing rain and wea ken sinking south, bringing rain and weaken as it moves into the north of england. As the colder air comes in overnight in scotland, some showers will turn wintry, even down to 100 metres. Tomorrow morning over the north of england and Northern Ireland, cloudy with outbreaks of rain. Central and southern england and wales, for early birds, if you are going out first thing it will still be relatively mild, double figures but the cold air arrives a little later on. The dividing line, then, low single figures into the far north of scotland and that weather front will continue to sink south. The cold air arrives for all through the day, feeling noticeably different, gusts of wind in excess of 30 mph coming all the wheat from the north, making it feel very chilly indeed. Temperatures down around ten celsius on today, maximum values for sunday afternoon, 5 7 on the east coast, 14 in london, where we could see 25 today. Gardeners and growers out there, it might be worth bearing in mind sunday night into monday morning and perhaps monday into tuesday, we could see frost developing so those spring plants might need some tlc over in a couple of nights. Thanks very much, louise, all weathers covered in that weather report. Nhs and Health Care Staff are needed more now than ever and many medical students have been putting down their books to volunteer on the front line. Last month we spoke to two student nurses, kajin osman and joel burton, as they prepared to put three years of learning to the ultimate test. Lets find out how theyve been getting on. I have attended one of the procedures, so observing doctors and nurses perform the procedure. I do feel very privileged to gain this experience and have the opportunity to gain this experience. The ward i work on, they specialise in airways and so on, tracheostomies, laryngectomies, all sorts of stuff. So getting into full ppe and stuff is happening on a regular basis. That has helped build my skills in that respect, because its not something ive really had to do before. The people performing the procedures were happy in explaining why a procedure was done and answering my questions. Also, the patients are all very happy and do understand that student nurses are trying to learn new things, so it is all going good. One thing, after a full day working on a ward, especially in this current situation, when we are putting ppe on all the time, is how sore your hands and stuff get. Im obviously constantly washing them. Cant really tell with mine at the moment because ive moisturised them quite well. Ive now finished my 12 hour shift, i feel very tired because ive been on my feet most of the day, however i do feel very satisfied with the level of support ive been getting from all the staff. Ive developed some very useful skills today. These skills are going to be helpful and useful to me in the future. And we can speak more to kajin and joel now. Good morning to you both. Thank you so much for recording your video diaries because as you probably know by now people are very interested in how anyone in the medical profession is getting on. Kajin, kick us off, you basically had completed your training and then put into this extraordinary position and theyre working on wards with covid 19 patients. Yeah, so covid 19 patients. Yeah, so i worked on the surgical ward where there are some patients with covid 19. I have been working with covid 19. I have been working with the registered nurse to do a lot of Different Things on the one that i havent done before such as admitting patients, preparing patients for procedures and attending procedures with the patient. When they come back onto the ward ive been looking after the patient, administer the medication and when safe, transferring them. Kajin, of course youve had fantastic training and gone through all your training, but fantastic training and gone through all yourtraining, but something fantastic training and gone through all your training, but something you cannot be entirely prepared for. I am trying to think what it must have been like for you when you first stepped onto the wards, albeit, as you said, with fantastic support, what was that like, in that place for the first time . At first before i started i was quite nervous but excited, just to see what sort of skills i would be learning and what experiences. When i started, i was a bit nervous at first but after a bit i got used to everything and i am enjoying it, it is all going good. Jol, lets find out what youve been doing, you are three weeks into being on their ward, who has it been for you . Really good. Powell has it been for you . Iam back for you . I am back on a warrant i was on last year so i have managed to step back in and continue what i learned at last years, expanding my skills and knowledge. What do you make about the discussions around ppe because as kajin said there are mostly concerns about being put in that environment, how have you been dealing with that and what have you been trained in doing to make sure you and your patients are safe . We went through the induction before we started, we then received training at the university as well regarding different ppe and so on, and while ive been on the award itself, the ppe has always been there, because we have procedures on there, because we have procedures on the ward, thats when youve got to fully put your gown on, masks visors and so on. It has all been there. Every time you are in contact with a different patient youve got to change everything, gloves, apron and so on. Yeah, its been all good. You sound so relaxed about it all what you stand really chilled, its really good to hear. Tell us, what is it like coming home now, youve been at work, get in the front door and then . Ive just finished this morning, night ive come in, straight in the shower, obviously, everything in washing machine and straight to bed after this. Cani after this. Can ijust after this. Can i just say, after this. Can ijust say, im very struck about your fantastic positive and delightful attitude to what is clearly a challenging work, can i just ask you, kajin, we know one of the difficult part is you are doing work but also patients, very unusually, are isolated from their families, they dont have that contact and i imagine one of the challenges you face is supporting them in their emotional needs which are possibly different than they would be at another time. Weve got patients, weve had patient who have not had a mobile phone never in their life, so on that ward weve got a phone and ipad for patients to use to get in touch with theirfamilies. For patients to use to get in touch with their families. I for patients to use to get in touch with theirfamilies. I have helped patients to dial their family members phone numbers and open facetime for the patients and they are very facetime for the patients and they are very helpful things for the patients because it makes them happy to see their family because usually the visitors are allowed to come in but because of the situation visitors are not allowed and seeing theirfamily does visitors are not allowed and seeing their family does help. You must have witnessed some rather magical moments in amongst some very difficult times . Yeah. I think it is difficult for patients because with the situation, staff wearing ppe and everybody. It is difficult but we are getting through it. Joel through it. Joel, interesting hearing about families from both your families will obviously be concerned about your safety and wanting you to be well, what is your setup, are you still with your parents . Yeah, still with my parents. Theyve been very supportive all the way through my time with whats happening. Im a newly engaged but cant see her because i dont live with her. She has been supportive as well. Everybody has been. Friends and family. It has been all good. This morning, you too have been an absolute tonic, youth and been absolutely superb. We are so grateful for what they work you have been absolutely superb. Just your attitude and smiley faces and positivity is a brilliant. I wish you well, for us, and when you get to see your fiance, and you, too, kajin. Love those two if you or a patient on the wards of those people, i am sure they represent the attitude of many. Made my morning. Next up were going to do a quick quiz can you name the tallest building in the world . Dont look away, charlie no. How is this quiz going to go . What is postman pats surname . I think ithinki i think i might know this one. I know his caps name. Jess is the cat. The joys of live tv means we need to move on. Is it clifton . Is it clifton . Is it clifton . Who is it clifton . Who has is it clifton . Who has got is it clifton . Who has got the is it clifton . Who has got the who has got the a nswe rs. Is it clifton . Who has got the answers. Oh, this is going well. Who voices lego batman . The uk has never quizzed so much. From these film fans. Charlie, get off the camera . To penelope and her cousins. The quiz is starting, come on, hurry up. How many zeros are there in the number 10,000 . And oscar winners raising money for the national theatre. My first question is by what name did the romans call ireland . Beat the chasers has also been a ratings hit during lockdown. Jenny ryan, known as vixen on the programme, has a theory as to why the nation is turning to trivia. Quizzes and general knowledge, there is a correct answer so it gives a sense of certainty. And thats something thats lacking in a lot of peoples lives and areas at the moment. And she has advice for anyone compiling questions for their own quiz. Eight out of ten should be very gettable. There should be another which is work out able or your best guess will probably pay off. And then there is one which will make the difference between your mum and your uncle who are the most competitive members of your family. For the last nine years ive gone to the same monday night pub quiz during lockdown my team has taken it in turns to host our own one. Last week it was my turn to set the questions. Ill tell you the answer at the end of the report. The landlord of the portsmouth arms in basingstoke has put on a virtual pub quiz every night of lockdown, raising money for charity. Today he is trying to break the world record for the longest pub quiz hosted by one person, 35 hours. Ive got 2500 questions and ive got a back up of another 1000 if i need it. Its that british thing, people love to be right and a pub quiz is the perfect way to prove that. In lockdown, quizzing has made a huge difference to many. It means getting together, it means you are part of the community, youve got other people you can do it with that you arent in the same house with. Look how happy hosting a quiz made penelope. Thanks everyone for doing the quiz and i hope you all enjoyed it. I really appreciate it, thank you. As for the answer to my question, its c from 1920, children could no longer be posted in usa. It was so inconvenient when that law came in. Iti it i think it was clifton. I think you are right. The tallest building in the world, i said the burj khalifa. You looked that up. No, i did not. What year did the beatles split did not. What year did the beatles 7 did not. What year did the beatles i did not. What year did the beatles split up . I can work that out. Iam not split up . I can work that out. I am not going to lie, they have just told me the answer, but i think i knew that anyway. 1970. Was it . Correct, well done. You dont like quizzes, yet you are so good at them. Headlines coming up, we will see you soon. Hello, this is breakfast with Naga Munchetty and charlie stayt. Coming up before 9 00 the sport and weather. But first, a summary of this mornings main news. Uk airlines have been told that passengers arriving into the uk will have to quarantine for 14 days. The restrictions, which exempt arrivals from the republic of ireland, are expected to come into effect at the end of the month. However, the industry body airlines uk said the policy needs a credible exit plan and should be reviewed weekly. Teaching unions in england have told the government that schools shouldnt reopen until there are measures in place to safeguard against the spread of coronavirus. The tuc is calling on ministers to work closely with unions to agree a way forward. Health secretary matt hancock has said pupils will only be allowed to return to school when it is safe to do so. The queen has made a televised address marking the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in europe. At the end of a day of commemorations, the queen urged us never to give up or despair and shared her memories from 1945. She also praised britains response to the coronavirus epidemic that, she said, had filled empty streets with love. Those are the main stories this morning. Know that mike bushell is a regular i know that mike bushell is a regular host of quizzes, is that right . Iam now right . I am now up to my eights in a row. Even after talking to amir khan last night i hosted one for my town at home. So eight evenings in a row i have been doing quizzes. I think i have been doing quizzes. I think i have the night off, but i love them. Use this information, it is a great way of connecting with people. I mentioned talking to amir khan. Boxing is gearing up for a return behind closed doors in july, and believes it has the controls and measures in place to do it safely, but britains former World Champion amir khan has warned, itll be very dangerous for the sport to restart then, and says he wont risk getting back in the ring until the pandemic is over. Having no fans there, having an empty stadium its going to be like walking into a sparring session. So i cant really see that working, in my opinion. I cant see the big names especially, doing that. Unless there is ridiculous money from the tv company on the table. Even if there is big money, i wouldnt be able to do it because i need the fan base there. At times when you hit someone with a shot, the spit will come unto you, the sweat will fall onto you. I just feel like its going to be very dangerous. I have three kids, i dont want to go into something and then get sick. Not with a great career, do i really need to risk it . Well hear more from amir khan in the next hour, including how hes coping with ramadan in lockdown and his new love of garden games. To the huge row in scottish football between rangers and the leagues governing body the spfl. Rangers deputy chairmanjohn bennett has accused them, of using cynical tactics and an orchestrated media campaign, against the club. He also used the phrase witch hunt in relation to the leagues dealings, with the clubs managing director, stewart robertson. Its after rangers, released a dossier of evidence critcising the leagues governance. Rangers now want clubs to vote in favour of an independent investigation, looking into the voting process to end the season early at a special meeting next tuesday. Talking of which, today, its the turn of the Faroe Islands, to take centre stage, as football makes a tentative return. The eyes of europe will be on the tiny nation, which is situated 200 miles from scotland, as their domestic season gets under way, normally with crowds of less than 1,000 and now behind closed doors, but with a tv audience potentially in the millions with the first game live on tv in norway and denmark. Well, joining me now is mitchall thomassen, manager of reigning Faroe Islands champions, ki. Good morning, mitchell. Thank you forjoining us. How are you and the players feeling with this new audience watching . Nervous, excitement . We are excited, of course. Very excited to be back. That is great. But what about this audience watching you, pressure you have never known before with the eyes of tv audiences in norway and denmark watching on . eyes of tv audiences in norway and denmark watching on . I guess we dont think of it that way, it feels quite remote, you could say, but we feel the excitement, the interest from abroad so we are just enjoying that for a while. A massive chance, i guess, to put the football in the Faroe Islands i guess, to put the football in the fa roe islands in i guess, to put the football in the Faroe Islands in the world map . Absolutely. It is a privilege to be in the spotlight and we will enjoy it and give it our best. It must be a relief to get back to playing again because explain what the situation is in terms of the virus and thankfully there no one has died from it . No, nobody has died and i am glad to inform that last night officially we came down to zero incidents in the Faroe Islands. There has been a loyal and active fight against the coronavirus and people have respected it. It went very well and there has been no deaths, as you know. It has been, for us, a huge success. Early testing has been key and how has that worked in terms of testing the players in the run up to the game . Yes, we havent tested everybody. Anybody with symptoms was tested, we follow that. Players have been tested, Coaching Staff have been tested, Coaching Staff have been tested, everything has turned out negatives. We follow the strategy as society did as a general. It has worked very well for us, there has been massive testing in the faroes, more than 10 of the population has been tested. What other measures in terms of the game, i know it is behind closed doors, will you be Wearing Masks and things like that . No, there is no handshake of course, but other than that it is a normal football match. No people attending, but we expect that to be back to normal within a couple of weeks. dont know if you so, in south korea, as it returned they were playing a crowd noise over loudspeakers because it was behind closed doors and in germany they had cardboard cutouts of fans. Will there be anything like that at the game in the Faroe Islands . No, it is a bit awkward to play an intense game with no audience, but that is what we have to cope with today. Enjoy the moment in the spotlight. It is fantastic and good luck with the start of the season. Thank you for joining the start of the season. Thank you forjoining us and stay safe. Mitchell thomas and from the Faroe Islands. The previous record for an audience in the Faroe Islands was 6500, but they should smash that by some distance today. Looking forward to it, thank you very much. Care homes have been hit hard by coronavirus, and for staff, residents and their families, its been a difficult few months. But yesterdays ve Day Celebrations brought some happiness and hope to many residents who lived through the Second World War. Our scotland correspondent lorna gordon has been to visit one care home for veterans, to hear their stories. David whittick lived a life of love and adventure. He was a decorated pilot who flew missions for the navy during world war ii. And he was 95 when he died of covid 19. My father survived being shot at by germans, russians, americans, and he got done for, actually finished off, by a virus you couldnt even see. Hed been living at the erskine homes for ex servicemen and women. His family said his care had been excellent. But here, like so many other care homes, the virus has taken its toll. We know that, and we know for 25 deaths, which is really difficult to say, and i know the politicians and the first minister say its someones relative, but for us it really is. Because we are with those residents on a day to day basis. Do you think youre over the peak in care homes . No, i dont think were over the peak yet. Theyve already spent an additional £20,000 on protective Safety Equipment here. Staff Wearing Masks the entire time theyre around those they are caring for. Anna porterfield is one of 50 erskine care residents whove had suspected covid 19 and have come through the other side. She turns 96 next week. For the First Time Since recovering, using video technology, shes able to see her son. Can you see him ok . I can see him fine. At the worst bit, i felt very ill, and i really thought i was dying. But the carers and the nurses. For the family, reunion and relief. She does try to keep her spirits up. So i think for a lady of her age she has done very, very well. The oldest amongst those here remember the war. Their generation have faced grief and adversity before. The bombing was harder. Although it wasnt everyday, it didnt happen every day, but when you did get a bombing raid that was bad. Tough then, but not easy now. Cannae see your loved ones. You cannae go out, you know . Its all for the good, of course. Its got to be done. A generation already so few in number, their deaths because of covid a tragedy, like so many others, hard to bear. Lorna gordon, bbc news, renfrewshire. Every thursday evening, people clap and cheer for those who are tackling this pandemic, notjust for the doctors and nurses, but for the thousands of support staff who keep our hospitals running. Keeping everyone properly fed on the wards is absolutely essential, and reporter alastair fees been to the royal Hampshire County hospital, to meet a man with a very personal mission to serve. Everybodys ready . Cauliflower soup. We are doing our best to be quick. This covid has brought us all together. Cheese. And we are doing our best for the patients. It is a busy one, busy station. Working for the nhs has been rajs ambition. The nhs, because of my wife. His wife was a nurse in guildford. She was a sister in charge in the royal surrey hospital, she passed awayjust one and a half year ago with cancer. She is my inspiration. She was a very lovely lady, always giving. That is why im here. Raj started work here a week ago, but the decision has worried his sons. They said dont, dont, dont. Already weve lost mum, we dont want to lose you. My younger son was saying, no. My eldest son was saying, no, but i said no, i am go. This is the time to go, not to sit at home and i am happy here. I enjoy doing this. Theres been lots of changes because of the covid, we are doing a lot more meals for staff now. We are open 24 hours a day, almost 24 hours a day for the night staff and we are using a lot more disposable plates, spoons, knives and forks and things like that. Everything is takeaway. We are not there at the front line, but we all play our part, we have to make sure the hospital runs as smoothly as possible. So that is what we are doing, we are feeding the staff and the patients. We need to send the food to the patients, they will be waiting otherwise. The caterers have their own team of porters. Ive always been active all my life and i want to give Something Back to the community. This is my way of doing it, at the hospital. I care about the patients, the patients needs. To me, they are the clients, they employ us to look after them and if i was a patient, id like to have the same sort of treatment. Do you want some more drink . This is one of the wards treating patients who dont have coronavirus. Very nice, as usual. Havent had anything bad since ive been in here. Good chef, good selection. Also helpful and caring, nothing is too much trouble when they are very busy. The nhs is doing an amazing job. Allthe nurses, doctors, everyone. We are doing our best for the patients. We think about them, we love them, we pray for them. It is so emotional, people are losing their loved ones, it is very hard to digest really. The emotion he feels there is so real. It is one of those things, we have said it over and over again, the works and people are doing is never routinely noticed a recognised and the role food can play in lifting your spirits if you are in hospital. It is important, to bring people together, families and friends together, families and friends together in normal times and just to see people enjoying food and seeing someone enjoy your food as well, it makes a massive difference. That was alastair fee with that report. Louise is looking at the weather this morning. Sunshine now, but perhaps, if you can enjoy it today . Yes, it makes a difference, the sunshine whether we can get out for any length of time and looking out of the window, opening the window and hearing the birds that are singing. Tomorrow, you might need to keep those windows close, you might even have to put the heating on. Enjoy it whilst you can. Shropshire is absolutely beautiful today. Scotland, thicker cloud and that is because there is going to be some rain today. The satellite picture is showing the story quite nicely. You can see the ominous cloud from the weather front sitting to the north. Not much in the way of cloud across england and wales. As we go through the day we will see some rain turning quite heavy in the far north west of scotland and the wind is picking up. Ahead of it there could be some showers and the odd rumble of thunder, if you dodge those, temperatures of 24 degrees. Different story in scotland. Colder afternoon and that is because behind the cold front is cold air. The wind is coming all the way down from the north, so it really is going to feel very different tomorrow when you step out. As we go through the night, the cloud and rain pushes southwards and it will weaken off considerably. We will see some wintry showers developing through the night. But, you will probably notice a difference first thing in the morning and a cold start in scotland. But still double digits across central and southern parts of england. Get out early if you can because once the front arrives bringing cloud and showery rain, nothing significant, but what it will do is it will bring a difference to the feel of the weather. With the wind is gusting in excess of 30 mph from a northerly direction, you will notice the difference. Lets take a look at the temperatures. We are looking at around five to 8 degrees in the exposed east coast, not very nice at all. 13 in london, 2425 this afternoon, may be 17 into the south west. It is worth bearing in mind, if you are a gardener or a grower, we will see clear skies and frost returning. Not great news for those spring plants, because the cold air will stay with us for the next few days. The winds will ease down but it does look as though into next week it will stay largely dry but we are going to continue to see a risk of some frost. But hopefully the winds will be easing down so from the middle of next week, it might feel a little bit less chilly. Back to you two. Businesses who supply the cruise ship industry, are warning they are struggling to survive while Holiday Travel is on hold during the pandemic. The chairman of Cruise Company carnival uk says the industry will have to return slowly so Health Protocols can be tested and passenger confidence restored. Heres our Business Correspondent katy austin. Every time these ships visit southampton, northern europes busiest to cruise port, the city normally gets a multiMillion Pound boost but for now, there are no passengers. Normally the customers for local hotels, restaurants, tourism and travel businesses. This taxi firm used to get up to 4000 cruise related jobs per weekend. No ships, no work, we are going to have to make a few harsh decisions. We monitor it on a daily and weekly basis, personally i dont think cruise will return this year. The large cruise supply network is also suffering. Some crew are still on board but last orders for passengers; food and drink have disappeared. Its fallen off a cliff. We are 98 down. We are owed over £1 million. We have £1. 6 million of stock here going nowhere. We furloughed 24 staff. Currently we have to see if it starts up, how rapidly. Around the corner, another drink supplier that also has flatlined customers. Fax airline customers. Its furloughed staff to make ends meet. We expect that the market will come back between september and october and then slightly, month by month. The solent is far from the only area affected. Liverpool, falmouth and areas of scotland including the Orkney Islands are set to lose millions in cruising revenue, including from tourism and fees. The organisation which represents cruising internationally says the industry generates £10 billion for the uk economy each year and calculates cruising stopping for 90 days would mean an economic hit of nearly £2. 4 billion and nearly 14,000 jobs would be lost including in the supply chain. Even if limited cruising resumes in late summer, it will be a slow path back to normal, with new Health Protocols to test, and Customer Confidence to restore. I asked the uk chairman of cruise giant carnival what impact any potential 14 day quarantine rule would have. It would make our life extremely difficult indeed but of course it does depend what we mean by quarantine and exactly what the rules might be of that. These firms hope that by the time cruise ships usual activities resume, their businesses havent sunk. Katy austin, bbc news. Weve got a birthday surprise next on the programme. Malcolm gerrie is 70 today, happy birthday malcolm. Happy birthday, malcolm. Thank you so much. Here you are on bbc brea kfast so much. Here you are on bbc breakfast on your 70th birthday. And i think we can bring in your son, olly. Hello, son. Malcolm, are you confused as to why you are on bbc brea kfast confused as to why you are on bbc breakfast this morning . confused as to why you are on bbc breakfast this morning . I have no clue. We know and we should share it. Olly, you have been working on something for some time. Tell me why you started, because your dad didnt have faith in you . Yes, it was only a brief lapse of faith. I dont know if you remember, i was 17. a brief lapse of faith. I dont know if you remember, i was 17. I said i was planning on learning jazz piano when i was older and that you just laughed. You probably have forgotten the next minute, but as a young, 17 year old it set me on what has led us on live tv now. Malcolm, i am not sure if you have got the gist of it, it has played on his mind for some time, lets show you what he has been working on. Ok, day one. Day one, i am 20 years old, i am studying at leeds university. Say hello to my dad. Hello, dad. Call him malcolm, hes not your dad. I think its tomatoes and chicken. Core percussions today. Thought i was going to get it done in a year. Yes it was a year and then it was three years. Plays the piano. And then it was five years. Come to 2020, ijust thought, i have to do this. Olly ginelli, hes is a film maker and this, a little personal project. Its all a result of conversation with his dad 13 years ago. So i was having a conversation with my dad. I was about 17 at the time and we got onto the topic, if you could learn an instrument, what would it be . Then i said, i imagine planning on learning the jazz piano. My dad just laughed at me. It kind of really sat with me so i decided to go and learn the piano in secret to surprise him for his birthday. So when i was 20 years old, he clearly didnt think i was going to learn jazz piano so i thought, let me learn in secret, surprise him for his birthday and prove him wrong. Its not been easy. This is the culmination of ten years of on and off practice. So in the ten years since i started this project, i got a degree, ive danced, ive tried skateboarding and gave that up. Ive made films, havent given that up yet. Ive lived in five different houses, had two tattoos, two driving tests, one pass. Festivals, birthdays, holidays and my mum finally married her boyfriend. So after all of that, that brings us up to the 13th of february 2020 when i decided that if ijust learned one song, my dad is 70 this year. Ive only got three months, so here we go. And then, you know what happened next . The lockdown. The lockdown has taken away all distractions and meant that i could just focus on finally getting this project of mine finished. How do you think hes going to react . You know. I have given it a lot of thought. I mean, the fact that its going to be live on the bbc, i cant imagine what his face is going to do. I hope he reacts well, i hope he is impressed. Does he have any idea what this is about . No, my dad has no clue that ive spent ten years, on and off, practising the piano just because he laughed at me once. Malcolm, we were watching you while you were watching that. Surprise from your son, you thought he couldnt do that . I have only one reaction and it is that. What a bad dad, i used to be a School Teacher andi dad, i used to be a School Teacher and i have worked in musical my life in television and to laugh at someones ambition, i am going to go andjump in the someones ambition, i am going to go and jump in the river, i think. Dont do that. You may have left at the time, but the result was, your son, who is now, i think, if we can see what he is up to, he has a keyboard in front of him right now. Iamso keyboard in front of him right now. I am so blown away and i am so proud of you, son. The best 70th birthday present anybody could ever give me. There is more to come, olly, would you like to take it away . Of course, happy birthday, dad. He plays the piano applause it is very good. Three mac olly, you know your dad challenge you to do something a long time ago, is there anything you want to challenge your dad to do by way of role reversal . On the spot, i would say, i cannot answer that. Learn the flute. Learn the flute . Ok, you are on. Maybe by my 80th birthday i will have mastered strangers on the show. Malcolm, what did you think. Have mastered strangers on the show. Malcolm, what did you thinkm have mastered strangers on the show. Malcolm, what did you think. It is one of my favourites, i love summertime. I was impressed. One of my favourites, i love summertime. Iwas impressed. I have worked with jools summertime. Iwas impressed. I have worked Withjools Holland all my life and i think he has got a bit of competition. What are the plans for the celebration, malcolm because we have started it in the morning with that rendition, and you are in separate households, obviously . have my family due tonight with my three boys, ross, olly and sean. Linda and a few other people. I have a meal being delivered at six oclock and a few people will be on the green outside where i live. I dont know what they have got land, but something is going on there. The quys but something is going on there. The guys at whiz kid, my company have made a quiz on thursday night with all sorts of messages from people like bono and Russell Crowe sang me a song, would you believe it . So it was quite a birthday. a song, would you believe it . So it was quite a birthday. I am very pleased you have had a great time andi pleased you have had a great time and i am glad we have been part of it as money. Olly, thank you for your efforts, you played very well. Stay well and enjoy a better, malcolm. Thank you very much, everybody. Amazing. I like that. Stay with us, headlines coming up. Good morning welcome to breakfast, with Naga Munchetty and charlie stayt. 14 days quarantine for people arriving in the uk from other countries. Airlines are told to expect new measures to help stop the spread of coronavirus. Never give up, never despair the queens message to mark the 75th anniversary of ve day. Our streets are not empty, they are filled with the love and the care that we have for each other. Relieving the boredom of lockdown. How its turned us into a nation of quarantine quizzers. Its that british thing people love to be right and the pub quiz is the perfect way to prove that. Former World Champion amir khan, warns its too dangerous for boxing to return injuly oov and tells us he wont for boxing to return injuly and tells us he wont risk his familys health by getting back in the ring until the pandemic is over. Its a sunny saturday foremost with temperatures well above average for the time of year but tomorrow is all change, temperature 10 celsius on down and what we will see today. All the details, if you want them, coming up shortly. Its saturday 9th may. Our top story. Uk airlines have been told that passengers flying into the country will be expected to quarantine for 14 days from the end of this month. The body which represents the industry, says it needs to see more details, but understands that the new restrictions wont apply to arrivals from republic of ireland. Andy moore reports. Heathrow airport, where there are currently far more planes parked up than actually going anywhere. At the end of this month, anyone flying into the country is expected to have to self isolate in a private dwelling for two weeks. Airlines are due to be briefed this morning. They fear it could compound the Severe Damage they have already suffered. The quarantine will not apply to lorry drivers and other key workers, nor to arrivals from the republic of ireland. The United Kingdom is eagerly awaiting a televised address from the Prime Minister tomorrow evening, when he will announce a road map for the way forward. But its not expected he will announce any major immediate changes. We have learned that Garden Centres in england will be allowed to reopen on wednesday. A similar measure has been announced in wales from monday, where people will also be able to exercise outdoors as much as they like so long as they remain in their local area. The four devolved nations are trying to move broadly at the same pace, but that might not always be possible. I, with the first ministers of wales and Northern Ireland, spoke to the Prime Minister. There was, i think, a helpful recognition in that call that the four uk nations may well move at different speeds if our data about the spread of the virus says that that is necessary to suppress it. Yesterday the government announced another 626 people had died with coronavirus, including a six week old baby with Underlying Health problems. The child is believed to be the youngest victim in the uk. The total number of deaths in all settings now stands at 31,241. As the lockdown is gradually eased, the government is expected to urge us today to cycle or walk to work wherever possible if we cannot work from home. So called active travel is seen as a way of easing pressure on public transport, which will have far less capacity if social distancing is to be maintained. Our Political Correspondent nick eardleyjoins us now from our london newsroom. So, one day ahead of this statement from the Prime Minister, we are getting more news, this one for uk airlines. I think we are getting a bit of an idea about what the next few weeks might look like across the uk. The quarantine idea is expected to be brought in on a few weeks time, it would be designed to try and stop a second peak of the virus coming in the next few months. We also know Garden Centres are going to be allowed to reopen from next week in england and wales as long as they can england and wales as long as they ca n follow england and wales as long as they can follow social distancing measures. In wales and scotland they are also looking at the idea of allowing more exercise, more than once a day. That might happen in england as well, we will all be watching the Prime Ministers address tomorrow night at 7pm to figure out exactly what that road map looks like. Its fair to say finding this new normal, its not going to happen quickly, it will be a gradual process and those changes will be fairly limited in the next few days. Thanks very much. The queen urged us to never give up, never despair as she spoke to the nation, 75 years since her father made his address to mark the end of the Second World War in europe. Commemorations were scaled down with socially distanced street parties taking place across the country to mark ve day, as holly hamilton reports. Newsreel his majesty, king george vi. 75 years on from her fathers ve day address, the queen marked a defining moment of british history in the midst of another. Today it may seem hard that we cannot mark this special anniversary as we would wish. Instead, we remember from our homes and our doorsteps. But our streets are not empty. They are filled with the love and the care that we have for each other. Land of hope and glory. The street parties may have been scaled back restricted, of course, under lockdown. But still as heartfelt. Any occasion, st patricks day, st georges day, we always put the banner up, dont we . But especially this year i think its important to uplift us all a bit. Its not a nice time at the moment. Last post plays elsewhere, the mood was more sombre. In portsmouth, a tribute to those who couldnt come home to celebrate. A salute from the skies as the red arrows flew above london, with fly pasts taking place elsewhere across the uk. And therell be bluebirds over the white cliffs of dover, sang dame vera lynn, but on this occasion, two raf spitfires, the aircraft that help to defend the countrys shores. Well meet again. But it was this wartime anthem that capped off the evenings commemorations, as britain came together to sing a song that has come to define feelings of loss and of hope. Interesting how, even given the circumstances, one way or another, in small ways and big ways, the moment was marked. Maybe all the more specialfor moment was marked. Maybe all the more special for that. Lots of people have taken comfort, we we re lots of people have taken comfort, we were showing you the queens comments, with her address, 75 years after her father gave the same address on the ed, this is on the front page of the daily telegraph, never give up, never despair bash might give the same address on ve day. She said even though the streets may be empty, they are full of love, recognising many people are struggling, not seeing family members, still that sense of Community Many of us are talking about has obviously shone through. It just shows the about has obviously shone through. Itjust shows the resonance and importance of the queens statement, looking at the front page of the son, that quote again, replicated in the daily mirror. Those words are really being reported widely across most of the newspaper. Yesterday was for us for europe. Yesterday was ve day for europe. Today marks the 75th anniversary of victory day in russia the celebration of the soviet victory over nazi germany in world war two. Normally, the day would be marked with a huge military parade in moscows red square but that has been postponed. Steve rosenberg is in moscow this morning. Steve, how will the occasion be marked . Absolutely, it feels very strange and very eerie. Ive been to many victory Day Celebrations on red square in the past and normally there are thousands of troops marching along, hundreds of pieces of military equipment rumbling across the square, you can normally feel the square shaking as all of us goes across, and todayjust the scene of emptiness, really. No crowds at all. President putin was the other side of the kremlin, laying some roses on the tomb of the unknown soldier a short while ago and made a short speech to the russian people saying we are unbeatable when we are united. No direct mention in his words of the coronavirus pandemic. Russia is still determined to make this a celebration because its such an important day for the country, the day when the country celebrates its victory in the war but also remembers the human cost of that victory, the 27 million soviet citizens killed in the war. Looking at the scene behind you, its an extraordinary scene to say, even at a distance. Tell us, more widely, but holy pandemic is affecting russians . About how the pandemic is affecting russians. Affecting russians . About how the pandemic is affecting russiansm moscow people are still in lockdown, and that will continue for some time to come. Russia ranks fifth, fifth most affected country when it comes to the number of coronavirus infections, cases, more than 187,000 have been confirmed. President putin has basically said, when it comes to easing restrictions, it would be up to Regional Governors to decide how and when restrictions would be eased but as far as the russian capital is concerned, thats not going to happen anytime i think. Steve, thanks very much. The Welsh Government has announced it will make modest changes to its lockdown from monday, with people allowed to exercise outside more than once a day and some Garden Centres will reopen. The rest of the stay at home restrictions will be extended for another three weeks until 28th may. We can speak to the welsh first minister Mark Drakeford who joins us from cardiff now. Thank you for talking to us this morning. We mentioned a couple of things that change, do you want to go through any significant changes People Living in wales will notice . Three very modest changes but meaningfulfor people, three very modest changes but meaningful for people, i three very modest changes but meaningfulfor people, i hope. The three things we will be changing are, as you said, we will allow Garden Centres to reopen where it is safe for them to do so, at the moment the law in wales says you can only leave your home to exercise once a day, we are taking the once a day out of our regulations so people will be able to leave their homes more often but we are inserting the word local, to make it clear people must exercise near their homes, no Long Distance travelling to go to beaches or mountains in wales. And we are changing the regulations so local authorities can prepare for the reopening of libraries and municipal recycling centres. In the review every 21 days you dont have to make the changes after 21 days, why not wait for the Prime Minister who made clear an announcement is coming on sunday, to tie all the devolved nations in tandem . Weve announced what we are going to do but also said we wont introduce these changes until monday so that these changes until monday so that the uk does indeed move Forward Together into the next period. Im very committed to that, i think its much better where we are able to have a broadly common set of measures to a common timetable and thats why our changes will not come into force in wales until after the weekend, after the Prime Ministers announcement. You say a common set of measures and timetable, my understanding is you think this is what the Prime Minister is going to announce on sunday. It will be for the Prime Minister to decide what happens in england and i dont want to disobey that. But you will have seen what his spokesperson has been saying over the past few days and i dont want to contradict that. I think the changes will be echoed in the basic approach in england as well but that is for the Prime Minister to make those decisions, not me. What you think it will be a common set of measures . I think it will be a common approach. It inevitable we have to fine tune that to meet different parts of the uk but i think we will move forward in basic same way, making sure the approach works in the detail in different parts of the uk. What conversation have you had with the Prime Minister ahead of announcing these measures for wales . Ive spoke to uk government ministers on wednesday, thursday and friday and that included a conversation with the Prime Minister on thursday, i always think the more we talk to one another, the better thatis,it we talk to one another, the better that is, it allows us to understand one anothers point of view, share the information we have and then make the best decisions we can and those decisions made in the best way in the different parts of the uk. Do you understand why some might say this announcement ahead of the Prime Ministers com is an effort to put pressure on the Prime Minister for england to come into step with wales . Its definitely not the purpose or intention of my announcement. My responsibility is to tell people in wales and the regime they will be facing over at the next three weeks. I three week review ended on friday andi i three week review ended on friday and i was keen to make sure the people in wales note the decision the government are making on their behalf. It is not intended to be a form of pressure or anything on anybody else, simply, in a devolved United Kingdom, 20 years of devolution, to discharge the responsibilities we have in wales in a way that demonstrates two people in wales the decisions we are making for them. If this phase is under review for 21 days, do you envisage further easing in 21 days . We certainly work from the minute the 21 day review period is over for the 21 day review period is over for the next 21 days and we will be watching very carefully the impact of the minor changes weve made for the next 21 days on what is called the next 21 days on what is called the reproduction figure in wales. If, as we believe, these measures dont lead to an increase in the circulation of coronavirus, then we will be looking to see whether there are any further steps we can take but we will always be taking those steps through the lens of Public Health, we are not going to do anything in wales that puts at peril the enormous efforts that everybody has made to drive the spread of coronavirus down, and so we will a lwa ys coronavirus down, and so we will always be looking at our measures to make sure the health of the public comes first. What is your anticipation but allowing people to exercise more than once a day, how will that pan out, there has been lots of reports, as weve heard from the press briefings, but increased traffic, more activity while people are still being told to stay at home. There are some signs of increased traffic in wales as well, some of thatis traffic in wales as well, some of that is legitimate because more people are returning to work in wales, as in other parts of the uk but it is why we will insert into our regulations the word local will stop people in wales will be able to exercise more than once a day but the will be required to take that exercise locally, where they live. It is not an invitation for people to drive Long Distances to exercise elsewhere. That would not be sensible or in keeping with the Safety Measures we are taking, and we are going to reinforce that message by putting that word local into the law. Welsh first minister Mark Drakeford, thank you very much for your time this morning on breakfast. Worth emphasising that these art devolved issues, and the nuances are and how many times you can exercise, wales has taken its own decisions, the measures in england remain in place as it stands. And the revised measures in wales will not come in until monday, which he made clear. Now the weather with louise. If you are going to take your daily exercise across england and wales you will be greeted with skies like this, lots of sunshine at the moment. Hazy earlier on but that is cleared away. Different story further north, an indication of whats to come tomorrow. Look at this threatening looking cloud, and that will bring some rain, some quite heavy, to the north west of the great glen. Lots of blue sky and sunshine for england and wales. Staying like that for most of us. Some sharp show as possible during the afternoon, some heavy and funded it. Top temperatures in the sunny spots of 24 celsius. Look at the difference in the far north west. Thats because behind that weather front is called air, dragging down this cold northerly flow across the country as we go through tomorrow. Some changes to come in the story, the rain that was quite heavy. To ease as it pushes overnight into the north of england and some wintry showers behind that and some icy stretches first thing on the roads. A cold start here but the cold air has not arrived for a central and southern england and wales so we could see mid teens first thing in the morning, however as the weather front continues pushing southwards, not much rain but it will certainly introduce the colder air. Strong northerly winds, gusting in excess of 30 mph through the day really taking the edge off of things. Cold est of taking the edge off of things. Coldest of the weather for the north and the exposed east coast. London which will see 25 today will see 13 tomorrow. Highest values are likely tomorrow. Highest values are likely to be in the south west. As the clear skies continued through the night in the cold air really kicks in we are likely to see cold and frosty start from monday morning in rural parts of the north and west. Into next week, the story does not really change, the cold air will stay with us, pretty disappointing but the wind slowly ease down. Mainly dry with night time frost and as the winds ease it will feel a little more comfortable. Back to you. Thanks very much. See you later. This week was a good one for an older lady called Margaret Hallford she celebrated her 100th birthday after recovering from coronavirus. Just weeks ago, margarets family were saying their goodbyes to her, fearing the worst. But on thursday, with the help of care home staff, they were able to be together at a safe distance to mark her big day. Were joined now by margarets daughter, diane lane in chesterfield, and trudy godly, the manager of Eckington Court care home, where margaret lives. Very good morning to both of you. Lovely to see you both. I think, diane, we will go to you first. I am so pleased for you, that your mum is 0k so pleased for you, that your mum is ok and on the mend, but youve been ona ok and on the mend, but youve been on a bit ofa ok and on the mend, but youve been on a bit of a roller coaster, to say the least. We have, yes. We were called into the care home fearing the worst and in ourown the care home fearing the worst and in our own way we said goodbye to mum and then she recovered. It was amazing, absolutely amazing. Cani amazing, absolutely amazing. Can i ask, for a lot of people listening to you will want to know, how issue today and whats the situation right now . She is very frail, very tired. It has taken it out of her. She is sleeping an awful lot now but we can cope with that. Weve still got her. And thats something to be so grateful for, and thats something to be so gratefulfor, diane. And thats something to be so grateful for, diane. Trudy, and thats something to be so gratefulfor, diane. Trudy, that talk to you. What a lovely outcome, having her back home and having margaret frail as she may be, but recovered in, you must be so pleased. We are. She was very poorly, obviously she had covid 19, she was a very ill, so to be able to celebrate her birthday is amazing. What is the atmosphere at lake at the moment in the care home, how is margaret doing what is the atmosphere like . She is doing ok, shes very tired and sleepy and weak, which is to be expected. But there were times we did not think market would make it, sadly, and we did call the family in two see her but thankfully she was here to celebrate her birthday. It must be difficult for you, trudy, in terms of watching families who are having to be apart from their loved ones, not being able to say hello and having to work in a very new circumstances to just make those in the care home know they are loved and cared about. It is. We opened up an Isolation Unit to care for the residents that had covid 19, so they work them most holy and vulnerable. So they were the most poorly and vulnerable. It was difficult not having families coming in. Margarets family is so supportive, there is always one of them in the care room. So for them not to be there all the time to support margaret, its difficult and it has impacted on staff as well but we try to do the best we can to keep residents and staff safe. Clearly trudy explained clearly at the that lots of families are having in terms of seeing their loved ones but i think we can share, you shared this with us, there was a party, a 100th birthday party, as we look at these pictures, maybe you can tell us how that came about. Before the lockdown we were planning a Party Celebration for mum, just a quiet one with family because mum loves her family dearly for all of us. She has nine grandchildren, ten great grandchildren. Shes always wa nted great grandchildren. Shes always wanted family around her and she thinks the world of us all so we wa nted thinks the world of us all so we wanted family party. Because of the covid we had to put it on hold. We are still hoping to have hit after lockdown has finished. Cani lockdown has finished. Can ijust lockdown has finished. Can i just checked lockdown has finished. Can ijust checked something because we are looking at the pictures, the family did go up but obviously you are keeping distance. I can only imagine how hard it was for everyone not to do a big group honk. Thats tricky, isnt it . Group hug. The care home did a wonderful thing, they brought mum out, she did not know we were there, we gave her the ca rd know we were there, we gave her the card from the queen, and a local store donated some balloons and organised a cake for her and sent her some flowers. The care home have been absolutely fantastic in the ca re been absolutely fantastic in the care they have given mum and continue to give her. We could not wish for better. Trudy, it must feel so rewarding when you hear diane show so much gratitude for you making that day as special as it could be. It is. I know the family would have done something amazing for her and we have to follow the guidelines and keep social distance and we thought because she has recovered from coronavirus, its her 100 birthday, we could not just let coronavirus, its her 100 birthday, we could notjust let it pass so we set the chairs out two metres apart, we did everything we could do to make it as special as possible in the circumstances. Its a wonderful thing. We are just about to talk to matt on saturday kitchen, did i say keep, what is the key . One was chocolate, and the second was lemon. What was the cake . Thank you forjoining us this morning and sharing your story with us. And all the best to margaret. Were on bbc one until ten oclock this morning, when matt tebbutt takes over in the saturday kitchen. Matt, whats on the menu for us . Im trying to social distance from ca ke im trying to social distance from cake recently my daughter was 18th last week so we had lots of cupcakes andi last week so we had lots of cupcakes and i made a big tiramisu. Obviously all the banana bread. Ive put on a one stone, truth be told lets move one stone, truth be told lets move on from cake. I would guess today is the fabulous actor. Nice to have you stop we can talk all about your comedy trying litter on but lets talk about ingredients, what did you find . I found some black venous rice, ive got some coconut cream, there you go. Ive got some beans. And i have some linseed. Youre not making this easy i also have some harissa. Anna, lovely to have you here. Im going to do Crispy Chicken and watercress salad and then not your average biscuit cake. In honour of ve day, i making a dish Winston Churchills cook used to make for him. How is sunny hampshire . Still sunny. Good. A woman of few words there. You cannot vote on what i should be making with those ingredients at the end of the show, dont forget, you can vote on what i should be making. I think you are looking fine, dont worry about the extra weight from the cake. Have a lovely one. We need the before and after picture. No, we willjust make him feel bad. Headlines coming up, we will see you soon. Hello, this is breakfast with Naga Munchetty and charlie stayt. A reminder of our main story this morning uk airlines have been told that passengers arriving into the uk will have to quarantine for 14 days. The restrictions, which exempt arrivals from the republic of ireland, are expected to come into effect at the end of the month. However, the industry body airlines uk said the policy needs a credible exit plan and should be reviewed weekly. With fewer cars on the roads, the lockdown could provide some Unexpected Solutions to environmental problems caused by too much traffic. Transport secretary grant schapps is expected to encourage people to cycle or walk more instead of choosing to drive, if and is likely to announce some new measures to help that happen. Our environment correspondent Justin Rowlatt joins us now from leyton. Good to see. Sunny street, how is it there . It is lovely. What grant shapps is going to say, use the opportunity of the end of lockdown as we go back to work, to do what he calls, more active travel, walking and cycling more. That is what he will say when he hosts the Government Press conference this afternoon. He will say, we need to protect public transport. If we stick to the two metre social distancing rules, it will be very ha rd to distancing rules, it will be very hard to get as many passengers on buses and trains. They reckon about 10 of the capacity. Also people have been worried about being in confined spaces as they go back to work. If we get in our cars, the roads will be choked with traffic. He will say, why not use this opportunity to start walking and cycling will. We expect him to announce more money and powers for local authorities to close roads and set aside space for walking and cycling. I am in Waltham Forest, they have done a lot of that kind of investment already and im joined by the deputy leader, and also the transport leader. You have put a lot of investment into this, why . We saw five years ago the need to re prioritise road space for pedestrians and cyclists. It is good for the health and Community Well being and good for the health and Community Well being and good for the economy also. But itjust makes sense, all the evidence is pointing in this direction. This road, you said 5500 ca rs direction. This road, you said 5500 cars a day, now down to ten. But there was a big push back from car drivers, they said, we dont want you to take over your roads, and you ended up in court . There was a push back, we saw off the challenge because we have the evidence and we knew we were doing the right things for the right reasons, at the right time. More people are coming and asking to make these really important interventions that are changing lives. Let me take you on a little tour of the kind of road furniture they have introduced. You can see the pavements shade into the roads, cycle parks, these nice little planters. Street furniture and benches. That is how our roads could change in the longer term if these measures the government announced today, stick. I am joined by the cycling and walking charity. You wrote a letter to the government along with greenpeace and several other environmental and transport charities, what did you ask the government to do much about we need to lock in the changes on cycling and walking because there has been a massive increase in people getting on their bikes and walking. We have been helping key workers get to work on bikes. We have seen car levels now of the 1950s so we know when roads are safe and quiet, people will ride bikes. Some people will be listening and saying, i want to go back to work, but i want to be safe and in my car so back to work, but i want to be safe and in my carso i back to work, but i want to be safe and in my car so i dont have to be close to other people. They will say, leave the roads open, we need to get back to work . We wont take all the space, just a proportionate amount. At tfl in london they said to get back we need a tenfold increase in cycling. So what grant shapps is going to be announcing its temporary measures. You would like to make them permanent. One of the points the environmental and transport charities are saying, the unbelievable change in air quality is something they can lock in if they do this. Measures from grant shapps, more cycling and walking, he is going to tell us. Thank you very much. Interesting to see how a project like that can work and how it ties into the new normal, the way that things may have to operate over the weeks and months ahead. Time to talk to mike. You have had a great interview, and some good insight into how frustrated, even though they are understanding, have frustrated so many sports people are about being away from their profession . Yes, talking about amir khan. Listening to that debate about walking and cycling, one of the things amir khan was saying that before lockdown, he never really went on walks with his family and children, now he is doing it most days and will continue to do so. One of the positives to come out of lockdown. He was talking about the debate about when and if sport character. Things have opened in places like south korea but he said it is dangerous for boxing to return injuly even if it is behind closed doors and despite the sports bosses setting up measures and controls they believe will make it safe, he said he cannot get in the ring before the pandemic is over. He also talked about the challenges in lockdown. During ramadan, how much harder it has made it fasting and also, how he has been helping the community. He says it has been the toughest ramadan he has ever known because normally it is friends and community that help each other through the fasting. I have never seen ramadan be like this and it is upsetting. Normally we look forward to ramadan. We look forward to it where it brings everyone together. At this time it has not done that because of the coronavirus and everything. But i think it is safe everyone stays at home, it is the safest option. While he is keeping fit and adapting his training to staying at home, he cannot think about coming back to the ring, even if the sport gets the final go ahead to return injuly, without fans and Safety Measures in place. Having no fans and an empty stadium, it is going to be like walking into a sparring session. I cannot see it working, i cannot see the big names doing that, unless there is ridiculous money from the tv companies. Even if there is big money, i would tv companies. Even if there is big money, iwould not tv companies. Even if there is big money, i would not be able to do it because i need the fan base there. When you hit somebody with a shot, there spit it will come unto you, sweat will come unto, and i have three kids and i dont want to get sick. With a great career, do i need to risk it . But like many others, there is a positive being in lockdown with a family at home and spending more time with his three children. We have started playing games like hopscotch. My little girl has one of those hoops, so she tried to teach me how to dance with it. Which i found quite hard. At least i am spending more time with my family and my kids and they are teaching me things and i am teaching them things. Have you mastered hula hoop things. Have you mastered hula hoop thing now . No, i keep getting it wrong. I am sure he will get the hang of it eventually. We have been discovering new games and old ones, like hopscotch. But for the return of boxing, it will need domain names on board. And the ultimate fighting championship in america returns, behind closed doors. But you have seen some positives unearthed during lockdown that will continue after this is over, like the walking and cycling. It is all good, good to see you, mike. For the Channel Islands which was the only part of the British Isles to be invaded by the germans, ve day happened instead on may the 9th their liberation day. Today, the 75th anniversary should have been celebrated by crowds and street parties, but much like the rest of the uk, plans have changed due to coronavirus. Robert hall is in liberation square injerseys capital, st helier. Robert, good to see you. It is interesting, just how different the commemorations have been compared to a year ago commemorations have been compared to a yearago and commemorations have been compared to a year ago and certainly compared to the crowd scenes we saw 75 years ago . Yes, that is right. This box, liberation square in the middle of st helierjust liberation square in the middle of st helier just across from the harbour. Symbolic spot where you would expect crowds of people. I saw the plans for what should have been the plans for what should have been the ceremonies. This whole area would have been rammed. This morning it is completely empty. Why is it significant . I will tell you it is completely empty. Why is it significant . Iwill tell you more after this report, but we are just across the road from the harbour and the harbour on both islands is where the harbour on both islands is where the first british troops came ashore and set in train, events which have been passed on down the generations. There was joy in the heart of everybody that sailed to guernsey in the destroyer bulldog, bringing freedom to the Channel Islands. The news from the uk had made it inevitable. When task force 135 arrived off guernsey, surrender was a formality. Stuart snow was in one of the first Landing Craft to dock. And we boarded alongside and somebody shouted, off you go, and of course ijumped. I landed and i wasjust going back and a young german soldier ran forward and grabbed me and held me back and it was a just a good thing that a human being would have done. I often wondered what happened to him. We could see the Landing Craft and the germans were in single file and they were walking into the Landing Craft. Absolute jubilation. We couldnt believe they were leaving the island at last. Very different from the day in 1940 when theyd landed, a toehold on british soil and a huge propaganda coup. Hitlers determination to hold on to the islands tied up thousands of his troops. By the end, they were as hungry as the population. What one of them said hello, in broken english, he said, i have a little brother like you at home, nice boy. Blooming war, he said. He said, say nothing because i will be sent to the russian front. But the occupation regime could also be harsh. Over two dozen islanders with links to the uk were deported and interned. Roselle greens husband, then a teenager, remembers the day he tasted freedom. I was in an internment camp in southern germany. We could hear the fighting, the noise of gunfire and that. Four people from the camp together got a makeshift unionjack and they walked along the road and met the troops coming towards them. Theyjumped out of the tank and broke the gate open and we all surged out of the village. At that stage, we were free. Its one of the biggest days on the islands calendar but there will be no crowds this year. Instead, islanders have been encouraged to mark the occasion in their homes and gardens. Liberation day 2020 will be remembered, but for very different reasons. Just having another look at the statue, the joy that is captured by the waving of the flag. We talked about the symbolic nature of that spot. That building behind me is where the First Union Jack was dragged out the window by the trips that came ashore. The troops came marching on and they made their over to the hotel, somewhat changed then but you might have made it out on the amateur film in the report. But you might have made it out on the amateurfilm in the report. The german flag was pulled down and the british flag was put up. Huge cheers, you can imagine how people felt. They had felt under a cloud for five years and suddenly they we re for five years and suddenly they were free, they were free to do what they want. A lot of them had never been to bits of the island for five yea rs been to bits of the island for five years because they had been wired off with german fortifications. Hitler had ordered his troops to build huge bunkers on the channel lines. They are still here because they thought the british would try and take them back. It would have been too costly, civilians would have lost their lives and the decision was taken not to try and ta ke decision was taken not to try and take the islands back. That basically meant the germans were here to stay. Thousands of troops with virtually nothing to do, because obviously there was no attempt. After d day injune 1944, attempt. After d day injune1944, the islands were cut off, there were no supplies. As i said in the report, the german troops, the civilians and everyone was running out of everything, including food. It was only the coming of a red cross ship in the latter stages of the occupation that enabled the population to survive. They still talk very fondly watching that red cross ship come in. Across the island today, there is nobody here, but they are in their houses. We have seen pictures ofjersey, guernsey, alderney and sark, they have decorated cars driving about, people doing the physical distancing thing and they have been warned they cannot break the rules because of the knee, as everywhere else, to protect the health service. The signs are, they have been asked to go in the gardens and do what they can within the rules to party in their streets and in their parishes and little villages. Get together and little villages. Get together and have that party and have that celebration with the promise that as soon as it is possible, the Channel Islands will celebrate in style as they might have expected to today. Back to you. Well said, robert. I am sure that moment will come and interesting to hear the stories of the past. Thank you, robert. It was gloriously sunny in st helier. I wonder how the rest of the country is faring. Heres louise with a look at this mornings weather. This is the story across the uk at the moment. The best of the sunshine across england and wales. Along with the channel isles as well. There is some ominous cloud into the far north west and this will bring rain, some of it heavy and it will bring a change right across the country as we move into tomorrow. Heavy rain and strong, gusty winds into the far north. A few showers across southern scotla nd north. A few showers across southern scotland as well and a few showers cropping up in england and wales through the day but plenty of sunshine generally and those temperatures really responding into the mid 20s. It is a cold sores into the mid 20s. It is a cold sores into the far north because behind the cold air, that front will drag the cold air, that front will drag the cold air, that front will drag the cold air further south through tonight and into tomorrow. So a real change to the feel of the weather tomorrow. The rain will weaken through the night as it pushes across the borders and behind it there will be wintry showers into scotland. May be icy stretches here, temperatures will fall close to freezing. The further south, we keep a relatively mild start to sunday morning, maybe a little bit of Early Morning, maybe a little bit of Early Morning sunshine. It is not going to last because the front will sink south and continue to bring up bricks and showery rain with it. Quite a lot of cloud generally, behind it, still brighter conditions but the wind is coming from the north gusting in excess of 30 to 40 mph in places will mean it will be disappointingly cold. Below average for the time of year. So going from temperatures way above the average toa temperatures way above the average to a real change overnight. Top temperatures tomorrow six to 8 degrees across the east coast, maximum of 18 in the south west but generally it will feel cold and it will be a cold and frosty start to monday morning. Back to you two. Louise, thank you very much. A real change of fortunes. Change of weather as well. We have been talking about quizzes this morning. Quarantine quizzes. Mike bushell said he has done eight quizzes in a row. How many bones in the average human body . Normally some warm says it in my ear and i pretend human body . Normally some warm says it in my earand i pretend i human body . Normally some warm says it in my ear and i pretend i know the answer. It is 812. 302. Torchwood is an anagram for which sci fi tv show . You know that one, doctor who. How many hearts does an octopus have . Three. Did i get that right . It has made my day. £206 in the human body. 206. The keen quizzers among you will know that as pubs across the uk remain closed, the weekly quiz has moved online, and more of us are hosting get togethers with friends and family. Our entertainment correspondent Colin Paterson has been taking a look at how quizzing has evolved during lockdown. Who voices lego batman . The uk has never quizzed so much. From these film fans. Charlie, get off the camera . To penelope and her cousins. The quiz is starting, come on, hurry up. How many zeros are there in the number 10,000 . And oscar winners raising money for the national theatre. My first question is by what name did the romans call ireland . Beat the chasers has also been a ratings hit during lockdown. Jenny ryan, known as vixen on the programme, has a theory as to why the nation is turning to trivia. Quizzes and general knowledge, there is a correct answer so it gives a sense of certainty. And thats something thats lacking in a lot of peoples lives and areas at the moment. And she has advice for anyone compiling questions for their own quiz. Eight out of ten should be very gettable. There should be another which is work out able or your best guess will probably pay off. And then there is one which will make the difference between your mum and your uncle who are the most competitive members of your family. For the last nine years ive gone to the same monday night pub quiz during lockdown my team has taken it in turns to host our own one. Last week it was my turn to set the questions. How did you get on with this one . Injune it in june it will injune it will be the 100th anniversary of which post office rule. Ill tell you the answer at the end of the report. The landlord of the portsmouth arms in basingstoke has put on a virtual pub quiz every night of lockdown, raising money for charity. Today he is trying to break the world record for the longest pub quiz hosted by one person, 35 hours. Ive got 2500 questions and ive got a back up of another 1000 if i need it. Its that british thing, people love to be right and a pub quiz is the perfect way to prove that. In lockdown, quizzing has made a huge difference to many. It means getting together, it means you are part of the community, youve got other people you can do it with that you arent in the same house with. Look how happy hosting a quiz made penelope. Thanks everyone for doing the quiz and i hope you all enjoyed it. I really appreciate it, thank you. As for the answer to my question, its c from 1920, children could no longer be posted in usa. I like that, the fact it needed to be banned about children being sent in the post. I dont disagree with it, but it is fun. 9. 53 is the time. Festival season would normally be getting underway around now, but the calendar has been wiped clean, so many musicians are Live Streaming gigs to fill the void. One such event is unity 2020, which starts today, and is being held to raise money for the Domestic Abuse charity womens aid. One of those who will be performing is emeli sande, whojoins us now. Good morning. How are you . good morning. How are you . I am good, thank you. Good morning. Before we talk about the concerts and stuff, how are things for you in this very odd time . I am here with my family this very odd time . I am here with myfamily and this very odd time . I am here with my family and obviously it is very different for all of us. I am very lucky i can work on my music at home. I guess i am trying to keep it together and stay positive. What are you doing, emelie, who is this for . It isa you doing, emelie, who is this for . It is a festival, well an online festival to support womens aid. Right now, with the lockdown Domestic Abuse is escalating and there is more and more reports of Domestic Abuse survivors needing help. I wanted to get involved. One, for the music to hopefully help people and give them strength if they are in a situation and suffering. Also to raise awareness and hopefully raise money for womens aid so they can continue the vital aid they do to protect women and children. You have definitely embraced the festival vibe, because there are even tents that you can go to, different stages. It must be quite interesting and lots of organisation gone into this, what has been going on behind the scenes . Yes, i have been rehearsing for my set and we can bring our own vibe from our homes and if you are going toa from our homes and if you are going to a real festival, from our homes and if you are going to a realfestival, like from our homes and if you are going to a real festival, like you said, the different stages people can go to different performances. Use say different vibes, you have got time, iam assuming, different vibes, you have got time, i am assuming, i know you are still working and being creative, what vibe is going to come from emelie sandes tent . What is the vibe . think it will be the after party vibe, may be a peaceful, quiet vibe. I will be hoping to bring on this festival. This line is not the best we have got to you, one of the things i am assuming, the festival is super reliant on its technology. Hopefully people can work these things, how are you with the technical stuff, which is so important in keeping in touch with people. I tempted fate there, because that image appears to have frozen. I cannot believe you are asking about Technology Just then. It was obviously ve day yesterday, some great celebrations around the country. Take a look. His majesty, king george vi. 75 years on from her fathers address, the queen marked the defining moment. Today it may seem hard we cannot mark the special anniversary as we would wish. Instead, we remember from anniversary as we would wish. Instead, we rememberfrom our homes and our doorsteps. But our streets are not empty, they are filled with the love and the care that we have for each other. The street parties may have been scaled back, restricted on the lockdown, but still as heartfelt. Any occasion, we a lwa ys still as heartfelt. Any occasion, we always put a banner up. But especially this year, i think it is important to uplift us all a bit. It is not a nice time at the moment. Elsewhere, the mood was more sombre. In portsmouth, a tribute to those who could not come home to celebrate. A salute from the skies as the red arrows flew above london with fly pasts taking place elsewhere across the uk. And there will be bluebirds over the white cliffs of dover, sang dave vera lynn. On this occasion, two raf spitfires, the aircraft that help defend the countrys shores. We defend the countrys shores. We will meet again. But it was this wartime anthem that capped off the evenings commemorations. As britain came together to sing a song that has come to define feelings of loss and of hope. Holly hamilton, bbc news. A little look back at some of the events marking ve day yesterday. There is a lwa ys marking ve day yesterday. There is always a place for a rousing tune. Once so familiarand always a place for a rousing tune. Once so familiar and so poignant. That is it from us today. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Goodbye. This is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. British based airlines are set to bring in a 14 day quarantine for passengers arriving in the uk. The new restriction is expected to take effect at the end of this month. A at the end of this month. Lot of airports now are cl passenger a lot of airports now are closed for passenger traffic, there are a very few flights coming in, and that means no revenue so we are really having to adjust and see our way through. Russia marks the 75th anniversary of the end of world war ii, known to russians as the great patriotic war but without the planned parade of soldiers and veteran

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