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Hello and welcome. In the United States, the widow of an African American man who was shot dead by police in atlanta on friday has appealed for protests against his killing to be peaceful, but says her family will never heal. Rayshard brooks died while fleeing from two White Police Officers in a restaurant car park. His niece said he had been killed like a piece of trash in the street. Our north america correspondent nick bryant has the story. Atlanta, georgia the birthplace of Martin Luther king, the cradle of the civil rights movement. And now the scene again of americas unending racial struggle. Protests sparked by yet another Police Killing of an African American. Rayshard brooks, 27 year old father of four. His young family appeared before the cameras today. This has become an all too familiar ritual of american life. I can never tell my daughter, 0h, hes coming to take you skating, or to a swimming lesson. So. Its just going to be a long time before i heal. How many more protests will it take. To ensure that the next victim isnt your cousin, your brother, your uncle, your nephew, your friend or your companion . The press conference ended with the family struggling to contain their emotions. Theyre demanding murder charges be brought. Rayshard brooks had been sleeping in his car when he was approached by two White Police Officers. After failing a breath test, the police tried to arrest him. Then came a struggle in which he grabbed one of their tasers. During a brief chase he pointed the taser at the officer, who responded by fatally shooting him in the back. So black lives matter is the cry once again. This latest killing fuelling what has become a multiracial, global movement. This has been a moment of reckoning and awakening. But the protesters have seized upon this killing in atlanta as proof that, even at this time of heightened racial tensions, the police are continuing to use excessive force. Nick bryant, bbc news, new york. Border controls have been lifted across much of europe, easing three months of coronavirus restrictions. The eu is hoping to kickstart badly damaged economies ahead of the lucrative Summer Holiday season. On monday, all these countries reopened their borders, either fully or with restrictions on specific countries seen as being higher risk. For example, greece is allowing tourists from 29 countries to enter, mainly from within the eu, but the list does not include the uk, spain or italy. Germany is fully opening its borders for travellers from the eu, although it will have individual travel warnings for each country. And france has been opening its borders, too, although visitors from the uk and spain will have to self isolate for two weeks on arrival. More now on the picture in greece and spain and the focus on making tourism safe. Reged ahmad reports. Myokas blue, sunshine filled coastline. Its a favourite holiday destination, and now some tourists are finally returning. These sun seekers are the first to arrive since spain shut its borders during the worst of the coronavirus pandemic. They are part of a Pilot Project to see how mass tourism can work in the time of covid 19 ahead of further restrictions being eased next week. There are infrared cameras at the airport, and hotels are limited to 50 capacity. Translation we come to myoka regularly. On ourfirstappearance, nothing is any different. The flow was a bit special. There was a lot going on due to the present situation, but we wanted to come on a relaxing holiday, and that is what we are going to get here nevertheless. Applause hotel staff here, all wearing masks, are clapping as the first tourists arrive. Spain has suffered in the coronavirus pandemic, and was one of the hardest hit countries on the continent. Its now desperate for the tourist dollar to return and keen to show holiday makers its safe to come back. Translation if somebody were to get covid, that person would immediately be transferred to a different accommodation. So as to be isolated and therefore be able to have a holiday thats as dignified as possible. In greece, which successfully contained the virus to just a few thousand cases, the first Foreign Tourists have started returning, too. The country has opened its two main airports to international flights, and there will be testing of passengers arriving from airports deemed high risk. Launching greeces Summer Season on the weekend, the Prime Minister said he wanted to make the country the safest destination in europe. There is a desire, too, to kick start its vital Tourism Sector after months of lockdown, and safety will be the key to keeping it going. Reged ahmad, bbc news. Meanwhile, here in england, there was the unfamiliar sight of shoppers on the high street as clothes shops and Department Stores opened their doors for the First Time Since lockdown. At one store in Central London scuffles broke out as customers tried to cram in. But despite long, socially distant queues outside some retailers, the number of people taking the opportunity of some Retail Therapy was just a third of what it would usually be. Heres our business correspondent, emma simpson. The doors are finally open a big moment for retailers who have lost billions of pounds in sales, and we are ready for some Retail Therapy too. Birmingham, 7. 30am. This is what happens when our high streets come out of hibernation after three long months. Queues, and in lots of other places too, with primark drawing the biggest crowds. I got the day off workjust to come. Really excited, a bit of normality. Like a Good Shopping spree is not the same as online shopping. Just as long as you use your disinfectant, your anti sort of thing, and keep your distance, its absolutely fine. I think this will be the way of life for a long time. Hopefully not like this, though. The re opening at nike town on Oxford Street was far from orderly. Small shops are back in business, too. In bishop auckland, wendys relieved to be open. Its absolutely amazing. Its been a long time coming. I think we just need to keep encouraging customers, let them know its safe to come into shops again, making sure we have our Safety Measures in place. Safe, but different. Just look at the beauty counters here. So we have put shields here in front of the till points, we have our visors. We have also removed all our testers, and along our beauty halls, all of our chairs have now gone to avoid touch. Touch is unavoidable if youre trying on trainers. Atjd sports theyll be sanitised straight after, if you dont buy. Extraordinary measures, but the boss of this business told me that two metre rule has to be relaxed. I think its economically unviable with that distancing in place. You just cannot allow a sufficient number of potential customers inside a store to give it an economic chance. Its all very well, queueing on a day like this, but how many of us will be prepared to do this all the time, for stuff that maybe isnt essential . Some are still too nervous to come out. There is clearly some pent up demand today, but the big question for retailers and the economy is, will it last . Rushden lakes retail park springing back into life today, but some think shopping isnt going back to what it used to be. Oh, i think there will be less retail for sure. Physical retail will lessen. But interestingly, well probably get better physical retail. Local is going to be more important. I think whats going to suffer are the big town centres, when you have to have a real reason to go there. They wont be going to this debenhams store in gateshead. Its one of 20 shut for good. Some big household names have disappeared from the high street altogether during lockdown, with more casualties to come. The great retail re opening is under way, but its far from business as usual. Emma simpson, bbc news. The Us Supreme Court has ruled that employers cant fire workers for being gay or transgender. The decision is being hailed as a victory for lgbt employees and campaigners. Heres President Trump reacting to the ruling earlier on. Theyve ruled. I read the decision and some people were surprised, but they ruled and we live with their decision. Thats what its all about. We live with the decision of the supreme court. Very powerful, very powerful decision, actually, but they have so ruled. Sarah warbelow is a legal director of the human rights campaign. She gave me her reaction to the ruling. This is a true landmark decision for the lgbtq community. It guarantees us our right to be free from discrimination in our place of employment, and have recourse if we do experience discrimination. You surprised . Because when he was giving his judgement, made it quite clear that he was abiding by the text rather than what perhaps more judicial conservatives would have wa nted judicial conservatives would have wanted him to do. Well, he is required by law to abide by the we have over 20 years of federal Court Decisions that have determined that lgbtq people are protected under non discrimination laws. Even though he may have been an unlikely candidate to rule this way, legally speaking, is the correct decision. How many people will be affected by this . This will affect americans all over the country. Individuals not only who live in states without protections, places like task as an mexican, georgia and montana, it also protects people who want to move from one state to another and fear doing so texas and georgia. So the real victory for all americans. This cannot be challenged, presumably, now because it does reversing and obama Transgender Health protection act. The trumpet ministration has been attempting to undermine rights for lg btq people attempting to undermine rights for lgbtq people at every step of the way trump administration. Thatsjust of the way trump administration. Thats just one more example. He cannot roll back the law and yet he tries anyway. We will see him in court to challenge his incorrect interpretation. What sort of backlash do you think there will be from social conservatives who were expecting this to go the other way . There may be some backlash, but increasingly, americans of all backgrounds believe that lgbtq people should have the right to live and work free from discrimination. Consistently, polls show more than 70 of americans believe that those protections should be in place. The World Health Organisation has described a new coronaVirus Outbreak in beijing as a significant event and have warned it needs careful tracking. All entertainment and Indoor Sports venues are being closed, and 21 Housing Estates have been locked down as cases increase. The city had previously seen no signs of the virus for more than 50 days. The outbreak is focused on the sprawling xinfadi market, where more than 10 thousand people work. It supplies a massive 80 of beijings fresh produce, including meat, seafood and vegetables, which come from within china and overseas. Spanning an area nearly the size of 160 football pitches, the market is 20 times larger than the wuhan market where it spread from late last year. More cases have also been reported at a Second Market several kilometres away. The bbcs Stephen Mcdonell reports. Residents in large parts of south western beijing are again behind fences, with fears that a second wave of the coronavirus could take hold. Housing estates have been sealed off to all but those who live there. Deliveries must be made to the perimeter fence only. Shops, schools and some public transport have been closed. Translation id be lying if i said i wasnt worried. I came to beijing on the 13th. If this was one day later, then i definitely wouldnt be able to come. Right now, there arent many people on the subway. There arent as many as before. In beijing today, dozens of new confirmed Coronavirus Infections have been added to the tally, which has been growing since the end of last week. It may not sound like many, but it has caused quite some concern, especially when you consider from where the cluster has emanated. The massive wholesale market, responsible for 80 of the citys vegetables and meat, has been shut for cleaning and testing. All the infections in this cluster have been traced back to the market in some way. Chinese Officials Say they are hoping to test up to 200,000 people who visited xin fa di in the last two weeks. As well as 90,000 residents. In the response to beijings cluster, we are seeing the best and the worst of chinas communist party. On the one hand, the speed and the scale of the social isolation of the testing has been something to behold. On the other, the party has also been criticised for going after scapegoats and dismissing local officials on whose watch the outbreak occurred. If you wanted to guarantee a culture whereby cover up was your first choice, rather than open reporting, there is probably not a better way to do it. Stephen mcdonnell, bbc news, beijing. Stay with us on bbc news, still to come we speak to one Italian Beach owner who is gearing up for a covid secure 2020 season. This is bbc news. The latest headlines. The family of another African American man killed by police speak of their grief and call for action. Border controls have been lifted across much of europe, easing three months of coronavirus restrictions. The us secretary of state, mike pompeo, has said america is outraged by the conviction by a moscow court of a former us marine. Paul whelan was sentenced to 16 years in prison, on spying charges, which he denies. He was arrested in a Moscow Hotel Room 18 months ago, with a usb flash drive, which Security Officers say contained russian state secrets. Sarah rainsford reports. This is the american russia says is a spy. After a quick closed trial, paul whelan wanted to shout out his side of the story. The court cameras didnt capture that, but we did. In december 2018, mr whelan was in moscow for a friends wedding and staying at this smart hotel. He was getting ready in this room when fsb Security Officers burst in. They say they caught him red handed with russian state secrets on a flash drive. A former us marine, mr whelan first came to russia over a decade ago. He has visited several times, making lots of friends, some in the military like him. One was an Intelligence Officer who he says has framed him. The evidence has never been made public, it never is here in spy trials. The verdict though was guilty. And 16 years in a high securityjail. Whelan, do you understand the sentence, the judge asked. I think he will be taking it very hard. Its an extraordinary long time. Theres no reason for the harsh sentence. I think he was probably prepared because he knew it could be 18 years. But, i think all of us hoped that it wouldnt be that long. Mr whelan has four passports, three ambassadors were in court for this verdict. Relations between russia and the west are already hostile, and the Us Ambassador warned that this case makes it very hard to improve things. Its a mockery ofjustice, i cant say im surprised. This is the direction this case has been headed from since the beginning. But if they can do this to paul, they can do this to anyone. Paul whelan has always described himself as a political hostage and from the very start, thereve been suspicions of this case is part of a much bigger political game here. Now, mr whelan has been convicted of espionage, his family in the United States have appealed directly to donald trump to do Everything Possible to bring him home. Russias Foreign Ministry has already hinted at a possible prisoner swap, but in this climate, any bargaining is likely to be hard. Sarah rainsford, bbc news, moscow. Lets get some of the days other news. President trump, here visiting troops in germany, has announced that the us will cut its military presence there by nine and a half thousand. That will leave about 25 thousand servicemen and women in the country. Speaking to reporters, mr trump complained that berlin is not paying enough on defense, as required by its membership in nato. The british Prime Minister Boris Johnson and eu chiefs have agreed to breathe new life into post brexit trade talks. Both sides have committed to ramp up negotiations over the summer. The uk is due to leave the post brexit transition arrangement at the end of the year. Next years oscars will be pushed back from february, until the end of april. Thats because of ongoing worries over the coronavirus pandemic. The academy of Motion Picture arts and sciences will also extend the eligibility window, so movies have a chance to be made and seen. As many European Countries continue to ease their lockdowns, beach resorts in italy are gearing up for a covid secure 2020 season. Face masks, hand sanitiser and more space between sun loungers are being put in place. And one way systems to enter and exit beaches as well as food deliveries direct to sunbathers are also being considered. One beach resort owner, 84 year old arnaldo valentini, has lived through a series of events which threatened tourism in the region. Weve been to meet him. The picture from italy. And finally, after three long months, the arc de triomphe in central paris is finally open to the public. Social distancing remains in effect, and only one thousand visitors are allowed per day. The famous monument was inaugurated in 1836 by King Louis Philipp to honour the armies of the revolutionary and napoleonic wars. France has been fighting a modern day battle against the coronavirus, with more than 29 thousand fatalities. President macron has said the whole of france are now green and people should rediscover. Bye bye. Hello there. The phrase sunshine and showers can at times seem quite trivial, cant it . In the thundering downpours on monday, you knew about it. There was a lot of heavy rain and a very sort space of time. If you take a look at the rain radar and the thunder and lightning strikes as he went to the afternoon, they were quite frequent across southwest scotland, northwest england and north wales. It looks as though tuesday, we could see more showers in a similar area. Heavier showers across europe as well, all under the influence of low pressure at the moment. Starts off with a fairamount of the moment. Starts off with a fair amount of cloud across eastern half of the uk, that will slowly burn away. Well see sunny will slowly burn away. Well see sunny spells and chatters hours developing. Showers widespread across england and wales but they have heaviest across wales and northwest england. There could be around an inch of rain falling within an inch of rain falling within an hour, and that potentially is heavy enough to cause localised flooding. Dodge the showers, keep some sunshine, temperatures peaked at 23 degrees. Thats the mid 70s in terms of fahrenheit. As we move through tuesday evening, the showers are likely to continue for a while and then start to fade away overnight. Again, well see some cloud filtering from the north sea. It could be a relatively mild, foggy night. Double figures across the country, in some areas around 1314d. As country, in some areas around 13 14d. As we move into wednesday, lots of cloud or on the east coast. That burns away, sunshine comes through and we see more showers around on wednesday. Yet again, some could be heavy and thundery. Temperatures still peeking between 14 23d. Thursday, theres likely to be a change with more heavy, persistent rain from with more heavy, persistent rainfrom a with more heavy, persistent rain from a frontal system. Still a level of uncertainty where thats going to be sitting across england and wales, but it will bring some further outbreaks of rain on thursday, friday. Just want to end on a glimpse of good news as we had towards the weekend. Things will be likely to quiet down. Dry and sunny for all of us down. Dry and sunny for all of us and just that little bit warmer. Take care. This is bbc news, the headlines the widow of an African American man who was shot dead by police in atlanta has appealed for protests to be peaceful. Rayshard brooks died while running away from two white officers. His widow keisha says the family will never heal. The mayor has ordered immediate changes to police practices. Border controls have been lifted across much of europe easing three months of coronavius restrictions. The eu is hoping to kickstart badly damaged economies ahead of the lucrative Summer Holiday season. Greece is allowing tourists from 29 countries to enter but not the uk, spain or italy. China has moved to shut down a corona Virus Outbreak linked to a massive market in beijing. More than a hundred cases have been confirmed. Now on bbc news

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