Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC World News 20201013 : comparemel

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC World News 20201013

we report from the devastated region of nagorno—karabakh as a ceasefire between armenia and azerbaijan comes under more pressure. how to fight the pandemic? china embarks on testing an entire city in just five days. hello: president trump has returned to the campaign trial for the first time since his coronavirus diagnosis less than two weeks ago. mr trump appeared energetic as he told the large crowd in florida that he wanted the experimental medicine he received during his treatement to become widely available. and amongst a series of his usual attacks on joe biden, he told supporters that it felt "great to be back" on the campaign trail. one thing with me, the nice part, i went through it, now they say i'm immune, i feel so powerful. i will walk into office! cheering. i will walk in there, i'll kiss everyone that office. i'll kiss the guys and the beautiful women and everybody. i'lljust give you big fat kiss. no, but there is something nice, i don't have to be locked up in my basement, and i wouldn't to allow that to happen anyway. i wouldn't allow it to happen. when you are the president, you can't lock yourself in the basement and say, "i'm not going to bother with the world." you've got to get out there. it's risky, it's risky, but you've got to get out. but it does give you a good feeling when you can beat something and now they say you're immune. i don't know for how long, some people say for life, some people say for four months. and every time i think about it, every time i hear that it gets shorter and shorter and shorter, they want it to be as bad as possible. while the president is in florida, his opponent joe biden has been speaking in the midwestern state of ohio — where he continued to focus on the president's handling of the pandemic. as a consequence of months of overwhelming lying, misleading and irresponsible action on the part of donald trump, how many empty chairs are going to be around the dinner table tonight because of their negligence? how many? how many brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, mums, dads are gone? folks, we are so much better than this. despite the crisis we face, we have an enormous opportunity, like america has done, unlike any other country after every crisis, we have always come out of the crisis stronger than we were before we went in. that's the uniqueness of who we are. and we now have an opportunity to build back and build back better to give everyone a fair return on their work, an equal chance to get ahead, begin to reward work not just wealth. our correspondent in washington is lebo diseko. lebo, joe biden they're offering empathy and a degree offering empathy and a degree of hope, the present offering bravado, and what has to be said with astonishing energy. bravado, and what has to be said with astonishing energylj know, said with astonishing energy.” know, it's hard to believe that just a few days ago, this was a man that was in hospital. it's incredible, is to? he spoke for around about an hour. i was watching pictures of him as he got off the stage, he was doing a little dance. certainly, he has demonstrated to his supporters who gathered there that he has energy, not only is he back, but he's back with added vigour. joe biden, in contrast, really bringing home the consequences of the coronavirus. you heard him there really trying to connected to people's personal situations, telling them about the missing chair in their homes, the person that you are missing. so, really contrasting, and i guess really sets out does make very different approaches to the coronavirus. the president really trying to say, "i have ove rco m e really trying to say, "i have overcome in the country will too."joe biden saying, "we have got to take care and really follow the medical advice " really follow the medical advice." lebo, although biden is ahead according to the polls nationwide, in those key swing states, the ones that decide the electoral college that often swing between democrat and republican, there is a lot to play for there in the weeks ahead. yes, absolutely. iwas just looking before i came in, checking and aggregate, pull aggregates, joe biden is ahead by.6 of aggregates, joe biden is ahead by.6ofa aggregates, joe biden is ahead by .6 of a percentage point in ohio, 3.7 of —— by .6 of a percentage point in ohio, 3.7 of -- 3.7% by .6 of a percentage point in ohio, 3.7 of —— 3.7% in florida. but these are small, small margins. florida has 29 electoral college votes. that's a really important state. ohio too has a large number of electronic —— electoral college votes. as we know, in the us, the popular vote from you can win, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will win the election. it's the number of electoral college votes that you win that, you know dictates whether or not you will be president. lebo, thank you, we have just seen the president getting on the plane, shutting the door to leave florida at the door to leave florida at the moment. inc. you very much. —— thank you very much. democratic senators have told judge amy coney barrett's confirmation hearing that it would be "disastrous" if she were to take a place on the us supreme court. donald trump's pick is a staunch conservative and devout roman catholic. aleem maqbool reports from washington. if confirmed, amy coney barrett will play a huge role in shaping society for her seven children, and for children for years to come. the stakes are that high. the republican chair of the senate committee making the decision once promised not to try and confirm a supreme courtjustice in the last year of a presidential term. but he has reneged on that. this is going to be a long, contentious week. i would just ask one thing of the committee. to the extent possible, let's make it respectful. in their opening statements, democrats focused on what they called extremist views held by amy coney barrett. they said these would threaten the health care provision for millions of americans, and many other aspects of american life. with this nomination, equal justice under law is at stake. our voting rights are at stake. workers‘ rights are at stake. consumer rights are at stake. the right to a safe and legal abortion is at stake. one man is dead set on making sure that amy coney barrett is appointed before the election, heavily tilting the supreme court conservative. the gathering he had to announce her nomination just over two weeks ago is now thought to have been a coronavirus super spreader event. controversially, some of those who tested positive there participated in the hearing today. thank you, mr chairman. some democrats said that the process had been postponed but kept returning to the way in which amy coney barrett would shape policies, something that she said would not be herjob. but courts are not designed to solve every problem or right every wrong in our public life. the policy decisions and value judgements of government must be made by the political branches, elected by and accountable to the people. her nomination comes after the death of ruth brady her nomination comes after the death of ruth bader ginsberg, the iconic and pioneering justice. some of those protesting the new nomination feel strongly that the american people who have already voted in their millions, should be the ones to decide whether the nextjustice is conservative or liberal. republicans say the public already recorded their view and they voted for donald trump four years ago. aleem maqbool, bbc news in washington. the government of bangladesh is to introduce the death penalty for rape, after days of public protests about high level of sexual violence against women and girls. the country's law minister told the bbc that the president would issue an ordinance to that effect on tuesday. there was widespread outrage in bangladesh after a vicious gang attack on a woman which came to light last week when footage of the assault spread widely on social media. joining me now is our south asia editor, anbarasan ethirajan. why is this severe panelty introduced now? —— why is the rate so high? -- why is the rate so high? the number of incidents have gone up number of incidents have gone up in the past few years, for example, according to rights organisations in bangladesh, at least a 1000 rape cases have been reported in bangladesh, the first in nine months of this year. activists point out a number of reasons, one of the main reasons is that the lack of convictions, the conviction rate is so low that many of those accused of rape just walk away from the prison after a few years after the trial started. the second thing is also about the deterrence. why people are not being punished ina people are not being punished in a severe way. that's why you have hundreds of people coming out across bangladesh, forcing the government to bring in these new punishments, the death penalty, for those found guilty of rape. the government believes that this new punishments will act as a deterrent for those who might be contemplating doing this, and many people say it's also a culture of impunity in bangladesh because some of these rapists were connected with the ruling party or with any political party, and use their political influence to threaten the families of those who go and logic complaint. and that's why the protesters have become really angry. this has really galvanised many of the activists, and be —— despite the pandemic and hundreds of people i've come to the streets demanding tougher punishment. as you say, this is not a new problem. why is this severe penalty, would you say, coming in now? right as this particular case made a difference? because the last two cases if you look in bangladesh, the brutality of the rate that is what shocked the rate that is what shocked the nation. for example, 37—year—old woman in the southeast of bangladesh and a social media video went viral, and one of those accused him he was filming the whole incident, and she was being kicked, she was being beaten, tortured and she was pleading for mercy, and then the whole clothes were ripped off and that is what shocked the nation because it's not simply one person coming and committing this incident, it's a gang of people. it also happened in northern parts of bangladesh, in the city, and the brutality is what is shocking. how come it is again operating together, because they feel that they can away from this. and that is why the government has been forced to bring in the death penalty. also, they want to make society aware that you know, these kinds of incidents, these gang rapes, the brutality, has been going on for weeks and months against some of these victims. they should stop. if they want to stop, they have to be made to stop, they have to be made to feel that there is a stronger punishment, and that is why the government thinks that the death penalty probably could stop some of these activities. anbarasan, thank you very much. and thanks to you for being with us. stay with us on bbc news, still to come:we report from the devastated region of nagorno—karabakh as a ceasefire between armenia and azerbaijan comes under more pressure. parts of san francisco least affected by the earthquake are returning to life, but in the marina area — where most of the damage was done — they are more conscious than ever of how much has been destroyed. in the 19 years since he was last here, he has gone from being a little known revolutionary to an experienced and successful diplomatic operator. it was a 20 pound bomb which exploded on the fifth floor of the grand hotel — ripping a hole in the front of the building. this government will not weaken, democracy will prevail! it fills me with humility and gratitude to know that i have been chosen as the recipient of this this prestigious honour. this catholic nation held its breath for the men they called the 33. and then... bells toll. ..bells tolled nationwide to announce the first rescue and chile let out an almighty roar. this is bbc news, the latest headlines... less than two weeks after testing positive for coronavirus, president trump is back on the campaign trial — addressing an election rally in florida us democrats have attacked the nomination of amy coney barrett to the supreme court during the first confirmation hearing. there's been more violence between ethnic armenian forces and azerbaijani forces, around the disputed region of nagorno—karabakh just days after a ceasefire was brokered. both sides have accused each other of breaking the truce. although internationally recognised as azerbaijani territory, ethnic armenian forces control the region. our correspondent steve rosenberg sent this report from the city of ste pa na kert in nagorno—karabakh — where he has been speaking to people living under constant shelling. when you drive into karabakh, the first thing you notice is the beauty of the place. it's different in the towns. what you see here are signs of war. in the town of martuni, armen shows me his house, or what's left of it. despite the ceasefire, a shell landed here and killed his father. he blames azerbaijan. in the last karabakh war in the 1990s, armen lost two brothers. "it is politicians who make war," he says, "and ordinary "people who suffer." suddenly, air raid sirens. we head for cover. officially, nagorno—kara bakh is part of azerbaijan, but it is controlled by ethnic armenians. ophelia has spent more than two weeks down in the shelter. "my house was destroyed and there is bombing "every day," she says. "where else can i go?" "the graves of our grandparents and great grandparents "are here," says vladimir. "we are not leaving karabakh." i asked this lady, could she imagine peace between armenians and azerbaijanis? "that's impossible," she says. "we've lost so many young people, sons and brothers". in this conflict, there is a lot of history, a lot of raw emotion, as we have been hearing, and a lot of violence. what there isn't much of it all, though, is trust, and until that can be somehow created and built between armenians and azerbaijanis, this is a conflict which is going to be very difficult to resolve. and in this conflict, the other side is grieving, too. norsin and her husband anar were killed on sunday in a missile attack azerbaijan blames on armenia. this ceasefire between them isn't in ruins just yet, but it is extremely fragile. building a lasting peace in the south caucasus is a huge challenge. steve rosenberg, bbc news, in nagorno—karabakh. let's get some of the day's other news.. facebook is to ban any content that denies or distorts the holocaust, in an update to its policy on hate speech. mark zuckerberg said it was responding to a rise in anti—semitism, and what it called an alarming level of ignorance about the holocaust, especially among young people. there have been more protests in belarus, despite a government warning that police have been authorised to use lethal force if necessary. demonstrators formed what they called chains of solidarity across four—lane highways in the capital minsk to halt traffic. a british—born italian teenager, who used the internet to express his love of religion, is one step away from becoming the world's first millennial saint. carlo acutis, who died aged fifteen in 2006, was beatified in a ceremony in assisi after he was claimed to have cured a sick brazilian boy. as the us and the uk struggle to test even a fraction of their populations, china has embarked on the ambitious goal of testing an entire city this week. chang—dao launched the agressive campaign after just a handful of new cases were discovered. nine million people will now be tested over the next 5 days. the response comes after 12 new cases were reported in the city on sunday. most of the latest cases were linked to a single city hospital. earlier this year, china completed a similar mass testing programme in wuhan, saying 11 million people had been tested in 10 days. the country has been recording low levels of infection since imposing stringent containment measures after the first cases were recorded. with a population of 1.4 billion people, it has reported only 90,000 confirmed cases of the virus from the start of the pandemic, and has recorded just under 5,000 deaths. our china correspondent stephen mcdonell has more. what we're seeing right now is china's new approach to the coronavirus. any outbreak, no matter how small it is, is with mass testing. now, in this case, a dozen people, half of them don't have symptoms, 9 million people are going to be tested as a result of this. there's also been this approach of serious targeted lockdowns, so it might be a certain housing block or even a community, a hotspot, if there is a little cluster of cases, it's a local lockdown. by having these sort of targeted lockdowns, it's enabled the authorities to impose quite strict measures without having to shut down an entire city. so in beijing, for example, we had an outbreak here, it went into a wholesale food markets, tens of thousands of people work there, many more tens of thousands of people visit there every day, 80% of the city's food comes from there, and yet, they are able to control the outbreak using this method. by tracing everyone who had been into that market, where did they live, who did they associate with? testing those people, and then in the various little pockets of beijing which had this sort of forest little clusters, ——of beijing which had this sort of worstlittle clusters, that's where the strict measures were imposed. beijing never had a citywide shutdown during that outbreak. and it worked. they reigned it in within a month. now, what they will be hoping in beijing now is that they can do the same thing and control it. our china correspondent stephen mcdonell there. in europe, two of the countries worst hit by coronavirus have seen a big jump in cases and hospital adminissions. spain has registered nearly 28,000 more cases since friday, bringing the number of total infections to nearly 900,000. 200 people have died over the weekend, taking the total of more than 33,000. france has placed the southern cities of toulouse and montpelier under maximum alert along with paris, marseille and lille. meanwhile, here in the uk, prime minister boris johnson has introduced a three—tier alert system — classifying every area as being on medium, high or very high alert — and put liverpool region under "very high" or tier—three alert level. here's our political editor laura kuenssberg. stand by. we cannot see clearly what is ahead. but the prime minister is, reluctantly, marking the way to a tighter phase. the lecterns back in their place, despite repeated rule changes, coronavirus is not in retreat. the number of cases has gone up four times in four weeks, and is once again spreading among the elderly and vulnerable. these figures are flashing at us like dashboard warnings in a passengerjet, and we must act now. we are today simplifying, standardising and, in some places toughening local rules in england by introducing three levels of covid alert. only 1.5 million or so people in the liverpool city region will be in the toughest category, but in england more than 4 million people face extra limits from this week. no one wants to impose these kinds of restrictions, least of all me, erosions of our personal liberty. but i am as convinced as i have ever been that the british people have the resolve to beat this virus and that, together, we will do just that. so, liverpool's pubs will be shut by the time it is sarah's actual birthday later this week. their wedding business has not had a job for six months, so she is taking on extra shifts as a nurse. like many, they are worried about paying the bills and protecting their family too. i worry about my kids not being able to socialise, go out and see their family and friends. so it has a big impact. where businesses are forced to close, the treasury will pay some of the wages, but only two thirds from the start of next month. rebecca owns the bar and worries it is not enough. a lot of our staff only do 17 hours a week, so if they are only going to be paid 63% of that, they're not gonna be able to afford to live. but as cases rise, could we be stuck in a painful holding pattern? prime minister, you have said many times you want to avoid a national lockdown, but it seems every week you introduce new rules and cases still rise. are you just delaying the inevitable? i really hope we are not going to have to go back into any kind of national lockdown like the kind we did in march and april. we could go for a national lockdown again, but i think many people would think that was extreme. and it would do a great deal of extra harm to our economy. professor whitty, are you confident what is being announced now is really enough to slow the spread of the disease? i am not confident, nor is anybody confident that the tier 3 proposals for the highest rates, if we did the absolute base case and nothing more, would be enough to get on top of it. that is why there is a lot of flexibility. not exactly a ringing endorsement. and westminster wants local leaders to make some of the toughest calls. here in the west midlands, many are unhappy about how the government made its decisions. the tory leader, cross that mixing with other households is being limited here. i think it is very disappointing. in my view, it is not the right decision for the health and livelihoods of citizens across the west midlands, and quite simply, there is very little evidence that locations like this pass on the disease. rules vary still in wales and northern ireland. but scotland has already closed many pubs. we will be looking to align as closely as possible with the other uk nations. i think it is important, and it makes sense to try to do that. labour does back the approach, but not how thejob is being done. i am now deeply sceptical that the government has actually got a plan to get control of this virus. but it increasingly feels like the prime minister is several steps behind the curve. the threat from this pandemic is sadly familiar, but the political climate is so different. rather than step confidently forward, this place feels riven with doubt. laura kuenssberg with that report. and before we go, there's a five day operation underway in poland that's forced more than 750 people to evacuate their homes as divers attempt to difuse the tallboy, which is dubbed the "earthquake" — as you can see it's nose sticking out — is six metre long and weighs almost 5 and a half tonnes. it was dropped by the british air force in 1945 in an attack on a german cruiser. the bomb is embedded at a depth of 12 metres at the bottom of a shipping canal. much more for you on all our news at any time on our bbc website and our twitter feeds. thank you for watching. good morning. it really wasn't the best start to a working week in terms of weather, was it? with the majority of the country seeing outbreaks of rain at times, slowly spreading its way southeast. this weather watcher picture from whitby, north yorkshire, tends to sum up monday afternoon for many. but i can offer a glimmer of good news as we had throughout the week, gradually turning a little bit drier, but staying on the chilly side for the time of year. now, for today, however, we're still under this area of low pressure. it's a bit of a messy weather story to try and tell, but here goes. once this weather front sinks its way steadily south through the day, we will start to see an improving picture gradually through scotland and northern ireland, but a brisk northeasterly wind here will make it feel on the cool side. the low pressure sinks its way south, spiralling around that low, plenty of showers, a little bit like clothes in a washing machine spinning around. you'll probably feel it's going to dry up, and then there will be more showers flying in through the afternoon. so, it's a messy story across england and wales, and the temperatures, unfortunately, are not going to be particularly great either. top temperatures through the afternoon of around 10—13 degrees. now, as we move out of tuesday, we ‘ll start to see those showers pushing their way all that a bit further north and west back into southern, central and eastern scotland overnight. we also run the risk of a few showers just plaguing channel coasts. sandwiched in between the two, there will be some clearer slots, and we will see temperatures dipping into single figures. so, again, it's going to be a chilly start to our wednesday morning, but wednesday shows signs of the first spot of improvement. a weak weather front will move through, but high—pressure starts to build once again, and that's going to be responsible for quieting things down as we move towards the weekend. so, there is a risk of that northeasterly breeze just driving in some showers through the morning — chiefly on the east coast to start with, but then some of those showers may well just filter a little bit further inland as we go through the day. maybe scotland and northern ireland — already under that influence of high—pressure — fairing best. top temperatures of around 15 degrees. but as we move out of wednesday into thursday and towards the weekend, you can see the dryer story kicking in. however, as we go towards the weekend, it's going to be bright rather than sunny. but i'll take that. take care. this is bbc news, the headlines... donald trump has returned to the campaign trial for the first time since his coronavirus diagnosis less than two weeks ago. he told the crowd in florida that he wanted the experimental medicine he received during his treatement to become widely available. donald trump's nominee for the supreme court, amy coney barrett, has told a senate confirmation hearing that she'll approach cases based on the law, not her personal values. she told thejudiciary committee a judge must apply the law as it is written, not as she wishes it were written. the uk prime minister has outlined a three—tier system to try to stop the spread of coronavirus. it will lead to stronger restrictions in areas with the highest rates of infection. liverpool city region will be subject to the strictest measures.

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC World News 20201013 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC World News 20201013

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we report from the devastated region of nagorno—karabakh as a ceasefire between armenia and azerbaijan comes under more pressure. how to fight the pandemic? china embarks on testing an entire city in just five days. hello: president trump has returned to the campaign trial for the first time since his coronavirus diagnosis less than two weeks ago. mr trump appeared energetic as he told the large crowd in florida that he wanted the experimental medicine he received during his treatement to become widely available. and amongst a series of his usual attacks on joe biden, he told supporters that it felt "great to be back" on the campaign trail. one thing with me, the nice part, i went through it, now they say i'm immune, i feel so powerful. i will walk into office! cheering. i will walk in there, i'll kiss everyone that office. i'll kiss the guys and the beautiful women and everybody. i'lljust give you big fat kiss. no, but there is something nice, i don't have to be locked up in my basement, and i wouldn't to allow that to happen anyway. i wouldn't allow it to happen. when you are the president, you can't lock yourself in the basement and say, "i'm not going to bother with the world." you've got to get out there. it's risky, it's risky, but you've got to get out. but it does give you a good feeling when you can beat something and now they say you're immune. i don't know for how long, some people say for life, some people say for four months. and every time i think about it, every time i hear that it gets shorter and shorter and shorter, they want it to be as bad as possible. while the president is in florida, his opponent joe biden has been speaking in the midwestern state of ohio — where he continued to focus on the president's handling of the pandemic. as a consequence of months of overwhelming lying, misleading and irresponsible action on the part of donald trump, how many empty chairs are going to be around the dinner table tonight because of their negligence? how many? how many brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, mums, dads are gone? folks, we are so much better than this. despite the crisis we face, we have an enormous opportunity, like america has done, unlike any other country after every crisis, we have always come out of the crisis stronger than we were before we went in. that's the uniqueness of who we are. and we now have an opportunity to build back and build back better to give everyone a fair return on their work, an equal chance to get ahead, begin to reward work not just wealth. our correspondent in washington is lebo diseko. lebo, joe biden they're offering empathy and a degree offering empathy and a degree of hope, the present offering bravado, and what has to be said with astonishing energy. bravado, and what has to be said with astonishing energylj know, said with astonishing energy.” know, it's hard to believe that just a few days ago, this was a man that was in hospital. it's incredible, is to? he spoke for around about an hour. i was watching pictures of him as he got off the stage, he was doing a little dance. certainly, he has demonstrated to his supporters who gathered there that he has energy, not only is he back, but he's back with added vigour. joe biden, in contrast, really bringing home the consequences of the coronavirus. you heard him there really trying to connected to people's personal situations, telling them about the missing chair in their homes, the person that you are missing. so, really contrasting, and i guess really sets out does make very different approaches to the coronavirus. the president really trying to say, "i have ove rco m e really trying to say, "i have overcome in the country will too."joe biden saying, "we have got to take care and really follow the medical advice " really follow the medical advice." lebo, although biden is ahead according to the polls nationwide, in those key swing states, the ones that decide the electoral college that often swing between democrat and republican, there is a lot to play for there in the weeks ahead. yes, absolutely. iwas just looking before i came in, checking and aggregate, pull aggregates, joe biden is ahead by.6 of aggregates, joe biden is ahead by.6ofa aggregates, joe biden is ahead by .6 of a percentage point in ohio, 3.7 of —— by .6 of a percentage point in ohio, 3.7 of -- 3.7% by .6 of a percentage point in ohio, 3.7 of —— 3.7% in florida. but these are small, small margins. florida has 29 electoral college votes. that's a really important state. ohio too has a large number of electronic —— electoral college votes. as we know, in the us, the popular vote from you can win, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will win the election. it's the number of electoral college votes that you win that, you know dictates whether or not you will be president. lebo, thank you, we have just seen the president getting on the plane, shutting the door to leave florida at the door to leave florida at the moment. inc. you very much. —— thank you very much. democratic senators have told judge amy coney barrett's confirmation hearing that it would be "disastrous" if she were to take a place on the us supreme court. donald trump's pick is a staunch conservative and devout roman catholic. aleem maqbool reports from washington. if confirmed, amy coney barrett will play a huge role in shaping society for her seven children, and for children for years to come. the stakes are that high. the republican chair of the senate committee making the decision once promised not to try and confirm a supreme courtjustice in the last year of a presidential term. but he has reneged on that. this is going to be a long, contentious week. i would just ask one thing of the committee. to the extent possible, let's make it respectful. in their opening statements, democrats focused on what they called extremist views held by amy coney barrett. they said these would threaten the health care provision for millions of americans, and many other aspects of american life. with this nomination, equal justice under law is at stake. our voting rights are at stake. workers‘ rights are at stake. consumer rights are at stake. the right to a safe and legal abortion is at stake. one man is dead set on making sure that amy coney barrett is appointed before the election, heavily tilting the supreme court conservative. the gathering he had to announce her nomination just over two weeks ago is now thought to have been a coronavirus super spreader event. controversially, some of those who tested positive there participated in the hearing today. thank you, mr chairman. some democrats said that the process had been postponed but kept returning to the way in which amy coney barrett would shape policies, something that she said would not be herjob. but courts are not designed to solve every problem or right every wrong in our public life. the policy decisions and value judgements of government must be made by the political branches, elected by and accountable to the people. her nomination comes after the death of ruth brady her nomination comes after the death of ruth bader ginsberg, the iconic and pioneering justice. some of those protesting the new nomination feel strongly that the american people who have already voted in their millions, should be the ones to decide whether the nextjustice is conservative or liberal. republicans say the public already recorded their view and they voted for donald trump four years ago. aleem maqbool, bbc news in washington. the government of bangladesh is to introduce the death penalty for rape, after days of public protests about high level of sexual violence against women and girls. the country's law minister told the bbc that the president would issue an ordinance to that effect on tuesday. there was widespread outrage in bangladesh after a vicious gang attack on a woman which came to light last week when footage of the assault spread widely on social media. joining me now is our south asia editor, anbarasan ethirajan. why is this severe panelty introduced now? —— why is the rate so high? -- why is the rate so high? the number of incidents have gone up number of incidents have gone up in the past few years, for example, according to rights organisations in bangladesh, at least a 1000 rape cases have been reported in bangladesh, the first in nine months of this year. activists point out a number of reasons, one of the main reasons is that the lack of convictions, the conviction rate is so low that many of those accused of rape just walk away from the prison after a few years after the trial started. the second thing is also about the deterrence. why people are not being punished ina people are not being punished in a severe way. that's why you have hundreds of people coming out across bangladesh, forcing the government to bring in these new punishments, the death penalty, for those found guilty of rape. the government believes that this new punishments will act as a deterrent for those who might be contemplating doing this, and many people say it's also a culture of impunity in bangladesh because some of these rapists were connected with the ruling party or with any political party, and use their political influence to threaten the families of those who go and logic complaint. and that's why the protesters have become really angry. this has really galvanised many of the activists, and be —— despite the pandemic and hundreds of people i've come to the streets demanding tougher punishment. as you say, this is not a new problem. why is this severe penalty, would you say, coming in now? right as this particular case made a difference? because the last two cases if you look in bangladesh, the brutality of the rate that is what shocked the rate that is what shocked the nation. for example, 37—year—old woman in the southeast of bangladesh and a social media video went viral, and one of those accused him he was filming the whole incident, and she was being kicked, she was being beaten, tortured and she was pleading for mercy, and then the whole clothes were ripped off and that is what shocked the nation because it's not simply one person coming and committing this incident, it's a gang of people. it also happened in northern parts of bangladesh, in the city, and the brutality is what is shocking. how come it is again operating together, because they feel that they can away from this. and that is why the government has been forced to bring in the death penalty. also, they want to make society aware that you know, these kinds of incidents, these gang rapes, the brutality, has been going on for weeks and months against some of these victims. they should stop. if they want to stop, they have to be made to stop, they have to be made to feel that there is a stronger punishment, and that is why the government thinks that the death penalty probably could stop some of these activities. anbarasan, thank you very much. and thanks to you for being with us. stay with us on bbc news, still to come:we report from the devastated region of nagorno—karabakh as a ceasefire between armenia and azerbaijan comes under more pressure. parts of san francisco least affected by the earthquake are returning to life, but in the marina area — where most of the damage was done — they are more conscious than ever of how much has been destroyed. in the 19 years since he was last here, he has gone from being a little known revolutionary to an experienced and successful diplomatic operator. it was a 20 pound bomb which exploded on the fifth floor of the grand hotel — ripping a hole in the front of the building. this government will not weaken, democracy will prevail! it fills me with humility and gratitude to know that i have been chosen as the recipient of this this prestigious honour. this catholic nation held its breath for the men they called the 33. and then... bells toll. ..bells tolled nationwide to announce the first rescue and chile let out an almighty roar. this is bbc news, the latest headlines... less than two weeks after testing positive for coronavirus, president trump is back on the campaign trial — addressing an election rally in florida us democrats have attacked the nomination of amy coney barrett to the supreme court during the first confirmation hearing. there's been more violence between ethnic armenian forces and azerbaijani forces, around the disputed region of nagorno—karabakh just days after a ceasefire was brokered. both sides have accused each other of breaking the truce. although internationally recognised as azerbaijani territory, ethnic armenian forces control the region. our correspondent steve rosenberg sent this report from the city of ste pa na kert in nagorno—karabakh — where he has been speaking to people living under constant shelling. when you drive into karabakh, the first thing you notice is the beauty of the place. it's different in the towns. what you see here are signs of war. in the town of martuni, armen shows me his house, or what's left of it. despite the ceasefire, a shell landed here and killed his father. he blames azerbaijan. in the last karabakh war in the 1990s, armen lost two brothers. "it is politicians who make war," he says, "and ordinary "people who suffer." suddenly, air raid sirens. we head for cover. officially, nagorno—kara bakh is part of azerbaijan, but it is controlled by ethnic armenians. ophelia has spent more than two weeks down in the shelter. "my house was destroyed and there is bombing "every day," she says. "where else can i go?" "the graves of our grandparents and great grandparents "are here," says vladimir. "we are not leaving karabakh." i asked this lady, could she imagine peace between armenians and azerbaijanis? "that's impossible," she says. "we've lost so many young people, sons and brothers". in this conflict, there is a lot of history, a lot of raw emotion, as we have been hearing, and a lot of violence. what there isn't much of it all, though, is trust, and until that can be somehow created and built between armenians and azerbaijanis, this is a conflict which is going to be very difficult to resolve. and in this conflict, the other side is grieving, too. norsin and her husband anar were killed on sunday in a missile attack azerbaijan blames on armenia. this ceasefire between them isn't in ruins just yet, but it is extremely fragile. building a lasting peace in the south caucasus is a huge challenge. steve rosenberg, bbc news, in nagorno—karabakh. let's get some of the day's other news.. facebook is to ban any content that denies or distorts the holocaust, in an update to its policy on hate speech. mark zuckerberg said it was responding to a rise in anti—semitism, and what it called an alarming level of ignorance about the holocaust, especially among young people. there have been more protests in belarus, despite a government warning that police have been authorised to use lethal force if necessary. demonstrators formed what they called chains of solidarity across four—lane highways in the capital minsk to halt traffic. a british—born italian teenager, who used the internet to express his love of religion, is one step away from becoming the world's first millennial saint. carlo acutis, who died aged fifteen in 2006, was beatified in a ceremony in assisi after he was claimed to have cured a sick brazilian boy. as the us and the uk struggle to test even a fraction of their populations, china has embarked on the ambitious goal of testing an entire city this week. chang—dao launched the agressive campaign after just a handful of new cases were discovered. nine million people will now be tested over the next 5 days. the response comes after 12 new cases were reported in the city on sunday. most of the latest cases were linked to a single city hospital. earlier this year, china completed a similar mass testing programme in wuhan, saying 11 million people had been tested in 10 days. the country has been recording low levels of infection since imposing stringent containment measures after the first cases were recorded. with a population of 1.4 billion people, it has reported only 90,000 confirmed cases of the virus from the start of the pandemic, and has recorded just under 5,000 deaths. our china correspondent stephen mcdonell has more. what we're seeing right now is china's new approach to the coronavirus. any outbreak, no matter how small it is, is with mass testing. now, in this case, a dozen people, half of them don't have symptoms, 9 million people are going to be tested as a result of this. there's also been this approach of serious targeted lockdowns, so it might be a certain housing block or even a community, a hotspot, if there is a little cluster of cases, it's a local lockdown. by having these sort of targeted lockdowns, it's enabled the authorities to impose quite strict measures without having to shut down an entire city. so in beijing, for example, we had an outbreak here, it went into a wholesale food markets, tens of thousands of people work there, many more tens of thousands of people visit there every day, 80% of the city's food comes from there, and yet, they are able to control the outbreak using this method. by tracing everyone who had been into that market, where did they live, who did they associate with? testing those people, and then in the various little pockets of beijing which had this sort of forest little clusters, ——of beijing which had this sort of worstlittle clusters, that's where the strict measures were imposed. beijing never had a citywide shutdown during that outbreak. and it worked. they reigned it in within a month. now, what they will be hoping in beijing now is that they can do the same thing and control it. our china correspondent stephen mcdonell there. in europe, two of the countries worst hit by coronavirus have seen a big jump in cases and hospital adminissions. spain has registered nearly 28,000 more cases since friday, bringing the number of total infections to nearly 900,000. 200 people have died over the weekend, taking the total of more than 33,000. france has placed the southern cities of toulouse and montpelier under maximum alert along with paris, marseille and lille. meanwhile, here in the uk, prime minister boris johnson has introduced a three—tier alert system — classifying every area as being on medium, high or very high alert — and put liverpool region under "very high" or tier—three alert level. here's our political editor laura kuenssberg. stand by. we cannot see clearly what is ahead. but the prime minister is, reluctantly, marking the way to a tighter phase. the lecterns back in their place, despite repeated rule changes, coronavirus is not in retreat. the number of cases has gone up four times in four weeks, and is once again spreading among the elderly and vulnerable. these figures are flashing at us like dashboard warnings in a passengerjet, and we must act now. we are today simplifying, standardising and, in some places toughening local rules in england by introducing three levels of covid alert. only 1.5 million or so people in the liverpool city region will be in the toughest category, but in england more than 4 million people face extra limits from this week. no one wants to impose these kinds of restrictions, least of all me, erosions of our personal liberty. but i am as convinced as i have ever been that the british people have the resolve to beat this virus and that, together, we will do just that. so, liverpool's pubs will be shut by the time it is sarah's actual birthday later this week. their wedding business has not had a job for six months, so she is taking on extra shifts as a nurse. like many, they are worried about paying the bills and protecting their family too. i worry about my kids not being able to socialise, go out and see their family and friends. so it has a big impact. where businesses are forced to close, the treasury will pay some of the wages, but only two thirds from the start of next month. rebecca owns the bar and worries it is not enough. a lot of our staff only do 17 hours a week, so if they are only going to be paid 63% of that, they're not gonna be able to afford to live. but as cases rise, could we be stuck in a painful holding pattern? prime minister, you have said many times you want to avoid a national lockdown, but it seems every week you introduce new rules and cases still rise. are you just delaying the inevitable? i really hope we are not going to have to go back into any kind of national lockdown like the kind we did in march and april. we could go for a national lockdown again, but i think many people would think that was extreme. and it would do a great deal of extra harm to our economy. professor whitty, are you confident what is being announced now is really enough to slow the spread of the disease? i am not confident, nor is anybody confident that the tier 3 proposals for the highest rates, if we did the absolute base case and nothing more, would be enough to get on top of it. that is why there is a lot of flexibility. not exactly a ringing endorsement. and westminster wants local leaders to make some of the toughest calls. here in the west midlands, many are unhappy about how the government made its decisions. the tory leader, cross that mixing with other households is being limited here. i think it is very disappointing. in my view, it is not the right decision for the health and livelihoods of citizens across the west midlands, and quite simply, there is very little evidence that locations like this pass on the disease. rules vary still in wales and northern ireland. but scotland has already closed many pubs. we will be looking to align as closely as possible with the other uk nations. i think it is important, and it makes sense to try to do that. labour does back the approach, but not how thejob is being done. i am now deeply sceptical that the government has actually got a plan to get control of this virus. but it increasingly feels like the prime minister is several steps behind the curve. the threat from this pandemic is sadly familiar, but the political climate is so different. rather than step confidently forward, this place feels riven with doubt. laura kuenssberg with that report. and before we go, there's a five day operation underway in poland that's forced more than 750 people to evacuate their homes as divers attempt to difuse the tallboy, which is dubbed the "earthquake" — as you can see it's nose sticking out — is six metre long and weighs almost 5 and a half tonnes. it was dropped by the british air force in 1945 in an attack on a german cruiser. the bomb is embedded at a depth of 12 metres at the bottom of a shipping canal. much more for you on all our news at any time on our bbc website and our twitter feeds. thank you for watching. good morning. it really wasn't the best start to a working week in terms of weather, was it? with the majority of the country seeing outbreaks of rain at times, slowly spreading its way southeast. this weather watcher picture from whitby, north yorkshire, tends to sum up monday afternoon for many. but i can offer a glimmer of good news as we had throughout the week, gradually turning a little bit drier, but staying on the chilly side for the time of year. now, for today, however, we're still under this area of low pressure. it's a bit of a messy weather story to try and tell, but here goes. once this weather front sinks its way steadily south through the day, we will start to see an improving picture gradually through scotland and northern ireland, but a brisk northeasterly wind here will make it feel on the cool side. the low pressure sinks its way south, spiralling around that low, plenty of showers, a little bit like clothes in a washing machine spinning around. you'll probably feel it's going to dry up, and then there will be more showers flying in through the afternoon. so, it's a messy story across england and wales, and the temperatures, unfortunately, are not going to be particularly great either. top temperatures through the afternoon of around 10—13 degrees. now, as we move out of tuesday, we ‘ll start to see those showers pushing their way all that a bit further north and west back into southern, central and eastern scotland overnight. we also run the risk of a few showers just plaguing channel coasts. sandwiched in between the two, there will be some clearer slots, and we will see temperatures dipping into single figures. so, again, it's going to be a chilly start to our wednesday morning, but wednesday shows signs of the first spot of improvement. a weak weather front will move through, but high—pressure starts to build once again, and that's going to be responsible for quieting things down as we move towards the weekend. so, there is a risk of that northeasterly breeze just driving in some showers through the morning — chiefly on the east coast to start with, but then some of those showers may well just filter a little bit further inland as we go through the day. maybe scotland and northern ireland — already under that influence of high—pressure — fairing best. top temperatures of around 15 degrees. but as we move out of wednesday into thursday and towards the weekend, you can see the dryer story kicking in. however, as we go towards the weekend, it's going to be bright rather than sunny. but i'll take that. take care. this is bbc news, the headlines... donald trump has returned to the campaign trial for the first time since his coronavirus diagnosis less than two weeks ago. he told the crowd in florida that he wanted the experimental medicine he received during his treatement to become widely available. donald trump's nominee for the supreme court, amy coney barrett, has told a senate confirmation hearing that she'll approach cases based on the law, not her personal values. she told thejudiciary committee a judge must apply the law as it is written, not as she wishes it were written. the uk prime minister has outlined a three—tier system to try to stop the spread of coronavirus. it will lead to stronger restrictions in areas with the highest rates of infection. liverpool city region will be subject to the strictest measures.

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