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Whether 70 years on, pakistan can claim to be a country at ease with itself. And the bongs of big ben why they will fall silent next for four years. Next week for four years. And coming up in sportsday on bbc news, Cristiano Ronaldo gets a five match ban for pushing the referee who sent him off against barcelona last night. Good evening. President trump has condemned the White Supremacists and neo nazis who took part in the weekends violent demonstrations in virginia. One woman died when a car was driven into a group of people who were protesting against the far right march in charlottesville. Donald trump has faced criticism for failing to speak out in the immediate aftermath of the attack. But this afternoon, he said racism was evil and those who caused violence in its name were criminals and thugs. 0ur North American editor jon sopel reports. Vacation suspended, the president Return To Washington this morning from his holiday to meet the director of the fbi and the Attorney General following the Weekend Violence in charlottesville. Meanwhile in the University Of Virginia town, there were scuffles outside the court where James Alex Fields appeared this morning on Murder Charges after a car ploughed into antiracism protesters. 0h Murder Charges after a car ploughed into antiracism protesters. Oh my god, people are badly hurt. 0h, into antiracism protesters. Oh my god, people are badly hurt. Oh, my god. The president everyones to blame response and silence until now lit a firestorm of criticism. So why has donald trump been so unusually tongue tied over this . Well, the number of fully paid up White Supremacists maybe small. The number who have sympathies is probably far larger, and they were among the most vociferous supporters of him last november. Certainly, his surrogates have condemned the far right, but donald trump reluctantly so right, but donald trump reluctantly so today, 48 hours on, a dramatic shift in language from the embattled president. He sounded tents. There was no freewheeling as he gripped the lectern gripped every word on the lectern gripped every word on the autocue, his eyes barely moving. Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the kkk, neo nazis, White Supremacists and other hate groups that are pertinent to everything we hold dear as americans they are repugnant to everything we hold dear. We are a nation founded on the truth, that all of us are created equal. We are equal in the eyes of our creator. We are equal under the law, and we are equal under our constitution. While he said the right things today, i say, did that come from his heart or from his staff telling him what they thought he should say . Ron cristie was a Senior Adviser Tojohn W Bush and is now a republican strategist. Has the president repair the damage . No. He has hurt himself with people like me you look at his actions and words and deeds and say he didnt go far enough. He didnt measure the sensitivity of what was happening in cha rlottesville, sensitivity of what was happening in charlottesville, virginia, and rice to the occasion. And one other person for whom this was too little, too late is kenneth frazier, the boss of one of americas biggest pharmaceutical companies, and he has resigned from the president sindustry forum, saying within minutes, donald trump fired back, saying on twitter mr president , can you explain why you did not condemn those hate groups . Donald trump has bent to criticism, something that has not happened often, but why it has taken two days to name these groups well, those that question still hangs. Jon is in washington for us tonight. How much pressure was he undertook condemned the extremists today . Its ha rd to condemned the extremists today . Its hard to exaggerate the pressure the president has felt in the past 48 hours. You could almost see the tension as he gave that statement in the white house this afternoon. And also the chorus of criticism from across the republican party. Not just the usual suspects, far wider than that. So it became inevitable that donald trump had to Say Something today that would meet the concerns of those people. One other thing to note that was interesting was that what donald trump said on saturday wasnt just an oversight, an omission. That had been carefully thought through and it was decided that he wouldnt say that. One other thing he didnt mention today was that this was an act of domestic terrorism, which is something the Attorney General and the Vice President have both described the events in cha rlottesville president have both described the events in charlottesville as being. The dangerfor events in charlottesville as being. The danger for donald trump is that on the one side, he has now offended the far right and he may not have done enough, maybe too little, too late for the centre ground. So that is the political danger. But events move at such a pace in washington that i suspect that by the end of this week, we will have discussed about 15 other topics. Jon sopel in washington, thank you. At least 300 people are feared dead in west africa after a massive mudslide in sierra leone. Torrential rain caused a hillside to collapse on the outskirts of the capital, freetown, Burying Houses in mud. The number of casualties is expected to rise, with hundreds of bodies thought to be still trapped under the debris. 0ur correspondent umaru fofana is in sierra leone, 0ur Diplomatic Correspondent James Robbins reports. Snatched video on a mobile phone shows a torrent of mud and water carrying away everything in its path. This driver risked his life on a bridge all but overwhelmed by the flash floods. Freetown is an overcrowded coastal city with few defences against heavy rains. They come every year, but not usually with quite such ferocity. About 250 bodies have been recovered so far. The authorities fear there could be many more trapped in the ruins of houses. The bbcs umaru fofana is there. I went down to the spot myself and you could see people using their bare hands, pulling up corpses from beneath the mud. The road itself to the Disaster Area is almost impassable with massive rocks, and this area, called mount sugarloaf, caved in in the early hours of this morning and it has covered literally dozens of houses and hundreds of people, according to the countrys Vice President who just spoke to me, are feared dead under the rubble. There are some ambulances parked here, but it is now a Recovery Mission instead of a rescue mission. Many victims lived in the flimsiest of homes, little more than shacks, often on unprotected hillsides. A British Charity has been helping to build far stronger houses, and its head, back in britain, explained today how it is the poorest in sierra leone who are often the most defenceless. People build houses all up the sides of cliffs, and they often build them with inadequate materials because generally, people are unbelievably poor. People are trying to reclaim land from the sea and then the waterjust comes and wipes them away. Six out of ten people in sierra leone live below the poverty line. Survivors often risk everything to salvage a few possessions, trying to hang on to whatever they can despite the rising waters. James robbins, bbc news. The government is pushing for a temporary Customs Union to be put in place when britain leaves the European Union to try to smooth the way for business and prevent chaos on britains borders. There have been warnings about the extra pressure that ports could be under if they face a big increase in bureaucracy for goods coming into and out of the uk. Tomorrow, the government is publishing its proposals the first in what are being called Future Partnership Papers to try to ensure an orderly exit from the eu. 0ur correspondent adam fleming reports. This is europes second busiest port, antwerp. Needless to say the temporary deal will look a lot like the current one. Under the Customs Union, the eu has one external borderfor the import union, the eu has one external border for the import of goods from abroad. If import taxes, known as paris, are paid, they are paid when that product enters that area. It can then move around between countries, with no further charges and very few checks. The British Government wants something similar as possible to this arrangement for as possible to this arrangement for a temporary period after in march 2019. Because it also means products created inside the eu will remain tariff free, crucial for british businesses from cars to drinks. What we dont want is brexited come up against any borders with this kind of thing, whether it is bureaucratic oi of thing, whether it is bureaucratic or imports. That could change the way we work with europe. But how will the two sites were together further in the future . The government will propose two scenarios. The first option, it describes as a highly streamlined Customs Arrangement. In plain english, using as Much Technology and is little red tape as possible to speed the flow of goods between the uk and the eu. Easier said than done, according to the man who represents Logistics Firms here. You need more. This is a peoples business. You can play technology is taking over everything, you can make agreements as much as you want, but there are still custom peoples who will be in the game as well, and they will have strict agreements on how it is going to happen. You cant give that to a computer or to a system. That is impossible. The second option, the government calls a new customs partnership. That would be an unprecedented deal between the eu and the uk, where both sides would agree to do virtually everything the same when it came to customs, which would mean there would be no need for a board of goods between the two. And throughout, the uk will seek the power to do something it cant as a member of the eu clinch trade deals around the globe. But all of it needs the agreement of eu leaders. Likely . Just ask running the docker ronnie the docker. Leaders. Likely . Just ask running the docker ronnie the docketm is going to be hard, i think. Do you think they want to punish the uk . No. Maybe they want security for the next guy, otherwise if you play it well, another country will say, oh, it is not bad to leave the eu. And one of the hardest to convince will be the irish taoiseach. When brexit threatens to drive a wedge between north and south, or between britain and ireland, we need to build more bridges and fewer borders. The irish say they cant accept anything that brings any kind of border back to the island of ireland. This isjust the island of ireland. This isjust the start. The uks reflections on what it once in the future. Pleasing eve ryo ne what it once in the future. Pleasing everyone at home, in antwerp and elsewhere will not be easy, and the eu doesnt even want to stop talking about this until other issues are settled first. Adam fleming, bbc news, antwerp. 0ur Political Correspondent ben wright is in westminster. So whys the government pushing this idea now . I think the government is straining to show that it does have a route map for brexit, that ministers are broadly going in the same sort of direction on these Big Questions and not scrapping over the steering wheel. Theyre clearly have been differences within the cabinet on the question of how an interim temporary Customs Arrangement with the eu will work on brexit day in 18 months time. This is designed to show that thinking is being done, that there is a plan and political unity and clearly, it is intended to reassure businesses that there will not be chaos. That is what the government are aiming for but as adam said, my many questions about how these plans can be put into effect, and that will depend on negotiations in brussels. That is a second reason why the government has started to talk about customs proposals. They want to try and hustle eu negotiators into talking about trade and customs and the future relationship between the eu and the uk much sooner than brussels intend, because brussels thinks more progress has to be made on the narrow terms of divorce first, on the brexit bill britain will have to pay and the rights of eu citizens. 0n the border between Northern Ireland and the republic. And ministers he said that doesnt make sense, particularly on the ireland question. They say you cant talk about how the border will work u nless about how the border will work unless you have cracked some of these questions about customs and trade. That is why they are trying to su btly trade. That is why they are trying to subtly bring it on the table. Negotiations will resume at the end of august, and i think this is the uk government trying to get on the front foot. Ben, thank you. Celebrations have been taking place in pakistan as the country marks the 70th Anniversary of its creation. At midnight on 14th august 1947, British Colonial rule came to an end in india and the country was divided into two independent nations india and pakistan. The Partition Led to the movement of around 12 Million People in one of the largest migrations ever seen. Many muslims headed to west and east pakistan, while millions of hindus and sikhs headed for indias new borders. It led to violent sectarian fighting in communities that had co existed for centuries. Reeta chakrabarti is in pakistan for us tonight. Iam in i am in lahore and it has enjoyed one Long St Party Today that has only just one Long St Party Today that has onlyjust ended. One Long St Party Today that has only just ended. Pakistanis one Long St Party Today that has onlyjust ended. Pakistanis have been celebrating the end of British Colonial rule and the splitting off from india. Pakistan was a homeland for the subcontinents muslims, but there has been an ongoing debate about what kind of country it should be. I have been looking at the hopes of pakistans founding father and how differently his vision has been interpreted today. How differently his vision has been interpreted today. In pakistans former capital karachi, mohammadjinnahs home is preserved with care and reverence. Jinnah led the creation of pakistan, but today his legacy is hotly contested. Just what sort of nation did he envisage . Mohammad ali jinnah, pakistans first governor general. As the british left colonial india, jinnah was desperate to secure the rights of the muslim population. The answer was a separate state, pakistan. Our objective should be peace within and peace without. But peace seems often to have eluded this nation, both within and without. Poverty and security remain major issues and the debate over the role of islam rages on. A powerful message of inclusion. For this leading politician, jinnahs vision was for a secular pakistan, one that hasnt been fulfilled. I think mrjinnah would still be looking at moving us forward if he were here today. He made it very clear, it tolerated all religions, but we havent been exactly the epitome of total inclusion that he sought. Thats because others see islam as central to jinnahs vision. The constitution, they say, is islamic in nature and successive governments have failed to implement it. What otherwise was the point they ask of creating pakistan . Translation jinnah rebelled and struggled against secularism. There was secularism already in india with the hindus and the british and Muslim Identity was at risk. That is why he made pakistan, an independent islamic state. But others say pakistans real problem is not religion, but the army. Its might is on display every evening at the border with india, with troops strutting and Goose Stepping in a full blooded show of nationalism. Over a third of pakistans 70 years have been under military rule. What would jinnah have made of that . I think he would have been aghast. The military were supposed to be a subordinate organisation to politics. I think he never, never could have imagined that the military would have played such an Important Role and would have dominated politics, as it does today. He would be turning in his grave if he came to know that. The military was in ceremonial mode today with an airshow to mark the anniversary of pakistans creation. It is a Public Holiday and people were out in force in a mass show of patriotism and celebration. Jinnahs Resting Place is this magnificent mausoleum in karachi, a fitting tribute to the first leader. He bequeathed to his people Self Government and a democracy, but pakistan still struggles with what its true identity might be. Along with independence came partition with shocking violence on both sides. 0ur pakistan correspondent has been speaking to those who fought, those who fled and those who fought, those who fled and those who fought, those who fled and those who gave shelter to potential victims of slaughter. A warning, his report contains some distressing images. In 1947 as British Colonial rule ended, india was divided along religious lines. Hindus, sikhs and muslims who had lived in relative peace tore each other apart. Amongst those involved in the violence was muhammad akram, just a teenager at the time. He helped attack a hindu politician who had been calling for calm after a muslim man was killed. Translation someone struck him on the head with a brick. Then a cry went up. Whoever doesnt hit him isnt a real man. Me and the rest of the crowd beat him to death. Do you ever regret your role in the killing . Our people were being murdered. How could we tolerate that . We wanted to kill even more. I am still proud of what i did. Up to1 Million People were killed in 1947, many of the most brutal attacks were on the trains carrying refugees into and out of pakistan, across the divided province of punjab. Naseem begam is the eldest of five generations of her Family Living together in the city of gujranwala. The train she and her five day old baby were travelling on to pakistan was targeted by sikhs. Translation we hid under the luggage. They came on board slashing everyone, cutting theirfaces, their legs, gouging their eyes. There were piles and piles of bodies. We were just silently praying. Naseem lost almost all of her immediate family in the unrest. The horrors she witnessed continue to haunt her. The fear never leaves you. I still clearly remember how they used to strip people and cut them up. Even now i feel scared that any time someone might come and kill me. Atrocities were committed by both sides across the country, even here in these peaceful valleys north of Islamabad Hundreds Of Sikhs were killed. But amidst the horror there were heroes as well. Mehboob and his father secretly hid their sikh neighbours from a rampaging mob. Translation One Night There was a knock on our door, a sikh girl was outside. She said, for the love of god save us. Let us in or we will be killed. We sheltered them for two days. Mehboob is proud of what he and his family did. He remembers fondly the time when sikhs and muslims lived here side by side. In pakistan, though, many prefer to look to the future rather than at the past. With each anniversary of partition there are fewer left who lived through it. There is optimism in present day pakistan, particularly among the young generation, but the challenges remain. Last month, the Prime Minister was forced to resign over Corruption Charges and security is a big issue, two big bomb attacks in recent weeks. Tomorrow night i will be reporting from amritsar in india as that country celebrates its 70th birthday. For now from lahore, it is back to you. For now from lahore, it is back to you. A brief look at some of the days other other news stories. Ryanair is urging airports to do more to clamp down on excess drinking. The call follows a bbc investigation which found the number of people arrested on suspicion of being drunk before or during their flight increased by 50 over the past year. A cyclist has gone on trial at the old bailey accused of running over and killing a pedestrian in february last year. Charlie alliston, who was 18 at the time, was said to be going at nearly 20 Miles Per Hour when he allegedly knocked down kim briggs. Mrs briggs, who was 44 and a mother of two, suffered Brain Injuries and died in hospital days later. Mr alliston denies manslaughter. A £200 million plan to build a bridge covered with trees over the river thames in london has officially been abandoned. The Garden Bridge Trust said it failed to raise funds after the project lost the support of london mayor sadiq khan. More than £40 million worth of taxpayers money has already been spent on the project. A car has crashed into a pizzeria near paris killing a young girl and injuring several others. The incident happened in the town Of Sept Sorts East of the capital. The driver has been arrested. 0ur europe correspondent James Reynolds is in paris for us tonight. France has been on high alert after a string of terrorist related attacks. What are the police saying . A French Interior Ministry Spokesman has told the bbc that the driver was a 32 year old citizen, not previously known to the authorities, he is in detention, and there theory is he was trying to kill himself. That is from conversations with him and they are working on the understanding that his motive was personal and not political. That may change the scale of the reaction, but it will not do anything to lessen the fear and the grief of those caught up in his actions. This isa those caught up in his actions. This is a nervous time in france. Just last week a man drove a car into a group of soldiers in a paris suburb. There is a National Holiday coming up there is a National Holiday coming up tomorrow and the entire country remains, as it has done for several yea rs, remains, as it has done for several years, on alert. Remains, as it has done for several years, on alert. A rise in crime in the countryside is Turning Farmyards across the uk into fortresses. Thats the warning from insurers after rural crime levels rose by a fifth in the first half of the year. Last year england bore the brunt of rural crime at a cost ofjust under £34m. Next was Northern Ireland where Countryside Crime came at a cost of £2. 5 million. Followed by scotland with 1. 6 million and wales, £1. 3 million. 0ur Midlands Correspondent sima kotecha is at a farm on the Warwickshire Leicestershire border. For farmers, its an added pressure having to constantly think about their vehicles and animals being stolen by criminals targeting the rural community. So this was the dome that was stolen. Three of these off each tractor. Just weeks ago, will had his gps systems stolen off his tractors, worth more than £30,000. It makes you feel sick that someone has been in your shed. Everything was locked up. All the tractors were locked up. But they can just get in and take everything. And it is stolen to order as well, i would say. Because youre not going to sell it at your local car boot. Todays crime report says theft in rural parts of the country has been worse this year than in the First Six Months of last year. Were seeing gangs of very well organised thieves targeting tractors and equipment thats Worth Hundreds Of Thousands of pounds. It is easily transportable to europe. They can get there in a matter of hours, and also it is being transported across the globe. As this form of crime increases, there are concerns that thieves are becoming more sophisticated. And that is putting more pressure on farmers to remain one step ahead with their security measures. So now they are installing multiple cctv cameras, Electronic Gates and, in some cases, they are using dna markers on their sheep to protect them from rustlers. David is a dairy farmer who makes cheese. Last year, equipment was stolen from his workshop. Do you think farmers are doing enough to keep their farms safe . You shouldnt have to do so much, should you, but we are certainly doing more than we were before. I think we just need more police on the ground, really. And i know that is probably a tall order under the current climate. We can only protect ourselves to a certain extent. We have been broken into twice and we have had a Horse Trailer stolen during sunday lunch. You know, how can you protect yourself against that . Ask any farmer and they will tell you life is tough. But the additional threat of theft makes that burden even heavier and more stressful. Bernard kenny, the man who tried to stop a right wing extremist from murdering mp jo cox, has died. Mr kenny seen here in the middle at a Memorial Event was stabbed when he tried to intervene. He was awarded the George Medalfor his bravery. Next monday, the bongs of Big Ben Will Fall Silent for four years so that repairs can be carried out on its tower. Itll be the longest period its been silenced since it first chimed in 1859. But big ben will still be heard during Important National events such as new years eve and remembrance sunday. 0ur Political Correspondent Leila Natthoo reports. Big ben chimes the hour. These chimes have filled the westminster air for more than a century and a half but soon, a four year pause as the great bell, big ben, is silenced, so crucial repairs can be carried out. If you can imagine running your car for 160 years nonstop, 24 hours a day, it will need looking at, so that is what we are doing. We will be able to at this time, because it is such a long stoppage period, check absolutely everything on the clock. Chimes. It is still working, which is good. Still ticking, for now, but the clock mechanism needs attention. It is connected to the hammers that strike the bells. Piece by piece, it will be dismantled. The parts cleaned and restored. And because the whole tower is being renovated, too, the Construction Workers cannot be subjected to the regular ringing. Loud chimes. Its deafening to be at this close range without these protective earphones on. But from next monday, big ben and all the four smaller Quarter Bells will get a rest, Depriving Westminster of its familiar soundtrack. Repairs on the tower have already started and soon, the scaffolding will encase it entirely. Not quite the same sight to come and see. Big ben is big ben and people want to see big ben, not half a ben, a full ben. That would definitely be a bummer, for sure, to come all the way here and not to be able to see it. But you have to look at the advantages. If we are going to secure the tower for the future, forfuture generations, that far outweighs the inconvenience of having scaffolding up to two or three years. Big ben will still be able to herald special events like the new year and remembrance sunday, but in the long break from its constant ringing, a strange silence will descend here, in the absence of its reassuring sound. Leila natthoo, bbc news, westminster. Newsnight is coming up on bbc two. Tonight more detail on the governments trade plans after brexit. But can they sell them in brussels . Join me now on bbc two. Join me now on bbc two. Here on bbc one, its time for the news where you are

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