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Hello and welcome. After two days of silence following his ban from social media platforms, its been announced that President Trump will travel to texas on tuesday. White house staff say hell visit a stretch of the border wall that he promised to build, on what may be the final official trip of his presidency. Meanwhile in washington, senior us democrats have suggested that the house of representatives could vote as soon as tuesday on whether to impeach mr trump, but its likely to delay a senate trial. The democrats accuse mr trump of inciting his followers to launch a deadly assault on Congress Last wednesday. Separately, the Justice Department said it had charged two more people in connection with wednesdays events. Lets speak now to our correspondent peter bowes. Peter, there is enough a lot of developments. Lets start with impeachment. Bring us right up to date on the possible timetable for that. Yes, james, events a re timetable for that. Yes, james, events are moving quickly, and we are getting a clearer outline of how things could u nfold outline of how things could unfold during this week, with articles of impeachment. We have also really just articles of impeachment. We have also reallyjust seen a letter that nancy pelosi, the speaker of the house, has sent to her colleagues outline the options as well, and before they get to impeachment, the intention is to try to pass a resolution in the house that will urge the Vice President mike pence and the cabinet to convene to invoke the 20 for the amendment of the us constitution. This is something we heard a lot about over the last few days 25th amendment. This isnt a moment which would essentially declare, if agreed upon by the majority of the cabinet and the Vice President , the president mrtrump incapable of Vice President , the president mr trump incapable of Holding Office he would be replaced by the Vice President. We had indications last week that mike pence was not in favour of this, but the democrats in the house, they want to try again, pass a resolution urging the Vice President and the cabinet to head in that direction. If it does not happen, they are going to give him 2a hours, thatis going to give him 2a hours, that is when they will move forward with the articles of impeachment, which could be before the house tuesday or wednesday, and it seems as if there is overwhelming support at least from the democrats to pass that. It means those articles of impeachment could go through by the end of the week, and then the question comes, what next . Is it the time to send those articles to the senate or, as has been suggested, james, should they hold on for maybe 100 days so that it would give joe hold on for maybe 100 days so that it would givejoe biden a little bit of leeway at the beginning of his term of office to pacify the legislation that he needs the senate for . Going back to the 25th amendment, is mr penns likely to react to what the democrats are suggesting mike pence . What the democrats are suggesting mike pence . That is the key question. He has not reacted so far that he would agree with that course of action. Things have been developing quite quickly over the weekend and we have been hearing from other senior republicans, who have suggested that they believe that swift action ought to be taken against the president , so perhaps it remains to be seen whether the Vice President has been swayed by what he has heard from his colleagues and perhaps will take a different course of action in the next 2448 course of action in the next 24 48 hours. His decision will be crucial to this. What do you make of the president s plans for potentially a final road trip . This sounds like the president wants to perhaps, to some extent, defer all the attention from talk of impeachment and what has happened over the last few days to come as he would see it, some of his successes from the last four years. This trip to texas, a portion of his border wall, really would highlight as far as his administration is concerned one of his successes. This is what he campaigned on, building a long stretch of all along the us mexico border, and looks like he wants to make at least a point about that in his finalfew at least a point about that in his final few days in office, andi his final few days in office, and i would not be surprised if other issues the president believes are at least positive as far as his promises to his base supporters, i would not be surprised if they are raised in the next few days as well. Peter burrows, thanks so much peter bowes. Officials in indonesia say they have located the black box flight recorders from the boeing 737 airliner that crashed on saturday. 62 passengers and crew were on board the Sriwijaya Air jet, which disappeared from radar screens over the sea four minutes after taking off from the capital jakarta. There appears to be no hope of finding survivors. 0ur South East Asia correspondent Jonathan Head reports. Better weather allowed a small flotilla of ships to make progress in the search for flight sj182 in the sea north of the capital, jakarta. The boeing 737 crashed just four minutes into its journey. The location was quickly identified, allowing teams of divers to locate wreckage on the sea floor and, they believe, signals from the flight recorders. Translation there are two signals coming from the black boxes. These can be continuously monitored so we can mark their coordinates. Hopefully we can retrieve them soon and identify the cause of the crash. Throughout the day, they brought back debris clearly identifiable as from the missing plane, confirming that something catastrophic happened to it in the last minute of flight before it plunged into the sea. In this wreckage, there were personal items belonging to the passengers, and the Authorities Say theyve recovered some human remains as well. Relatives have been coming in to give dna samples in the hope that some of those remains can be identified. Friends and neighbours visited the home of the planes captain afwan, to offer their condolences. Both pilots were experienced flyers. Captain afwan spent many years with the Indonesian Air force. He was a good man, says his nephew, ferza mahardika. He often gave us advice and was a prominent figure in the neighbourhood, well known for his kindness. The pilots gave no distress calls, leaving no clue as to what went wrong. The continued recovery of wreckage will hopefully provide some answers and shed light on whether the safety flaws which have long dogged indonesias Aviation Industry were a factor here too. Jonathan head, bbc news, bangkok. Weve been hearing some or intervention from the Indonesian National Transportation Safety committee. An official says the crashed jet possibly broke apart when it headwaters, based on finding so far. The plane debris found is gathered in relatively small area so far. We will keep you up to date. Health secretary matt hancock has warned that people in the uk flexing lockdown rules could be fatal, urging everyone to adhere to restrictions aimed at bringing Coronavirus Infections under control. As hospitals continue to be under intense pressure, there is concern about public compliance with the rules. The labour leader, sir keir starmer, says the current ones may not be tough enough. 0ur Political Correspondent iain watson reports. Central london on a sunday. Shops usually open, now shuttered. Streets eerily quiet. Government ministers say the early signs are more people are complying with this lockdown than the last one in england in november, but the data also shows that in some parts of the country, more people are on the move than during the first lockdown in march. So, the government is making its message even more stark careless actions cost lives. The government rules are only one part of this. What really matters is what every Single Person does, because thats how the virus spreads. We can all do something to help, which is to stay at home. Because every time you try to flex the rules, that could be fatal. We are going to go over on three. One, two, three. So, is this the consequence of flexing the rules . The scenes in University College hospital in london show the huge pressure the nhs is under in battling a new variant of the virus and scientists who advise the government say that what may be needed isnt simply more compliance but more restrictions. Whether the current restrictions are enough, i think it remains to be seen. It will be a week or two before it becomes clear. They may be sufficient but we have to be very vigilant and if theres any sign that theyre not, then were going to have to be even stricter, im afraid. The view from downing street is that the current measures are pretty harsh and they would much rather encourage people to follow the rules rather than impose new restrictions. They say that in any case, their options are quite limited but the path of this pandemic has forced politicians to change course before and a man who wants to occupy number 10 downing street says that the current restrictions may have to be tightened. They may not be tough enough but, in a sense, i think the most important thing is for people to get that message about stay at home. The labour leader says he now wants to summon the spirit of the first lockdown in march. Parliament agreed then to close some things which remain open now, so what would tougher restrictions look like . Well, i think there is a case for looking at nursery schools. Were talking to the scientists about it, but i think quite a lot of people are surprised that primary schools are closed and that nurseries arent closed. That sounds like a probably, yes . I think they probably should be closed. Tonight at westminster, the streets are calm but activity in government is frantic. In the coming days, the medics and scientists, not just the politicians, will be telling us that following the rules will save lives. Iain watson, bbc news. Shoppers in Northern Ireland have been facing bare shelves at some supermarkets since the 1st of january, following the uks trade separation from the eu after brexit. The new arrangements now mean its become more complicated for businesses to ship food over the irish sea from britain and some lorry loads have faced delays. Heres our ireland correspondent, emma va rdy. January may be the time some of us want to consume a little less, but shoppers in Northern Ireland have found the shelves noticeably bare. I was in tesco, and there was lots of empty shelves today. It was mostly the frozen food as well. I was looking for, like, fish and stuff, and i was wondering why there was no food. There was very little vegetables in that store, and the pure orange juice is completely wiped out. Sainsburys, tescos and asda have all said some products have faced hold ups or are in limited supply due to the new post brexit rules. M s, meanwhile, has taken precautionary measures, after seeing competitors lorries delayed at ports. Marks spencers has temporarily withdrawn more than 300 from sale in Northern Ireland thats about 5 of what youd normally see in its stores while it gets to grips with the new paperwork. It includes more specialist items like sushi and some cheeses. Since 1st january, food crossing from britain to Northern Ireland has needed new paperwork and checks, because Northern Ireland has remained within the eu Single Market while the rest of the uk has left. It means that an entire lorry load could be held up at ports like belfast, even if only one item on board doesnt have the correct Customs Declarations filled out. Ive got a lot of examples this week where even some of the big supermarkets havent been prepared for the additional paperwork, but thats only part of the issue. In addition to that, a lot of companies are aware of the additional requirements and have made a business decision to cease supply to Northern Ireland in the short term until all the teething issues are sorted out. Supermarkets say they will get the full range of products back up for sale as they adapt to the new arrangements, but because of some stockpiling over christmas, freight will only begin to return to normal volumes next week. And the government is warning the most difficult period is yet to come. Were working with supermarkets in order to ensure that Northern Ireland consumers can have an uninterrupted supply of the products that theyre used to enjoying. We said that there would be some initial disruption, were ironing it out, but the situation will get worse before it gets better. Agreeing the special arrangements for Northern Ireland was always one of the most contentious parts of the brexit process, and for now, at least, the reality of introducing a new trade border within the uk is becoming plain to see. Emma vardy, bbc news, belfast. Do stay with us on bbc news. Still to come well hear from President Trumps supporters in arizona still clinging onto the belief that he won the election. The bombastic establishment outsider donald trump has defied the pollsters to take the keys to the oval office. I feel great about the election results. I voted for him because i genuinely believe that he cares about the country. Its keeping the candidates name always in the public eye that counts. Success or failure depends not only on public display but on the local Campaign Headquarters and the heavy, routine work of their women volunteers. Berliners from both east and west linked hands and danced around their liberated territory. And with nobody to stop them, it wasnt long before the first attempts were made to destroy the structure itself. Yasser arafat, who dominated the palestinian cause for so long, has died. The Palestinian Authority has declared a state of mourning. After 17 years of discussions, the result was increased with an outburst ofjoy. Women ministers whod long felt only grudgingly accepted among the ranks of clergy suddenly felt welcome. This is bbc news. Our main story a senior democrat lays out the possible timeline for impeaching donald trump, after at least 200 democrats give their support to a draft article of impeachment. While democrats prepare to start impeachment proceedings against the president , there are many of the president s backers who are downplaying wednesdays violence and continue to believe the polls were rigged. Thats despite no evidence to show that. Sophie long reports from arizona. Dear lord, we ask that you watch over our president. They come to pray for their president. Donald j trump. And demand that their rights be restored. They will never break our will. Amen. These supporters of donald trump dont recognise the result of what they believe was a stolen election, people have been coming to the capital building. And they say they will continue to do. I think theres only one thing that will happen that will stop these is when trump becomes president again. Will you continue to come down here Afterjoe Biden is inaugurated on the 20th of january . Joe biden will not be inaugurated on the 20th ofjanuary, so i dont feel any need. Ill keep coming here until trump is back in office. 0r remains in office. These scenes in the Nations Capital shocked america and the world. People watched a protest, called by the president , turn into a riot that resulted in destruction and loss of life. But at sammys mexican grill, where donald Trump Supporters work, meet and eat, what they say they saw was a peaceful march infiltrated by violent members of the far left. Somebody prepare everything, its everybody acting. So you think the president was set up to look bad . Oh, yeah, definitely, theres no question about that. Who would do that . Who would set up the president to look bad . Democrats. Of course. I truly believe that a lot of the people that were probably antifa and many of the other people that have gone to these various things and tried to create havoc. I think its probably some other group, because if you look at the rallies he had, there was never had any violence in the rallies, and like marie said, with antifa and all of that, i think they were travelling around the country causing trouble. But hours before his arrest for trespassing on capitol grounds, one high profile local protester told me there were no members of antifa present that day. I did not see anybody who i would consider blm or antifa on the front lines, and there is wider than it is because blm and antifa are cowards. And the reason i know that is. Joe biden is due to be inaugurated in less than two weeks, a fact fervent supporters still flying the flag for donald trump are far from ready to face. Sophie long, bbc news, phoenix. More now on the current covid outbreak here. One of the highest infection rates in the country is in surrey, where every Hospital Mortuary is now full and almost 200 bodies are being stored in a temporary morgue. Other local authorities have told the bbc they expect to open similar facilities soon. Our home editor mark easton and cameraman James Anderson were given access to the emergency surrey site located at a former military hospital. This is the cold conclusion of a pandemic out of control. An emergency body Storage Facility has been assembled in woodland in surrey. With hospital mortuaries almost overflowing, the countys dead are brought here. 20 more body bags unloaded today. To respect the dignity and sensitivities of the dead and theirfamilies, were not showing the bodies, but i can tell you that in this fridge, there are around 50 body bags, among 170 bodies currently stored here. These racks are expected to be full in just a few days. Around half the body bags stored here are marked covid positive. Surrey now has one of the highest infection rates in the country. The numbers have increased dramatically and rapidly over the last two and a half weeks, you know, and that is causing us some concern. At present, theres no sign of that actually diminishing, either. The message from the guidance and from government is really clear and i think we should be doing our utmost to uphold that. This facility is sort of testament of where i think were actually failing to do that at present. Fire and Police Officers have been drafted in to help, some brought back from retirement. Until recently, kirsty was a detective on surreys murder squad. Its been a dreadful year for everyone. However, working here, i can see that the numbers are increasing, not decreasing, and i would hate, for the sake of people staying indoors rather than going out and meeting people, that their loved ones or they themselves were to end up here. Thats exactly what we dont want. Surrey is struggling to cope with a raging pandemic that shows little sign of abating. Health officials worry the current restrictions are simply not enough to turn the tide. This lockdown doesnt look or feel like the one last spring. Some are urging the government to introduce a curfew, but the Prime Ministers understood to regard that idea as unworkable and un british. Just asking people whether they think the publics taking this lockdown seriously enough . I think there are shops open that arent essential and also previously, you couldnt have cleaners in your house and other tradesmen, which you are now, so i dont think this lockdown is as strict. I think people have got complacent over it, think it wont happen to me and theyre just going about things normal and like nothings different. There are 845 spaces at surreys emergency body Storage Facility. Some fear that may not be enough. Mark easton, bbc news, surrey. There are fewer than 200 days until the rescheduled 0lympics and japan has declared a state of emergency for the Nations Capital tokyo and its surrounding areas. Covid 19 cases are surging and the countrys Prime Minister has bowed to calls to impose new restrictions. The state of emergency was imposed as the countrys medical system faced increasing pressure. Japans death toll surpassed 4,000 this weekend thats just 18 days after the figure topped 3,000 on december 22nd. Jeff kingston is director of Asian Studies at Temple University in tokyo. He says 0lympic organisers will be concerned at the rising cases. I think that theyre probably getting very nervous. Lots of hopes are riding on the vaccine, but, of course, we know there are big logistical challenges, supply bottlenecks. Bringing together tens of thousand of people from all of the world could transform the olympics into the super spreader event of super spreader events, and so i think a lot of people are cautious. And 80 of japanese, in a poll over the weekend, said its fine to cancel or postpone, so theres very limited public enthusiasm here to go ahead. Jeff kingston there. When the coronavirus was still in its early stages, one of the theories about its origins involved a rare animal the pangolin. The tough scales which cover the pangolin are sought after for use in chinese medicine. Theyre now highly endangered. 0ur africa correspondent Andrew Harding reports on south africas efforts to rein in that illegal trade. Get on the ground get on the ground now a sting operation by south african police. Theyve lured a gang of suspected smugglers to this car park in order to arrest them. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven arrested. Inside the car, still alive, a strange and precious victim is rescued. Whose animal is this . This is a pangolin one of the worlds most endangered, most trafficked creatures. Its thick scales prized in traditional chinese medicine but on no scientific basis. Injured and weak, the elderly male is rushed to a dedicated pangolin clinic in johannesburg, but too late to be saved. This is the worst we have seen. This is the worst male we have seen. Hes really dehydrated. And his wounds are terrible. Unfortunately, when theyve been in the trades for long, their immune system is compromised. So healing takes a lot longer, and they get worse infections. This is an acutely sensitive and ancient species. Few survive an ordeal that resembles a kidnapping, complete with proof of life videos like this one, sent by the poachers to potential buyers. Sorry, but you are partand parcel, eh . Today, six suspects are taken into custody, a small blow against a criminal trade that involves huge sums of money and enormous cruelty. You know, when we get them out of the trade, they are absolutely terrified. Theyve got no real natural enemies and now man is their absolute downfall. You know, terrific. This adult female was rescued and survived. Now shes well guarded at a secret location. The species has gained new prominence after scientists began investigating possible links between pangolins and covid 19. These are some of the most harmless creatures on the planet. But there is new evidence from china that pangolins may have helped incubate and transmit covid 19 to humans who ate the animals. Theres also the suggestion that by studying these animals, we may learn more through their immune systems about the virus itself. In the meantime, a new arrival is nursed at the clinic. Three months old, her family trafficked. The pangolin has lived on this planet for more than 80 million years. Its in the headlines today because of covid, but humans have hunted it to the brink of extinction. Andrew harding, bbc news, johannesburg. Do stay with us. Hello there. Quite a few of us had a pretty cloudy day, really, on sunday, but there were some cloud breaks, a bit of sunshine around. In the right place at the right time was pandapix, spotting this beautiful sunset in the doncaster area of south yorkshire. Now, sunday was a day that was a little bit less cold than it has been over recent days. Still chilly, though. Just one in hereford, four in manchester. But its turning milder for the vast majority of us, and through monday, temperatures between 8 10 degrees celsius pretty widely. Now that milder air is working in at the moment, so temperatures are lifting. We do have rain around, though. Damp across North Western areas, rain turning a bit more persistent in Northern Ireland and heavy rain in western scotland combining with snowmelt brings the risk of some flooding here. The only place, really, thats really cold overnight is shetland, where well still see some frost and therell still be a few snow showers around as well. Monday, milder air then pushes in off the atlantic, and with this milder air, were going to have strengthening west southwesterly winds. A mild day, but a cloudy day for most of us. A few breaks every now and then. The cloud at its thickest across North Western areas, where well have some rain, and persistent rain in scotland. Well, northerly winds feeding into this weather front. Well start to see the rain turn to snow across the highlands and the grampians, with accumulations above around 200 300 metres elevation. Could be some pretty heavy snow, too, but otherwise, its mild 8 10 degrees celsius. For tuesday, weve got pressure building to the north of the uk, and thats going to send colder north northwesterly winds across scotland and across northern and some eastern areas of england, too. Might be colder, but therell be loads more sunshine to go around. Some wintry showers for northern scotland, an odd shower also just brushing into parts of norfolk. Now, it will be cold for many of us. Temperatures around 2 6 degrees celsius. But in the south west, where it stays cloudy and damp, it will be relatively mild, around ten in cardiff and plymouth as well. Now, weve still got mild air into Western Areas on wednesday behind this next weather front. This front pushes in, bringing heavy rain, turns to snow for a time across the high ground in scotland and across the pennines as well. Big temperature contrast. 10 11 degrees celsius towards Western Areas, but still cold in the north east with temperatures about three. We could start to see some of that snow get down to potentially some lower levels through wednesday night, but some uncertainty about that. This is bbc news. The headlines senior us democrats have suggested that the house of representatives could vote as soon as tuesday on whether to impeach mrtrump. However, they may decide to delay the start of a senate trial until Afterjoe Bidens first 100 days in office, to allow him time to launch his agenda in congress. Indonesian investigators believe the boeing 7117 carrying 62 people broke apart when it hit the water, which they say could rule out a mid air break up. Navy divers say theyre confident they will be able to retrieve the flight recorders. The uk Health Secretary has warned people against bending coronavirus lockdown rules in england and backed tough police enforcement. He urged everyone to adhere to restrictions aimed at bringing Coronavirus Infections under control. The warning comes as hospitals admissions continue to soar. Now on bbc news, hardtalk

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