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Statement from the company saying that because it carried out that refurbishment. It is worth telling you what the company is saying. They are shocked to hear of the devastating fire. Their immediate thoughts are with everyone affected and going on to see the complete a refurbishment of the building in the Summer Refurbishment of the building in the summer of 2016 for the organisation which runs this residential tower block. It is run by Kensington And Chelsea tenant management 0rganisation. It carried out the refurbishment for that organisation on behalf of the council. And it goes on to see this met all required building control, Fire Regulation, and health and safety standards. They will cooperate with all Emergency Services and authorities and support enquiries into the cause of the fire. Given the ongoing nature of this incident it would be inappropriate to comment further at this stage. But the crucial line in that statement saying, as far as rydon is concerned that met all Fire Regulation and health and safety standards. I am joined regulation and health and safety standards. Iam joined by regulation and health and safety standards. I am joined by a regulation and health and safety standards. Iam joined by a Building Health and safety inspector. Thank you for your time this morning. We dont know what happened here precisely, of course, but your thoughts, from the pictures you have been watching this morning, and from everything we have been hearing about how rapidly the fire spread. 0bviously, first of all my thoughts are with those who are affected directly or indirectly. But it is safe to say that the pictures we have seen clearly show that the building did not perform in the way we would expect the building to perform. If that is a fire in any of these buildings you expect it to be contained to an individual apartment, he would not expect it to spread in anything like that way, and certainly not in that time that we have seen. Something has gone dramatically wrong. Your point being that as a fire breaks out in any given flat inside a block like that, there must be systems in place and materials in place to stop it spreading to other flats . Absolutely. You would expect the construction of the individual flats to contain the fire. You would expect the Cladding System to be non combustible and would not contribute to the spread of fire. Not only is at the actual spread of the fire itself that we need to look out, one of my Major Concerns of what we are saying here, is the concern that the smoke has spread into the Escape Routes. These buildings are designed with just a single stair, both the fire service and those people trying to escape have to use that stair, hence the reason why in most cases people are advised to stay in place to enable the fire service to get in and tackle the fire. It is clear here that the fire spread and prevented the fire service from being able to do that. That simply should not happen even when you have that construction with one single stair case, there are measures in place . Yes, there are several thousand of these tower blocks, several hundred fires per year, almost severely agree are contained to the individual flats or apartment concerned. At this point in time, we need to find out whether or not, or whereabouts, the location of the fire was because that can help tell us how the fire has spread. I have heard rumours that there were other works carried out more recently, such as some gas means being written through the building. It is possible that in doing that people have actually drilled through some of the Department Titian and have not necessarily sealed around that. What we are after is insulin that those firebreaks are maintained and any services that pass through them are correctly fire stop afterwards, so evenif correctly fire stop afterwards, so even if it was signed off at the time, it may be that subsequent work has undermined. That is an interesting point. That subsequent work would have to be investigated as well. I thought about fire alarms as well. It sounds at such a simplistic question, but the building of this size, i am assuming it is obligatory to have fire alarms . It is quite the reverse. The way in which these buildings are designed is not for eve ryo ne buildings are designed is not for everyone to escape. With a single stair of that kind the intention is that the fire was contained in the individual compartments you do not have to have everybody skipping all at one point, the fire service will arrive and take command. If you had not lot of other Detection System youd end up with everyone in evacuating in. One of the other things that we found is that if you have a common fire alarm throughout the building, because of situations where toast and other things go off, people would try to decommission the alarm or ignore the response. It is quite different to an Office Building ora quite different to an Office Building or a Hotel Building where the evacuation is managed by fire wardens. You dont have that in a block of flats of this kind. Thank you for your insight there. That was from a building safety experts. I think we can get an update from our Health Correspondent who is at one of the hospitals dealing with casualties from this fire. Bring us up to date. Yes we had a statement from the medical director of the trust and he confirmed that here at st marys hospital, which is very close to the tower block, they are treating 16 patients, and three of them are critically injured. At the trusts other hospital, Charing Cross and west london, they are cheating for patients but none of them are critically injured. They are looking after four patients. I understand that everybody being treated is suffering smoke inhalation, nobody is being treated for burns injuries, a sad fact in itself. When he gave his statement the dr was keen to praise the staff, sam who has turned up even if they we re sam who has turned up even if they were not necessarily on shift. He was keen to stress that. A lot of work going on behind me, there are Security Guards at the door trying to redirect people who do not need to redirect people who do not need to be easier to other nhs services because it is incredibly difficult for them dealing with a major tragedy. Thank you. A statement has come through from ten downing st. This is from the Prime Minister about this fire overnight. The Prime Minister is deeply saddened by the tragic fire and loss of life at Grenfell Tower. The Prime Ministers thoughts are with all those affected by this terrible incident and the Emergency Services who are working tirelessly in very difficult circumstances. That message of regret from the Prime Minister, and saying there will be a meeting this afternoon of the civil contingencies secretariat. We are going to talk to one of the local councillors in this area and a moment, first let us talk toJim Fitzpatrick, labour mp. Good afternoon. You are a labour mp. Your thoughts first of all on this appalling fire that we have seen here . I am as shocked and horrified as anybody looking at the pictures coming from west london overnight and this morning. This is a tragedy that opt not to be happening in 21st ce ntu ry that opt not to be happening in 21st century london. We had a similar a smaller blaze in southwark in 2009, six people were dying, 20 seriously injured, recommendations were made to present a similar occurrence, tragically, today we have a similar occurrence. We have a science, technology, Building Skills to make sure these types of fires dont happen. This should not be happening in 21st ce ntu ry should not be happening in 21st century london and my heart bleeds for those people who are victims, theirfamilies, bleeds for those people who are victims, their families, and bleeds for those people who are victims, theirfamilies, and i have nothing but praise for firefighters and Emergency Service workers who are doing everything they can to help. You race so many questions and that is what everybody here is asking, thatis is what everybody here is asking, that is what is so hard, how does this happen in 2017 . How can i be standing in front of a tower block that took quite so quickly and spread through every one of those 2a storeys . Spread through every one of those 2a storeys . It must be a very long time until we get those answers. Fire investigation team, Building Research establishment, they should be moving in relatively quickly to identify where the fire started, how it started, why it spread so quickly, and why the Building Field as catastrophically as it clearly has. And those factors that contributed to this blaze i am sure are various, a number are being suggested by residents and the media this morning. There will be a number of factors which would have contributed. We need to identify what played what part and tried to make sure that this does not happen again. I should explain to you is that you yourself were a firefighter, and you must therefore have also thoughts not just about those who were living in the block, who experienced such a terrible experience, but also the remarkable work carried out by the Emergency Services . Firefighters would have turned up to this building at 1am this morning and seeing what was confronting them, they immediately went to work, they would have gone in to do what they could to tackle the blaze, gone into alert residents to leave the building, gone in to make any rest is that they could carry out, they would have entered that building as quickly, efficiently and professionally as they did, and demonstrated their determination and courage. They are still there no, they are still searching the rest of they are still searching the rest of the building. They have still got to dampen down the rest of the building to make sure that the fire doesnt start again. This will go on for hours and probably days. But the investigation has no what will be demanded by residents, victims, bereaved families, and professionals, to say, how could this possibly have happened in 21st ce ntu ry this possibly have happened in 21st century london, given the events of 2009 in southwark, and why does it happen again, and how can we stop at recovering . How can we stop at recovering . How can we stop it happening again. Let us talk note to my guess, nick paget brown, from the local council. You would not have been able to hear Jim Fitzpatrick there but there was a degree of anger in his voice, saying, how does this happen in this day and age . Let me first see the enormous sympathy that everybody in this community has with those who have lost relatives and cannot find other members of their family at the moment. Yes, we need to have a thorough investigation as to why this fire started, and why it appeared to spread so quickly. I cannot give you any answers. I am the leader of the council but we will want answers as to what it was that made the fire spread so rapidly after it started in the early hours of this morning. And we need that investigation and we dont yet know, but you will be aware, a lot of local people have been talking to us about it, there was a lot of concern when the refurbishment work going on, people expressed concern, talk in internet groups, people saying they were concerned about fire safety, 2a storeys high, was that dealt with at the time . What are your thoughts . There are always concerned about fire safety in high rise buildings. The very highest standards of fire safety, fire security, Fire Retardant materials must be used. When this building was recently refurbished we need to be absolutely sure that all of that was done and that materials we re of that was done and that materials were appropriate and that the refurbishment was done correctly. That will need to be the subject of a separate investigation. Today i wa nt to a separate investigation. Today i want to thank the local community for all the support they have given to residents, to underline that we are working closely with the Emergency Services, that we want to ensure that people are rehoused as quickly as possible. Our thoughts are with the injured and also have died, and their families. Are with the injured and also have died, and theirfamilies. Then you need a thorough enquiry into why this fire started, why it spread so quickly, and whether anything was not in place that should have been too slow down its progress. Presumably is no sign of a list of people who have done the work can prove that absolutely the right materials were used and the materials were used and the materials were used and the materials were Fire Retardant and all the Fire Regulations etc were in place. There are highrise buildings in the uk that are refurbished and cladding installed and new materials used and are trying to improve the quality and these date back more than 50 years they need to be refreshed and refurbished. We need to establish during the enquiry whether those materials or other Building Regulations that apply across the country. In terms of those affected, lots of people have clearly lost the whole man lost everything. There are others who we wonder whether they will be even able to get back into their homes tonight. What steps are being taken tonight. What steps are being taken to rehouse people . It is complete tragedy and some people have lost their homes and some people will not be returning to the home that they loved. The responsibility of the council is to provide short Term Accommodation for people to night and over the next few days and then to establish alternative accommodation for their families who have been displaced. That is what were doing at the moment and that isa were doing at the moment and that is a team working on it at the moment and that is immediate priority. To ensure the people who have been displaced and looked after and we need to find out what caused this fire wide spreads quickly. And you will want that are bored with you will want that are bored with you as you will want that are bored with you as soon as you will want that are bored with you as soon as possible i presume. As soon as possible but i think they wa nt to as soon as possible but i think they want to do it very thoroughly and look at the different regulatory authorities and what their role is in this and whether those materials are appropriate and whether they have been used anywhere else. There area have been used anywhere else. There are a lot of questions that need answering and would look to get those questions answered that immediate priority is the families who have their homes. And who have lost their homes. So many people telling us their stories. It has been a very traumatic night. Lets hear from david has been a very traumatic night. Lets hearfrom david benjamin. I was at my girlfriends house and we were asleep. We heard a bang at the door and we went outside to see what was going on. One of the neighbours said, fire, fire and i looked through the keyhole and saw a couple of people running downstairs where the fire exit is. So we got our trainers on and stuff and literally. Before we got outside, opened the front door, thick smoke on the landing. I shut the door, thought maybe it would be safer to stay inside. But then we phoned our neighbour who said to get out. The smoke alarm started going off. So we thought now was the time to get out. So we rushed out, rushed down the stairs. Were going to a police news conference. This is an Emergency Response led by The Fire Brigade but involving all Emergency Services and the local authority and a number of other organisations. Tragically i can confirm that at least six people have died. From that the London Ambulance service there are currently 74 people being treated at hospital at which 20 are receiving critical care. In relation to the numberof critical care. In relation to the number of fatalities this will be a very complex and potentially lengthy Recovery Operation within the building andl Recovery Operation within the building and i anticipate the number of fatalities was sadly rise. My thoughts and the thoughts of the metropolitan police and all Emergency Services and indeed all becomes Committees Munden go to all of those tragically affected by this fire. Asl of those tragically affected by this fire. As i explained earlier if anyone here has any concerns about anyone here has any concerns about any individual for an uppercut or two bureau. The number is if you know of somebody who is missing and there are no safe and well contact the cattle two bureau on a Police Officer are one of the reception will talk about in a moment. Contact the Casualty Bureau. There are three Reception Centres set up by the local authority. 0ne centres set up by the local authority. One is at Portobello Rugby club and one at Saint Clement s rugby club and one at Saint Clement 5 church and another at Westway Sports Centre. That is in crowthorne road. If youre unable to get one of those Reception Centres please make yourself known to a Police Officer of which there are considerable number alone local area. If someone has been reported missing it is important for us to know if they are no safe and well. My thanks to all of the public that have been involved are connected to this tragic incident. I would ask people to keep away from the local facility. There is a lot of work going on from all of the Emergency Services and i know it is destructive and i thank people for their patience. That is travel advice on the tefl website. If you are a local resident there is a lot of advice on the local Authority Website as well. Lastly i would like to thank my colleagues from Emergency Service. I spoke to a numberof Emergency Service. I spoke to a number of those who were First Responders during the night, particularly colleagues from the London Fire Brigade. The incident that occurred overnight is truly shocking. It will take a period of time for which they understand what has occurred and why it has occurred and the investigation will be complex and as you would expect very, very thorough. Im happy to ta ke very, very thorough. Im happy to take give you question. To take a few questions. Can you tell us how many people are unaccounted for and can you tell us about any lines are focus of investigation . We are still an Emergency Response mode to London Fire Brigade are within the building at this time. We have had six fatalities and i anticipate that number will rise. We are a significant number of people in hospital of which 20 are receiving critical care. I cannot go into any details of how many people might be missing but i do appreciate there might be people building unaccounted for. Were still at a very early stage and still that response mode. Specialist investigators are working alongside specialist investigators in London Fire Brigade and in time we willaim to in London Fire Brigade and in time we will aim to establish what caused this fire and the events surrounding it. Do you think the numbers could go up . I think it is too early to say at this point in time. There are a considerable number of flats within the premises. A lot of people had been recovered, but i think it is early to say. I think very sadly the fatalities will rise. Can you tell us more about the speed of the actual response from Emergency Services . Clearly took a long time to get the fire under control. My understanding is that London Fire Brigade were here within six minutes. Any other questions. According to colleagues from the London Fire Brigade who have contacted specialist surveyors at this point in time they expect the building to be structurally sound. Any other questions . Thank you very much for your assistance and your patience. Can i ask you and urges people are concerned to contact the casualty number. The Casualty Bureau number. Seeing sadly he believes the number of fatalities will rise. Six people are confirmed as having died at this fire which broke out at five minutes to one in the tower block behind me. He made a point it will take quite some time before we know how and why this fire started. And crucially wide spread so quickly. That is the key issue in the sense that is what has caused such absolute devastation. He would not be drawn on how many people remain unaccounted for. Still such a delicate situation and still work going on and members of Emergency Services at the scene. He says this needs a specialist investigation. He gets over London Fire Brigade were at the six minutes of receiving the call. Lets talk to two people from the area, from North Huntington in west london, lena and andrea. West kensington. North kensington. You live here . When did you realise what was going on . Fourin you realise what was going on . Four in the morning. We started Hearing Helicopters and we thought there was a search going on. We had not seen the news and so the building on fire. You could see the fla mes building on fire. You could see the flames from your balcony . Yes. It was a big red mess. What went through your mind . Wejust was a big red mess. What went through your mind . We just went numb and we downloads and we kept trying to go back to bed and then we went out to check is this really happening . Is there really a Big Building On Fire . We kept going back and we couldnt sleep and we havent slept since. Then we started to follow the news and see what was going on and while we were standing watching the building was completely devastating. What are you doing today . What is going on within the trinity today . We have cleared out clauses and got loads of close and donated them to local around here to see what else you need. Within the Community Today . If anybody needs a shower afterward are what are our apartment is open. We want to do everything we can to help. I have met a few people doing similarly to you. They are saying to people come and use my shower and lie down for a while and take a break. Maybe just somewhere to set and maybe calm down a little bit. I dont know how you handle this. This is unreal. You feel you cant possibly be looking at something real. It is really heartbreaking. It is lovely youre able to help out in the small way you can. All the best to you and your friends. Lets hear from another eyewitness who would talk to a little earlier. 0nly only six months ago there was a fire over there and they contained it. But this is a disaster, it looks like a horrorfilm. How did but this is a disaster, it looks like a horror film. How did you but this is a disaster, it looks like a horrorfilm. How did you get out . I got out to buy my wets. I wasnt going to go on my own so made sure she was all right and her breathing and went down the stairs. When we got out edwards was a goal. I got out by my wits. My heart goes out to everybody. When we got out it was engulfed. We have lost everything such as jewellery and passports and clothes. Thank goodness for peoples generosity. Where will you sleep tonight . Up that tree. It is desperate. I have spoken to people who are opening their phones. They have offered this houses and things like that. We have stayed because we dont have anywhere to go and if youre somewhere to go your pushed to one side and left up the canal without a paddle. So many people one fears will be homeless tonight. It will be a very difficult time but that theres a lot of local help on offer. We know that the Westway Sports Centre over to my left ear is one of the quite a sizeable facilities opening its doors and cancelling all is normal activities for the day and saying to people come in and get water and tea and get rest and a shower and longer term people will have to be finding somewhere to stay as well. My my friend told me they had been looking for her since 2am. We do not know what happened. We do not know if they are alive or dead. We are just waiting in the hospital. M if they are alive or dead. We are just waiting in the hospital. It is horrible not knowing about your friends situation. I do not know what to say. We did not expect this. I was talking to her yesterday evening, everything was fine. This morning, this has happened. Sad news. I was really nervous. So many people regrettably in that position here to day. I have been talking to graham fieldhouse, a Fire Safety Expert, in particular with reference to the speed with which this fire took hold. There are areas of concern, why work Escape Routes so quickly fire clogs . Why was Smoke Clogging happening there . People should have had at least 30 minutes to evacuate the building and that doesnt seem to have happened. There is a responsibility under regulations for information about the fire, spread of Fire Information about the fire, Spread Offire in information about the fire, spread of fire in relation to cladding, should have been recorded there, those are the sort of questions we are going to have to consider and the cut. This is not something new. At la ka nal house the cut. This is not something new. At Lakanal House in 2009, one of the issues was the spread of fire, the potential for service spread surface spread, this is one thing we must look at. To specific points that we want to pick up on. Let us talk about the cladding. You are saying, from the pictures you have looked at, that is the reason for the fire going up the side of the building. There will be people saying if that is the case why is it even use . Certainly we would want to know what cladding was used, what specification for the cladding was given. It has got to have travelled up given. It has got to have travelled up something and the cladding was there, so it seems the cladding has been the cause of the fire spreading. There has been questions about sprinkler systems, but whether that would have prevented the fire spreading at the side of the building, on the external part of the building. There is questions about the Stay Put Policy and peoples understanding of that. Stay put policy is not that you must stay, if you are affected by smoke orfire you must stay, if you are affected by smoke or fire you must get out, but this isa or fire you must get out, but this is a singular staircase building, the same staircase that The Fire Brigade is trying to get up, they will breach to one floor below the level of the fire, they dont beat hundreds of people coming down the staircase. This is very unusual. A lot of people will need to look at what was the causation, what was the specification for the cladding that was put on, what checks were done, what information was done from Fire Safety Experts, who was managing this project, there are lots of questions. But why did the fire doors not do theirjob internally . Why could people not get into means of escape, compartmentalised areas, the fire should have been stopped at the fire should have been stopped at the front doorfor at the fire should have been stopped at the front door for at least half an hour, why did that not happen . People reporting they came out of her flat people reporting they came out of herflat moments after people reporting they came out of her flat moments after the fire started on the fourth floor, and saying it was already smoke fells . Why did that happen . Where fire doors working properly . Had they been checked recently . Those are the questions that the experts would wa nt to questions that the experts would want to be asking right now. That is the Fire Safety Expert that bespoke to in the last hour with a lot of questions as to how this fire took hold so quickly. Let us go to our correspondent in one of the temporary centres that have sprung up temporary centres that have sprung up Allaround Temporary Centres that have sprung up all around this area to try to offer help to people who have had such desperate experiences. You must be hearing some truly heartbreaking stories from people there . Yes, what has happened here is that is very, very busy. Some in the surrounding areas. I have spoken to some people who have still not howard from family members, they are going round hospitals at the moment im still waiting to hear. I have spoken to somebody who is missing their mother, her sister. Spoken to somebody who is missing their mother, hersister. She spoken to somebody who is missing their mother, her sister. She said they could not get out. I have spoken to someone who is missing his brother in law, sister in law, and their kids. They had a conversation while the fire was raging and he told them, get out. And they were told them, get out. And they were told to stay inside, that was Fire Regulations. And i spoke to someone else, her friend regulations. And i spoke to someone else, herfriend had lived there all her life, her dad managed to escape, her life, her dad managed to escape, he tried to put the fire out. She said they have lost everything. I also spoke to another person who was in the block and he considered himself very lucky. He said the smoke was so thick, he had to feel the waltz to get out, he was down on the waltz to get out, he was down on the floor. Feel the walls to get out. He said he raised this issue a number of years ago. The red cross are here. The manager of the supermarkets are saying they do not need supplies, they have enough already. Housing officials are trying. Some of them are in a desperate situation. Thank you. Just a sense of some of the distressing experiences and distressing stories that we are hearing inevitably here today. We have also been talking to a woman who lives quite close to this tower block. This is what she had to say. I was woken in the early hours of the morning, Someone Shouting that grenfell was on fire. I couldnt sort of believe it at first, but ive got a roof terrace, went out on the roof terrace and i could see that it was actually alight and couldnt believe what i was seeing, it was just horrific. And then hearing people shouting for help and screaming and just seen people at their windows, waving, you know, just desperately wanting someone to come in and rescue them out of their flat, its just awful. Did you know people who lived there . I didnt realise that i did but now that people are starting to come to the Christian Centre that have managed to get out, there are people that we did know and some of their families that live there, they are looking for them as well, so, yeah, we knew a couple of people. So many people this morning have talked about the speed at which the flames took hold, is that what surprised you was well . Yes, yes. Just one side of it was just sort of crumbling away, it was terrible and then the other side was alight. Itjust took hold so quickly and the firefighters were working really hard but they couldnt get it under control, it was just too bad. The other people you have been speaking to here this morning, other residents that have come out of the block of flats, what have they been saying to you . I think they are just shocked, that is it. The whole community are just shocked that something that bad could happen. We know there are other tower blocks in the area that have had fires before but not to this extent. I mean, this is a complete block, really and it is just unbelievable, just cant take it in. These are the live pictures at the scene. We are expecting to hear sharply from sadiq khan, mayor of london. He is very close to the tower block and has arrived in the area, where he will be speaking to people who are affected by this. Many people left homeless as a result of that horrendous fire that broke out in the Tower Blockjust before 1am this morning and took hold of the entire building in a matter of 20 minutes or so. At least six people have died after that tower block was destroyed. 20 people are ina tower block was destroyed. 20 people are in a critical condition. People are in a critical condition. People are being treated in six hospitals across london. More than 100 medical staff have been helping those caught up staff have been helping those caught up in the blaze and the injuries are described as a range of injuries, including smoke inhalation. Questions are being asked as to why it was that that fire took hold so quickly. Eyewitnesses talked of possibly the fire having began when a Fridge Exploded in a flat on the fourth floor of the building. That hasnt been confirmed but it is something that several people who we re something that several people who were caught up in the fire, as it broke out in the building, it is what several people have said. We heard earlier from somebody who was resident on the fourth floor and he describes getting out very quickly, having had a knock on his door, at about1 20am, having had a knock on his door, at about 1 20am, saying that he and his loved ones should vacate the building. There is a policy, there was a policy in place, that people should stay in their flats in the event of a fire and that was the advice through the night as firefighters dealt with the police. No we are going to hear from firefighters dealt with the police. No we are going to hearfrom sadiq khan. I have seen for myself Grenfell Tower and it is extremely distressing and devastating. I begin by saying my thoughts and prayers, asiam by saying my thoughts and prayers, as i am sure the thoughts and prayers of the entire country, are with the family and friends of those in the building affected by this tragic and horrific fire. I also pay tribute to the amazing Emergency Services, from the fire service we have more than 250 firefighters who have more than 250 firefighters who have been here from the beginning, many more working through the course of the day. Many engines and mission of the day. Many engines and mission of the day. Many engines and mission of the here and fire service from neighbouring fire service is helping us neighbouring fire service is helping us out today. Also London Ambulance service, more than 100 paramedics helping out during the course of the night. More than 100 Police Officers. Sadiq khan. We have got some technical issues. We will try to resolve those and go back to sadiq khan. London police say it may be the case that there are still people and accounted for in the block. We could hear from sadiq khan again. Firefighters and Emergency Services running towards the fire, running towards the danger, whilst encouraging others to run away. We know that in number of people have died. The commander has given the figures that we have. I am afraid it is likely that the figures are likely to go up. We also know that a number of people have been taken to hospitals. The commander from number of people have been taken to hospitals. The Commanderfrom London and Blood Service will tell you more about that. If you are somebody who is worried about so many who may have been affected by the fire please ring the met Casualty Bureau. If you are somebody who lives in the building and has left safely please let us know you are safe. 0bviously We Wa Nt let us know you are safe. 0bviously we want to make sure that everyone is accounted for. Dany cotton, the London Fire Commissioner has been there from the outset, i will let her speak now, and then paul will speak after us and then a couple of questions. An update from previously. The London Fire Brigade received the first of several calls at 12 56am, we arrived within six minutes and got extra resources on scene. The fire crews have continued to work tirelessly to go into the premises and extinguish the remaining fire and search the premises. As you will appreciate this is a completely unprecedented fire. In my 29 years in London Fire Brigade i have never seen a fire of this nature, and i have seen many high rise fire. This will of course be subject to a major investigation, but at this moment in time we do not wish to speculate further about the cause of the fire, or the fire spread. That is something that will be closely with that in the very near future. We continue at the moment to search the premises, to try and identify any people. As the mayor of london has said we have concerns that there may be more people still inside the premises. It has been a very large a very significant fire. I anticipate London Fire Brigade will be on scene dealing with this fire for at least the next 24 and worse. Your work i can now

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