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Fall in advertising ever, while many cant pop out for a paper. Ill look at whats needed for Media Companies to survive. Re starting sport would lift the spirits of the nation thats the governments view, as we learn more about how premier league clubs plan to keep their players safe. They broughtjoy to millions with their Charity Number one single, now captain tom moore and michael ball get together for the first time. Thank you very much for coming. It really is my greatest pressure. I never ever expected to see you. Little bit chilly out there this morning but temperatures are set to soar over the next few days. I will have all the details here on breakfast. Its wednesday 6th may. Our top story one of the governments leading coronavirus scientists, whose advice led to the uk lockdown, has resigned after he breached social distancing guidelines. Professor Neil Ferguson quit following a report in the Daily Telegraph that a woman, said to be his married lover, visited his home on at least two occasions. Yesterday, the uk overtook italy to record the highest number of virus deaths in europe. Jon donnison has the latest. Applause the peak of this crisis may be passing, but those on the frontline are still dying. In bury, hundreds came out to pay their respects to dr Saad Al Dubbaisi. The 59 year old local gp originally from iraq, described as a loving and compassionate father and husband, had worked in the town for 20 years. He died at the weekend after contracting the virus. Meanwhile, in a new online video, the government is urging people to stick to the lockdown. But it comes amid awkward headlines in todays Daily Telegraph with one of borisjohnsons key scientific advisors having to step down from his government role. It is vital, clearly, that we understand. The paper reported that Neil Ferguson had flouted social distancing rules when his married lover visited his home on two occasions. In a statement, the professor said hed made an error ofjudgement. It was his mathematical modelling that showed the scale of the epidemic in the uk, which led to the government transforming its policy and the way we live our lives. In terms of numbers, another 693 coronavirus deaths have been reported in the last 2a hours in all settings. There have now been a total of 29,427 fatalities in the uk. Thats higher than anywhere else in europe, overtaking italy. But italy has a slightly smaller overall population and the government here says it could be months before full global comparisons can be made. In terms of the comparison that youre suggesting, as the scientists have all said i can remember Patrick Vallance and chris whitty talking about this i dont think well get a real verdict on how well countries have done until the pandemic is over, and particularly until weve got comprehensive International Data on all cause mortality. Applause and amid all the grim news, some remarkable tales of survival. A round of applause for 98 year old alice atkins, discharged from King George Hospital in east london after beating covid i9. Jon donnison, bbc news. We can speak now to our political correspondent, nick eardley. Hejoins us from he joins us from westminster. The professor on the front page of many of the papers. How embarrassing is this for the government . It is hugely embarrassing to have the man whose thinking was behind the lockdown, someone who has been a prominent media voice telling us we would have to follow these guidelines, preaching them himself. He said that he did so after thinking he was immune. He had coronavirus a few weeks ago and, after contracting the disease, said he thought he was immune but said he got it wrong. He said he does not wa nt to got it wrong. He said he does not want to undermine the government Mahmoud Abbas message. It is not only in embarrassment but also robs the government of someone central to their thinking. Governments message. He is no longer on the Group Advising the government so that two things, firstly, the embarrassment but also the fact that one of the top people has had to quit. We spoke to sir keir starmer yesterday and he will be facing borisjohnson yesterday and he will be facing Boris Johnson today . Yesterday and he will be facing Boris Johnson today . We have not been seeing borisjohnson after he got coronavirus as well. We had sir keir starmer yesterday saying he wa nts keir starmer yesterday saying he wants detail about what may lead to the lockdown has been lifted and what measures to be taken, a bit more of an explanation. We are expecting that from Boris Johnson more of an explanation. We are expecting that from borisjohnson on sunday but i suspect that will come up sunday but i suspect that will come up at Prime Minister s questions at noon. Pressure from the labour party about the governments thinking and about the governments thinking and about potentially what happens next. Good to talk to you. We will speak later on. Theresa may has criticised the response of World Leaders to the coronavirus pandemic. The former Prime Minister said the outbreak was being treated as a National Issue for countries to deal with alone, and there was little evidence of nations co operating. President trump says the White House Coronavirus task force will be winding down within weeks, as the focus shifts to reviving the us economy. During a visit to a mask manufacturing plant, in arizona, mr trump said the need to get people back to work outweighed the threat of more deaths. The us currently has 1. 2 million confirmed Coronavirus Infections and more than 70,000 related deaths. Our country has to go back to being a country again. You have people who are not going to stand for this and i understand that very well and we are going to put out little embers and little fires and maybe some big fires but we still have to go back to work. Lets speak to our north america correspondent, peter bowes. America, the country most badly affected by covid i9 but the president wants to get them back moving again . This is a clear change of focus for the president , focusing much more on getting the country back to work. The current task force, the one we have seen so much of on American Television over the last few weeks, it would be despondent. A couple of high profile doctors will be retained but the president wants to focus on ending those orders to stay at home, getting people out of their houses and apartments and back to work, which is already happening to some extent around the country, to different degrees depending on how the different states are doing in terms of new cases but as far as the president is concerned, there will be an element of risk, you could say here, and that some people may in fa ct here, and that some people may in fact die as a result of this surge to get back to work. At the same time he says people are dying anyway because of the economic crisis. He says some people are turning to drugs, committing suicide because of it. But he is focused on it and says he sees no alternative in moving forward. He says there will be a few embers, fires, to put out, if there are outbreaks around the country despite of that he wants to move forward. Thank you. The first groups of students are returning to school in chinas hubei province, the epicentre of the global pandemic. Students who have exams coming up in the summer are the first to head back to school. Theyve all had to take a coronavirus test before returning, and there will be measures to ensure social distancing, including partitions in the school canteen. Germany is expected to announce a further relaxation of lockdown restrictions today, when chancellor Angela Merkel meets state leaders. The country has been in lockdown for six weeks but theres growing pressure to reopen the economy as the infection rate continues to fall. Climate experts say the pandemic will result in the biggest decline in Carbon Emissions ever recorded. They say the drop in the use of fossil fuels could be six times bigger than that recorded during the financial crisis in 2008. Our chief environment correspondent, justin rowlatt, has been exploring what could change once lockdown is lifted. How about you, love . We are all getting used to new ways of living and working. Lockdown has led to the fastest reduction in carbon emission of the world has ever seen. Boris johnson advises on Climate Change urged him to make homeworking easier. They are saying any attempt to kickstart the economy has to help us to kickstart the economy has to help us all moved to a low carbon lifestyle. This is a moment to u nfreeze lifestyle. This is a moment to unfreeze what was rigorously things are set in stone. We have to re examine the priority across all of the economy and the government will have to lead us through the recovery phase. Lets make sure it isa recovery phase. Lets make sure it is a sensible step, making the economy more resilient in the future. A committee on Climate Change that the government needs to invest to make homes more energy efficient, decarbonise out transport and Energy System and to retrain workers for a low carbon world. Lockdown has given us a glimpse of a cleaner, greener world but we need to get the economy growing again. The challenge will be doing that in a way that locks in some of the low carbon habit we have all been learning. Justin rowlatt, bbc news. They were musics most unlikely double act but captain tom moore and singer, michael ball, captured the nations hearts with their version of youll never walk alone which reached number one in the charts. They recorded the song from their homes, after michael heard about captain toms fundraising for the nhs now the pair have met for the first time. It is so lovely to see you. It really is. Michael, it is an absolute surprise, i never expected to see you out of the blue and you just appeared from nowhere. Thank you very much for coming, it really is my greatest pleasure and i never ever expected to see you. And the honours keep on coming for captain tom, who has been awarded a prestigious gold blue peter badge. The badge is the shows highest accolade and famous recipients include the queen, Sir David Attenborough and mary berry. I think David Beckham has one as well. Only a handful are presented each year to outstanding individuals who are considered to be role models, inspiring the nations children. Captain tom we salute you is on bbc i tonight at 7 30. A special programme for you this evening. Following this extraordinary journey which evening. Following this extraordinaryjourney which i feel we have all been on. Just before easter. It seems like an eternity away now. And many, many millions of pounds as well. It united audiences. One of the things doctors are trying to understand about coronavirus is why it affects us all so differently. For many the symptoms are mild, but for others it is much more serious. And it seems that some People Struggle to shake off the symptoms, leaving them exhausted and anxious. Our Health Correspondent Dominic Hughes has been speaking to two people, felicity and david, about their experiences. I have suspected coronavirus. But i was not prepared for wasjust excruciating leg pains. It has been seven weeks now. That feeling of being so diminished and so weak. He came back on week four. In the fifth week of being ill, my partner had to call out amd. Week seven i relapsed again and had my third wave. Felicity has been living with suspected coronavirus. David, 42, living in bristol, has spent two months suffering setbacks. This is where i make sure i am keeping cutlery, bowls, separate. Davids world has shrunk to this room, self isolated to protect his wife and daughter. I have been eating and sleeping here away from my wife. Just when he thought he was Getting Better, he relapsed. Just knowing that people like me, who have experienced these waves on and off, because when it first got worse, it was quite a scary experience because i thought that you do not know whether that means you are going down, down, down, so it is quite scary to get worse after you thought you were Getting Better. When i was really ill, i was going up and down the stairs on my hands and knees. Felicity has also struggled in the weeks of illness have taken their toll. This entire experience of being sick and trying to recovering has been mentally overwhelming. The hardest part was, having got through the first ten days of being very sick and thinking i was Getting Better, things later getting much, much worse. I was experiencing such horrific abdominal pains that i was just calling out injust extreme agony. Neither felicity nor david had been tested but both were told by doctors they probably had the virus. They have also been reassured they are no longer infectious. The recovery has been slow. The slightest uphill slope is a real struggle. So much about the coronavirus is unknown, including why some experience relatively mild symptoms while otherwise Healthy People are left struggling for weeks. In many patients from other diseases recovering, you tend to see this waxing and waning stop you have good days and bad days. There is some evidence to suggest that the prolonged features are the bodys response to the infection rather than the infection persisting. The first week i started to keep a diary of symptoms. And now hope they are finally recovery, a return to normal family life stop my wife would bring my daughter to the window. Family life stop my wife would bring my daughter to the windowm family life stop my wife would bring my daughter to the window. It was lovely. Dominic hughes, bbc news. Gosh, do get in touch with us as well if you have had i think you had coronavirus. Tell us about your recovery, you know, there are people who go to hospital and people who are ok and people who have it for many weeks and may be months as well. We always have a gp on the programme and we have one in about 15 minutes time this morning. About a week ago, we had a gp who said some people have had persistent costs for six weeks, even after they think they have cleared the virus coughs. Lets take a look at todays papers. And well start on the Daily Telegraphs front page story, as weve been reporting this morning, one of the governments key advisers on coronavirus, professor Neil Ferguson, has resigned after he broke social distancing rules, to meet a woman. The daily mirror suggests the government has serious questions to answer as the uks death toll tops italy to become the worst in europe. Meanwhile, the latest figures have prompted calls for an inquiry into the uks handling of the pandemic, the guardian says. It quotes the chair of the British Medical Association who has described the death toll as concerning. And buzzfeed reports on an increase in the number of assaults on emergency workers during the Coronavirus Crisis. Theyve obtained leaked police data which suggests such assaults are up by 400 since march, when compared to the same period last year. So much is riding on what the Prime Minister says on sunday, because we know he is going to make a speech, dont we . And he will hopefully give indications on how were going to get out of the lockdown. And lots of papers continue throughout this week looking at what might happen. This is from the mail. Golf courses, tennis clubs and Fishing Lakes will be allowed to open next month, they say. They say ministers plans to relax lockdown restriction so some Outdoor Activities can resume in weeks. They are saying scientific experts believe it is harderfor the virus to spread when people are outdoors. So you would be happy about that . Ive got my golf clubs ready. I love swimming. And i have dreams about swimming, im desperate. You just dive in . Dreams about swimming, im desperate. Youjust dive in . Maybe open waters, i have no idea, but im just hoping. The announcement on sunday is really important, isnt it . Because there is a meeting on thursday and then we expect the announcement on sunday. And about vauxhall, new car sales are going down 90 . The economic crisis gripping britain, £35 million was that it gripping britain, £35 million was thatitis gripping britain, £35 million was that it is one of these is a new car nobody wants. Thank you very much. And what have we got here . This is the sun which appears to explode over the horizon in a haze of purple rain. Its not one picture, its actually 30 shots at 15 second intervals on a tripod mounted camera. Its purple, gold and pink, if you see here you can see a line of wheelie bins as well. The person who has taken it is mr nick lucas. He woke up very early, set this thing up to take the picture every now and again and snapped it through a roof window. The camera was propped up by a length of bamboo. That is quite beautiful this morning in the daily express. And the gardens are looking quite beautiful as well. This garden voted the best in britain is now looking better than ever thanks to the coronavirus lockdown. Tony, 71 and his wife marie, 72, have spent 38 years cramming what they call the four seasons plot with plants and flowers. They won awards but i suppose no one can go and look at it. We got a picture, its absolutely lovely, beautiful. It. We got a picture, its absolutely lovely, beautifullj it. We got a picture, its absolutely lovely, beautiful. I love it. And the back page of the papers, politics makes the back pages this morning, which is a rarity. Sally will be looking at this later this morning. The back page of the mirror, is the government actively encouraging the return of the premier league in mid june . Dominic raab says yes, it would lift the spirits of the nation. A major Conservation Charity has warned the 30 years of progress they have made in africa could be undone very quickly by coronavirus. The chief executive of tusk, an organisation supported by prince william, has told the bbc that the pandemic has seen a rise in animal poaching. Heres our environment correspondent, claire marshall. Scouring the vast plains of north west province, south africa. Scouring the vast plains of north west province, south africalj think we have done a call for a rhino that was broached. Nick runs nonprofit rhino 911. Rhino that was broached. Nick runs nonprofit rhino911. We hope to rescue it and take it to the orphanage. The calf is two months old, her mother was founded with her horn hacked off. She is sedated, her eyes bandaged to make the journey less traumatic. She is the fourth author and they have rescued in the last month. The pressure on africas wildlife is relentless and it is getting much worse. The Tourism Industry has collapsed. The vast numbers of people are losing their jobs and many are starting to poach for food. People are desperate. People are living on the breadline, battling to survive, just with basics. You know, i have taken in tenfold in reserves and parks. This is an income and living for people. Field ranges in kenya had out on patrol. This footage was filmed exclusively for the bbc. Its in a jewel in the crown of the tusk trust was that they are protecting some of the wells most endangered species. Prince william, a supporter of the charity, proposed here, but the charity, proposed here, but the charity could lose millions of pounds in support. This is the biggest that we have sent to the conservation weld on the 30 years i have been working in it. We have had real pressure from the illegal wildlife trade, and that is ongoing. Its a constant battle. The pandemic hasnt stopped International Criminal gangs. They have a motive, rhino horn is more valuable than gold or heroin, tempting for someone now out of a job. Covid19 is making the situation worse. They dont have an income and they want to try other things, poaching trainers, poaching elephants, selling trophies or there are living. Here in the uk, there are living. Here in the uk, there are fewer planes in the sky and cars on the roads, wildlife has been given a bit of a break. But the emerging situation around the world isa emerging situation around the world is a lot more bleak. It costs a lot of money to protect these creatures from humans. That money is now drying up. Claire marshall, bbc news. Well, back in february we brought you the story of a group of people with multiple sclerosis who were working with the royal ballet on a special production about what it means to live with the condition. Like many events, its been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. But rehearsals are continuing online, as breakfasts tim muffett reports. It was already a remarkable project. 15 people with multiple sclerosis, creating a ballet to be performed at londons royal opera house. It would convey the realities of the neurological condition that can make walking, talking in movement difficult. But then came the pandemic, lockdown, and an end to the project. I was absolutely bereft. I had put so much energy into the rehearsals. But the choreographer had other ideas. Into the rehearsals. But the choreographer had other ideaslj believe everything is possible and i dont believe in no. Because we are all in our homes and can get a bit shrunk, whats great about ballet is about expanding and reaching and finding geometry and space. Rehearsals are continuing online every saturday. So, what are the advantages to rehearsing this way . Well, in zoom you see different possibilities. We started making relationships with all of the people in the boxes, and that has been fun. Contract your torso im on my own here, and contract your torso im on my own here, and i can film it was that it is weird. Even though i know it is being recorded on zoom, no one is watching me. I can explore my movements, so it doesnt matter if my leg doesnt work or if i kind of miss it or it doesnt look right. And i feel like im understanding dance more this way. Move your arms, turn your torso back. What impact has this had on you . It has certainly given me a reason to get up certainly given me a reason to get up in the morning. Itsjust a wonderful way to express ourselves and to be connected and to be moving. Im glad it had the opportunity to put on a performance, i wouldnt have been able to have done otherwise. About 130,000 people are living with multiple sclerosis in the uk, it is a lifelong condition. Symptoms can vary hugely from person to person. Condition. Symptoms can vary hugely from persontoperson. Were so thrilled the ballet project has continued through lockdown. There is loneliness and isolation and people with multiple sclerosis experience that every day but that is amplified during a time like this. The ms society has launched a keep in Touch Service for those struggling with isolation. For this group, the rehearsals continue. It is hoped an online performance will happen in coming weeks. Tim muffett, bbc news. What is amazing as all of these things we didnt think were possible have just because we cant be together, we have learned to do things in different ways. The online world has expanded quite a lot, hasnt it . Matt, a most beautiful moon this morning, and you have sunshine, too . Fantastic. Yes, a superman tomorrow morning, and in fa ct, superman tomorrow morning, and in fact, the lower moon, it is cold. Its spring and it is a season where we could see some drastic turnaround in weather conditions. That is certainly the case later this week and we can. Friday, ve day, could see temperatures in the high teens are even 25 degrees. But here comes that turnaround as we go through the weekend. A rush of cold, arctic air coming down from the north taking us through saturday night into sunday, so by sunday many of us will be struggling to get to just double figures. So, its going to be a big wardrobe change on the way for later this week. This morning, though, even though things were warm up later its a chilly start. Rust on the ground here in suffolk, but while some of you wake up to a frosty start, it is a sunny start by and large. Patchy cloud across some parts of east yorkshire, lincolnshire, some cloud towards cornwall with one or two showers today, nowhere near as collier as well as yesterday and fairly grey across shetland. Nowhere near as cold as yesterday. Strong sunshine to finish and temperatures rising relative to recent days even across the eastern coast. It will be warmer with the onshore breeze. They find ends of the day does make a fine a fine enter the day, but one or two showers in may be cornwall or the west of wales, later, Northern Ireland as well. Clear skies further east and another cool night, a touch of frost possible but not as low as the nightjust gone. And into friday we will see some low carb just its way northwards across the country and that will bring just a chance of some grey skies in the west. Especially in the coast. A few showers here and there, parts of Northern Ireland, western scotland especially, but as temperatures rise throughout the day because england and wales we could see a few sharp, thundery ones. Most will be dry, most will be warm, certainly feeling a little bit more humid out there with temperatures climbing into the low 20s. For friday weve got a bit more in the way of thicker cloud across the north of scotland with a few showers around. That brings a start of a change here but elsewhere another day of some mist and low cloud to begin with sub sunshine breaking through and that here can attempt is across the southeast, 25 degrees. Still in the low teens, high teens, may be, across parts of southern scotland, but as we go through friday night and then into the weekend we gradually see this cold front was its way southwards, bringing some outbreaks of rain across the country. Just look at the temperature drop across the country as well, we will see them drop by 12 degrees in one or two spots as we head into sunday. Dan and louise, if you snow showers in north east scotland. Good morning, and welcome to breakfast, with dan walker and louise minchin. Our headlines today. What should we do with our dr Saad Al Dubbaisi during lockdown . We will find out how businesses are cashing in on the crisis. What should we do with our hair during lockdown . We will also have a special documentary about captain tom. That is on tonight and we will speak to michael ball about that ahead of the programme. They had a lovely sunny day for that catch up. Here is a summary of the main stories. One of the governments key coronavirus advisers, whose work prompted the lockdown, has quit his post for breaking social distancing rules. The chancellor is looking to review the governments furlough scheme that has supported workers staying at home during the coronavirus outbreak. There are concerns over the cost of the programme with the latest figures showing more than 6 Million People are having up to 80 of their salary paid by the treasury and that is at a cost of £8 billion. In the us, which has seen the worlds deadliest outbreak, donald trump says the white house is switching its focus to reviving the countrys economy. During a visit to a mast manufacturing plant in arizona mr trump said the need to get people back to work out where the threat of more deaths. The us has 1. 2 million Coronavirus Infections are more than 70,000 related deaths. This r questions on coronavirus with the help ofa gp. Today were joined by dr fari ahmad who joins us from wilmslow. Everybody was shook up, the door is locked. We have just had a piece on brea kfast locked. We have just had a piece on breakfast talking about recovery from coronavirus. We have often heard about people going into hospital and really badly affected. Others who sometimes have hardly any symptoms at all. Today we have heard from people who seem to have symptoms for a long time. Is that something you are seeing . Yes, we are certainly seeing that. There is are certainly seeing that. There is a spectrum of how people are recovering from it. Some people, like you say, have been quite ill, they have been in intensive care and then they come back out, and you would expect them to take a long time to recover. But there are some people who have not been l enough that need to go into hospital. Their symptoms seem to be lingering on four weeks and the recovery is very slow and sometimes they step back and then they move on. It is a new disease. We are still learning about it. We are certainly seeing that. What sort of things are they continuing to suffer from . Fitted. Often they will find that thing is that they could run around and do, it takes them a bit longer to do and they need to nap and rest a bit more. Sometimes it is the cough will persist and carry on for a period of time. There is some skin symptoms and other symptoms that they notice and other symptoms that they notice a little bit more, and sometimes they feel like they are on the road to recovery and then they will hit the wall and they will go back and develop more symptoms. So we are seeing a spectrum of that. There are some people who seem to be unwell for a few days and then they seem to recover quickly. So, we are learning all of the time as we are getting to know these patients. Yes, how do you help to treat those patients who have those ongoing symptoms for some weeks . It is hard, a lot of it is to try to make sure it is just the coronavirus that is causing it. There is no other underlying issues that could be attributed to those symptoms. Sometimes it is trying to organise an investigation or some treatments for them. Trying to help them understand what is going on and you monitor what is going on. So, we are all feeling our way through this are all feeling our way through this a little bit. But, yes, they are recovering, but they are taking longer than we would expect. What should people, they are feeling like that, do to help themselves . Pace yourself. For a long time, we have had no time for convalescence, lets get better and get back to work. Patient self and make sure you are not putting too much into things straightaway. Be kind to yourself, build up your exercise slowly, make sure you are eating well, and just have people who live with you, make sure they keep an eye out for you. As long as your temperature has gone and overall you are progressing those are all reassuring signs. Katie wright says, if i have already had coronavirus, have i developed immunity . This is a question that we return to quite a few times. What do you think . With most other viruses, we know that when you encounter it in your immune system builds up an immune response, you are less likely to succumb to it. Coronavirus is new and we know that people, when we measure antibodies, they have antibodies. Does that then mean that you are immune to it . We still dont know for sure. There are various different report suggesting, yes, and something that some people might have had it again. We dont know yet. If you have had it and you think you are safe, i wouldnt take extra risks and i would be careful, i would keep my distance socially, until we know exactly what that means. And hutchings says, if someone goes to hospital with pneumonia, while they put their any coronavirus or just pneumonia, while they put their any coronavirus orjust in case . It would depend upon their initial diagnosis. With pneumonia there would be other things they would be looking for and it would depend on the investigations. They would usually do a swap. Based on that, they would decide where to produce. Sometimes the swabs of people can be negative. It is notjust one static decision, it would vary on what your results are showing, and other things like that. One of the things that has come out this week is that the uk is one of the most anxious countries about the effects of coronavirus. There is a lot of anxiety about people going onto public transport and going back to work, is that something can see . We are seeing an increasing toll on the Mental Health of people. We see that on the coast that we are getting and the contacts we are having with people. I think it is hard because there is uncertainty about it and people arent sure how to take the steps to move on and try and get to a somewhat normal life. And i think pa rt a somewhat normal life. And i think part of it is going to be understanding what is going on and what putting yourself at risk for. And trying to follow the best advice you can. But i think having to go and use public transport would make me feel anxious as well. So i do understand. I appreciate your time, thank you very much indeed. Thank you. Thank you for your questions. We do that every day at this time in the morning. If you have anything that about you are with love you to get in touch and we can ask your doctor about that. You can find us on social media and we read out as many as we can. Sally is here this morning, what are you talking about today . Good morning, it is official, we know that the government is right behind the return of sport. Dominic raab, the foreign secretary said that the restart would lift the spirits of the nation. They are in talks at the moment with the premier league and we are starting to learn a little bit more about the risks of it on and how the clubs are going to manage them. Take Crystal Palace for instance. Their manager roy hodgson is the oldest in the league at 72. He is currently classed as high risk. That is something that the clu b risk. That is something that the club will have to think about. The players have been spoken to about returning to the club and what that would mean. The chairman mr parish has said that no one would be forced to play. Under the current circumstances, you wouldnt want to do that. I think people need the whole situation explain to them. They must understand the risks. After the Public Health crisis, which, you know, is the most important thing, it would be a dereliction of duty if we were not planning to try to get our business up planning to try to get our business up and running. But absolutely, the safety of players must come first, andindeed safety of players must come first, and indeed the staff as well. So, what exactly is it like for the players who are already back in training . Theyve been working individually, and manager mikel arteta who has recovered from the disease himself says that their rules are very strict. The players have to arrive five minutes before the session, in their own car, with their own clothes, with their own water, with their own ball, with their own protein bar for afterwards. They hit the pitch and it is one player per pitch, nothing else. They dont approach each other, they dont even look at each other, they dont have any fitness coaches, they have the programme. They hit the ground running. They finish in one hour, they have a go to their carand their house. We just want to look after our players to be safe. Well, Football Players continue to do their bit to support front line workers. The england mens team have made a significant donation to Nhs Charities together. The womens team have already donated to the fund alongside premier League Players. The scotland mens and womens teams have also made a substancial donation. Rafa nadal says hes already written off the whole of the 2020 tennis season. We know that wimbledons already been cancelled, but tennis bosses still plan to hold the us open and the french open later this year. Nadals told a paper back home in spain that hes more concerned about the Australian Open which starts injanuary next year. And before i go, lets have a look at how you keep yourself fit at home if youre a professional Mountain Bike rider. This is a guy called fabio wibmer at his home in austria. Helping out with the washing. Getting in the way of breakfast. And interrupting his partners quiet yoga session. And hes even got a trick shot up his sleeve. That is not an edit, that really happened he has admitted though that it took him more than 700 goes to get the ball in the basket. Lots of people have been doing these fa ncy lots of people have been doing these fancy tricks. There was a golf trick shot the guy who showed you all of the attempts that he made, he was trying to knock a ball between two pieces of concrete and into a beer cup which was only rotating bike wheel. It took him most of the day to do it but he showed all of the attem pts to do it but he showed all of the attempts before it went on. So impressive. We have got quite a lot of time on our hands, well, some of us have if that happened to me while i was doing yoga, i would be so cross do not try that at home thank you, sally. The time is 6 43am. It is wednesday morning. Despite us watching more tv and wanting to consume more news, its a difficult time for many tv channels and newspapers. Seans taking a look. Good morning to you both. Good morning, everybody. It seems like it should be a great time for the tv channels and the papers that are giving us the news that we want to consume, but it doesnt quite work like that. We will hear from itv this morning about how advertising reve nu es this morning about how advertising revenues are trying to start to affect their businesses. We are looking at how our viewing habits have changed in recent weeks. If we look overall, we are actually watching 79 minutes more of tv, staring at our tv screens at these, every single day, and half of that is made up of streaming, which includes a gaming as well, and that has been a big adjustment. It doesnt mean that all of that tv watching is for tv channels, but looking at the traditional broadcasters of bbc, channel four, idv, audience figures are up by nearly a quarter compared to this time last year. But the problem lies ina lot time last year. But the problem lies in a lot of those advertising reve nu es in a lot of those advertising revenues for particular commercial channels. Itv. Customer is not able to get out and about and spend, so Advertising Sales to those businesses are down, they have dropped across the board and the industry is saying that tv advertising in particular is likely to be down by nearly one fifth this year. And if you then look at the newspaper industry, you have a similar story. The story of advertising struggles and people moving online and paper is not necessarily having pay walls to make up necessarily having pay walls to make upfor necessarily having pay walls to make up for that was in advertising revenue. That is one that is continuing right now. Making a bit ofa continuing right now. Making a bit of a perfect storm, circulation remains key to many papers across the country. National, local, regional papers. And, of course, so many of those new stands, so many retailers that would ordinarily sell them are closed. We caught up with them are closed. We caught up with the editor for news quest and lancashire and Greater Manchester, many regional newspapers under his watch, and he told us how the crisis is starting to affect him out his tea m is starting to affect him out his team and his business. While demand for our services and demand for news for this awful crisis is greater than ever, revenues which sustain our ability to do this in the future, are under a bigger threat than they ever have been. Circulation revenue for newspapers is down a third because people cannot get to the shops the same way. Long standing advertisers are pulling their adverts, putting them on hold as they tighten their belts. The government is putting some money into regional advertising ina bid some money into regional advertising in a bid to help. That is a drop in the ocean. What we have done is we have asked our readers through a new Digital Subscription Service to help support local newspapers. I do not wa nt support local newspapers. I do not want to make it about my titles, it is about the industry and the future of local news, we are re evaluating what is important to them and what value they put on putting a local voice alive for a long time into the future. We have heard the government put in some support for local and regional newspapers around the country but it is that battle further advertising revenue that itv will update us on. It will give us a clue that what kind of investments will happen in the content we like watching and reading every day. Will happen in the content we like watching and reading every daym is going to have an impact. Thank you very much. Lots of us are struggling with our lockdown hair after hairdressers and barbers closed for business, but a bbc investigation has found some are flouting the rules. Some shops in kent and sussex were offering appointments and even doubling their prices, as Colin Campbell reports. Barbers, like many businesses, they have been banned from opening, to stop the spread of covid 19. But we have discovered not all are adhering to the lockdown laws. Hi, im trying to find somebody to get my haircut. Five oclock, is ok . Five oclock, to the shop, yeah . Yeah. We have to sit down in the kitchen because i want to be private, i dont want anybody to see you because because it will be a problem for me. Just phoning to see if you would be willing to cut my hair . What, today . Yes, please. I am busy till saturday, only sunday. I am busy today, tomorrow. Sunday, im free. So, obviously they are seeing quite a few clients. That is interaction with quite a few different people who also may therefore be interacting with other people, and this alljust gives any person who may be infected and asymptomatic the option to spread the virus quite rapidly. Only a few of the barbers i spoke to showed any real concern for the dangers posed by the virus. Do you want me to wear a mask or take any other safety precautions . I dont care. For me, i dont believe in this coronavirus or whatever. For me, it doesnt matter. Responding to our investigation, celebrity hairdresser nicky clarke told me he was disappointed but not surprised. Well, i think its wrong. The fact of the matter is that they are not putting into place anything that could even justify their behaviour. In total, i phoned 50 barbers. 19 agreed to cut my hair. 12 declined. 19 didnt answer my call, but many who did admitted they had increased their prices, seemingly cashing in on the crisis. For those responsible barbers abiding by the law, now financially suffering, there is understandable frustration. It just makes me angry, to be honest. The fact that people are still profiting from this. Yeah, itjust makes me really angry. Really angry. Controlling the virus has taken the hard work and sacrifice of many. It is the irresponsible actions of a few that could jeopardise that. Colin campbell, bbc news. Let us know what you think. I have been trying to book an appointment, obviously i do not know when it will open. In the first week when they do open. In the first week when they do open. My wife had a hack round the back. She made one of those nights is ten seconds in. I do not know what it looks like. I do not want to say anything. It is ten minutes to seven. Good morning. Labour is calling for a plan to help support poorer communities and tackle the Hidden Health effects, such as Mental Health, of the coronavirus pandemic. Lets get more on this now from the Shadow Health and social care secretary jonathan ashworth. Good morning. Lovely to speak to you on the programme. Can we start with the story on the first page of many of the papers, professor ferguson. How can the general public be expected to follow official advice when Something Like this happens . What happens and someones private life, i do not want to get into that. We should all be following the social distancing rules, it is vital that we all do what we can to suppress this virus. It spreads with speed and severity and the fact that we have got the highest death rate in europe, one of the highest death rates depending on how you measure it, it shows you how we all need to be electric, do all we can to defeat this virus. Does it show the difficulty of trying to maintain that lockdown message, though . The lockdown is difficult for a lot of people. That is one of the issues i am talking about today. It is causing unquantifiable Mental Health problems. There could be people trapped in small flats with an abusive partner. We know if you are ina big abusive partner. We know if you are in a big house with a garden, the lockdown is probably easier. If you are ina lockdown is probably easier. If you are in a overcrowded house with a multi generalfamily, you are in a overcrowded house with a multi general family, you are are in a overcrowded house with a multi generalfamily, you are more at risk. If you look at poverty in this country which means you are more likely to have heart disease, you are more likely to die from cancers and respiratory diseases, my worry is that covid 19 will make these Health Inequalities in society worse. I am calling on the government to have a plan to tackle these Health Inequalities so we do not see these widening gaps in life outcomes. What would that look like . Because we know we are seeing a disproportionate number of deaths in poorer areas, and in disproportionate number of deaths in poorerareas, and in our disproportionate number of deaths in poorer areas, and in our black and ethnic minority communities, i think testing and tracing which is now being rolled out, we can target it more in those areas. But also as the nhs resets itself, what i mean by thatis nhs resets itself, what i mean by that is we see admissions of covid coming down. Some of the procedures that have been delayed like cancer therapies, elective operations that have been delayed, i think the nhs will need more resources to build that back up again so we do not have this growing and growing and growing. The reason that a significant is because people in poorer areas already have worst Health Condition so we need that money going into the nhs now so we can improve their health outcomes. We have spoken a lot about testing over the last few weeks, we saw the chief medical officer peaking talking about testing and those decisions made about testing and saying that if they had been more capacity in the system then maybe things would have been slightly differently. What did you make of that . I thought that was a startling admission because i having calling for testing, tracing for weeks and weeks and weeks now. The government said it was not part of their strategy. Yesterday it admitted that it did not have capacity. We went into this after ten years of running down our Public Health services and cutting them back. We did not have the live capacity but a lot of us we re the live capacity but a lot of us were saying that other countries are putting more into testing, other countries are using their University La bs countries are using their University Labs and other pharmaceutical institutions. Why cant we . The government changed tack and went down that road and that is how they have increased the testing numbers which is welcomed. But a lot of Public Health experts and doctors and Health Experts were putting this point to the Government Back in march when they decided to move away from the testing and tracing strategy. I know you have been talking a lot in the past few weeks when we have spoken to you about working constructively with the government. Your leader keir starmer has said the same. Bearing in mind what you have just told us, has said the same. Bearing in mind what you havejust told us, are has said the same. Bearing in mind what you have just told us, are you more prepared to criticise Public Policy now . A lot of people feel we we re policy now . A lot of people feel we were too slow to go into lockdown, a lot of people feel we were too slow to get the protective equipment to a front line nhs staff and a lot of people feel we were too slow to get testing develop. I also think we have been too slow to get tracing ready, the next phase of how we tackle the virus. We are making those points not to score a point that they are reasonable questions. When you see are death rate is now the highest in europe, or on a different calculation the highest number of excess deaths, then people do expect answers and want to know why for example we allowed the liverpool and Atletico Madrid game to go ahead. Yesterday the advisers are now saying we imported many cases from spain and italy early on in march, that was when the government was still allowed football matches like that to still go ahead. These are reasonable questions because they are questions about what is next, will be checked people in airports, asking people to self isolate and quarantine at airports. Government need to give us some answers on that front. On the tracing side of things, we spoke to the Health Secretary yesterday about the Health Secretary yesterday about the new app on the isle of wight which has been trialled there. Will you be downloading that onto your phone . I will be downloading it because we want to see it succeed although there are lots of questions whether it will succeed, privacy questions being resolved. To successfully deliver the tracing service which we need, we need boots on the ground. You need local government, Public Health experts, environMental Health experts, we need to use our expertise in primary Public Health services. They have got experienced, many of those, and there is. I want to see those mobilised because then people will make this a success in the end. I dont want to seek contracts handed out to circle ng for us. We have got good expertise in primary care. Out to circle ng for us. We have got good expertise in primary carelj wa nt to good expertise in primary carelj want to come back to something you said earlier about Mental Health. A doctor last week said that they feel Mental Health issues will have a longer and more Significant Impact then the virus itself in the months and years ahead. Do you agree i think that is right. I think those grappling with an addiction problem, those are exacerbated by this lockdown. We need to do this lockdown. We need to do this lockdown to deal with covid. It is important to suppress covid because it is such a horrific disease. We need to be careful the lockdown does not create other lot Term Health Problems where people have long term illness or lose their lives. It is about that people are not going to a e. We think that people going to a e. We think that people going to a e heart attacks has dropped. I think people feel they need to stay away from hospitals, they have got kids in the chest and ignoring it, ultimately putting their lives at risk long term are doing long term damage to themselves. All these things need to be looked at. We need to plan for covid and we need a plan for the Long Term Health implications of the lockdown and that means often people in poorer areas becoming sicker and we need to put our resources in that direction. Thank you for spending some time with as on breakfast. We will be speaking to the security minister later. It is just coming speaking to the security minister later. It isjust coming up speaking to the security minister later. It is just coming up for eight oclock. Time to look at the weather. Good morning. A temperature roller coaster on the way. On friday up roller coaster on the way. On friday up to the mid 20s in some spots. Later we are seeing temperatures 12 or 13 degrees cooler. Some snow flurries in scotland as well. Our nod to enter this morning is some frost around. Sunshine overhead for many and temperatures on the rise compared with recent days. Ploughed through today in the south west of england and some heavy showers across to cornwall. More cloud across to cornwall. More cloud across the Orkney Islands and shetland. Blue skies elsewhere and it will be a warmer day than yesterday, temperatures in the eastern coast rising to 19, 20 at this highest. This evening and overnight, cloud and shetland and cloud rising in the western fringes of the uk, misty in places and showers to the west of cornwall and the far west of wales. A few showers into Northern Ireland later on tonight. Not as chilly as last night, some frost on these eastern districts. High pressure is methods for the end of the week but as it eases away we bring in warmer air to ta ke eases away we bring in warmer air to take us through the next few days. Going into thursday, more cloud and mist and fog around on the coast in the west and a few showers through the west and a few showers through the day. The odd one with the rumble of thunder through them. Sunniest towards southern and eastern parts of the country and it is here temperatures will rise into the low 20s more widely and it is even warmer into friday. We have the headlines next. Good morning, and welcome to breakfast, with dan walker and louise minchin. Our headlines today. One of the governments key coronavirus advisers, whose work prompted the lockdown, has quit his post for breaking social distancing rules. The uk has now recorded the highest number of coronavirus deaths in europe, overtaking italy. In the us, which has seen the worlds deadliest outbreak, donald trump says the white house is switching its focus to reviving the countrys economy. We are going to put out little embers and little fires, and maybe some big fires, but we still have to go back to work. The tough reality for our tv. As the industry expects some of the biggest falls in advertising ever, itv will say how that will impact the programmes it makes. Restarting sport would lift the spirits of the nation. Thats the governments view, as we learn more about how premier league clubs plan to keep their players safe. They broughtjoy to millions with their Charity Number one single, now captain tom moore and michael ball get together for the first time. Thank you very much for coming. It really is my greatest pleasure. Aw i never, ever expected to see you. Its wednesday 6th may. Our top story. One of the governments leading coronavirus scientists whose advice led to the uk lockdown has resigned after he breached social distancing guidelines. Professor Neil Ferguson quit following reports that a woman, said to be his married lover visited his home on at least two occasions. Yesterday the uk overtook italy to record the highest number of virus deaths in europe. Jon donnison has the latest. Applause. The peak of this crisis may be passing, but those on the front line are still dying. In bury, hundreds came out to pay their respects to dr Saad Al Dubbaisi. The 59 year old local gp, originally from iraq, described as a loving and compassionate father and husband, had worked in the town for 20 years. He died at the weekend after contracting the virus. Meanwhile, in a new online video, the government is urging people to stick to the lockdown. But it comes amid awkward headlines in todays Daily Telegraph, with one of borisjohnsons key scientific advisers having to step down from his government role. The paper reported that Niall Ferguson had flouted social distancing rules when his married lover visited his home on two occasions. In a statement, the professor said he had made an error ofjudgment. It was his mathematical modelling that showed the scale of the epidemic in the uk, which led to the government transforming its policy and the way we live our lives. In terms of numbers, another 693 coronavirus deaths have been reported in the last 2a hours in all settings. There have now been a total of 29,427 fatalities in the uk. That is higher than anywhere else in europe, overtaking italy. But italy has a slightly smaller overall population, and the government here says it could be months before full global comparisons can be made. In terms of the comparison that you are suggesting, as the scientists have all said i can remember Patrick Vallance and chris whitty talking about this i dont think we will get a real verdict on how well countries have done until the pandemic is over, and particularly until we have got comprehensive International Data on all cause mortality. Applause. And amid all the grim news, some remarkable tales of survival. A round of applause for 98 year old alice atkins, discharged from King George Hospital in east london after beating covid 19. Jon donnison, bbc news. We can speak now to our political correspondent, nick eardley. Nick how difficult will this resignation be for the government . Good morning, louise. Firstly it is a big embarrassment for the government. To have a man who was at the heart of your Decision Making and helped influence that decision to go into lockdown in the first place, flouting the rules, it is not a good look. Some tory mps have said it risks undermining the governments stay at home message. Professor fergusons argument was that he thought he was immune because he had had the disease. He tested positive, but he admits now he has made a mistake and has quit that kier group, which also means that kier group, which also means that the government is not going to have the advice of one of the top thinkers in this field. Professor ferguson was well respected when it came to modelling these sort of crises, and he will not be in that top group now. Key group. It is embarrassing but also a blow to the top Advisory Group of the government. And later today the Prime Minister will face labour leader keir starmerfor Prime Minister will face labour leader keir starmer for the first time. We have heard from the labour party recently there and they have lots of questions, dont they . Yes, it will be interesting to hear from keir starmer, it will be interesting to hear from keirstarmer, and it will be interesting to hear from keir starmer, and breakfast yesterday he said he wants more details from the government, not necessarily when we will get out of lockdown, but a timetable as to when the government will make a decision so the government will make a decision so that we can look at what we are looking for. What might lead to some restrictions being brought back in the future or restrictions being lifted. That will feature heavily i would expect in pmqs when Boris Johnson and keir starmer meet for the first time. Thank you very much for that. Theresa may has criticised the response of World Leaders to the pandemic. The former Prime Minister said it was being treated as a National Issue for countries to deal with alone, and there was little evidence of nations co operating. The Airline Virgin Atlantic has said it will cut more than 3,000 staff as a result of the turmoil in the industry caused by the economic shutdown. It currently employs around 10,000 people. Many airlines have been struggling after Global Travel was brought to a virtual standstill. President trump says the White House Coronavirus task force will be winding down within weeks, as the focus shifts to reviving the economy. During a visit to a mask manufacturing plant in arizona, mr trump said the need to get people back to work outweighed the threat of more deaths. Our north american correspondent peter bowes reports. A rare trip out of washington for donald trump. After being holed up at the white house during the pandemic, the president toured a factory in phoenix thats making medical grade face masks. Like the executives he met, he chose not to wear one, only safety goggles. According to a sign in the facility, staff there are required to wear face masks. During his visit to arizona, a state which will be a key Battle Ground in novembers president ial election, mr trump confirmed that the Coronavirus Task force was winding down. The group has been co ordinating the us response to covid 19. We are going to put out little embers and little fires, and maybe some big fires, but we still have to go back to work. The sobering projection comes as more states are beginning to ease their stay at home orders with people going back to work at some shops and nonessential businesses in about half the country. In an interview with abc news, mr trump acknowledged that more lives could be lost as a result of relaxing the guidelines. Its possible there will be some because you wont be locked into an apartment or a house or whatever it is, but at the same time, were going to practice social distancing, were going to be washing hands, were going to be doing a lot of the things that weve learned to do over the last period of time, and we have to get our country back. Mr trump also noted that some people were dying because of the economic stress of the shutdown by abusing drugs or committing suicide. Horns toot. He said reopening the economy would not be perfect, thered be new outbreaks of the virus, but america had to get back to work. Germany is expected to announce a further relaxation of restrictions today when chancellor Angela Merkel meets state leaders. The country has been in lockdown for six weeks but theres growing pressure to reopen the economy as the infection rate continues to fall. Our correspondent jenny hill is in berlin. A significant moment, jenny. Yes, i think you are correct. When you go and have a look at the papers this morning, there is a sense of excitement in the air, and that is because the infection rates in germany have been falling significantly for a number of weeks. They dont appear to have been impacted by some of the relaxation of restrictions we have experienced so of restrictions we have experienced so far. For example, the reopening of small shops, some religious Services Starting up again, museums reopening and so on. Angela merkel today has a big meeting and she has been under pressure from those 16 regional leaders who are impatient to get their local economy started again. So impatient many have published their plans ahead of the meeting. But by and large, it is expected that after this afternoons meeting, mrs merkel will announce a return to as near normality as can be expected in these times. Hotels, restaurants, pubs, gradually starting to reopen, children going back to school. It is thought by and large all of them before the summer holidays. But that all comes with a caveat and this morning we have seen the Health Minister on breakfast tv here saying, look, the pandemic is not yet over. So people will still have to wear face masks when using public transport, when they go shopping, and germanys professional Football League is expected to begin again but games will be played behind closed doors, they have called them ghost games. There will bea called them ghost games. There will be a ban on large public gatherings, thatis be a ban on large public gatherings, that is in force until at least the late summer. There is also a warning on international travel, that is in place until the middle ofjune, but there is no talk here about the potential tourism possibilities in other parts of europe, for example, for germany holiday makers. It feels like things are starting to shift here, but at the same time, from Angela Merkel, there is the sense of caution as well. They will keep a close eye on those infection rates, and it is up to the regional leaders to decide when the ease restrictions. It is also up to them to keepa restrictions. It is also up to them to keep a lid on those infection rates. If they start to go above a certain limit, and localities, those regions will be expected to reimpose restrictions. Thank you very much, jenny, for that clear picture of what is happening in germany. Jenny hill speaking live from berlin. They were musics most unlikely double act but captain tom moore and singer michael ball captured the nations hearts with their version of youll never walk alone which reached number one in the charts. They recorded the song from their homes after michael heard about captain toms fundraising for the nhs now the pair have met for the first time. It is so lovely to see you. Thank you. It really is. And, michael, it is an absolute surprise. I never expected to see you out of the blue, and you just appeared from nowhere. Thank you very much for coming. It really is my greatest pleasure. Aw i never, ever expected to see you. So lucky, they had a lovely, sunny day for that as well and the honours keep on coming for captain tom, who has been awarded a prestigious gold blue peter badge. The badge is the shows highest accolade and famous recipients include the queen, Sir David Attenborough and mary berry. Only a handful are presented each year to outstanding individuals who are considered to be role models, inspiring the nations children. He has certainly done that. They we re he has certainly done that. They were handed over by his grandchildren there, just in case you were wondering. Captain tom we salute you is on bbc one tonight at 7. 30. Nearly £33 million raised, extraordinary. Yes, initial £1000. What journey he has extraordinary. Yes, initial £1000. Whatjourney he has been on. Pulling their own teeth out and using makeshift fillings are just some of the Desperate Measures people are taking to treat tooth problems during lockdown. Weve been hearing stories from some viewers whove been in pain for weeks, because theyre not able to access emergency care. Lets take a listen. Well, i had a root canal work done sometime last year, and in the early pa rt of sometime last year, and in the early part of this year i started to experience some pain. The pain returned and i went back to the dentist who undertook the work. Sadly, that coincided with the lockdown. The only thing that she was able to do was prescribe antibiotics. Well, here we are seven weeks on, i am still in pain and i am experiencing side effects. Personally speaking, i am on my third lot of antibiotics and various pain medications. I am not classed as severe enough to get access through to one of the emergency hoppers. I know that there are hundreds of us in the same position. We are the grey area people. There is nowhere for us to go. For me, i made many calls to 111, and it became quite a frustrating process, really full stop lots of different advice from different people. I have an abscess on my tooth, i think, quite a swelling on my gum. I would consider that an emergency, but that did not appear to be the case. We can speak now to eddie crouch, Vice President of the british dental association, and dentist dr kunal patel. Thank you very much forjoining us. Those stories are really terrible for people. What sorts of things are you hearing . It is a daily occurrence, five to ten patients in my size of clinic a day. It is really upsetting. The last time i was on the show was six weeks ago. We were asked to stop physical treatment with outpatients and triage over the telephone. U nfortu nately triage over the telephone. Unfortunately then stood like dentistry has not bounced back since then. As most people know, you never go to the dentist without wearing proper ppe, gloves, visors. Ithink it is sad every day to hear these patients suffering, knowing that we can patients suffering, knowing that we ca n safely patients suffering, knowing that we can safely treat these patients and especially if they are taking dentistry into their own hands. There are large risks associated with that. Eddie, what are your major areas of concern for the dental industry at the moment . The big concern is what dentistry will look like going forwards. Many of my colleagues rely really on a mixture of nhs and private treatment to subsidise care for their they patients. Really the support for private practice is really worrying at the moment and my concern is what the nhs will have to put up with following this virus problem that we have, because many nhs practices we re have, because many nhs practices were struggling before this and if many private practices go out of business, i am many private practices go out of business, lam really many private practices go out of business, i am really worried for the service that will be there for patients in the future. You mean not being able to get appointments, fewer dental practices around and assist them, if you have got their money, you will get the care but wa nt money, you will get the care but want otherwise . Well. It is such a complex situation really. Dentistry, going forwards, we will be able to see far fewer patients with their cross infection procedures that we need to carry out. Dentistry will become more expensive for the government to deliver through the nhs and it will become more expensive for my colleagues in private practice to deliver. We need help and support now to make sure those practices survive. If someone has got a problem, they are meant to be able to go and get emergency treatment, is it happening . Yes. If we imagine 10,000 to 12,000 dental practices were shut down. There were some that were opening up and we we re some that were opening up and we were hopeful that a lot more would open up. We have an estimate about 200 for the entire england population. Unfortunately that will not be sufficient. When we are getting these calls every day, i do not know if you have tooth pain, to be told your tooth pain is not severe enough and the only thing we can do is advise painkillers and antibiotics which we know most likely will not help, is quite frustrating for you as a patient in pain to be told your pain isnt sufficient enough, however, you are safe to go and see your local ta keaway safe to go and see your local takeaway shop for a takeaway. Your dentist who is ground and protected and has always had the best levels of ppe and cross infection is a norm, isnt available to you. And you maybe have to be triage approximately three times down the chain to be possibly seen by an urgent dental care hard. It is getting to the point where there is highly skilled professionals like myself, in our tunics, trying to make ourselves we are doing the right thing on the phone. When we know deep down we could be doing a lot more. My own dental nurse yesterday broke her tooth and is pregnant at the moment. It is sad to know she has to stay in pain and suffer even though me and her no that quite safely we could provide the treatment for about the law stating that we cannot. A lot of people know about that pain. The last time i cried was when i had an a bscess. Last time i cried was when i had an abscess. And it was a time when you could get Emergency Dental care. Eddie, on those provision of Emergency Dental hubs, is that functioning . In some parts of the country, yes, in some parts of the country, yes, in some parts of the country, no. It has been based on how easy it has been easy to set them up and how easy to get the ppe. Most of my colleagues have got most of the ppe but are missing one essential item so it limits what they can offer. Many of those colleagues do not have that. The Prime Minister we know well be making a speech on sunday. We do not know what will be in that speech but are you hoping that there will be, we may be able to get back to dentists for example . Absolutely. Many of my colleagues are desperate to get back and help patients, that is what we do. We look after our patients and that is what we want to do but we want to do it safely and we want to do it safely not only for us and our staff but also for the patients coming through the practice. Kunal, are you hearing more about patients taking things into their own hands . Yes. We have heard about a man who removed his own truth. We understood we close down clinics further better good of the nation, we had to stay home at that moment in time, protect the nhs and save lives. Time has passed, we are over the peak, i do not think people are concerned if they have to travel. It was never the concern of people being treated in our clinics, it was more travelling to our clinics. I know in our clinics, aerosols have been there forever and as dental clinicians we have always taken viruses as dental clinicians we have always ta ken viruses and as dental clinicians we have always taken viruses and things like that into our highest consideration in our daily life. The urgent dental ca re our daily life. The urgent dental care hubs, i think are they sufficient . The numbers, no. Ithink the colleagues i have spoken to, they have had to sell fund their ppe and self source there ppe. If that is the case then the nhs is not able to provide it all themselves but we can source it ourselves, in my area it is so upsetting that we do not have an urgent dental care have and every day we have to tell patients that they do not have to qualify for a heart. And if they do they have to travel. We know we could safely provide treatment. I know things need to change, social distancing has to be done, prescreening a patient. But we need to make those changes and every day that goes by without seeing these patients, leaving them in pain, is a day is that something we will not get back in it is quite upsetting. Good to speak to you both this morning, eddie and kunal. Can i commend you both on your backdrops. Eddie, your stained glass is impressive. Kunal, it looks like you are in a spaceship. It is not as glamorous as it looks. Very impressive. Like flight it looks. Very impressive. Like flight of the navigator when captain tom moore raised more than £32 million for the nhs he inspired an army of people, notjust here but around the world. A russian war hero was so touched by his efforts that shes started her own fundraiser and as our moscow correspondent Steve Rosenberg has been finding out, its a case of from russia with love. A message to captain tom. From sergeant zina. When 97 year old russian war veteran zina korneva saw these images of tom moore doing his sponsored walk for the nhs, she realised her country needed her. Zina couldnt do 100 laps of her garden. Last year, she broke her hip. Instead, she has been sharing wartime memories online and asking for donations. It is to help the families of russian doctors who have died in the pandemic. Zina is a real russian hero. She served in an anti aircraft brigade and fought in the battle of stalingrad. These days, when she is not fundraising, she is knitting and she hasjust finished a pair of socks for captain tom. Zinas socks are now winging their way to britain, express delivery. So, if captain tom ever wants to do more charity walking, at least his feet will be warm. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. Good on you zina. Tonight there will be a special documentary about captain toms story on bbc one at 7 30pm called captain tom we salute you. Clearer skies and cleaner waters are just some of the positive effects the global lockdown has had on our wildlife. So as the uk looks for ways to ease restrictions, might we change our habits for the long term . Michael cowan has been taking a look. A recent poll found 71 of people feel Climate Change is as serious as coronavirus. With 41 of respondents saying they would avoid things like flying in the next year to limit their contribution to emissions. So could you continue with some lockdown measures like not driving as much and stopping flying . If it was to help Climate Change. It changes hard for us to commit to without concrete reasoning. Changes hard for us to commit to without concrete reasoninglj changes hard for us to commit to without concrete reasoning. I would love to be able to say of course we could carry on. If we think about the coronavirus at the moment, that is really interesting because the motivation is very strong. The consequence is pretty immediate. If you catch this you are in trouble. Motivation to avoid it is very strong and that is one of the reasons people had complied with the guidance so readily is because we can really see the benefits. There isa can really see the benefits. There is a real difference between compliance and commitment. And what you are talking about is well beaten people be committed to this behaviour afterwards . At the moment, why would they be . No one has made it clear why they should continue this behaviour when they dont have to. One reason to continue as the impact we are already having an emissions. It has got the biggest drop on emissions on record between five and 10 . But we have got to get an emissions down to zero so we need 100 . People who are short on income building up the rest of the infrastructure and the storage infrastructure, upgrading our electricity grids, building ebay claims and all of these things that we know we are going to have to do. If we have got to do this anyway, do it now. Change on the scale would be difficult and would require buying in from as as a society as well as government. If we were to implement these measures, this devastating pandemic might, albeit unwittingly, create a pathway to a greener planet. Michael cohen, bbc news. One thing for sure it is a beautiful time of yearfor the one thing for sure it is a beautiful time of year for the greenery and flowers. It is nice to get out and if you are able to get out for a walk, it is lovely. Matt, the weather is looking good as well. Temperatures will rise over the next few days. This chart shows the temperatures into the high teens, maybe even mid 20s in the southern half. It is spring and spring can give us a bit of a flavour of a full summerand give us a bit of a flavour of a full summer and winter give us a bit of a flavour of a full summerand winter in give us a bit of a flavour of a full summer and winter in a short space of time because through the weekend and into sunday, most of the blue colours, colder air pushes down from the arctic and for some there will bea the arctic and for some there will be a drastic drop in temperatures. Something to prepare for. Out there this morning there has been some frost around. As the scene from one of our weather watchers shows, in devon, it is the sunny start stop and sunshine for most parts, bit of patchy cloud in eastern and northern scotland. Some cloud in colonel and south west wales, a chance of some showers through the day. Over all are drierand showers through the day. Over all are drier and brighter day than tomorrow and foremost it is sunshine from dawn to dusk. Temperatures peaking at 20 in some places. Starting to creep up once again. This evening and overnight, after eddie a strong sunshine, clear skies are many and cloud developing and Western Areas and some showers. Most will be dry and skies cleared us, winds latest in the eastern half of the country and here we could see some frost into thursday morning. Some settled changes, it is inching away, we will bring humid airfrom the south. Without those weather fronts an indication there will be cloud around in the west. Low cloud hugging the west at times, graver sam and sunshine now and again. Where we see them, there could be the odd heavy one and the odd rumble of thunder. The vast majority stay dry and temperatures continuing to rise to the low 20s for parts of south east scotland and england. Friday, not a chilly start. Today we have humid air across as, some showers in scotland. Showers and thunderstorms breaking out in other parts of england and wales. It is here we see the highest temperatures for ve day, 22 degrees. That will continue as we see the cold front work its way south from saturday into sunday. After the one to start this weekend across southern areas, a drop in temperature of around 30 degrees by sandy. And if you still showers in scotland. Thank you very much for that. Hello, this is breakfast, with dan walker and louise minchin. A leading coronavirus scientist, whose work led to the governments decision to implement the lockdown, has quit after flouting social distancing rules. Professor Neil Ferguson resigned after it was reported that a woman, said to be his married lover, visited his home on at least two occasions. Mr ferguson said he regretted undermining the messages on social distancing. Were nowjoined by minister for security, James Brokenshire. Thank you forjoining us this morning. One of the governments key advisors on which the lockdown advice has been based has had to resign for not abiding by those rules. What do you make of that . Professor ferguson has set out that he should have abided by the rules and it was a lapse and error of judgment he made and the rules on social distancing are still firmly required. I think he has taken the right course of action in that context. Clearly, the work of the government scientific Advisory Group continues. We have a range of experts who will continue to support ministers in making those right decisions. But i am obviously sad to see this development, but ultimately, professor ferguson has taken the right course of action. |j suppose people will be watching, thinking, well, how are the public expected to follow these guidelines when one of the top advisers isnt doing so . You make a very important point, which professor ferguson, in his statement, acknowledges. He said he shouldnt have taken the course of action that he did and that these rules and requirements apply to everybody. They are present and continue to be present for good reason. That is why he has resigned from his position and stepped back from his position and stepped back from the scientific group. That is the important thing to stress this morning, that the rules of social distancing, yes, they are from they needed, they have had an impact, but we know we are not yet through this. And it is so important that we maintain those rules of not going out, other than in exceptional circumstances, and therefore we continue to take action and come together to combat this virus. What do you say to other couples who may have been on a similar position and have been on a similar position and have not seen their loved ones . think anyone can say that this is not anything other than incredibly ha rd not anything other than incredibly hard on so many people. It is a huge pressure, and whilst we are blessed in having the different form of media that we have at the moment, which allows us to keep contact in different ways, but it remains difficult. The guidance is therefore a these rules, to ensure that we are saving lives are not seeing the spread of the virus. This r number that everyone speaks about in terms of the infection rate, how it has come down, but we must be careful to ensure that we do not get a second peak as we go through the second phase. We are continuing to look at the science and the Prime Minister will make a statement later this week in terms of the next steps on how we respond, how we look to this next phase both in terms of combating the virus, but equally how we start to get the economy going again. So, there is that reflection, but firmly the advice remains at this point in time that those rules exist for a reason and we must maintain them. The Prime Minister. I dont know if you know what he will tell us on sunday, but so many people are looking forward to perhaps a difference being made. Do you think there should be a sense of optimism from what he will tell us . Well, i think it will be careful. You know, we are dealing with this very novel virus which has meant people have had to move quickly. The Evidence Base has not been present, but why we continue to look to our scientific group, why we continue through the chief medical officer and the chief scientific officer to seek the experience of how others have been taking action, they are next phases as we look towards all of this. But we want to see the economy getting back up on its feet again. But it is being careful, cautious and thoughtful, because the last thing that we would want, and thatis last thing that we would want, and that is why we have set out these five different rules that a look at our ability to respond, the nhs, the reinfection rate, all of those sorts of factors, it must be done with that here and thought, because the last thing that we need is another second surge and for the nhs to be overwhelmed, and all of the issues that that would bring. The uk has recorded the highest number of coronavirus deaths in europe, overtaking italy yesterday. It is distressing to hear that. Some people might be thinking, where has it gone wrong . Well, you know, it is an absolute tragedy for anyone to lose a loved one, and there will be, iam sure, lose a loved one, and there will be, i am sure, plenty of reflection and time once we are through this terrible virus, to be able to look at actions that have been taken, and to see what lessons can be learned, what mistakes have been made. And every government, i think, will need to do that and we are no exception to do that and we are no exception to that. We have obviously scaled up so much, we have taken so much action, but that headline number is an individual, it is a person, with all of their loved ones and family. And no one can be anything other than affected, and that sense that we all have for all of them about loss and how our thoughts remain. But clearly, our focus loss and how our thoughts remain. But clearly, ourfocus is loss and how our thoughts remain. But clearly, our focus is on, loss and how our thoughts remain. But clearly, ourfocus is on, as i said, preventing that second surge, why it is just so important that we reflect that, but equally, comparisons are difficult. Looking at populations in the way that people measure this in different ways. I think with our own approaches, we have been very rigorous, that is rightly so, but there will be plenty of time when we are through this to make those comparisons, ensuring that we do learn that there is more to do, and there remains more to do and we must remain focused on completing these steps. Doctor harris said things would have been done difficulty dr harris said things would have been done differently had the capacity not been limited. You are telling us there is a place for looking back but right now we know this information. She has said the capacity was limited. this information. She has said the capacity was limited. I think on that and the chief scientific officer Patrick Vallance made a similar point, and equally, ministers have previously acknowledged that having greater capacity on testing would have had benefits. I think the challenges that as a country, whilst we have been amazing on so many different things, we have these world leading laboratories, overall capacity and scaled as something that we did not have. Clearly, we acted very quickly, from 2000 tests each day in february, with all of the different remote testing, the other steps that we re remote testing, the other steps that were taken to bring it mobile and closer to home, which has ramped as up closer to home, which has ramped as up to 120,000 test by the end of april. And i think it is that response that we have given. But clearly, there will be plenty of time for searching questions once we are through this, about how we ensure that we are best prepared as we can be, learning and applying lessons from this experience. But at the same time, we must be rigorously focused on the here and now, looking at these next steps, and ensuring that we do that carefully, appropriately, to get through this virus and get our country back up and running and to get through this terrible challenge. I am interested that you mention that 120,000 test, because for the third today any row the amount of tests being done has fallen. Third today in a row. The point on that is the capacity is there and that is the important thing. Whether you look at an individual day, we have had that scaled up. And so the testing is available if it is needed. We have obviously seen reductions in overall infection and that will change, that will alter from infection and that will change, that will alterfrom monday to infection and that will change, that will alter from monday to the next. The critical thing is that we have invested in that mobile testing, that remote testing that you can get through the and as we look to this next phase on the tracking and testing, the new app that is being piloted. You know, it is important to note that we have that in place and at is scaling up to meet that need. So, it is looking at it in those terms of how we have got that capacity available to meet that requirement. And that is something we will continue to scale up as that becomes ever more important into this new tracking face. Can we also talk about the outbreak . We talked about it yesterday, and there are concerns, arent there, and some people have very deep concerns about security to do with the app . Are you absolutely sure that it is secure and people are not revealing more about themselves than they think . On this, louise, it is important to emphasise the care that nhs x, the Technology Part of our nhs, together with other National Cyber security centre, have taken over the construction and design of this app. It is not about taking peoples Data Tracking where they are anonymized. The only information you give is your phone number to register and a postcode. It is important to understand that in that context the personal data is anonymized in that fashion. There will be different arguments as to how you can construct it, but issues of privacy, theissues construct it, but issues of privacy, the issues of security, they have firmly been taken into account, as we have sought to build this, and thatis we have sought to build this, and that is why we have taken that expertise, and why we are taking an approach like other countries like australia have also taken in this regard. So, yes, it is that assurance that whilst it is based on that anonymous data, how that is important, and how we need people to have confidence in this, to get on and actually download the app, so that we are best able to respond to this next phase. And you are assured that it cant be hacked . Well, we have certainly had that support from our National Security cyber centre who have been the ones who lead on this work. Especially in that advisory note yesterday about threats and vigilance, where we know that there are persistent advanced threat actors out there trying to steal intellectual property, trying to steal our knowledge and data from ever pharmaceutical companies and therefore having them at the outset building this, looking at the sense of security. I think that can give reassurance in relation to the way that this app has been constructed, and therefore the confidence that we should have in it. With regards to the return of, for example, the premier league. Dominic raab has said it would lift the spirits of the nation. Should that return and when . I am certainly not going to, sadly, even for bbc breakfast, be able to tell you on the timing of that. But there is a sense of wanting to get through this current phase and what can we do to lift spirits . Yes, nobody can pretend just how tough a challenge this is for everyone, but clearly, that must be done with care. We should consider issues about security around venues consider issues about security around venues on consider issues about security around venues on the social distancing requirements, but around venues on the social distancing requirements, but i am quite sure that people will welcome at the appropriate point that sense of sport coming back, what that would do to lift the mood as people have a right highlighted, but we must do that with great care, ensuring that that is not contrary to our advice, strategy, approach, because it is about saving lives and getting through this pandemic. But equally, getting the economy back on its feet again, getting that sense of renewal, of getting through this. But i am sure we will all be looking for ways in which we can lift the spirits of people and that could be one of them. James brokenshire, security minister, thank you for joining us on breakfast this morning. It is 7 45am. No date given. And it is finding that appropriate time for the return of sport in general, but particularly the premier league. Yes, interesting to hear him speak about that. As you said, louise, we know that the government is right behind the return of sport. At the daily breifing, the foreign secretary dominic raab said that a restart would lift the spirits of the nation. Theyre in talks with the premier league at the moment, and were learning more about the risks of a return and how clubs will manage them. Take Crystal Palace, for example. Their manager roy hodgson is the oldest in the league at 72, so hes currently classified as high risk, and thats something the club will have tojuggle. Premier League Players have also spoken about their concerns over a return, and the Crystal Palace chairman steve parish says no one will be forced to play. We live in a society where nobody can force anybody to do anything. Certainly under those circumstances, you wouldnt want to do that, but i think people need the whole situation explained to them. They need to understand the risks and, of course, after the Public Health crisis, which is the most important thing, it would be a dereliction of duty if we werent planning to try to get our business up and running, but absolutely the player safety has to come first and indeed the staff, as well. So whats it like for players who are back in training . Arsenal were one of the First Premier League teams to go back to their training ground. Theyve been working individually, and manager mikel arteta who has recovered from the disease himself says that their rules are very strict. The players have to arrive five minutes before the session in their own car, with their own clothes, with their own water, with their own ball, with their own boots, with their own protein bar for afterwards. They hit the pitch, it is one player per pitch, nothing else. They dont touch each other, they dont even look at each other. They dont have any fitness coaches, they have their programme. They hit the ground running, they finish after one hour, they have to go to their car and their house. We just want to look after our players and to be safe. As for the football that were going to see on the telly first, get ready to become a fan of the german top flight. Chancellor Angela Merkels expected to approve the return of the bundesliga when she announces a relaxation of the lockdown rules in germany later today. The clubs have been back in training since early april, and could be back playing in less than 10 days time. So choose your german team. Rafa nadal says hes already written off the whole of the 2020 tennis season. We know that wimbledons already been cancelled, but tennis bosses still plan to hold the us open and the french open later this year. Nadals told a paper back home in spain that hes more concerned about the Australian Open which starts injanuary next year. Perfectly normal, isnt it for him to be looking that far ahead and thinking in january, to be looking that far ahead and thinking injanuary, will be anywhere near normal . It is notjust about the matches, it is about the travel. And well fans be able to go into a stadium and watch. Who knows . There are so many unknowns. Looking at the bass for the olympics next year, it has to happen next year, if not, they will have to be cancelled. If you are looking at a ahead and still dont know, you know how much the impact its having. He said that u nless the impact its having. He said that unless there is a vaccination in place by then, he could see the olympics next year, we have postponed it when you, he could see the next year as being off completely. They will not be another shot to have another chance. That is underlined with there being a vaccine available for everyone who has to go. Lots of things to think about. Thank you, sally. A major Conservation Charity has warned that the 30 years of progress they have made in africa could be undone very quickly by covid 19. The chief executive of tusk, an organisation supported by prince william, has told the bbc that the pandemic has seen a rise in animal poaching. Heres our environment correspondent, claire marshall. Scouring the vast plains of north west province, south africa. I think were out on a call for a rhino that was poached. Nico runs Nonprofit Organisation rhino 911. And we hope the calf is still alive so that we can rescue it and take it to the orphanage. The calf is two months old. Her mother was found dead with her horn hacked off. Shes sedated, her eyes bandaged to make the journey less traumatic. Shes the fourth orphan theyve rescued in the last month. The pressure on africas wildlife is relentless and its getting much worse. The Tourism Industry has collapsed. Vast numbers of people are losing theirjobs and many are now starting to poach for food. People are desperate. People living on the breadline are battling to survive just with basics. You know, ive seen it go up, i would say tenfold on reserves, parks. Its an income and living for them. Its staying alive. In the foothills of mount kenya, field rangers head out on patrol. This footage was filmed exclusively for the bbc. Its lewa a jewel in the crown of the tusk trust. Theyre protecting some of the worlds most endangered species. Prince william, a passionate supporter of the charity, proposed to Kate Middleton here. But the trust is now set lose almost £2 million this year. This is definitely the biggest threat that weve seen to the conservation world in the 30 years that ive been working in it. Weve had the real pressure from the illegal wildlife trade, and that is ongoing. Its a constant battle. The pandemic hasnt stopped the International Criminal gangs. They have a motive. Rhino horn is more valuable than gold or heroin, tempting for someone now out of a job. The way that covid is making the situation worse is once these guys. I know they dont have a job, they want an income, then they ant to try other things like maybe, poaching a rhino, poaching an elephant, and selling those trophies for their living. Here in the uk, with fewer planes in the sky and cars on the roads, wildlife has been given a bit of a break. But the emerging situation around the world is a lot more bleak. It costs a lot of money to protect these creatures from humans. That money is now drying up. Claire marshall, bbc news. It is 7 51am. Itv has become the latest company to warn about the impact coronavirus is having on its business this despite us watching more tv. Seans got all the details. What are itv saying, sean . They are talking about how they will weather the storm. Will consumers spend as much and give those companies the big budgets to advertise on tv . This is what itv are tackling at the moment. In the first three months of the year, it actually increased advertising revenues. But then april came. The headline number is pretty tough a drop of more than 40 in advertising revenues in april, worse than it previously thought. What is it doing to counter that . It has already reduced its Programme Budget by £100 million, a salary and recruitment freeze are now in place. It says today that its working with others in the industry and the government to see how production can properly and safely ramp up. It isa it is a difficult one to handle. When you have go those budget cuts, they are trying to get some things up they are trying to get some things up and running. Filming of the chase has restarted in other parts of the world. Tom harrington from enders analysis, who closely follow the tv market, says this crisis will impact what we seen on screen for some time. We are starting to see productions coming back. However what we will see on screen will not be what it once before, due to the guidelines people will be filming. They cannot stand near each other when filming. Live events for a time, there will be few of those. As a result there will be massive holes which we are seeing in the scheduling of television. There will be less money hitting the screens. They will go for the cheaper options as they have less money during this downturn. And another media giant disney has said the crisis is causing it issues as well . If you look at their parks around the world. Parks are shut, cruises are docked, and the movie theatres are dark in much of the world. How are they failing across the world . How are they failing across the world . They have such a large media imprint on what we watch. It is making more than 1 billion less because parts have had to close and its cruisers could not travel the way they thought before and all that production that goes into making the huge movies, that has had to be put on hold as well. They have seen a lot of money being lost to the business. Disney plus has been a bright point. Disney had signed up 54. 5 million subscribers as of may 4, less than six months after launching, having initially predicted it would take four years to reach 60 million subscribers. Both disney and itv are saying they dont really know whats going to happen this year. That is a concern, you know for a staff in that industry, for those people who really watch closely what we will be watching on our tv screens. Because if these advertising figures get worse or they dont bounce back as quickly and strongly as businesses would like, that will have an impact on the Big Decisions they will have to make. There are not many people making bold decisions about what will be happening in six months time. Thank you for everyone sending a about taking dentistry into your own hands. It is scaring you. It is five minutes to eight oclock. Heres matt with a look at this mornings weather. From here on and it is set to get warmer. Temperatures by friday, ve day will be about where they should be at this time of year. 18 in glasgow. London has 25. Just 48 hours later, some will see a drop in temperatures of 13 degrees for some spots, some are struggling to double figures and weather sunshine for the next day so we could see some snow flurries in the north and east of scotland. That is a few days away. At the moment this guys. A lovely view from the house on the isle of arran. It will be a case of sunshine from dawn till dusk. Strong sunshine for many of you. Patchy cloud for eastern parts of northern england, gray in shetland and more cloud to cornwall and devon. Chance of a share in western parts of cornwall but most will be dry and for all, temperatures up on a degree or two on what we saw yesterday. Into this evening and overnight, it will be dry, clear skies and a chance to see the moon across many parts of the country. Cloud towards the west later on and that will start to bring a chance of showers. A more humid feeling to thursday morning, further east could be on the chilly side near to this area of High Pressure, could see some frost. High pressure, could see some frost. High pressure shrinking a little bit, but then we bring in that area coming from spain and fronts, temperatures rising on thursday. Cloud in times in the west. They could be great around the coast. A chance of showers coming and going through the day and in the afternoon they could become heavy and thundery. Places in england and wales, the chance of a downpour later. Temperatures continue to rise, more widely into the 20s in south east scotland. There is your chance to see the full moon, the last supermen of 2020. This was it this morning taken in bracknell. Nearly there and this time of year it is cold the flower men. Whilst many will have clear skies, as we go into friday, mr and more cloud and Western Areas. Flower moon. The odd rumble of thunder too but it is by this stage we will see temperatures peak. England and wales in the low to mid 20s. In the high teens in scotland and Northern Ireland but in the far north, nine celsius. The signs of a change and that will continue in the weekend. The cold front pushing and introducing are to care across the country, some rain at times. Saturday, while many will be warm in the south, most into the colder air by sunday. Your headlines are next. Good morning, welcome to breakfast with dan walker and louise minchin. Our headlines today. One of the governments key coronavirus advisers, whose work prompted the lockdown, has quit his post for breaking social distancing rules. The uk has now recorded the highest number of coronavirus deaths in europe, overtaking italy. In the us, which has seen the worlds deadliest outbreak, donald trump says the white house is switching its focus to reviving the economy. A major threat to our tv channels and newspapers. Money from advertising plunges at itv, while many cant pop out for a paper. Ill look at whats needed for Media Companies to survive. Re starting sport would lift the spirits of the nation. Thats the governments view, as we learn more about how premier league clubs plan to keep their players safe. They broughtjoy to millions with their Charity Number one single. Now captain tom moore and michael ball get together for the first time. Thank you very much for coming. It really is my greatest pleasure. Aw i never, ever expected to see you. Its wednesday 6th may. Our top story. One of the governments leading coronavirus scientists, whose advice led to the uk lockdown, has resigned after he breached social distancing guidelines. Professor Neil Ferguson quit following reports that a woman, said to be his married lover, visited his home on at least two occasions. In the last half hour, the security minister, James Brokenshire, told us he welcomed mr fergusons decision to stand down. Professor ferguson has obviously set out that he should have abided by the rules, that it was a lapse, an error of judgment. Those rules on social distancing are very firmly still required. I think he has taken the right course of action in that context. Clearly, the work of the government scientific Advisory Group continues. We have a range of experts that will continue to support ministers in making those right decisions, but im obviously sad to see this development, but ultimately, professor ferguson i think has very firmly taken the right course of action. We can speak now to our political correspondent, nick eardley. This story comes to the heart of it. All of us are looking at dealing with the coronavirus and looking at dealing with the situation we all face with lockdown at the moment and its easy to see why you can look at what has happened with this professor and think its one rule for us and another for them. Absolutely. When you were speaking to James Brokenshire a few minutes ago he couldnt really answer that question. The government is telling us all to stick with these measures and not give up on social distancing yet. And thats why its so embarrassing that one of the people who was at the heart of the advice to go into lockdown, who has been a pretty public face of the argument for keeping those restrictions in place, its frankly really embarrassing for the government that he is one of the people that it appears has broken the social distancing lockdown rules. Its also a bit ofa distancing lockdown rules. Its also a bit of a blow to the advice the government gets because professor ferguson is well respected within the Scientific Community when it comes to dealing with situations like this. He has done it before and heads are really Influential Group at Imperial College london. His advice wont now be available to the government in the same way it was from now on. An embarrassing day for the government but also a bit of a blow to scientific advice. Louise also asked James Brokenshire about the Prime Ministers speech he will make on sunday. We will hear from him today when he will be across the commons from sir keir starmerfor the first time. Prime ministers questions, we havent had it for a few weeks with Boris Johnson questions, we havent had it for a few weeks with borisjohnson because he had coronavirus and then parliament was away on holiday. I think keir starmer in his first outing with borisjohnson will probably want to talk about a couple of things. Firstly fact the death rate in the uk appears to be higher than other european countries. There is some discussion in government about how much you can trust figures from other countries but i expect labour will want to get to the heart of the issues as to why that has happened. We also know keir starmer wa nts happened. We also know keir starmer wants more details from ministers about how they will eventually lift lockdown, not necessarily timing, but what is going to influence the decision and what the public needs to get ready for and what might lead to get ready for and what might lead to restrictions being lifted or potentially brought back in the future. I think we will hear more from the Prime Minister on that this afternoon. The latest from nick ea rdley afternoon. The latest from nick eardley live in westminster, thank you. Labour is calling for a plan to help support disadvantaged communities to tackle the Hidden Health effects of the pandemic. The Shadow Health Secretaryjonathan Ashworth told us that peoples Mental Health during lockdown is a growing concern. It is causing unquantifiable Mental Health problems, we expect. There could be people trapped in small flats with an abusive partner. We know that if you are in a big house with a garden, the lockdown is probably easier, but if youre in an overcrowded house with multi generational family, you are more at risk. The chancellor is looking at reviewing the governments furlough scheme which is supporting workers staying at home. There are some concerns over the cost of the programme, with the latest government figures showing more than six Million People are having up to 80 of their salaries paid by the treasury at a cost of £8 billion. Theresa may has criticised the response of World Leaders to the pandemic. The former Prime Minister said it was being treated as a National Issue for countries to deal with alone, and there was little evidence of nations co operating. Qatar airways has confirmed it will make numerous job cuts due to the impact of covid 19. Its still unknown at this stage how many people will be made redundant. The airline says its working closely with all affected employees. The news comes after Virgin Atlantic said it would lose 3,000 staff. President trump says the White House Coronavirus task force will be winding down within weeks, as the focus shifts to reviving the economy. During a visit to a mask manufacturing plant in arizona mr trump said the need to get people back to work outweighed the threat of more deaths. Our north america correspondent peter bowes reports. A rare trip out of washington for donald trump. After being holed up at the white house during the pandemic, the president toured a factory in phoenix thats making medical grade face masks. Like the executives he met, he chose not to wear one, only safety goggles. According to a sign in the facility, staff there are required to wear face masks. During his visit to arizona, a state which will be a key Battle Ground in novembers president ial election, mr trump confirmed that the Coronavirus Task force was winding down. The group has been co ordinating the us response to covid 19. Our country has to go back to being our country again. You have people that are not going to stand for this, and i understand them very well, and we are going to put out little embers and little fires, and maybe some big fires, but we still have to go back to work. The coronavirus pandemic is farfrom being over in the us with about 25,000 new infections every day. A Trump Administration agency says that number could rise to 200,000 by the end of the month, with the daily death toll reaching 3,000. The sobering projection comes as more states are beginning to ease their stay at home orders, with people going back to work at some shops and nonessential businesses in about half the country. In an interview with abc news, mr trump acknowledged that more lives could be lost as a result of relaxing the guidelines. Its possible there will be some because you wont be locked into an apartment or a house or whatever it is, but at the same time, were going to practice social distancing, were going to be washing hands, were going to be doing a lot of the things that weve learned to do over the last period of time, and we have to get our country back. Mr trump also noted that some people were dying because of the economic stress of the shutdown. Horns toot. He said reopening the economy would not be perfect, thered be new outbreaks of the virus, but america had to get back to work. Peter bowes, bbc news, los angeles. They were musics most unlikely double act but captain tom moore and singer michael ball captured the nations hearts with their version of youll never walk alone which reached number one in the charts. They recorded the song from their homes after michael heard about captain toms fundraising for the nhs now the pair have met for the first time. It is so lovely to see you. Thank you. It really is. And, michael, it is an absolute surprise. I never expected to see you out of the blue, and you just appeared from nowhere. Thank you very much for coming. It really is my greatest pleasure. Aw i never, ever expected to see you. Did they sing together . We will have to wait to find out. And the honours keep on coming for captain tom, who has been awarded a prestigious gold blue peter badge. The badge is the shows highest accolade and famous recipients include the queen, Sir David Attenborough and mary berry. Only a handful are presented each year to outstanding individuals who are considered to be role models, inspiring the nations children. And those grandchildren who live with him are those giving him that blue peter badge. Captain tom we salute you is on bbc one tonight at 7. 30. That will follow his amazing journey from the £1000 he was trying to raise in the first place to nearly £33 million now. Absolutely wonderfuljourney £33 million now. Absolutely wonderful journey that we have all been part of, all of us watching and on bbc breakfast. One of the things doctors are trying to understand about coronavirus is why it affects us all so differently. For many the symptoms are mild, but for others it is much more serious. And it seems that some People Struggle to shake off the symptoms, leaving them exhausted and anxious for weeks. Our Health Correspondent Dominic Hughes has been speaking to two people, felicity and david, about their experiences. I have suspected coronavirus. What i was not prepared for wasjust excruciating leg pains. It has been seven weeks now. That feeling of being so diminished and so weak. It came back on week four. In the fifth week of being ill, my partner had to call out a e. Week seven i relapsed again and had my third wave. For six weeks now, felicity, aged 49 and from london, has been living with suspected coronavirus. David, 42, and living in bristol, has also spent almost two months suffering relapses. This is where i have all my stuff. I make sure i am keeping cutlery and bowls separate. Davids world has shrunk to this room, self isolating to protect his wife and baby daughter. Eating and sleeping here, separate from my wife for the last seven weeks. Its hard work. Butjust when he thought he was Getting Better, hed relapse and hes not alone. Just knowing that people like me, i guess, who have experienced these waves on and off, because when i first relapsed, when it first got worse, it was quite a scary experience, because i thought that you dont know whether that means you are going down, down, down, so it is quite scary to get worse after you thought you were Getting Better. When i was really ill, i was going on my hands and knees, up and down the stairs. Felicity has also struggled to shake off covid type symptons and the weeks of illness have taken their toll. This entire experience of being sick and trying to recover has been mentally overwhelming. The hardest part was, having got through the first ten days of being very sick and thinking i was Getting Better, things later getting much, much worse. I was experiencing such horrific abdominal pains that i wasjust calling out injust extreme agony. Neither felicity nor david have been tested, but both were told by doctors they probably had the virus. Theyve also been reassured they are no longer infectious, but recovery has been slow. Even the slightest uphill slope is a real struggle since being ill. So much about the coronavirus is unknown, including why some experience relatively mild symptoms, lasting a few days, while otherwise Healthy People are left struggling for weeks. In many patients with other diseases who are recovering from an acute illness, you do tend to see this kind of waxing and waning effect as you are slowly Getting Better and you have good days and bad days. Theres some evidence to suggest that the prolonged features are the bodys response to infection rather than the infection itself persisting in their bodies. The first week i started to keep a diary of the symptoms i was experiencing. David and felicity hope they are now finally recovering. A return to normalfamily life. My wife would bring my daughter to the window. It was lovely. Im going to give you a squeegie soon. Dominic hughes, bbc news. It really gives you a sense of how this is affecting people in very different ways. Were joined now by gp dr Rosemary Leonard and tiff mcginnis, who has also endured symptoms for some time. Good morning to both of you and thanks for being with us this morning. Tiff first, talk to us about what you have been through. This is day number 60. My symptoms first started on march the 8th with an incredible migraine and light sensitivity. It has been an array of symptoms. Although i feel better than i did a few weeks ago even, i am aware of my. How much i need to rest. You really cant move that much. The more you move, the more out of breath you become. The more out of breath you become. The more out of breath you become. The more out of breath you become, the more your heart rate increases. The more your heart rate increases. The more your heart rate increases, then the fever starts again and the whole process seems to start again. Its not like when you have a cold or flu and you are not quite better but you can still get on with your life and do things. With this, you cant. Just everything stops. Tiff, you give us a really good insight into how im sure other people are feeling as well. Doctor rosemary, do you hear similar stories from your patients . Yes, but one of the problems we have is that sometimes this will not be coronavirus. We have to realise this is a very new illness, we have only had it for four months so we have a lot where we dont know about it. We know a lot of viral illnesses can in a very few people cause long term tiredness. Postviral syndrome, it was classic about 15 or 20 years ago when people had glandular fever. We know coronavirus do this, but what we dont know with covid illness is exactly how many people have actually been affected. The other problem weve got is because we were not testing the general population, that has been a big problem. Its very difficult to say, was this definitely covid or not. Now we have got testing for everybody, thank goodness, we will be able to get a better picture of when somebody has symptoms, we can test them and then we will know, is it covid that is causing this prolonged illness, or is itjust causing this prolonged illness, or is it just another viral illness that can happen all the time and we see it all the time. Doctor rosemary, you will not have seen tiff reacting to testing. What is your experience of it . tiff reacting to testing. What is your experience of it . I live in st leonards on sea by hastings and there are no tests here. They need to be distributing them to gps so you can get one through your gp. Here you have to go through a government website. Another thing is you have impaired mentalfunction, so you are supposed to go and fill something out and then travel an hour and something out and then travel an hourand a something out and then travel an hour and a half, two hours, to your nearest testing place. There needs to be tests everywhere. It needs to be more accessible. This is a virus, you know. I mean, it doesnt make sense. Doctor rosemary, she makes a good point about testing, they are not available to everybody anyway at this point. They are theoretically, if you are symptomatic then you can go on to the government website and you can either order a test through a local test centre somewhere, or you can order a test through the post. But there is only any point in having a test if you have symptoms. Thats the aim of this 100,000 per day. I absolutely agree. I would love to be able to have a patient ring me in my surgery this morning who has symptoms, and i would like to be able to organise the test, absolutely. I absolutely agree with her, gps should be able to do this. The testing has frankly been chaos andl the testing has frankly been chaos and i understand her frustration. Have you and others made that point. For example, the ability of gps to distribute those tests. And when you enter this make the point, what is the response . The response has been that its an issue about getting them to the laboratories. Thats what i have been told. Its actually quite a complicated setup. Patients going into hospitals and also health ca re going into hospitals and also health care professionals, are having tests donein care professionals, are having tests done in Public Health england labs and hospital labs. And the general public are then having them done in big centres such as milton keynes. Its an issue of, if i did swabs in my surgery, who would analyse them . I cant believe how complex this whole situation has become but that is the excuse i have been given. I realise i am being critical, but testing has been a mess in this country and it needs to be sorted out properly. Tiff, how much difference would it have made to you if you actually knew you definitely had coronavirus . I mean, yeah, i would like to know. I dont need a test to know ive had it, but it would be good. I think everyone who has it, or has had it, there should bea has it, or has had it, there should be a Government Health body looking out for the people that have had it. And if there is any kind of treatment available. I mean, in the future we should be on lists for future we should be on lists for future treatments. But now its like, the way the whole system has been here, honestly, its been like you have been on a ship and you were thrown off into the middle of the ocean with just those inflatable kiddie armbands and told, see you at sure, good luck. Thats how it has been. Its been great for you to share the experience youve had. They number 60. There might be people watching and listening to that experience of tiff, who are not sure they have had coronavirus, but two, three, four weeks after the cough, they still have the fever or some other symptoms. Whats your advice for them this morning . would say if you are still having symptoms and contact your gp. Message us always, we are open, we can speak to people on the phone and we can also examine you. Its worth having a cheque to ensure you dont have an ongoing bacterial chest infection that requires antibiotics. Also, people are assuming its a covid infection. If you are feeling tired and rundown and you think its post viral, it could be something else. It could be you have developed an underactive thyroid in the last few weeks. We need to do tests to check you out. Please, if you have ongoing symptoms, contact your gp. Doctor rosemary and tiff, thank you both very much for your passion on bbc breakfast this morning. And good luck with your recovery, tiff. Des number 60, thats an awful long time. Day number 60. This lockdown has been a challenging time for all of us but depending on where we call home, its affecting us in different ways. Seven weeks since restrictions began, People Living in a block of high rise flats in bristol say theyve remained indoors for much of that time as fiona lamdin reports. These children living on the 15th floor have been stuck inside for 49 days. I spoke to the family from the bottom of the tower block. There is no space to play on. Sometimes they try to play on the sofa, on the bed, on the tables. So thats why theyve broken some stuff. Mohammed is worried his children will catch the virus if they go out. His daughter is five years old. I asked her what she misses the most. Park she misses the park. Samuel and his two boys live next door. They do go out but now with one of the lifts broken, sometimes they are forced to take the stairs. Step, step, step, step, step, turn. You can imagine going going down its ok, but going up, thats a slog. I have to carry this one, carry the buggy, if i ever use the buggy, or ill have him on the sling. Its a matter ofjust going for it. So illjust stop a couple of flights, take a break. Go again. Up a couple of flights, thats the way i deal with it. And also if youve got shopping. And the shopping, yeah. Definitely turned into our new playground. Weve got to bring our own equipment. Would be nice if there was equipment there. We tried the other parks, but they really locked them down now. The gates are chained up. Six weeks in, and samuels neighbours are also finding things tough. These kids are getting frustrated. Yeah, the government have to do something, man. Even me, also. Cannot go to work, cannot do nothing. So what can i do . How are you passing the time, all of you . Its bored. Very bored. Fiona lamdin, bbc news. Its really interesting to see how different people are dealing with it in so many different ways. It is tough. We have spoken to a few politicians. Jonathan ashworth, the Shadow Health secretary, has made the point that people are stuck in flats because they are anxious and worried about potentially catching the virus. The really interesting snapshot of whats going on in parts of the uk this morning. Back in february we brought you the story of a group of people with multiple sclerosis who were working with the royal ballet on a special production about what it means to live with the condition. Like many events its been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic, but rehearsals are continuing online, as brea kfasts tim muffett reports. It was already a remarkable project. 15 people with multiple sclerosis, creating a ballet to be performed at londons royal opera house. It would convey the realities of the neurological condition that can make walking, talking and movement difficult. But then came the pandemic, lockdown, and an end to the project. I was absolutely bereft. I was i had put so much energy into the rehearsals. But choreographer Bim Malcolmson had other ideas. I think everythings possible, i dont believe in no. And i think particularly because we are all a bit in our homes and it all can get a little bit shrunk, whats great about ballet is its about expanding and reaching and finding geometry and space. Rehearsals are continuing online every saturday. So, what are some advantages to rehearsing this way . On zoom you start seeing different choreographic possibilities. So we started playing around with actually making and choreographing, and the relationships between all the Little People in the boxes, and thats been really fun. 0k, and contract your torso im on my own here, and i can film it. And its weird. Even though i know it is being recorded on zoom, no ones watching me. So i can explore with my movements, and it doesnt matter if my leg doesnt work or if i kind of miss it or it doesnt look right. And i feel like im understanding dance more this way. Now, move your arms while twisting your torso back. What impact has this had on you . Its certainly given me a reason to get up in the morning. Its just a wonderful way to express ourselves and to be connected and to be moving. Ive now had the opportunity to put on a performance, which i wouldnt have been able to have done. About 130,000 people are living with ms in the uk. It is a lifelong condition. Symptoms can vary hugely from person to person. Were so thrilled that the ballet project has continued through lockdown. There is loneliness and isolation that people with ms experience every day, but that is amplified during a time like this. The ms society has launched a keep in Touch Service for those struggling with isolation. For this group, the rehearsals continue. Its hoped an online performance will happen in the coming weeks. Tim muffett, bbc news. Hopefully when that performance does happen, we will be able to update you on it. It looks very beautiful stop i know some of you are not going outside but we can take a look this morning. This is salford this morning from the top of our studio. Sunshine over the manchester ship canal. And sunshine on the way for nearly everybody. Heres matt with a look at this mornings weather. Sunshine streaming through almost all of our windows with just one or two exceptions. Increasing warmth in the next few days. The cloud building through to friday. Temperatures for the temperatures for ve day. Spring can be a fairly cruel season with massive extremes from one extreme to the other. Colder air sweeping south from the arctic across all areas by sunday. Temperatures lower than they should be at this time of year and itll feel like winter in the north east of scotla nd feel like winter in the north east of scotland with wintry showers as well. Big swings in the weather on the way. You saw the picture in salford and this is the view further north and south of annexure from a weather watcher. Blue skies over the hills. Most of you will see blue skies from dawn to dusk. A bit more clout in shetland, misty at times and cornwall with still a bit more cloud but generally brighter than yesterday with cloud bringing the odd sharp shower at times during the day. A dry day for the vast majority. Wind falling lighter and it will feel warmer than yesterday, 19 and 20 other Western Areas. Cool down the eastern coast but thatll change tomorrow. Through to tomorrow, another night of starlit skies for many but in the west we will see a bit more cloud and turning misty around the coast with the chance of one or two showers. Turning more humid here, further east, clear skies and colder air with a touch of frost the morning. Thats because you are close to this area of High Pressure with lighter wind around it. Is that nudges east through thursday, we start to bring humid airfurther through thursday, we start to bring humid air further north and with it the chance of more cloud around western coasts and hills. It could be great for some in Western Areas at times tomorrow. Still sunshine possible but also some showers here and there in scotland and Northern Ireland especially but isolated once across england and wales. Where they do occur, with temperatures in the high teens and low 20s, they could be the odd rumble of thunder. As we head into friday, showers dotted around with cloudy weather across northern scotland. Elsewhere, cloud and mist breaking up with sunny spells and isolated thunderstorms later in the day and temperatures peaking at around 25. Big changes coming for the weekend. A weather front pushing southwards, so whilst we still have warmth in the south on saturday, by sunday, all of us will feel much colder with snow showers in the north east of scotland. You have been warned. Any changes on the way. Are you planning a big coat on saturday . Very handy advice. Thank you. Hello, this is breakfast with dan walker and louise minchin. One of the governments leading coronavirus scientists, whose advice led to the uk lockdown, has resigned after he breached social distancing guidelines. Professor Neil Ferguson quit following reports that a woman, said to be his married lover, visited his home on at least two occasions. Earlier on breakfast, the security minister, James Brokenshire, told us he welcomed mr fergusons decision to stand down. Professor ferguson has obviously set out that he should have abided by the rules, that it was a lapse, an error of judgment. Those rules on social distancing are very firmly still required. I think he has taken the right course of action in that context. Clearly, the work of the government scientific Advisory Group continues. We have a range of experts that will continue to support ministers in making those right decisions, but im obviously sad to see this development, but ultimately, professor ferguson i think has very firmly taken the right course of action. Labour is calling for a plan to help support disadvantaged communities to tackle the Hidden Health effects of the pandemic. The Shadow Health Secretaryjonathan Ashworth told us that peoples Mental Health during lockdown is a growing concern. It is causing unquantifiable Mental Health problems, we expect. There could be people trapped in small flats with an abusive partner. We know that if you are in a big house with a garden, the lockdown is probably easier, but if youre in an overcrowded house with multi generational family, you are more at risk. Germany is expected to announce a further relaxation of lockdown restrictions today when chancellor Angela Merkel meets state leaders. The country has been in lockdown for six weeks but theres growing pressure to reopen the economy as the infection rate continues to fall. The first groups of students are returning to school in chinas hubei province, the epicentre of the global pandemic. Students who have exams coming up in the summer are the first to head back to school. Theyve all had to take a coronavirus test before returning, and there will be measures to ensure social distancing, including partitions in the school canteen. Lots of us are struggling with our lockdown hair after hairdressers and barbers closed for business, but a bbc investigation has found some are flouting the rules. Some shops in kent and sussex were offering appointments and even doubling their prices, as Colin Campbell reports. Barbers, like many businesses, they have been banned from opening, to stop the spread of covid 19. But we have discovered not all are adhering to the lockdown laws. Hi, im trying to find somebody to get my haircut. Five oclock, is ok . Five oclock, to the shop, yeah . Yeah. We have to sit down in the kitchen because i want to be private, i dont want anybody to see you because because it will be a problem for me. Just phoning to see if you would be willing to cut my hair . Well, today . Yes, please. I am busy till saturday, only sunday. I am busy today, tomorrow. Sunday, im free. So, obviously they are seeing quite a few clients. That is interaction with quite a few different people who also may therefore be interacting with other people, and this alljust gives any person who may be infected and asymptomatic the option to spread the virus quite rapidly. Only a few of the barbers i spoke to showed any real concern for the dangers posed by the virus. Do you want me to wear a mask or take any other safety precautions . I dont care. For me, i dont believe in this coronavirus or whatever. For me, it doesnt matter. Responding to our investigation, celebrity hairdresser nicky clarke told me he was disappointed but not surprised. Well, i think its wrong. The fact of the matter is that they are not putting into place anything that could even justify their behaviour. In total, i phoned 50 barbers. 19 agreed to cut my hair. 12 declined. 19 didnt answer my call, but many who did admitted they had increased their prices, seemingly cashing in on the crisis. For those responsible barbers abiding by the law, now financially suffering, there is understandable frustration. It just makes me angry, to be honest. The fact that people are still profiting from this. Yeah, itjust makes me really angry. Really angry. Controlling the virus has taken the hardware and sacrifice of many. It is the irresponsible actions of a few that could jeopardise that. Colin campbell, bbc news. Were joined from rugby now by hilary hall, whos the chief executive of the National Hair beauty federation, and barberjoe mills. Its lovely to speak to you both and im sure theres lots of people wishes everybody could go back to work but what you make of some people floating these rules when others obviously are not . Good morning. I think its a really challenging situation. Every industry is struggling and i think that, as a professional body of barbers and hairdressers, we should be following the rules exactly the same as everybody else. There is another issue. There is the supply and demand issue here as well. There will be people, clients that genuinely want to get a haircut. If their barber is going out and doing it, well, they are doing exactly what we shouldnt be doing, to be fair. Hillary, you can understand his frustration. He is trying to do what hes been told is right whereas others are getting around the regulations . Yes, absolutely. This is happening in barbering, hairdressing and beauty. When the lockdown first happened, we had many salons ask my clients to do home visits, so we had to put out advice to say dont do it. Sol visits, so we had to put out advice to say dont do it. So i think, for me, this is suggesting that the longer the lockdown goes on, and the more desperate people are to get their hairdone, the more desperate people are to get their hair done, the more of this we are going to see. So when we have been talking to government, which we have been, we have been reminding them not to focus just on safety and returning to work safely in salons, but also making sure that people who are working outside salons also are Crystal Clear that the restrictions apply to them and, more importantly, what would it take to let people work again safely. Thats really important that the public as well as the people working in salons are fully protected against the risks. suppose it leads on to questions, what, in your view, would it take . Its a very difficult situation, washing someones hair, its up close and personal, isnt it . Absolutely, its a job which requires physical contact with people, no doubt about that. What we are all going to see across all sectors when the lockdown restrictions are lifted, our new normal is not going to be going back to how things were. So a lot of barber shops and other salons are putting in place social distancing measures as far as they can, obviously, we are waiting for guidance from the government about what kind of ppe would be required. Lots of attention to hygiene and cleaning and, to be fair, salons are very good at that. Thats the kind of environment are to working in, very different from when youre working in a home or the barbers we have had featured there, who are not worried about what precautions to take. Joe, i dont know if youve seenin take. Joe, i dont know if youve seen in ireland they are potentially looking at a date ofjuly the 20th, you are nodding along, i think youve seen that data. Give us an idea of the impact it has had on your business already and if it was to go on for that long, what implications would that have . think as far as the industry goes on for me personally, i got stores in central london, manchester and birmingham, so quite broad sweeping across the country, and for me, obviously weve got nearly 60 staff, so everyone is furloughed. We have had to communicate with all of our clients on social media and the website and newsletters about whats going on and i speak to a lot of people in the industry. I dont think, in my experience, theres not a lot of people im aware of going out and doing at home here and stuff like that but it does exist 100 . For me, you know, theres a level of uncertainty so you are constantly reviewing whats going on in germany, the ideas in ireland, whatever pa rt germany, the ideas in ireland, whatever part of the world it is, and then trying to almost second guess it. By pre ordering ppe or disposable towels, gloves, gowns, its an uphill battle because you dont know when you can open and at what level you will be able to open, whether it is split shifts or staggered days, so its very hard to remodel your business about that until you have clear understanding, basically. I also want to ask you, joe, as well, it sounds silly but people are really desperate to have their hair cut, colour, their beards done, it has an impact on people not being able to go . Yes, the industry asa being able to go . Yes, the industry as a whole, you know, what i always say to any youngsters coming into the industry, we have to acknowledge that we are one of the few industries which touch people, we come into your personal space, which has an impact on social distancing but equally, we do have an emotional contact, and you build relationships with your clients. For mental well being and those kinds of things, its a key part of our society. Hilary, to come back to you on this, as well, listening to you and joe speaking this morning, we dont know exactly when that date will be, im sure you will listen to what the Prime Minister said on sunday, about the potential easing of the lockdown, but the whole hairdressing and salon industry, you are going to have to be ready to go once that date is announced, because yes, there is no work at the moment but people will be desperate and salons and barbers and hairdressers will be filled with people who want an appointment or Walking Services will be packed, wont they . Absolutely, and if theres one thing this crisis has shown, its that the public now really value the work that hairdressers and barbers and beauty therapists do. But, yes, absolutely. As soon as the government announceds we will go the guidelines. The difficulty is there are so many unknowns. Its very hard to plan to open your business if you dont know exactly what restrictions are going to apply, particular when it comes to ppe, so we are urging adequate lead in times because everyone is here and its hard to get hold of ppe, and if you dont know what kind of ppe you are supposed to be buying, that makes planning really, really difficult, so you need to speed on this with regards to government guidelines. Lots of people will be sitting at home setting, right, what am i going to do in the meantime . Top tips . Dont touch it . I have been cutting hairfor30 dont touch it . I have been cutting hairfor 30 years dont touch it . I have been cutting hairfor30 years and dont touch it . I have been cutting hair for 30 years and have dont touch it . I have been cutting hairfor 30 years and have been asked by lots of different publications and clients about what they can do in the meantime. At the end of the day, we are not going out socialising, you know, its taken me a long time to learn my craft, and asa a long time to learn my craft, and as a profession, its not something you can achieve this same standards we do. If a client as desperate, you know, reach out to your stylist and see if they will give you tips, but realistically, we could be out of this ina realistically, we could be out of this in a few weeks, where i had, find a different way to style your hair. Laughter joe. I would leave it to the professionals. My boss is listening to come if i came into work with a hat on. Blokes with long hair, like myself, thats a bit around the back, my wife had a hack of it and made a strange noise everyone fears, and then backed away, so what is your advice for that bit at the back if you have to touch it . If you have to touch it, less is more, be mindful of what you are going to do because once it has gone, you cant un cut it. My advice would also be ta ke un cut it. My advice would also be take yourtime, un cut it. My advice would also be take your time, think about it, really think about do you need to cut your hairand really think about do you need to cut your hair and if you feel you do, just go gentle. Its notjust about cutting and colouring as well. Lets not do any colours either, would that be best . Absolutely, leave it to the professionals. You know, if you end up doing colour yourself and make a mess of it, dont worry, your stylist will be there to put it right but it may ta ke there to put it right but it may take longer and could cost you more, for a few weeks, i would hang on in there and just wait. You say that, both, but hilary and jo, we cant wait to have you back. This crisis has made are so thankful for health workers, teachers, you guys, thank you very much for all you do, we value your expertise. We so do. If im wearing a hat on monday, you know why. Laughter this has made me laugh so much. Both itv and disney have warned the Coronavirus Crisis is having a big impact on their businesses. Theres big problems for newspapers too. Seans taking a look for us this morning. Whats going on here, sean . Good morning to you both. Two lockdown buzz cuts for me, i dont know if youve noticed, its a doddle when its grade one all over. Its still quite stressful, there is not so much to play with but more to go wrong as a percentage. Laughter weve been talking all morning about the media industry. About advertising revenues, whether newspapers can get their money in that they were before the lockdown. It changed our lifestyle, our view on what we can afford to shell out and that means Big Companies would normally spend a lot of money advertising are thinking twice about advertising are thinking twice about a lot of things as well. Itv have said today that they have seen advertising revenues fall by 42 in april. Theyve seen a slight increase in the first three months of the above is a big change, more than they expected, theyve already put certain cuts in place, had to freeze production, reduced Programme Budget as well and sad they are not afraid to make more decisions about cost if need be. Disney had similar production issues globally. Theyve got a theme park they rely on a huge amount of cash from, a £1 billion hit, they have seen over recent months, so that will have an impact on what they decide to do next and have a look at the newspaper industry. You would think demand for news is high right now, but because we cant go to the shops we would normally go to, because advertisers are also thinking twice about putting money in those newspapers as well, what do they do next . We caught up with a representative from a news quest, at the Greater Manchester and lancashire papers, and he told us what the big issues have been for his business. Circulation revenues for newspapers are down about one third, because people cant get to the shops and many advertisers, long standing advertisers, are pulling their adverts, putting them on hold, as they tighten their belts. The government is putting some money into regional advertising in a bid to help but that is a drop in the ocean. So we have heard this morning as well, if you are trying to think what happens next, itv and disney say they dont want to guess what the rest of the year might be like, so for all of these bosses who are having to make decisions, they cant be certain about what their business will look like come the end of the year which makes Uncertain Times for staff and changes what we are going to be watching and consuming towards the end of this year and going into next. So im everything. Thank you, shawna. Weve touched on all sorts of areas of the economy, our working and home lives, and theres loads of things to consider about how society, how the world we live in will look in six or eight weeks, months down the line. When captain tom moore raised more than £32 million for the nhs he inspired an army of people, notjust here but around the world. A russian war hero was so touched by his efforts that shes started her own fundraiser and, as our moscow correspondent Steve Rosenberg has been finding out, its a case of from russia with love. A message to captain tom. From sergeant zina. When 97 year old russian war veteran zina korneva saw these images of tom moore doing his sponsored walk for the nhs, she realised her country needed her. Zina couldnt do 100 laps of her garden. Last year, she broke her hip. Instead, she has been sharing wartime memories online and asking for donations. It is to help the families of russian doctors who have died in the pandemic. Zina is a real russian hero. She served in an anti aircraft brigade and fought in the battle of stalingrad. These days, when she is not fundraising, she is knitting and she hasjust finished a pair of socks for captain tom. Zinas socks are now winging their way to britain, express delivery. So if captain tom ever wants to do more charity walking, at least his feet will be warm. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. I love that story and how she so carefully wra ps i love that story and how she so carefully wraps his socks, as well. They will be on their way. As well as raising millions, captain tom also reached the top of the music charts with michael ball performing youll never walk alone. Tonight you can see the moment they met for the first time in a special bbc one documentary. Lets speak to michael now. Lovely to see you. In your back garden. How are you . Beautiful weather, isnt it . It looks lovely where you are. Its such an extraordinary story and you are so much part of it. Use first spoke to captain tom a while back. Right at the beginning. I saw the piece done on the good friday on bbc breakfast and thought, this man is extraordinary, lets get him onto our Breakfast Show on radio 2. And he came on and i think the figure at that point was just about £200,000 which is an amazing amount of money. Soi which is an amazing amount of money. So i asked of the listeners to get behind and see if we could get it to 300,000 by the end of the show. And it just took off. 300,000 by the end of the show. And itjust took off. Subsequently, everything we know happened. So ive a lwa ys everything we know happened. So ive always felt part of the story and linked to the story. Then coming onto your show, on his last lap, singing a little bit of youll never walk alone and suddenly thinking we could do something for this and he was up for the idea, but the weird thing is making it and doing it and having a number one and we had never actually met. So yesterday, when i went up to see him obviously observing all the correct social distancing, and met with all of the family, i was actually emotional. Ill be honest, it was lovely. The great thing talking with him, every timei great thing talking with him, every time i have talked before there was a lwa ys time i have talked before there was always a delay or things are shutting down on these machines, and he isa shutting down on these machines, and he is a little hard of hearing so to be able to talk to him like this face to face was just brilliant. Youve talked us through it beautifully so lets look at the moment we can see tonight on bbc one of you meeting him for the first time. Captain tom, we meet at last. Where have you come from . time. Captain tom, we meet at last. Where have you come from . I have been lurking at the bottom of the garden. Marvellous to see you. It is so lovely to see you, it really is. Its an absolute surprise, i never thought i would see you out of the blue. You appeared from nowhere. Thank you very much for coming. It really is my greatest pleasure. I never ever expected to see you. mean, there he is sitting in his garden, michael ball hiding behind a tree, you couldnt make this up, could you . Tree, you couldnt make this up, could you . Who tree, you couldnt make this up, could you . Who is that, michael ball . Some peoples nightmare i know obviously you take over social distancing in order to film it and the rest of it, it is so strange at the rest of it, it is so strange at the moment because such a natural reaction would be to shake his hand, wouldnt it . We are in such a different world. Yes, ive got to know his lovely daughter hannah, who i call the colonel, and im a hugger. When we met, weve always had a hug. Its really hard not to do that, to resist that, but of course, you must, but doesnt it make you realise that when the day comes back when we can do that we are going to make the most of it. What is it do you think, lots of people out there, michael, who are doing Amazing Things are raising money for charity, raising money for the nhs, but what is it about this 100 year old man who had struck a chord with so many people . You mentioned you saw the story and got on radio 2 and we got on bbc brea kfast, on radio 2 and we got on bbc breakfast, loads of people got involved, but he hasjust breakfast, loads of people got involved, but he has just touched a nerve and encouraged and inspired so many, nerve and encouraged and inspired so any nerve and encouraged and inspired so many, many people and that £33 million we were talking about earlier, i think the average is still £20 a person, so theres hundreds of thousands of people have got on board and supported him over the last few weeks. He struck a chord with us all for a number of reasons, i think. Chord with us all for a number of reasons, ithink. I chord with us all for a number of reasons, i think. I think we were looking for something, all of us looking for something, all of us looking for something we could do to get behind but didnt know what it was. Then this story appeared, the magic age, arriving at 100, what he set out to do, the fact he was from that generation we are celebrating this week on ve day, and then, when you met him and talk to him and listen to him, that grace, that decency, that sense of humour, the stoicism. It gave us a focal point. It gave us a beacon of light that we could all try and do our things around, even if it was just staying at home and donating a bit of money. You know, we were doing it and we could do it because of what captain tom represented. Its notjust about him as well, but also whats become clear over the last eight weeks, its about the nhs, isnt it . Everyone on a thursday night wants to give back to the nhs, as well. Absolutely, but we didnt know how to do that. I guess when you are singing, you need the hook, the thing which will latch into people and think thats how i make this work and i do my bit. It was important when we did the song we had the nhs voices of care be the backing singers, because that was about all of us, you know. It was about all of us, you know. It was about us trying to celebrate tom, raise money and celebrate the nhs, thats all it was ever about. Michael, youve been clear talking about the very strict observance of social distancing, and im aware people may be watching thinking michael is all right to go and visit colonel tom and his back garden, but we should make the point of the bbc isa we should make the point of the bbc is a Public Service broadcaster, we are told we are able to carry on reporting, you were doing a job interviewing captain tom as part of that Public Service, and there were very strict rules about observing social distancing at all times. I think its right to reiterate that for people who could be concerned about that this morning. Yes, i can understand why people would be concerned. This is a 100 year old man right in the centre of the vulnerable group. Because of that, i promise everyone we took absolutely first rate care. He was never near any of us, anything that was touched was wiped down immediately. This was a reporting job and thats kind of what we needed to do so i hope people will understand that there we re people will understand that there were no risks taken. And we did it for the right reasons. Its great to have another report on the team. Laughter can you do next tuesday . Have you got any other plans . Another song . You must have had quite a long chat. We did. I think we will go on the arena tour next year. And then we will start in the uk and then World Domination for me and captain tom. In terms of what people can see on this programme tonight, obviously you meeting him it the fresh material, but it will be essentially the story we have followed for the last few weeks, wont it . Thats right. The magic moment was going to the hall and seeing the cards laid out for capt tom, and there are tens of thousands of them and all of them, with beautiful messages inside them, with beautiful messages inside them, and it was an interesting building because its where the bbc orchestra used to hide and play during the second world war. That was their location. The acoustics in the and the atmosphere was just spine tingling. A lovely moment. Listen, im looking forward to seeing it and thank you very much for being part of this epicjourney. Just a tiny part but a privilege to bea just a tiny part but a privilege to be a part of it. On the number one, michael, can you quite believe you are number one with a 100 year old . No. Laughter the weird thing it means im the seventh oldest man to have a number one. Not so happy about that. Its just amazing. And i know its about tom. It was lovely that i was able to facilitate something that gave people something to get behind but its about tom, not me. Lovely to speak to you. Bbc breakfasts new reporter, welcome to the gang. Captain tom we salute you is on bbc one tonight at 7. 30. He is already bigging up his role, can you believe it . Thats all from us for today. Have a good day. Goodbye. Good morning, welcome to bbc news. Im victoria derbyshire, here are the headlines. The government urges members of the public to continue following lockdown rules. Its becasue one of its top scientific advisers has resigned after admitting breaking the guidelines on social distancing. Professor ferguson has obviously set out that he should have abided by the rules, it was a lapse, an error of judgment. And those rules on social distancing are very firmly still required. The german chancellor, Angela Merkel, is expected to announce the further relaxation of restrictions later today

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