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Calls to ban smoking outside hospitals in England Health Officials Say patients need better support to kick the habit, if theres to be a smoke free nhs. In the six nations, scotland beat wales for the first time in ten yea rs. Wales for the first time in ten years. The scots trailed at the break, but responded with two tries in an excellent win at murrayfield. Will la la land sweep the board at the oscars . Well get the latest from los angeles as hollywood prepares for its biggest night of the year. And ben has the weather. Good morning. Some eastern parts might get glimpses of sunshine this morning, but generally it is another largely about the day. Some outbreaks of rain towards the north west, and some very windy weather in the west. Full details in 15 minutes. Good morning. First, our main story. Jeremy corbyn has said he takes his share of responsibility for the partys defeat in the copeland by election. In an article for the sunday mirror, he says labour has not done enough to rebuild trust with people who dont feel the party represents them. But he does insist he will continue in his role as Labour Leader as our Political Correspondent Carole Walker reports. Jeremy corbyn is again making it clear he is not standing down and there will be no change of direction. He was in stoke last week when labour saw off the challenge from ukip to hold onto the seat, but he says his partys defeat in copeland was deeply disappointing and he takes his share of responsibility. The tories claimed their victory in copeland was an endorsement of theresa mays leadership and policies. But the Labour Leader urges his party to stand together, to turn back the tory tide. Mr corbyn says places like copeland have been left behind by globalisation. He admits labour hasnt done enough to rebuild trust with people, who he says have been sold out for decades and dont feel labour represents them. In his article in the sunday mirror, he writes but his words are unlikely to reassure the critics in his party, who fear they are heading for defeat at the general election under his leadership. The conservative former deputy prime minister, lord heseltine, has said he will rebel against the government on its brexit bill. Writing in the mail on sunday, the peer said he would support an amendment to the article 50 legislation so that parliament can have what he describes as a meaningful vote on a final deal with the eu. Our Political Correspondent Tom Bartonjoins us from our london newsroom. Will anyone Pay Attention to what lord heseltine says . Well, yes, they are likely to, not least because tory grandees dont come much grander than michael heseltine. He has served as a Cabinet Minister in five different positions, under both john major and margaret thatcher. He is now a peer in the House Of Lords and is threatening to defy theresa may and back an amendment to the article 50 legislation that would give parliament the final say after brexit negotiations. Lord heseltine campaigned for remain at last yous referendum, but he insists he does not want a confrontation with the government, hejust not want a confrontation with the government, he just wants to ensure that parliament can exercise what he calls it a Proper Authority over this issue. He does recognise that that course of action could lead him to defy a three line whip from his own party. He brexit minister in the House Of Lords, lord bridges, is taking a contrary position. He has appealed for peers to pass this legislation without any amendments, saying that he is should not do anything that would tie the prime ministers hand ahead of negotiations starting later this year. Tom, thank you. The first vote on that article 50 bill has already happened, but there is still a lot of work to be done before it is finally passed. A leaked report has suggested that mo farahs coach, alberto salazar, may have broken anti doping rules to boost the performance of some athletes. The document from the us anti doping agency, which is dated march 2016, was apparently passed to the sunday times by russian hackers. It appears to allege that salazar almost certainly broke the rules by giving some of his athletes a performance enhancing substance. He and mo farah have always denied breaching anti doping regulations. Iraqi forces are continuing their advancement into Western Mosul in an attempt to remove the so called Islamic State from iraqs second largest city. Our correspondent wyre davies is in the Northern City of irbil. We know they captured the airport on thursday, but it has not been an easy fight, has it . No, it is a very different battle now, going into the western pa rt of different battle now, going into the western part of mosul. Mosul is the last Big Stronghold Of So called Islamic State. In a ruck there are 4000 5000 is fighters, but they are heavily armed. There are 750,000 civilians trapped inside city, so progress of the coalition backed iraqi troops on the ground will be very slow because the militants have beenin very slow because the militants have been in there for a long time. They have built a network of tunnels. There will be house to house fighting, and more than likely, there will be fighting from within houses where there are families living upstairs or downstairs, and there is a real threat to the civilian population. The other big problem for the iraqi forces as they go in is the tactics and used by the is britons, the use ofjones, for example. Dash macro drones. There are 30 or40 example. Dash macro drones. There are 30 or 40 of these at any one time, dropping small grenade on military and civilian targets. 0ne Colleague told me it was almost raining drones, and that is a very difficult situation. It is one at the minute that the coalition does not seem able to deal with. So progress is slow, although iraqi forces are pushing slowly and surely into the western part of the city. Thank you. Public Health England is calling for a tobacco free nhs, banning the habit across Hospital Sites and giving patients support to quit. Recent statistics from the British Thoracic Society show a quarter of people admitted to hospital were recorded as being current smokers, but only 7 were referred for treatment to help them stop. Gerry jackson reports. More than a million smokers are admitted to nhs hospitals in the uk every year. Many Hospital Trusts in england have already banned smoking, but it isnt always easy, and public Health England says much more needs to be done to achieve a tobacco free nhs. According to recent figures, one in four Hospital Patients in the uk are smokers. But just 28 are asked if they want help to stop, and only 7 are referred for treatment. Public Health England now wants trusts to ban smoking in and outside all nhs buildings in england and all smokers to be offered help to quit. That might include prescriptions for nicotine replacements, or a referral to a stop smoking support service, but it also wants a senior clinician employed at every hospital to make sure it happens. This is not about forcing people. This is not about forcing people. This is not about forcing people. This is about helping people. Seven out of ten said they wanted to quit. It isa out of ten said they wanted to quit. It is a chance when they are in hospital to get a chance to meet people who can help them. We know that if you get that help, you are four times likely to quit for ever. Smoking is banned by law across hospitals in northern ireland. In scotla nd hospitals in northern ireland. In scotland and wales, they plan to bring in legislation later this year. The Department Of Health in england, though, says it has no plans to make it illegal at the moment. Lots of you are getting in touch with us about this story. Alan says, i dont mind people smoking, it is their choice, but i do object to walking through a wall of Cigarette Smoke at the entrance. A lot of people have made that point. Another person says there are notices up asking people not to smoke because it is next to the baby unit, but people are still there smoking. Martin says, what about nhs staff . Should you be allowed to smoke if you are in uniform perhaps . We will talk about this a little later. A £17 Million Investment for britains Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Industries has been announced by the government. The funding will aim to support the development of new robotics and Artificial Intelligence technologies in universities across the uk. Its estimated the sector could add billions of pounds to the economy by 2035. At least 28 people have been injured in the us City Of New Orleans after a suspected drunk driver ploughed his car into a crowd watching the annual mardi gras parade. 21 people, including children as young as three, needed hospital treatment. Police say the driver was arrested and that terrorism was not suspected. Police in malaysia have declared kuala lumpur airport, where the half brother of north koreas leader was killed with a nerve agent 12 days ago, to be safe. Security officials carried out a detailed search of the terminal building for the presence of vx and other toxic chemicals, but found nothing. Final preparations are being made for the oscars ceremony, which takes place in hollywood tonight. With 14 nominations, the musical la la land is expected to be a big winner, but the dramas moonlight and Manchester By The Sea are also tipped to do well. A pregnant giraffe in new york has become an unlikely youtube sensation after zookeepers began Live Streaming her labour. April, whos expecting herfourth calf, has had more than 30 Million People logging on to watch. She gained even more fans when the video was taken down after Animal Rights protesters complained it was a violation of its nudity and sexual content policy. Lets ta ke lets take a quick look at the live pictures. She is looking a little bit fed pictures. She is looking a little bitfed up, pictures. She is looking a little bit fed up, it is fair to say. I cant take my eyes off it she was sleeping earlier, now she has stood up sleeping earlier, now she has stood up and she is wandering around, whether that means things are imminent or not, i am not an expert, i must confess. We will keep a post i on april. Sending good thoughts to april in new york. In 2009, Lizzie Mcnaught appeared on breakfast to tell us about her battle with anorexia. Shed been in hospitalforfive months after doctors told her that her heart was failing. Now lizzie is a Junior Doctor and she wants others in the Health Profession to be given better training in how to treat Eating Disorders. Well speak to lizzie injust a moment, but first lets see her talking about her recovery on breakfast seven years ago. I think i learned that, through not eating and through virtually starving myself, there was no way i could do everything i want to do in life, and there is so much i want to achieve. I had to learn that i want to be better. I want to live and i want to make the most of my life. But the thing is, recovery is not one instant sharp turn, it is a series of Different Things. Im going to get better now, but ive fallen back. Im going to pick myself up again. I always say recovery is possible. Anorexia is not a Life Sentence. So often i was told ill never recover, itlljust shrink, but i just want to let everyone know, you can recover, and it is possible, and you dont have to live with this for ever. Lizzie joins us now in the studio, and from our london newsroom, tom quinn from the Eating Disorder charity, beat. Good morning to you. Ijust want to pick up on that thought that you had at the end of that clip, speaking to us at the end of that clip, speaking to us all those years ago, you said anorexia is not a Life Sentence. But you have changed your mind about that. As part of the recovery, you have realised this is something you need to deal with. I dont think i have changed my mind in saying it is not a Life Sentence, i dont think it is, and actually a lot has changed since then for me. I think my attitude has changed. I have changed from focusing on controlling my food to the good i can do, and i have qualified as a doctor, and i now practice as a doctor. So it is not a Life Sentence in that i still get on with life and i enjoy life andi get on with life and i enjoy life and i live life, but i have written and i live life, but i have written a book that is being launched this week, and part of the message i want to get across with that book is that life hurts, life does still heard for me and it is still a struggle, but you can still live it. It is something that you have to live with day to day, rather than this just being a part of your history that you have put to one side. Yes. I think that is my situation at the moment, and i think that that is not necessary for most people. With Early Intervention and effective therapy, recovery is possible, and it does not have to be something that people live with. Early intervention is a key message and we will talk about that in a moment. But in terms of you and your story, at what stage was it that you sought help, or somebody sought help on your behalf, and how did those first initial contacts with the medical profession go . My mum initially picked up that there was something wrong, but it wasnt until seven months later that she took me to the gp. I dont think that is a fault of my parents at all, but i dont think there is enough education for pa rents there is enough education for parents out there to be able to pick up parents out there to be able to pick up on early signs and symptoms and know what to do. But then she took me to my gp, and i will be immensely grateful for the rest of my life for all the help provided to me by Health Professionals, but i think they were hindered by their education and their lack of knowledge in the area. Tom, can we ask you about this question what this will be the First Port Of Call for many families concerned about young people with this condition. How well trained our gps in knowing what to do . Well, we have a difficult job, what to do . Well, we have a difficultjob, but we do think that with more training before gps qualified they will be Better Qualified they will be Better Qualified to spot those early signs and symptoms, and ensure that people get that vital Early Intervention to maximise their chances of recovery. What does Early Intervention look like . For most people, talking therapies, cognitive behavioural therapy, can be really effective. An opportunity to talk through perhaps the underlying issues that are causing their Eating Disorder. For most people, that can be really effective, and if that comes early, we dont need people to go into hospital, they can be helped much quicker. If it dealing with it as a Mental Health issue, rather than as a physical issue . Absolutely. I think that Eating Disorders and Mental Health problems really warrant more respect for treatment in the medical system. Our doctors aware that it is often the case that people suffering from this will manipulate this, you talked earlier about eating secretly in your room and then throwing food away. A lot of this problem is so well hidden, that doctors may not be able to identify certain key issues. That doctors may not be able to identify certain key issueslj that doctors may not be able to identify certain key issues. I think thatis identify certain key issues. I think that is an issue. Eating disorders are very secretive, and people will go to all sorts of lengths to hide them from people. On the whole, Eating Disorders are complex and multifactorial, which makes them difficult to diagnose, but it is not impossible. With adequate education it should be possible. In the Sunday Telegraph today, there is a story saying access to help is limited. This is a frequent story we here in relation to Mental Health issues anyway, particularly with regard to young people. The funding simply isnt there, again a familiar story. How much of a concern is that for you . It is a concern. The covenant have invested money recently, which of course is welcome, but we have had historic underfunding of Mental Health services generally and Eating Disorders specifically. We are all aware of the challenges the nhs is under, but it is vital that more money goes in particular in Community Based treatment, which is much more cost effective. If we have more money available for that early treatment, actually we can avoid people having to go into hospital, and actually save the taxpayer money. A final thought from you, lizzie, you are now qualified and you have seen this issue from both sides. For any doctor watching, what is the best way that they can start to treat and deal with this . Use your humanity. Humanity in talking to someone, building that relationship, opening up with them and allowing them to open up, and then appropriate early referral to services and Early Intervention. That is the best that you can do. And for parents that might be concerned, who might have questions, is my daughter or son verging on this, how do they begin, what is the first thought they should say to their child to encourage them to open up about it . I thinkl their child to encourage them to open up about it . I think i would just broach the subject in whatever way is appropriate for that relationship, but calmly talking about it, not in an accuser tory old way, not in a judgment or weight, and not in a way that makes the child feel that all of my control will be taken for me by my parents. Just sitting down and talking about it, and be alongside them. Dont try to lead them, cheer them on. Ultimately, it has got to be the person struggling, it has got to be their decision and their choice to get better. The parents cannot do that. Thank you for sharing that with us. Good to talk to you both. Heres ben with a look at this mornings weather. What a picture yes, this is highlands scotland. A beautiful start to the day in places. Some beautiful sunsets have been captured, particularly in eastern areas. Some people are waking up to this, however. This is south wales. Through today, Western Areas will see some witty wet and windy weather, courtesy of this. This is actually a named storm, storm you wind, but it has not been named by the met office in the uk, it has been named by the Irish Weather Service because they are concerned fork impacts here. It is not as bad as storm doris, but it will still provide wet and stormy weather. Rain already moving in across northern ireland, turning heavy through the day. Through the afternoon of the wind could reach 40 or 50 mile our gusts. For close of wales and eventually Southern Scotland and northern ireland, asked up to 60 mph. Combine that with the rain, not a great day for a walk along the coast or the tops of the hills will stop the rain will turn to snow in parts of Northern Scotland. Eastern and southern areas remaining mostly dry and mild. Do this evening, this band of rain will push in across england and wales, Rain Moving North across scotland, some snow as well, and up to 70 mph gusts through the night. From the west, cold air moving in, and a real rash of showers. That could give some icy stretches to take us into tomorrow morning. Tomorrow could be a slightly tricky commute. A lot of showers, some heavy and country with hail. Perhaps some sleet and snow to low levels at times. Some sunshine between those downpours, and tempered as well down on where they have been. Rain, gales, some snow, hailand have been. Rain, gales, some snow, hail and thunder, pretty much everything on the menu to the next couple of days. Thank you, ben. Youre watching breakfast from bbc news. Time now for a look at the newspapers. Dr Stuart Farrimond is here to tell us whats caught his eye. Well speak to him in a minute, first lets look at the front pages. Lets start with the sunday times because its headlined their, benefits for migrants face the axe. The biggest shake up of the Immigration Policy in generations. And mo farahs coach accused of endangering him with drugs. The Sunday Telegraph this morning, it looks that a story concerning the Terror Threat to this country which is being described as the worst in a generation. In his first major interview since taking over the role of head of the countrys new terrorism watchdog, this is max hill. He says so called isis is planning indiscriminate attacks on innocent civilians on a Scale Similarto innocent civilians on a scale similar to those perpetrated by the ira 40 years ago. A harrowing tale on the front of the mail on sunday. It says a critically ill little girl died hours after a gp didnt see her because she turns up gp didnt see her because she turns upafew gp didnt see her because she turns up a few minutes late for an emergency appointment. The paper goes on to say that the doctor received a slap on the risk wrist at a disciplinary hearing. And the independent talks about how the lords are being told to show backbone on the brexit bill. It is interesting to see that the passage of the article 50 bill is not yet done. They have had one vote which was won handsomely by the government, but there is still some way to go before the bill is ultimately passed. You have picked up something from the mail. I love this sort of thing, about where you get science and you put it into everyday stuff. This one isa put it into everyday stuff. This one is a professor who has looked at music, and how genres have changed over the years, and he has made the observation that the beatles were musically not that important. How does he get to that conclusion . You can see this image of different colours. Essentially, the beatles did not move musical genres forward, they just landed bang in did not move musical genres forward, theyjust landed bang in the middle. They did not progress music. |j theyjust landed bang in the middle. They did not progress music. I dont know if i quite subscribe to that. No, i definitely dont. I think he is probably right, but is there anything wrong with that question what he says in the 19605 there was lots of change taking place in music, and they did not retake part in that. But i imagine if music is changing quite a lot, to have music thatis changing quite a lot, to have music that is familiar, and really good. Iam that is familiar, and really good. I am sorry, he is not right at all. The beatles evolved music more than any other group the beatles evolved music more than any othergroup in the beatles evolved music more than any other group in the ten years he was active. He says it is not true. Another journalist says was active. He says it is not true. Anotherjournalist says it is nonsense. A matter of opinion, i think. Lets look at the sunday times. This is a Cambridge College rethinking its menu. Huge controversy. They have ended up in hot water. One of the haemorrhage colleges, for how they have been Naming Theirfood Cambridge Colleges. They called something a jamaican stew which contains mango and beef. One student who is half jamaican pointed out that in the caribbean they do not mix food and beef. Another Tunisian Dish has raised the anger of students because it is not really tunisian. And dont get me started on yorkshire puddings. Now what can we say on this . I think it is a storm in a teacup, quite possibly. Staying on the food theme. But what is wrong with that . What is wrong with having food that we have doctored and modified . I suppose the point is it is taking a very stereotypical, or almost a parodied version or view of almost a parodied version or view of a country and making it into a food. A caribbean inspired stew might not cause offence. At the moment i am writing a book about the science of food and cooking, and if you look into the history of food, there are lots of these surprising things that you can discover. If we were to go 0k, you can discover. If we were to go ok, we will do british food only, it would be pretty drab. Boring. Yes. Just dont Put Pineapple on your pizza if you are in italy lets skip through to an oscars related story. Moonlight is one of the really stunning films of the year, but this article suggests we may not be watching it years down the line. It is well worth watching, but i agree with the comments made here. Will we watch it in 70 years time poster mark i found it, the senate okri was beautiful cinematography. It is really hard going, however, and ifound that it is making more of a social commentary than actually wanting to produce something that is the story for the storys sake. I watched the film platoon about the vietnam war long after it came out, and it did not have any impact because it had been done better many times since then, and a lot of it was making a point that at the time would have had a great social impact. Yes, he makes the point, ignore the oscars tonight and watch a classic film instead. Many people who may be avoiding the loveliness of the oscars, that is probably good advice. Thank you forjoining us. Stay with us, the headlines are next. Hello, this is breakfast with ben thompson and rachel burden. Coming up before nine ben has the weather. But first a summary of this mornings main news. Jeremy corbyn, says he takes his share of responsibility for labours defeat in last thursdays by election in copeland. In an article for the sunday mirror, he says the party has not done enough to rebuild trust with people who dont feel it represents them. Mr corbyn also reiterated his determination to stay on as leader and finish the job of winning power. The conservative former deputy prime minister, on its brexit bill. Writing in the mail on sunday, the peer said he would support an amendment to the article 50 legislation so that parliament can have what he describes as a meaningful vote on a final deal with the eu. Public Health England is calling for a tobacco free nhs, banning the habit across Hospital Sites and giving patients support to quit. Recent statistics show a quarter of people admitted to hospital were recorded as being current smokers but only 7 were referred for treatment to help them stop. Smoking on hospital grounds is already banned in scotland, wales and northern ireland. Speaking earlier on breakfast, the Chief Executive of public Health England told us this was about supporting smokers. This isnt about forcing people, this is about helping people and seven out of ten say they want to quit, so it is a chance when they are in hospital to get them in touch with people who can help. We know if you get that help you are four times more likely to quit for ever. At least 28 people have been injured in the us City Of New Orleans after a suspected drunk driver ploughed his car into a crowd watching the annual mardi gras parade. 21 people, including children as young as three, needed hospital treatment. Police say the driver was arrested and that terrorism was not suspected. Final preparations are being made for the oscars ceremony, which takes place in hollywood tonight. With 14 nominations, the musical la la land is expected to be a big winner, but the dramas moonlight and Manchester By The Sea, are also tipped to do well. A pregnant giraffe in new york has become an unlikely youtube sensation after zookeepers began Live Streaming her labour. April, whos expecting herfourth calf, has had more than 30 Million People logging on to watch. She gained even more fans when the video was taken down after Animal Rights protesters complained it was a violation of its nudity and sexual content policy. Lets have a look and see what she is doing live. She has been doing a lot of wandering around and a lot of lying down. I dont know what the signs to look out for for the giraffe and when the signs are imminent. We have been trying to work out whether it is a long fall. It would be. She might have to lie down. I feel a down. Ifeel a bit down. I feel a bit sorry for her. Never mind the nudity policy, the Privacy Policy 30 Million People are watching and wishing her well. She needs someone to come in and rub her back. Do machines work on a giraffe . You would think so. Lets talk about sport and the six nations. What a championship it is turning out to be. England play italy today. Ireland are showing signs of rediscovering their form, ireland are showing signs of rediscovering theirform, but ireland are showing signs of rediscovering their form, but the outstanding game was scotland beating wales. Do you think the bonusis beating wales. Do you think the bonus is helping . Is it encouraging . Maybe it is when a team is beating a wea ker maybe it is when a team is beating a weaker team. We saw ireland get a lot of points over italy took down the bonus points, but it is an interesting development. Ireland ranked the top because of that bonus point. It influences tactical decisions towards the end of the game. Do you score points that will allow you the bonus point, than gambling and going for the win . It does add a different element. So an excellent win for scotland. Ireland, though, are at the top of the six nations table this morning. They came from behind to beat france 19 9 in dublin. But its that scotland victory that has grabbed the headlines. As Patrick Gearey reports. Scotland shake up the six nations for the second time. At the tournaments crossroads they took the right path. So much hanging over this, for 20 minutes so little ground given, until wales set off on the open road. Liam williams on the fast lane. Too quick to be stopped by any of scotlands barriers. So they tried to catch them another way. Finn russell kicked scotland closer, but Leigh Halfpenny can kick to the horizon. Consider russell trumped. Four now. Scotland flew out after the break. Tommy seymour for the line. In the city of trainspotting, try spotting. Was it . It was, just. Scotland ahead. They moved six points clear, then wales responded. This time rhys webb asked the question, but, before he reached the question, but before he reached the try line he reached touch. The answer was no try. Under the Pump Scotland have cracked in the past, now the pressure powered them. A fizzer to tim visser, delirium vern cotter style. A first scottish victory over wales in ten years. 29 13 and all of this shows scotlands Rugby Resurgence and proves that they are very real contenders for this years title. Which of ireland and france could join them . That was always predicted to be tight. A game for spotting the tiniest of spaces, conor murrays speciality. Jonathan sexton thrives further out. Back in the team to do this a lovely drop. Vintage sexton, in fact. 19 9 it finished. Now to gather that energy. For ireland, as for scotland, the title chase is on. We have beaten ireland, a very good team, we have beaten wales, a very good team as well, and we go to england for the next game and we are group who, if we work hard, we genuinely can win games. Italy took a surprise early lead against england in the womens six nations, as sofia stefan went over in the fourth minute. But the english pack overwhelmed their opponents, hooker Vicky Fleetwood scored a hat trick of almost identical tries as they won 29 14. England lead the six nations table by four points from ireland, who play france later today. Chelsea have extended their lead at the top of the Premier League to 11 points after a 3 1win over swansea city at stamford bridge. Cesc fabregas marked his 300th premier League Appearance by Firing The Blues ahead. Fernando llorente equalised before the interval but after the break chelsea swept swansea aside with goals from pedro and diego costa. This table is not true because the other teams have to play, but for sure for us it is important to look at ourselves and to think to win because for sure in this part of the season every win is very important for us. Elsewhere, Crystal Palace beat middlesbrough 1 0, to move out of the relegation zone, but sunderland remain bottom after losing 2 0 to everton. Hull city and burnley drew 1 1, as did watford and west ham. West brom beat bournemouth 2 1. Celtic have maintained their 24 point lead at the top of the Scottish Premiership with a 2 0 win over hamilton. Moussa dembele scored both goals to give the hoops their 21st league win in a row. Aberdeen moved nine points clear in the race for second place, with a 1 0 win over ross county. Dundee won 5 1 away at motherwell. Partick thistle beat a ten man hearts. And kilmarnock got their first away win since october at stjohnstone. Southampton have not won a major trophy since 1976. Jose mourinho has never lost a domestic cup final in england. It will be good for the group and club, and also for me obviously. But at the beginning of my career i was looking more to myself and my personal achievements if you can say that. I am in a period when i am more a club man. We have to put in the ground all the experience to win this game this year, so it is the best opportunity to play again for the european games next season. It is most important for me. It is most important for me. Englands one day cricket captain eoin morgan top scored with 95 as his side eased to a win in the first warm up game of their west indies tour. Morgan wasjoined byjason roy, new test captain joe root and ben stokes in scoring half centuries, as they beat the vice chancellors xi, by 117 runs. The first odi of the three match series is on friday. Boxing now, and amir khan and Manny Pacquiao have confirmed they will take to the ring on april the 23rd. Both fighters made the announcement on social media a few hours ago. No venue has been given for what khan describes as the super fight, but pacquiao has suggested earlier this month it may take place in the united arab emirates. Michaeljamieson has Michael Jamieson has retired michaeljamieson has retired from swimming. His other medal in the 200 metres breaststroke was one of the highest medals. There was a hairy moment for great britains mens four Bobsleigh Team at the World Championships in germany. The team crashed out in their second run. They ended up going head first into the wall, finishing on their side. Thankfully everyone was ok. They wont feature in the remaining heats though, because their sled failed to make it to the finish line. Tha nkfully thankfully they were all ok. So they couldnt push it over the line. It is not a wacky race. Somebody said it was like being a human pinball. They look so vulnerable. They go up to 90 miles an hour. I think the record is 153 kilometres an hour. They are going so fast. There is also a lot of weight flying down at 90 miles an hour. It is and once it starts to go, you lose control. Even when you are watching it, it is kind of like no watching birds outside your window could benefit your Mental Health according to academics from the university of exeter. The study of more than 270 people found lower levels of depression, anxiety and stress were associated with the number of birds they could see in the afternoon. Lets take a look at more of theirfindings. I hope you all feel a little bit more soothed as you watched that. Joining us now is birdwatcher paul brook. It is amazing, even seen them on the tv screen, your heart rate slows down a bit. Before i came in, i was standing outside watching them come in. It was good distraction. This is not about chasing birds, it is about watching what is going on around you and even the birds in your back garden. When you have depression your mind might go slow and sometimes looking out of the window is all you can do, but there are birds everywhere. You can walk five minutes down the street. It is perhaps more exciting chasing after rare birds, and i do that as well, but it is not possible when you do not feel well. Tell us about your experience of depression and how it came about. I guess it is realising thatis came about. I guess it is realising that is what you are facing. It crept up on me and i had been working hard for a long period of time. I had two Young Children and i did not get much sleep and i carried on coping. Then gradually i came down with a string of minor illnesses, headaches, iwas down with a string of minor illnesses, headaches, i was not looking forward to anything any more and my mood dropped. I took medication for a few years, i had some counselling. But really it is about finding Different Things you can do, like having a toolkit can help you manage your symptoms. Now ifi help you manage your symptoms. Now if i feel an episode of depression might be coming, watching birds is one of the first things i will do. How did you realise that was something that could help . |j something that could help . remember there was a moment when my counsellor said to me it was important to find something that i enjoyed doing and i had to make time to do that. You can get easily caught up in a treadmill. I had been interested in Bird Watching since i was eight and it was the obvious thing, it got me out of the house. Fresh air, daylight, exercise, a positive distraction of Bird Watching, something to focus on. It is important to say this is not a cure for depression or Mental Health problems, but it is a tool for helping managing it. That is right. You hear a lot now about mindfulness as a way of managing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Bird watching helps in a similar way. You are very much in the moment and you are focusing on something other than the thing that is racing on around your mind. There is a project i follow on twitter called bird therapy, and it says much the same thing about the benefits of Bird Watching. Same thing about the benefits of birdwatching. I know your experience was Bird Watching, does this help with interests in other hobbies . Getting outside, fresh air, daylight, stepping outside your routine, it could apply to other hobbies. That is right. Bird watching for me added something. The variety of what you might see changes throughout the year and the seasons, but you can go out running, walking, photography, any number of things that can get you out and about. That is difficult when you have depression, you do not have the energy to do anything, some people cannot get out of bed, but there is a definite benefit even for a couple of minutes just watching birds. What kind of birds do you have outside your window . We like the goldfinch, a very colourful bird, and we often get them in our garden, they are special birds. Thank you very much for talking to us thank you very much for talking to us about it. I am off to read the news on the andrew marr show. Goodbye. But we have the other ben for us to do the weather. A lot of birds out there. I cannot tell what they are from this distance. It has not been a bad start. Out west this is the view that one of our viewers has woken up to. It is Western Areas that are online for some pretty wet and windy weather courtesy of this cloud. This has been named storm un, but not by the uk met office, but by the irish Weather Office because they are concerned about across ireland. We see some outbreaks of rain already in northern ireland, Western Scotla nd in northern ireland, Western Scotland and northern wales. The wins out west will be picking up through this afternoon. For Coastal Paths of South West England we could see gusts of 40 15 miles an hour. Eventually across Southern Scotland we are expecting wind gusts of maybe 60 miles an hour in exposed spots. Combine that with the rain and it is not a great day for a coastal walk or heading to the hills. Some snow will fall in Northern Scotland and the cold air digs in. Milder and dry in the south east. This band of rain will move its way across england and wales. Rain and snow pushed northwards across scotland. Severe gales in the northern isles. By the end of the night some showers rushing in from the west, perhaps heavy and thundery. There is the risk of icy stretches to take us into tomorrow morning. Bear that in mind for the monday morning commute. Some sunshine, but plenty of showers, heavy and thundery with hail, and wintry weather especially on high ground, but even low levels could get sleet and snow. Temperatures well down on where they have been. There is an awful lot going on. I am going for a sit down now. Nazi germanys Bombing Campaign against Britain In World War Ii lasted for eight months and killed 43,000 people, but despite the bombardment two Peace Officers managed to document the devastation through a series of photographs. Now they are going on display at an exhibition in london. Caroline davies has been to see them. Here again are the same firefighters who face peril and danger with the same determination and courage. London during the blitz, a newsreel showing resilience and heroism. But the new exhibition shows a different side to the destruction. Alongside paintings from well known war artists are some unexpected contributors, two city police men. They were recording the damage to the city, partially with the aim of recording it so they could think about reconstruction work. It is not known if these images were ever helped to rebuild, the destruction was too great. What colossal strength runs in londons veins. Even today many of the images we usually see of the blitz were recorded as propaganda, but these pictures were never meant to be seen by the public. A coat still hanging on the back of the door, they show a different side to the devastation, less defiant, more private. Bookcases intact in a sitting room bombed apart. London did rebuild along the blitz offered along the same street lines that existed before. What is striking about these photos is they show a city that is so familiar, destroyed in a way none of us have ever experienced. You cannot help looking at images of bomb downed seven cities without thinking of wider events. That is inevitable. This new exhibition shows a city destroyed by war, this time without fanfare. The red carpet has been rolled out for the biggest night in hollywood, the 89th academy awards. There are a few hopes with naming harriers, dev patel and Anthony Garfield nominated. But fantastic beasts and where to find but lala land has been nominated for many. Hollywoods golden age refashioned for the 21st century. It has a record equalling 14 oscar nominations. The film has three big stars, emma stone, ryan gosling and los angeles itself. We are standing right where i was sitting when ryan and emma dried up in the car. The woman responsible for the breathtaking choreography is now in last minute rehearsals for tonights academy awards. We are doing a city of stars audition, The Fabulousjohn Legend will be singing, which is great. Ryan and emma would have been great, Butjohn Legend is incredible and we have got 20 dancers and it will be very much in the vein of the film. Fans will be very satisfied. The big question tonight is will the academy opt for the escapism of lala land, or will it choose to confront one of the many serious subjects on offer in pretty much every other oscar nominated film. Manchester by the sea, a study in grief, has six nominations. Denzel washington directs and stars in fences, in which a father struggles to bring up his family in a segregated america. It is not easy for me to admit i have been standing in the same place for 18 years. Have been standing in the same place for18 years. I have been standing with you. I have spent 18 years of My Life Standing in the same part is you. Hidden figures also tackled racism and sexism, the true story of three women working at nasa has been a Huge Box Office hit. Why did you not come home like you were supposed to . And then there is moonlight with its themes of neglect, Drug Addiction and sexuality, earning a nomination for naomi harris. Really great Art Reflects Society And Edify Us Great art reflects society and edify us and shows a different way of operating, so i think it will be a very Political Year at the oscars. Not least when it comes to the documentaries, several of which focus on the war in syria and its consequences. The syrian Rescue Workers known as the White Helmets say they will not fly to the la for the oscars amid reports they would have been refused entry to the us. All we need to focus on is that these people are heroes, some of the most brave humanitarians and the world and they were nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize last year and if they are not welcomed on this soil, there is a problem. And so we approach the oscars amid talks of politics and protest. In some ways the world of entertainment has never felt so serious. So, who big contenders and will the brits get looking . Joining us is helen ohara from empire magazine. Is this your favourite night of the year . It is pretty exciting. Even though my favourite films are not nominated, you still want to know who wins the oscars. Do you think la la who wins the oscars. Do you think lala land will win all the nominations . I think it probably will. If you make a film about hollywood and how dreamy it is, you are in with a shot. Hollywood likes congratulating itself. Yes, it probably does, so i think it is the front runner, but moonlight could put an upset. Talk us through that for people who have not seen it because it has only recently been released in the uk. It is a very small scale film, the story of a Young African american man growing up Young African american man growing up in florida and its three stages in his life. A nine year old, a teenager and an adult. I do not want to say too much about it. Not very much happens, but the way it does not happen is very interesting. Diversity was an issue at last yea rs diversity was an issue at last years oscars. All of these would have been in the pipeline before the nominations this year, but there does seem to have been a rebound. Yes, oscar nominated a lot of new voters, so there is a much more diverse bunch of voters, but these films were great. They are led by African Americans and have done phenomenally well. Lion with dev patelin phenomenally well. Lion with dev patel in the league has again got its recognition. But there is still a wider discussion to be had. I do not think diversity has been solved, we have been lucky this year. In terms of british interest it is not a Golden Yearfor the brits. Terms of british interest it is not a golden year for the brits. Dev patel and naomi harris are in the mix, but patel and naomi harris are in the mix, but i do not think they are at the front runners. We are likely to do better with Production Design and visual effects. The british ruled the world in those areas. The stuff ido the world in those areas. The stuff i do not understand we are really good at. How political do you expect it to be . We have seen a pattern emerging with these hollywood stars using the occasion to mention things. Feelings are very high around the world and the fact that some of the foreign film nominees have not been allowed into the us is only going to amplify that and make it more of an issue. If there is one award that you say is nails, what will it be . It is probably best picture. She says reluctantly. Thank you so much. Enjoy it this evening. Dan and louise will be back here from six oclock tomorrow morning with reaction from the oscars on the red carpet. Thank you very much for your company this morning. Have a good day. Goodbye. Jeremy corbyn insists he is staying on as Labour Leader despite the defeat in the copeland by election. Theresa may faces a Brexit Rebellion from her own peers as lord heseltine says hell back Opposition Calls to change the bill to trigger article 50. Police in malaysia have declared kuala lumpur airport, where the half brother of north koreas leader was killed with a nerve agent 12 days ago, to be safe. President trump tweets that he will not be attending the White House Correspondents dinner, in another sign of the deteriorate relations with the media. Also in the next hour preparations are all most complete as hollywood prepares for the biggest night in film, the oscars. La la land is expected to the big winner, with 14 nominations, including best picture and best director

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