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World leadersjoin Holocaust Survivors to mark 75 years after the liberation of the nazi death camp at auschwitz. The number of crimes that result in a charge or caution by police hits a new low just 7 . The fact i embraced my own ineptitude was very important. And a portrait of a potter as a young man the new Grayson Perry retrospective. And coming up on sportsday on bbc news, can premier League Leaders liverpool extend their unbeaten run with a win over wolves . John henderson gets them off to a perfect start. Good evening. The chinese authorities are taking drastic action to try to stop the spread of the new coronavirus that can be fatal. Theyve imposed a travel shutdown on several cities, notably wuhan, where the virus was first discovered, and huanggang. The unprecedented measures come as people in china prepare to celebrate the Chinese New Year with tens of millions travelling to their family homes. The World Health Organization says its a bit too early to declare the virus a Global Health emergency. Here, the government says theres an increased likelihood of the virus reaching the uk. Six people showing symptoms are currently being tested in edinburgh, glasgow and belfast. John sudworth is in beijing for us this evening. John. Well, sophie, this is a massive escalation of the fight against this virus. As well as wuhan, other cities, as you say, already added to the list. Wang dong, a city of 7 Million People, ezhou, of1 Million People. The concern does seem its a concern of shutting the door after the event. The new year festival is already upon us and hundreds of millions of people have already travelled. This is the moment a city of 11 Million People was effectively shut off. Pa ramilita ry police guarding the station, as all departing trains are cancelled. In the hospitals, medical staff in full body suits are treating hundreds of infected patients. While images on social media appear to show a system struggling to cope. Empty shelves in the shops. And scuffles over food. We spoke to one british man now stuck inside wuhan. Its a very surreal feeling, you know, knowing, especially that if you go outside, there is potential to catch such a deadly virus. And when you look outside the window, what is the atmosphere like . Does it feel like a city under a blanket of fear . Oh, yeah. 100 , 100 . Behind me here, if you saw the street here at night time where i normally live, its a very vibrant street, lots of restaurants, and its open until two oclock in the morning, you know. Chinese families come and they re celebrating. But if i show you out there now, its dead. On chinas main evening news, the lead item . A new year banquet for senior officials. President xijinping makes no mention of the crisis. But the face masks on display at this beijing station are proof the public is well aware of the risks. Yeah, a little worried, because, you know that. Youre wearing your mask. Yeah, a mask, i use one. Goggles, as well. Are you worried about the virus . No, because i believe my country and the government, yes. You believe in your government . Yes. This is an epidemiologists nightmare. How do you control the spread of a dangerous virus during the Biggest Movement of people on the planet . Tens of millions, travelling every day for at least a fortnight, and the real question is whether the closure of the city of wuhan comes far too late to make a difference. Alongside the Public Health announcements, there are signs of censorship and control, and questions are being asked whether more might have been done sooner. John sudworth, bbc news, beijing. Millions of people on the move, as you say. Are we expecting more cities to be shut down, like wuhan . We dont know, but it looks that that may very well be the way this is going, sophie. Its worth saying these are not total lockdowns. Although all public transport or planes and trains are suspended from these cities, subject to health and temperature screening at road checkpoints we understand some residents are being allowed to leave. For now, this kind of action doesnt seem enough to satisfy the World Health Organization that it can hold off for now at least in declaring this a Global Health emergency and are compared for example to the huge cover up i7 yea rs example to the huge cover up i7 years ago here in china over the sars virus, much more information is being made public. But as i mentioned in my report there are still cause for concern. The sense that there are some voices raising alarm about, for example, the availability of space in hospitals for the patients and the possibility that some people in these cities are still going undiagnosed, theres a sense that is being censored on the chinese internets and that these voices are being buried underneath the official line. John sudworth in beijing, thank you. You can find out more about the virus online at bbc. Co. Uk yourquestions. A bbc news investigation has uncovered significant concerns about Maternity Services at one of englands largest hospital trusts. There have been at least seven preventable deaths of babies at east kent Nhs Foundation trust since 2016, including three last year alone. A 2015 review found major failings, including consultants refusing to go into work when on call. The trust has apologised to parents where there has been poor care. Our social Affairs Correspondent Michael Buchanan reports. Say daddy if we didnt have evelyn, wed be in a very dark, dark place. But its always in the back of your mind, what would he be like . Archie powell was born last february, a twin brother to evelyn. He fell ill within hours unfortunately, but the medics failed to realise that he was suffering from Group B Strep, a potentially serious infection. Poor temperature control, low blood sugar, the grunting noise, irritability, not feeding, blotchy skin these are all symptoms of Group B Strep and they were all aware of these symptoms, but no one put it together. Archie wasnt properly treated for 13 hours and died after four days, leaving a family of girls without their only brother. I get really angry at thinking about that group of professionals that were in that room with us, and no one spotted what was going on, and they could have saved him. Archie was born here at the Queen Elizabeth the queen mother hospital in margate. Its run by the east Kent Hospitals nhs trust and its struggled for years to provide good maternity care. In 2015, an independent review found significant concerns about the failure of consultants to conduct ward rounds, review women and attend out of hours. But the mistakes continued. Why . The medical director has told an inquest that what they were trying to overcome was a cultural problem and that can take years to sort out. National data indicates mortality rates in east kent for stillbirth and newborns are higher than at other similar units. The trust have apologised, saying they recognise that they have not always provided the right standard of care for every woman and baby. You are convinced that your daughters death was preventable . Yes. 100 . This sd scan shows a thriving baby, but shelley became anxious at 36 weeks after noticing her daughters movements had slowed, and went to her local hospital in dover to be monitored. The main midwife came in and said to me everything looks ok. Are you happy . She said to me, and i said to her, if youre happy, im happy. But it wasnt ok. Contrast her earlier Healthy Heart monitoring a continuous reading with the second full of gaps that assured a midwife the baby was fine. Two days after this reading she was found to have died. She would be coming up for one next week. Yeah, her birthday. 28th. How are you . Trying to get through each day. Get on with life, trying to. Some days do i want to go outside and face the big wide world . No, i dont. Michael buchanan, bbc news, kent. For a fourth month in a row, accident and Emergency Departments in wales have recorded their worst ever waiting times, with only 72 of patients being seen within four hours. Thats well below the target of 95 a target that has never been met. The Labour Government in wales, which is responsible for the welsh nhs, have announced an additional £10 million to help tackle pressures. Emergency departments saw the highest number of attendances in december. World leaders and Holocaust Survivors have marked the 75th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz in nazi occupied poland the largest of the Second World War death camps, where more thani Million People were murdered. The israeli authorities have described the event at yad vashem, the hillside memorial injerusalem, as the Biggest International gathering in the countrys history. Our International Correspondent orla guerin reports. Frail but determined, Holocaust Survivors coming to honour those who perished. Lighting a memorial flame for the 6 millionjews annihilated by the nazis. Among those gathered onjerusalems mount of remembrance, heads of state, princes and Prime Ministers, pledging to combat an enduring threat, the dark shadow of anti semitism. And here its incomprehensible expression, auschwitz, the gates of hell. The nazis killed more than a Million People in this one camp before it was liberated by the red army. For many, auschwitz is the ultimate symbol of evil. It is certainly that. Israels Prime Minister used this platform to call for Global Action against iran, saying it wanted to develop a Nuclear Weapon to destroy the jewish state. They threaten the peace and security of everyone in the middle east and everyone beyond. I call on all governments to join the vital efforts of confronting iran. The music was a haunting echo from the past. It was composed by viktor ullmann, he himself was sent to auschwitz and died in the gas chambers. From prince charles, whose grandmother Princess Alice saved a jewish family, a call for mutual understanding. The lessons of the holocaust are searingly relevant to this day. On this day, in this place, and in memory of the millions who perished in the shoah, let us recommit ourselves to tolerance and respect. As this anniversary is marked here at yad vashem, jewish officials want to send an urgent warning. They say violent acts of anti semitism are on the rise, and thejewish life is once again under threat in europe. They insist the worlds duty to remember is more crucial now than ever. Still bearing witness at almost 90 years old, holocaust survivor naftali deutsch. He recited the mourners prayer, the kaddish. The vow here today never again. Orla guerin, bbc news, jerusalem. The International Court ofjustice has ordered myanmar to put emergency measures in place to protect rohingya muslims. The court is worried that the Minority Group is still at serious risk of genocide. The ruling is being seen as a further blow to the reputation of aung san suu kyi, who chose to defend her countrys record personally. The latest crime figures for england and wales show what happens after a crime is reported. Only about 7 of reported crimes lead to a suspect being charged or cautioned thats a record low. According to the home office, robberies increased by i2 last year. And knife offences were at a new high, rising by 7 . Tom symonds has this report. Were in nottingham with detectives on the robbery squad. If we can see them in the area, it establishes the time accurately and stuff. Theyre looking for cctv of some suspected muggers. Basically, i guess hes got two possible routes. This team has been set up specifically to tackle robbery. We are focusing on those individuals that are causing us the most pain with the robbery team and a knife crime team, and thats been painful creating those resources, but youve got to be able to invest in that proactivity. From about here to where that road is. Its routine police work for these detectives, but in north london, concerned parents are going on the beat. Here in enfield, theyve started anti mugging patrols. One schools hiring private security. Why . Well, because the victims are children. James, weve agreed not to use his real name, is 15, but hes been mugged twice. Itjust made me feel very vulnerable and kind of unsafe, especially on my own road. I cant even leave my house and go 50 metres without someone trying to mug me, you know . Its not a nice feeling to know that, even on my own road, im not safe. One of the reasons for the rise in robbery is obvious our smartphones are often on show for all to see. But theres another reason. In 2015, the proportion of suspects charged or summonsed to court by the police was about 1a , which doesnt sound like very many, but that figure fell to 7. 2 for last year. That figure is mirrored in crimes across the country. The aim is to use technology instead but some on the legal front nine say the cost cutting has created a crisis. Front line. Cost cutting has created a crisis. Front line. People are not being kept updated as to the progress of their cases and everyone involved in their cases and everyone involved in the criminal justice their cases and everyone involved in the criminaljustice system is being keptin the criminaljustice system is being kept in legal limbo. As for the government . It accepts the need to turn things around. With a big new investment that we are putting into Police Officers, alongside some of the smarter more Technology Enabled approach that we are going to be taking towards crime, we are going to be throwing everything at this problem over the next few years, and try and get crime down to the historic lows that they were 10 years ago. Some good news today weve already revealed, murders and manslaughter are finally falling, but for the government, crime and the causes of crime remain a huge challenge. Tom symonds, bbc news, nottingham. The Supermarket Chain morrisons is to cut around 3,000 managerialjobs across its stores as part of a restructuring plan. But the supermarket says it wants to create thousands of shop floorjobs. Our consumer correspondent Colletta Smith is in bradford for us this evening. These results are to make these changes come off the back of a bad christmas for morrisons, they saw their sales fall by 1. 7 over the Christmas Period so that has led to head scratching at the bradford based company and the plan they have come up with is following along similarlines, as have come up with is following along similar lines, as tesco, sainsburys and asda, the other big three supermarkets and what they are doing, is cutting at management level, those other three supermarket giants have done similar over the last year, cutting out the layer of management in an effort to save money, especially because discount supermarkets like lidl are taking away customers from those big giants in these Companies Know they need to act in order to save that money. Morrisons today have said that they are not just taking morrisons today have said that they are notjust taking out that level of management, they are investing a good chunk of that money, back into the shop floor by employing more front of house staff workers and they say 4000 new full and part time staff will be in place by the time we get to the spring. They have reassured me that none of the contracts will be zero hours contracts, and they will have to be very careful as they navigate this difficult course of changing the shape of the workforce. Asda got into serious difficulties last year with their staff and had strikes at a number of Stores Across the country because of changes to staff contracts that many of the staff felt were a way of losing control of their own hours and effectively of their own hours and effectively of their wages at the end of it. Thanks for joining their wages at the end of it. Thanks forjoining us. The husband of a british iranian woman whos been held in iran for nearly four years has urged borisjohnson to be tougher with tehran in order to secure her release. Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe was detained on secret charges and later imprisoned after being accused of spying, which she denies. Richard ratcliffe went to downing street with their five year old daughter. Caroline hawley reports. A day off school for gabriella ratcliffe. She agreed to accompany her father to meet the Prime Minister on the promise of a burger lunch when they were done. The five year old last saw her mother on a prison visit, before she returned here to be with her uk family late last year. Richard hasnt seen his wife since 2016. He believes shes being used by iran as a pawn in a dispute about a british debt going back decades for an arms deal that was never fulfilled. The last time Richard Ratcliffe met borisjohnson was in 2017, when, as foreign secretary, he was under fire for wrongly suggesting nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe was training journalists at the time of her arrest. I acknowledge that the words i used were open to being misinterpreted and i apologise. This meeting, mr ratcliffe said, had been warm, but there had been no breakthrough. I stand here with my wife still in prison and things are not moving. I think there does need to be a really clear targeted consequence for the revolutionary guard, who are holding nazanin and many others, that they dont think of this as a clever tactic, and we are in that place where, you know, nazanin, her mummy, is being held and used as a chess piece. Gabriella came away with a soft toy version of the downing street cat, who she met. So, there was plenty of sympathy, it seems, for the familys plight, but no sense of any solution in sight, and the current high tensions between iran and the west can only complicate her case. Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe has now spent nearly four years behind bars. Shes on medication for depression and is taking beta blockers to calm her down. Today, her husband had to admit he was not hopeful for her release. Caroline hawley, bbc news. Lets take a look at some of todays other news. A new law in memory of 23 month old jack herd, who drowned in 2010, will give parents who lose a child the right to take leave for bereavement. Jacks mother lucy has been campaigning for change since his death and jacks law will give all grieving parents two weeks paid time off in the year after their child dies. The new rights will come in to force from april. A man who attacked a Police Officer with a machete in east london last summer has been found guilty of wounding with intent. Pc Stuart Outten said he believed he would have been killed if he hadnt managed to fire his taser. Muhammad rodwan, who had previous convictions we all need to reduce our meat and dairy consumption by a fifth to help cut Carbon Emissions and free up Agricultural Land for tree planting. The recommendation comes from the latest report by the Governments Committee on climate change. The changes are needed to meet the uk target to cut Carbon Emissions to net zero by 2050. Football and liverpool have continued their march towards their First Premier League title with a 2 1win at wolves. The game seemed to be heading for a draw before Roberto Firmino scored the winning goal in the 84th minute. Liverpool are now 16 points clear and have a game in hand. Two years ago a museum in bath made a Public Appeal asking anyone who owned an early ceramic work by the artist Grayson Perry to make contact. The response led to hundreds of long lost pieces being identified 80 of which have been assembled at the Holburne Museum in bath for a special exhibition. The Turner Prize Winning artist, who describes himself as a transvestite potter gave our arts editor, Will Gompertz, a guided tour of his formative work. It must be quite moving to come and look at your past works. Thats true, when i came in here i sort of drew breath because suddenly i was confronted by all these works i hadnt seen, many of them, for decades and decades. Since i sold them. And yet im looking at the young me, and as im now post therapy, im looking at him with compassion. You know, i was very angry and at the mercy of the internal winds of my emotional weather, lets say. And people thought in this early work that it was deliberately ironically bad, but no, i was genuinely inept in this exhibition, it is literally the first plate that i made in evening classes in 1983 and i put it in an exhibition. The fact i embraced my own ineptitude was very important. It took until i won the turner prize for people to sort of drop their snobbery about it just being a load of pots. I was amazed at how long that went on. I thought, thats funny, you know, you can bring a urinal or a shark into an art gallery and its this amazing, brave conceptual move, but if you brought a pot into an art gallery somehow you were the pretentious next door neighbour of art. What comes through these pots and plates, grayson, time and time again, is this sense of humour running right through. I think that humour is often dismissed as light and entertaining, when in fact i think its one of the most profound qualities that we possess as human beings, the ability to laugh and to make jokes. Ive always used humour, and as i get older im more moved by it now, the fact we have this amazing ability to reframe tragedy and the struggles and toils of life, and the darker it is the more we laugh, quite often. We laugh in the face of death. Our arts editor Will Gompertz talking to Grayson Perry. Thats it. Now on bbc one, time for the news where you are. Have a very good night. Hello and welcome to sportsday, im katie shanahan. Coming up on this programme. Liverpools march to the premier league title continues with victory over wolves Tranmere Rovers knock watford out of the fa cup, to set up a home tie against Manchester United. Banished for breaking team protocol. Finn russell will miss scotlands six nations opener. But is it the end for his whole tournament . And, jofra archer is fit again for the final test against south africa, as england deny suggestions hes being treated as an outsider. Hello and welcome to sportsday. Hello and welcome to the programme. Well start with liverpool, as the premier League Leaders survived a scare against wolves to win 2 1 at molineux. That takes them 16 points clear at the top of the table and continues their remarkable run with 22 wins in 23 games. Our sports correspondent, andy swiss, has all the details. How do you beat the seemingly unbeatable . Turning the title race into a victory procession and against wolves, there was improving why. Head off to seven minutes through Jordan Henderson and decidedly no nonsense style, simple but as ever hugely effective. Well set their own Aerial Threat and they shouldve equalised. The culprit trailed at the break to their obvious frustration. But come the second half, guess what, a move into stunning equaliser. Sending them into mayhem as the wolves sensed something special. Suddenly, liverpool were hanging on their unbeaten run looked in the real threat. But this is the team that a lwa ys threat. But this is the team that always finds a way. Roberto firing liverpool to another victory 16 point lead. Wolves gave them a scare but the title is surelyjust point lead. Wolves gave them a scare but the title is surely just a matter of time. Well, while liverpool were in action its been an even better night for another merseyside club. Tranmere rovers have set up a home match with Manchester United in the fourth round of the fa cup after Beating Premier League side watford 2 1 tonight in their rearranged replay. The initial match at prenton park was postponed last week because of a waterlogged pitch. But it was an aerial battle that helped the League One Side take the lead in the first half through manny month ay. Watford rested most of their big name players and made 11 changes from their last league match. But did find a second half equaliser kaylen hinds. That took the match to extra time, but there tranmere stole it. Paul mullin sending them into round four with this header and they dont have much time to celebrate. United will be on this pitch on sunday for a place in the last 16. Lets have a look at some of the days other stories. The former chairman and owner of saracens nigel wray has apologised for his ill considered approach to premiership rugbys salary cap. In a Statement Issued today he explained their had been Property Investments and image rights deals involved. Saracens are to be relegated at the end of the season. It comes after they were docked 35 points and fined over five Million Pounds for breaching salary cap regulations

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