Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20170904 : compareme

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20170904

are expecting their third child. england, scotland and northern ireland have all taken a step closer to qualifying for the world cup. and britain's tallest bridge, the queensferry crossing, has been formally opened by the queen. coming up on sportsday later in the hour on bbc news, we'll have details of all three home nations‘ matches, including northern ireland's attempt to secure second place in their group. good evening. the united nations security council has been meeting in emergency session to discuss the threat posed by north korea, following its latest nuclear test. but the meeting failed to produce a response, which could unite the americans and the chinese. the us accused north korea of "begging for war", and called for the strongest possible diplomatic action. our correspondent, yogita limaye, reports from the capital of south korea, seoul. a day after north korea's most powerful nuclear test, the south displayed its might. missiles were launched from the ground and the air. it was a test drill. south korea showing off how it could attack pyongyang's nuclear site. this is a strong reaction from a country that for months now has been desperately trying to avoid conflict in the korean peninsular. but in new york, at an emergency un security council meeting, south korea's closest ally said pyongyang seemed to be heading the other way. nuclear powers understand their responsibilities. kim jong un shows no such understanding. his abusive use of missiles and his nuclear threats show that he is begging for war. across the room though was an opposing view from a country often seen as north korea's friend. china urged a diplomatic solution. translation: china will never allow chaos and war on the peninsular. the parties concerned must strengthen their sense of urgency, take due responsibilities, play their due rolls. earlier in the day the japanese government gave details about north korea's latest nuclear test. the evidence suggests that the north conducted a hydrogen bomb test. the government had to conclude the test was a success. pyongyang has successfully tested a weapon that poses a grave threat to japan's security. a hydrogen bomb is vastly more powerful than the bomb that destroyed hiroshima. north korea says that is what its leader is looking at here. the country has conducted six nuclear tests so far but the pace has really accelerated since kimjong un came to power. the people here in south korea have dealt with the threat from the north for a long time now but perhaps never before has a nuclear test and multiple missile tests come in such quick succession — really ratcheting up the pressure of the government here in seoul and its allies. and that means defences have to be strengthened. this is america's latest anti—missile system, designed to shoot down enemy rockets. it's now being deployed in south korea, a country that continues to build up its arsenal, even as it hopes to not have to use it. as we heard, china has again called for more diplomatic efforts to address the crisis involving north korea. china's ambassador to the un warned that beijing would not allow "chaos and war" on the korean peninsula. his proposal for a freeze on north korea's nuclear tests, in exchange for the suspension ofjoint military drills by america and south korea, was described as "insulting" by the us government. our correspondent, john sudworth, reports now from the chinese city of dandong, which lies close to the border with north korea. the work goes on late into the night. from this chinese oil depot, north korea gets most of its energy, pike directly across the border. a day after the nuclear test, there is no sign of any letup. washington is turning up the heat on china, insisting its —— it uses its leverage to greater effect. some of these diners agree that government could do more. i think they should do something about it, this man says. i hope there will be no more nuclear tests. china should take control of north korea, then there will be peace. the chinese president is busy hosting a summit of the world's developing economies. two are world's developing economies. two a re key world's developing economies. two are key trading partners with and old allies of north korea. china's could —— focus remains as always on dialogue and not military threats. translation: having a war on the korean peninsula is not an option. while the rest of the world ponders the risks of thermo nuclear war, civilians do not appear to be too concerned. the chinese view has a lwa ys concerned. the chinese view has always been that trade and engagement are far too preferable to the chaos that would come from the collapse. if china can live with north korea's book a at the reaction of others is harder to stomach. there is the possibility that south korea and japan might consider developing their own nuclear weapons. north korea's nuclear programme greatly undermines china's security interests. china could turn off the tap. with north korea on the brink of becoming a fully fledged nuclear power, the oil from the storage tanks continues to flow. our diplomatic correspondent, james robbins, is here. we mentioned the session at the un. what is your reading of the diplomatic process? up until today, over north korea, the security council has an usually lived up to the name representative of the united nations. there has been considerable consensus as the key world powers have built the pressure on the oin dynasty not to press ahead with a nuclear programme. that as not produce results will stop the present dictator has accelerated that programme. will they be able to agree further sanctions? will they work? there are so —— signs they may not be able to reach consensus. there is clearly growing concern about the potential former literary conflict. what shall reading of the north korean approach? it is very important to remember what is the key motivation of kim jong un. important to remember what is the key motivation of kimjong un. he arms nuclear warheads on top of into ballistic missile. it is about his own personal survival and that his regime. he believes he cannot be attacked once he has got them. he looks out at the world and grisly fate of saddam hussein and iraq and he believes only a nuclear arsenal can make him proof against that. it seems likely he will press on but the united states says that cannot and will not happen. the stakes are extraordinarily high. the private security firm, gas, was warned three years ago about the problem of violent and abusive behaviour by some of its staff at an immigration detention centre near gatwick airport. tonight's bbc panorama programme included secret filming of staff mocking and abusing detainees, and in one case a detainee allegedly being choked. it happened at brook house, one of two centres run by gas. the company has suspended several staff pending an internal investigation, as our social affairs correspondent, alison holt, reports. detainee custody officer callum tulley, wearing a hidden camera, captures life inside inside brook house immigration removal centre near gatwick airport. it's a volatile mix of hard and former prisoners, alongside asylum seekers, visa over stayers and others. the undercover filming for panorama shows drugs are rife, self harm is common and officers struggle to cope, many doing their best with detainees in real mental distress, but others reacting with abuse, bullying and threats. 21—year—old callum has worked at the centre for two years. he became so worried by what he was seeing, he decided to whistle—blowe. when you feel like you've been a cog in that machine, you need to have some kind of closure. i don't think i could havejust walked away from it and just left. and on one day, whilst wearing a hidden camera, he and other officers have to restrain a detainee who was trying to harm himself. the situation escalates quickly. and this officer comes in and just chokes him, basically, and just exerts all his pressure, from his hands and arms onto this guy's neck. and you can see his eyes roll back. i had to try and look as if i wasn't disturbed by what i'd just seen. it was just messing me up. afterwards, the same officer tells him he needs to toughen up. the officer involved has told panorama he can't think of anything he's done which would get him into trouble. the detainee who was restrained has since been released from detention. gas says it is investigating all the allegations at brook house and will take appropriate action once it's seen the evidence. but three years ago, nathan ward says he warned gas bosses about the attitude of some brook house staff. he's now a priest but used to be a senior gas manager. for example, there is this culture amongst brook house residential staff, and it's as though they're protected and their behaviour goes unchallenged. these are the notes he read out at his resignation meeting. there was a group that actually concerned me on their relationships with detainees. it was around language that they used, a sense of roughness and the use of force. gas says it investigates all complaints and has was blowing procedures. the home office decides who spends time in immigration detention centres like brook house. people were only meant to be housed for a few days before deportation, but some spent months, even years, in such places. mustafa zitoni was in brook house for nearly a year, after finishing a prison sentence. this is him protesting on the suicide prevention netting, razor blades in his hands. his flight home has been cancelled because his papers weren't correct. now back in algeria, he says the uncertainty over how long detainees will be held made him and others desperate. a waiting game — in detention centre, you never know how long you're going to be there. one day, one year or three orfour years. the home office says it is increasing the number of former prisoners it's removing from the country, and that the dignity and safety of those in its care is of the utmost importance. the duke and duchess of cambridge have announced that they're expecting their third child. the queen and both families are said to be "delighted". the duchess is again suffering from severe morning sickness, as she has done with her previous pregnancies, as our royal correspondent nicholas witchell reports. the duchess of cambridge, last week, with her husband and prince harry. no hint then of the announcement of a third baby for william and catherine. kensington palace was forced to disclose the pregnancy this morning, because the duchess had had to pull out of a public engagement because of acute morning sickness — the condition she experienced for both her previous pregnancies. she's now resting at kensington palace. according to the statement, the queen — opening the queensferry crossing near edinburgh this morning — and other members of the royal family are delighted with the news. the baby will be the queen's sixth great—grandchild and will be fifth in line of succession to the throne. it's more than four years now since the birth of prince george, injuly 2013. this is an important week for him — he's due to start at his new school in london — something his mother certainly won't want to miss. the couple's second child, princess charlotte, was born in may 2015. she's fourth in the line of succession and she will retain that position, even if the new baby is a boy. on a visit by the cambridges to poland a few weeks ago, catherine joked about having another baby when she was presented with a gift intended for a baby. it didn't seem significant at the time. today, prince harry said he was delighted at the prospect of being an uncle again. fantastic, great. very, very happy for them. and how's your sister—in—law doing? er, i haven't seen herfor a while, but i think she's ok. the news that there's to be a third child for the cambridges comes just as william is beginning full—time royal duties. soon, the team of four will become five. kensington palace hasn't said when the new baby is due, but it must be assumed that it will be around march of next year. the un's special representative on human rights in myanmar has criticised the elected leader, aung san suu kyi, for failing to protect the country's rohingya muslims. the rohingya are a muslim ethnic minority in a country that's mainly buddhist. they are fleeing a military crackdown in rakhine state, which follows attacks by militants on burmese police stations. the united nations estimates that 87,000 rohingya have fled to neighbouring bangladesh. the un refugee agency says their two camps in the cox's bazar district are at saturation point. from there, our correspondent sanjoy majumder sent this report. she is just two days old, and completely oblivious to the mayhem outside. her parents are rohingyas — forced out of their homes in myanmar when their village was attacked, allegedly by the army. the baby's mother was in herfinal stages of pregnancy, when they made the strenuous journey across the border to bangladesh. translation: we fled and crossed the river by boat and then came here. we were very scared about what the military would do to us. after coming here, we heard that our house has been burnt down. do you think you'll never be able to take your baby back home, back to myanmar? translation: everyone has left, there's no—one there, we cannot go back. home is now this vast refugee camp, where they live cheek byjowl with thousands of rohingyas. many of them are eating their first proper meal in days. just four days ago, there was nothing here, it was just the side of a hill with a clump of trees on it. but now look at it — it's a vast settlement, a temporary home for all the rohingya refugees who've come over from myanmar and have nowhere to go. and even this place is going to reach its limit in a few days. bangladesh is now struggling to cope with the growing influx of rohingyas — hundreds streaming in by the hour, and more waiting to follow. this is what set off the exodus. satellite images obtained by human rights watch show entire villages burnt down inside myanmar. fresh smoke could be seen again today billowing into the sky, apparently from houses that were torched. more than a00 rohingyas have been killed in ten days — the worst violence in a generation. the houses are burned and fired, and at the same time, there are atrocities and intimidations in different forms. as it is occurring in myanmar, so we can presume that who is doing this. it is hard to independently verify the situation. access is severely restricted. but in the refugee camps, it is apparent that the rohingyas are here to stay, and the next generation may never get to know their homeland. a brief look at some of the day's other news stories. after talks in belfast, the northern ireland secretary, james brokenshire, says agreement between the democratic unionist party and sinn fein is achievable, but if the current deadlock continues, he'll have to legislate at westminster for a new budget for stormont. a major search is underway in north cornwall after two fishermen were swept off rocks while fishing near treyarnon bay. one of the men was rescued by a coastguard helicopter and taken to hospital. the search for the second man stopped at around dusk this evening. it will continue in the morning. staff at two branches of mcdonald's have gone on strike for the first time in the company's history in the uk. workers in cambridge and in crayford in south—east london began the disruption at midnight, demanding higher pay and more secure working hours. mcdonald's say only ia workers took part and say the action is related to internal grievance procedures and not pay. a bbc investigation has been told that the poor level of health care provided to people in police custody has harmed patients and led to preventable deaths. currently, most health care provided to people in custody in england and wales is provided by private companies. but doctors say the level of care being offered is a scandal and is letting down the most vulnerable people. the journalist faye kirkland, who also works as a gp, has this special report. just some of the faces of people who've died after being in police custody, the health care they received, criticised at their inquests. darryn lyons was a3, with mental health issues. he died in hospital after having a cardiac arrest in police custody. a jury found that nurses supplied by a private company had failed to properly assess him. that's a picture of, er, when he got his degree. diane, darren‘s mum, feels the health care offered to him in police custody failed him. it was clear in the court that, erm, nobody did anything for him — no—one. everybody failed him. before being taken to hospital, darren was left untreated for seven hours. he was then left for another period of time, before eventually, he was in such a bad state of health that he had to be taken to hospital, and he couldn't recover from that. this death could have been prevented had he been assessed properly at all levels. the company who provided the nurses told the bbc that the jury had found failings with the care, but disputed that this contributed to or caused darren‘s death. doctors who've worked for some of these private companies told the bbc that their employers are putting profits before the safety of their patients. the private providers are using the cheapest options possible — newly—qualified nurses and newly—qualified paramedics and doctors who don't have the experience or training. i've also seen serious medical problems missed, such as skull fractures and pancreatitis, because the staff are not qualified enough to pick them up. it used to be quite intense, the initial training for doctors, to take on this sort of work. but now, it's a two— or three—day course, and then the nurse or the paramedic is let loose to assess detainees on their own. these concerns are similar to those in a report seen by the bbc which was sent to the home office and the department of health two years ago. it lists concerns from other health care professionals. staff shortages, innumerable circumstances where patients were put at risk, and in one instance, describes how a child who was just 12 was left without medication for more than a day. currently, the commissioning of health care is undertaken by police and crime commissioners. however, that responsibility was planned to move to the nhs. it would be like going to hospital and having an operation done by somebody who wasn't trained properly to do it. that's the kind of level of scandal this actually is. the faculty of forensic and legal medicine, which sets the standards for health care in police custody, was one of the bodies which recommended that transfer. the one move that would have made a huge difference to this, which would be to put health care into the nhs, so you would have an equivalence of care, in police custody, that you would, say, in a hospital or in a general practice, didn't happen because the then home secretary, theresa may, for reasons which we just don't understand, decided to cancel that. theresa may commissioned an independent review, which has yet to be published. we've been told that key evidence given to this review again suggests that commissioning of care should be within the nhs. we've been told the home office has had this review since january, but has not yet acted on its recommendations. since then, people continue to die in police custody, and investigations are being carried out into the health care they received. more than 160 people have died in police custody in the last decade. the worry is that without greater oversight of health care, more people could lose their lives. football — and england, scotland and northern ireland are all a step closer to qualifying for next year's world cup. they all won their matches in the group stages this evening. our sports correspondent natalie pirks was watching the action. criticised for their lack of pride, gareth southgate called for an england performance to get wembley on its feet. fans who had bothered to come, though, were disappointed. marcus rashford lost the ball in a crucial position, and it was costly. england were jolted into action. rashford looked to make amends. but it was eric dier, back from suspension, who broke the tension inside wembley. it looked like look could be on england's side. kyle walker could have seen red for this interception. but after the break, england were much improved, and far from hiding after his first half mistake, rashford scored. dele alli's less than friendly gesture to the referee after he felt he was fouled could get him in trouble. but that vital win for england puts them five points clear in the group — russia is calling. it is a rare sight indeed to see english goals cheered at hampden, but england's wing was just what the doctor ordered. christophe berra's header gave scotland the perfect start against malta, and leigh griffiths doubled the lead after the break, with more than a hint of off—side — not that the fans cared. and at windsor park, three points for northern ireland would seal a likely play—off spot. and when the czech republic failed to deal with this corner, jonny evans made some headway. chris brunt made it two before half—time with a sublime effort from this 25 yard free kick, curled around the wall. a hat—trick for the home nations was complete. northern ireland have been simply brilliant in securing that second placed spot in group in which germany have not dropped a point. now, scotland's penultimate match against leave year next month at hampden feels like a cup final. if england win their next match against slovenia, england would be on the plane to russia. but of course it is the performance of 19—year—old marcus rashford, coming back from that first half mistake, which will grab the headlines. after all of the talk of pride in the shirt, that is the kind of character that fans have been looking for. britain's tallest bridge, the queensferry crossing, which traverses the firth of forth, has been formally opened by the queen, accompanied by the duke of edinburgh. the bridge took six years to build and her majesty paid tribute to those who designed and built it, calling it a "breathtaking sight". it's a little over half a century since the queen opened the neighbouring forth road bridge, as our correspondent lorna gordon reports. there's been a week of events to mark the opening of this billion—pound bridge. today, it was the turn of the queen to see for herself the finish crossing and to meet some of the workers who built it. to greet her hand the duke of edinburgh, hundreds of local schoolchildren. this is a bridge that celebrates the skills of heart and hand and mind. a small group was on hand as the queen officially opened the new crossing. then, for the royal visitors, a short drive over the bridge, reminiscent of an earlier visit by the queen more than half a century ago, when in front of large crowds, she officially opened the forth road bridge, which sitsjust she officially opened the forth road bridge, which sits just to the east. concerns over the cables on that one leg to the decision to build the new one, which the queen today describe asa one, which the queen today describe as a feat of engineering. it joins its iconic neighbours to create a breathtaking sight over the firth of forth and to provide an important link for sir many in this community and the surrounding areas. those who live nearby were excited to be part of this special day. it was amazing seeing the queen come and everything. it's absolutely amazing that she was here to open it today. for us as locals to be allowed to be so close to her, i think it's absolutely fantastic. celebrating this occasion, a flotilla of boats, while above, the red arrows. now there are three bridges standing

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New York , United States , Malta , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Japan , United Kingdom , Wembley , Brent , Algeria , Washington , Beijing , China , Gatwick , Surrey , Russia , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , London , City Of , Seoul , Soul T Ukpyolsi , South Korea , Bangladesh , Iraq , Hampden , Buckinghamshire , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , Ireland , Belfast , Poland , Dandong , Liaoning , Edinburgh , Americans , America , Chinese , Scotland , Korea , North Korean , Theresa May , James Robbins , Saddam Hussein , James Brokenshire , Alison Holt , Cox Bazar , Sinn Fein , Christophe Berra , Jonny Evans , Faye Kirkland , Suu Kyi , Prince Harry , Gareth Southgate ,

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