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According to a new report on health inequality. Health has stopped improving. Health inequalities are increasing, and the recommendations that we made ten years ago are not being acted on, and acting on them would create better societies. Campaigners against Sexual Violence have welcomed the guilty verdicts in the case against former hollywood producer, Harvey Weinstein, as he is taken to hospital on his way to prison. Stop building houses on flood plains in england unless its absolutely necessary. Thats the warning from the head of the environment agency. Violence has worsened in parts of the indian capital, delhi, overshadowing a visit by President Trump, whos announced a 3 billion military deal with the country. Good morning. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. The Health Secretary has told the bbc that uk residents returning from areas in northern italy currently on lockdown because of coronavirus, and since febraury 19th, should self isolate and seek advice from the nhs. The information comes after the outbreak spread to italy in parts of lombardy and veneto, which now has the largest number of cases in europe. A hotel in tenerife has quarantined around 1,000 guests after an italian tourist tested positive there for the virus. The worst hit countries are intensifying their efforts to contain the spread, as the number of cases globally has now surpassed 80,000. 50,000 residents in quarantined areas in italy have been told they cannot leave for two weeks without special permission. People are being advised to self isolate for 1h days if they have travelled to the affected areas whether they are showing symptoms or not, with coronavirus cases in italy rising from three to 229 over four days. Seven people in the country have died from the disease. Lets hear what the Health Secretary had to say about uk residents travelling to and from italy. The official travel advice has not been changed. Clearly, for the cities in northern italy where the Italian Government have them quarantined, we are not aware of any british citizens who are within the quarantine area. If they are, we would ask them to get in contact with the embassy in rome. We are not aware there are any brits in the area that is quarantined. In terms of going to italy as a whole, we have not changed the travel advice, but we are clear if you come back from northern italy and you have symptoms, then you should self isolate. In all of this, my top priority is protecting the public. I take a science based approach when listening very carefully to the chief medical officer. We have some of the best experts in the world working on this right now and providing the sort of advice for us to be able to communicate to the public. 0ur Health Correspondent nick triggle is with me now. Lets talk more about this travel advice for people coming back from italy to the uk, because it is quite nuanced, isnt it . It is, it was just issued this morning, and for travellers who have been to northern italian towns that are in lockdown, they should, when they return to the uk, self isolate themselves, even if they are not showing symptoms, and they are not showing symptoms, and the same goes for people who have been to iran and parts of south korea. That puts those places on the same footing as wuhan in china, where the outbreak began. Meanwhile, people who have been to other parts of northern italy, sort of the line above pisa to florence, they should be aware of symptoms, and if they develop them, they should call nhs one on one and in self isolate. That is fresh guidance that comes as we are hearing that a hotel in tenerife has gone into lockdown, there may be up has gone into lockdown, there may be up to 1000 deaths there. We understand an italian guest from northern italy tested positive for coronavirus, and that is why that has happened. Yes, so a lot of detail still emerging about that particular development. It is not a pandemic yet, but is it possible to stop it becoming one . Are no, well, the World Health Organization has urged governments across the world to prepare for a pandemic, when it is spreading easily in many parts of the world. Now, in the uk, the Health Secretary, matt hancock, says he is still hopeful that significant outbreaks in the uk can be avoided. He says much depends on these countries are seeing new cases, the response they get, and whether they get the response right to contain it. In the uk, we have only had 13 cases so it. In the uk, we have only had 13 cases so far, and all have been traced back to china or other asian countries. But the problem is, when you start getting human to human transmission in britain, there are plans then to scale up containment, keep tracing contacts and self isolate people who have come into co nta ct self isolate people who have come into contact with those cases, but eventually there is a point where they move to mitigate the impact of they move to mitigate the impact of the virus on people, and that involves the nhs scaling up its own plans. But were still a little way from that yet. 0k, nick, thank you very much. We continue with our coverage of coronavirus in a moment, but breaking news coming to us from egypt, former egyptian president Hosni Mubarak has died today at the age of 91. We are told that he died ina military age of 91. We are told that he died in a Military Hospital in cairo, according to local medical and military sources who have been speaking to the bbc, that news just coming in in the last few seconds, that the former egyptian president Hosni Mubarak has died at the age of 91 ina Hosni Mubarak has died at the age of 91 in a Military Hospital in cairo. He was a career officer in the Egyptian Air Force and assumed the presidency after the assassination of anwar sadat. His presidency lasted almost 30 years. In more recent yea rs lasted almost 30 years. In more recent years he had been sentenced on corruption charges but then was acquitted by the highest court of appeal in the country. The news coming in that the former egyptian president Hosni Mubarak has died today at the age of 91 in a Military Hospital in cairo. 0f today at the age of 91 in a Military Hospital in cairo. Of course, we will bring new more on that developing story. Lets return to our coverage of the coronavirus outbreak. 0ur correspondent bethany bell is in the italian city of piacenza, which is on the edge of the containment zone. She explained more about the measures in place. Well, these towns that have been put into quarantine, that affects around 50,000 people who have been asked to stay at home, to not move away in order to try to contain the spread of the virus. You know, it is also life outside those zones has been affected as well. Schools have been closed, universities are closed, museums are closed, some major sporting events have been shut down. Today, of course, is mardi gras, what should be the climax of venices famous carnival. Those celebrations had been cancelled in an attempt to try to stem the spread of the virus. That containment effort, obviously a massive effort. Talk to us about the wider Economic Impact for italy. Yes, it puts people into a very strange situation here. Of course, life has to try to go on, people are having to cope with their everyday life. It is very interesting when you talk to people, some people say these are very important measures, perhaps the government didnt act quickly enough and we need to try to stop the disease spreading. 0thers take a more cavalier approach and say it is an overreaction, we have to keep working, keep going. There are fears about the impact on the economy of the region, which is italys economic powerhouse, and the sense from milan to veneto, it is a very productive industrial region. If there are to be more cases of quarantine and problems with people moving in and out, it could have an impact on the economy. I have been speaking to people just in cafes and bars and things around here, some are shut, and some people say they are experiencing not many people coming to them. In little towns just around the containment area, some businesses have been closed as well. There are shops with big shutters up, and there are signs on them saying they have been closed for the duration while they try to stem the spread of the coronavirus. Lets speak now to alessandro marcello, who is head of the Molecular Virology Group at the International Centre for genetic engineering and biotechnology in trieste, italy. Thank you very much for your time today. You are in the position of being able to talk about this from a position of expertise, but also as an organisation that is being affected by the effort to stop the spread of the disease, because i understand you have suspended all your seminars for the next two weeks. That is correct. We are following the indication of the region and the government that has put this plastic measure to try to contain this infection. But work is going on anyway, so our students are at home, but our staff are still off, and in my lab, in particular, working in biology, we are keeping oui working in biology, we are keeping our work going. Why do you think there has been this rate of spread in italy from three cases to 229 cases according to the latest figures, in the space ofjust three days . What happened is that, basically, a cluster happened in lombardy due to. Hello . Alike yes, we can hear you. Yes, sorry, we had a number of cases that went undetected for some time, and suddenly came out in lombardy. So the problem is that these cases originated from an infected individual which has not been identified yet, meaning that we dont know all the chain of contacts and all the chain of transmission of the virus in italy. The good thing is that the cluster is still located in lombardy, in northern italy. Some cases are spreading in other parts of italy but all linked to this regional cluster. People are working ha rd to regional cluster. People are working hard to stop that, overcome that, and try to investigate all the possible infected people. And as is the major effort at the moment. What happened is that northern italy, all the regions decided to have a plastic policy to try to slow down transmission in agreement with the authorities and the experts, and this has meaning put in place all the closures of Public Events and schools and universities and so on, and this is going to be very heavy for the population. When you look at modelling, or the behaviour of this virus, not just modelling, or the behaviour of this virus, notjust in italy but elsewhere in the world, do you think, the question i put our Health Correspondent a few minutes ago, that although it is not yet a pandemic, it is possible to stop it becoming one . So what happened is, as you note, we have china as the originator of this epidemic, and we we re originator of this epidemic, and we were waiting to see what was going on out of china, and this has been carefully monitored during these weeks. The fear was to have other cases out of china, and at the moment we have clusters in korea, iran and italy, these are major outbreaks currently outside of china. The key question is, if we are going to contain these outbreaks, does it mean we can actually stop this, or if it becomes pandemic, is it going to spread . My role in this International Centre is to try to monitor the situation in oui to try to monitor the situation in our member states, because you have to think that other places in the world, like africa, the middle east, their situation is totally unknown, and we dont know how it is going to spread in these areas, because there is no test available, or few tests available. Come 0k, alessandro marcello, thank you very much. Some more details coming in about the situation in tenerife. We have been reporting that a hotel there is under lockdown after a guest, an italian guest at the hotel on the island, tested positive for coronavirus, so a couple of brief state m e nts coronavirus, so a couple of brief statements from the Holiday Package firms tui and jet2, who both use this hotel, the h10 costa adeje palace, a four star hotel with nearly 500 rooms, a letter sent by managers to guest says they must stay in their rooms after a guest was diagnosed with coronavirus. A spokesman forjet2 said, we are aware of reports that a holiday maker has tested positive for coronavirus, under the advice of the regional and Spanish Government authorities, the hotel has been placed under quarantine. The health and safety of our customers is the absolute priority. They go on to say they will release more information as it becomes available. In line with foreign and Commonwealth Office advice, they say there flying policy remains unchanged at the moment. That is the latest regarding the hotel in tenerife. In iran its being reported that the death toll has risen to 16. Iran has the highest number of deaths from coronavirus outside china, where the virus emerged late last year. Rana rahimpour from bbc persian has joined me. So iran, rana, has been described as a virus hotspot, and there is concern that the full story is not being told there. It seems like officials are trying to downplay the severity of the situation, but we have confirmed cases in the region, in at least seven countries, and i had all travelled to iran in the last couple of weeks. Iran seems to be explored in the region, and many of those people have come from a city that housed the most prominent shia seminary, and they have many foreign students there, and it housed a shrine that is wholly for the shias, and many travel to visit that shrine. Unfortunately, it is still open, they are Still Holding communal prayers there, and when they go to that shrine, because they think it is sacred, they touch it, they put their faces on it, and think it is sacred, they touch it, they put theirfaces on it, and it seems that is probably one of the main reason is that the disease has spread to the rest of the region. You say that there is this an edging ofa you say that there is this an edging of a cover up of an outbreak, i think a family returning to iraq from iran, the latest to be tested positive for coronavirus, just as one example. What evidence is there that the authorities are trying to tackle this, or perhaps changing tackle this, or perhaps changing tack and thinking that they need to do more . So they are trying to raise awareness, and it seems that the states trying to people about the dangers and how to stay safe, but at the same time we are receiving reports of about how the medical staff are suffering, they dont have enough equipment, they dont have enough equipment, they dont have enough testing kits, so many people are being taken to hospitals, and they are suspected of being infected, but there are no ways to find out. Today a delegation from the who will travel to iran, and hopefully they will be able to give advice to the iranian authorities and help them with the lack of equipment. The light 0k, rana, thank you for the update of the situation in iran, rana rahimpourfrom bbc persian. The upward trend in Life Expectancy has stalled, while for women in the poorest communities it has gone into reverse, according to a new report. The study, by sir Michael Marmot, whos one of the countrys leading experts on Health Inequalities, said austerity was a significant factor. Health secretary matt hancock said there was still much more to do. 0ur Health Correspondent Dominic Hughes is in salford. So, dominic, in your report today you have been talking about a number of places around england to have come marmot cities, where people are trying to counteract these negative trends, tell us more about that. The idea is that underpinning our health, it is notjust about the provision of local health services, the nhs in your area, having access toagp the nhs in your area, having access to a gp and the nhs in your area, having access toa gp anda the nhs in your area, having access to a gp and a good hospital, it is about the wider determinants of health, so it is these circumstances into which we are born, our early yea rs, into which we are born, our early years, the education we receive, the work we do, the housing that we live m, work we do, the housing that we live in, the sort of communities that we grow up in, and these are all the sorts of things that can dictate how our health will develop in the coming years as we age, and indeed how we age. So sir Michael Marmot was looking at different areas of the country, and he found that over the country, and he found that over the last decade Life Expectancy has stalled, and in some of the poorest countries it has actually gone backwards, particularly for women. He says a lot of these is to do with cats to funding over the last decade. Cuts. Posterity, particularly the cuts to local authority funding, because they run so many of the services that are linked to health, so for examplejob employment centres, housing, education are all linked to local authority funding, and that funding has been cut. So the government has, as you say, acknowledge there is a lot to do, matt hancock pointed to plans to invest more money in the nhs and also plans to improve child health, but we have heard too from the shadow Health Secretary, jon ashworth, who described the report asa ashworth, who described the report as a devastating verdict on ten yea rs of as a devastating verdict on ten years of austerity. It is a devastating verdict on ten years of tory cuts and austerity, the fact Life Expectancy, which generally increases year by year, is stalling, and for the poorest 10 of women, it is actually declining. I think thats quite shameful, and its probably going to get worse, because we are going to see Child Poverty in this country rise to the highest level on record, since records began in 1961, higher Child Poverty than even in the thatcher years. Were going to continue to see a failure to invest sufficiently in social care, affecting many elderly women. And unless the government does something urgently and levels up the country as they have promised to do, people in poorer areas are going to continue to get sick quicker and die sooner. Weve got to do something about that. So the government has, as i said, acknowledge there is still a lot of work to do, but despite that, i think they will recognise too that this report makes for pretty grim reading today. Can i dominic, thank you for that, Dominic Hughes in sa lfo rd. Eu ministers have approved their opening negotiating stance for talks with the uk on their future relationship, sources have told the agencies afp and reuters. They were meeting in brussels this morning to discuss how they would go about negotiating the post brexit relationship. Here, the Prime Minister will chair a committee that handles trade negotiations. Britains negotiating mandate will be published on thursday. In a moment, well talk to assistant Political Editor norman smith, but first to our brussels correspondent adam fleming. Tell us more about what has been happening there. So i meeting this morning of the General Affairs committee of the eu, European Affairs ministers from the 27 member states, they were doing lots of other business, but at the end of the meeting they did the formal adoption of the mandate, basically rubber stamping this 46 page document that the Commission Published a draft of earlier in the month and which diplomats have been tweaking ever since. It is basically the blueprint that will be given to Michel Barnier, the road map for the chief negotiator who will conduct the negotiations with the uk over the negotiations with the uk over the next few months on trade, security and all those other policy areas that they want to cover. Three obvious flash points come out of it, the idea of shared, common standards, the eu has tried to make that look as relaxed as possible by using lots of words like evolve over time and having eu rules as a Reference Point, but i think that might still be too much for the uk, which once a very hands of relationship. 0n fishing, the document has been tweaked to talk about upholding the situation which exists now and the access that european boats have two british waters, i think the British Government wants that to change. And then thirdly the governance, the technical term forjust how the relationship is managed over time. The eu still wants a role for the European Court of justice, the eu still wants a role for the European Court ofjustice, quite a limited one, it has to be said, but even limited might be too much for the uk to swallow as well, so a blueprint for what Michel Barnier is going to do, but also a blueprint for the big rows of the next few months. That is the view from brussels, thank you very much, adam. Norman smith is in downing street, when britain publishes its negotiating mandate on thursday, do you think we will see some pretty tough language contained in that, what sort of tone with datasets . Very uncompromising tone, the word from number ten is that they will not sign up for anything which cedes control to the eu in terms of rules, regulations, fishing rights, and they say, what would you expect . This is what brexit is about, about taking back control, they say no sovereign country would ever agree to any other country setting its own eu rules and regulations. So the idea, as the eu is sketching it out and abiding by existing eu rules and probably maintaining them as a Reference Point for future british regulations, i think that is going to bea regulations, i think that is going to be a nonstarterfrom regulations, i think that is going to be a nonstarter from the off, and what the British Government says is that this is not a negotiating position, this isnt a tactic, this is just us trying to be tough at the outset of negotiations. This is a point of principle, that brexit is about taking back control. Put that altogether, and you have to say it does mean the prospect reaching an agreement would seem to me to be in somejeopardy, which brings you onto the second part of the governments ta kes, the second part of the governments takes, which is they do not think britain has anything to fear from going on to what borisjohnson euphemistically called an australian type trade deal, but which in reality is World Trade Organisation terms. He believes britain would be fine under that and would be able to secure other deals with other countries, in particular the United States, and on that downing street have made clear that the British Government is going to begin trade talks with Donald Trumps administration at the same time as talking to the eu. So all the signs are, ithink, that talking to the eu. So all the signs are, i think, that talks with the eu are, i think, that talks with the eu are going to be pretty bumpy, to say the least. Ok, norman smith, thank you, in downing street and adam fleming in brussels. Lets return to our breaking news of the last half hour, the news that Hosni Mubarak has died. James robbins look back now on his rise to power and fall from grace. He was in powerfor 30 years, but it was the last three weeks of Hosni Mubaraks rule which will always be remembered. His downfall after an eruption of public anger. Back in 1981, when anwar sadat was assassinated by islamist militants, you can just glimpse Vice President Hosni Mubarak being pulled to safety. In the midst of chaos he became the latest military man to rule egypt, his absolute priority stability. He was always a loyal ally for the west, maintaining a peace treaty with israel and confronting islamic extremism. But at home, he presided over increasing economic and political stagnation. His government gained a notorious reputation for corruption and the abuse of human rights. He was impervious to the failings of the people, and he seemed to look down on them, to look down on their aspirations, to look down on their hopes. He was surrounded by mediocrity, and he always gave preference to those in whom he could guarantee their loyalty and not necessarily their merits. On january the 25th 2011, egyptians flooded into tahrir square, this time the tear gas and water cannon was powerless to protect the regime, and ina powerless to protect the regime, and in a series of television addresses Hosni Mubarak next concessions with condescension and defiance. Translation i give my pledge and commitment to protect the constitution in the interests of the people, until responsibility is handed to whoever is elected by the electorate next september in free and fair elections, guaranteed by transparency and freedom. On one pivotal day, regime supporters on camels and horses charged protesters in tahrir square. Mystery gunman carried on the attack through the night. But finally egypts military turned against the president , and one of Hosni Mubaraks most loyal lieutenants announced his overthrow. Translation president Hosni Mubarak has decided to step down as the president of the republic. The crowd erupted with joy, a president of the republic. The crowd erupted withjoy, a damning indictment of Hosni Mubaraks rule. Within months, the ailing former leader was in court. After a long trial, he was sentenced to life in prison, ordering the killing of protesters, a verdict eventually overturned. But more than his brutality, it was his lack of vision for egyptss future which had brought him down. Lets go to our correspondent in cairo, sally nabil, tell us more about how this news of Hosni Mubaraks about how this news of hosni mubara ks death about how this news of Hosni Mubaraks death emerged and how you think he will be remembered. On it is big news here in egypt. On it is big news here in egyptm has been confirmed by military and military sources. There is a reaction to his death. He is a man who divided the country. He ruled egypt for three decades and is the longest serving president. Some see him asa longest serving president. Some see him as a story from the past but others, especially those in the square in 2011 to remove him from power see him as a corrupt dictator who left no room for freedom of expression. And others, when they compare at least Hosni Mubaraks days to these days, they say his days to these days, they say his days were better. The economy was better and many egyptians could manage to make ends meet. There was a marginfor manage to make ends meet. There was a margin forfreedom of manage to make ends meet. There was a margin for freedom of expression and when they look at what we have now, government and regime cracking down on every single opponent, whether secular or islamist, they look at mubaraks days and they sometimes wonder if he would have been removed from power. But when you talk to people who took part in the 2011 revolution, they see him as a man who deserved to be ousted, who deserve to be tried. It is also worth mentioning, mubarak was initially convicted of getting involved in the killing of hundreds of protesters in 2011. But after that he was cleared. The only accusation he was convicted of was just some corruption charges, which he was sentenced to three years in prison. I still remember the moment when he appeared in the dock inside the courtroom. That was a big surprise to many egyptians. Some sort of a relief to those who criticised him and who stood against his rule, because they believe he deserved to stand a fair trial. Now, after he was acquitted, they say that perhaps the trial was not as fairas that perhaps the trial was not as fair as they expected. The big question is, what kind of a funeral will he have now . Will he have a military funeral, to pay some tribute to him . Because he once was the commander of the Egyptian Air Force, or will he be buried secretly like mohammed mosey . Ok, sally, thank you very much for that. The news that the former egyptian president , Hosni Mubarak has died. Its now time for a look at the weather. We have had sunny spells and showers so farand we have had sunny spells and showers so far and those showers have been wintry over the high ground of scotland. Certainly wintry scenes in aberdeenshire. Not all of us seeing snow, however. At low levels it may be sleet and hail mixed in and some of the showers may be heavy. They drift from west to east. One or two to the east, but sunny spells in between. A blustery north westerly wind. Temperatures up to nine celsius. Because of the wind it will probably feel colder than those temperatures suggest. Tonight, we continue with wintry showers across northern and Western Areas but as temperatures fall away tonight, close to freezing in many areas, risk of ice going into wednesday morning. One or two wintry showers on wednesday but perhaps more sunshine than compared with today. A chilly day with a blustery wind. Temperatures of 69 celsius. Goodbye for now. Six to nine celsius. Hello this is bbc newsroom live. The headlines. As the fight against the spread of coronavirus continues the government tells people returning from areas of northern italy currently in lockdown to self isolate and seek nhs advice. Anybody who has been to italy, north of pisa, should, if they have symptoms, flu like symptoms, should self isolate, which means go home and try to stay out of contact with other people. In south korea, another person has died of the illness. And about 1000 guests at a hotel in tenerife are in quarantine after an italian guest tested positive for coronavirus. Life expectancy of living in the poorer areas of england has declined. Egypts former president , as to be for the 2011 arab spring has died at the age of 91. Ousted. Good morning. More than two days on from the fight in las vegas and still the fallout from tyson furys win over Deyontay Wilder rumbles on. Wilder says he wants another rematch and blamed his defeat on the costume he wore to the ring that weighed over 18 kilos. Well, as he recovers in the us, fury received a heros welcome in manchester this morning. This is him arriving at the airport with hundreds of fans there to greet him. If that wilder rematch does not happen theres clamour for an heavyweight unification bout with anthonyjoshua and joshuas promoter is keen. From our point of view, the fight we wa nt from our point of view, the fight we want more than anything is the undisputed fight. The person that holds the key to that is tyson fury. If we can get that next, we are absolutely all in on the fight. You have a guy in tyson fury and you have a guy in tyson fury and you have a guy in tyson fury and you have a guy in anthonyjoshua. I believe there is genuine, genuine wa nt believe there is genuine, genuine want for this fight to happen. Liverpool managerjurgen klopp says his side must be ready for the hardest work after a 3 2 win over west ham pushed them ever closer to a Maiden Premier League title. It wasnt the easiest night at anfield as west ham came from behind to lead early in the second half but lu kasz fabianski gifted mo salah the equaliser somehow allowing this effort to squeeze through him before sadio manes eighth goal in his last six games against west ham earned liverpool a record equalling eighteenth Straight League win. Wales full back Liam Williams will rejoin scarlets earlier than expected after saracens agreed to release him from his contract. Hes currently out with a long standing ankle injury and had been expected to move to the llanelli side in the summer. With saracens to be relegated from the english premiership, williams will return to the pro 1a early and could be available for saturdays trip to munster. Williams could still feature for wales in the six nations. Organisers of the tournament are in talks with the english rfu over concerns for the coronavirus in italy. 229 people have tested positive for the virus in northern towns and seven have died. Sport in the country has already been affected with inter milans Europa League match at the san siro on thursday will not allow fans in with further domestic matches this weekend expected to be played behind closed doors. Kyle edmund has continued his good run of form with a straight set win over Feliciano Lopez at the mexican open. Edmund, won the new york open earlier this month and beat the spaniard 6 4, 6 1 in acapulco. Britains number two will face australias alex bolt or canadian felix auger aliassime in the last 16. And victory too for the womens british number two heather watson. She came from a set down to beat american Coco Vandeweghe in three sets in the first round of the mexico open. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in the next hour. Lets return to our coverage of the coronavirus. Stephen, along with his partner, is due to fly back from venice to the uk tomorrow. Thank you for talking to us. How long have you beenin for talking to us. How long have you been in venice . We leave on saturday morning. In the time you have been there, how are where have you been about the concerns of the coronavirus because the venice carnival was supposed to be happening . Yes, saturday and sunday was fine. Monday, the atmosphere changed. They have closed all the museums and tourist attractions. A lot more people wearing masks, a lot less people walking about. L lot more people wearing masks, a lot less people walking about. A lot of those attractions are where large crowds might gather inside, those have been closed . Crowds might gather inside, those have been closed . Yes, they have all been closed since monday morning. Have been closed . Yes, they have all been closed since monday morninglj am sorry, i dont know your partners am sorry, i dont know your pa rtners name . Am sorry, i dont know your partners name . Rachel. How worried have you and rachel been . We went out to the carnival on saturday and saint marks square. There was lots of crowds and we arranged to go back monday, but everything was shut. Of crowds and we arranged to go back monday, but everything was shutm you are due to fly to bristol tomorrow, i dont know how much you have heard about the Health Advice being issued in the uk to people travelling back from italy . We have only seen what we take up of bbc news. We have been trying to watch the news. When you get home you will obviously be keeping a close check on yourself and if you have any symptoms that seem like flu, presumably you will be making the decision to isolate yourselves . Yes, this is what we have seen on the news. Apart from that, we have had no messages or anything from the airlines. We dont really know what to do. How concerned do you think yourfamily and to do. How concerned do you think your family and friends will be when your family and friends will be when you get home, about making contact with you because you have been in italy and as we have been reporting, a big increase in the number of cases, especially in the north of italy over the last few days . The outbreak areas are on lockdown at the minute. There doesnt seem to be too much concern in venice. There is a lot more police on the actual army as well. Public transport, seems to bea as well. Public transport, seems to be a lot less people travelling on it. Has there been much official information or advice from your hotel wherever you are staying or anywhere else as you have been in venice . We havent received anything, not in english anyway. Stephen, thank you for talking to us on bbc news. Safe flight for you and rachel tomorrow and hopefully you will stay well. John turton is a guest in the Tenerife Hotel which we are told is currently in lockdown because of a coronavirus case john is british and is from hale. An italian tourist who was staying there. Thank you are chatting to us today. Beautiful blue skies behind you, but tell us what has been going on there when he first became aware that someone staying in the same hotel as you had coronavirus . We woke up this morning and there was a note under the door saying the hotel was in lockdown for Health Reasons and to stay in our room. Which we did and then we saw some people moving around, so we went downstairs and we have been moving around normally. Now sat on the sun loungers. My guess the hotel wont know until they have heard from the authorities about what is going on. How much has the Hotel Management said to you about what is going on . Nothing as yet, i dont think they know what is going on until they are advised. We cannot leave the hotel, we can walk around the grounds, sit on the sun loungers, but there is a cordon around the hotel with police. Does it feel to you that most people are in the grounds or getting outside at the moment, oh are lots of people staying in their rooms . lot of people on the sun loungers, treating it as a normal holiday, to be honest. Is anyone posted at the entrances and exits of the hotel actually stopping you from leaving . The doors are locked and there is a Police Cordon around. Nobody can get on to the front, walking past the hotel. Police are virtually cordoning off the whole hotel. We saw some reports much earlier this morning saying that guests where being tested for coronavirus, have you been . No, not seen or heard anything like that. Ok, maybe that was an incorrect report, so good to check with you as you are there on the ground. How worried are you at this point, john . I am not really, to be honest. Until we get further information, there is no point worrying. Ok, you have no idea, when are you supposed to go home . Sunday. At this point, you have no idea whether you will be able to are not, obviously that is quite a few days away yet . I think it will be down to the authorities to inform the hotel and then they will inform us accordingly. John, really good to talk to you and hopefully we can stay in touch with you to find out more about what is happening in tenerife. Our guest at the hotel which is at the centre of a coronavirus ca re. Which is at the centre of a coronavirus care. John said they cannot leave at the moment because ofa cannot leave at the moment because of a coronavirus, one of the gas from italy testing positive for coronavirus. He said the doors and the entrances and exits are locked and they have to stay put and await further news. In a moment we will have the Business News but first the headlines. The government announces new advice for british nationals returning from italy, which now has the largest number of cases of coronavirus in europe. For the first time in more than a century, Life Expectancy in england has declined. Harvey weinsteins lawyers say theyll appeal against the hollywood producers convictions for rape and sexual assault. Londons stock market has fallen to a four year low, despite bouncing back in early trading after sharp falls yesterday. The Coronavirus Crisis in italy has spooked investors, with many worried the emergency will spread beyond the country, dampening demand for travel, hurting Business Investment and forcing staff to stay at home. Real estate firm hammerson has reported a more than 11 fall in rental incomes last year, because of what it calls a difficult uk retail environment. The firm, which runs Brent Cross Shopping Centre in london and birminghams bullring says pre tax losses hit £574 million, up from £173 million the year before. Its blamed that on retailers renegotiating rents or closing stores. The upmarket chocolate Brand Hotel Chocolat says profits rose 7 last year, hitting nearly £15m. The firm opened nine new stores in the uk last year, but also reported a boost from website sales and wholesale distribution. Good morning to you. Do you have to work full time to make a success of your career . Traditionally, that might have been the case a way to look keen, ambitious and willing to go the extra mile and put in the extra hours. But slowly, thats changing. Official data by Flexible Working consultancy timewise shows that the number of people earning more than £40,000 annually and working part time has gone up by more than 50 in the last eight years. It suggests about a Million People in senior or manager level jobs now work part time. And one of those is marc nohr. Hes chief executive of the media agency miroma and works four days a week. Some of those issues i touched on our real concerns for people. Most would love to work four days a week, but they wont look like they are keen or wanting to progress, but you managed to navigate that in your business . I did, yes. Two years ago you went part time and went to four days, what has that allowed you to do . There were two drivers for that. I had other things i wanted to do, i got very involved in charity and in the industry body, the ipa. I wanted to diversify my input, if you like. Icame to to diversify my input, if you like. I came to the conclusion i was most effective if i had some time to think, time to reflect and learn, time to be more creative and that required me being away from the office and not obliged to be in an office. So for me, that solution was a four day week contract. Office. So for me, that solution was a fourday week contract. Do you worry things are happening in the office you are not part of . On the fifth day when you are not there, is that not a challenge as the boss . hope things that happen when i am not there. I hope things are happening right now when im not there. If you have a great Senior Leadership team, you expect them to get on with it. We took aboutjunior staff working their way up through the business. It is all well and good, you are the boss, you did it two years ago having got to that position. What if you are a Junior Member of staff, i need to prove to you that i am keen and willing to progress, but actually i only want to do four days a week. There is an informal contract, people have to show up and be professional. People have to perform. If they do and they think there is a more effective way of working, we are talking about Flexible Working, not part time. There are many ways to work flexibly, it could be about your location, what time you get in. It isa location, what time you get in. It is a conversation you should have with your employer and any enlightened employers should be open to having that conversation. The key thing there is enlightened employer, not all businesses will want to do this. I suppose it is the culture, if everybody is doing it, great then you dont think you are missing out. But if you are the only one doing for days, you think stuff is happening you are not part of . There are now chief executives who are doing this. It seemed perhaps impossible a few years ago, but look at the pace of technological change. If we are not careful, we are always on and present and our office is with us wherever we are. This is dangerous. We need to be clear about what makes us most productive as employees. As employers we have to be switched on to that as well and be switched on to that as well and be open and be prepared to have that conversation if we want a high performing workforce. That is what it boils down to, work, life balance. Good to talk to you. Quick look at what the numbers are doing. The ftse 100 look at what the numbers are doing. The ftse100 down by more than one half of a percentage. Germany and france on the board as well. We will keep an eye on how they progress and we will keep an eye on the United States later. The british pound buying you 129 states later. The british pound buying you 1 29 nearly. Back to you. We were talking to a guest a few moments ago in tenerife at the hotel which is in lockdown. We can show you an image of the hotel now. It is the h10 hotel on costa adeje. It is the h10 hotel on costa adeje. It has around 1000 guests. And we we re it has around 1000 guests. And we were told other guests hadnt been tested to see if they had coronavirus. At least not yet. He said entrances and exits were lost to prevent anyone getting in or leaving, so that is the scene in tenerife. Also new isjust leaving, so that is the scene in tenerife. Also new is just coming leaving, so that is the scene in tenerife. Also new isjust coming in and coronavirus news, coming in from iran to say the Deputy Health minister there has tested positive for coronavirus. It has been described as a coronavirus hotspot and exporter of cases to countries in the region, with concerns the authorities have been underplaying the scale of the outbreak. But the news, our colleagues in bbc persian are telling us, irans Deputy Health minister is among those in the country to have tested positive for coronavirus. President trump and the indian Prime Minister, narendra modi, have hailed what they called a strengthened partnership after talks in delhi. Speaking a day after a rapturous welcome to india, mr trump said progress was being made on trade, energy and military deals. Mr trumps visit is his First Official trip to india , one of the uss most important trade partners. But donalds trumps visit has been somewhat overshadowed by increasingly violence clashes over a controversial new citizenship law that critics say is discriminatory towards muslims. Seven people have died during riots in delhi. Our correspondent Yogita Limaye has been to the scene of the latest clashes and has sent this update. This is a tyre factory that has been set on fire. Most of the shops here we re set on fire. Most of the shops here were owned by muslims. We have seen other signs of arson while we have been on the road today as well. What we have also seen our violent mobs carrying sticks and stones and they we re carrying sticks and stones and they were chanting a hindu religious cry that has come to be associated with hindu lynch mobs. We have been in the hindu dominated areas today, so we have not been able yet to go to the muslim dominated site to see what is going on there. The People Living here are telling us that People Living in the muslim dominated areas have been throwing stones and even shooting bullets at them. They started at indias controversial citizenship law. There was a group of people, mostly muslims protesting against the law, that many critics see as anti muslim. There was a group of people, mostly hindu who are supporting the law. But the clashes that broke out between these two groups have become communal. It looks like a religious riot. People from both communities have been killed and injured in these violent clashes. Uncomfortable questions being raised for the government, really. Where are we saw violent mobs of men there was just two policemen. Questions about whether the government has deployed enough police to break the cycle of violence, which has been going on for two days now. All of this happening not ten miles away from where President Trump is in the country. Just to show you the seen live now in delhi where we are expecting a news co nfe re nce in delhi where we are expecting a News Conference with President Trump and that is due to be happening shortly. It is at the us embassy in delhi and we will be live there as soon as it happens. A humpback whale has been rescued from illegalfishing nets in mexicos upper sea of cortes. The conservation group, sea shepherd, says the nets are used by poachers to catch endangered fish species which are popular on the black market. Freya cole reports. Wrapped and tangled, this humpback whale swam into a vicious trap. Conservation activist from sea shepherd spot the giant while on the lookout for poachers off the of mexico. As we were guarding the zone, we found a humpback whale badly trapped in an illegal trap. |j managed to catch up to the whale and cut the netting. This type of net is used to catch an endangered species of marine fish so by chinese buyers on the black market. It is a sad reminderof why it on the black market. It is a sad reminder of why it is so important for us to protect the refuge against illegal fishing. After hours of persistence, they managed to free the wail ever so slightly, by removing the net from its mouth. But sadly for now, it still has a reminder on its tail. Lets go straight back to delhi where President Trump has begun and used conference talking about business meetings on this trip to delhi. I think we can bring that to you in the next few seconds. Here we go. We have to put all forms of our energy, because we have more than anybody because we have more than anybody because we have more than anybody because we are number one in the world now with energy. It was a fantastic world now with energy. It was a fa ntastic two world now with energy. It was a fantastic two days. I am not going to be controversial because i dont wa nt to to be controversial because i dont want to blow the two days plus two days of travel on one little answer. One little question and you will blow it out and then they wont even talk about the trip. I will be very conservative with my answer is, if you dont mind. We had a great time, we had great meetings and we are going for a state dinner. We go back to the plane and then go back home, it will be about 19 hours. But we look forward to it, get in tomorrow. This is a tremendous country. 1. 4 billion, probably at least, the most people. It is a tremendous market and they really like us and i think they like it is more now than they ever liked us, with a great relationship between the Prime Minister and myself. We will be doing a lot of things. It was really worth it. You may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country. We have very few people with it and the people who have it, in all cases i have not read anything other. Maybe it is something new because for two days i havent been seeing very much of that news because it has been all income plus. We have accomplished a lot and had a lot of meetings, as you know. But the people are getting better. We brought in some americans from the ship because it was the right thing to do and they are in quarantine. We think they will be in very good shape, very soon. We discussed a lot of different elements. We actually discussed the coronavirus and at this moment, india doesnt have much of a problem, i feel. We india doesnt have much of a problem, ifeel. We certainly, it wasnt expressed that they did, which is great. That whole situation. Working out, a lot of talent and brain power is being put behind it. 2. 5 billion, we are putting in. Shukla zuma said it should be more. If i gave more, they said it should be less. That is what they do. In the meantime, they are not getting anything done. We could so easily do Prescription Drugs. Last year was the first year in 51 yea rs last year was the first year in 51 years where Prescription Drug prices went down. We could drive them down really well if we had the democrat votes. We need some additional votes and we would really drive them down, as you know. We will take some questions and then go to a nice, state dinner and then we go home. John, go ahead. Studio a brief statement from President Trump in delhi. Mentioning briefly the coronavirus which is under control in the usa and with regards to his trip to india. He says, i think they like it is more than they have ever liked us. Youre watching bbc newsroom live. Its midday, and these are the main stories this morning as the fight against the spread of coronavirus continues, the Health Secretary tells people returning from areas of northern italy currently in lockdown to self isolate and seek nhs advice. Anybody who has been to italy, north of pisa, should, if they have symptoms, flu like symptoms, should self isolate, which means go home and try to stay out of contact with other people. Meanwhile, a hotel in tenerife is in lockdown after an italian tourist tested positive for coronavirus. In south korea, an 11th person has died from the illness, and iran has reported another three deaths. Life expectancy among women living in the poorest communities in england has declined since 2011, according to a new report on health inequality. Health has stopped improving. Health inequalities are increasing, and the recommendations that we made ten years ago are not being acted on, and acting on them would create better societies. The independent inquiry into child sexual abuse is set to publish shortly its report on allegations of child sexual abuse linked to westminster. Egypts former president Hosni Mubarak, ousted during the 2011 arab spring, has died at the age of 91. Lawyers for the disgraced media mogul Harvey Weinstein say theyll appeal against the hollywood producers convictions for rape and sexual assault. Stop building houses on flood plains in england unless its absolutely necessary. Thats the warning from the head of the environment agency. Violence has worsened in parts of the indian capital, delhi, overshadowing a visit by President Trump whos announced a 3 billion military deal with the country. Good afternoon. Welcome to bbc newsroom live. Im annita mcveigh. The Health Secretary has told the bbc that uk residents returning from areas in northern italy currently on lockdown because of coronavirus, and since february 19th, should self isolate and seek advice from the nhs. The information comes after the outbreak spread to italy in parts of lombardy and veneto, which now has the largest number of cases in europe. Meanwhile, a hotel in tenerife has quarantined around 1,000 guests after an italian tourist tested positive there for the virus. The worst hit countries are intensifying their efforts to contain the spread, as the number of cases globally has now surpassed 80,000. 50,000 residents in quarantined areas in italy have been told they cannot leave for two weeks without special permission. People are being advised to self isolate for 14 days if they have travelled to those affected areas, whether they are showing symptoms or not, with coronavirus cases in italy rising from three to 229 over the last four days. Seven people in the country have died from the disease. Lets hear what the Health Secretary had to say about uk residents travelling to and from italy. The official travel advice has not been changed. Clearly, for the cities in northern italy where the Italian Government have them quarantined, we are not aware of any british citizens who are within the quarantine area. If they are, we would ask them to get in contact with the embassy in rome. We are not aware there are any brits in the area that is quarantined. In terms of going to italy as a whole, we have not changed the travel advice, but we are clear if you come back from northern italy and you have symptoms, then you should self isolate. In all of this, my top priority is protecting the public. I take a science based approach, listening very carefully to the chief medical officer. We have some of the best experts in the world working on this right now and providing the sort of advice for us to be able to communicate to the public. Our Health Correspondent nick triggle is with me now. Talk to us more about the advise that man matt hancock was updating us on, depending on where you are coming from, the advice varies slightly. Yes, it wasjust issued this morning, the update on previous guidance, and the government is asking for any travellers coming back from the northern italian towns such as lombardy that are in lockdown, that they should self isolate even if they should self isolate even if they are not showing any symptoms. That is the same for people coming back from certain areas of south korea and iran, and that puts those places on the same footing as wuhan in china, where the outbreak first began. On top of that, they say people who have been to the whole of northern italy from pisa to florence, north of that, that they should be looking out for symptoms, and if they are concerned, they should phone the nhs. That is a similar situation for travellers coming from a variety of countries in asia. Talk to us about the spread and what the numbers are looking like in various parts of the world. Do you think it is possible for the spread to be contained enough so that it does not reach pandemic levels . That it does not reach pandemic levels . Well, the who has asked countries across the world to prepare for a pandemic. The Health Secretary in england, matt hancock, has said he is hopeful it can be avoided, he believes much depends on whether the countries that have seen new outbreaks get on top of their outbreaks to slow the virus. We have seen the number of cases dropped 80,000. In the uk, they are working on containment, we have only had 13 cases in the uk, and the authorities are busy tracing any contacts they have had. We have had no human to human transmission in the uk. And that is key, because the World Health Organization say where you see the transmission taking place easily across many countries, thatis place easily across many countries, that is where you have a pandemic. 0k, nick, that is where you have a pandemic. Ok, nick, thank you very much. Our correspondent bethany bell is in the italian city of piacenza, which is on the edge of the containment zone. She explained more about the measures in place. Well, these towns that have been put into quarantine, that affects around 50,000 people who have been asked to stay at home, to not move away in order to try to contain the spread of the virus. You know, it is also life outside those zones has been affected as well. Schools have been closed, universities are closed, museums are closed, some major sporting events have been shut down. Today, of course, is mardi gras, what should be the climax of venices famous carnival. Those celebrations had been cancelled in an attempt to try to stem the spread of the virus. That containment effort, obviously a massive effort. Talk to us about the wider Economic Impact for italy. Yes, it puts people into a very strange situation here. Of course, life has to try to go on, people are having to cope with their everyday life. It is very interesting when you talk to people, some people say these are very important measures, perhaps the government didnt act quickly enough and we need to try to stop the disease spreading. Others take a more cavalier approach and say it is an overreaction, we have to keep working, keep going. There are fears about the impact on the economy of the region, which is italys economic powerhouse, and the sense from milan to veneto, it is a very productive industrial region. If there are to be more cases of quarantine and problems with people moving in and out, it could have an impact on the economy. I have been speaking to people just in cafes and bars and things around here, some are shut, and some people say they are experiencing not many people coming to them. In little towns just around the containment area, some businesses have been closed as well. There are shops with big shutters up, and there are signs on them saying they have been closed for the duration while they try to stem the spread of the coronavirus. We have been telling you about a hotel in tenerife which is in lockdown after one of the guests, from italy, tested positive for coronavirus. Earlier i spoke tojohn tu rton coronavirus. Earlier i spoke tojohn turton from Greater Manchester, who is currently staying at the costa adeje palace, and he told us more about what is going on there. We woke up this morning and there was a note under the door saying the hotel was in lockdown for Health Reasons and to stay in our room. Which we did and then we saw some people moving around, so we went downstairs and we have been moving around normally. Now sat on the sun loungers. I guess the hotel wont know until they have heard from the authorities about what is going on. How much has the Hotel Management said to you about what is going on . Nothing as yet, i dont think they know what is going on until they are advised. We cannot leave the hotel, we can walk around the grounds, sit on the sun loungers, but there is a cordon around the hotel with police. Does it feel to you that most people are in the grounds or getting outside at the moment, or are lots of people staying in their rooms . A lot of people on the sun loungers, treating it as a normal holiday, to be honest. Is anyone posted at the entrances and exits of the hotel actually stopping you from leaving . The doors are locked, and there is a Police Cordon around. Nobody can get onto the front, walking past the hotel. Police are virtually cordoning off the whole hotel. We saw some reports much earlier this morning saying that guests were being tested for coronavirus, have you been . No, not seen or heard anything like that. Ok, maybe that was an incorrect report, so good to check with you as you are there on the ground. How worried are you at this point, john . I am not really, to be honest. Until we get further information, there is no point worrying. Ok, you have no idea, when are you supposed to go home . Sunday. At this point, you have no idea whether you will be able to are not, obviously that is quite a few days away yet. I think it will be down to the authorities to inform the hotel and then they will inform us accordingly. That wasjohn that was john turton, that wasjohn turton, who is at the hotel in tenerife affected by a coronavirus outbreak there, one of the guests. An italian tourist has tested positive for coronavirus. In iran, its being reported that the death toll has risen to 16. Iran has the highest number of deaths from coronavirus outside china, where the virus emerged late last year. Rana rahimpour from bbc persian has joined me. The breaking news in the last short while is that the Deputy Health minister has tested positive for the virus. Yes, the same person who yesterday, in a press conference, said that he didnt believe in quarantine and that it was old fashioned. What quarantine and that it was old fashioned. What is quarantine and that it was old fashioned. What is interesting is that he has had meetings with many of the iranian officials over the last few days, so they are now worried that may be other politicians and ministers might be infected from him. He has posted a video in which he said it is not the end of the world, we have to trust the iranian politicians, but the fa ct the iranian politicians, but the fact is that the majority of people in the country do not trust the iranian officials. 95 cases are confirmed, but reports that we are receiving from several cities in iran say that the number is probably much higher and the worry is that in at least seven provinces, iranian officials, unlike italian officials, have not introduced any proper lockdown, and unfortunately many of the border is in iran, for instance there is a 1000 kilometre border with afghanistan, so many iranians can now travel across the region and ta ke can now travel across the region and take the disease with them. Ok, thank you for that update, with news that the Deputy Health minister in iran has tested positive for coronavirus. More on todays main stories coming up on newsroom live here on the bbc news channel, but now we say goodbye to viewers on bbc two. The political establishment in westminster repeatedly failed to deal with allegations of child sexual abuse, covering up claims and protecting high profile mps, including sir cyril smith and sir peter morrison, the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse has found. The report found no evidence of a coordinated paedophile ring in westminster, but said a blind eye was turned for decades to allegations of child sex abuse. Our Home Affairs Correspondent tom symonds has more. What other broad findings . Tell us more. Well, this inquiry generally is very broad, and this report is just one part of it, but it is about politics, so it is going to be very controversial. The entire inquiry was launched in the wake of the jimmy savile scandal, a prominent person who abused children, and also claims in parliament by tom watson, he said there was a paedophile network linked to number ten in the past. This inquiry, this is an important point, finds no evidence ofan important point, finds no evidence of an organised paedophile ring at westminster. What it does find is that when individual allegations against individual people came to light over a wide period from the 19505 light over a wide period from the 1950s right up to the present day, well, the institutions that are supposed to deal with it, critical parties, prosecutors and the police, did not do enough, and the inquiry found there was deference by those police, prosecutors and Political Parties towards politicians, differences in treatment depending on whether there was being treated where wealthy or well connected people, and a failure by almost every institution to put the needs and safety of children first. So it isa and safety of children first. So it is a pretty damning report. So what happens next, then, as a consequence of these findings . Well, i think first i should say that people watching this inquiry will certainly be interested in some of the detail, in particular two cases come out of this. One is the case of cyril smith, who was investigated in 1969 by the police, and ten years later told lord steel, then a leader of the liberal party, a forerunner of the liberal party, a forerunner of the liberal party, a forerunner of the liberal democrats, that it had happened, that he had been investigated. He did not do anything with the information, and the inquiry found that he abdicated his responsibilities and that was an issue for the protection of children. In another key case relating to the conservatives, peter morrison, who in the 1960s and 1970s there were concerns about suggestions that he might be involved in the abuse of children, well, that information went right up to the Prime Ministers office, the Prime Minister at the time being Margaret Thatcher. The inquiry does not necessarily find that Margaret Thatcher was told that one of the ministers at the time was a paedophile, but it does say that peter morris ands political career was allowed to go on and he was eventually knighted. Peter morrison. One of the recommendations of the inquiry is to look at people, after they died, then knighthoods can be reconsidered if allegations like this come to light. Ok, tom symonds, thank you very much. Ben has the latest sport. As excuses go, Deyontay Wilders is up there. He says his heavyweight title defeat to tyson fury on sunday wasnt helped by the costume he wore to the ring saying it weighed him down and his legs were tired by the time he got there. Contrast that to tyson furys stroll through Manchester Airport this morning after landing back from las vegas. Only had to worry about his hand luggage, somebody else carrying the rest of his bags by all accounts. He was greeted by hundreds of fans waiting for him in the arrivals lounge. Well, wilder says he wants to activate the rematch clause in his contract with fury, but if that doesnt happen is tyson fury V Anthony Joshua fight on . Heresjoshuas promoter. From our point of view, the fight we want more than anything is the undisputed fight. The person that holds the key to that is tyson fury. If we can get that next, we are absolutely all in on the fight. You have a guy in tyson fury and you have a guy in anthonyjoshua. I believe there is genuine, genuine want for this fight to happen. Wales full back Liam Williams has been released by saracens early and could make his debut for scarlets as early as this weekend. Hes still recovering from an ankle injury, but with sarries to be relegated in england this season, hes moving to the llanelli side with immediate effect, rather than the summer, as originally planned. Williams could still feature for wales in the six nations. Organisers of the tournament are in talks with the english rfu over concerns for the coronavirus in italy. 229 people have tested positive for the virus in northern towns, and seven have died. Sport in the country has already been affected. Inter milans Europa League match at the san siro on thursday will not allow fans in with further domestic matches this weekend expected to be played behind closed doors. Kyle edmund has continued his good run of form with a straight set win over Feliciano Lopez in the first round of the mexican open. The match didnt start until 12 12 in the morning, but edmund tookjust over an hour to win 6 4, 6 1 in acapulco. Britains number two will face australias alex bolt or canadian felix auger aliassime in the last 16. Cam norrie lost, though. And victory too for the womens british number two heather watson. The seventh seed came from a set down to beat american Coco Vandeweghe in three sets in herfirst round match. Thats all the sport for now. Ill have more for you in the next hour. Former egyptian president Hosni Mubarak has died in cairo at the age of 91. Mubarak spent three decades in office before a Popular Uprising swept egypt. He was found guilty of complicity in the killing of protesters during the revolution. That conviction was overturned and was freed in march 2017. Lets go live to sally nabil in cairo. Sally, he was such a huge figure in egyptian life, both in politics and beyond, tell us more about how the news of Hosni Mubaraks death emerged and how he will be remembered. He is a very divisive figure, in fact. Remembered. He is a very divisive figure, infact. As remembered. He is a very divisive figure, in fact. As soon as the news was confirmed, reactions varied. Some people regard him just as a figure from the past, i mean, as a chapter that has already ended. But other people say that a lot of what egypt is going through at the moment is part of americas legacy. They see him as an autocrat who cracked down on opposition but at least when they compare his days with nowadays, they compare his days with nowadays, they believe that egypt was a better country under his rule because at least he allowed some margin for freedom of expression, unlike the current military backed president , who seems to be cracking down on all forms of opposition, whether islamists or secular. For those who took part in the revolution, who took part in the revolution, who took to carry a square to remove mubarak from power, they believe that he was a corrupt dictator who deserved to stand trial. He was initially convicted of complicity in killing hundreds of protesters in 2011, but he was later acquitted. The only charges he was indicted or convicted on were just corruption charges. Some sources tell us that he will have a military funeral tomorrow, but this is yet to be confirmed. What we have so far is a statement from the presidency morning the former president and calling him a hero because he used to be the commander of the Egyptian Air Force ones. Ok, sally nabil in cairo, thank you very much. Lets go to oxford now and speak to professor sian griffiths, who co chaired the hong kongs government inquiry into the sars outbreak. Professor, thank you for your patience, i know you have been waiting a little while to talk to us. There is a lot of anxiety now about various clusters of this virus, italy we have mentioned, iran amongst other places. Why do you think it is spreading more in some parts of the world . Well, we dont really understand the disease yet, and as we saw from the history of the cases in the uk, you can have one person who is very effective at spreading the disease and you only need one person for the disease to spread in a community. I think the actions that are being taken in italy, the cordoning off of the affected area, those actions will help to contain the disease, but listening to the World Health Organization and a whole range of experts, i think we are increasingly seeing the disease spreading, despite our best efforts. What lessons do you think are being used that were learned during the sars outbreak . We learnt about social distancing, if you have a case of the disease, but in quarantine or self isolation into place is part of the effective package. I mean, i think with sars, what we learnt was with a new disease there is a lot of uncertainty about how it is transmitted, whether the genetic make up will change, whether we can produce a vaccine, how patients should be treated and how it can be most effectively stopped. We are also unsure, when the weather changes, if that will make any difference to the pattern of spread. Really, the message continues to be prevention and containment, and that is what you are seeing in places like south korea and italy, and the advice from the British Government today for travellers from northern italy. Lets talk about self isolation, something you want to do during the sars outbreak, but it does rely on people taking certain responsibilities, talk to us about what it really means. Yes, as you say, in the sars outbreak i sat next to somebody in hong kong who later had sars, so when i came back to the uk, iwas had sars, so when i came back to the uk, i was told to stay at home for a while, shorter than two weeks at the time because we didnt know the incubation period, but what you do is do not go out to public places, and you are extra careful about hygiene, about washing down surfaces, about if you get a cough ora surfaces, about if you get a cough or a cold, calling up, surfaces, about if you get a cough ora cold, calling up, in surfaces, about if you get a cough or a cold, calling up, in this case, it is the nhs or a cold, calling up, in this case, it is the nh5111 or a cold, calling up, in this case, it is the nhs111 so or a cold, calling up, in this case, it is the nhs 111 so that your symptoms can be dealt with early. The main point is that you do not pass the disease on to those around you, so you avoid contact as much as possible. And, you know, you are kicking your heels a bit, you cant carry on with normal life, you have to make other arrangements for taking the kids to school, not going into work or whatever, you have to make other arrangements. But at the end of the day, if we take the advice seriously and actually stick to it, we have a better chance of beating the disease. What are the practicalities of it, though . If you have a family, if you share a house with people, you know, if there are other people in your immediate vicinity, what are they supposed to do . You are supposed to reduce contact as much as you can, so if you have, it is suggested that you use a room that you can get air through, because thatjust helps with the atmosphere, you may be advised to wear masks at home and family members may be advised to wear masks. You need to wash utensils separately, you need to have a routine for using the bathroom, because the disease can be spread by droplets, and if a droplet lands on a surface and then someone else touches the surface, they might get infected. Now, self isolation, you may not be infected when you are self isolatig, so, you know, it doesnt mean that everybody who is around you is going to get the disease, because you may not even have the disease yourself, this is a preventative measure to reduce the possibility of spread, and i think you have to think of ways of keeping yourself up to date and amused, you know, social media, television et cetera, all important, and i am not sure about this, but i am sure there will be chat groups that people can join to share experiences, dont go to the shops, you can order out or get relatives to drop off food at the doorstep. Basically, this is about decreasing contact with other people around you as far as is possible, and it is not ideal, and it wont be perfect, but you dont just decide i am going out, or i am going to go to a football match or whatever, for those two weeks that you are quarantined, it is social responsibility, because we are protecting other people as well as others, and i know from personal experience that it is a bit boring, but it is necessary. Thank you very much, professor sian griffiths. The time is almost half as well, lets ta ke time is almost half as well, lets take a look at the Weather Forecast with susan powell. Pretty chilly out today, quite a few showers around, and things for some of us are looking quite wintry, not exclusively across the hills. Quite a lot of hail out of some of the showers in the south west, they are pretty lively and staying that way through this afternoon, tracking further eastwards. Gusty winds in the south west and along the south coast, more showers across Northern England tucking into the midlands and east anglia, further showers for Northern Ireland, northern and western scotland. Through the evening, a messy rush hourfor the south east, showers in the east tending to clear overnight, whereas in the west they will keep piling m, in the west they will keep piling in, up to 80 centimetres of snow on high ground. Ice could be a problem just about anywhere. Still showers for england and wales first income but generally clearing up as the day goes on, continuing across scotland and Northern Ireland, chilly, factor in the wind, temperature is a bit deceptive, feeling closer to 2 3d when you step outside. Hello this is bbc newsroom live with anita mcveigh. The headlines as the fight against the spread of coronavirus continues the government tells people returning from areas of northern italy currently in lockdown to self isolate and seek nhs advice. Anybody who has been to italy, north of pisa, should, if they have symptoms, flu like symptoms, should self isolate, which means go home and try to stay out of contact with other people. Meanwhile a hotel in tenerife is in lockdown after an italian tourist tested positive for coronavirus. In south korea, an 11th person has died from the illness and iran has reported another three deaths. The independent inquiry into child sexual abuse finds that the political establishment in westminster repeatedly failed to deal with allegations of child sexual abuse, covering up claims and protecting high profile mps including sir cyril smith and sir peter morrison. Life expectancy among women living in the poorest communities in england has declined since 2011 according to a new report on health inequality. Health has stopped improving. Health inequalities are increasing and the recommendations we made ten years ago are not being enacted on. And acting on them would create better societies. And, egypts former president Hosni Mubarak ousted during the 2011 arab spring has died at the age of 91. Lawyers for the disgraced hollywood film producer, Harvey Weinstein, say theyll appeal against his conviction for rape and sexual assault. The 67 year old should have spent the night in new yorks Rikers Island jail, but he complained of chest pains and was taken to a specialist unit for treating prisoners. Campaigners against Sexual Violence have welcomed the guilty verdicts and say they usher in a new era ofjustice. This report, from our north america correspondent peter bowes, contains flash photography. Breaking news tonight Harvey Weinstein guilty of rape. Harvey weinstein was taken from new city courtroom in handcuffs today. The verdict that means Harvey Weinstein could be heading to prison for up to 29 years. The film producer, whos 67, was put into handcuffs and led away to await his sentencing next month. He was found guilty of sexually assaulting mimi haleyi, a former production assistant, in 2006, and for raping jessica mann, an aspiring actress, in 2013. Its no longer business as usual in the United States. This is the age of empowerment of women. And you cannot intimidate them any more, because women will not be silenced. Prosecutors paid tribute to the women who came forward to help convict the movie mogul. To those of us who were privileged to be in the courtroom when they testified, you know what we mean. These survivors werent just brave, they were heroic. Leading figures in the Metoo Movement applauded thejurys decision. The actress rose mcgowan, one of the early accusers, said the conviction was a huge step forward in our collective healing. This is a stunning downfall for one of hollywoods leading figures. His lawyers plan to launch an appeal but Harvey Weinstein also faces another trial in california, where hes accused of sexual assault. Peter bowes, bbc news, los angeles. President trump has been speaking at a press conference in india today about the weinstein case, saying that the guilty verdict sent a strong message to the rest of the world. I think from the standpoint of women, it was a great thing. It was a great victory and sends a very strong message. Very, very strong message. President trump and the indian Prime Minister, narendra modi, have hailed what they called a strengthened partnership after talks in delhi. Speaking a day after a rapturous welcome to india, mr trump said progress was being made on trade, energy and military deals. Mr trumps visit is his First Official trip to india, one of the uss most important trade partners. But donalds trumps visit has been somewhat overshadowed by increasingly violence clashes over a controversial new citizenship law, that critics say is discriminatory towards muslims. Seven people have died during riots in delhi. Our correspondent Yogita Limaye has been to the scene of the latest clashes and has sent this update. This is a tyre factory that has been set on fire. Most of the shops here are owned by muslims and we have seen other signs of olsen when we have been on the road today as well. What we have also seen our violent mobs carrying sticks and stones and they were chanting a hindu religious cry that has come to be associated with hindu lynch mobs. We have been in the hindu dominated areas today, so we have not been able yet to go to the muslim dominated side to see what is going on there. The People Living here are telling us that People Living in the muslim dominated areas have been throwing stones and even shooting bullets at them. This all started over indias controversial citizenship law. There was a group of people, mostly muslims protesting against the law that many critics see as anti muslim. There was a group of people, mostly hindu, who were supporting the law. But the clashes that broke out between these two groups have increasingly become communal. And what we have seen on the ground very much looks like a religious rite. Both people from both communities have been killed and have been injured in these violent clashes. Uncomfortable questions being raised for the government, really. Where we saw violent mobs of men, there was just two policemen. The questions over whether the government has deployed enough police to break the cycle of violence which has been going on for two days now. And all this happening not ten miles away from where President Trump is in the country. The Life Expectancy of women has fallen in the most deprived areas of england, according to a new report. The study by sir Michael Marmot whos one of the countrys leading experts on Health Inequalities said austerity was a significant factor. Heres our Health Correspondent, Dominic Hughes. Dearfuture me. By the time you read this letter, 20 years will have passed. You will have grown up and Primary School will be a distant memory. At Richmond Academy Primary School in oldham, pupils are casting their eyes to the future. What do we want to be in 20 years time . Encouraging this kind of ambition in one of the most deprived parts of Greater Manchester is a vital element in the schools mission. Working with the whole family so they have options in the years to come. We encourage our parents to be. So they can be healthy too, so they can have a healthy mindset and a healthy body. The school makes a point of looking at the bigger picture, how education is linked to health, housing, work and family. Many of our families have gone on to achieve gcses now, they are in paid employment. Its a route not only for the children but the whole family, family at the centre of our school. Todays report on health and inequalities in england suggest this kind of approach is needed more than ever. It says Life Expectancy is stalled over the past decade, with a growing health divide between rich and poor. The more deprived the area, the shorter the Life Expectancy and it blames austerity which it says has taken a significant toll on the health of the nation. If healths not improving and Health Inequalities are increasing, somethings going wrong with society. Society is not improving and inequalities in society are increasing. The government says its determined to narrow the health gap between rich and poor are levelling up access to health care. This is a report that makes for uncomfortable reading, highlighting a decade of missed opportunities and worsening health. Dominic hughes, bbc news, oldham. Spanish opera singer Placido Domingo has apologised and says he accepts full responsibility following accusations of Sexual Harassment made against him. Last year multiple women accused the singer of Sexual Harassment, with some of the allegations dating back to the 1980s. In response, he resigned from the Los Angeles Opera Company and cancelled a series of shows. A conservative mp has apologised after he was filmed flashing his genitals in a pub. James grundy dropped his trousers at a private event in the bar, with onlookers encouraging him to expose himself. The incident took place in 2007 more than a decade before he was elected as mp for leigh, Greater Manchester, last year. A 25 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after two bodies were found at an address in the West Midlands this morning. Police said a 54 year old man and a 52 year old woman were found dead in the early hours of this morning in oldbury. They said their initial investigations have led them to believe it is a domestic related incident. Now with all the Business News here is ben. These are the latest business headlines. Londons stock market has fallen to a four year low despite bouncing back in early trading after sharp falls yesterday. The Coronavirus Crisis in italy has spooked investors, with many worried the emergency will spread beyond the country, dampening demand for travel, hurting Business Investment and forcing staff to stay at home. Real estate firm hammerson has reported a more than 11 fall in rental incomes last year because of what it calls a difficult uk retail environment. The firm, which runs Brent Cross Shopping Centre in london and birminghams bullring says pre tax losses hit £574 million, up from £173 million the year before. Its blamed that on retailers renegotiating rents or closing stores. The upmarket chocolate Brand Hotel Chocolat says profits rose 7 last year hitting nearly £15 million. The firm opened nine new stores in the uk last year, but also reported a boost from website sales and wholesale distribution. More on the business implications of the spread of coronavirus. Markets are on edge over what it could mean for produtivity, spending, and investment. But there are more day to day worries too. Firms are concerned about access to spare parts that are made in china and shipped to the uk for assembly. Our business correpsondent Sean Farrington is at one factory in bishop auckland, a tv maker, thats had to cut its working week from five days to four because of the coronavirus. This is the first working day of the week here at cello electronics. They have a lot of supplies coming from china, likea have a lot of supplies coming from china, like a lot of these electronics that go into our tvs. It is having a knock on effects on the business. The stock market is down more than 3 . We will have a chat to the boss here at cello electronics. You have all the stocks you have got piled high, what are you expecting now to happen to these, given that you have got delays on all the stuff you have got delays on all the stuff you are getting in from china . We have got parts so we keep parts here. Through this period we are a british manufacturer, manufacturing in the uk. Against some of our competitors. We are importing stuff m, competitors. We are importing stuff in, and receive no stocks in the next six weeks. Customers will be saying, if you have a shortage, we will have to buy more tvs of you . We have 25 different models that we make and we have got a list out to our customers to let them know what stock we have got and what parts we have got on some models we are already out of stock. It is notjust importers like brian having to importers like brian having to import these electronics, a lot of british businesses, universities as well, who export services and all kinds of goods to china. We will talk to christos from Durham University business school. We have talked about imports, but what about exports from the uk to china, are you seeing changes going on because of the virus . It is likely to have some sort of impact on businesses on exports to china as well. China is one of the most important markets in the world. We also experience at the university as well, potentially a lot of students that might be coming our way, but hesitating about thinking about coming to study here, for instance. More people are hesitating to purchase in businesses or invest and so on and that is likely to have an impact on exporting to china as well. Do you think there will be a difference to how the long term, medium term and fx will be comparing exporters to importers . Can one get sorted quicker than the other . It is a difficult want to suck. Around here, people are stockpiling. People are getting ready to push the button to see what to do. Which one is likely to be affected the most . Time will tell. Interesting. Finally, the long term effects of this globally, the effect on chinas economy, is it something we will get back, is just people are holding off on their travelling and they will do it at a later date, do the spending at a later date, do the spending at a later date, do the spending at a later date, or will it be lost for ever . I dont think it will be lost for ever. People will start to buy the things they like to buy and so on. The key thing is how long will this last and how long people can wait. Where we are now, chances are the next few weeks things are going to start to recover, but nobody knows it yet. Thank you forjoining us this morning. The workers here didnt have to be in yesterday, starting today on a four day week. The Agency Workers who would be expecting to working and be paid, they have not had the extra days work. That is how these start to have a Ripple Effect on the uk economy when you multiply it across the country. Absolutely, Sean Farrington looking at the businesses are feeling the effects of the coronavirus spread. It does come down to spare parts per concern about markets as well. The market is doing well after the big falls yesterday. Ftse 100 doing well after the big falls yesterday. Ftse100 down more than 3. 5 and in frankfurt, down more than 4 . That initial optimism given way to some losses over the course of the day. We will keep an eye on how the us open is because i could be instrumental in changing any expectation here. But nonetheless, a dreadful day for the ftse100, given all the nervousness that is around coronavirus and the impact it could have on economies around the world. More from me later. The headlines on bbc news. The government announces new advice for british nationals returning from italy which now has the largest number of cases of coronavirus in europe. The independent inquiry into child sexual abuse blames the political establishment in westminster for repeatedly failing to deal with allegations of child sexual abuse, and protecting high profile mps including sir cyril smith. The former egyptian president , Hosni Mubarak who ruled egypt for 30 years has died at the age of 91. Lets return to coronavirus and news that a hotel in tenerife in Spains Canary islands has been locked down after a visiting italian doctor tested positive for coronavirus. A tourist at the costa adeje palace hotel, chris betts, from worcestershire, explained more about the quarantine. We are told we are in quarantine due to an italian doctor testing positive to the virus. The hotel seems to be acting normally accept we cannot go out either front or back. A police car is at all entrances and where the employees enter. Employees are stood around and they cannot get in. They have been issued with face masks but we have been told the hotel doesnt have been told the hotel doesnt have any for guests at this time. The staff are very, very friendly and doing all they can to help us. We have had breakfast normally. We we re we have had breakfast normally. We were originally told to go back to our rooms after breakfast, but eve ryo ne our rooms after breakfast, but everyone is sitting around reception as normal. No one has any more information yet and they are waiting for the health authorities. We were due to fly back this morning at 11. 30, back to birmingham. Obviously, that has now been missed. We arejust obviously, that has now been missed. We are just awaiting news. Police in germany are trying to work out what motivated a man who rammed a car into a crowd of people at a carnival parade. It happened in a small town called volkmarsen, in the same region where nine people were killed last week by a far right gunman. Sylvie lennan spence reports. What should have been a peaceful and fun celebration quickly turned into chaos. The driver of this car, a 29 year old man, steered his vehicle into a street, with crowds of people in his sights. Translation he drove with full speed into the crowd. My feeling was he even accelerated. People fell down like paper. There were a few seconds of silence and then everybody screamed. Balloons and carnival decorations scatter the ground, a chilling reminder that many of the victims were young children. Translation my classmate was driven into. His foot is injured and he has concussion. In a town ofjust 7000 people, this type of attack is unprecedented. It triggered a full scale emergency response. But police have urged everyone to remain calm. Translation we dont think this was a terrorist attack, but it can be assumed that it was intentional. The interrogations are ongoing, and until then we cant say anything about the motive. There are growing concerns about a rise in hate crime in germany. Last week in a town less than three hours drive away, a far right extremist shot and killed nine people at a bar. Police dont think theres a link between the two incidents, but admit its another sad day for germany. Sylvia lennan spence, bbc news. An internal Scotland Yard investigation has found it credible that one of its former undercover officers, who is now a conservative councillor, had a relationship with a teenage Animal Rights campaigner. Andy coles, who is currently a member of peterborough city council, denied that he had an inappropriate relationship with the woman when he posed as an activist in the 1990s. He was a member of metropolitan police unit, the special demonstration squad, which infiltrated protest groups. Councillor coles undercover past was revealed publicly by his brother, the radio 4 presenter, the Reverend Richard coles in his 2014 autobiography. The woman is now asking for an apology and compensation from the metropolitan police. Our Home Affairs Correspondent, june kelly reports. General election night, 2019, and standing at the shoulder of the winning candidate in peterborough is andy coles, a conservative councillor and former Police Officer. This was him in the 1990s when he was an undercover officer. He infiltrated protest groups and called himself andy davey. Next to him here is a 19 year old Animal Rights campaigner. Now using the pseudonym jessica, she says they had a sexual relationship and she describes him as her first boyfriend. I think it would have been quite obvious that i wasnt so very worldly wise, with regards to boys. Andy coles has denied having an inappropriate relationship with her. An internal enquiry has found that macro if he were still a serving officer he would have had a case to a nswer officer he would have had a case to answer for alleged gross misconduct. We asked andy coles for an interview ora we asked andy coles for an interview or a statement. In response, his lawyer said. If id ever known who he was, he wouldnt have got through the front door. I wouldnt have gone anywhere near him knowing he was a Police Officer or that he was 32, or that he was married. Jessica believes he should now resign as a conservative councillor. June kelly, bbc news. Legislation, which will make scotland the first country in the world to make period products freely available to all, is expected to pass its first hurdle today. Schools and colleges already provide the products at no cost, but later today, the Scottish Parliament will vote on whether to make them free for everyone who needs them. Suzanne allan has the details. This means that some girls are afraid to come to school and dont wa nt to afraid to come to school and dont want to leave the house at all. These are the pads that get sent to the school. Probably about every month or so in these big boxes. Most women and girls on average get periods that that last five to eight days. More people are staying off school due to not having protection. I wasnt really aware of it because idid i wasnt really aware of it because i did know personally anybody who had to deal with this. Finding out how many people just in our school, i was shocked at how many people are staying. We started off with the period products and we put them in the toilet so everybody had them and we had no complaints and it worked really well. Today, they make period products free to women and girls will be put to the Scottish Parliament. The government said it wasnt going to back it because it wasnt going to back it because it was too expensive, but changed its mind. It seen as a necessity and not a luxury. It is a write every woman should access free sanitary products. It is not like a luxury item, we need them. It makes me feel really good because i know myself that people have been helped and they have products and they can come to school with no worries. There have been Scottish Government schemes for Free Products before, but this bill, when it passes, it will make it low. Suzanne allen, bbc news. A humpback whale has been rescued from illegalfishing nets in mexicos upper sea of cortes. The conservation group, sea shepherd, says the nets are used by poachers to catch endangered fish species which are popular on the black market. Freya cole reports. Wrapped and tangled, this humpback whale swam into a vicious trap. Conservation activists from sea shepherd spotted the giant while on the lookout for poachers off the of mexico. As we were guarding the zone, we found a humpback whale badly trapped in an illegal trap. They managed to catch up to the whale and cut the netting. This type of net is used to catch an endangered species of marine fish sought by chinese buyers on the black market. It is a sad reminder of why it is so important for us to protect the refuge against illegal fishing. After hours of persistence, they managed to free the whale ever so slightly, by removing the net from its mouth. But sadly for now, it still has a reminder on its tail. Now its time for a look at the weather. Good afternoon. A chilly feel to proceedings, otherwise across the uk for the next couple of days. Quite showery as well so consequently with the cold air around there is a good chance of their showers turning wintry. Not exclusively across high ground, we could see hail where the showers get lively and are mixed covering here recently in paris. Heavy showers this afternoon for wales in the south west of england, strong winds here and along the south coast. Tracking their way eastwards later on in the afternoon. We will see some showers across the north west of england pushing into the north midlands and east anglia. Quite a few for Northern Ireland and the north and west of scotland. In terms of the temperatures, it is more about how it will fail. Factor in the wind and for many it is close to freezing this afternoon, even with some sunshine. More showers this evening, everyone is working their way into eastern england. They will fizzle out later on in the night but they track in further west and some significant accumulations for the mountains of wales and west in scotland. Ice is a risk everywhere just about everywhere on wednesday as we see in overnight frost. Showers for england and wales on wednesday morning but i think they will ease through the second half of the day, but they keep on coming for scotland and Northern Ireland. In terms of temperatures, another pretty chilly day with highs, on the face of it six or seven but closer to two or three. Our eyes are seven but closer to two or three. 0ur eyes are drawn seven but closer to two or three. Our eyes are drawn from wednesday night into thursday. The model is struggling to place this area of low pressure a cross struggling to place this area of low pressure across northern europe. Theres a chance it could run further north and make for wetter weather across southern britain throughout the day on thursday and some snow on the Northern Edge of the system. Currently, think you may pull off into the continent on thursday day time leaving sunshine behind for england and wales. Still some showers feeding into scotland and Northern Ireland. Temperatures on thursday very similar to today, around six or 7 degrees. Then we look to friday and the weekend and it is another big area of low pressure set to dominate our weather. The detail will vary a little i think, by the time we get to the actual days, that the things ican to the actual days, that the things i can tell you is for friday and the weekend we are facing some wet weather, further flooding and weekend we are facing some wet weather, furtherflooding and it will be windy and there is a continued risk of hill snow. Fresh advice to britons whove travelled to italy as more countries battle to contain the spread of coronavirus. As the number of global cases tops 80,000, people returning from northern italy are warned to self isolate if they have flu like symptoms. Anybody whos been to italy north of pisa, should, if they have symptoms, flu like symptoms, should self isolate, which means go home and try to stay out of contact with other people. With new cases in many parts of the world, well have the latest from our correspondents in affected countries. Also on todays programme Life Expectancy among some women has fallen for the first time in a century, a damning new report reveals

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