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Tonight at ten the worst serial rapist in british criminal history has beenjailed for a minimum of 30 years. Reynhard sinaga was described in court as an evil Predator Police believe he may have attacked close to 200 men after drugging them. Sinaga, whos from indonesia, was a postgraduate student in manchester. Police are now appealing for other potential victims to come forward. We believe there are over 190 victims that have been involved with sinaga, Reynhard Sinaga. And 70 of them are still to be identified, approximately. And well be reporting on the drug apparently used by sinaga to incapacitate his victims. Also tonight. Huge crowds gather in tehran to mourn the iranian general killed by us forces, as tensions rise in neighbouring iraq. In baghdad tonight, there has been an unusual amount of helicopter activity. The americans deny suggestions that they may be planning to pull their troops out of the country. The volunteer Fire Fighters stepping in to tackle the bushfire crisis in australia. We report from one of the affected areas. In this small town, the fire brigade did all it could to try to save lives and property, but the wall of fla mes lives and property, but the wall of fla m es we re lives and property, but the wall of flames were simply too big, too powerful. Under the golden globe goes to. Fleabag and a golden night for british talent in hollywood, in the first major event of the awards season. And coming up on sportsday later in the hour on bbc news, its set for an exciting finish in the second test in cape town. England need eight more wickets to level the series against south africa. Good evening. Our main story is that the worst serial rapist in british criminal history has been jailed for life by a court in manchester, with a minimum term of 30 years. Reynhard sinaga, whos from indonesia, was a phd student in the city who drugged his victims before attacking them. He was convicted today at Manchester Crown court of 159 offences against 48 victims, many of them young men, and thejudge said sinaga would never be safe to be released. Police say they think the true number of his victims approached 200, and theyve appealed for anyone who thinks they were attacked to come forward. 0ur north of england correspondent Judith Moritz reports on the case and its outccome. This is Reynhard Sinaga, as he wanted the world to see him. His social media accounts full of grinning photos of a student having fun. But sinaga has many faces, and behind the mask lies the truth a depraved monster, said by prosecutors to be one of the most prolific rapists in the world. The total number of offences that weve prosecuted is almost 160, over 48 victims. As far as thejudicial process, probably anywhere in the world is concerned, hes probably the most prolific rapist thats come through the courts. In the world . I would say in the world. Certainly in the british courts. Night after night, sinaga would leave his manchester flat to go and find victims. He took advantage of living in the city centre, amongst the nightclubs and bars, and he made the streets outside them his hunting ground. Sinaga would often wait for drunk men to come stumbling out of this nightclub, and then entice them around the corner to his flat which is just next door. Hed offer them somewhere to have a drink or phone a taxi. On one occasion, it took him just 60 seconds to pick up a victim. Nearly 200 mostly heterosexual men made this journey, disappearing inside sinagas apartment block. Then theyd be offered drinks spiked with a drug like ghb, and that was the last theyd remember. Unconscious, the men were raped on this grubby mattress on the floor. When they woke up, they had no memory of what had happened. Sinaga would text his friends boasting of sexual conquests. They thought he was joking when he quoted song lyrics about using a secret potion, of which one drop should be enough. But in fact the drug wore off early on one man who woke up whilst being raped. He fought back. And when the police were called they seized sinagas phone. They couldnt believe what they saw on it. The rapist had filmed each of his attacks. They found hundreds of hours of video. This is an absolutely unprecedented case. Looking at that amount of evidence is challenging in itself. Thats equivalent to 1,500 dvd films. We believe theres over 190 victims that have been involved with sinaga, with Reynhard Sinaga, and 70 of them have still to be identified, approximately. The men who were traced were given support at this centre in manchester, help to cope with the trauma of being told they were the victims of rapes they cant remember. Some men found it very difficult to process, some men have suffered in their mental health, to the point where some men have been suicidal. How is it possible that someone could be assaulted like this and not know . You may have had alcohol, you may have had a drug, and you may have been sexually assaulted but there may not have been any physical injuries to see, and if you havent got any physical injuries then you may not even suspect that youd been sexually assaulted. Reynhard sinaga has shown no remorse. The judge remarked that he seemed to be enjoying being sentenced in court. He came to the uk from indonesia on a student visa, and is said to have applied for permanent residency. But his victims have said they hope he never leaves prison and rots in hell. He prowled the streets for years before he was caught. Hes never explained his crimes. The rapist considered a mystery, as well as a monster. This is where sinaga lived, and where so many this is where sinaga lived, and where so many men this is where sinaga lived, and where so many men had their lives shattered. Many men have not been able to tell their own families what happened to them, others have seen relationships break down or left jobs or university. Sinaga tried to argue those men had consented to have a sex with him, and the trial judge described as ludicrous and she told sinaga he is a dangerous, depraved and perverted individual with no grasp of reality. Tonight, he, as an indonesian national, is beginning a 30 yearjail sentence in a british prison, and thejudge has said that any decision on his eventual release will be taken by the parole board, but it is her belief that he will never be safe to belief that he will never be safe to be let out ofjail. Judith, thank you very much. Following the sentencing of sinaga, the home secretary called for an urgent review of controls on drugs such as ghb. Thats the drug sinaga is believed to have used on his victims. In the decade to 2017, 201 deaths in england and wales were linked to ghb. For 84 of those deaths, it was the only drug involved. But its believed that there may have been much more loss of life, not reflected in the official figures, as our home affairs correspondentjune kelly reports. Its been described as a party drug. Ghb is said to reduce inhibitions and increase sexual pleasure. But, as Reynhard Sinaga has demonstrated, it can also be a weapon in a rapists arsenal. It often originates from a colorless liquid, which can then be used to spike drinks and knock a victim unconscious. And in higher doses, it can kill. Eric michaels was murdered by a serial offender with an overdose of ghb. He linked up with Gerald Matovu through the gay dating app, grindr. Matovu was a prolific thief who drugged the men he met to steal from them. The dose of ghb he gave Eric Michaels proved fatal. He was a good person and he was taken advantage of. Eric michaels family are campaigning forghb to be reclassified. Its currently a class c drug. Ghb is a really, really dangerous drug. Its the drug that killed my dad, and it killed multiple other people. It needs to be changed to a class a drug. Now, there will be a review of whether controls on drugs like ghb are tough enough. It was ordered today by the home secretary, in response to the sinaga case. Its all about the dose. Professor simon elliott, an expert on ghb, says this criminal case has highlighted the dangers for recreational users. There is a very fine line between a sleepy dose, essentially, and a dose that could cause deep sedation potentially stop you breathing. Especially if its mixed with alcohol or other drugs. Detectives have found no evidence that Reynhard Sinaga killed any of the men he targeted. But the unprecedented scale of his offending has exposed a dark world and the dangers of ghb. June kelly, bbc news. Greater Manchester Police has set up a dedicated number, to provide support for anyone affected by this story. Its on your screen now, 0800 056 0154. Or if you wish to speak to the police and make a report relating to raynhard sinaga, the number to call is 0800 092 0410. The other main story. Large crowds have gathered in the iranian capital tehran for the funeral of the military commander killed in a us attack on friday. Qasem soleimani was assassinated in neighbouring iraq, on the orders of President Trump. Soleimani was one of the most powerful figures in iran. He directed operations in the middle east, and his killing marks a major escalation in tensions between washington and tehran, with wider implications for the entire region. Irans allies in the middle east include iraq, and general soleimani had influence over a number of militias operating there. But concerns about irans growing influence was also one of the main drivers of mass protests in iraq last year. 0ur middle east editor jeremy bowen is in baghdad tonight with the latest. We canjoin him now. Thanks very much. There is a bit of mystery and confusion here tonight. First of all, a leaked letterfrom the americans, seemingly suggesting that they were planning to move their troops out, perhaps by helicopter. At the same time, a lot of unusual helicopter activity in the skies above me. The americans say it was a d raft, above me. The americans say it was a draft, and it is not happening. For supporters of the assassinated general, though, this was a tumultuous day. Chanting tehrans broad avenues were jammed with mourners, estimated in millions. Not all iranians are as distressed as this. Soleimani was a dominant force in a regime that shot dead hundreds of protesters on irans streets at the end of 2019. His supporters were happy that he spent vast amounts of the islamic republics money building up alliances and militias in lebanon, yemen, iraq and syria. 0ther iranians thought it a high price to pay, as us sanctions bit into their lives. But arounds hardline elite is badly rattled by the assassination. Ayatollah khamenei, irans supreme leader, wept as he prayed for his right hand man. Soleimani was the keystone of his regimes security. The dead generals daughter delivered a fiery oration, demanding revenge for the father she called a martyr. Translation the families of american soldiers in the middle east who have witnessed americas cruel wars in syria, iraq, lebanon, afghanistan, yemen and palestine will spend their days waiting for the death of their children. Here in baghdad, soleimani, in death, stood like a brother with the Iraqi Militia leader abu mahdi al muhandis, killed with him by the americans. Behind them, iranian missiles speed to unknown targets. This was organised by the so called Popular Mobilisation forces, militias mostly trained and armed by soleimanis operation, now integrated into the iraqi army. President trumps image was there too, and theyve tried to match his threats. This pro iranian mp said it would be good if trump sent more troops, so they could send more coffins back to america. Iraqs top shia politicians, pay their respects. Including nouri al maliki, once americas choice of Prime Minister. The older men sat and dreamt of revenge. Theres a lot of quiet anger here and a strong desire to get even, to get revenge. The question is what these iraqis and also, of course, the leaders of iran, do next. Two countries names are mentioned most here and there flags are down there on the street the United States and israel. The desire for revenge was everywhere, in faces, chants and conversation. Backin back in iran, Qasem Soleimanis coffin was paraded again. Among the guardians of his memory, the most powerful men in iraq and iran. Their angen powerful men in iraq and iran. Their anger, and that of their supporters will not dissipate easily. And we can talk to jeremy in baghdad now. Given what you were saying a little earlier, jeremy, what is your sense of americas interventions in iraq and the region in the weeks and months ahead . Well, in terms of this suppose it possible troop withdrawal, the Iraqi Parliament has said they have to get out, President Trump has said they are not going to go because they have invested so much money, unless they are reimbursed, and then there is this mysterious letter, the d raft, is this mysterious letter, the draft, that was leaked to a news agency and the americans are saying that it didnt mean they were about to go. So it does i think suggest there is some kind of talking going on, perhaps. They certainly have admitted they are moving, redeploying troops, for protection reasons, and may will take a few out of the country. In the wider sense of the country. In the wider sense of where they are, i think the question now really is a much bigger one about just where question now really is a much bigger one aboutjust where the anger expressed on the streets goes, and in the government of iran, and how, if that is expressed in terms of a deed, the americans respond. The americans, mr trump, has deed, the americans respond. The americans, mrtrump, has said deed, the americans respond. The americans, mr trump, has said very forcibly, it would be a crushing response, and he is gambling that will be enough to intimidate them into not doing a great deal. Well, we cant read the future, but well see. Thanks very much again, jeremy bowen for us in baghdad tonight. What is the uk government saying about all of this . 0ur Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg is at westminster. The foreign secretary was speaking about this earlier. What is your sense of the government response and how it thinks that response should be coordinated . In terms of this letter that emerged tonight, the message from westminster is a doubt believe this is the sign of a sudden dramatic change from the us, there is no imminent departure of western forces, and the uk government have been quite clear that they want the 400 or so uk troops who are currently helping fend off so called Islamic State in iraq to stay. They have been completely clear about that. But beyond that it comes down to two ds that. But beyond that it comes down to two bs from number ten, diplomacy and de escalation. But we have yet to hear directly from the Prime Minister. But the message, please try to keep this calm. Clearly an extremely volatile and unpredictable situation. The foreign secretary is off on his travels tomorrow to try to put that message to other leaders and we here in parliament we expect also from the defence secretary ben wallace, but with troops on the ground in iraq the uk are certainly notjust a spectator ground in iraq the uk are certainly not just a spectator in all of this, but in trying to balance that awkward triangle of an unpredictable us president , allies in europe, then partners and allies in the middle east as well, this is a very difficult balancing act for the british government. Not bystanders but not Decision Makers either. Laura kuenssberg from westminster, thanks very much. Now, australias Prime Minister Scott Morrison has promised over £1 billion in aid to help his country recover from the continuing bushfire crisis. Fires have so far destroyed an area roughly the size of ireland, with several smaller fires in the states of New South Wales and neighbouring victoria threatening to merge to create mega fires. Mr morrison has been heavily criticised for his response to the disaster. Last week he had to cut short a visit to the town of cobargo, after angry locals heckled him. My colleague clive myrie is there tonight. He has the latest. Yes, since a huge fireball ripped through this town back on new years eve there has been very little outside help that has come to the people here. There are local food shortages, people have to get stuff in, water problems as well, and no power. Look at this house behind me, completely destroyed by that viable. And irony of ironies, right over there it is next to the local fire station. But it is the random nature of the damage that is frankly bizarre. Look at this house location mac com pletely at this house location mac completely untouched, you wouldnt think anything had happened, and yet right next door, the neighbours house, two houses, in fact, com pletely house, two houses, in fact, completely destroyed look at this house here. Whilst the government has been criticised for its handling of this crisis, the firefighters, men and women tackling these blazes, they have received universal praise, and we went to speak to one of them, and we went to speak to one of them, a volunteer firefighter who put his life on the line. Some of these fires are just too big now. All we can do isjust keep protecting homes as best we can, keep protecting life as best we can, without losing our own lives at the same time. Ive been keeping my gear here with me. Tristan lees has been a volunteer firefighter for more than two decades. So, yeah, these are it, jacket, pants. This has seen a lot of service this bushfire season . This has. Self sacrifice runs in the family. His late father, as well as mother and brother, also served. The current crisis, the sternest test. Terrible. In 21 years ive been in, ive never seen it this bad. Its just phenomenal. I dont know what else to call it, to be quite honest. And theres a guilt. There it goes. For not always being able to help when needed. He has a dayjob that pays the bills. What are you going to do . Lose your own home, lose your family, because you cant pay for anything . You cant pay your bills . Or go to work and then sit at work feeling guilty because youre not out helping the rest of your firefighters . It tears you apart, because you want to be in two places, but you cant. Ah, yes. You remember seeing that one . Yes, i do remember seeing that one. Yes, because that truck actually got destroyed. The video we watched captures the horror of trying to tame a wild fire. The men are trapped in their cab. All survived. But this hot season, volunteer firemen have died and the fires still burn. Its gut wrenching. First it rips you apart knowing there is good people gone, theyve it rips you apart knowing there is good people gone, theyve left family and friends behind. Its. And it makes you fear even more, because you know what you are going into. Its like they said people, they call us crazy, its true. Everyone runs away from it, were the ones who run into it. And we dont do it for the love of it, we do it because no one else will. Triston lees there, one of a remarkable band of firefighters. Speaking to one of the residence a few minutes ago, they said they are not getting any outside help, they will stay here and rebuild this town and make it fit for our children to live in. Back to you. Many thanks again. Clive myrie with the latest on the bushfires. Now, the timetable for the election of a new leader of the labour party to replacejeremy corbyn has been set out by the Partys National executive committee. There are five people currently in the running emily thornberry, clive lewis, lisa nandy, Jess Phillips and keir starmer. New members can register up until the 20th of this month with the ballot running between the 21st of february and the 2nd of april. The leader will be announced on the 4th of april. Now, the former hollywood Film Producer Harvey Weinstein has gone on trial in new york, charged with rape and sexual assault, more than two years after allegations were made against him. The trial relates to just two women, but 80 women have accused mr weinstein of sexual misconduct. He denies all the charges against him, as our north america correspondent nick bryant reports. Its awards season in hollywood. In the world he used to dominate, hed be wearing a tuxedo and strutting the red carpet. But the swagger is long gone. He walks now with the help of a frame. Harvey weinstein cut a feeble figure as he arrived for his trial in new york. Just watching him enter a courthouse provided a moment of catharsis for some of his female accusers. The women who spoke out, the women who sparked a global movement, the women who wont get their day in court because the law places time limits on when past allegations can be prosecuted. Dear harvey, no matter what lies you tell yourself, you did this. Today, ladyjustice is staring down a super predator you. You thought you could terrorise me and others into silence. You were wrong. We rose from your ashes. Times up on Sexual Harassment in all workplaces. Times up on blaming survivors. Times up on empty apologies without consequences. And times up on the pervasive culture of silence. The movie mogul has pleaded not guilty, and repeatedly denied all allegations of nonconsensual sex. But tonight he was indicted on new sex crimes charges in los angeles, involving a further two women. Mr weinstein again has the right to a fair trial, and were going to continue to press on and remind everyone that, in this great country, you are innocent until proven guilty. This feels much more momentous than the trial ofjust one man its a culminating moment in the global metoo movement. A milestone event that will be watched by women and men all across the world. Nick bryant, bbc news, new york. Well, british talent has been celebrated at the Golden Globe Awards in los angeles. The newly knighted sir sam mendes was named best director for the First World War film 1917, which also took the best drama award. Los angeles correspondent sophie long reports. The first major Award Ceremony of the decade, and stars came out to shine. And to be ridiculed by ricky gervais. Lets have a laugh at your expense, shall we . Remember, theyrejustjokes. The relentless, heart rending First World War epic 1917 was the surprise win of the night, which saw the big screen triumph over the streaming giant netflix. I really hope this means that people will turn up and see it on the big screen for which it was intended. No one cares about movies any more, no one goes to the cinema. It had gone in as firm favourite. Everyones watching netflix. This show should just be me coming out, going, well done, netflix, you win. It may have had 34 nods, but it ended the night was just two awards, one of which went to the crown and their new queen. Completely stumped. Um. And fleabag, yay of course, Phoebe Waller bridge played her part, bringing two Golden Globes home for britain. Personally, id like to also thank 0bama, for putting us on his list. And, as some of you may know, hes always been on mine. Laughter and if you dont get that joke, please watch season one of fleabag really, really quickly. Her acceptance speech pushing boundaries, just like the series she created. There was a standing ovation for eltonjohn and bernie taupin, who were honoured for best song. Taron egerton, rocketman. And best actor in a musical went to the man who played the rockstar in rocketman. These are the first major awards of the season and of the decade and those going home with Golden Globes tonight will be hoping to collect golden 0scar statues to match. But the fact not one single woman was nominated in the best director category has made some hope for a different line up on the red carpet when the Academy Awards are handed out in five weeks time. Sophie long, bbc news, los angeles. Thats it from us. Now on bbc one, time for the news where you are. Hello, and welcome to sportsday. Im ali foster. Arsenal ride their luck against leeds, but make it into the fa cup fourth round. Theres an exciting final day ahead in cape town. England need eight more wickets to level the test series against south africa. And shooting and archery could be back on the commonwelath Games Programme in 2022, but thousands of miles away from birmingham. Commonwealth games. Good evening. Arsenal are through to the fourth round of the fa cup after beating leeds 1 0. The championship leaders had enough chances to win it but couldnt take them. The gunners will now face bournemouth in the last 32. Heres our sports correspondent, joe wilson. This is where leads feel they belong. Arsenal partly, but in general the big time. It is the path their manager plots so intensely from his bucket. While leads were on unmistakably his team, even if they w0 re unmistakably his team, even if they wore pale blue than white, theyjust overran arsenal in the early stages. Leads threatened to score with almost every attack. Martinez was almost every attack. Martinez was almost angle for arsenal, he at least his skills. He had to. Arsenals manager has his own reputation to build, and Mikael Arteta needed more from his players. He picked a strong team. The free kicker, for example. It was always going to be lacazette. Now arsenal we re going to be lacazette. Now arsenal were energised, and even though this attack featured a big assist from leads, booted was a sign of the way the game moved. Reese nelson finished. If arsenals supporters wa nted finished. If arsenals supporters wanted commitment, they saw

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